How to make labor and labor easier: effective tips. How to relieve pain during labor and childbirth - useful tips and recommendations Very painful contractions, what to do

Pain during contractions is considered a natural phenomenon. It indicates the right woman to delivery. But severe pain prevents expectant mothers from concentrating on correct actions, increase fear and panic. How to ease contractions? What should you do for this?


Practice shows that a lying-down woman in labor has a very difficult time withstanding pain during contractions. And the movement makes it easier painful spasms many pregnant women. In addition, by moving during contractions, changing body position, the mother also helps her baby. Walking during contractions improves blood circulation, which helps reduce painful spasms.

But you can move different ways. Previously, in the old days, a woman during labor had to go around the entire house, open all the locks and untie the knots. This marked a symbolic opening birth canal and the woman’s readiness for childbirth.

Today, some maternity hospitals practice using a special ball during contractions and performing circular movements with the pelvis on it.

Contractions are also eased by a standing position, leaning forward and leaning on a sofa or couch. It can be used from time to time between walks. It is also recommended, if desired, to take a lying position, placing a pillow between your legs. Some women want to squat during contractions.

You can simply swing your hips, imitating a dance. It is not for nothing that the most prosperous women in the matter of childbirth are the women of India who practice oriental dances. Such swaying of the hips relaxes the muscles of the perineum and promotes rapid dilatation of the cervix.


Women on forums share their experience of pain relief from contractions. Many speak out in favor of the position on all fours, while they recommend breathing, and the husband (sister, mother, if the birth is partnered) should do light massage lower back. If there is no one close to you to help during contractions, then the woman can be recommended to do a massage on her own: from behind, stroke the sides of the lower back, and the stomach - with circular movements of the palms, also on the sides.


Proper breathing during contractions is the key to a successful and healthy delivery. When contractions begin, you need to inhale through your nose, counting to four, and exhale through your mouth, counting to six. That is, the essence is to inhale shorter than exhale. This allows you to relax your muscles and fill your body with oxygen.

If the nature of the contractions becomes more intense, then you can use “dog-like” breathing, that is, superficial. In this case, the mouth should be slightly open, and the portions of inhaled air should be small and frequent.

Practice shows that such breathing will help relieve pain during contractions, and there is no need to be embarrassed to breathe like this. After all, the main thing is that you and your baby feel comfortable.


An excellent way to relieve pain during contractions is to stay in the water. Yes, not all maternity practice such relief labor activity and water births, but in many of them women in labor can take a warm bath during labor. When we are in water, we almost don’t feel the heaviness of the body, and it perceives the water as a massage. The warmth of the water warms up the muscles, relaxes them and thus reduces the woman’s pain.

The World Health Organization recommends not preventing women from taking the position that will be optimal for reducing pain. The expectant mother must decide for herself which position is most comfortable for her. After all, the main thing in labor is self-control and calm.

A pregnant woman should be armed in advance with knowledge about correct behavior during childbirth. And for this, all expectant mothers are offered to attend special courses for parents. In these classes, experts will teach you the technique. correct breathing during childbirth, massage. If you decide that the birth will be partnered, then practical exercises the future daddy will learn how to massage and help his wife.

So, there are many ways to relieve contraction pain. Practice ahead of time, prepare ahead of time for labor and remember that the most important thing is to remain calm and listen to the medical staff.

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK

The process of childbirth, although physiologically determined, is still stressful for the female body. The most debilitating contractions during labor are painful contractions that can last quite a long time. for a long time. At the same time, a woman, feeling pain, may wilt psychologically, which naturally affects the duration of the birth itself and the recovery period after it. That is why it is very important to know several techniques that can help reduce pain during contractions and preserve strength for the upcoming attempts. Read today's article about how to relieve pain during contractions.

Many women are very afraid of the upcoming birth precisely because of the inevitability of pain during labor. Some even decide to C-section to avoid pain during contractions. But it is always important to remember that natural childbirth is a physiologically determined process for which a woman’s body prepares throughout the entire period of bearing a baby, and associated pain is always subject to your body. Let's understand the nature of pain during the birth process. In general, childbirth can be divided into two periods.

  1. Contractions. At this time, the cervix opens, which contains a lot of pain receptors. In addition, the uterus itself begins to contract, the ligaments and peritoneum stretch, and the pressure inside changes abdominal cavity and in the retroperitoneal space. The pain that a woman feels during this period is called visceral. It has no specific localization and is characterized as dull. Many women compare this pain with cramps in the lower abdomen during menstruation.
  2. Attempts. After contractions, pushing begins. At this time, the fetus moves along the birth canal, stretching the tissues of the lower part of the birth canal. This pain has a precise localization: in the rectum, vagina and perineum. Pain during pushing is considered somatic, and women describe it as acute.

It is also worth noting that nervous tension, fears and negative emotions before childbirth can reduce the pain threshold. Sometimes this is what causes severe pain during contractions, that is, it is not the pain itself that causes nervous exhaustion, but her perception. In addition, severe pain during contractions can be due to:

  • premature birth;
  • first birth;
  • at the birth of a large child;
  • if you have previously experienced painful menstruation;
  • during long labor;
  • if oxytocin was used;
  • after the discharge of amniotic fluid;
  • with insufficient psycho-emotional preparation of the woman in labor.

How to relieve pain during labor and childbirth

How to relieve pain during contractions? For this, there are several recommendations from doctors who varying degrees I help different women during labor.

Poses to relieve pain during contractions

During contractions, it is very important to choose the optimal position, which will reduce sensitivity to pain. There are about 10 such poses; depending on the condition of the woman in labor and the fetus, the pose is selected individually.

Poses to relieve pain during contractions while standing:

  • rest your hands on the headboard or any other surface of suitable height. With your legs slightly apart, relax your stomach and back so that the weight of your body is redistributed to your limbs. In this pose, make swaying movements left and right, back and forth;
  • squat down. With your legs as wide apart as possible, rest on your full foot. In this case, the back should rest against a fixed support;
  • spread your feet shoulder-width apart, clasp your hips with your hands. In this pose, make swaying movements.

Poses to relieve pain during contractions in a kneeling position:

  • get down on your knees, place your hands and head on a stationary support so that the body sag and the weight is redistributed to the limbs;
  • in a kneeling position, lean your chest and arms on the fitball, make swaying movements.

Poses to relieve pain during contractions on the bed:

  • get on all fours on the bed, leaning on your elbows and knees. In this case, the legs should be slightly apart, and the woman should arch her back upward as far as possible;
  • Get on all fours on the bed, leaning on your knees and elbows. With your legs slightly apart, sway left and right;
  • Get on all fours on the bed and shift from one knee to the other. In this case, you need to stand on your knees and rest your hands on the headboard of the bed.

Poses that relieve pain during contractions while lying on your side:

  • lie on the bed on your left side, bend your knees and hip joints. Place a pillow between your legs if desired.

It is worth noting that if you had painful periods before pregnancy and the pain was localized lumbar region, then it is not recommended to lie down during contractions - this will cause painful sensations They will only get stronger. It is best to spend the entire period before pushing on your feet, walking or taking the poses described above.

It will also not be a bad idea to squat. This position will speed up the dilation of the cervix.

Massage during contractions? to ease the pain

According to reviews from many mothers about how to relieve pain during contractions, massage has become a salvation from debilitating pain during contractions. This method of pain relief works especially well if the pain is localized in the lumbar region. However, to perform a massage during labor, you must have a partner with you. Ask him to massage your lower back, shoulders, head, neck, and the area near the protruding pelvic bones.

If you don't have partner birth, then you can try self-massage. For this:

  • clench your hand into a fist;
  • during contractions, rub the lumbar area with it;
  • during the break between contractions, knead the protruding pelvic bones from the stomach.

Such manipulations will allow the muscles to relax after a sharp tone.

Water treatments to ease contractions

Many modern maternity hospitals practice new technique to relieve pain during contractions - a warm shower. The bottom line is that a woman from time to time at will stands under the flowing warm water during contractions. As I note for women in labor, this manipulation is very relaxing and allows you to rest a little.

Music and relaxation to ease contractions

It’s not for nothing that modern maternity hospitals offer expectant mothers to take a player with recordings of soothing music or the sounds of nature and the sound of water during childbirth. Something as simple as music can significantly calm a woman in labor and help her relax between contractions.

It is also worth noting that during labor you need to relax as much as possible in between contractions. In addition, the psychological attitude is very important. Take childbirth itself not as a test, but as a necessary step towards meeting your baby. Remember that it is even harder for the child at this moment, because little lump goes through a difficult journey to meet his mommy.

How to Breathe During Contractions to Relieve Pain

The ability to breathe correctly during contractions and pushing can greatly simplify the birth process and relieve pain.

At the beginning of the effort, we breathe like this:

  1. Inhale through the nose for four counts.
  2. Exhale in six counts through your mouth, pursing your lips into a tube.

The inhalation should be much shorter than the exhalation.

During intense contractions, we breathe like a dog:

  1. Open your mouth.
  2. Take shallow breaths and breaths.

Accelerating breathing during intense contractions significantly reduces pain and helps you endure it without compromising your emotional state.

During dilatation of the cervix we breathe like this:

  1. Take a quick, shallow breath through your nose.
  2. Pursing your lips like a tube, exhale through your mouth just as quickly.

Inhalations should be very fast and not deep, then the pain will subside a little.

How to breathe while pushing:

  1. Inhale deeply through your nose.
  2. When singing any vowel, exhale through your mouth as long as you inhaled.

It is important that the exhalation is as if you are blowing out a candle.

During labor, it is very important to remember that the long and exhausting process of contractions and pushing is only the final step towards meeting your baby. Stay calm, learn to relax at the right moment and be sure that childbirth will go easily and quickly, and the unforgettable first meeting with your little one will remain in your memory as the warmest memory for the rest of your life.

How to relieve pain during contractions. Video

Childbirth is the crown of a long and the hard way to meet your baby. You will no longer suffer from insomnia when your stomach prevents you from taking a normal position. Your organs will finally return to their places, and your limbs will say goodbye to swelling. Yes, you are facing a difficult time in the form sleepless nights, numerous diapers and tummy pains. However, your baby will be with you - believe me, he will compensate for everything with his toothless smile.

But between these two time periods there is childbirth. Childbirth that must be endured and experienced. It's really very painful and difficult process. But, nevertheless, all this is natural and inherent in a woman by nature. Before you, thousands, millions and billions of women gave birth and became happy mothers. You can do it too, believe me.

Contractions are the most painful and difficult period. At this point, the cervix dilates through periodic contractions. She is preparing to release your baby into the world. The pain during contractions is similar to menstrual pain, but thousands of times stronger. In this article we will tell you how to go through this difficult path as painlessly as possible.


Understand that childbirth is a natural process, try to remain calm. The fact is that nervous experiences involuntarily contract the muscles, delaying the process of dilation of the cervix. To be more calm during childbirth, try to get to your doctor who has been guiding you throughout your pregnancy. Good specialist knows his stuff, has performed many different births, trust him. Understand that you need to listen to a professional, and he will take care of the rest. You will relieve yourself of some responsibility and will feel calmer.

Sometimes, for emotional stability, women in labor are allowed to be with their loved ones during labor and even childbirth. Most often, the partner in paired births is the husband. He knows the right words that will support his beloved. The simple presence of a native man nearby already makes the woman in labor calmer.


Many women get help during labor different kinds movements. They do not know any rules; movement occurs as if instinctively. Here are some ways to ease the pain of contractions.

  1. During contractions, you need to walk to relieve the pain. Walk around the delivery room, along the corridor, to the toilet. In this case, you need to slightly wiggle your hips. This allows the baby to expand the cervix with his head and open his way.
  2. Moving on a fitball helps a lot. Jump on a large ball during contractions with your legs wide apart and you will notice that it really becomes easier for you.
  3. Some women experience another contraction in a bent position. That is, you need to lean your front hands on a chair, on the headboard, on your husband.
  4. Most women in labor experience contractions in the knee-elbow position. They claim that this position allows them to experience the opening less painfully. In this case, you need to sway slightly.
  5. Some maternity wards have a special rope. The woman grabs him with her hands and seems to hang on him. It also helps relieve pain.

In any case, try any movements and swings with your body. Your body itself will tell you how to relieve suffering.

There are several ways to relieve this pain.

  1. Massage. This is one of the most effective ways slightly relax the muscles and relieve the pain at least a little. If you are giving birth with a partner, he or she will need to rub your lower back and sacrum during contractions. However, this only helps those whose fetus is attached back wall uterus. Everyone, without exception, benefits from a neck massage - rub it to relieve pain. You can relax your muscles very well by massaging the anterior protruding bones of the pelvis. If there is no man nearby, ask the midwife for a massage or do it yourself.
  2. Breath. Most women, by inertia, hold their breath during contractions to survive the pain. It is not right. Sufficient quantity oxygen helps relieve pain. Breathing should be correct - inhale air through your nose and exhale through your mouth. In addition, correct and sufficient breathing protects the baby from hypoxia - remember, it’s not easy for him at this moment either.
  3. Water. If a woman is in water during childbirth, the pain from contractions is much easier to bear. Some modern maternity hospitals already have special baths to help women get through this difficult period. If there is no such bath, you can take a shower and direct the stream warm water on the lower back.
  4. Rest. The period between contractions should be used as productively as possible. After another contraction, try to relax, rest, perhaps take a nap. You have a few minutes until the next contraction, and pushing will require a lot of strength.

These simple but time-honored techniques will help you slightly reduce unbearable pain.

As one well-known obstetrician-gynecologist says, closer to pushing, almost all women in labor require a cesarean section, the pain torments them so severely. However, after the baby’s head has entered the birth canal, strip surgery is out of the question. Sometimes, with unbearable pain, a woman comes to the aid of medical painkillers.

Some painkillers are administered intramuscularly and relieve pain within a few minutes. Do not think that such remedies can help you much - they only slightly relieve pain. Epidural anesthesia will really help relieve pain. However, its action must be due to compelling reasons. Such anesthesia is done in situations where a woman in labor is unable to tolerate pain, when her behavior harms both her and her child. Availability panic fear, nausea, vomiting are indications for such pain relief. Epidural anesthesia is given as an injection, spinal cord. At the same time, the woman in labor stops feeling pain, and sometimes lower limbs. Remember that such pain relief has a lot of side effects, so it is far from being a panacea.

Most obstetricians say that often a woman during labor can only be brought back to reality by the thought of her baby. Therefore, doctors often remind women in labor why they are here, and then the pain becomes less acute. Think about your baby, imagine a long-awaited meeting. With every push, with every contraction, there is less and less time left before meeting him.

Another tip to speed up the birth process. No matter how strange it may sound, smile. The uterus is a huge muscle that moves involuntarily; we cannot control it. However, the lips and facial muscles are somehow connected to it. Smiling during contractions helps your cervix open more. Besides, today will probably be the happiest day of your life - isn’t that great?

Video: how to relieve pain during contractions

Despite the fact that the birth of a child is a natural process, it causes incredible suffering to the mother. Intense labor pain is observed during contractions, which can last quite a long time, and during the pushing period.

Is it possible to give birth without pain? How can I ease contractions and endure them more calmly? Is it possible to give anesthesia when there is a lot of pain? What to do if you are afraid to give birth?

Is natural childbirth possible without pain?

Natural childbirth is always accompanied by severe pain. Their intensity is determined by the characteristics of the woman in labor, her pain threshold and state of health. The degree of preparedness of the muscles for the birth process is also important.

Childbirth is divided into three stages:

  • Contractions. During them, the cervix opens, which has a large number of receptors. The uterus begins to contract, gradually reducing the time interval between contractions. Stretching occurs uterine ligaments, pressure in the peritoneum increases. Pain is felt throughout the entire abdominal area, extending to the lower back.
  • Attempts. The baby moves down the birth canal, stretching it. The pain shifts to the vagina, rectum and perineum. It is sharp and has precise localization.
  • The birth of the placenta, or child's place. As a rule, it is completely painless.

Susceptibility to pain may increase if the woman in labor is not mentally prepared for it. The state of panic and fear has a negative effect - the release of the stress and fear hormones adrenaline and cortisol increases spasms, making contractions more difficult to endure.

Objectively, the pain can be very severe in the case of premature delivery, the birth of a large baby, prolonged labor, stimulation of labor with oxytocin, and also if the woman had painful periods before pregnancy.

How to make the birth process easier?

Although the pain cannot be completely eliminated, it can be reduced. Not only modern ones come to the rescue medical supplies, but also the methods of our ancestors.

A woman should be concerned in advance with the question of how to facilitate childbirth and contractions. There are several ways to relieve pain during labor, which a pregnant woman learns about in courses for expectant parents.

Nature itself helps a woman: her body produces a whole complex of hormones that act as a pain reliever. Correct behavior and breathing work wonders. The woman in labor no longer concentrates so much on the contractions; she is distracted from discomfort. In case of severe course births are nearby medical workers, which, if necessary, will alleviate the woman’s condition with medication. How to behave during contractions and attempts to make them easier to bear and less painful?

Positive attitude

Remember that childbirth is normal process the birth of a person, there is no need to be afraid of them. However, you should thoroughly prepare for an important event:

  • Pack your bag for the maternity hospital in advance. In case of early birth, you will not have to rush around the house looking for documents and things.
  • Choose maternity hospital and an obstetrician. Go to maternity ward and you need to talk to your doctor no later than a month before the upcoming birth.
  • Decide whether your spouse will be present at the birth of the child. If yes, then he also needs to undergo psychological training (and do it in time necessary tests). Not all men are mentally prepared to be with a woman in labor, so you need to decide on this issue as early as possible. You can take your mother or a close friend as your partner.

How can you help yourself to be positive? At the school for pregnant women, they will give advice on how to ease the pain during contractions and set her up in an optimistic mood. Indeed, very soon she will be able to press the long-awaited baby to her chest, what could be more beautiful? You need to go into childbirth with such positive thoughts and emotions.

It has been proven that nervous tension and fear negatively affect the dilatation of the cervix. The lengthy process causes unbearable suffering to the woman in labor and prolongs labor. Many women consider this period more difficult compared to pushing, because they pass much faster. Relaxation, calmness and self-confidence will allow you to experience contractions less painfully.

If a pregnant woman is haunted by fear and cannot cope with it on her own, it makes sense to visit a psychologist. As a rule, the specialist takes antenatal clinic. He will tell you how to understand the cause of anxiety and set the woman in labor up for good emotions.

Preparing muscles for childbirth in the last trimester (exercises, massage, diet)

Not only the mind, but also the body must be prepared for childbirth, because soon it will have hard work. During pregnancy, a woman is advised to monitor her physical health.

Help to give birth easily:

  • Daily set of exercises. It aims to strengthen muscles and prevent tears. The most famous are Kegel exercises for the perineal muscles. They have been proven to reduce the risk of damage to this area and help the uterus recover faster after childbirth.
  • Vaginal massage using natural oil. It improves the elasticity of tissues, the likelihood of injury during childbirth is noticeably reduced.
  • Dieting. In the last month of pregnancy, you must strictly adhere to a special diet. It is recommended to give up meat, fish and eggs, limit the consumption of dairy products, and reduce salt intake. Must be eaten vegetable oils(olive, flaxseed). This menu promotes good tissue stretching and easy passage of the baby through the birth canal.

Comfortable positions during contractions

During contractions, a woman needs to listen to her body and take a position that will allow her to withstand the pain. Some find it convenient to stand on all fours with their back arched, while others find it easier to squat. You can lie on your left side and bend your legs under you.

Only during contractions will a woman be able to choose a position that is comfortable for herself. It is necessary to exclude pressure on the abdomen; in all other respects, the woman in labor is not limited.

Shower, massage, movements

A warm shower will relax you and distract you from suffering. Some obstetricians advise sitting in a bathtub filled with warm water, which will relieve the symptoms to some extent. pain syndrome. However, this should not be done if your water has broken.

Close people can give the expectant mother a lower back massage. It is in this area that severe pain radiates. During the course, your partner will be taught how to give a relaxing massage to a woman in labor; it will definitely come in handy during labor.

Movement between contractions will speed up the dilation of the cervix. You can simply walk, climb the stairs or swing on a fitball. You only need to stop for the duration of contractions, remembering to count the intervals between them.

Music and aromatherapy

Music and aromatherapy are a great addition to all the methods described above. They will help you calm down and relax, and this is the key to an easy delivery. Experts note that listening to your favorite songs has a positive effect on the progress of childbirth.

You can use aromatherapy as a distraction from pain. It is believed that jasmine oil accelerates labor, while lavender and bergamot oil soothe. Rose essential oil reduces pain; to do this, you just need to drop a few drops of the substance into the aroma lamp.

All for fitball!

This is a large ball on which you can lean your elbows during contractions, lie down on it (we recommend reading:). When the contraction has subsided, you are allowed to swing on the fitball or even jump. It relieves stress from the spine well and distracts the mother from pain.

Fitball is now available in almost all maternity wards. If this is not provided, you can bring the ball with you, it will certainly come in handy. The fitball should be soft, slightly deflated, and it should be selected taking into account your height.

Proper breathing and... singing!

Proper breathing plays an important role in the birth process. Depending on the stage of labor, the breathing method also differs:

Unreasonable use of painkillers has a negative impact on the child. No matter how much you want to eliminate the pain, it is better to endure it than to treat the baby later.

The process of childbirth is considered stressful. During activity female body susceptible pain, which leads to psychological discomfort. Several techniques will help ease contractions and childbirth, reduce pain, and preserve strength for pushing.

Pain relief in stages

Women are afraid of the upcoming birth. Mothers consciously decide to have a caesarean section. Natural process occurs with unpleasant sensations, which are conventionally divided into two periods. During contractions, the uterus contracts, the ligaments stretch, and the pressure in the abdominal cavity changes. This pain is called visceral, reminiscent of cramps during menstruation.

Unpleasant sensations arise due to the following moments:

  1. first birth;
  2. large fruit;
  3. premature contractions;
  4. when amniotic fluid breaks;
  5. if the woman is not psychologically prepared enough.

When pushing, the embryo moves along the birth canal, which leads to distensibility of the lower part of the canal. The pain is localized in the rectum, vagina and perineum. This is a somatic sensation called acute. Pain threshold is reduced due to fear, overexertion, and negative emotions.

How to reduce pain during contractions:

  • take a warm bath;
  • move;
  • choose a comfortable position;
  • circular movements of the pelvis;
  • Do massage;
  • breathe correctly;
  • think about the child.

Contractions. At the beginning, a woman should feel the floor with the soles of her feet. Attention is paid to the abdomen and uterus, since tension arises most at this point. The organ needs a place. Legs apart, knees slightly apart and relaxed. This will ease contractions during childbirth and reduce tension on the pelvic muscles. Bend into a cat pose, resting your hands on your hips. It is recommended to hang on your partner’s neck and lean your back against the wall. The man supports the woman in labor without tension, massages her sacrum.

Intensive phase. The woman kneels down, leans against the edge of the bed, and rests her head. This will allow you to rest for some time, without taking a lying position. Relieves heaviness and tension from the spine, severe pain during contractions. It is useful for a woman in labor to sit on the floor with her partner, turn back to back, and spread her legs. Relief of pain during contractions occurs by pressing the body on the woman’s sacrum.

Disclosure period. Squat down so that the man grabs you by the armpits. You can sit on a chair with your legs spread wide apart. During the period of exile, it is recommended to remain in an upright position. Contractions intensify, which will help avoid artificial stimulation of labor.

Postures during childbirth to relieve pain during contractions will help you tune in to a positive outcome of the process. A woman does this on her own, without hesitation. By taking a comfortable position, the woman in labor will speed up the birth of the baby.


Proper breathing will help reduce pain and promote labor. It effectively focuses your efforts on the fight, helps you relax and calm down. If a woman monitors her inhalation and exhalation, she is distracted from the discomfort in the abdomen and pelvis. The cervix dilates faster. Oxygen saturation occurs in the body of the mother and the unborn child.

You can make childbirth easier by mastering breathing techniques. This process begins a few months after the baby is born. Knowing which muscles are responsible for the act, you can improve their functioning. This will allow you not to clamp down during contractions, not to strain, and to suppress pain.

A woman needs to inhale through her nose on counts 1–4, exhale on counts 1–6, stretching her lips into a tube. When contractions intensify, breathing should be shallow, with open mouth. During pushing they do deep breath, then direct a stream of air down to the perineum. The pressure of the diaphragm on the uterus causes rapid birth of the fetus.

Various ways to ease contractions during childbirth will help the baby to be born faster. There are several types of breathing; the use of techniques provides maximum relief from severe pain.

Abdominal. Palms are placed on the stomach. Take the biggest breath possible and slowly relax the front wall of the womb. You can feel it rise with your hand, and your lungs fill with air. It is necessary to monitor the palm, which moves forward as you inhale, and moves towards the ribs as you exhale.

Complete. The exercise is performed while standing. Take a deep breath through the nose. You can feel the front wall of your abdomen descending. The lungs become whole from the filled air, the collarbones rise. When you exhale, they lower, then the ribs return to their original position, and the abdominal muscles retract. Take a short pause and inhale again.

Economical. With this type of breathing, the number of pulse beats during inhalation and exhalation is determined. U ordinary people ratio 1:1. Training allows you to exhale for a long time. It is twice as large as inhalation. The pause between cycles is maintained for a count of 1–2. This method is effective for facilitating contractions; it will be needed during pushing and at the birth of the head.

It is necessary to learn in advance to breathe correctly and perform exercises during contractions to relieve pain. For intense contractions, the doggy style method is used. Breathe shallowly to reduce discomfort and maintain emotional condition. When the uterus opens, inhale quickly through the nose and exhale quickly through the lips. When pushing, take a deep breath through the nose. As you exhale, sing a vowel or blow out a candle.


Already at the beginning of the birth process, it is important to choose a comfortable position. Ideal body position will help ease the pain of contractions. There are more than ten types of arrangement for women. It is recommended to try each of them, depending on the condition of the mother and fetus.

What positions ease contractions during childbirth:

  1. in a standing position;
  2. on the knees;
  3. on the bed;
  4. on fitball;
  5. on the side;
  6. with a partner.

In a standing position. They lean on the back of the bed, spread their legs, sway left and right. They lean their back against the wall, relaxing their stomach and distributing the load throughout the body.

In a kneeling position. Stand facing the bed, place your hands and head on the edge. Transfer the weight to them, relieving the load from the abdomen.

On the bed. Get on all fours, leaning on your elbows and knees. Arch your back up and down, rock your pelvis. Get on all fours, shifting from one to the other.

On fitball. Sit on the ball, bend your legs, spread your knees. Swing from side to side, draw a figure eight.

Lying on your side. Take a pose on the left edge, bend your legs. The uterus does not compress large vessels, ensuring optimal blood supply. Place a pillow between your legs.

With a partner. Stand facing him, grab him by the neck, sag. Place yourself behind the man’s back, take his arms bent at the elbows back and lean on them.

If before pregnancy a woman had painful periods, discomfort occurs in the lumbar region, it is not recommended to lie down. To reduce pain, it is better to walk or take these poses.


An excellent way to relieve pain is massage. The method removes unpleasant sensations localized in the lumbar region. A man will cope especially well with the problem.

How to help a woman in labor during labor:

  • check the interval and frequency of contractions;
  • keep calm;
  • provide to the expectant mother comfort;
  • maintain a good mood;
  • breathe with her;
  • Do massage.

The last method is a folk remedy. A man makes movements on the lower back, neck, head, near the pelvis. The woman helps: she clenches her hand into a fist and rubs the lumbar area. This will allow the muscles to relax after a sharp tone.

If labor pains begin, up to 20 strokes are performed with the back of the hand. In the lower part, exercises are carried out from the tailbone to the lower back. Perform circular movements with slight pressure. In the first period, it is allowed to massage the side of the abdomen.

One of the ways to relieve pain during contractions is to massage a point on the hand. WITH back side there is a depression between the large and index fingers. There the movements are carried out in turn on both hands. Self-massage of the sides of the abdomen and back facilitates childbirth, which speeds up contractions many times over.

Traditional methods and aromatherapy

Among the tips for use traditional methods The help of aromatic agents plays an important role. This is an ancient method in which various essential oils. Extracts of bergamot and lavender are effective. These are excellent antidepressants and antiseptics. Lemon oil tones, jasmine and sage oil strengthens contractions before childbirth.

Before use, check for absence allergic reaction. To do this, drop the composition into an aroma lamp and observe the sensations. There should be no headache or deterioration in health. This will allow you to use the product in preparation for childbirth and directly during the process.

The substances are also added to the bath using 2-3 drops of a squeeze of your favorite plant. The water should be warm, and you can stay in it for about 20 minutes. At the same time, the woman performs a massage and strokes her stomach. The body will relax and contractions will become less noticeable.

To relieve pain, women use folk remedies. Among the simplest is a decoction of bay leaf, saffron stigmas or lovage. Using a cold compress on the face and neck activates receptors and reduces discomfort.

A woman can choose her own method. Also, the obstetrician, taking into account tests and diagnostics of the pelvis, birth canal and fetus, will tell what a woman in labor should do during contractions to make it easier to wait for pushing and the release of the embryo.

Other methods

Not only comfortable body position and posture help to relax contractions. By using water procedures and a warm shower with muscle contraction will help you relax. A woman is standing or lying in the bathroom. This method goes well with listening to pleasant music, such as the sounds of nature. Melodies are recorded only those that evoke positive emotions and pleasant associations. The woman in labor will be able to psychologically tune in to the rapid passage of the baby through the birth canal.

Relaxation is a way to reduce pain. Muscular and mental relaxation occurs, hormones are released, pain sensitivity decreases, and clarity of thinking is maintained. A woman spends less energy, directing it to the work of the uterus. When clenching lips, fists, or clenching teeth, tension occurs in various parts bodies. If you do not make such movements, the muscles of the birth canal will relax. The balance between endorphins and stress hormones is ideally maintained. They remember pleasant and funny stories, jokes.

If nothing helps a woman, medications are offered to relieve pain. Severe cramps neutralized using a group of drugs.

Types of medications to reduce pain during contractions:

  1. antispasmodics;
  2. non-inhalational anesthetics;
  3. drugs for inhalation pain relief;
  4. analgesics.

All products have a local effect of relieving discomfort. Consciousness is maintained so that the obstetrician can monitor the situation and talk to the patient. All substances are safe for mother and child. Has no effect negative influence on the course of labor.
Facilitation of contractions and childbirth occurs at the stage of preparation for the start of the process.

A woman can at any time study breathing methods and perform exercises on a fitball. This will avoid the use of medications to reduce pain. The birth process will go quickly, without gaps, and the health of mother and newborn will be maintained.
