The most useful and harmful foods in children's diet. Unhealthy foods for children

Irina Vasilyeva
Lesson summary “Healthy and harmful foods”

Target: To form children’s understanding of the benefits and food hazards.

Correctional educational tasks:

Systematize and generalize children’s knowledge about food.

Develop word formation skills.

Correctional and developmental tasks:

Expand knowledge about healthy eating.

To develop children's understanding of the importance of diversity in the human diet.

Help children understand that health depends on proper nutrition; food should not only be tasty, but also useful.

Develop the ability to answer questions clearly and competently.

Stimulate development thought processes children (analysis, synthesis, classification).

Clarify children's knowledge about meal times.

Correctional and educational tasks:

-continue to form in children an idea of ​​the need to take care of their health.

Instill an interest in acquiring knowledge.

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, a desire to help

Progress of the lesson.

There is a knock on the door. The postman brings a parcel.

The teacher receives and signs. Reads the address of D.S. on the parcel.

Tells the children that the package is addressed to them. Offers to open it and see what's in it.

(in the package there is a jar of jam)

Who could have sent us this parcel?

Children guess. (If they cannot ask leading questions).

And there is also a letter in the parcel.

Is reading:

"Hello guys! I watched you on video and I know that you eat well. You eat everything during breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack.

I also eat a lot of jam, sweets, and cookies. I can eat as much sweets as I want. But for some reason I can’t eat soup or potatoes with a cutlet. I don't feel like eating this at all. Maybe because my teeth and stomach often hurt? And porridge also makes me sick. Does this happen to you? If not, then explain to me why this is happening to me. I am grateful to you in advance and am sending you a jar of jam, it is very tasty, if you like it, I will send you more! Your friend Carlson."

Guys, do you want to help Carlson?

Then let's figure out why Carlson's teeth and stomach hurt and he can't eat porridge.

Tell me, guys, does Carlson eat right? He eats a lot of sweets...Why is it wrong? (children's answers)

That's why Carlson is sick. And in order to grow healthy, strong and agile, how should you eat, what food should you eat?

That's right, to grow big and healthy, you need to eat useful, varied and vitamin products. Let's talk today about how we eat in kindergarten and teach Carlson how to eat properly. We will record our entire conversation on a video camera and send it to Carlson. Do you agree?

Carlson loves a lot of sweets, and what about you guys? love the products?

The game is being played « Magic wand» , where children take turns passing a stick and talk about their food preferences.

Yes, it turns out that most of our children, like Carlson, have a sweet tooth.

Do you know that not everyone products are useful?

There are many delicious products, but very harmful for our body.

But there is a large number of And healthy products.

Where do we get it products?

Do you want to go to the supermarket for products?

We will split into two subgroups. One will buy healthy foods , other harmful.

Children walk between tables, confer and, having chosen the necessary products, put them in their own bags.

Subgroups then present their sets products, arguing why Is this product harmful or beneficial?.

Sweets and cakes are very sweet, they destroy teeth, so they are considered harmful products. Apples and carrots contain a lot of vitamins, so they useful. Milk and cheese contain calcium, which is necessary for the growth and strengthening of bones, so all dairy products healthy products.

So what Carlson eats food?

Rhythmic warm-up.

Guys, what do you think? kindergarten the chefs are cooking for you healthy food? (Children's answers).

I suggest you go to the kitchen right now and watch how the porridge is being cooked.

We raise our legs higher, we walk up the steps (Walking in a circle with high knees) .

Here we are walking through the group, we won’t hit anything. (Walking like a snake) .

We walk past the kids, quietly, like mice,

We won't scare the kids! (Walking on toes) .

Development of breathing. Speech development.

So we came to the kitchen (sit on chairs). Let's take a sniff, what smells so good? (inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth) .

Guys, tell me, what is the name of the meal in the morning? (Breakfast)

What about during the day? When you have worked out, played... (In the afternoon we have lunch)

After quiet time? (After quiet time - afternoon tea)

And in the evening? (And in the evening we have dinner)

What do chefs usually cook for us for breakfast? And this is porridge healthy food ?

Porridge is healthy food, which will help you grow healthy and strong. And what products necessary for making porridge?

Guess the riddles:

The riddle is easy to guess, the cow gives (milk)

White as snow, respected by everyone, got into the mouth and disappeared there (sugar)

Born in water, afraid of water (salt)

From milk it is clear to everyone that we get (oil)

Guys, have we forgotten anything? What else do we need for porridge? product needed?

Children: Cereals.

Do you want to help the chefs prepare porridge for breakfast?

(stand in a circle, hold hands) .

Outdoor game

1, 2, 3, Saucepan, cook some porridge for us.


Pour milk.

(It turns out "milk" to the center of the circle).

We will be attentive - We will not forget anything.

(Holding hands, they walk in a circle) .

Sprinkle salt

(It turns out "salt") .

We will be attentive - We will not forget anything.

(Holding hands, they walk in a circle) .

Sprinkle sugar

(It turns out "sugar") .

We will be attentive - We will not forget anything.

(Holding hands, they walk in a circle) .

We pour cereal

(It turns out "cereal") .

We will be attentive - We will not forget anything.

(Holding hands, they walk in a circle) .

The porridge is cooked puff-puff, puff-puff,

For friends and family.

(Hands rise and fall in waves) .

So we helped the cooks prepare porridge for breakfast, but what kind of porridge are there?

What is your favorite porridge, Lisa? What grain is it made from?

Find this cereal on the table and show it to us.

(ask several children in turn)

You must say the name of the cereal and what kind of porridge will be made from this cereal?

Children examine and name cereals in prepared transparent jars (semolina, buckwheat, rice, rolled oats, peas, millet, oatmeal)

Each child takes one jar of cereal and makes sentences.

Children: Millet in a jar. You can cook millet porridge from millet...

What do we eat for lunch? (soup). What kinds of soups are there? What are they made from?

If the soup is made from vegetables, what will it be like? (vegetable)

From fish? From potatoes? From chicken? From meat? From peas?

Guys, I really like to eat cabbage salad for lunch. How to call such a salad in one word?

What do you think, coleslaw healthy dish ? Why do you think so?

Would you like me to teach you how to cook it?

Then get your hands ready!

Finger game,

We chop and chop cabbage, (One palm is horizontal, the other makes chopping movements along it) .

We salt and salt the cabbage, (Finger movements) .

We eat three or three cabbages, (Palms rub against each other) .

We press and press cabbage, (Fingers clench and unclench) .

And then, and then

We put cabbage in our mouths! Am! (Hands go to mouth) .

So that Carlson remembers well which healthy products, and which ones harmful let us remind him again. I'll call products, and you listen carefully. If useful product, then get into the hoop if harmful, then stay where you are.

Are called products: Chupa Chups, cottage cheese, nuts, soup, buckwheat, cake, milk, soda, meat, carrots, chips, fruit.

Well done, I think now Carlson remembers exactly what food must be eaten, and which ones are not desirable.

You and I managed to do a lot today, visited our kitchen, went to the store for products. Are you tired? Let's take a tour of the orchard. We are met by the owner of the garden, Daria Olegovna, who will take us through her garden and tell us what fruit trees growing in her garden.

What need to do. What if we came to visit? (children say hello)

A teacher psychologist conducts relaxation.

Reflection. What do you guys think, were we able to convince Carlson that you only need to eat healthy foods? Did you like our conversation about healthy products, if yes, then do it this way, if not, then do it this way….

And Yulia Sergeevna and Marina Anatolyevna and I will send the video to Carlson.

For afternoon tea, treat yourself to the bread and jam that Carlson sent you.

Last year, cancer was diagnosed in more than one and a half million people on Earth. Oncological diseases- the most difficult to cure on the planet. And the worst thing is that children also suffer from cancer. And the number of crippled children’s lives horrifies anyone.

Bye Scientists' fight against cancer does not bring much results, but a lot of knowledge has been accumulated about the prevention of the disease.

Medicine has already collected a significant amount of data and information about cancer. It is known, for example, that a number of reasons can contribute to its occurrence. Based on research, the likelihood of oncological diseases depends to a large extent and not only on heredity and factors environment, but also from what we eat.

Harmful foods for children

And today the editorial office "So simple!" wants to draw your attention to a small list of favorite children's treats that are actually contain oil and cause cancer.

Personally, when I learned about the consequences these seemingly harmless delicacies could lead to, I was horrified, my mind was bursting with indignation: this is prohibited, why is this being sold?!

Manufacturers of all industrial goodies spend huge amounts of money on advertising on TV, newspapers and the Internet. They make toys and clothes with their logos. They pay for the appearance of a product in movies and video games. Those who make products aimed at children spend about $10 billion a year on advertising.

It costs $10 billion a year to get our kids to love super-sweet shaped candy bars. teddy bears or “healthy” drinks that have more sugar than Coca-Cola. Marketing aimed at children works best: their minds are still defenseless against these tricks.

But, as experts say, it is these treats that can cause children to develop hyperactivity, moodiness, allergic reactions and even cancer.

  1. Cakes in packages
    At first glance, these sweets are quite convenient; due to their compact packaging, they are easy to put in a bag and take on the road, and they do not spoil for a long time. And the most deceptive thing is that since they are for children, it means they are relatively safe.

    But this is not true at all. Each of these brownies is loaded with sugar, high fructose corn syrup, dextrose and even TBHQ, a petroleum-derived chemical that causes cellular dysfunction in many organs in children.

    Many medical researchers can no longer remain silent and talk about laboratory experiments in which it was proven that if you force someone to eat only such cakes, they will quickly lose their sight, experience an enlarged liver, suffer from seizures and eventually die from paralysis.

    Sugar is the main culprit in liver problems and diabetes in children. The incidence of diabetes among children is higher today than at any time in the past and continues to rise rapidly.

  2. Fruit gelatins
    And this is a whole discovery for me and quite unpleasant, since I really love these bright jellies. As it turned out, erythrosine, a product derived from petroleum, gives the fruity taste to gelatins.

    Erythrosine was once even banned for use in cosmetics, as it was proven that it leads to tumors thyroid gland. And if it is dangerous for our skin, what can we say about the stomach?

  3. Sweet carbonated drinks
    Any sugary carbonated drinks are dangerous for children. However, they are no less dangerous for adults... It's all about the amount of sweeteners that are in the composition of the soda. It contains dextrose (a sugar that is absorbed very quickly and causes a noticeable jump in insulin in the blood. Constant consumption of dextrose can cause diabetes).

    © DepositPhotos

    Sweeteners such as aspartame, saccharin, and cyclomate cause cancer in laboratory mice and rats. But for some reason they continue to be added to various food products, and even to children's sweets.

    © DepositPhotos

  4. Cheetos
    Did you know that Cheetos contain an artificial coloring called Yellow 6? Well, this coloring is obtained from petroleum.

    And these “chips” also contain methyl benzoate and ethyl ether Methylphenidate.

  5. Teddy Grahams
    And for anyone who has kids who adore these tiny bears, I want to let you know that they are loaded with TBHQ, which has been proven to cause stomach cancer in laboratory rats.

    This substance can damage DNA fragments and inhibit respiratory system child. It also often causes anxiety, restlessness and hyperactivity in children.

Unfortunately, manufacturers different products, including those intended for children, continue to be used artificial colors When absorbed, children are exposed to unnecessary and serious risks.

Today it is fashionable to be healthy and one of the prerequisites for maintaining health is cleansing the body of waste and toxins. Therefore, I suggest you find out 5 food products that... Avoid taking medications and other chemicals.

I beg you, think about the consequences that may arise from eating these tasty treats before it’s too late. Don’t let your child or yourself enjoy these delicacies for the sake of dubious pleasure. It will be much better if your children love colorful fruits and vegetables.

Be sure to tell your friends on social networks about this article, may everyone around you be healthy!

Nastya does yoga and loves traveling. Fashion, architecture and everything beautiful - that’s what a girl’s heart strives for! Anastasia is an interior designer and also makes unique floral-themed jewelry. She dreams of living in France, is learning the language and is keenly interested in the culture of this country. He believes that a person needs to learn something new all his life. Anastasia's favorite book is “Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert.

The modern food market is striking in its diversity. It is necessary to be able to draw a clear line between the concepts of “healthy” and “tasty”. This is especially important when it comes to feeding children.

The criteria for choosing food for children should be not only the parameters of freshness and taste qualities product, but also the ratio of the content of beneficial and harmful substances in it. Children's nutritionists have developed lists food products, which should be excluded from the children's diet. Let's look at the ten most harmful to child's body products.

♨️ Sausages and cold cuts

All sausages, frankfurters and sausages contain fats of animal origin or synthetic production. These components are difficult for children to digest. Sausages are exceptionally “rich” food coloring, all kinds of flavorings and flavor enhancers. The salt content in them exceeds all reasonable standards. This food is not suitable as food for children.

IN Lately In the production of sausages, soybeans obtained using genetic engineering technologies are increasingly being used. All these products are fraught with long-term consequences even when consumed by an adult, not to mention a growing and developing organism. Therefore for children's menu Only those sausages that are classified as “baby food” are suitable.

♨️ Canned food and marinades

All canned and pickled foods contain vinegar and a large amount of salt, which is generally undesirable for a child’s body. A large number of spices and herbs can disrupt the functioning of the child’s gastrointestinal tract.

♨️ Carbonated drinks

In the production of soda, preservatives, dyes, flavoring essences and even inorganic acids. Such a chemical set cannot provide any nutritional or vitamin value for the child’s body. If you consider that all carbonated drinks contain prohibitive amounts of refined sugars, it is easy to imagine what kind of metabolic disorder their consumption can lead to.

♨️ Mayonnaise and ketchup

The commercial version of these products contains very little natural ingredients. Most of them consist of combinations of flavoring agents, dyes, gums and preservatives. Therefore, it is better to use ketchup instead of ketchup in children's diets. tomato sauce, cooked at home. And mayonnaise, due to the presence of acid in its composition, is generally better to replace with sour cream or vegetable oil.

♨️Hamburgers, hot dogs and fast food

What should children not eat from fast food? This group includes the entire list of marketing surrogates - chips, crackers, all kinds of burgers, all varieties of fried dough with filling, which are so popular in establishments fast food. All of them contain carcinogenic substances and difficult-to-digest fats. If a child shows interest in such products, it is better to offer him homemade baked goods. Although in no case should it replace other healthy foods.

♨️ Coffee and black tea

Both of these products contain significant amounts of caffeine and tannin. Caffeine is a mental stimulant for adults. For a child, it can only be harmful. Even small doses of caffeine can cause sleep disturbances and increased mental excitability in a child, up to nervous exhaustion fraught with neurasthenia and neuroses. Like all tonics, strong tea and coffee stimulate excess secretion of enzymes from the stomach and pancreas, which leads to the development stomach diseases, and also increase the load on the heart and kidneys.

♨️ Seafood

Fish and seafood are richest source squirrel. And for the same reason, they can cause allergic reactions. Fish is introduced into a child’s diet very carefully, assessing his reaction to each new species.

♨️ Animal meat

Lamb, pork, duck and goose - the meat of these animals and birds cannot be called dietary. The content of refractory fats in them makes them suitable for consumption only by an adult body. The developing enzymatic system of the children's stomach is not able to cope with these products.

♨️ Ice cream

It is recommended not to offer ice cream to children under three years of age at all. Having tried this product for the first time, the child automatically adds it to the list of his favorites. But because high content sugar and fat, ice cream is more harmful to the baby’s body than beneficial.

♨️ Mushrooms

Physiologists have proven that mushrooms are poorly absorbed even by an adult body. And in children they are not digested at all. Therefore, mushrooms can only be offered to children from the age of six. This product should be excluded from the diet of children under six years of age in any culinary preparation.

If, from the first years of life, all higher levels of listed products and replace them with useful and valuable ones, then in the future it will be possible to avoid a number of metabolic and gastric diseases. Baby food should be as thoughtful and balanced as possible, and then your baby will grow and develop harmoniously.

️ Harmful foods for children video

In order for a child to grow up healthy and active, many aspects need to be taken into account, one of them is proper nutrition. Not all modern products are good for the baby; we bring to your attention the most harmful products that are not advisable to give to children.

1. Corn and potato chips. They do not contain any harmless potatoes; they are an explosive mixture of dyes, flavors, fats and carbohydrates. Children love to snack on them during breaks; as a result, not only their stomach suffers, but also their metabolism; carcinogens are deposited in the body, causing cancer. A couple of bags of chips a week - and at the end of the school year 3-4 extra pounds secured. Per 100 g of product, the calorie content is on average 600-700 kilocalories, and there is no need to talk about the abundance of chemicals.

2. Soda. Everyone has heard that the famous Coca-Cola contains phosphoric acid in such quantities that it can be used to clean silver spoons or metal from rust. In addition, sweet drinks contain a lot of sugar: a glass contains 4-7 teaspoons, despite the fact that no more than 10 teaspoons are allowed per day. Quenching your thirst with soda is also problematic: after half an hour you want to drink again. Many drinks contain phenylalanine, aspartame, sodium benzoate - Right way to rapid obesity, metabolic disorders and even diabetes.

3. Smoked meats. Here we include the sausages, sausages and frankfurters that many children love. It is very difficult to find products on store shelves that are not processed with chemicals, do not contain hidden fats, and are not full of flavor substitutes and flavorings.

Often sausages also contain genetically modified soybeans; such products look appetizing, but they contain a maximum of 25 percent meat, the rest is soy proteins, starch, emulsions, and flavoring additives. A simple recipe, beneficial for the manufacturer and destructive for the child’s stomach.

4. Fast food. It’s not without reason that if Hollywood stars need to quickly gain weight before filming their next film, they overeat on fast food. Shawarma, hamburgers, French fries, pasties, donuts and other fast foods contain a lot of carcinogens and are very high in calories. All this is fried in oil, which is not changed often enough, so there is no benefit from the products, but children can get colitis, gastritis, heartburn, or even ulcers. Let's not forget about nuts, crackers, noodles and soups instant cooking- they cause no less harm to the body.

5. Chocolate bars. How I want to believe the advertising and think that chocolate bars made from caramel, nougat, nuts, coconut flakes and selected chocolate. In fact, chocolate bars are a high-calorie bomb that contains genetically modified foods and chemicals. One bar contains almost 500 kilocalories - a gigantic amount, which is stored only as excess fat and does not bring any benefit. At the same time, satiety after eating does not last long and after an hour you already want to eat again.

6. Mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces. But without them, the food won’t be as tasty, you say. It is best to prepare mayonnaise or ketchup at home, especially since modern technology significantly simplifies this process, but you will save yourself and your children from exposure to carcinogenic substances. Sauces, dressings, ketchups, and mayonnaises contain flavor substitutes, flavorings, and dyes, while vinegar, which is often included in their composition, releases carcinogenic substances from plastic packaging. Children should not be given margarines and spreads - such substitutes are cheaper, but they also contain more harmful additives.

7. Crab sticks and shrimp. It's no secret that crab sticks They are not made from crabs at all, they are supposedly made from the meat of white fish - surimi. However, in order to save money, manufacturers often use waste from fish production - small and damaged fish, and beautiful color and taste are achieved with the help of dyes, flavors, and flavor enhancers. As for shrimp, they can be offered to children if you are confident in their quality, since less conscientious producers grow shrimp in water to which they add special additives and antibiotics - for a fragile child’s body this is poison.

8. Pastries, buns, cakes. It is actually possible to give these products to children, but limited quantities. Products such as cream cakes, puff pastries, pastries, buns are oversaturated with fat and sugar, so their abuse is guaranteed excess weight and metabolic disorders. Also because of them it is violated acid-base balance body, which entails many problems. In addition, store-bought cakes often contain dyes and flavors, so if possible, treat your children to homemade sweets.

9. Synthetic sweets. Chupa-chups, jelly candies, chewing gum, even cereals and marmalade are full of preservatives and dyes. They contain an abundance of stabilizers, sweeteners, sweeteners, emulsifiers and others. harmful substances. They can cause various diseases: from allergies to stomach and kidney diseases.

10. Fruits and vegetables. This does not mean fruits from grandma’s garden, but imported vegetables and fruits that are treated with so much chemicals that they are enough for the entire periodic table. The processed fruits look elegant, have a characteristic shine on the peel, and if you pour boiling water over them, a liquid is released from the pores, which feels like paraffin to the touch. Agree, there is very little benefit in an orange that can be stored for 2 years or in a tomato that is a year old.

Try to dose the above products, monitor the quality of your diet. The easiest way is to wean your child from junk food, if it is not on your table. Colorful packaging and flavor enhanced by flavorings are not only a marketing ploy, but also a huge health hazard. Remember that children inherit many habits from their parents, and the more you eat healthy foods, the more likely it is that your children will do the same.

They love fast food, chips, candy and soda, and sometimes parents cannot resist and buy them their favorite treats. Doctors warn that you should not do this - this will lead to unhealthy eating behavior.

1. Traditionally, even for adults, fatty, fried, smoked, pickled, spicy, salty dishes are strictly contraindicated for children of any age. They are tasty, but this is achieved through various sweeteners and flavor enhancers. Such components often become the cause of carcinogenesis, that is, the process of tumor development, which is extremely dangerous. Children's stomachs are very sensitive and remain so until the child reaches the age of 5 years. It is very difficult for them to cope with such an attack.

As a result, the child develops abdominal pain, problems with the bile ducts, and suffers.

2. A lot has been said and written about the dangers of fast food. But you can still see parents with children in all the eateries different cities countries. Hamburgers, nuggets, sandwiches - all this is dry food, and even made in a rather harmful form - products fried in oil are used, there are dubious sauces, as well as soy, which cannot replace natural meat in a child’s diet. Scientists have determined that with such food phthalates enter the body (set chemical compounds, used to make packaging) that cause significant changes in operation endocrine system. Eating fast foods also leads to addiction, when the child begins to refuse healthy foods - vegetables, fruits - in favor of unhealthy ones.

3. You cannot use semi-finished meat products such as sausages or sausages. Canned food is also prohibited. This is due to the fact that such products contain few natural ingredients, but many preservatives, dyes and synthetic additives that extend shelf life, but seriously damage the stomach and have carcinogenic properties. Today, special varieties of sausages have been developed that are allowed in - these contain more meat than usual, and the number of preservatives is reduced to the maximum.

4. Mushrooms, especially those collected independently, should also not be included in a child’s diet - at least until he is 10 years old. After all, a mushroom picker can always make a mistake and put a potentially dangerous mushroom in the basket. An adult body can still fight such toxins, but a child’s body simply does not have enough resources and strength. In the mildest cases, consumption of such products in children can cause abdominal pain and increased gas production.

5. It is worth limiting sweets in your child’s diet. Sweets, cakes, pastries, cookies can lead to enamel destruction and overload. Many products contain additives, dyes, preservatives, and flavor enhancers. It's worth looking for a replacement. For example, it is believed that dark chocolate does not contain additives; there is also natural marmalade without
