Methodological development (grade 4) on the topic: Scenario for the Day of Disabled People.


Class hour for the Day of Disabled People “Give people kindness!”

  1. Target:
  2. Fostering a respectful, humane, attentive attitude towards people with disabilities and recognition of them as full members of society;
  3. Learning to control your own emotions. Development of higher mental functions

: attention, perception, logical thinking. Equipment:

parts of a paper man, magnets, cards with terms; heart (for each student); air balloons;

musical and video material: Diana Gurtskaya “Magic Glass”, music for relaxation, “Day of Disabled Persons”, social video, “Do Good”, “Accessible Environment”. :

Basic concepts of the topic

disabled person, disability, visual impairment,

hearing disability

  1. Progress of the class hour.

Organizing time.

1. Emotional mood. A new day has come. I will smile at you and you will smile at each other. And think: how good it is that we are all here together today. We are calm and kind, friendly and affectionate. We are all healthy. What do we wish today (names of students are listed). What do you want to wish me? Take a deep breath and exhale... Exhale yesterday's resentment, anger, anxiety. Forget about them. Breathe into yourself the freshness and beauty of white snow, the warmth of the sun's rays, and the purity of the rivers. I wish you success good health

and caring attitude towards each other.

2. Opening remarks:

Guys, we will find out the topic of today's class hour when we complete the task.

What's attached to the board? (body parts of a paper man).

Let's put them together and see what we get.

How many hands does a person have?

How many legs does a person have?

Have we got a person? This is a full-fledged, healthy person. Is it so?

Now let’s connect the remaining parts of the human body on the board.

What does a person lack?

Can this person be called full-fledged (healthy)?

What can you call it? Let's read the dictionary entry from explanatory dictionary


- a person who is completely or partially disabled due to injury, illness or old age.

So, who are we going to talk about in class today? (about disabled people). III.

Main part. Unfortunately, there are many deprived people on our planet, i.e. These people are disabled either from birth or as a result of illness or injury. Yes, indeed, this often happens due to inattention to oneself and loved ones.

"Trauma at school and at home"

Look at this poster. What is he warning us about? (children's answers). Proper pampering at school, on the road, at home, careless handling of pyrotechnics can lead to various injuries.

(the song “Magic Glass” performed by Diana Gurtskaya is played)

Who performs this song? How is she different from other performers? (children's answers, this performer is blind)

Such people are called “visually disabled”

Read the word written on the board (children read "sight")

What part of speech is this word? (noun).

Form an adjective from this noun (visual)

Now make up a phrase (auditorium)

Make up a sentence with this phrase. (The guys were sitting in the auditorium.

Do you think people who are blind can come to the auditorium? (children's answers)

These people may come to the auditorium, but they will only be able to listen, not watch. Do you think they can work? (children's answers)

"Society of Disabled People" (a group of people with disabilities)

In the city of Labinsk there is a “Society of the Blind”, where people without sight make things for general consumption

(covers, switches, sockets) and can even read books, but special ones for the blind.

To experience for yourself how difficult it is for such people to live, I suggest you complete one task "Bring the item eyes closed»

Someone come up and blindfold him. Now go to the bookcase and take the book from the 3rd shelf. Bring her to me.

Reflection. What did you experience while completing this task? Did you want to take off the blindfold and open your eyes?

For all of us, this is an ordinary exercise and, if we wish, we can open our eyes. And do the task with with open eyes. I think that each of you understands that visually impaired people cannot afford this.

“I stand and listen to these wonderful sounds nature. On the tree …. woodpecker. In the swamp….frogs. Near the flower... bumblebee. In grass …. locusts."

Read the words for reference: buzzing, knocking, chirping, croaking.

Insert words according to their meaning into the text. Read it out loud, what happened?

What is the text about? (about the sounds of nature).

You and I can hear all these sounds, but people who cannot do this, they have no hearing - they are called hearing impaired (there is a card on the board - hearing impaired)

Look carefully at the poster and say what can lead to hearing loss.? What should you do to avoid this? (children's answers)

That's right, you need to be careful loud sounds, do not walk in the cold without a hat, do not pick your ears with sharp objects.

Dynamic pause

People who don't hear understand the world using facial expressions and gestures.

People with disabilities physical capabilities want to enjoy life as much as everyone else. Therefore, theaters of facial expressions and gestures have been created for deaf people, special books are published for the blind, and sports competitions and even special Olympic games are organized for the blind.

Do you know that such people participate in competitions? What are their names? Yes, that's right, Paralympians.

One exercise will help you feel how difficult it is for such people to do what is not difficult for us. Come to me 2 people. Now, I will tie one arm to my body with a ribbon. And try putting on a jacket with one hand.


What did you experience? What did you want to do?

Guys, today you listened to the information, many of you felt for yourself, while performing various tasks, how difficult it is sometimes for people with disabilities to live. I think that you will become kinder, more attentive, more responsive. To somehow help them. During the lesson, from your eyes, it became clear to me that everything you heard and saw touched your hearts. I would like to add that every disabled person wants to be treated as a full-fledged person. And as one of these people said: “We feel normal, like all other people, what makes us disabled is the attitude of people towards us.

Social video “Do good”

I think many of you will no longer laugh at such people, but on the contrary, if possible, will offer them your help.

Video "Accessible Environment"

But how we can help them, I want to hear from you. And for this we will now divide into two groups.

1st row - there will be city planners.

They need to figure out what can be changed in the construction of the city to make life easier for people with disabilities.

Row 2 - choose cards that contain actions that you can do yourself to help people with disabilities.

Children complete the task within 1-2 minutes. (at this time relaxation music plays). Then the children voice what they did.

1 row- make entrances and exits from shops and transport designed for wheelchairs.

2nd row- help cross the road, go to the store, help clean the apartment, pay attention.

IV. Final part

If you want to spread goodness around you, then take the hearts that are on your tables and write on them what is closest to your soul, what you want to say to people with disabilities. You can use the inscriptions on the board or come up with your own version. (written on the board: I want to help you, I worry about you, I will support you in Hard time), and now attach hearts with wishes to balloons, which we will then release into the sky to convey our kindness to all people.

Summary of the lesson.

Who and what were they talking about? Who agrees that “Kindness will save the world”? Kindness is an amazing thing; it brings people together like nothing else. Kindness saves you from loneliness and emotional wounds. I'm friends, I'm not asking you for anything, just be kind.

And finish our Classroom hour I want in the words of the great Russian writer: “In life there is only one undoubted happiness - to live for others”


1.N.V. Romanycheva, G.M. Pecherina Education of tolerance. Krasnodar. Tradition 2011.

2. Kryazheva N. L. Development of the emotional world of children. Yaroslavl, 1997.

3. I'm going to class in primary school: Scenarios for school holidays. - M.: First of September, 2001.

Irina Vasilyeva
Open lesson for the Day of Disabled People “Only with the kindness of hearts”

Target: awaken in children a sense of compassion, a desire to help sick people, disabled people.


Form ideas about kindness, good deeds, their significance in human life;

Build knowledge about who needs good deeds;

Development of fine motor skills.

Preliminary work:

Manufacturing « hearts» origami, conversation with children about kindness, politeness, reading a poem by A. Barto "Vovka kind soul » , tales by V. Kataev "Seven-flowered flower".

Progress of the event:

Polite and kind

It's not hard to be.

You just need to pay attention to people.

Old man, old lady

When riding a bus

Or on the tram

Place to give way.

Wish you good health

Close to everyone when we meet

And "All the best"

Leaving home.

Always be neat

Clean and washed,

So that everyone wants

Talk to you.

Grandma and mom

No reminder

Help immediately

And your toys

Necessary things

On time to the place

Clean up from the floor.

Don't swing your legs

Sitting at lunch

And don't talk

When soup is in your mouth.

Protect all the weak

Polite and kind

It's not hard to be.

Necessary just rules

Know and do.

There are many of these rules

Good for children

You and I are together

Let's study.


Educator: Hello! We begin any of our meetings with these words. And this word doesn't mean just a greeting, but also wishes of health to the one to whom it is addressed. Health is very important for a person. Health is a gift of fate. It is necessary to learn to cherish and respect this gift. That is why already with early childhood we learn not just to greet people, but to wish them health. If we wish for others, we wish for ourselves. But our health and the health of others does not always depend on our desires. Unfortunately, there are many people on our planet who are deprived of physical health, i.e. these people are disabled or from birth, or as a result of illness or injury. Disabled people are people so limited by illness or injury that they cannot cope without outside help. These people need a little of our warmth and attention, care and respect. And we are so often indifferent, we pass by the grief of others.

Now we’ll see what kind of people they are, what they are like.

View the presentation:

Slide 3 - December 3 is international day disabled people. To ordinary people it is difficult to imagine with your own eyes what life is like for those whom nature or chance have deprived of health, those whom we usually call disabled people. But every seventh person living on the planet today is such. A person with disabilities, meanwhile, does not lose either the intelligence characteristic of our species or ordinary human desires and aspirations.

Slide 4 - Look, guys in all these photographs, the children are happy, because they are not alone, they are reliable next to them, faithful friends and their parents, they can play sports, go to school, dance, lead a normal life, just like you and me.

Slide 5 - Guys, there are still people who don’t see anything at all. Do you know that blind people get special help? trained dogs– guide dogs that help their owner navigate the world around them and move freely.

Slide 6 - Disabled people are people, whose health capabilities so limited by illness or injury that they cannot cope without outside help.

Slide 7 - What are they? Are they different? Let's get to know them better! They love sports too!

Slide 8 – They love creativity too!

Slide 9 – They love animals too!

Slide 10 – They love to sing too!

Slide 11 – They love to dance!

Slide 12 – Just like we love holidays!

Slide 13 - Also with fading hearts are waiting for gifts!

Slide 14 – Are they different?

Slide 15 – They are strong in spirit! They engage in creativity, sports, and create works of art.

Slide 16 - We are all equal, those who can walk or not, see or not see, we must all be treated equally good, respectfully, help if they need our help. You need to be friends with all children, regardless of their illness.

A game " "Blind" And "Guide"»

This game gives the child the experience of trusting others. Two people are needed to start the game. One of them will "blind"- he is blindfolded. The second one is his "guide" trying to carefully and carefully guide a blind man across a busy road.

The conductor's task is to accurately translate "blind" to another "side of the highway"(where this place is, agree in advance, protecting it from collisions with various obstacles. After the task is completed, discuss with the child whether it was easy for him in the role "blind" whether he trusted the guide, his care and skill, what feelings he experienced. Next time, let him try himself as a guide - this will teach him care and attention to another person.

Now, let's make a big one ourselves card with hearts-origami and dedicate it to all people with disabilities.

Manufacturing postcards with origami elements « heart» , the song sounds "Funtika about friendship"

Educator: - I think you will kinder, more attentive, more responsive. To somehow help them. During classes, from your eyes, it became clear to me that everything I heard and saw touched your hearts. I would like to add that everyone disabled person wishes so that he would be treated as a full-fledged person. And as one of them said of people: “We feel fine, like everyone else, disabled people What makes us is the attitude of people towards us.” They don't need your pity, they need your friendship and help.

I think many of you will no longer laugh at such people, but on the contrary, if possible, will offer them your help. But how we can help them, I want to hear from you.

Children's answers: – make the entrance and exit from shops, transport, intended for wheelchairs.

Help cross the road, go to the store.

Help clean the apartment.

Bring groceries.

Help with everything; be careful. That's right, well done!

Novorossiysk rural library 2013

Lesson of mercy “I will extend my hand to you”

Goal: to develop a correct and reasonable attitude towards people with disabilities.

Guys, let's remember who is called disabled?

So, a disabled person is a person with disabilities who

needs help from healthy people.

How do you feel when you hear the word disabled or

do you see a disabled person on the street? The children answer. You see what different feelings a person can have when hearing the word “disabled.”

Now let's divide into 3 groups. Each group takes Blank sheet paper and divides it into two parts. On the left side of the sheet write “They can”, on the right side write “But they can’t”.

Give each group a card prepared in advance.


    Can they work on computers, as doctors, as pilots,

teachers, car drivers, shop assemblers,


2. Can they cross the road themselves?

3. Can they bypass an obstacle on the road?

5. Can they be inventors and scientists?

6. Can they play sports?

7. Can they study in a regular school?


1. Can they work as teachers, engineers, designers,

car drivers, surgeons, pilots?

2. Can they play sports?

3. Can they be scientists?

4. Can they study in a regular school?

5. Can they listen to the radio or watch TV?

6. Can they be inventors and scientists?


1. Can they study in a regular school?

2. Can they use public transport?

3. Can they go to work unhindered?

4. Can they work as designers, computer scientists,

lawyers, doctors, car drivers, pilots?

5. Can they visit theaters, circuses, and zoos?

6. Can they play sports and what types?

7. Can they be film artists?

Guys, from your answers it is clear that people with different shapes disability

sometimes they cannot do the simplest things for all of us, for example: move

trolleybus, bus, or climb the stairs to a store, pharmacy, or your

entrance, etc.

The eyes are also very important for humans. This is the most perfect and mysterious

organ in the human body. Through the eyes a person receives most

information. Now we will play the game "Close Your Eyes". Volunteers blindfold themselves with blindfolds or scarves. They are asked to complete several tasks:

Take the pen from the presenter and give it back to him.

Draw your school with a roof, windows and doors

Look out the window and talk about what you see

So, why weren't you guys able to complete the assignments?

How did you feel when you were blindfolded?

You see, you very acutely felt your helplessness and

confusion. People whose eyes are damaged are called visually impaired. You must remember this and always help these people, for example, get them across the road, get around an obstacle, etc. Guys, when you play with sharp objects, explode firecrackers, open containers with an unknown substance, etc. Remember that you can damage your eyes and lose your vision for life. And this is very scary!

Let's give visually impaired people the opportunity to be equal with us

rights What do they need for this? (Answer: glasses, Braille, special

computer equipment for speaking text, guide dog, cane

with obstacle alarm, traffic light with alarm, etc.)

If possible, show children visually the Braille alphabet and books.

Guys, take a sheet of paper. Draw a few cells. In each

make punctures in the cell, using a pen. Turn the sheet of paper over and use your fingers

feel for raised points. A certain number of such points corresponds

any letter. This is the principle of Braille. According to this alphabet in a special

Visually impaired children study at school; visually impaired people read this alphabet.

Their books are very thick, because... made of cardboard.

Ears, as an organ of hearing, are also very important for humans.

Guys, let's play the game "Broken Phone". Let's choose

presenter The leader quietly and quickly says a word to the first player,

which he must just as quickly convey to his neighbor's ear. Basics

the condition is continuity. The game takes place in a chain. The word is checked with

end. If a word is named incorrectly, it checks where the mistake was made.

Children are asked why a mistake was made? (Possible answers: bad

heard the neighbor speak very quietly, etc.). So if the word is spoken

It's quiet, you might not hear it, but if it's loud, it might give you a headache.

A person's hearing can be damaged due to illness or injury. People

Those whose hearing is damaged are called hard of hearing. You need to explain things to such people very slowly and expressively, because... many of them can read lips.

Let's help hard of hearing people. What do these people need in order for them to

did you hear and understand us?

(Answer: hearing aid, alphabet of gestures).

The alphabet of gestures is when each letter of the alphabet corresponds

a certain position of the fingers. The visually impaired learn the alphabet of signs

children in special schools.

Wheelchair...People with diseases of the spine and musculoskeletal function may be confined to it from birth, or they may become disabled in childhood, adolescence, or old age. The guys, climbing high on a tree, running along rooftops, diving into ponds,

remember to be careful. After all, one rash step can

put a person in a wheelchair for life. And this is very scary!

You must remember this and always help people with disabilities

strollers Let's help people in wheelchairs. What do these people need so that they can live and work? (Answer: electric light stroller, devices for cooking, cleaning an apartment, for using the bathroom, transport with a lift, a computer, ramps in residential buildings, shops, theaters, etc., wide doors in elevators and residential premises and offices, etc. .d.).

discussion will allow children to most fully understand the proposed material.

And in order for you to better know how people with disabilities live and feel, I suggest you read books from our book exhibition “Read and you will win!” (exhibition review in progress)

And now we will watch the cartoon “Tsvetik-seventsvetik”

So, guys, you have seen that disabled people are people like everyone else.

Due to an accident or illness, they found themselves in a difficult situation. They

need happiness, joy, communication and suffer more than other people from

loneliness, indifference, misunderstanding and need the help of healthy people.

Remember, guys: “There are excellent people who are unbearable and

others that you like with all their flaws.” These beautiful words were said by the French philosopher F. de La Rochefoucauld

I will give you several examples of human resilience, courage and

unbending fortitude, people with limited capabilities, but limitless


HEROES OF KILIMANJARO. "To prove to yourself that you are no worse, and maybe even

better than others, once in your life you need to grit your teeth and strain all your strength, but

conquer your peak," they said Russian disabled people Andrey Kozub, Vyacheslav

Surov and others and conquered a mountain peak 5895 m high, thereby proving

only for yourself, but also for everyone, that fortitude and courage can overcome everything


NINA MAHLER is a psychologist from Switzerland.

The courage and energy of Nina, who, after illness, lost the ability to

Just moving, but even breathing on your own, shocked everyone. She in

Switzerland has even created a Fund to help disabled people in Russia. She works for

computer using a stream of air from the breathing tube, making 140 characters per


MARY VERDI - girl on wheelchair, I really wanted to dance.

She learned to spin gracefully and make graceful movements. Once upon a time Mary

decided to take part in a dance competition, but did not warn the organizers about

that she is disabled. The numb audience watched her performance, and one

One of the judges even opened his mouth in surprise. Mary created the group "Dancing


I learned not just to exist, but also to create my life. Through

dance we show that human possibilities are limitless. If you want, you can achieve anything.

Many disabled people have become presidents, great scientists, inventors,

champions, etc.

In conclusion, I will read a poem by disabled person Sergei Olgin, which

will once again show how difficult it is for disabled people to live, but despite the difficulties, they

don't give up.






















Sergey Olgin

So, guys, now tell me again, who are people with disabilities?

It is advisable to compare the children's answers with the answers they wrote on

paper at the beginning of the lesson: weak, sick, helpless, dependent, etc. -

strong, smart, independent, etc.

And in conclusion, our video clip dedicated to people with disabilities “We are just different...” is shown to you.


Lesson conducted by: teacher

Additional education for children

Igumentseva Lyudmila Vasilievna

Saint Petersburg

2015-2016 academic year

Explanatory note

Class hour for the Day of Disabled People “Give people kindness!” Fostering a humane attitude towards people with disabilities.


Educational: To form an idea of ​​health as a value of human life. Introduce children to the concept and meaning of the words “people with disabilities”

Educational: Develop a sense of empathy for people with disabilities through “living” such experiences.Develop creative individuality, emotional perception, imagination, replenishment of active vocabulary.

Educational: To cultivate a sense of responsibility for one’s health, the health of one’s loved ones and others, and a willingness to perceive health as a value of human life

Foster a sense of morality towards people with disabilities; inform about behavior patterns with disabled people when meeting them on the street; increase awareness of maintaining your own health.

Methodological, didactic and logistical support for the lesson:

Lesson form: Open educational lesson.

Techniques and methods: Group, practical, visual, verbal.

Equipment and materials: Computer presentation “Do Good”, lesson development, cards, beads, threads, chamomile blindfold, multimedia board, laptop.

Expected results:

After this lesson, students:

1. Understand the importance and necessity of maintaining healthy image life.

2 Familiar with some of the problems of people with disabilities.

3. They empathize and sympathize with people with disabilities.

Creating a relaxed, friendly atmosphere in the group; increasing intra-group trust and cohesion among group members.

Progress of the lesson:

Hello guys! I would like to dedicate our lesson today to the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

But first, I suggest playing a greeting game.

Now I will approach each of you and you will choose the bead that you like.

When you take the bead in your hands, you will say your name, as you would like to be addressed(children take a bead, saying their name)

And now, when you have chosen a bead, squeeze your bead in your fist, close your eyes, smile (always from the heart), think about what is good and good in your soul, for what qualities you love, value, respect yourself. Whoever is ready, open your eyes.

(Conversation on the content of V. Kataev’s work “The Seven-Flower Flower”)

I suggest you remember the work of V. Kataev, where these lines are taken from:

Fly, fly, petal,
Through west to east,
Through the north, through the south,
Come back after making a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be according to my wishes.
Order to...

(children answer questions)

That’s right, this work is called “The Seven-Flower Flower.”

Who was the main character of this work?(girl Zhenya)

What unusual thing did the girl manage to acquire?(Seven-flowered flower,which the old lady gave her A).

What was unusual about this flower?? (Could fulfill any wish).

And so the last blue petal remained. How many of you remember what the girl wanted to spend it on?(Candy, bicycle, movie ticket, sandals).

What decision did Zhenya make with the last petal?(Helped Vita recover, who could not move on his own).

Which of the seven wishes do you think was thought through?

The most thoughtful and correct desire was the seventh.

From what side did Zhenya appear before us when making her 7th wish?

She saw, understood and accepted a stranger to her for who he is. My wife wanted to help Vita feel healthy, like everyone else.

Not every disease is curable, and therefore there are many people among us who need someone’s support from the outside.

Have you ever met people on your way who need someone’s help or support, as in this fairy tale?

What kind of people am I asking about?

That's right, about people with disabilities

There are people with physical disabilities or serious illnesses that are not necessarily congenital, but can be the result of injuries or illnesses.

A person with disabilities is a person like everyone else. He needs happiness, joy, communication, love, suffers from loneliness, indifference, misunderstanding and needs support.

Imagine that you are walking down a street where there are a lot of people. What kind of people with disabilities can you meet on your way?(Visually impaired, hearing impaired, those who use a wheelchair, people with intellectual disabilities.)

What feelings do you have when you meet such a person on your way?(compassion, empathy, empathy, generosity)

In 1992, at the end of the United Nations Decade of Persons with Disabilities (1983-1992), the UN General Assembly proclaimed December 3 as the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

Carrying out International Day people with disabilities is aimed at drawing attention to the problems of people with disabilities, protecting their dignity, rights and well-being.

Guys, we will now create seven-flowered flower with the rules of a tolerant person.

Let's ask Ksyusha to tell us what tolerance is.

TOLERANCE: in Russian, “tolerance” means “the ability, the ability to endure, to put up with other people’s opinions, to be lenient towards the actions of other people, to be gentle with their mistakes and mistakes.”

I suggest you, together with me, come up with a number of rules that will help you behave correctly with people with disabilities (as the rules are formulated, a seven-color flower is created).

How would you behave when meeting a person who has disabilities? (That's right, you shouldn't look so closely as to attract the person's attention, as this can put him in an awkward position)

1 petal attached– “see” a person with disabilities, but pretend that he did not notice his shortcomings.

Guys, let's use a sketch to look at the situation. When a person needs help...

Pasha, Nadya and Dima will help us with this.

Scene “There are two roads in front of you. Choose...”

A young man and his girlfriend were walking around the city. A poorly dressed elderly man was sitting on the curb. There was a bag lying next to him. He moaned softly, and there were tears in his eyes.

Wait, I’ll go to him,” the girl said.

Do not even think about it. “It’s dirty, you’ll catch an infection,” the young man answered, squeezing her hand.

Let go. You see his leg is broken. Look, look, there's blood on his pant leg.

What do we care? He himself is to blame.

Let go of my hand, you're hurting me. He needs help.

I'm telling you: it's all his own fault. He has to work, but he begs, steals, and gets drunk. Why help him?

I'll come anyway. - The girl pulled her hand away.

I won't let you in. You are my girlfriend and don’t you dare communicate with “stuff.” Let’s get out of here,” he tried to lead her away.

You know what, I... How can you? It hurts him, do you understand? No, you don't understand!

The girl pushed the guy away and approached the man. The guy tried again to hold her. She resolutely pulled her hand back.

What's wrong with you? - she asked the man. - What's wrong with your leg?

I broke her... I'm bleeding. I don’t know what to do or where the hospital is in this city. I'm not from here. It's too painful for me.

Now. Let me take a look. Be patient. We need to call an ambulance.

Thank you lady, thank you...

Listen,” the girl turned to young man who approached them, “don’t you have a mobile phone?”

The guy remained silent. The girl looked at him questioningly and suddenly felt disgust that emanated from his entire posture, his gaze... She stood up and approached the guy.

Get out! Never call me or come again! I don't want to know you anymore.

Can you really do this because of some homeless person, an alcoholic? Stupid! You'll regret it.

The girl shrugged and knelt down again. The guy walked away.

You open fracture“,” she said. - I'll go call the doctor. Be patient,” she quickly went to the telephone booth.

Young woman! - the man called out to her - Thank you! - The girl turned around and smiled. - You will definitely find happiness for yourself.

(children answer questions)

  1. Why did the young man refuse to help?
  2. What would you do in this case?
  3. What do you usually do if you see that a person needs help?
  4. How should we deal with people who beg?

Bottom line : Having done good, a person himself becomes better, cleaner, brighter. If we are attentive to any person with whom we interact, be it a random fellow traveler, a tramp or a friend, this will be an act of kindness.

Such people are found everywhere, they can live next door or stroll in your yard. Those. you have to meet this person very often. What next step do you suggest the person take to take his mind off his problems?

2 petals are attached– “establish” contact, and not turn away from a person with disabilities.

Now Peter will read to us a poem written by Sergei Olgin.


Although every step is not easy for us,
Even though every hour is a fall and a rise,
Beneath that old blue sky
We love life and never get tired of living.

Sometimes it happens - life turns black,
And not in a foggy dream, but in reality,
Adversity pulls you to the bottom, but stubbornly
We all remain on the raft.

We hate it when people feel sorry for us
And in your difficult everyday life.
Getting stronger and healthier
With the help of unity and friends.

So don't scare us, it's a difficult road.
It's bitter winter. The thunderstorm is thundering.
Friends, we can do a lot together,
To remain human on earth.

Misfortunes cannot break us in any way,
Our blood does not freeze in the cold,
They always come to our aid on time
Hope, faith, wisdom and love!

We saw that people with disabilities are strong, smart, independent, resilient, etc.

3 petals are attached- “understand” a person’s problem.

How can you understand the problem of another?

You need to imagine yourself in a situation in which people with disabilities find themselves.

And now I want to invite you to play a game in which you can feel what a person with health problems experiences.

I need two volunteers, one plays the role of a blind person, the other - his assistant.

Assignment for the blind:“Close your eyes, don’t peek under any circumstances. You must get up from your seat, go to the board, draw any picture with chalk and return to your place.”

Assistant task: “You are a helper. Your task is to do everything to prevent the blind person from falling, injuring himself, or colliding with anything. And also make sure your friend doesn’t peek.”

After completing the task, participants are asked questions.

Let's sum it up: (children answer the questions asked)

Questions for the “blind”:

  • What did you feel?
  • Was it difficult? If it is difficult, then when? What was the hardest thing?
  • Questions for the assistant:
  • Did you want to help?
  • If you wanted to, then when?

Questions for the class:

  • What did you saw?
  • When did he need help most?
  • What difficulties do people who have vision problems face?

Do you think life is easy for a blind person? easy in everyday life? Guys, how can you distinguish a person with visual impairment, by what signs? (white cane, guide dog)

What devices do you know that help people with visual impairments in life? (sound traffic lights)

Result: You see, guys, what difficulties people with disabilities experience. But they also really want to learn how to draw beautifully, sing and play music. instruments, dance, they want to play sports. - Do you think people with disabilities can learn this?

The deficiencies of one sense organ are compensated by other organs (For example: deaf people can read lips, blind people have more developed hearing and more sensitive skin etc. People with disabilities improve what is developed to a lesser extent in healthy people.) And you and I can help them with this.

4 petals are attached- “accept” a person as he is, realize the dignity of a person.

Treat him as an equal person.

5 petals are attached– “get interested” in a person’s successes.

(Support a person’s initiative and creative expression).

Now we will listen to messages about the heroism of people with disabilities.

Now you will learn about human resilience, courage and unbending fortitude of people with limited capabilities, but limitless abilities. (children present their messages)

Zhenya will now tell us about

HEROES OF KILIMANJARO. “To prove to yourself that you are no worse, and maybe better than others, you need to grit your teeth once in your life and strain all your strength, but conquer your peak,” said Russian disabled people Andrei Kozub, Vyacheslav Surov and others and conquered the mountain peak height of 5895 m, thereby proving not only to himself, but to everyone that fortitude and courage can overcome all obstacles.

NINA MAHLER - psychologist from Switzerland. The courage and energy of Nina, who after illness lost the ability not only to move, but even to breathe on her own, shocked everyone. In Switzerland, she even created a Fund to help disabled people in Russia. She works on the computer using a stream of air from a breathing tube, making 140 characters per minute.

MARY VERDI - a girl in a wheelchair really wanted to dance. She learned to spin gracefully and make graceful movements. One day, Mary decided to take part in a dance competition, but did not warn the organizers that she was disabled. The numb audience watched her performance, and one of the judges even opened his mouth in surprise. Mary created the group "Dancing Wheels".

I learned not just to exist, but also to create my life. Through dance we show that human possibilities are limitless. If you want, you can achieve anything.

What are the sports competitions for people with disabilities called?

PARALYMPIC GAMES. Nadya please tell us...

You probably know about the Paralympic Games - international sports competitions for invalids. They are traditionally held after the main Olympic Games, and starting from 1992 - in the same cities. The Summer Paralympic Games have been held since 1960, and the Winter Paralympic Games since 1976 (they are held regularly every four years)

The name “Paralympic” is derived from the Greek prefix “para” - “near, along”; This refers to the parallelism and equality of these competitions with the Olympic competitions.

What sports are included in the Paralympic Games?

Alena, please tell me.


Summer sports:

weightlifting, track and field, archery, swimming, judo, cycling, wheelchair tennis, fencing, 7x7 football, 5x5 football, wheelchair basketball, dressage, shooting, volleyball, wheelchair rugby, wheelchair dancing, goalball, tabletop tennis, rowing, sailing.

Winter sports:

cross-country skiing and biathlon, skiing, ice hockey, curling.

Natalia Yanuto. One can envy her perseverance and will. She was born and lives in the village of Belozerskoye, Moscow region. After the accident, the girl, bedridden, clenched her fists and began to fight for her right to be happy. At first I became interested in beadwork, and a few years later at the European Championships I twice climbed to the highest step of the podium in armwrestling. She cried from powerlessness, pain, and the indifference of those around her. But life's difficulties only strengthened her character. She won gold, silver and bronze medals in a bitter struggle. And before the European Championships, she firmly decided: I will not give in. Day and night she pumped her biceps, pulling a weight from under her pillow. Natasha competed with titled athletes, but managed to prove to everyone that if you have desire and perseverance, you can achieve anything. She won. Two gold medals, two crystal cups, two diplomas and the title of European Champion in armwrestling. She also dreams of trying her hand at a marathon. She believes that she can conquer any distance, because her capabilities are unlimited.

6 petals are attached– “Take over” something and give something in return.

7 petals are attached– “to help a person realize his capabilities and feel needed by others.

We must learn the laws of human existence and the laws of living together.

Lesson summary:

Happiness is when you are understood. Each of us needs food and sleep, warmth and physical safety. Every person needs it. So that he feels necessary, so that he has success appreciated by the people around him; so that he can develop and realize his potential;

The people around him respected him.

We have grown a new seven-flowered flower.It is unlikely that such a magical flower will be found. But I think that this flower should grow in the soul of every person and then life will be much more beautiful.

Valeria, read the poem.

No matter how life flies -
Don't regret your days,
Do a good deed
For the sake of people's happiness.
To make the heart burn,
And it didn’t smolder in the darkness,
Do a good deed -
That's why we live on earth.

And guys, there is a good expression: “What goes around comes around.” If you will be right hand give sympathy, attention, help, compassion, friendship, then in left hand the same thing will come back.

Take the beads with warm hands, squeeze them into a fist and apply them to your heart, think about what you will take with you into life from this lesson. Let this experience help you to be kinder and more tolerant of each other in life, help you find the kindness and goodness that is in the soul of every person. Open your eyes. Come to me one by one, we will string the beads on one thread. Stay standing with me.

What did we get?

Look what wonderful beads we made. So you and I are connected to others, but at the same time, each bead exists separately. Likewise, sometimes a person wants to be with everyone, and sometimes he wants to be alone. Look how tightly the beads fit together, as if they are very friendly with each other. I want you in the class to also be united and friendly, so that you have this relationship for a long time.

I invite you to join hands and sing the song “Do Good”

Thank you guys for your work at today's event. I suggest you clap for each other.

“On the path of goodness” lyrics. Yu. Entina, music. M. Minkova):

1 verse.

Ask life strict
Which way to go?
Where in the white world
Head out early in the morning?
Follow the sun, 2 times
Although this path is not known.
Go my friend, always
Walk the path of goodness

Verse 2

Forget your worries.
Downs and ups.
Don't whine
When your destiny
She doesn't act like a sister.
But if things are bad with a friend, 2 times
Don't rely on a miracle.
Always hurry to him
Walk the path of goodness

Verse 3

Oh, how many different ones there will be,
Doubts and temptations.
Don't forget that this life
not child's play!
Drive away temptations, 2 times
Learn the unspoken law
Go my friend
Always follow the path of goodness.


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Slide captions:


Fly, fly, petal, Through the west to the east, Through the north, through the south, Come back, making a circle. As soon as you touch the ground, be according to my command. Order to...

People with disabilities

December 3 is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. In 1992, at the end of the United Nations Decade of Persons with Disabilities, the UN General Assembly proclaimed December 3 as the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

Tolerance In Russian, “tolerance” means “the ability, ability to endure, put up with other people’s opinions, be lenient towards the actions of other people, be gentle with their mistakes and mistakes”

Faith, Hope and Love are with you...

Heroes of Kilimanjaro

Nina Mahler

Mary Verdi

Natalia Yanuto

Go my friend, always follow the path of goodness...

"Kezhemsky District Center for Children's Creativity"


"A Lesson of Kindness, Love and Mercy"

Prepared by:

additional education teacher

Kodinsk, 2015

Rationale. The problem of children with disabilities is a worldwide problem. Currently, every tenth inhabitant of the Earth, i.e. more than 500 million people, has certain limitations in everyday life associated with physical, mental or sensory defects. Among them are at least 150 million children. Every fourth family faces the problem of disability in one way or another. In Russia, as well as throughout the world, there is also a growing trend of children with disabilities. Since the end of the 20th century, the incidence of childhood disability in our country has doubled. The problem is becoming national, so from now on it will not work to pretend that we simply don’t have such people. Society needs to turn its face to such people and create conditions to overcome the restrictions that have arisen in their lives, provide them with equal opportunities. healthy people opportunities to participate in society. But first, society must develop a tolerant attitude towards people with disabilities; these people must feel like full-fledged members of our society. Therefore, the idea arose to hold such an event on the eve of the Day of Persons with Disabilities.

Class hour for the Day of Disabled People “Give people kindness!” To form a tolerant attitude towards people with disabilities among students of the music school-studio


· To attract students' attention to the problems of people with disabilities;

· To form a music school-studio for children human values: kindness, responsiveness, attention to others;

· To cultivate in students feelings of empathy, mercy, and goodwill towards people with disabilities

Student age: 8-10 years

: attention, perception, logical thinking. computer, interactive board, flipchart

Istage. Preliminary preparation for the event(two weeks)

(design, research and information technologies are used).

Tasks for children:

Select literature on the interaction between a blind person and a guide dog;

Select literature about methods that allow blind people to read;

Find literature that shows the success of people with disabilities.

IIstage. Preparing for the event(design and information technologies are used).

· Preparation of a presentation for an event based on the results of children’s work (from November 18 to 21);

· Search for videos for the event (November 23, 24);

· Search for musical material for the event (November 25, 26);

· Preparation of the event script (from November 26 to December 1);

· Invitation of parents, teachers, administration to the event (December 2)

IIIstage. Hosting an event(technology of collective creative activity is used)


Slide No. 1

Today I would like to call our event with you “A Lesson of Kindness, Love and Mercy.” And why I think so, you can guess for yourself.

Sometimes people are too cruel

Indifferent to the troubles of others,

They do not accept other people's vices,

Without seeing my own people at all.

But let's be kinder

Mercy is our motto!

There is nothing kinder than kindness,

Life is so joyless without her!

On December 3, all countries celebrate International Day of Persons with Disabilities. This is a reminder to us, to all people of the Earth, that there are people who need our help, protection, respect, goodwill. This holiday, by decision of the UN, was officially announced in 1992.

Who are these people whom we carefully call “disabled people”? (children's answers)

Disabled people are people who, due to their health, have difficulty moving, cannot see or hear, and cannot always take care of themselves.

Screening of the video film “We’re Just Different”

Let's look at the reasons that can lead people to disability.

· Guys, do you think there are professions that are hazardous to health and lead to disability? (children's answers).

Representatives of almost all professions are more or less exposed to some kind of danger. But some types of professions are associated with greater health hazards: underwater, chemical, associated with high voltage, vibration, radiation and others. All types big sport, ballet, and circus are also very dangerous.

· What dangers await us in life, in everyday life? (children's answers).

And in life, in everyday life, dangers await us: electricity, boiling water, high-rise buildings, cars. But people often either don’t think about it or simply take risks: they cross the road into in the wrong place or at a red traffic light, swimming in unfamiliar places or in too cold water, rivers cross thin ice, they fight and do a lot of other things, they do not take care of the most valuable thing that we have - life and health.

· In addition, car accidents, plane crashes, fires, accidents in factories, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, etc. occur in the world. After military operations, people with disabilities also appear due to injuries and concussions.

· It happens that a person becomes very ill. But not all diseases have yet been controlled by doctors.

· And sometimes this happens: the baby is born unhealthy.

There are many disabled people in our country. These are both adults and children. Have you ever seen such people in our city? In other places? (answers)

Yes, indeed, they exist. We just don't always notice them. But it doesn't have to be that way. We must help them in every possible way, protect them. Life is not easy for such people; their life is a daily struggle. So that you can understand at least a little bit the condition of a blind person, we will conduct the following experiment:

ü With your eyes closed, draw a house on the board.

Was it easy for you to complete this task? (Children's answers)

Do you know how these people move? (Children's answers)

The guys from our association will tell you about this in more detail.

1 group of children tells and shows slides Slide No. 2, 3, 4, 5 One way for such people to move is through guide dogs, trained dogs that help their owner navigate the world around them. Most often trained German Shepherds, sometimes boxers and labradors. The training begins with simple commands: sit, stand, lie down, stand, etc. Then a special harness is put on the dog, the end of which is held in the hands of the trainer. The dog learns to walk to the left of the trainer half a step ahead. She must choose the road so that the owner does not have to encounter obstacles. A trained guide dog obeys its owner, but moves only when it is safe to do so, choosing a convenient route. Usually such a dog is trained in the presence of the owner and within about a month they seem to get used to each other. The owner controls the team, through which they transmit signals to each other. Soon they can travel the city streets, first under the supervision of a trainer, and then on their own. Usually a dog becomes not only an indispensable assistant, but also a friend. And from then on they were inseparable.

How do blind people read? (Children's answers)

Our guys have a good command of this information, word to group 2

Group 2 of children tells and shows slides Slide No. 6, 7, 8

· Special books are published for blind people, where the font is printed in three-dimensional letters. These books are read using your fingers.

· And there is also a special alphabet - the Braille alphabet, so that these people can also read, learn, and communicate. It is based on a convex six-dot: combinations of dots denote letters, numbers, and musical notes.

How do people with hearing problems live? After all, on the street they don’t hear car horns, you can’t hail them, you can’t warn them about danger from afar. In the forest we “holler” so as not to lose each other, but what about them? (Children's answers)

And they communicate with gestures, this is sign language. Therefore, such people need to see the hands and face of their interlocutor.

What if a person is deprived of both sight and hearing? How to communicate then? (Children's answers)

And then “palm to palm” contact is necessary. Then the fingers of the “speaker” write a word from the letters in the palm of the “listener”. These letters are special. This set of “letters” is called the dactyl alphabet. Slide number 9 Try it yourself. Difficult? But you need to live, study, work. Such children study near Moscow at the Zagorsk special boarding school. This school is the only one in the whole country. Four of its graduates became doctors of science.

There are people who do not have an arm or a leg, or both arms and legs, or whose arms and legs do not obey their master at all. People who do not have legs most often move in wheelchairs. They are forced to constantly use outside help. Imagine your morning with hands tied: how to wash, have breakfast, get dressed?

The following exercises will help you feel how difficult it is for such people to do what is not difficult for us.

ü Using one hand, try to put on your jacket.

ü Put on the mitten with one hand.

How did you feel? What were you thinking? Was it difficult to complete the tasks? (Children's answers)

Guys, life is very difficult for people with disabilities. Therefore, be kind, sympathetic, merciful and never refuse to help such people. They will be very grateful to you! The International Day of Persons with Disabilities reminds all people of the Earth that there are people living next to us who need support and help. Among them there are many courageous, strong-willed people who reach great heights in life. Have you heard about the Paralympic Games? (Children's answers)

The national team of our country took 1st place at the last Paralympic Games, leaving far behind the Paralympians of other countries, and in terms of the number of medals it surpassed the Russian national team at the Olympic Games.

Slides No. 10-18

And here are more examples of people who, despite large deviations in health, achieved great success in creative and professional activities and became legends for subsequent generations, people to be emulated. Word 3 to the group of guys.

Group 3 of children tells and shows slides Slides No. 19-23

Ludwig van Beethoven(1770 – 1827) – German composer. At the age of 24, already a famous composer, Beethoven began to lose his hearing: he developed tinitis - inflammation inner ear. And at the age of 32, Beethoven became completely deaf, but it was from this time that the composer created his most famous works.

Alexey Maresyev(1916 – 2001) – legendary pilot, Hero Soviet Union. On April 4, 1942, in a battle with the Germans, Alexey Maresyev’s plane was shot down, and Alexey himself was seriously wounded. For eighteen days, the pilot, wounded in the legs, crawled his way to the front line. At the hospital, both legs were amputated. But after being discharged from the hospital, he sat at the controls of the plane again. In total, during the war he made 86 combat missions and shot down 11 enemy aircraft: four before being wounded and seven after being wounded. Maresyev became the prototype of the hero of Boris Polevoy's story "The Tale of a Real Man."

Franklin Roosevelt- 32nd President of the United States - was also disabled. In 1921, Roosevelt became seriously ill with polio. Despite years of efforts to overcome the disease, Roosevelt remained paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair. Some of the most significant pages in US history are associated with his name.

Eric Weihenmayer- the world's first rock climber to reach the top of Everest while blind. He lost his sight when he was 13 years old. Onako Eric completed his studies, and then became a high school teacher himself, then a wrestling coach and world-class athlete. In addition to Everest, Weihenmayer has conquered the seven highest mountain peaks in the world, including Kilimanjaro and Elbrus.

Irishman Christy Brown, unlike previous ones famous disabled people, was born with disabilities - he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Doctors considered it unpromising - the child could not walk or even move, and was developmentally delayed. But the mother did not abandon him, but cared for the baby and did not give up hope of teaching him to walk, talk, write, and read. Her action deserves deep respect - Brown's family was very poor, and his father did not accept his “inferior” son at all. In fact, Brown only controlled his left leg fully. And it was with this that he began to draw and write, mastering first chalk, then a brush, then a pen and a typewriter. He not only learned to read, speak and write, but also became a famous artist and short story writer. The film Christy Brown: My Life was made about his life. left leg", the script for which was written by Brown himself.

Summarizing: It became clear to me from your eyes that everything you heard and saw touched your hearts. I think many of you will no longer laugh at such people, but, on the contrary, will, if possible, offer them your help. And let December 3 - International Day of Persons with Disabilities - be another reason to remember that people who live next to us are the same as us, but still somehow different from us, and that we can help these people.

IV stage. Expected results:

Children's attention was drawn to the problem of people with disabilities;

The children learned the reasons for the appearance of such people;

The children experienced first-hand (through experiments) how difficult it is for people with disabilities in life;

The children understood that they should try to help such people in every possible way.


1. Gorbunov’s watch. - Volgograd, “AST Teacher”, 2004.

3. http://nsportal. ru/nachalnaya-shkola/vospitatelnaya-rabota/2013/07/27/klassnyy-chas-ko-dnyu-invalida

4. Clip.http://go. mail. ru/search_video? q=%D0%BA%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%BF%20%D0%BC%D1%8B%20%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82 %D0%BE%20%D0%B4%D1%80%D1%83%D0%B3%D0%B8%D0%B5&fr=ws_p&d=480353885&sig=1f790104b3&s=%D0%9C%D0%BE%D0%B9% 20%D0%9C%D0%B8%D1%80

5. Clip. http://go. mail. ru/search_video? tsg=l&q=children -
