Find your symbol of luck and wealth. Russian monetary symbols are ladaria. Symbol of good luck - horse


Many people confuse symbols with signs and even diagrams. However, a symbol is not just an image, but an image that carries a certain mystical, philosophical semantic meaning. A sign is the external image of a symbol. A symbol can influence a person and his environment as a call, a prohibition, a blessing for something.

The thoughtless use of symbols in everyday life can lead to unexpected consequences. Each symbol has a special inner meaning and energy. There are several points of view on this property of symbols.

1. The energy of a symbol is objective and exists regardless of belief in it.

2. The energy of a symbol is subjective and has an effect only if there is faith in it.

3. The energy of a symbol is objective, but depends on a person’s psychological perception, the connection between the image and emotions.

Whatever point of view you adhere to, it is impossible to completely deny the influence of symbols on our lives. Even if you choose the last of the above theories, the necessary attitude, concentration and faith in the fulfillment of what you want will help you achieve your goal based on the chosen symbol.

Knowing the semantic meaning of symbols and the degree of impact on one or another aspect of life, you can use them for good.

Symbols from the philosophy of Feng Shui have recently become especially popular. This is an Eastern teaching about achieving harmony with the world around you and yourself. Harmony can be interpreted in different ways, but it invariably comes down to balance, which is impossible without the fulfillment of certain needs. Feng Shui philosophy places special emphasis on material wealth and luck.

There is also growing interest in runic symbols, as well as to the symbolism of Slavic amulets. It should be noted here that the use of runes to fulfill the desired is an exclusively folk custom that arose in many countries during globalization. Runes are intended to connect with the supernatural, determine the future, but not to attract wealth or good luck. It is advisable to use runes in order to find out, for example, which path to choose in order to achieve a goal. However, today you can often find advice on using runes as talismans. Probably, this technique works thanks to the faith of the owner of the talisman. The symbolism of Slavic amulets can often be found in clothing and embroidered panels.

In a certain sense, numbers can also be called symbols. Each of the ten Arabic numerals is not just an image of an account, but contains a semantic meaning, usually acquired. All numbers consisting of different digits also have a corresponding meaning. Numerology is based on this principle - the study of the connection between numbers and fate. By using numbers and numbers as symbols (or sets of symbols), you can attract wealth and luck into your life.

Symbols for attracting wealth, good luck and happiness are not only varied in their external outline, but can also be located in different ways. Some symbols just need to be decorated as a wall panel, others need to be placed in a certain place in the apartment or office, and others can even be worn as an amulet or embroidered on clothes.

Today, amulets embroidered with a counted cross (“cross stitch”) or satin stitch are common. It is supposed to start on a certain day of the lunar month (the seventh, tenth, eleventh and fourteenth days of the lunar cycle are considered the most favorable). They embroider the amulet symbol with thoughts about what they want, without being distracted by extraneous fuss, otherwise the embroidery will not receive the necessary strength. There are two opposing opinions regarding embroidering amulets. One of them is that only the person for whom the amulet is intended should embroider. Another is that only a blood relative or spouse can embroider. good intentions and without selfish intent.

The symbolism of color and the material on which the symbol will be depicted are of great importance. The choice of material and color is described in more detail in the sections about specific symbols.

A symbol is not necessarily an abstract image consisting of geometric shapes. All objects and living beings that surround us are, to one degree or another, symbols and are associated with some area of ​​life, with a certain mood. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, objects that are pleasant to us create a flow of beneficial Qi energy. Unpleasant to the eye objects contribute to the formation of harmful Sha energy.

Chapter 1
Symbols for attracting money and wealth

Whatever a person’s attitude towards money, in the modern world he needs it. Perhaps this is why almost all world cultures have traditional symbols for attracting money.

Symbols in the interior

Aquarium with fish

An aquarium with fish is not only a unique element of the interior, providing positive influence on the psyche, but also a powerful symbol, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, capable of activating any zone in a home or office.

This especially applies to the Wealth zone, located in the southeast of a house or separate room. Fish symbolize success, water symbolizes wealth.

Thus, an aquarium with fish will help you achieve success in money matters (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Aquarium with fish

It is preferable to opt for live fish, but artificial ones are also suitable. The water must be kept clean at all times. The aquarium is located in the southeastern sector of the house or premises, avoiding the place to the right of front door. The optimal number of fish in an aquarium is nine. It’s good if eight of them are golden (the color of wealth), and the ninth is black. The black fish will absorb and suppress all negative energy, goldfish - create positive.

Gold ones are especially popular aquarium fish and carps, as they symbolize prosperity and wealth.

Angel over a man wandering up the mountain

The image of a traveler walking up a mountain, with an angel flying over him, as if protecting him on the road, can have different variations. The traveler in different pictures rises to the left or right relative to the viewer. The image is used in engravings, reproductions, and embroidery (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Angel above a man wandering up the mountain

The symbol owes its origin to the alchemical tradition, in which angels not only bless for some deed and protect a person so that he does not stumble, but are also able to give wealth and prosperity. It is believed that this symbol originated in the Czech Republic in the Middle Ages.

An affirmation is a short positive statement aimed at creating a positive way of thinking and shaping a chosen future. Affirmations are often used in magical and psychological practices. Despite the difference in areas of application, the meaning and essence of affirmations are the same: to tune yourself and the surrounding energy to the outcome you need.

It is used before starting a new business, taking a new job or moving to a new position, as well as significant financial events (important transactions, deposits, investments). Thanks to this symbol, you will gain confidence in a favorable outcome of the matter and tune in to the ability to foresee the result of your actions. If the symbol is placed in the interior, it will absorb the positive energy of abundance and prosperity, repelling negative energy. This way, you will be less likely to have thoughts about failures and failures.

1. Everything I touch will bring me monetary success.

2. Wealth comes to me with ease.

3. All my thoughts and actions are useful to me.

Starting position - kneeling, toes not supporting, arms extended forward, palms up. Exhalation. Stretch your arms out to the sides, palms forward, with fingers slightly spread. Inhale. Turn your body to the left. Exhalation. Return your body to a straight position. Inhale. Bend forward, at the same time lower your pelvis onto your heels, reach your head to your knees, bend your arms at a right angle, place your elbows on the floor in line with your knees. Elbows touch knees, palms point down and lie on the floor, fingers connected. Exhalation. Return to a straight body position with your arms extended forward. Hold your breath. Separate your fingers. Swing your arms out to the sides. Inhale. Repeat the above in a mirror manner (with preliminary rotation of the body to the right). Repeat the exercise six times on each side. Straighten your body while sitting on your heels. Inhale. Initial position.

This exercise is gratitude to the patron symbol for everything that happens in life, even for negative events that served good experience. Exercise helps to set yourself up for a positive wave and build confidence in your abilities.


Ganesha is the Indian god of abundance, symbolizing wealth and prosperity. Ganesha figurine - the most strong talisman to attract money, originating from Ancient India. On the figurine you can see a deity with the head of an elephant, a large belly and several pairs of arms (two, three or four pairs). This deity stands on a rat, which, according to legend, was a demon before Ganesha tamed it and made it his mount. This combination personifies pride and vanity defeated by patience and prudence (Fig. 3).

When choosing a figurine with the image of Ganesha, you should know that the strength of its influence depends on the size of the depicted deity. Among the materials, you can give preference to bronze, copper, wood, semi-precious stones or a combination of these materials. For a symbol to be effective, its power must be respected. Metal figurines are placed in the northwestern sector or to the right of the workplace, wooden ones - in the Family (southwest) or Wealth (southeast) sector. There are several rituals to activate the symbol: scratching the belly of the deity, stroking his right palm, offerings in the form of Chinese coins and sweets, reading special mantras. Mantras are similar to affirmations; they also activate the energy of the symbol, aimed at helping its owner.

Figure 3. Ganesha

IN in this case use the following mantra: “Om gam ganapataye namaha.” It is advisable to repeat this mantra 108 times a day, or at least before important financial events.

In gratitude for the help, you need to stroke the deity's trunk.

Hexagram with four beasts

In the six-pointed star there is a serpent eating itself in a ring, and in this ring there is an eagle, a peacock, a swan and a lion. The self-eating serpent is the “sun wheel”, representing the enduring life force. Birds symbolize the connection between the heavenly and the earthly, at the same time, each of the birds has its own meaning: a swan - honest wealth; eagle - courage, strength, wealth, greatness; peacock – pride and prosperity. Leo is a symbol of energy, strength and perseverance (Fig. 4).

Figure 4. Hexagram with four animals

The symbol originates in ancient civilizations (presumably in Ancient Egypt or Mesopotamia). It developed to its modern form and interpretation in alchemy in medieval Europe.

This symbol can be used as a permanent talisman, it will bring permanent financial well-being, profit and prosperity, will protect against slander and negative energy, as well as natural phenomena.

You can apply and enhance the energy of the symbol using affirmations:

1. I attract money to myself.

2. I have overcome poverty and financial problems.

3. I deserve to be rich.

Exercise to release the energy of a symbol. Starting position – standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms relaxed and lowered. Raise your hands to chest level, imagining that you are squeezing a ball in your palms. The right hand should be on top (palm squeezing the “ball” facing down), the left hand should be on the bottom (palm squeezing the “ball” facing up). Transfer your body weight to right leg, move your left one back a little. Smoothly lift left hand at eye level, looking at her palm. At the same time, smoothly lower your right hand along the body. Take a closer look at left palm, imagining that you are warming her with your gaze. Rotate your left hand with your palm facing away from you. Turn your head to the right, look closely at your right palm, the fingers of which form a bowl. Get back into a position where your hands are squeezing the “ball.” Repeat the exercise eight times.

Exercise leads to harmony between positive and negative energies.

Gnome rolling a wheel

A symbol depicting a gnome rolling a wheel up a hill. A square is placed in the wheel, secured by the four spokes of the wheel (Fig. 5). The symbol appeared in Europe in the early Middle Ages during the development of alchemy. Its meaning is the constancy of vitality.

The gnome personifies earthly energy, material, desirable; wheel – movement, variability; square – immobility, constancy. Material energy makes the world changeable, but the essence of things is unchanged. The meaning of the symbol is that on the path to financial changes and improvements, one should rely on what is constant, and not on what is changeable.

The symbol is accessed if desired career growth, getting a new position, opening your own business. In this case, the symbol can be depicted simply on a printed picture located in the office, or on a talisman (amulet).

Figure 5. Gnome rolling a wheel

You can apply and enhance the energy of the symbol using the following affirmations:

1. I manage well-being in my life.

2. My wishes deservedly receive financial support.

3. My success is under my control.

Exercise to release the energy of a symbol. With your knees slightly bent, lower your arms down. Exhalation. Tilt to the left. Smooth circular movement of the arms to the left and up with a large amplitude. Inhale. Tilt to the right. Smooth circular movement of the arms to the right and down. Exhalation. Repeat the exercise a total of nine times, imagining that you are spinning the Wheel of Luck and Prosperity, controlling energy from the Universe. Returning to the starting position, do the exercise nine more times. reverse side(to the right and up - inhale, down and to the left - exhale). The torso should only bend left and right. Rest. Repeat the entire exercise.

Gnome with scales and diamond

The symbol depicts a walking gnome holding a diamond in his left hand and scales in his right hand (Fig. 6).

A gnome is a fairy-tale creature of small stature, a natural spirit (forest, mountain, earth), protecting wealth in the bowels of the Earth. These creatures are found in Germanic and Scandinavian folklore. The symbol with the gnome, diamond and scales appeared in early Middle Ages in the alchemical tradition.

Exercises to release the energy of the symbol help to tune in to receiving financial benefits and developing the material sphere of life. This is a kind of meditation that has nothing to do with witchcraft.

Figure 6. Gnome with scales and diamond

Gnome is a symbol of material energy, earthly desires, a diamond (or other gem) and Libra represent wealth, abundance, balance, prosperity and stability.

This symbol will help improve your financial situation, protect you from ruin, and preserve your accumulated wealth. When constantly used as a talisman, it helps to fulfill cherished desires and gain wealth.

You can apply and enhance the energy of the symbol using affirmations:

1. The better my financial condition, the better I feel.

2. I create my own world.

3. I receive money and part with it with pleasure.

Exercise to release the energy of a symbol. Place any gem or image of this symbol on the table. You can take the stone in your hand. Breathing is even and calm. Your heart is open and sends positive energy to the stone, charging it, asking for healing energy in return. Thoughts are concentrated on how this energy flows to you in rays or waves. After this, you should mentally thank the stone.

If the exercise is easy, without tension, you can mentally ask the stone questions and discern the answers by the vibration of the energy. You can ask the stone for something. Charged with positive energy, he will become powerful talisman in fulfillment of your request.

"Pot of Wealth"

“Pot of Wealth” is another symbolic item from the Feng Shui tradition. It looks like a clay or wooden pot filled with gold coins (Fig. 7). The “Pot of Wealth” represents the depths of gold and helps to find good luck in financial matters.

Figure 7. “Pot of Wealth”

It is better to use natural ceramics or wood, but coins are most often imitation (for example, made of painted ceramics). This symbol can be purchased at the store or made yourself. The “Pot of Wealth” is placed in the south-eastern sector of the room or house, making sure that it is not covered with dust.

Money Tree

One of the most famous symbols for attracting wealth comes from the philosophy of Feng Shui. The money tree can be artificial or live. In the first case, instead of leaves, coins or semiprecious stones, in the second it is indoor plant, whose leaves resemble coins (Fig. 8).

Figure 8. Money tree

The purchased artificial tree should first be cleaned of excess energy: immerse the entire tree in salted water and leave it for three days, then rinse under running water and place it in a suitable place.

It is better if the tree is made by its owner himself, then during the manufacturing process it absorbs the necessary energy and mood. The trunk and branches can be woven from wire. Hang coins on the branches: Chinese or ordinary (in the latter case, you must first make holes in them). There must be an odd number of coins on the tree, otherwise you will receive a loss rather than a profit. It is preferable to use Chinese coins rather than ordinary ones. If, in addition to coins, the tree is decorated with flowers, there should also be an odd number of them (preferably three). Attach coins and flowers using red thread or ribbon. The same rules must be followed when embroidering a panel depicting a money tree.

A living money tree needs to be carefully looked after and dust removed from its leaves. There is a belief that in order to make a profit, you need to bury a few coins in the ground under the money tree. This should not be done, since the coins may oxidize in the soil (unless they are made of precious metal) and the plant will die.

The money tree is placed in a bright place in the living room or hallway, placing a paper bill under it. The money tree is combined with any symbols to attract wealth and prosperity. It is better to place a panel (for example, embroidery) with a picture of a money tree opposite the front door, luring money into the house.

Dragon at the cave

In this symbol, the dragon is located at the entrance to the cave (Fig. 9). The dragon at the cave represents protection, guarding treasures and vitality. The origin of the symbol can be attributed to Ancient China, but it is also typical for Ancient Greece and the civilization of the Celts.

When performing exercises and meditations associated with a specific symbol, you must be in front of this symbol or have it on you in the form of an amulet. Some symbols (for example, a magic circle with a hexagram) can be depicted on the floor or ground, and then perform the exercise while being directly in the symbol.

The dragon will come to the rescue if you need to stabilize financial position, accumulate a certain amount of money or upgrade to more highly paid position. A talisman in the form of a dragon will bring material and spiritual well-being. It can be kept at home or in the workplace in the form of a figurine, panel or embroidery.

Figure 9. Dragon near the cave

The energy of the symbol must be applied and strengthened with the help of affirmations:

1. Everything I work with brings me material well-being.

2. Streams bringing material well-being are directed at me from Heaven.

3. I attract good luck and prosperity.

Exercise to release the energy of the “Floating Dragon” symbol. Starting position – standing, legs together, arms down and relaxed. Place your palms together at chest level and move them to the left ( right hand facing upward) and draw a semicircle above your head, then a semicircle at the bottom of your stomach. Bring your arms to your chest and do the same movements in a mirror manner. It turns out that you are describing a figure of three loops in the air. Movements should be performed smoothly and without tension. Repeat the exercise eight times.

Three-legged toad

The Three-Legged Toad, or Toad with Three Legs, is one of the most popular symbols for attracting wealth known to us from the philosophy of Feng Shui. It is aimed at gaining monetary luck.

Figure 10. Toad with three legs

This toad is considered a symbol of wealth and immortality. The toad's mouth can be free, but most often it holds a coin or a “fan” of three coins in it (Fig. 10).

The symbol is placed in the Wealth sector (south-eastern part of the house or office). You cannot place the talisman in the bathroom, toilet, kitchen, or bedroom. The toad should be in an “active” area with positive energy: for example, in the living room or office. I bury it if the south-eastern sector of the house coincides with the corner of the living room, located diagonally opposite the entrance to this room. Such a place is considered ideal for the location of a three-legged talisman and is called the “corner of Power.” You can also place a toad in the hallway, symbolically creating the appearance that wealth has entered the house. The toad should “look” in the direction from the entrance, then wealth will come into the house and not flow out of it. It is possible to increase the effect of the symbol by placing it in a fountain or small pond. If you purchased a toad with an empty open mouth, it is better to insert a real coin into it. It is preferable to choose a toad of a metallic color (gold, copper or bronze, or their imitation), similar in shape to a real, live toad.

Dragon turtles with a coin in their mouth

The dragon turtle is another symbol from the feng shui tradition. This symbol represents wisdom (turtle) and fortitude (dragon). The symbol exists in several versions, one of which is a dragon turtle with a coin in its mouth (Fig. 11). This version of the symbol works for financial well-being, adding wisdom in resolving money issues.

Figure 11. Dragon turtle with a coin in its mouth

The symbol cannot be placed on Blank sheet paper or near faulty equipment, otherwise his energy will be disrupted. Like other talismans that help attract wealth, the dragon turtle should look inside the house, and not towards the entrance.

Hieroglyph "Wealth"

The symbol is a Chinese character, according to the Feng Shui tradition, endowed with powerful energy to activate the wealth zone in the home. The hieroglyph for wealth can be considered an ancient Chinese symbol.

The image of this hieroglyph must be placed in the southeastern zone of the house or room in the form of a panel or embroidery (Fig. 12).

Figure 12. Hieroglyph “Wealth”

It is good to keep such a symbol in your wallet or safe. It is advisable to choose natural materials for applying the symbol: natural fabric, ink or threads made of wool or silk, a wooden or bamboo frame. You can draw the hieroglyph yourself, then it will absorb your energy and be focused on your needs. Placed in the interior, this symbol will not only attract wealth, but will also positively affect the energy of the room, improving the spiritual state of its inhabitants.

Bat flying to the moon

The image of a bat flying at night towards the moon dates back to Ancient China (Fig. 13). The bat represents overcoming uncertainty. A person who decides to achieve material well-being will find a way even in darkness. You should listen to your intuition.

The symbol is used when applying for a new job or moving to a new position, opening a new business, and also before talking with your boss about a salary increase.

This symbol can be placed in the interior in the form of a flat image or figurine, or carried with you as an amulet. At the same time, the second semantic part of the symbol (the Moon) is often omitted, implying that the bat, in any case, makes its way at night and strives for its goal. A talisman (amulet) with a bat will not only bring confidence and good luck in obtaining material wealth, but will also protect against negative energy.

Figure 13. Bat flying to the Moon

You can apply and enhance the energy of the symbol using affirmations:

1. I want and can achieve my goal.

1. I control the well-being of my life.

2. All my desires and dreams for material well-being come true.

Exercise to release the energy of a symbol. In a standing position, lower your arms down and cross your wrists slightly below your navel with your palms facing your stomach. Women place their left hand on top, men place their right hand. Bend your knees and look straight ahead. Exhalation. Straightening your knees, raise your arms up with one swing without separating them. Thoughts are concentrated on the fact that in the upper position, raised arms pierce clouds of problems, while turning your palms up and to the sides. Inhale. With a volitional movement, separate and spread your arms, lower them to the sides without tilting forward or backward (the arms make a circular movement with the center at shoulder joint without bending). Initial position. Exhalation. Repeat the exercise ten times.

Magic circle and infinity

The circle, engulfed in flames, contains the numerical symbol of infinity (number 8) and an arrow pointing upward (Fig. 14). The circle symbolizes the protection of existing savings, the arrow - determination, optimism, activity, undertakings, the number 8 - endless material prosperity. The place of origin is considered The Ancient East, it is difficult to establish more precisely the date and time of appearance of this symbol.

Figure 14. Magic circle and infinity

The symbol is used at any time to preserve and increase wealth, positive energy and self-confidence.

You can apply and enhance the energy of the symbol using affirmations:

1. I am rich, my life is a continuous holiday.

2. I know the secrets of getting rich.

3. I enjoy prosperity and abundance.

Exercise to release the energy of a symbol. Starting position – lying down, body relaxed, eyes closed, you can turn on calm music for meditation, but it’s better to do without it. You are calm. You listen to the sounds of music. Everything around you gradually loses its importance and means less and less to you. All days are alike. Your heart opens towards the positive, like a flower towards the rays of the Sun. Your soul is open to what is to come. Music penetrates your heart and leaves smoothly, gently. Each new breath fills you, you become larger and turn into a Holy Grail, ready to be received. All tension goes away, all its causes disappear, you have thrown them out of yourself. Everything unnecessary falls off of you like a mask. Negative energy flows out of you with every exhalation. Your breathing is becoming softer and calmer. You feel comfortable and cozy. Every breath brings light freshness. The body merges into one with the music. You feel its sounds with every cell of your body. You turn into sound, your feelings sound. All thoughts turn into music. You enjoy harmony. A few more inhalations and exhalations, and you part with this melody. Move your fingers, arm joints and toes slightly. Smoothly return to reality. Open your eyes.

Yin-Yang Magic Circle

The symbol depicts a burning circle in which the signs of the Zodiac and the symbol of the feminine and masculine principles are placed (Fig. 15). The origin of the symbol can be attributed to Ancient China or Tibet.

Figure 15. Yin-Yang magic circle

The described image represents material savings. The feminine principle symbolizes the possibility of the emergence of something new, the masculine principle symbolizes the power to embody this new thing. Zodiac signs mean cosmic processes that affect a person.

The symbol is relevant when you need to replenish your savings, if you are delayed in paying your debt or wages, and also when you want to open your own business. When working with a symbol, pay attention to the surrounding circumstances, be attentive to what is happening around you.

The magic circle provides support and protection in achieving financial well-being.

You can apply and enhance the energy of the symbol using the same affirmations as for the magic circle with infinity.

Pendulum in the sky

The symbol depicts a man at the altar, above him a pendulum swings in the sky (Fig. 16). All this symbolizes overcoming hesitations and winning over them and yourself, as well as over your competitors.

When choosing symbols to attract wealth, focus on natural materials. Wood and metal are associated with wealth in Feng Shui philosophy. The energy of the symbols can be recharged with clean water poured into a vase or aquarium next to them.

The symbol appeared among alchemists in the Middle Ages. He did not immediately become the personification of wealth. Presumably, the symbol received this interpretation in France.

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All of the listed signs and signs accompanying enrichment:

Small mole on bald spot, located near the crown, symbolizes upcoming success.

Dark Saturnian-colored mole on top of head prophesies wealth and nobility for its owner.
Mole on forehead predicts success and wealth, and the closer it is to the middle part of the forehead, the better.
Mole on any of the hands speaks of wealth. A mole on the hand is a sign of loyalty and determination, as well as prosperity and generosity.
Mole at the front of the throat is the most favorable sign, predicting a rich marriage or a successful career that will ensure prosperity.
Massive, strong, square palm is a sign and source of energy. For example, we can cite the palm of the American actress Angelina Jolie; her palm shape is a sign of wealth:

Beautifully encircling the distinct Mount of Venus, the life line indicates ardor and
enormous vitality. If you also have a long thumb, this energy is tripled. The more energy, the more materially rich a person can become.

Mole on the navel is a sign of wealth and good luck.
Birthmark on (or above) the right eyebrow predicts success in business, love, and wealth for its owner.
Moles located on any part of the nose They usually talk about upcoming success in life, about a happy marriage.
Mole on one of the ears is a sure sign of wealth.
Mole on the chin indicates a love of travel, as well as good luck.
Mole in the armpit There are generous and attractive people.
Moles on left breast found among hardworking, prudent people, whose lives usually turn out well and bring abundance.
Mole located on the right knee, speaks of a good-natured character, honesty, great material success, and also the presence of many friends.
Mole located on the toes, predicts for its owner a marriage with a wealthy person.

Birds that bring wealth and good luck

Hear the duck quack- a lucky sign foreshadowing wealth. Seeing her in flight is extraordinary luck, especially for people who are sad or excited.

Eagle. A very good sign. Among the Romans, it was considered the main bird, which symbolized the supreme power of Jupiter, often depicted next to the eagle. Guarantees prosperity.

Martin. It was also considered by the ancients to be one of the happiest birds. It is a symbol of spring, awakening and rebirth of nature. It was considered a lucky sign to see a lone swallow before the others arrived. If a swallow made a nest on the eaves of a house, this promised good luck and also happiness to the inhabitants of the house.

Woodpecker. It is considered a lucky bird, a meeting with which portends success, especially when received as a reward for one’s efforts.

Wren. A charming brown bird that is a sign of good luck.

Stork. According to the Roman augurs, it is one of the happiest birds. In Sweden it is called the sacred bird of great success in all endeavors.

Peacock. Just as the Romans associated the eagle with Jupiter, so the peacock was identified with Juno, who was the queen of heaven. The happiest of all possible signs was considered to be a meeting with a peacock. If you see a peacock spreading its tail, you can hope for prosperity and happiness.

Cuckoo. When you hear the cuckoo, expect wealth.

Pigeon. Refers to the most lucky signs, which is associated with signs indicating happiness, love and blessings for the wedding.

Animal wealth

Ram. It is a sign of success in life, wealth and nobility.
Horse- symbolizes wealth.

Rituals for enrichment and good luck

To get rich, on Maundy Thursday you need wash yourself with gold and silver.
Wealth will bring Fern flower, found at night on Ivan Kupala.
bring good luck chipped coins, which should be kept in your wallet.
The symbol of wealth is thumb ring.
If carry a double nut in your wallet, you will become rich.
If go under the bridge by car and see a train driving across the bridge, you need to urgently put any money on your head, after which the money will arrive. If you don’t have enough time, you can put a briefcase or wallet with money on your head.
Buy a car from rich people- to good luck.
Find droppings on the body- to money.
planted birch tree near the house scares away evil, protects from lightning, and also attracts wealth.
Mushrooms on the wall grew up - to wealth.
Take on the road elder staff Then you will not be afraid of either dangerous people or wild animals.
If you find it and carry it with you weed-grass, you will gain goodness and talent. Odolen-grass is the popular name for water lilies.
Dried shamrock stored in the house will bring prosperity.
Accidentally spilling rye- to good luck. Grain is a symbol of life and fertility.
If carry dry hops with you, you will become rich and be saved from damage.
If eat Chernobyl with food, you don't have to be afraid snake bites, no sorcerers, no poverty.
Eating a piece of bread with salt at the beginning and also at the end of lunch, you will become rich and happy.
Banknotes in a wallet should be placed on the front side(the one where the portrait is printed), to the owner. In the smallest compartment you need to store a one dollar bill folded in the shape of a triangle.
You should keep a “lucky coin” in your wallet.(received from a good person, the first one you earned, the remainder from a successful transaction, etc.). You cannot spend it - it is a lucky talisman of prosperity, otherwise the money may become “offended” and stop coming to you.
A bird flew into the house- a symbol of wealth and good luck for the owner of the house.
Before any important task, for example, going to the boss’s office or taking a test, you need to: put your hands in your pockets and make a fuss there, and then immediately go to the goal.
Tea leaves and bubbles floating in tea in morning coffee appear to money.
To be splashed and washed with Ilyinsky rain(which was on Elijah's day - August 2) means - to attract wealth.
Suddenly it started to rain while leaving for long journey - to a prosperous path.
Mistletoe branch, which was plucked before the summer solstice and hidden under the pillow, will allow you to see prophetic dreams about wealth (Wales).
It is recommended to start new things on Tuesday, as well as Thursday or Saturday - these days are considered to be the most favorable.
Mice living in the house, promise wealth.
see a rainbow- to the fulfillment of desires.
Sneeze on Monday– receive a gift: the number of times you sneeze, the number of gifts you will receive.
Sudden snow, rain or blizzard on the wedding day- to prosperity and wealth, to money.
Sign regarding the bed: getting out of bed in the morning through a step or footstool, expect a good day.
In real rice, the individual patterns stick together because they have a different structure. Education like this rice when cooking rings around the edges of the pan promises wealth. http://site
Turn over the sugar bowl- to achieve abundance in the future.
Accidentally mix up sugar and salt when preparing food - this is a good sign that does not depend on the taste of the prepared dish and portends good news.
If you suddenly dropped a glass, miraculously remaining intact, you have friends who are ready to even throw themselves into fire or water for your sake.
Having heard, going to bed, song of the mockingbird, expect quick luck.
In the past, snakes were often kept in houses for protection, so to this day presence of a snake in the house considered a sign of happiness.
Seeing a snake in the garden, know that you can still get rich.
Seeing traces of any wild animals in the snow walking around your house, expect good luck in the future.
Seeing in the morning or at another time spider in the house, expect happiness.
Getting a golden manicure, you will attract money to your hands.
Birds love to build nests over a good house who expects happiness in the future. This is probably explained by the presence of an aura of well-being and tranquility in houses inhabited by kind and loving people. Therefore, sensing such a favorable aura, birds begin to build nests over such houses.
Seeing a flying dove, get good news.
Tricolor cat, will bring prosperity and wealth to the family.
If a cat reaches out to a person- this promises benefit or renewal.
Japanese traders believe that if the cat suddenly runs its left paw across its ear, buyers will certainly come to their store, or a profitable deal will soon be made.
Dropping, sweeping, broom, you can make a wish before you pick it up - the wish will certainly come true.
Also in Russian villages there is the following sign: a large number of matches will bring wealth to the house.
The Mongols of the era of Genghis Khan believed pearls are a symbol of power and wealth, as well as power.

There is a very powerful sign of wealth located in the upper chest, under the collarbone, on the lucky side towards the center. If there are three small moles forming a triangle, this is
a symbol of enormous wealth, abundance, and the kind of wealth that does not need to be earned, one day wealth will simply fall on you, perhaps in the form of an unexpected inheritance.

The most faithful symbol of inheritance is, after all, another sign that should be located
on the buttocks. In Old Russian, even the word “ass” meant inheritance. This sign should be located on the lower part of the buttocks, on the happy side, in the place where a smooth line separates the buttocks from the thigh. If you have it there dark or bluish birthmark shade, this is a symbol of the great inheritance that you will receive in the future. If this speck is not round, but flattened and has the outline of an almost uneven oval, this is a sign that the inheritance will be simply huge.
There are also signs of wealth. One of them is located in upper area feet,
near the ankle. In that place there should be two moles, one above the other, but in this case – on the negative side. They symbolize secret sources of income, possibly illegal money.
If the moles are large, they indicate improperly acquired wealth. People with this sign are under constant temptation and must be on their guard. In this case, the moles should be approximately the same and located, preferably, horizontally.
Signs can be not only moles, but even unexpectedly popped up pimples, which are temporary symbols. If acne suddenly pops up in one of the above places, expect to get rich soon.

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There are many talismans, amulets and symbols that will help you avoid failures and bring happiness, well-being and prosperity to your home.

According to Feng Shui, one of the most effective talismans, which help maintain health are amulets made of willow wood, which are carved in the form of a gourd. A jade wand will bring good luck, health and a favorable atmosphere to your home. In Chinese books, artists often illustrate children holding this magic wand in their hands.

Popular symbols of well-being

In order for a meeting to take place, you can place two butterflies in your home, so you can invite a long-awaited meeting and see someone you care about. Bamboo is used to create a strong-willed atmosphere. This material symbolizes high moral values, the desire to achieve success, and invincibility. A bamboo flute will fit perfectly into any interior. It is generally accepted that this instrument is capable of protecting the home from evil forces. In China, it is customary to hang not one, but two bamboo flutes, each with a red ribbon tied around it. Tools can be placed on the ceiling with the hole pointing downwards. The tilt angle should be about 30°.

According to ancient Chinese legends and traditions, it is generally accepted that the earth is inhabited by both good and evil, rebellious forces. A person can attract both. It is important to invoke the spirits of home, mercy and longevity. In order to attract wealth, you can place it on the table, and so that luck does not leave you on long years, Buddha should be stroked on his stomach as often as possible. Among the additional paraphernalia that will create a favorable atmosphere is a vase with fresh wildflowers. She will give you peace of mind.

The dragon is the most popular symbol of good luck. is the main patron of power. It is generally accepted that all other animals obey him. You can decorate clothes, tablecloths, and curtains with the image of a dragon. The ancients are able to protect young people and provide comfort, coziness, and well-being. The image of an old man with a high forehead symbolizes longevity and good luck in the family. A crane or deer is placed next to the elder, and pomegranates and peaches can be placed at the feet. The spirit of longevity is depicted in paintings that look great on the wall.

The power of magical hieroglyphs and flowers

The crane is one of the symbols of purity; it expresses justice. In the past, statues of cranes could be seen in courtrooms. Thus, impartiality and justice were symbolized. This bird is a noble symbol.

In order to ensure prosperity for your family, you should purchase a painting depicting the hieroglyph of longevity. Since ancient times, this symbol has been attributed the magical property of prolonging life; the hieroglyph can be pasted on the wall or embroidered on tablecloths and curtains. The Chinese people consider longevity to be their main happiness. When a person congratulated someone on longevity, he was presented with an amulet on which a peach was depicted. To bring happiness and good luck into your home, you need to depict the corresponding hieroglyph, which is often written in cursive.

Hieroglyphs are often depicted on posters. They can appear as a word or as a single character. Thus, the talisman becomes the guardian of goodness and happiness in the house. You can write words of religious significance and place this poster in the room. Talismans with hieroglyphs can be carried with you so that good luck accompanies you in all your endeavors. The carp fish symbolizes intelligence, success and the possibility of easy learning. Carp is able to overcome any obstacles: swim against the current and at the same time maintain its strength.

Bells can become an irreplaceable thing in the house. They are assembled into a composition or hung separately. Bells are able to dissipate negative energy, which is ultimately destroyed, enhancing the impact favorable factors and help improve mood. If you are going to buy a painting with a picture of a cat around peonies, this will undoubtedly be the right decision. Happiness and good luck will come to the house. You are also guaranteed wealth and recognition among friends. Red roses add inspiration, but it is not recommended to place them in large numbers.

Animals are symbols of prosperity, success and moral fortitude.

Paintings or any other objects depicting bats will bring joy, luck and prosperity. These animals can be depicted in a picture and wishes of happiness can be written. Lotus is one of the most important, significant components of Feng Shui. This flower is a symbol of purity, creative imagination, peace of mind. A beautiful flower in swamp water will bring you good luck. The horse is a symbol of courage and endurance. An animal helps you understand that a person is capable of overcoming many obstacles. This animal is also a symbol of freedom and bright individuality. To wish to a loved one success in business, it is recommended to give him a horse figurine. The image of a lion in Feng Shui symbolizes the protection of a home or area from attack. Leo is a reliable protector of your home. There are many temples, theaters, and ancient buildings in the world with lions at the entrance. In this way, the animals ward off evil forces and ensure peace inside the building. Over time, the lion became a symbol of beauty, greatness, and masculinity. Placing a lion on items will make you feel bolder.

Animals such as sheep and rams are capable of bringing goodness, joy and good luck, they symbolize submission to elders.

The image of a rooster in a large-format painting will give you courage and confidence in any endeavor. The man will become more courageous and courageous. The rooster can symbolize perseverance, reliability and generosity. The image of a rooster together with chickens means fertility, a wish for family well-being and many children. Future children are provided with excellent education. If a rooster is depicted among peonies, then it brings good luck, fame and wealth. If you place a picture like this on your wall, you are guaranteed recognition.

The elephant is a sign of goodness and prosperity. This animal symbolizes peace and tranquility. Magpies bring happiness, especially hieroglyphs with their image. Birds are symbols of happiness, peace and prosperity. A dog is a reliable protection. One of the most common symbols of courage, valor and bravery is the tiger. The white tiger is a strong, reliable protector from harm. The animal is associated with the ability to lead, with strength and power. The tiger is capable of bringing fame and fortune to people who are actively involved in show business. The animal may be depicted on boats in dragon races. According to Chinese traditions, the tiger, like all predatory animals, removes evil spirits from the room, since it has the ability to scare them away.

The personification of goodness and higher heavenly powers is the phoenix. It testifies to self-sacrifice for the sake of good. In particular, it is customary to depict 5 phoenix flowers. They symbolize philanthropy, peace, loyalty, duty, and adherence to standards of behavior. The phoenix symbolizes fertility and gives a good harvest.

Sacred plants - symbols of good luck

Peony is a mysterious flower that symbolizes love, luxury and honor. Chinese painting has many images with peonies. In China, it is customary to paint porcelain. This material depicts a huge number of peonies. The symbol of immortality is the peach. Since ancient times, peaches have been part of the elixir of longevity. These fruits are considered to be the key to marital happiness.

Trees, according to the Chinese, have sacred power, and things suspended on branches are a symbol of wealth and gratitude. Sacred trees can bring goodness to people and help heal illnesses. The branches are often decorated with lanterns. Symbols of having many children are dried fruits, which were traditionally placed on the wedding table. Chestnuts and peanuts must be present on the festive table. Pomegranates and cucumbers were also symbols of large families; they can be used to fill vases. In China, there is still a tradition of giving vases to newlyweds. Such a gift is a wish for peace and prosperity.

Tangerines are symbols of good luck, prosperity and longevity for the whole family. The larger the fruit, the stronger the wish for happiness.

Amulets in the form of coins have long been popular. Each coin carries a certain symbolism. Coins with the image of a cypress or pine tree symbolize prosperity, abundance, and also physical and moral fortitude. They are symbols of fidelity and prosperity.

A blooming peach tree is associated with the coming of spring. The branches have beneficial medicinal properties that will bring longevity, luck and love.

ART Studio "Art of Russia"

The characters have great importance in our lives - this is both influence and impact on the lives and fate of people, and it is also a good way to change everything! - it works great and positive effect much stronger if you openly and without doubt believe, attach great importance and need. It is obvious that knowledge and understanding of the meaning of symbols, and even more so unshakable faith, enhances their impact on the person who owns this or that talisman and amulet! Eternal and most popular symbols for attracting good luck and wealth - money, love, health, happiness and goodness. With the help of powerful symbols, it is quite easy to change your life, which is why this knowledge is so in demand, and perhaps this is what will make you happy and give you everything you dreamed of. And since you, dear visitor, are here, let me assume that you are looking for “your” symbol that will help you in your business, and if this is so, then this article is for you!

Talismans and amulets to attract

Ancient amulets can be for good luck, luck or protection from negative factors, give confidence to the owner - this is also pectoral crosses, reliquaries, pendants, medallions, cufflinks, rings, earrings, even a brooch or tattoo on the body. This is all for external protection, staying outside the home. And at home they keep icons, crucifixes, figurines, masks made of wood and leather, or paintings by artists with the necessary images to achieve one or another result - perhaps it’s an old painting passed down by inheritance or a horseshoe, or maybe it’s a grandmother’s chest with history.

Pictures of power

By the way, the paintings for sale on the site are selected taking into account the beneficial effects of the subjects depicted on them! In order to complement places with strength, add positive energy and bring good luck to the owner. A painting is much more effective and powerful in action than a factory stamping or reproduction. The painting is a product of manual labor, and is a translator of its unique meaning and conveys through the plot of the painting, selection color palette- a set of colors used. Go to the site gallery and choose your talisman and amulet in the form of oil paintings on canvas by artists. The energy of which is obvious, see for yourself!

The veneration and worship of symbols has been going on for a long time; the presence of symbols is mandatory in any ritual. And when magical ritual such attributes are extremely important, the success and effectiveness of the ritual performed depends on it. It is important not to become a hostage to these thoughts! - for example, if a person got a car license plate with the numbers 666 (the number of the beast) by chance, this is one thing, and as a rule it does not have much more power than what the person ideologically acquired for himself! This has been proven. People, feeling protected, begin to believe in themselves more than usual, and, overestimating their strengths and capabilities, make “mistakes.” Moderation is good in everything, the main thing to remember is without fanaticism!

They choose “their” symbol, amulet or talisman, based on their internal state, need, necessity. In order to do right choice It is important to clearly understand the meaning, and as a result, the true purpose! Very popular symbols of love are images of an orchid, which also serves as a symbol of sophistication, and a peony, whose bright flowers serve as a symbol of ardent passion and unquenchable love. Two carp symbolize complete harmony in the relationship between a man and a woman, and a pair of geese symbolize trust and fidelity in marriage. Artists often depict vases in their paintings. A vase is a symbol of calm and stability, and a vase filled with something is a symbol of material well-being, wealth and prosperity. Carps are symbols of good luck and enlightenment. The number of fish depicted in the picture is important: as stated earlier, two carps are a symbol of complete harmony between the two sexes, and nine carps provide their owner with a chance for enrichment and material prosperity.

Important and popular symbols

Also important are the popular symbols of health - “Bamboo, pine and cherry blossom branch”: health, active life, not knowing old age for many years, youth and renewal - these three traditional Feng Shui symbols strengthen and complement each other. Symbols of protection and protection of the space around us are paintings with images of tigers and lions. Smaller felines, leopards and jungle cats, symbolize courage, courage and fortitude. The eagle is a powerful symbol of success, and represents power, courage, and keen intelligence. Image of a horse - the patroness of children. It symbolizes speed and perseverance, bestows strength and endurance, and gives children rapid development. Another popular animal is the goat, which is a powerful symbol of goodness, happiness and material well-being. It is impossible not to separately note the lucky bamboo, so beloved by the Chinese, which guarantees success in business prosperity, and is also a powerful conductor of positive energy.

List of Feng Shui symbols that can be used in the home and their traditional meanings:

Bells– dispel negative energy

Twisted sink– prosperity and good luck in travel

The Dragon– the highest symbol of luck and creativity

A pair of mandarin ducks- happiness in love

gold fish- success in financial affairs

Horse– speed and endurance

Beautiful landscapes- luck in life

Monkey– cunning and protection from failures

Plum blossom- luck and happiness in love

Waterfall– to attract good luck to the house

Tubular bells, wind chimes– dissipation of negative energy

Three-legged toad- symbol of wealth retention

Hotei- monk, one of the gods of happiness, fun and prosperity. He predetermines people's destinies and helps in the fulfillment of cherished dreams

Sailing vessel– arrival of goods and money. It should “float” inside the house

Gourd pumpkin– happy changes, recovery

Money Tree– growth of material well-being

Stork- a symbol of beauty, health and the appearance of an heir in the family

dragon turtle- a unique symbol of harmony with the Universe. Protects the house from everything bad that can penetrate or accumulate in it

Three turtles stacked on top of each other- a symbol of family unity that brings peace, tranquility and intimacy for life.

Pictures of good luck and attracting money

Paintings to attract good luck and money are paintings by artists depicting money, and it doesn’t matter whether they are drawn with paper bills or scattered coins. Not long ago, while visiting, I was lucky and I captured two such works, look at them in the photo - it is important that the picture is bright and in warm colors, so that the colors of the paints warm the eye and hold it. Subjects of paintings with a seascape and a sailing ship are in great demand, but here the placement of the painting in the house plays an important role. To bring great benefits, money and good luck into the house, the owner needs to hang the picture in such a way that the ship or sailboat is directed to the farthest corner in the house, in relation to the street. - into the very depths of the apartment! - buy and place symbolic paintings correctly.

Very popular magic symbols in the paintings, especially playing cards. Whether it’s playing cards or Tarot, the main thing is that the strongest layout is drawn, and for those who like risk, a “dangerous” combination of cards is needed. The depiction of cards in paintings or playing cards symbolizes excitement and good luck! Even if it is not the cards themselves that are drawn, but their senior suits, the highest in the hierarchy - spades or hearts. If you want to achieve love, then you need hearts! The Queen of Hearts card is a figured card and represents dynamic emotions, sensuality and the manifestation of creativity. Always means Woman. The Queens of Hearts are the “mothers of love” and they share endless love with everyone they meet in life, and of course, the legendary Queen of Spades! - all these are strong symbols and powerful signs often painted on the canvases of great artists of the past and modern masters of high-class painting.

Pictures for good luck and fulfillment of desires

The site's gallery sells finished paintings with positive energy! - all the subjects in the paintings are light and pleasant. Artists, like no one else, are familiar with mystical symbols, and of course, focusing on demand, they apply their knowledge in creativity. Buy paintings to attract money, health and everything you want!

Or choose the necessary symbols or the most important and necessary ancient amulets from those listed in the list and order for yourself an image of powerful signs and symbols in the form of wall paintings in a country house or city apartment. This could be a custom painting, which we will paint in oil according to your subject! - order an image of “Your” symbol! But first, look at the paintings painted in oil on canvas by modern and very talented Russian artists. In the section of our website “Sale of paintings” there is a professional selection of paintings, the works are already framed, reasonable prices and free delivery in Moscow on the day of order.

Important knowledge for women and men about signs and symbols

The most important and necessary knowledge about symbols says the following: “Using strong and powerful magical symbols in the house to attract good, you must be extremely careful and careful, and first, study the meaning of a powerful symbol in different sources! - in order to accurately understand its true meaning-interpretation, otherwise, it may cause negative and Negative influence paintings, and therefore the corresponding effect.” The erroneous use and placement of signs and symbols in a house or apartment can lead to the opposite result, or, as an example, lead the owner to “magical thinking” - a mental deviation.

Tattoos occupy a special place! - any change on the body or making additions in the form of a tutu is a very important step, think 1001 times before drawing! In our opinion, the most effective way to attract good luck, happiness, health and wealth is to believe in yourself! Be active and healthy image life, develop spiritually! Strong symbols and signs will certainly help, but the main work still belongs to you! For a better understanding of what we want to convey, I would like to give a couple of quotes from songs: “Just believe in yourself and everything will get better!” - and, “You must be strong, otherwise why should you be!?”

We wish you happiness, love, success, health and new achievements!

Full or partial reprinting of information is prohibited

24-01-2013, 16:42

Feng Shui is a Chinese science that helps improve human life. According to Feng Shui, there are certain objects or symbols that can have a positive impact on our lives. The dragon is one of the feng shui symbols. This mythical animal also plays an important role in Chinese culture and is quite common in Chinese mythology and folklore. Unlike the Western characterization of the dragon as an evil and dangerous creature, in Chinese culture the snake has many positive qualities.

In Chinese culture, this animal has always been believed to have the power and ability to control and change the climate, including the movements of the sun, wind, rain and clouds. That is why, according to ancient Chinese science, people engaged in agricultural business, as well as those whose work depends on the climate, should have a dragon symbol at home or in the workplace. In addition, the dragon is also a symbol of wealth, success and prosperity. It is believed that people who have a dragon holding a crystal or pearl in its paws at home or in the office will be rewarded not only with power, but also with money and good luck. According to Feng Shui, the snake represents "Yang" - a strong masculine energy, so the dragon in Feng Shui symbolizes creativity and activity. It should be kept in places related to work or in places with high energy, as it increases the chances of achieving success and prosperity.

The dragon is also a symbol of the number nine, which is considered a sign of good luck. This is why many people place it with the number nine in their homes. In addition, it symbolizes abundance, protection and immorality. It is used to attract stability in love and marriage. It is believed that placing this figurine next to the phoenix will guarantee a long, happy life.

Types of dragons in feng shui

Feng Shui dragons come in a variety of colors including: red, blue, green and gold.

Golden dragon feng shui
Golden represents prosperity.
Green is a symbol of good luck, prosperity and happiness.

Blue dragon feng shui
Blue is a symbol of success, power and wealth.
The red feng shui dragon is a symbol of energy, luck, excitement and passion.

How and where to place a snake figurine correctly

How and where to place a feng shui dragon correctly
Feng Shui dragon should be placed in right place, since according to the principles of ancient Chinese science, a symbol occupying the wrong place causes Negative consequences. According to Feng Shui, the snake should be located in the southeastern part of the house or office. However, you should not place it in the bedroom, garage, bathroom, closet, etc. This is because the dragon represents activity, and placing it in places intended for relaxation and inactivity cannot bring anything good. The best place to place this symbol - a living room or hall. Another mistake that some people make is placing nine dragon talismans in the house because of its association with the number nine. This should not be done. The maximum number for one house is five. There is one more important point, which you should know. The talisman should stand at eye level and in no case higher. If the dragon has a pearl or crystal in its paws, it should not face a window, door or solid wall.

Other related articles:

6 – good savings for the second half of life thanks to hard work, a dangerous number in numerology, but it represents financial security; it is better to work in serious, vital areas (health care, politics, law, education) or start your own business;

7 – mystery, research, knowledge, there is no predisposition to sudden success and prosperity, the path to wealth lies through knowledge, spiritual development; material well-being can be obtained by engaging in science and research;

8 is a lucky number, meaning a comfortable existence throughout your life, material success, you just need to successfully use your leadership acumen, find a worthy team or recruit your own team;

9 – there is always the right amount of money, but not for personal purposes, but for the implementation of business projects, constant striving and increasing capital to achieve new goals; Great profit will come from working in a spiritual direction - charitable activities, creating a public foundation, etc.

11 – lucky number, the owner of which was created for a special program of action; this program must be clarified from the Higher Powers, your financial patron symbol through meditation and spiritual searches; if some business doesn’t work out, then you need to look further: perhaps the mission is much more responsible or does not have the goal of obtaining untold wealth;

Chapter 2 Symbols for attracting good luck

Luck - white stripe in life. Sometimes you really need to bring her into the house.

There are many symbols that can inspire optimism and attract positive energy for “happy occurrences.”

Symbols in the interior


The mythical animal in the form of a horse with a long, most often sparkling horn on its forehead, has three main symbolic meanings: attracting good luck, pure strength and healing wounds (Fig.

37). Different cultures have different images of the unicorn, including an animal with the head of a deer and the tusks of a boar. However, the unifying difference in the form of a horn on the forehead is unchanged.

In Russian culture, the image of a unicorn in the form of a graceful horse has taken root. Most early time, when the presence of this mythical animal in culture was established - III century. BC. Coins of ancient Indian cities with the image of a unicorn are dated to this period. India was considered the birthplace of unicorns in ancient Greek and Roman myths.

Figure 37.


An embroidered panel with a picture of a unicorn will become a powerful talisman of good luck. Hieroglyph “Luck” Chinese character meaning “luck” (Fig. 38). The symbol attracts positive energy and good luck. It is good to place it in the career area (northern sector of the house) or carry it with you in the form of an amulet or tattoo.

Figure 38.

Hieroglyph "Luck"

You can apply and enhance the energy of the symbol using affirmations:

1. I'm always lucky! I'm always lucky! I'm always lucky!

2. The energy of luck goes where there is joy, pleasure and happiness.

3. I am happy and attract the energy of luck.

Wheel of Fortune The Wheel of Fortune is a double-sided amulet, on one side of which there is a wheel with symbols of planets or signs of the Zodiac, and on the other side a symbol of Jupiter, personifying prosperity and optimism (Fig.

39). Can be depicted as a one-sided symbol, without the function of a portable amulet and with almost free rules. Its origins are linked to several practices, including Buddhism, Hinduism and Feng Shui.

Figure 39. Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune personifies the changeability of luck, the continuity of the flow of life. However, it can be depicted independently in such a way as to set it to a slightly different meaning, namely gradual luck in different areas of life (Fig.

40). The wheel itself should be drawn in two lines, between which the wording of the affirmation should be written in a circle to work with the energy of the symbol. The inscription options are as follows:

1. The limitless abundance of nature is continuously expressed through my life.

2. I attract good luck, I affirm happiness, I multiply love with the endless power of nature.

3. The energy cycle of my life continuously goes through phases of luck, love and wisdom.

The power of the Creator more than satisfies my needs.

5. The more energy I give, the more energy I receive.

6. I express nature, abundance and luck.

Figure 40.

Wheel of Fortune: homemade version

The wheel may have seven or eight spokes, each of which is signed by a certain area of ​​​​life and consciousness: love, success, compassion, joy, unity, wisdom, sincerity, happiness, perseverance, kindness, honesty, luck, courage. Select those that need to be emphasized and that require adjustments. An image of the OM symbol should be placed in the center of the wheel (where the bushing should be). This is the sign of the OM mantra.

Instead, you can simply write the pronoun “I”.

The teachings of Feng Shui and other pagan and occult traditions are incompatible with many religions. You can combine the incongruous only if you carefully consider the great variety of advice and carefully select from among all the symbols exactly those that will bring harmony to your soul and home.

An exercise to strengthen the energy of a symbol. Holding the image of the symbol in front of you, relax completely.

Watch the spokes of the wheel spread out to the sides. Focus on the fact that they affect all aspects of your life, bringing success and prosperity to them.

Symbols for attracting money, luck, happiness, wealth

Deep breath. Finish the meditation.

Once activated, you can place the symbol in a visible place in your home.

The music of wind

Wind chime in the Chinese tradition of Feng Shui is an object made up of small objects collected on a string (fishing line, rope, ribbon) that vibrate under the influence of the wind and produce certain sounds (Fig. 41). Most often, objects are collected into a composition and carefully selected by color.

Figure 41.

The music of wind

Other names for this symbol are windmill, windmill, Chinese bells. This is a symbol that attracts good luck. It received the name “mill” because objects strung on a rope are crushed and ground by the wind, breaking it into ringing or rustling sounds.

Today, the most popular symbols are those with a central pendulum and hollow tubes along the edges.

Straws can be metal, glass, ceramic and bamboo. The sound version of the talisman depends on this.

Wind chimes to activate energy should be hung in “unfortunate” rooms - long corridors, rooms where the door is located opposite the window, rooms with sharp corners, etc.

d. If it is necessary to use it protective function(repel negative energy), the talisman is placed outside the house. Some experts believe that this is not the best option, since wind music scares away patron spirits. If you need to dispel negative energy when entering a room, hang wind chimes at the door so that the person entering always touches it (for example, with the door). To attract good luck, you should choose a wind chime with six or seven metal hollow tubes.

The ideal number of tubes in wooden and bamboo talismans is three or four. You can place wind chimes in the sector of the house that needs to attract good luck and activate energy.

This talisman must be used constantly. If you just hang it up and forget about it, there will be no effect.

Fern The leaves of this plant are considered a symbol of good luck (Fig.

42). This tradition has its roots in Slavic folklore. But a special symbol of good luck is the fern flower, which, according to legend, blooms on the night of Ivan Kupala.

In fact, the fern does not bloom, but its image with blossoming flowers is still a powerful talisman of good luck. Legend has it that the fern flower emits light, indicating the place where the treasure is hidden.

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The sequence of Zodiac signs from Soul to Pisces is associated with a natural cycle that begins with the effect of spring equivalence.

Three thousand years ago this happened only on the “Oven” sign. The spiritual symbolism of the zodiac signs can be read in reverse order from Riba to Soul.

Consider the signs of the zodiac, for example, the ancient Egyptian sign of Dendera, carved in stone, along with the accompanying signs of the zodiac, mythological symbolism, a reading option available to the reader.

sign fish it shows two fish, one in the water and the other from the internal elements, which are inclined upward towards the unknown.

This is the beginning of Spiritual ascent. Above the jumping fish, the sign of the whole sun is confirmed by the chosen route; under the swimming fish, the boar is the god of dark outfits.

The fish that followed the path of development Aquarius, where it passes from two water jets - a test jet and a stimulating flow.

The passage through such initiation changes the fish into Capricorn, which is represented as a goat with a fish.

Through development and self-help, the fish turned into a more developed creature with the beginning of a vertical body structure.

Above Capricorn is the Mountain of God, on the right is the Ankh (Egyptian cross - a symbol of life), and on the left is Vass (the stick of strength and immunity).

He patronizes the spiritually developing creature and encounters Sith, the god of evil.

When the goat passes, the fish changes to Sagittarius. This is already half a person (head, body, arms) and half animals. The shooter is designed with a bow in his heart Scorpion, which symbolizes this sensuality that must be overcome in order to counterweights: Calmly and mindlessly consider your intentions and actions in response to your choices.

On a balanced beam in hot-air balloon there is a thoughtful person. The ball will move and fall out of balance if the balance is interrupted.

Once this stage of development has successfully passed, self-development reaches the sign Virgo which shows a gorgeous woman holding a grain of wheat (symbol of life). Behind the virgin is the god Anubis, who is temporarily and temporarily dead.

At this level they understood the idea of ​​life and death and their unity.

In the future in the constellation a lion depicts a lion who walks with the dragon of wisdom and cannot stop looking at the sun. Here great knowledge is achieved which makes the spirit royal, powerful and fearless.

Leonine formation appears in the inner nature of the Traveler.


The next stage of development is the sign cancer, always carries his shell (house) with him and comes back. This is the phase of finding your spiritual home (promise) in movement towards the source, as opposed to manifest reality. Thus the cancer reaches the mark Twins, where women and men are connected - two cosmic opposites.

The next evolutionary phase is the phase Taurus, where all power and strength are sacrificed or consecrated to the gods (the sacred bull of Apis).

This is the degree of complete commitment to become a pure vehicle of Divine will and light. When this is achieved, the body changes to Aries, The sun of cosmic wisdom and life's light is shining. The ram's horns are curved, so they cannot defend themselves. This is the last phase of development of a being embodied in a body.

Chebanov Igor,
Head of the Center "INTACT"

Luck - Auntie is so flighty and fussy that she very often passes us by in right time. And then do everything - if you decide to sleep today, then you will not see success as ears, and it does not matter whether you are diligent, hardworking and difficult - without success and good luck to everyone, it always goes wrong.

So what do you call happiness?

People have been looking for symbols and symbols for many years that would be successful and would help bring it to themselves, like a magnet. The most interesting symbols that will be discussed in this article.

Patchouli oil

In addition to its abundance of unusual cosmetic and medicinal properties, patchouli oil is considered a great magnet for attracting success.

People oil their wallets, thinking they will be happy to attract cash. In addition, there are many rites and rituals that sometimes act mystically, although they are completely harmless.

People who do not believe in symbolism and talismans believe that the secret of oil is to reduce appetite, which leads to saving money.

50 symbols of happiness and happiness from around the world (and you will find yours?)

The secret is revealed, but to the end?

Mannequins - some

Japanese talismans are the most popular symbols of success and happiness. For example, almost all fans of Japanese legends know that the manic is not a cat that has one of its own places.

Such a symbol is successful in work and actions.

Cats can be different forms, With different expressions faces and coats. Such statues can be seen at the entrance to the house - owners of cat plants in the hallway or on the porch. “Happy Guests” and brings them happiness.

Frog with three legs

These three legged frogs have coins in their mouths that create wealth and success. She sits on a stand made of Yin-Yang symbols.

It is believed that if you place such a figurine in every room in the south-east area, then it will attract good fortune and hence financial stability.

People doing business, sitting in the office or at home at a table, put a frog on the table. The main thing is that she does not look directly at you.

Animal pairs

Such sculptures and talismans are common to hold on to if you want to refer to happiness in your life. Two swans, a wolf or a dove - pairs of animals representing loyalty and commitment to death - allow you to have a successful marriage and prosperity in your family life.

Few people know that statues with doves that decorate a wedding cake or pie do not necessarily have to be with doves.

It's just a tradition that people come with and translate and misinterpret legends. Success in marriage and happiness in the family brings not only pigeons, but also other related animals.

Zlata ribica

Probably Pushkin also believes in symbolism when he wrote a fairy tale about a golden fish and an old man, and perhaps the fisherman will bring money and prosperity and success in everything, don't be so greedy for the old woman.

Fish can be in the form of mascots and in the form of completely living creatures that secrete bubbles into the aquarium.

A golden fish placed in clean water brings peace to the home, happiness and prosperity in business.

There are many famous symbols that we use more as a matter of custom and not because we truly believe in the power of our magic.

For example, we hung a horseshoe for luck, put pennies in shoes, looking for a four-leaf clover of flowers and a whispering kindergarten shoe before throwing it into the air.

They are surrounded by symbols that attract happiness; the main thing is to have time to notice them.

Russian currency symbols

Emblems, motto and names for the team

They don't win right away
But then go on and on
Our youth are persistent, respectable
Calling sports records!

In this part of the site you will find the real team motto and logo to prepare for fun endeavors.

motto- a short justification, usually expresses the leading idea of ​​​​behavior or activity.

emblem- this is a conventional image of an idea in a drawing, which is assigned one or another meaning.

The logos should be absolutely clear and simple, and the viewer should see in them what they would like to say to him.

trophy— are an indispensable attribute of organizing various festivals, competitions, tournaments and competitions.

Team name and motto


team"Well, wait!"

Most sports are the funniest! This way we will quickly achieve success.
If the other team is ahead of us, we will tell him: “Well, wait!”

motto: We are few, but we are in the dust!
speech:"We're smart, we're weird freckles!

I won! Try to catch us!"

motto: We're just a class of penguins
Win, try it!

motto: Although our light is weak and we are small, we are friendly and so strong.


A comet is in the sky and we're on the floor!
Live happily always and everywhere!

Fly forward and win!
We help everyone!


The comet has a motto:
"You Never Fall"

Motto1: Cheburashka - a true friend,
This helps everyone!

team"Scarlet Sails"

The winds are in the sails,
young people believe in miracles.

Always swim, swim everywhere,
and you will find the path to your dreams!


Camelot is always ahead of us
He was always the first Camelot!

motto: We are like rainbow colors, never inseparable!
motto: We are like pieces of an orange.
We are kind and indivisible.

team"Loyal Friends"

We are a band anywhere!

We are all masters in sports.
We will run, the ball is running,
To win the war

If a friend gives his word,
Never let us down!

Antipova Varvara


Life without a smile is a mistake
Live with your laughter and smile!


Kapitoshka is at the head,
Do not give up!

Nikita Pakhorukov
St. Petersburg University Gymnasium School No. 73


Fire, don't go away, and everyone can!


Our motto: friendship and success!

Today we will conquer everything!

Everything for one, for everyone,
Then the team will succeed!


Aurora knows, Aurora hits,
Aurora always wins.

team"Line 3"
Nice, smart 3 lines
He will ask the boys.
