Second caesarean section. Planned caesarean section: timing of its implementation

The child is not always born naturally. Sometimes, in order to avoid additional risks, the gynecologist is forced to decide to perform a caesarean section. The operation can be planned or emergency, with the first type being preferable because it is performed in a calmer environment. The choice of a specific date for elective surgery depends on many factors.

Indications and contraindications for repeat cesarean section

The second caesarean section is prescribed for the same indications as the first. These include:

  • retinal diseases;
  • varicose veins in the legs;
  • cardiac disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • high blood pressure;
  • chronic respiratory diseases;
  • large fruit;
  • narrow pelvis women in labor;
  • recent traumatic brain injury;
  • first birth in a woman over 30 years of age;
  • abnormal placenta previa;
  • transverse or pelvic presentation of the fetus
  • multiple births;
  • uterine fibroids.

The decision to perform an operation may also be influenced by some features of the suture left after a previous delivery. A second caesarean section may be prescribed for:

  • the threat of its divergence;
  • longitudinal arrangement;
  • emergence connective tissue on the scar.

A woman who had an abortion before pregnancy is not allowed to give birth on her own after surgical resolution of a previous pregnancy, since additional injuries to the uterus increase the risk of suture dehiscence. Very often, doctors prescribe a repeat operation after the first cesarean section, even in the absence of the above risk factors, since this helps protect the life and health of the mother and child.

In some cases, it is very difficult to predict how childbirth will go, so doctors try to protect the mother from unnecessary suffering. Knowing in advance when she will have surgery, a woman will be able to tune in to it, prepare mentally and physically.

How to prepare for a planned cesarean section?

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An expectant mother who knows for sure that she will not give birth herself should prepare for surgery throughout her pregnancy. The most significant activities for this are:

  1. A visit to the school for expectant mothers, where they will talk in detail about how the doctor performs the operation.
  2. Searching for options for placing an older child while the mother is in the hospital with the newborn.
  3. Discussion with my husband about the possibility of his presence in the operating room.
  4. Choice of anesthesia. Some women are afraid to remain conscious during surgery. Others, on the contrary, are afraid of general anesthesia. In order to get rid of negative emotions, better get acquainted with all the features various types anesthesia and choose the option that scares you the least.
  5. Purchasing all the things necessary for a hospital stay: toiletries, clothes, slippers.
  6. Mindset for successful outcome.

Immediately before the operation, a set of measures should also be performed. The day before going to the hospital you need:

  1. Take a bath. You can remove pubic hair with a razor. Before doing this, it is recommended to remove nail polish.
  2. Get a good night's sleep. Since recovery after 2 operations is more difficult than after 1, to the expectant mother you need to get a good rest.
  3. Charge the phone.
  4. Avoid eating foods that increase gas formation.

Timing of the operation during the second and third pregnancy

At what stage is a planned cesarean section performed during a second pregnancy? It is important to understand that the date of the operation will depend on how the pregnancy went, how the pregnant woman feels, and how long ago the previous operation was performed. The date of the previous cesarean section is also taken into account.

As a rule, doctors prescribe surgery for the period from 34 to 37 weeks. Doctors rarely wait until 39 weeks, it’s too dangerous. The following circumstances influence the date of 2 cesarean section:

  1. If the first cesarean was performed at 39 weeks, the next one will be performed much earlier, approximately 7-14 days.
  2. Breech presentation of the fetus is an indication for surgery at 38-39 weeks.
  3. Transverse presentation poses a great danger to the health and life of the child. In this case, a cesarean section is scheduled for a date 7-14 days prior to the expected due date.
  4. Complete placenta previa. If the expectant mother starts bleeding, she needs to be operated on urgently, but then the operation will be very risky. For these reasons, women with complete placenta previa are tried to undergo surgery before 38 weeks.
  5. Condition of a scar on the uterus. Repeated and third cesarean sections are always new risk. It is difficult to make an incision at the site of the old suture, therefore, the worse its condition, the sooner the operation is performed.
  6. Multiple pregnancy. If a woman is carrying two babies, she may have difficulties during the second birth, so she is usually given planned surgery at 36-37 weeks. For monoamniotic twins, surgery can be performed at 32 weeks.
  7. HIV infection. Women who are carriers of this dangerous infection, “Caesarean” 14 days before the expected date of birth.

Sometimes women are not informed for a very long time about how many weeks the operation will be performed. This happens because doctors, observing the expectant mother, decide to act according to the situation. If there are no complications during pregnancy, surgery may be postponed until labor begins.

How is the operation performed?

The operation consists of two stages: preparing the patient for surgery and the operation itself. Today, a caesarean section, regardless of whether it is the first, second or third, is treated as quite simple way delivery.

30-40 minutes after entering the operating room, a pregnant woman can already hear her baby crying. If during surgical intervention no difficulties will arise; very soon after giving birth, mother and baby are discharged home (we recommend reading:).

Preoperative stage

Before surgery, the woman is asked to go to the hospital in advance to undergo an examination. At the maternity hospital they will take it from her necessary tests designed to determine the condition of the mother and fetus. The day before the operation, an anesthesiologist comes to the expectant mother, who will warn her about what sensations await her after the administration of anesthesia, how it is done, and how it works.

On the day of delivery, the patient is warned about the need to refuse food and food, her intestines are cleansed, and she is offered to wear a special gown. She will also need to remove her makeup, which will make it easier to monitor her condition in the operating room. Just before entering the operating room, the woman is given an IV, and urethra a Foley catheter is inserted.

Operating period

In the operating room, the patient is given anesthesia. Then an incision is made, which can be either longitudinal or transverse. Most often, doctors choose the latter option, since a horizontal incision is safer for a woman, and the recovery period after a caesarean section performed with such an incision is easier and faster.

Through the incision, the doctor removes the fetus, cuts the umbilical cord and transfers the baby to the neonatologist. After this, the surgeon who operates on the woman removes the placenta from the uterus, connects the cut tissues and applies sutures. Final stage- disinfection of sutures and application of a bandage. The duration of all manipulations is about 40 minutes.

The new mother is taken to the recovery room. If she feels well, she will be asked to put the baby to the breast.

What is important to know?

For an expectant mother who has been scheduled for a cesarean section again, it is important to remember that the operation may be different from the previous one. There are several features of re-excision of the uterus:

  1. The second time the operation takes a little longer.
  2. More powerful anesthesia is used.
  3. They are admitted to the hospital about a week earlier than the scheduled date.
  4. It will be more difficult to recover the second time than the first. The period itself will be more difficult.
  5. The stitch is made in the same place as the first time, so there will be no new scars.

At the same time, these differences should not cause any panic in the mother. She needs to take into account that she will have to be a little patient before the operation, and then she will need the help and support of loved ones.

Mothers who have undergone such operations are already well aware that until the suture heals completely, they will need to take special care of their health. For a full return to normal life they will likely need at least 2 months. In some especially severe cases duration postoperative period can reach 3-4 months.

What could be the consequences?

As a rule, a planned caesarean section does not have any serious consequences. Sometimes complications arise during or after surgery:

  • anemia, which results from excessive blood loss;
  • lack of milk;
  • prohibition of subsequent natural births;
  • development of adhesive disease in abdominal cavity;
  • infertility, ban on subsequent natural childbirth;
  • cerebrovascular accident in a newborn;
  • menstrual irregularities.

All of the above complications usually occur only in those women who did not follow doctors’ recommendations during pregnancy. In the vast majority of cases, births by cesarean are absolutely normal, without any particular difficulties, and the baby is born healthy and no different from his peers who were born naturally.

It is not always recommended for a woman to give birth on her own. If there are a number of complications or characteristics of the body, childbirth is carried out using a planned caesarean section. This method consists in the fact that the baby is brought into the world through an incision in the peritoneum and uterus. This surgical intervention is used in almost a third of births carried out in the country. Some of them are carried out not because of the doctor’s testimony, but because of the reluctance of mothers to endure pain during labor.

Indications for surgical intervention are divided into primary and secondary. The first are associated with physiological reasons. In this case, the need for a cesarean section is not even discussed. If there are secondary reasons, the doctor decides whether surgery should be performed or whether the birth can take place naturally. However, when giving birth to a baby on your own, there is a high risk of complications.

Main indications:

Feature of the anatomical structureNarrow pelvis. Even before the onset of labor, the gynecologist examines the woman for the width of her pelvis. There are 4 degrees of its narrowness. If the fourth or third degree is detected, a planned cesarean section is performed, if the second stage is necessary surgical intervention determined directly during childbirth. The first degree indicates the normal width of the pelvis, and the ability to produce a child independently
Presence of mechanical obstaclesTumor, deformed pelvic bones may overlap birth canal and do not allow the baby to pass during contractions
Possibility of uterine ruptureThis threat is typical for women who give birth repeatedly, if the previous birth was also carried out through a caesarean section. The scars and sutures left on the uterus after this or any other abdominal surgery may come apart during muscle contractions during contractions. If there is such a risk, independent birth of a child is prohibited.
Premature placental abruptionThe placenta is a unique environment necessary to provide the fetus with oxygen and nutrients. Its premature detachment leads to a threat to the baby’s life. Therefore, without waiting until the due date approaches, doctors immediately remove the child by caesarean section. If the fetus is not developed enough, it is connected to the system artificial ventilation lungs and nutrition. Placental abruption is determined using ultrasound. Heavy bleeding is also the main symptom of this pathology. A planned caesarean section is immediately scheduled. Most often, such births occur at 33-34 weeks of pregnancy.

Secondary indications:

Chronic diseasesIn the presence of chronic diseases, for example, eyes, cardiovascular or nervous system, during contractions there is a high risk of exacerbation and severe harm to your own body.

If a woman has diseases of the genital tract, such as genital herpes, then a cesarean section is performed in mandatory so that the disease is not passed on to the baby

Weakness of laborIt often happens that the fetus is later began to develop too slowly, and medications do not help. In this case, a decision is made to remove the fetus prematurely and connect it to oxygen supply systems and nutrients before full maturity
Complications of pregnancyVarious pregnancy complications can pose a threat to the baby's life

Types of caesarean section

There are two types of caesarean section: emergency and planned.

It is carried out if unexpected complications arise during childbirth. To save the lives of both the baby and his mother, a decision is made to immediately carry out surgical intervention. The health of the newborn depends on the qualifications of the doctor and the timeliness of his decision.A planned caesarean section is prescribed by the surgeon as a result of monitoring the pregnancy of women. If indications for preventing natural childbirth are found, a date for the operation is set. Most often, it is as close as possible to the time when the baby should have been born independently. But a number of factors can affect delivery much earlier

Timing of planned caesarean section

In the absence of an urgent need for surgery and in good condition fetus, the first planned caesarean section is usually carried out at 39-40 weeks. By this time, the child has already become fully formed and is able to breathe independently.

A repeat cesarean section is scheduled a couple of weeks earlier than this date. It is usually performed at 38 weeks of pregnancy.

But there are often cases when, as a result of emergency events, for example, premature placental abruption, the doctor decides to perform the operation much earlier than the due date. This can also happen when sharp deterioration condition of the mother and her fetus. C-section can be carried out at 37 or even 35 weeks. The fetus is not yet full term, and the lungs may also not be developed. A neonatologist examines the baby after birth, identifies problems with breathing and pathologies, if any, and makes a decision on further actions with the baby. If necessary, the child is connected to a mechanical ventilation system and power supply through a feeding tube.

The duration of the operation is determined approximately by the surgeon. A week before giving birth expectant mother hospitalized and everything goes away necessary examinations. And only after receiving their data, the doctor sets a specific date and time.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

The undoubted advantage of a caesarean section is that it saves the lives of two people, whereas a natural birth could lead to their death. Many mothers note a definite plus operation its speed. There is no need to spend in the delivery chair long hours, suffering from contractions. A quick operation will relieve the woman in labor from unbearable pain and will only take about half an hour. In this case, the baby will be delivered into the world within the first 5-7 minutes. The rest of the time will be spent suturing. Also, this type of birth of a baby relieves the mother of the possibility of damage to the genital organs.

Unfortunately, this method of giving birth to a child has many disadvantages. Those who believe that a caesarean section is an excellent way to have a quick and painless childbirth are deeply mistaken.

The main disadvantage of a cesarean section is the occurrence of various complications after the operation.

Placenta previa in subsequent births, the possibility of hysterectomy due to placenta accreta, internal scars, heavy bleeding And inflammatory processes in the uterus, complications with the healing of sutures - this is an incomplete list of what a woman can get as a result of childbirth by cesarean section.

Many mothers often complain that after such births they do not feel sufficient emotional connection with your child. They assume that what is happening is wrong and even become depressed. Fortunately, it doesn't last long. Constant contact with the baby brings the mother back to normal. But the limitation is physical activity in the first time after childbirth, including lifting the baby in your arms, is a serious problem for a young mother. After the operation, it is difficult for her to provide proper care for her newborn. Therefore, at this time, more than ever, she needs the help of her household.

A difficult recovery from anesthesia, weakness after surgery, an impressive scar, also few women will enjoy. Abstinence from intimate life in the first months can become a serious test for a married couple.

A caesarean section does not go unnoticed for the baby either. During an artificially induced birth, the baby may have residual amniotic fluid in the lungs, which is fraught with complications in the future. Pneumonia is common in newborns born by caesarean section. Premature birth can also affect the baby's immunity and susceptibility to infections. Such children are easily susceptible to various diseases.

Before performing a cesarean section, the expectant mother must give her consent and choose the method of anesthesia. Everything is documented. Even if it is necessary to perform emergency surgery directly during a natural birth, the doctor must obtain the consent of the woman in labor.

If there are no special indications for the operation, medical workers recommend that women give birth on their own. But many naively choose a caesarean section, believing that they will get rid of painful and long contractions. But before you sign the consent to carry out the operation. You should think carefully about whether you are ready for possible complications after such a birth? Maybe you shouldn’t risk your future health and give birth to your child without the intervention of a surgeon?

Video - Caesarean Section. School of Doctor Komarovsky

Circumstances during childbirth are not always successful. There are times when a baby cannot be born naturally. Sometimes doctors are forced to do everything possible to save the life of the child and mother. In particular, using a caesarean section. Such an intervention does not pass without consequences, and often during subsequent pregnancies, specialists have to prescribe a repeat cesarean section. In what cases can you not do without it and how to prepare for the upcoming procedure?

Indications for surgery

Decision on reoperation accepted only after analysis various factors accompanying pregnancy. First of all, the health status of the expectant mother is taken into account - in particular, pathologies such as asthma, hypertension, diabetes, oncology, serious problems with vision, recent traumatic brain injury, deformed or very narrow pelvis, central nervous or cardiovascular systems, the age of the woman in labor is after 30 years.

No less important are the features of the seam from the previous operation. A second cesarean section is performed if there is a longitudinal suture and connective tissue in the scar area, its condition is questionable, and also if there is a risk of divergence of the old suture. Also an indication for surgical intervention is abortion after the first cesarean section.

Pregnancy pathologies are also taken into account: post-maturity, large size or abnormal position of the fetus, weak labor activity. A second cesarean section is also prescribed if less than two years have passed since the first.

If at least one of the above factors occurs, repeated surgery cannot be avoided. In other cases, the specialist may allow you to give birth naturally.

Dangers of a second caesarean section

After repeated surgery, an adhesive process occurs in the pelvis, and scars form on the uterus. Unfortunately, modern medicine does not make it possible to avoid such complications. This often leads to bleeding that is difficult to stop. Sometimes, to save a woman's life, a surgeon must perform a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus). As a result, the ability to bear children is lost. Even if you do not resort to such measures, after the second cesarean section the probability of becoming pregnant and carrying a child to term is only 40%.

Repeated surgery carries the risk of intestinal damage and Bladder, since the tissue connections between these organs are disrupted during the healing of the first scar. Approximately 1/3 of patients experience complications such as inflammatory and infectious processes in the urinary tract. Also, a second cesarean section leads to an increase in morbidity and the development of immunodeficiency in women.

The operation also poses a certain danger for the baby: from the moment the caesarean section begins until the baby is born, more time passes than during the first delivery. As a result, he is exposed to potent drugs for a long time.

In addition, there remains a danger of asphyxia (suffocation) of the baby. During natural childbirth, all vital systems of the newborn are actively launched. This does not happen with a second cesarean section, since the date of the procedure is set before the start of natural labor.

During observations, it was found that children born by Caesarean method experience certain difficulties in adapting to the environment in the first days of life.

Preparation and recovery after surgery

If you are indicated for planned revision surgery (that is, the need for it was identified during pregnancy), you need to know how to prepare for the upcoming procedure. This will allow you to set yourself up for a successful outcome, calm down, and put your body and health in order.

Throughout your pregnancy, try to undergo regular examinations with a gynecologist and attend prenatal courses that specifically focus on caesarean section. Prepare mentally for the fact that you will have to stay in the hospital for a long time. Think in advance about who you will leave your older children, house, and pets to during this period. Consider the possibility of holding partner birth. If the operation takes place under local anesthesia, during which you will be awake, you will be more comfortable if your life partner is nearby at this moment. Do not hesitate to ask the doctors any questions you are interested in (at what date is a repeat cesarean section performed, what tests are prescribed, what medications you will need in case of any complications). Find out what kind of anesthesia you will be given. If you want to see the moment the baby is born, ask for local anesthesia.

If you do not go to the hospital by the time of the scheduled date of surgery, prepare things for the hospital: Required documents, toiletries, clothes and slippers. Two days before surgery, you should stop eating solid foods.

Get a good night's sleep. The day before going to the hospital, take a bath. Removing your nail polish and makeup will make it easier for the doctor to monitor your condition during the procedure. You cannot drink or eat for 12 hours: this is due to the anesthesia that will be used. If you vomit under anesthesia, the contents of the stomach will enter the lungs.

Recovery after a repeat cesarean section not only takes longer, but is also more difficult. The tissues are excised twice in the same place, so they take longer to heal than the first time. The stitch may ooze and be painful for 1-2 weeks. The uterus also contracts longer, causing discomfort.

If you find out you are having a repeat cesarean section, don't panic. Provided you work closely with the doctor, strictly follow all his recommendations and carefully prepare for the operation, it will pass without complications.

Still quite often in antenatal clinics You can hear that repeated births after a cesarean section will follow the same scenario, and that natural childbirth is excluded in this case. However, in fact, this practice is increasingly being abandoned, since there is a real chance of giving birth naturally, even if the previous birth ended in surgery.

Today, a second caesarean section is performed only for strict medical reasons. And if the second pregnancy, like the first, ends in a caesarean section, then the woman is offered complete sterilization. Since a third pregnancy after a second cesarean section is extremely undesirable, it becomes dangerous not only for the health, but also for the life of the mother and child.

When is a second caesarean section indicated?

Caesarean section during the second birth is done if the woman has diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, myopia, retinal detachment, recent traumatic brain injury.

In addition, a second planned cesarean section is performed if a woman has such anatomical features, like a narrow pelvis, bony protrusions in the pelvis, its various deformations. There is a high probability of repeat cesarean if the pregnancy is multiple.

The outcome of the first cesarean plays a big role: if the operation was completed with complications, the scar after it is incompetent, then the second birth will be carried out using cesarean.

Those women who became pregnant again earlier than 2 years after surgery, as well as those who had abortions between a previous cesarean section and this pregnancy, are also at risk. Curettage of the uterus has an extremely negative effect on scar formation.

Repeated surgery cannot be avoided by those women who have a longitudinal suture after the first cesarean section and those who have placenta previa in the scar. And also if the scar is dominated by connective tissue instead of muscle.

Is a second cesarean section dangerous?

If you are considering a second planned caesarean section, you need to understand that it carries greater risks than the first. Repeated cesarean section often causes complications such as injury to the bladder, intestines, and ureters. This is due to adhesive processes - frequent companions to cesarean section and other strip operations.

In addition, the frequency of complications such as anemia, thrombophlebitis of the pelvic veins, and endometritis also increases. And sometimes a situation arises when, due to hypotonic bleeding that has opened and cannot be stopped, doctors have to remove a woman’s uterus.

But it is not only the mother who suffers from the operation. For a child, a second cesarean section is associated with such risks as impaired cerebral circulation, hypoxia is a consequence of a longer stay under the influence of anesthesia. Indeed, during the second cesarean section, it takes much more time to penetrate and extract the fetus from the woman’s abdominal cavity than the first time.

How is the second caesarean performed?

For a repeat cesarean section, the incision is made along the existing suture. In other words, the old seam is excised. This somewhat more difficult and longer than during the first operation. And the healing period increases. A woman will feel post-operative pain longer.

The suture after the second cesarean section takes a little longer to form than after the first time. This process requires control, since it is possible various complications such as adhesions, suppuration and other unpleasant moments.

But there is no need to get upset ahead of time. Probably, your doctor, taking into account the reason for the cesarean last time, will try to do everything to eliminate the possibility of a second operation, and you will give birth to the baby naturally.

Despite the warnings of gynecologists, many women decide to have a third pregnancy, having had two caesarean sections behind them. Is it possible to have a third caesarean section after 2 caesarean sections and what dangers can this manipulation entail?

Pregnancy after the second cesarean section: when is it prohibited?

After the second cesarean section, most doctors insist on tubal ligation - sterilization. This manifestation of concern for a woman’s health is not accidental - not everyone manages to endure a third pregnancy without complications after two surgical births. Problems can begin from the first weeks. To minimize them, pregnancy should be planned together with your doctor.

Why are obstetricians-gynecologists so worried when it comes to a third pregnancy after 2 surgical births? There are several reasons for this.

Firstly, a previous cesarean, like any abdominal surgery, can lead to the formation.

Adhesions are strands of connective tissue that can change position internal organs, drag the fallopian tubes and thereby narrow their clearance. Pelvic pain in those who have undergone surgery is an indirect indicator of the development adhesive process. In such a situation, even getting pregnant becomes problematic.

Secondly, a common consequence Caesarean section becomes genital, which reduces the chances of becoming a mother. But even if pregnancy takes place, there is a risk of spontaneous miscarriage. The likelihood of a tragic outcome is especially high in early stages, but even at later stages there is a risk of miscarriage.

Thirdly, a scar on the uterus can become an obstacle to the normal attachment of the placenta. In search of a suitable place, the placenta may migrate along the wall of the uterus. Another related complication is villi ingrowth, which leads to.

Disorders of placental attachment can lead to chronic fetoplacental insufficiency and fetal hypoxia, which is dangerous due to intrauterine growth retardation.

The most serious complication is uterine rupture - an acutely developing condition that is accompanied by massive bleeding. Often the child does not survive after this; all the doctors’ efforts are aimed at saving the mother’s life.

When the uterus ruptures, disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome develops: first it develops increased coagulability blood, then a transitional state occurs in which blood clots alternate with the liquid part, after which hypocoagulation develops and heavy bleeding which is almost impossible to stop.

Before getting pregnant for the third time, you need to weigh the pros and cons. The combination of a third pregnancy - a third cesarean section with signs of incompetent scar on the uterus is absolutely contraindicated. These include:

  1. Presence of cavities according to ultrasound results.
  2. Thickness 1.5-2.5 mm.
  3. Swelling in the scar area.

The list of other contraindications corresponds to those when planning any pregnancy. Mainly:

  • chronic diseases of internal organs high degree heaviness;
  • diseases in the stage of decompensation;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • infectious diseases in the acute stage.

What is the danger of a third cesarean section?

Any operation carries a hidden threat. This also applies to cases where a third caesarean section is performed.

Doctors' concerns about the progress and results of the operation are related to the following:

  • adhesions from previous interventions increase the risk of injury to the intestines or bladder;
  • true placenta accreta is possible - in this case, the operation is completed by removing the uterus without appendages.

Despite the dangers of a caesarean section, giving birth naturally should not even be considered. The presence of two or more scars on the uterus is absolute indication for surgery.

Features of the third cesarean section and possible complications

How is the third caesarean performed? In general, the procedure is the same as in the previous ones. However, there are some features:

  • The operation is performed within the existing scar on the uterus.
  • During manipulation, control of hemostasis is very important to prevent the development of bleeding from the vessels of the uterus or abdominal cavity.
  • A uterus with a scar contracts worse, so hypotonic bleeding is prevented - intravenous administration oxytocin.

At what week of pregnancy is the third cesarean section performed? It depends on the condition of the mother and child. By medical standards You can give birth as early as 38 weeks. In some maternity hospitals, they prefer to perform a subsequent cesarean section at the same time as the previous one.

By vital signs The operation can be performed at any time.

Various complications may occur after surgery:

  • bleeding in the postoperative period;
  • intestinal hypotension;
  • purulent-septic infection;
  • thrombotic complications;
  • subinvolution of the uterus;
  • scar failure;
  • anemia.

When to plan a pregnancy after 2 caesarean sections?

If a woman is planning children, then a third pregnancy a year after a cesarean section is not the most suitable option. It is recommended to wait 2-3 years, undergo a thorough examination and only then decide on the next birth.

However, if pregnancy occurs within a year after the second cesarean section, abortion is not considered in a safe way solutions to the problem! In this case, it is necessary to examine the condition of the uterine scar using ultrasound and visit an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Any intervention in the uterine cavity can lead to serious consequences and worsen the prognosis for pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to choose the most suitable method of contraception for yourself after childbirth.

Yulia Shevchenko, obstetrician-gynecologist, especially for the site

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