What is a diuretic watermelon or melon. How to choose the right watermelon or melon? How to choose a tasty and healthy watermelon

Many people are interested in the question of what is healthier - watermelon or melon. Today we will talk not about taste preferences, but about healing qualities each individual fruit. Both are rich in minerals and vitamins, so to give a clear answer to this complex issue It's unlikely to succeed. But we will try to compare them. According to the content of valuable minerals the melon wins, but in order to make up for the person daily norm these elements, you need to consume at least 3 kilograms of its pulp per day. It's practically impossible.

Watermelon contains magnesium, which has a beneficial effect on nervous system. So, what is healthier - watermelon or melon? Let's continue to figure it out. The main advantage of both berries is the presence of lycopene. This substance helps the body fight radicals and prevent premature aging.

Chemical composition and beneficial properties of melon and watermelon

What benefits do melons and melons bring to humans? Firstly, they contain a lot of liquid, so they perfectly quench thirst and remove excess water from the body. Secondly, the fruits contain a lot of fiber, which improves digestion and intestinal function. Both melons and melons contain ascorbic and folic acids, pectin polysaccharides and different vitamins. Are you still concerned about the question of what is healthier, watermelon or melon? We can safely say that each berry is unique in its own way and has healing properties.

Watermelons, like melons, are a good choleretic and diuretic. They are recommended for use by patients with cardiovascular diseases, anemia, gout, kidney disease and rheumatism. Watermelons have a lot of iron, compared to melons, they help fight anemia and increase hemoglobin, especially during pregnancy and lactation. Also, red juicy fruits improve the condition of intestinal atony and hypertension.

But melon is the record holder for vitamin C content. Its fleshy pulp contains the substance serotonin, which improves mood and relieves stress. This is real natural antidepressant. In addition, the berries are rich in vitamins E and B, which rejuvenate the skin and relieve inflammatory processes and restore hair follicles.

So, what is healthier: watermelon or melon? Experts say that each of these crops has healing properties. Watermelons contain less sugar, so they can be consumed even by nursing mothers, unlike melons. Both products are dietary and can help you lose weight. excess weight. To do this, it is enough to arrange a fasting day once a week, based on a melon or watermelon diet.

It should be noted that both berries are not recommended for children under three years of age, as they accumulate a lot of chemical compounds and toxic substances, especially unripe ones. IN folk medicine do healing masks, compresses and lotions made from the pulp of these fruits, which help eliminate acne, eczema and psoriasis.

Have you decided for yourself which is better: watermelon or melon? No specialist can determine which is healthier; in any case, melons and melons in reasonable doses have a beneficial effect on health and fill the body with vitamins. It must be remembered that it is better not to combine fruits with other foods, this will have a bad effect on digestion and cause intestinal upset.

A humorous but very accurate test to determine your personality type. Accurately reveals your main properties and traits. Listen to your inner voice and answer just two questions.

What do you like best:

1. cucumber or tomato;

2. melon or watermelon?

That's all.

Test results:

Cucumber and melon

This choice is more typical for men than for women. Men of this type are courageous and serious. They are rarely influenced and are not susceptible to alcoholism. Among them are many athletes and travel lovers. A woman with such a man will feel as if behind a stone wall - his responsibility extends to family relationships. Such men are purposeful and easily achieve their goals. But this type also has disadvantages - a cucumber-melon man lacks romanticism, so if a woman expects flowers from him, then it is better for her not to wait for the weather by the sea, but to transparently hint that she would like to receive a bouquet as a gift. Women of this type often become bosses, but in family life they are helpless, like children - they cook poorly, do not know how to allocate a budget, do not like to do laundry and wash dishes. However, in such a woman a man will find a faithful and understanding friend.

Tomato and watermelon

Tomato-watermelon people are cheerful and active. They are distinguished by increased sociability, but are not always smooth in communication: the explosiveness of their character often leads to scandals. Men of this type are gourmets. They are lazy and prefer slippers and a robe to a backpack and sleeping bag. Women of the tomato-watermelon type are emotional, love animals and home, and it is always warm and cozy to be around them. They do not know how to weave intrigues, but they can allow tactlessness, since they say what they think: sincerity and ingenuity are the main psychological qualities of tomato-watermelon people.

Cucumber and watermelon

People of this type constantly experience mental turmoil. Their external calm and restraint conceal internal tension. They say about such men: there are devils in still waters. With a cucumber-watermelon person you live like on a volcano - you never know what will happen tomorrow and what idea he is currently hatching. Cucumber-watermelon women do not make scandals over trifles - they accumulate grievances and one fine day are capable of breaking all the dishes in the house, often over the head of the poor spouse. Cucumber-watermelon people are the most creative type. They know how to think, and scientists and inventors are often found among them. On the other hand, if Ostap Bender had passed this test, he would probably have ended up in the camp of the cucumber-watermelon people.

Melon and tomato

If these particular fruits are close to you, you are balanced, tactful, and calm. You have inner tact and sensitivity. You love beautiful things and have excellent taste. Melon-tomato men are somewhat feminine. Very often they become artists, musicians; in general, creativity is closest to these people. Women of this type are amorous, impressionable, passionate and constant in love. Tomato-melon women make devoted, gentle and caring wives. But the men belonging to this type, may turn out to be narcissistic egoists.

Who doesn't love juicy sweet watermelon and fragrant melon? Surprisingly tasty, they perfectly quench thirst, satiate and have a beneficial effect on the body. Find out even more about them!

Striped belly.

Watermelon is a real storehouse of vitamins! It contains vitamins A, C, PP, group B, folic acid. Plus potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, fluorine. But the most valuable thing in watermelon is, perhaps, lycopene - a powerful antioxidant that prolongs the life of our cells, and therefore our health and youth.

Watermelon is useful for anemia, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases. This sweet treat acts as a mild laxative, diuretic and choleretic effect, resulting in improved functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, especially the kidneys and liver.

The juicy pulp of watermelon will become an indispensable aid in losing weight: it is low in calories (per 100 g - up to 40 kcal), pleasant and sweet in taste, quickly gives a feeling of fullness, so you do not risk overeating.

Yellow-sided beauty.

Thanks to the unique chemical composition Melon will delight everyone who wants to feed their body with vitamins.

Melon is rich in folic acid, iron, potassium, calcium and sodium, vitamins A, C, PP, group B.

Melon is good for the heart and blood vessels, for diseases of the liver, kidneys and Bladder. In addition, sunny melon is also an excellent cure for bad mood and an aphrodisiac. Regular use melon normalizes sleep, relieves irritation and fatigue. Melon improves metabolism, removes waste and toxins from the body, and gently regulates intestinal function. And if you want to get rid of a couple of kilograms, treat yourself to melon fasting days.

How to choose and use.

When buying a watermelon or melon, pay attention to the following points.

The biggest watermelon is not a fact that it will be so tasty. It is better to opt for a medium-sized minke whale that is not very heavy.

The watermelon should not have dents or cracks. The tail of a ripe watermelon should be dry, and the spot on the side should be yellow or light orange.

Clap the watermelon with your palm: a ripe watermelon will make a dull sound. And if you squeeze the fruit a little with your hands and hear a quiet crack, you should definitely take this fruit.

When choosing a melon, smell it: a ripe one will emit a fragrant aroma, somewhat reminiscent of the smell of honey. Rub the yellow melon with your palm: a ripe melon will have a sticky skin. Many gray stripes on the peel - another one characteristic feature melon ripeness. Lightly press the crust on the opposite side of the stem: if the peel bends, you have a ripe fruit in your hands.

Before eating, watermelon and melon should be washed well. Store the cut fruit in the refrigerator.

Melons are crops that need to be consumed correctly. For example, watermelon goes well with almost any food, but melon is an independent dish that should be eaten a few hours after the main meal.


Do you want to lose weight? Try a watermelon or melon mono-diet. But just remember that it can last no more than two days. And the most best option- unload on melons and melons once a week. And you will not only speed up your metabolism and lose a few extra pounds! Watermelon juice removes sand from the kidneys, normalizes intestinal function, and has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle. Melon prevents the development of atherosclerosis, improves immunity, and restores strength.

However, the use of melons is contraindicated in cases of flatulence, decreased kidney function, diabetes mellitus. Therefore, before going on a diet, be sure to consult your doctor.

Melon margarita
  • - 1 melon
  • - 2 limes
  • - 1/2 cup orange juice
  • - 1 tsp. sugar a pinch of salt

Peel and remove seeds from a small melon. Cut into cubes and set aside a few pieces to add to the finished cocktail. Cut one lime into slices. Grind the lime and melon in a blender. Pour in Orange juice and stir until smooth. Pour 1/2 tsp into a glass. lime juice and add 1 tsp. Sahara. Add melon cocktail to a glass, add melon slices, garnish with a lime wedge and serve immediately.

Melon sorbet.
  • - 800 g melon
  • - 4 kiwis
  • - 1 tbsp. l. lime juice
  • – 100 gm sugar
  • - 100 ml water pinch of salt

Dissolve sugar in warm water. Peel the melon and remove seeds and cut into pieces. Peel the kiwi and also cut into pieces. Blend the melon and kiwi in a blender, then add sugar syrup and lime juice and whisk again until smooth. Pour the resulting dessert into a container and refrigerate for 2-2.5 hours. Stir the mixture every 30-40 minutes - this must be done to prevent ice crystals from forming. Then place the melon treat in the freezer for a couple of hours. Serve in a wide, short glass.

Adults and children love to eat watermelons and melons, but very rarely know about them beneficial properties. The first watermelons and melons appear on the shelves already in mid-summer, but the most nutritious ones are closer to autumn. Let's try to figure out what watermelon is healthier or melon?

What are the benefits of watermelon?

Almost 90 percent of watermelon consists of water. This is reflected in its calorie content - about 35 kcal. It contains virtually no protein and is completely free of fat. It is impossible to gain weight from watermelon, and it is consumed in many diets.

Even though watermelon contains a lot of water, it also contains calcium, folic acid, vitamins PP and A. Among the minerals we can highlight potassium, iron and magnesium, which are necessary for the cardiac system and blood vessels.

Watermelon contains a lot of organic acids and dietary fiber. In addition to its diuretic effect, watermelon has a positive effect on the digestion process. It is most useful to use watermelon for kidney diseases and edema. You can consume about two kilograms of watermelon per day. It is very good to do fasting days on watermelons - you can lose several kilograms and remove excess water from the body.

Eating watermelon in large quantities, prohibited for diabetes, kidney stones and pancreatic diseases. Under no circumstances should you eat watermelon with salty foods - water will be retained in the body and cause serious swelling.

When growing watermelons, various nitrates are often used. They accumulate in the peel area. Such watermelons can cause serious poisoning in children and negatively affect the condition of the body.

Useful properties of melon

It should come as no surprise, but melon is also 90 percent water. It has a very low calorie content and can be consumed on the same basis as watermelon - it is impossible to gain weight from it. The only difference is that melon contains a low percentage of fat. However, this does not in any way affect its calorie content, which is 35 kcal.

Melon is rich in vitamins B9, A, P, as well as zinc, calcium and iron. It is useful to eat melon for atherosclerosis and heart disease. Melon allows for the prevention of many diseases, and is actively used in medicinal purposes. It is used for gout, constipation, diseases of the gallbladder, liver and kidneys. You should not eat melon empty stomach– It’s best to do this between meals. Melon perfectly cleanses the intestines and removes toxic substances from the body.

Doctors have used melon for a very long time and used it to cure impotence and gonorrhea. The peel and seeds of melon were especially prized. Now melon is used in cosmetology and face masks are made from it. Melon also has a great effect on mood and mental condition person. It contains special substances that help produce serotonin.

When choosing between melon and watermelon, you should be guided by your own preferences. If watermelon is good for the kidneys and helps you lose weight, then melon will improve your mood and cleanse your intestines. By consuming watermelon and melon, you can carry out prevention cardiovascular diseases, lower cholesterol and improve complexion.

What are the benefits of watermelon?

Almost 90 percent of watermelon consists of water. This is reflected in its calorie content - about 35 kcal. It contains virtually no protein and is completely free of fat. It is impossible to gain weight from watermelon, and it is consumed in many diets.

Despite the fact that watermelon contains a lot of water, it also contains calcium, folic acid, vitamins PP and A. Among the minerals, we can highlight potassium, iron and magnesium, which are necessary for the cardiac system and blood vessels.

Watermelon contains a lot of organic acids and dietary fiber. In addition to its diuretic effect, watermelon has a positive effect on the digestion process. It is most useful to use watermelon for kidney diseases and edema. You can consume about two kilograms of watermelon per day. It is very good to do fasting days on watermelons - you can lose several kilograms and remove excess water from the body.

Eating watermelon in large quantities is prohibited for diabetes, kidney stones and pancreatic diseases. Under no circumstances should you eat watermelon with salty foods - water will be retained in the body and cause serious swelling.

When growing watermelons, various nitrates are often used. They accumulate in the peel area. Such watermelons can cause serious poisoning in children and negatively affect the condition of the body.

Useful properties of melon

It should come as no surprise, but melon is also 90 percent water. It has a very low calorie content and can be consumed on the same basis as watermelon - it is impossible to gain weight from it. The only difference is that melon contains a low percentage of fat. However, this does not in any way affect its calorie content, which is 35 kcal.

Melon is rich in vitamins B9, A, P, as well as zinc, calcium and iron. It is useful to eat melon for atherosclerosis and heart disease. Melon allows for the prevention of many diseases and is actively used for medicinal purposes. It is used for gout, constipation, diseases of the gallbladder, liver and kidneys. You should not eat melon on an empty stomach - it is best to do it between meals. Melon perfectly cleanses the intestines and removes toxic substances from the body.

Doctors have used melon for a very long time and used it to cure impotence and gonorrhea. The peel and seeds of melon were especially prized. Now melon is used in cosmetology and face masks are made from it. Melon also has a great effect on a person’s mood and mental state. It contains special substances that help produce serotonin.

When choosing between melon and watermelon, you should be guided by your own preferences. If watermelon is good for the kidneys and helps you lose weight, then melon will improve your mood and cleanse your intestines. By consuming watermelon and melon, you can prevent cardiovascular diseases, lower cholesterol levels and improve your complexion.
