Is generic dangerous? Why is anesthesia dangerous? Anesthetic agents. Complications of anesthesia. Harm of general anesthesia to the body

Anesthesia is an integral part of most surgical interventions. That is why most people who have already undergone this procedure, as well as those who are yet to undergo it, are very interested in how harmful it is to the body. In order to answer this question, it is necessary to find out the benefits and negative consequences of anesthesia.


The main benefit of this procedure is that with its help, even the most complex surgical intervention can be performed without significant and tangible consequences for the patient’s psyche and his central nervous system. Imagine if, for example, surgical abdominal operations were performed without anesthesia, most patients would experience painful shock. Respectively, this procedure is beneficial and allows you to minimize some risks to the body.


Any anesthesiologist will tell you that it is more harmful than beneficial for the body. But in certain cases it is impossible to do without it. In principle, how its use will affect the body becomes clear after the operation in the first few hours. In some cases, the use of deep anesthesia occurs without any consequences. We are not talking here about slight dizziness, dry mouth, and mild nausea that disappear after a few hours, as they occur in almost everyone.

Experts usually judge that the anesthesia went well by how they behaved during surgical intervention heart and lungs. The indications are also important blood pressure.

If during the operation the patient experienced breathing difficulties, difficulty, bradycardia, or a strong decrease in blood pressure, then the consequences of anesthesia will most likely be negative for the body. Nausea, dizziness, and sore throat may last for several days. Breathing problems, confusion, blood pressure changes and ischemia can last much longer. Typically, such problems pose a health hazard and require postoperative treatment, observation by a therapist and lifestyle changes.

Special mention should be made about possible harm anesthesia, which is associated with allergic manifestations. In rare cases, this can lead to anaphylactic shock. It's deadly dangerous condition, but it, however, can be easily stopped with special drugs.

All of the above is based only on the observations of anesthesiologists. IN official medicine You can find conflicting opinions about whether anesthesia is harmful or harmless. But it is always important to remember that potential harm from a disease that requires surgical intervention under anesthesia can be many times higher, so there is no need to be afraid of anesthesia, you need to prepare yourself for successful outcome surgery and then everything will definitely be fine!

Did you know that after surgery you need to follow a diet? We advise you to read it when your doctor prescribes it.

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How does anesthesia affect the body? A similar question is asked by people who are about to undergo surgery. Consequences general anesthesia different for the body, pain relief tolerance depends on many factors. Complications can develop after some time, which poses a danger to humans. How general anesthesia does it affect the patient?

What is general anesthesia

General anesthesia is a method of anesthetizing the body in which consciousness is absent, but there is the possibility of its return. Used in surgical interventions to eliminate painful syndromes. To do this, special medications are selected and combined in the required proportion.

Medicines act on various centers in the brain, causing deep narcotic sleep. General anesthesia is administered different ways- through respiratory system or by injection into a vein with a special syringe.

The effect of anesthesia on the body is divided into four stages.


  • The first stage is characterized by a gradual disappearance of consciousness and sensitivity,
  • At the second stage, a stage of excitation is diagnosed in the body, which often occurs when using certain medications,
  • The third stage is characterized by total loss sensitivity and excitability,
  • The fourth stage is considered the stage of awakening, all sensations return to the person.

Depending on the medicine used, the effect of this varies.

There are several types of general anesthesia. Consequences and possible poisoning depend on the type of medication or composition medicinal mixture, used to relieve pain in the body.


  1. Inhalation. The drug is administered using a special mask in gaseous form. Used in dentistry.
  2. Administration of drugs through veins or muscle tissue. Such methods are rarely used.

The second method of administering anesthesia is conventionally divided into several types.


  • Medicines injected into the blood slightly relax muscle fibers, respiratory ability is fully preserved.
  • Use of superficial anesthetic agents. The drugs lead to drowsiness and lethargy.
  • To lose the sensation of pain, Phenazepam and Diazepam are used. It is believed that the use of strong painkillers and sedatives helps to achieve the desired effect.
  • A combination of different methods. The use of such a technique is dangerous due to complete absence breathing in humans. Used together artificial ventilation lungs and tracheal intubation.

The choice of treatment technique is discussed with the anesthesiologist together with the patient to identify possible allergic reactions and negative consequences.

The dangers of general anesthesia

Why is general anesthesia dangerous for the human body? In most cases, there are no problems, but the possibility of failure to recover from anesthesia cannot be ruled out. During the operation, the patient's condition is constantly monitored by medical personnel.

If necessary, actions are immediately taken to bring all vital signs back to normal. human body provide first aid.

The risk of death from poisoning increases with the incorrect selection of anesthetic substances. However, currently they are used modern technologies and drugs that reduce the risk of adverse consequences several times.

A person may experience some unpleasant phenomena after undergoing pain relief. They pass quickly.


  • Nausea, vomiting,
  • Minor cramps
  • Loss of coordination, problems with orientation in space,
  • Itching of the skin,
  • Unpleasant sensations in the muscles,
  • Back pain,
  • Bad feeling.

Such phenomena pass quickly, but the development of longer-term deviations is not excluded.

What is possible:

  1. Feelings of fear, panic attacks,
  2. Memory problems, inability to remember basic things,
  3. Increased pressure readings,
  4. Failures in the functionality of the heart muscle, changes in pulse and rhythm,
  5. In rare cases, problems with the kidneys and liver.

The likelihood of death during anesthesia has decreased significantly with the use of modern technology.

Anesthesia affects the entire body. However, there is no clear answer about the effect of anesthesia. For each person, the consequences are individual and depend on many factors. Often the consequences are expressed in the deterioration of the body’s condition, impaired blood circulation in the brain, development inflammatory processes in organism. IN severe cases the development of cerebral edema and kidney failure cannot be ruled out. ()

The body's sensitivity to painkillers plays an important role. What does anesthesia affect?

The effect of anesthesia on brain activity is varied. After a period of time, victims report problems with memory and attention. Some people experience intellectual disability. The effects disappear over time and persist for a year after the use of general anesthesia.

A change in the functioning of the nervous system, accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, is considered dangerous.


  • Sleep problems, insomnia,
  • Permanent depressive state, sudden change of mood,
  • Constant fatigue, impaired performance,
  • Bad feeling,
  • Impaired mental abilities, memory problems.

There are several reasons that provoke this condition.


  1. A sharp decrease in pressure, the risk of a mini-stroke,
  2. Medicines can cause necrosis of brain cells,
  3. Stopping taking antispasmodics leads to a certain interaction between inflammation and immunity.

Children, elderly people, patients with reduced intelligence, chronic diseases with long-term use of painkillers.

How does anesthesia affect the heart?

How does anesthesia affect the heart? The use of general anesthesia requires careful attention to people who have pathologies in the functioning of the cardiac system. In some patients, anesthesia does not cause negative consequences, while others have a hard time with it.


  • Increased or slowed heart rate,
  • Increased sweating, constant fever,
  • Painful sensations in the heart,
  • Unpleasant feelings in the chest,
  • Violation heart rate.

Pathological processes in the body do not last long, passing within six months. In rare cases, the effects persist for a long time.

How does anesthesia affect memory?

Does anesthesia affect memory? Intellectual abilities and memory are also often affected during general anesthesia. Poor blood circulation in the brain adversely affects all body functions.

The patient may experience memory loss. As a rule, they are short-term and pass quickly. Mental capacity recover after some time, in rare cases negative symptoms are stored for a year.

Irritation, a feeling of sand in the eyes, redness are just minor inconveniences with impaired vision. Scientists have proven that decreased vision in 92% of cases ends in blindness.

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The use of general anesthesia in women during caesarean section can also lead to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms in the body. Anesthesia does not have a beneficial effect on a woman’s body and leads to disruption of the pelvic organs. At correct use consequences can be avoided. Does anesthesia affect menstruation? The cycle and nature of the discharge may change, but gradually everything returns to normal.

Effect on the child’s body

How does anesthesia affect a child’s body? What happens in children after general anesthesia?

Children's bodies accept anesthesia more easily than adults. The response to drugs is individual and depends on various indicators.

In children, there may be disruption of the nervous system, allergic reactions, and disruptions in the functioning of the cardiac system. In severe cases, angioedema, anaphylactic shock, and coma may occur.

After some time, the appearance of convulsive manifestations, impaired functionality of the kidneys and liver, and constant headaches cannot be ruled out.

Children under three years of age may experience developmental delays, learning problems, and the development of epileptic syndromes. Before using anesthesia in children, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis of the body and take into account contraindications.

Video: anesthesia for a child


After recovery from anesthesia, it is possible that the patient will develop negative complications. Possible disruption of the nervous system, heart, hearing and vision. When unpleasant symptoms in the body, you need to consult a doctor and take action to restore normal life.

The effect of anesthesia on the body varies depending on the health of the person used. medicines, degree of perception of anesthesia. The development of negative consequences is possible, but they pass quickly and do not disrupt a normal lifestyle.

Video: the dangers of anesthesia on the human body

Is general anesthesia harmful? Does anesthesia affect a person? Does anesthesia shorten life? These and many other questions are often asked by my patients. All these questions are, of course, very important and interesting, but, unfortunately, there is no clear answer to them. Only one thing can be said truthfully: anesthesia is more harmful than beneficial; Anesthesia shortens the patient's life expectancy rather than prolonging it.

After the fact, any anesthesiologist can always determine for himself how anesthesia went for the patient: good or bad. Good is when everything went as usual and without any incidents: the heart and lungs worked satisfactorily, and no complications of anesthesia developed. Anesthesia went badly - this is when something went wrong - either obvious anesthesia complications developed, or during anesthesia there were serious changes in the functioning of the heart or lungs that went unnoticed by the surgeon and the patient, but remained noticeable to the anesthesiologist.

If the anesthesia went “well”, then we can conclude with great confidence that such anesthesia will not affect life expectancy in any way, although other harmful effects of anesthesia on the patient’s health cannot be ruled out, for example, etc. In the case where the anesthesia went “poorly” ", exclude it negative impact on the patient's life expectancy is not possible.

It is interesting that an anesthesiologist can judge the success of the anesthesia he performed only from the standpoint of the obvious, and then only in a specific time period, limited by the period of the patient’s stay in the clinic. That is, the anesthesiologist can only judge the anesthesia here and now; the anesthesiologist can only accurately and unambiguously say that the patient remained alive after anesthesia or that no obvious complications of anesthesia developed. Unfortunately, Scientific research So far they cannot give an unambiguous conclusion about is anesthesia harmful or not?. Although some last works demonstrate potential, and this makes us think very much about whether anesthesia is so harmless?

My personal opinion boils down to the fact that anesthesia is still not harmless and not safe. At the same time, it should be clearly understood that the potential harm of anesthesia is hundreds and thousands of times less than the danger that the disease poses if it is abandoned. surgical treatment. Another thing is that the possible harm and danger of anesthesia can always be minimized as much as possible - for this you just need to trust an anesthesiologist who firmly knows his job.

Article for those who want to know detailed information about the dangers of anesthesia. Does local anesthesia or general anesthesia bring the greatest harm and danger to the human body?

Any intervention by surgeons today is performed using anesthesia. Such an achievement in medical field of the last century is one of the great ones, thanks to him the level of medicine has risen.

Surgery has now become not torture, but treatment, and mortality has noticeably decreased significantly. It is difficult to fully appreciate the importance and significance of anesthesia, but some patients still have considerable doubts about the safety of such an event. It is necessary to understand why anesthesia is dangerous. It turns out that a considerable number of anesthesiologists are of the opinion that anesthesia is rather dangerous. There are a considerable number of risks, and, naturally, sometimes it is not possible to avoid deaths.

The main and main causes of death from anesthesia, which specialists try to avoid whenever possible, include: heart failure, allergic reaction, respiratory failure, malignant hyperthermia and, finally, human factor. The cause of heart failure may well be an overdose of drugs intended for anesthesia, as well as other severe chronic diseases of cardio-vascular system. It should be noted that chronic diseases are much less likely to cause death than an excess of a drug during anesthesia.

Various complications can be caused by allergic reaction. Of course, there is the possibility of individual test for sensitivity. But this can only be done during local anesthesia. It will not be possible to carry out the test during general anesthesia, so the patient will have to be subjected to general anesthesia, with associated risks and difficulties for his body. Often the cause of the appearance respiratory failure there is difficulty in inserting an endotracheal tube or aspiration (throwing the internal contents of the stomach directly into the lungs).

Much less often pulmonary failure may cause obstructive bronchitis or bronchial asthma. It is very important to note that often common cause the occurrence of complications during anesthesia is also a human factor, not quite correctly or not carefully prepared operating process surgical intervention. In the presence of a competent, qualified anesthesiologist, as well as necessary equipment In the clinic, the risk of anesthesia is minimized.

Many people think that local anesthesia is less harmless and harmful than general anesthesia. However, local anesthesia looks harmless only at first glance. In fact, novocaine is combined with adrenaline to cause a narrowing of the capillaries, which will subsequently provide a long-lasting anesthesia effect. Adrenaline causes an increase in heart rate, which negatively affects those who have cardiac problems. Novocaine, as well as other drugs that are its analogues, can cause quite serious allergies.

Local anesthesia can cause a rise in blood pressure or unexpectedly cause vascular spasms. Naturally, if the patient’s heart and blood pressure are all right, then local anesthesia does not threaten this person. If the patient has problems with blood pressure and heart, then local anesthesia is directly contraindicated for him. And therefore, any conscious dentist, before applying local anesthesia, must in mandatory ask the patient about his condition. And most likely, having heard complaints, for example, about hypertension or heart problems, he will advise you to undergo general anesthesia rather than risk your health when using local anesthesia.

The development of anesthesiology has made a considerable leap, and today general anesthesia is not so dangerous for the lives of seriously ill people. However, it still remains a threat to human health, and in particular to the brain and to the preservation of normal mental activity and functioning. It has been noted that after undergoing general anesthesia, many patients experience a decrease in cognitive abilities. Memory lapses may appear, various behavioral changes may be noticed, and the sharpness of thinking is sharply dulled. Such symptoms may well last for several months.

According to surveys, anesthesia scares a person more than the operation itself. Patients experience an overwhelming fear of having to fall asleep during surgery, but are even more afraid of not recovering after its completion. And even understanding the need to administer anesthetics, patients still have many questions for the anesthesiologist. In this article we will talk about the sensations that patients experience under anesthesia and find out whether anesthesia is harmful?

Why is anesthesia needed?

The vast majority of operations are performed using anesthesia. It is necessary for a person to relieve pain in the body, and therefore to prevent painful shock. In addition, the administration of an anesthetic helps monitor the patient's heartbeat and blood pressure changes. Moreover, thanks to anesthesia, a person simply does not remember the details of the operation, which protects his body from stress. Yes and post-operative recovery in this case it goes much faster.

Anesthesia options

In general, anesthesia can be divided into two types:

1. Local anesthesia
During this procedure, a special solution is injected into the tissue being operated on, which inhibits the passage of nerve impulses. The patient feels numbness in a certain area of ​​the body and does not feel any interference in the tissue. This anesthesia is considered the safest, although it is only suitable for simple operations, for example, in dentistry.

2. General anesthesia
The most dangerous is general anesthesia, because with it, for a certain time, the patient’s consciousness is completely switched off and he goes into sleep. There is no need to fear general anesthesia. After its administration, the patient feels absolutely nothing, quickly and easily plunging into deep dream, and also calmly leaving it.

Can anesthesia cause harm?

It is unlikely that anesthesia can be called a benefit for the body, but it is a conscious need to avoid death and other consequences of painful shock. Moreover, if it is vital important organs and the patient’s systems worked normally during the operation, and the patient himself did not see unpleasant hallucinations, we can conclude that the anesthesia did not harm the body. Usually, after waking up, patients do not experience the most pleasant sensations. Typically this is:

  • dizziness and sore throat;
  • severe weakness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • muscle, back or lower back pain;
  • confusion;
  • trembling in the limbs;

A qualified anesthesiologist is responsible for the safety of the patient during surgery. Its primary task is to assess a person’s readiness for surgery. To do this, the specialist must study the patient’s card, check the cardiogram, find out if there are any inflammatory processes in the body, a tendency to bleed, or allergies to the injected anesthetic. The consequences of administering anesthesia largely depend on this test. If the doctor has doubts about the safety of anesthesia, he is obliged to postpone the operation, even against the wishes of the surgeon and the patient. Otherwise it cannot be ruled out serious consequences anesthesia:

  • injuries to teeth, lips and tongue;
  • nerve damage;
  • eye damage;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • damage to the cerebral cortex;
  • death.

Considering that anesthesia temporarily inhibits the functioning of the nervous system, it is impossible to exclude harmful effects that may appear after the patient is discharged from the clinic. Most often, people who have undergone surgery complain of hair loss, sleep disturbances, and memory impairment, which can be either mild or pronounced.

Having figured out whether anesthesia is harmful, you just need to understand that the likelihood of the above-mentioned symptoms increases significantly in cases where the person being operated on is a child. Health to you and your children!
