Pumpkin juice recipe. How to make pumpkin juice at home? Pumpkin juice for the winter

But I also want to cook delicious salads for the winter from overseas vegetables. These include eggplants.

Although we can now grow them here too. And I grow, but not on such a scale that I also harvest. So, there is enough to eat. But for preparing these vegetables, I prefer to buy those that were brought from the southern regions.

Do you know how great it is to have a lot of preparations for the winter? And the “little blue ones” (as we affectionately call them) are generally something special! Open the jar, and there you go - this is an appetizer, a salad, a side dish, and just a delicious stand-alone dish. It's just a lifesaver. Even just boil the potatoes and open such a jar - you’ve got a delicious dinner and you’re ready!

The habit of preparing various salads in numerous ways has remained since the times when we lived in Uzbekistan. Now we live in the Urals, but we don’t give up the habit. We prepare them here in full. And one of my favorite recipes is Korean eggplant. There are several recipes, and one is tastier than the other. It was difficult for me to choose which one is the most delicious, and therefore I will describe them all that I know. And you choose for yourself.

There were many Koreans living in Uzbekistan. They prepared their amazing salads and sold them in markets. And we bought them with pleasure. But it wasn’t cheap to buy, so they began to learn to do everything themselves. They learned to make chamcha and carrots quite quickly, and each family made them in its own way. But the salad recipe was harder to come by. More difficult does not mean impossible! They took it out and cooked it. And we are still cooking to this day! But today I am sharing recipes with you.

This recipe was one of the first I came across. Maybe that’s why it is considered to this day the most delicious. To make it clear how to cook it, I offer it along with the recipe step by step description and photo.

We will need (for 4 half liter jars):

  • eggplants – 1 kg (6 pcs)
  • bell pepper - 300 gr (2-3 pcs)
  • carrots – 300 gr (3 pcs)
  • onion - 100 g (1-2 pcs)
  • garlic - 5-6 cloves
  • red capsicum - 0.5 (optional, for those who like it spicy)
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons

For the marinade:

  • vegetable oil - 80 g
  • vinegar 9% - 50 ml
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • salt - 1 teaspoon
  • black pepper - 0.5 teaspoon
  • red hot peppers- 0.5 teaspoon
  • ground coriander - 1 teaspoon
  • turmeric - 1 teaspoon

Preparing the marinade:

1. The first thing to do is the marinade. He must insist. And then, when all the ingredients exchange their tastes, the marinade will turn out homogeneous and very tasty.

2. Pour two tablespoons of vegetable oil into a small frying pan. Warm him up, but not too much. The oil just needs to be hot. We put red hot pepper, turmeric and half of coriander in it. Heat the spices, stirring constantly, for 5 seconds. It is important for us to “reveal” the taste of the spices, but in no case overcook them.

3. Leave the spices to infuse in the oil and cool.

4. Meanwhile, mix salt, sugar, ground black pepper and the second part of coriander (it will give us a smell). Add the rest vegetable oil and 9% vinegar.

5. When the oil and spices have cooled, add it to the marinade. Stir and leave to brew for 30-60 minutes. That is, the time while we cook the vegetables.


1. Wash the vegetables, remove the stem and cut into small pieces with a side of 2.5-3 cm.

2. Put water to warm up, about two liters. It is better to have a large pan. Add one tablespoon of salt for every liter of water. That is, we pour two level tablespoons of salt.

3. As soon as the water boils, place all the chopped pieces into the pan at once. And cover it with a lid. We are waiting for the water to boil. Then reduce the heat to medium and cook the contents for 10 minutes. The water should not boil too much so that the pieces do not lose their shape.

To prevent the “little blue ones” from being bitter, they are either boiled in salted water or kept in salt and then washed with cold water.

4. After 10 minutes, drain the boiled vegetables in a colander to drain all the liquid. Let cool.

5. While the eggplants are boiling and cooling, let's move on to other vegetables.

6. Grate the carrots using a Korean carrot grater.

7. bell pepper cut into thin strips. It is better to use juicy, fleshy peppers, preferably deep red in color. In this case, the salad will turn out bright and colorful.

8. Place both carrots and peppers in a common pan or basin.

9. Peel the onion and cut it into half rings. We separate the rings and add them to the common basin.

10. Chop the garlic. The Koreans taught me how to cut it, they said it tastes better this way. I don’t know why you have to do this, but I follow their advice and don’t use a garlic press. Finely chop the garlic using a knife. In principle, this takes even less time than when using a press, which then also needs to be washed.

We also send it to the general mass.

11. If desired, add hot red pepper. The seeds need to be cleaned out, because they give off the most bitterness. Depending on the degree of bitterness of the pepper, add half or a whole pepper. And when you cut it into pieces and remove the seeds, use gloves, otherwise your fingers will be “bitter” for a long time, and God forbid you get something like that in your eye. If you are not a fan of spicy food, then simply ignore the pepper.

12. Lay out the “little blue ones”. Pour the infused marinade over everything and mix gently.

We carry out all mixing procedures very carefully so as not to damage the vegetables. They should all remain intact.

13. Let it sit for two hours. Stir periodically, every 30-40 minutes.

The vegetables will release juice, and with each stirring, the smell will become stronger. The marinade interacts with the vegetables and makes them very tasty.

Well, while the vegetables are pickling, let’s start preparing the jars.

Preparation of jars and sterilization

A salad such as Korean eggplant must be sterilized.

These vegetables for preparing for the winter are quite “capricious”, and therefore it is better to sterilize all preparations with them.

1. Wash jars with soda or any other dish cleaning product.

2. Pour water into a saucepan, place a colander in it, and put the jars in it upside down. When the water in the pan boils, the jars will begin to sterilize using steam. This takes 10-15 minutes. The “ready” jar should be very hot when you touch it, so hot that you can’t pick it up with your hands.

Or you can use another method. Fill the washed jar with boiling water 2/3 full. To prevent it from bursting, place a tablespoon in the jar and a knife blade under the jar. You also need to cover it with a scalded or boiled lid. Keep the boiling water in the jar for 10-15 minutes.

Or you can sterilize the jars in the oven.

3. Turn the prepared jars upside down onto a clean towel so that the water drains and it dries. The lids also need to be either boiled or scalded.

4. When two hours have passed, we begin to put the salad into jars. First, fill the jars halfway. Press the contents down with a spoon. If there are air bubbles remaining along the walls, insert a thin knife from the edge and help the bubbles come out. Be careful not to damage the vegetables while doing this.

5. The second part of the jar is usually easier to fill. Press each new portion firmly with a spoon.

6. Do not place the salad all the way to the top. Leave a space of approximately a little less than 1 cm. During sterilization, the contents will heat up and additional juice will be released, which is why free space is needed.

7. When the jars are filled, set them to sterilize. To do this, pour warm or cold water, put a layer of gauze or a piece of fabric on the bottom. We put them in a saucepan and add water so that it reaches the “shoulders” of the jar.

8. Turn on the heat and bring the water to a boil. The boil should become “sure”, only after that we reduce the heat so that the water does not boil too much. And also don’t forget to note the time.

We sterilize

0.5 liter jars - 30 minutes

0.650 liter cans - 45 minutes

1 liter jars - 1 hour

9. After the time is up, take out the jars one at a time. You can’t just get them out, you need special tongs. You need to take them out carefully; if the lid accidentally opens, the jar will have to be sterilized again, not as much as it was sterilized before, but it will take 10-15 minutes.

10. They took out the jar and screwed it on. And only then can you get the next one.

11. When you have twisted them all, move them to the designated place and place them on the blanket with their necks down. Cover well with a warm blanket or blanket. The sterilization process will continue for another day. but already under the blanket.

12. Then turn the jars over and leave them for storage, preferably away from heating appliances.

I have been making eggplants using this recipe for a long time and it almost never happens to me that they explode. Therefore, follow all the recommendations, and they will also work very well for you!

Well, now the next recipe.

Korean eggplant - instant recipe with seasoning for Korean carrots

I use almost the same amount of ingredients as in the first recipe. But for spices I use Korean carrot seasoning. Since our recipe is quick, we will not pre-infuse the marinade. And there are a few more differences, I will talk about them below in the recipe.

Since many of the steps are similar to the first recipe, in order not to repeat myself, I will only touch on them in passing. Therefore, if you decide to choose this option, then read the first recipe too.

We will need (for 3 - 0.650 liter jars):

  • eggplants – 1 kg (6 pcs)
  • bell pepper – 400 gr (3 pcs)
  • carrots – 400 gr (4 pcs)
  • onion - 250 g (2-3 pcs)
  • garlic - 1 head
  • red capsicum - 0.5 - 1 (optional, for those who like it spicy)
  • salt - 2 + 2 tbsp. spoons

For the marinade:

  • vegetable oil - 200 ml
  • vinegar 9% – 120 ml
  • sugar - 1 tbsp
  • salt -0.5 tbsp. spoons
  • ground coriander - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • seasoning for Korean carrots - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • ground black pepper - 1 teaspoon


1. In this recipe we will prepare carrots slightly differently than in the first recipe. When Koreans make “markovcha” - Korean-style carrots, they first salt it. In this recipe, we will also salt the carrots first. How to do it?

2. Peel the carrots and grate them for Korean carrots. Then pour two tablespoons of salt into it, mix and leave until we prepare all the other vegetables.

3. Cut the eggplants lengthwise into two parts. Then cut each part slightly diagonally, that is, diagonally into pieces 1 cm thick.

4. Place a pot of water on the fire. Pour two liters of water and add two tablespoons of salt. As soon as the water boils, add the chopped pieces into it and cover the pan with a lid. Wait until the water boils again and note the time. Boil vegetables only for 3 minutes, no more, no less.

5. Drain the water through a colander and carefully move the vegetables into it so that all the water drains and they cool.

6. While they are cooling, let's prepare other vegetables.

7. Peel the pepper and cut into thin strips.

8. Cut the onion into half rings.

9. Chop the garlic with a knife.

10. Mix all vegetables except carrots. Add red hot pepper if desired. I usually make the first recipe without adding it. But I add pepper to this recipe.

And a few jars (there are 3 of them according to this recipe), I cook spicy eggplants. There needs to be some variety. In addition, my husband is a big fan of spicy foods.

11. The carrots have already been salted, and now they need to be washed directly in a colander under running water. When washed, squeeze and add to vegetables.

12. The eggplants have also cooled down, and we also add them to the total mass.

13. Add all the spices, pepper, salt, sugar, oil and vinegar directly to the total mass. You need to add ground coriander. I didn’t find this, but it is in the seeds, and that’s why I pound it in a mortar.

14. Mix all the contents. In general, you can put everything into jars at once and set it to sterilize. We have a quick recipe. But if you still have time, then leave the vegetables to sit for a while and soak in the marinade.

15. Place the salad in sterilized jars and cover with sterilized lids.

16. Sterilize the jars in the same way as in the previous recipe.

I came across recipes on the Internet. where liter jars are sterilized for only 25 minutes. This may be true, but I always sterilize the preparations as indicated in the first recipe. And they always keep very well and are very tasty. Therefore, I don’t risk sterilizing them in less time.

Korean-style eggplant for the winter - a delicious, finger-licking recipe

Feature this recipe is that we take all vegetables, except the blue ones, in equal quantities. And we use exactly twice as many of them. And despite the fact that the vegetables and spices are very simple, the dish turns out incredibly tasty. In one word, “You will lick your fingers.”

We will need:

  • eggplants – 1 kg
  • carrots - 500 gr
  • bell pepper – 500 gr
  • onion - 500 gr
  • garlic - 1 head
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • salt - 1/2 tbsp. spoons
  • vinegar 9% - 100 ml
  • vegetable oil 80 ml + oil for frying
  • coriander - 1 teaspoon
  • turmeric - 1 teaspoon
  • ground black pepper - 0.5 teaspoon
  • ground red pepper - 0.5 teaspoon


1. Cut the “blue ones” into half rings 1 cm thick, or if they are small, you can cut them into rings.

2. Pour 1.5 liters of water, dilute 1 tbsp in it. spoon of salt and put the sliced ​​​​circles in water for 40 minutes. To ensure they are all salted, cover them with a plate of the appropriate size. This procedure will allow them to get rid of excessive bitterness.

3. While the fruits are salting, let's move on to other vegetables.

4. Cut the onion into half rings. Chop the garlic.

5. Cut the bell pepper into strips.

6. Three carrots on a Korean carrot grater.

7. Combine all the vegetables, add all the spices, pepper, salt, sugar, vinegar, oil. Mix everything and wait for the time to pickle the eggplants.

8. Wash the finished pieces and squeeze them lightly.

9. If in the two previous recipes we boiled them, then in this recipe we will fry them, as if on a sauté. We will fry until golden brown. Place the fried pieces on a wire rack to drain off excess oil.

If there are contraindications for fried vegetables, then they can be baked in the oven. In this case, instead of 80 ml according to the prescription, we take 180.

10. Cool the fried “blue” ones and add them to the already pickled vegetables. Stir and let it brew for 2 hours. stirring occasionally.

11. Place in sterilized jars and sterilize as described in the first recipe.

These are my favorite recipes. I have specially combined them into one article so that it is convenient for you to choose. Since I like them all, I make 3-4 jars of each. Firstly, they don’t get boring, since they all have different tastes, secondly, they have different tastes, and thirdly, they are all very tasty!

When I prepare one of these salads for the winter, I definitely leave it “to eat for now.” What can we expect in winter when there is such an abundance of vegetables. We need to have time not only to make preparations, but also to eat more of them!

I put the finished salad in a jar and put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 days so that everything is well salted and marinated. After this time, it can be eaten. It's delicious!

Not long ago we were cooking. Anyone who has already tried to prepare it knows that this salad is also tasty in its “raw” form. And when we lived in Uzbekistan, it was in their raw form that both salads were sold on the market. If anyone remembers, they were sold in such long narrow bags. And for some reason, such a bag was only enough to eat at one time.

This is what made me search and try to cook different recipes. And also learn how to prepare these delicious salads for the winter. To prolong this taste pleasure.

By the way, did you know that eggplants are even specially dried for these salads? They cut it into round pieces, dry it, and then, when it is necessary to make fresh salad, place dried vegetables in water. They absorb water and become quite suitable for making salads.

Whatever they can think of when they love something. And vegetables cooked in Korean is the very dish that very, very many people love!

Therefore, prepare to please yourself and your family with tasty and healthy preparations in winter.

Bon appetit!

Juicing recipes

pumpkin juice

3 l

35 minutes

38 kcal

3.67 /5 (3 )

Wonderful, healing pumpkin juice without any harmful additives or flavorings can be prepared ahead of time for the winter, and then enjoy remembering the orange summer. Next I’ll tell you how to make pumpkin juice and reveal the secrets simple recipes delicious juice.

Pumpkin juice: beneficial properties and contraindications

Pumpkin juice contains great amount minerals, microelements and rare vitamins, including T, D and K. This juice contains potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron. Pectin, which is contained in excess, normalizes metabolism and works as an antioxidant. Polysaccharide helps cleanse the body of toxins and harmful substances, improves blood circulation. This orange miracle contains a record amount of carotene - 5 times more than carrots.

We can confidently say that pumpkin juice has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all our organs and systems. He has calming effect and promotes wound healing. In addition, this low-calorie product is a good helper for those who want to get rid of extra pounds.

How to drink pumpkin juice? Fresh Juice pumpkin is made using a juicer or grated and squeezed through cheesecloth. It is advisable to drink freshly squeezed pumpkin juice on an empty stomach., half an hour before breakfast, 100-150 ml at a time. Thus, you receive a powerful vitamin charge of vivacity and wellness. For complete healing effect for weight loss, you need to take the juice three times a day before meals, 20-30 minutes. If you have insomnia, take a glass of juice with a teaspoon of honey. It acts like a pleasant and mild sleeping pill.

How to make pumpkin juice at home - recipe

Kitchen appliances and utensils:

  • 3-liter saucepan;
  • submersible blender (juicer or sieve);
  • ladle;
  • jars for ready-made juice;
  • iron covers;
  • key for sealing cans.

Main products:

Ingredient Selection

The best varieties of pumpkin for juice are “Butternut” or “Muscat”. This pumpkin is very aromatic, juicy, the flesh is bright orange color, thanks to high content beta carotene. It looks like a large yellow-orange pear and is often found on sale. Also juicy and sweet pulp of the Kherson variety pumpkin. These are flat fruits with a peel gray with light gray stripes and spots. Altair pumpkin would also be good for juice.. It is also juicy and sweet, with pulp yellow color. The fruit of this pumpkin is flat, the skin is gray.

The brighter the flesh, the better - such a pumpkin contains more vitamin A. Choose a pumpkin that is not too big size(up to 3 kg). A mature pumpkin weighs more than it seems at first glance. Its tail should fall off on its own when the fruit is fully ripe. If it is cut, this means that the vegetable was picked while it was still unripe. There should be no damage to the pumpkin skin. It is better to buy a whole pumpkin, since the cut one may be rotten, and the rotten part was simply cut out.

Step-by-step recipe for pumpkin juice without additives

  1. Peel the pumpkin and remove seeds and cut into large cubes.

  2. Pour 2 liters of cold water into the pan and add the prepared pumpkin there. Place the pan on the fire and cook for 15 minutes after boiling. Pierce the pumpkin with a knife. If it softly enters the pulp, then the pumpkin is ready.

  3. Pass the finished pumpkin through a juicer or puree it using a blender or grind through a sieve.

  4. Pour the resulting mass back into the pan, add sugar and citric acid. Stir. If you find the juice too thick, add a little more water.

  5. Place the pan back on the heat and bring to a boil. Skim off the foam. As soon as the foam stops appearing, the juice is ready.

  6. Pour the hot juice into sterilized jars and seal with a metal lid. Turn the jar over and place it on the lid. Cover with a kitchen towel overnight. The cooled juice is ready for consumption. Store juice jars in a cool place. Drink for your health.

Video recipe for pumpkin juice without additives

This video shows a good and simple recipe for pumpkin juice.

Pumpkin juice without additives. The best recipe.

This is just an awesome recipe, the juice turns out very, very tasty.
THERE ARE MANY MORE DELICIOUS RECIPES ON MY CHANNEL. SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh3yCLRgNaVrgSB6rCdQV_g?sub_confirmation=1
Make your loved ones and loved ones happy.
Bon appetit!
Pumpkin - 3 kg (weight of peeled pumpkin)
Sugar - 0.5 kg
Water – 2 liters
Citric acid – 10 g (2 teaspoons)

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Recipe for pumpkin juice with orange for the winter

This juice is prepared very quickly and easily. Lemon and oranges will give it a piquant sourness and a pleasant citrus flavor.

  • Cooking time: 50 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 liters of juice.

Main products:

  • 3 kg pumpkin;
  • 3 oranges;
  • 450 grams of sugar;
  • 3/4 lemon.

Step by step recipe

  1. Just like in the first recipe, the pumpkin needs to be cut into pieces, add water and put on fire. The water should completely cover the pumpkin. Bring to a boil and cook until the pumpkin is soft.

  2. Squeeze the juice of lemon and oranges. Make sure there are no seeds in the juice.

  3. Grind the cooked pumpkin directly in the pan with an immersion blender. You should get homogeneous juice.

  4. Add orange and lemon juice and sugar. Stir to dissolve the sugar and taste the juice. If it's not sweet enough, adjust the taste.

  5. Place on the fire, bring to a boil and cook after boiling for another 10 minutes, stirring the juice occasionally.

  6. While the juice is cooking, sterilize the jars. This can also be done using a microwave. Pour some water into the bottom of the jar and turn it on at full power for a couple of minutes. Boil the lids in boiling water.

  7. When the juice has boiled for 10 minutes, remove the foam, if any. Now the juice can be poured into jars. Pour hot juice into the jar, close the lid and roll it up with a special key. From this quantity of products you should get 6 liter jars of juice. Turn the jars upside down and wrap them well.

  8. Leave them until they cool completely. When the jars have cooled completely, transfer them to the place where you usually store canned food. And in winter you will have delicious and healthy juice for your family.

Video recipe for pumpkin juice with orange

Here you can watch an interesting video recipe for our juice.

Pumpkin juice with oranges for the winter (without a juicer) | Pumpkin Recipes

We can preserve pumpkin juice for the winter with orange at home. No juicer!!! Preparing pumpkin.
Pumpkin juice is very tasty and healthy. By canning homemade juice, you provide your family with additional vitamins in winter.
Especially if you have a lot of pumpkins and you don’t know what to cook with pumpkin? Be sure to watch my video recipe and you will learn how to make pumpkin juice!
The recipe is very simple, especially since my recipe contains everything step by step. So even a beginner can handle it :) Any questions? Ask in the comments!
SUBSCRIBE TO NEW VIDEOS on my channel and you will understand that cooking is easy:
We will need:
Based on 1 kg of pumpkin:
Pumpkin – 1kg
Orange – 1 piece
Sugar - 150g
Lemon – 1/4pcs
Weigh your pumpkin (already peeled) and increase the amount of food by the same amount as your kilogram of pumpkin.
Peel the pumpkin, cut into pieces and fill with water to completely cover. When our pumpkin is cooked and becomes soft, we grind it with an immersion blender. Next, add orange juice, lemon juice and sugar. Cook for 10 minutes and roll up.
Cook with pleasure!!!
Bon appetit!!!

#pumpkin #juice #winter preparations #preservation
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Recipe for pumpkin juice with dried apricots

Video recipe for pumpkin juice with dried apricots

The juice is taken before meals as tasty and healing agent for prevention various diseases. Those who want to lose weight can drink orange juice in fasting days 1-2 times a week. But if you are absolutely healthy and just love pumpkin juice, then you can drink it as a snack, for example, with baked goods.

Cooking options

It is very useful to drink pumpkin juice fresh during the season, and in winter to open cans of canned elixir. Of course, the longer you cook the juice, the less beneficial it will be. nutrients will remain in it. You can make the juice thicker or, diluting it with water, bring it to the consistency you like. It's a matter of taste.

There are also good recipes juice for the winter, for example, with apples and lemon zest. For 1 kg of pumpkin take 1 kg of apples. You need to squeeze out the juices with a juicer, mix them, add lemon zest and sugar to taste, and bring to a temperature of 90 °C. Leave on the stove for 5 minutes. When hot, pour into sterilized jars and roll up. Pumpkin juice with carrots is prepared in the same way.. The amount of pumpkin and carrots is 1:1. Lemon juice or citric acid would be appropriate here. They also make juice for the winter from pumpkin, gooseberries (1:1) and honey. For 1 kg of pumpkin and 1 kg of gooseberries you will need 400 grams of honey. The preparation principle is similar: squeeze out the juices, mix them, add honey and sterilize them in jars for 20 minutes.

Let us know if you liked our juice recipes. Perhaps you have your own homemade pumpkin juice recipe for the winter. We are waiting for your letters with comments, comments and new recipes.

Good afternoon.

Do you often drink pumpkin juice? I know that many people are skeptical about drinks made from vegetables, considering them a pretentious invention of radical healthy lifestyle enthusiasts. How can you even drink a vegetable? You know, in many ways I adhere to the same position, but pumpkin juice is a pleasant exception.

It is good on its own and goes well with other vegetables and fruits, complementing and highlighting their taste.

Well, don't forget that pumpkin contains a bunch of useful vitamins and at the same time very cheap (which is important if you don’t grow it yourself). There are not many vegetables and fruits that combine these two parameters at the same time.

I want to show you a few today great recipes pumpkin juice for long-term storage, so that you have a supply of delicious vitamins until the next harvest.

I tried to select the most delicious combinations of ingredients that are guaranteed to please you.

How to prepare delicious pumpkin juice with pulp for the winter

First, let's prepare the juice without everything. We won't use a juicer.

In general, according to classic recipe, we will need a sieve to grind the pumpkin, but I suggest not rejecting technological progress and using an immersion blender instead of a sieve.

If you often make winter preparations, then you probably have it.


  • Pumpkin - 1.5 kg (peeled)
  • Water - 1.7 l
  • Sugar - 100-150 g
  • Lemon juice - 3 tbsp.


1. Peel and seed the pumpkin and cut into small cubes. The smaller the cubes, the it will pass faster cooking process.

2. Place them in a saucepan, fill with water and put on maximum heat. When the water boils, reduce the heat to medium, cover the pan with a lid and cook for 15-20 minutes until the pumpkin is completely cooked.

Readiness is checked in the same way as with boiled potatoes, we pierce them with a knife and if it freely enters the pulp, then it’s ready.

3. Now let the pumpkin cool a little and beat it with a submersible blender. If you don’t have a blender, grind it through a sieve.

4. At this stage, add and taste sugar. Everyone's tastes are different, you may want a sweeter juice. The consistency is also checked at this stage. If the juice seems too thick, add boiling water.

5. Return the pan to the heat, bring the juice to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and skim off any foam that has formed.

6. Turn off the stove, add lemon juice to the pan, stir and pour the still hot juice into sterilized jars, filling them to the very top. Then we roll up the jars and leave them to cool on a blanket upside down. Store cooled jars in a cool place.

From the specified amount of products you will get 4 cans of juice with a volume of 750 ml.

Recipe for pumpkin juice with apples at home

One of the most successful combinations. Light apple sourness is diluted with soft pumpkin flavor and the result is simply awesome juice.


  • Peeled pumpkin - 800-1000 g
  • Apples - 3 pcs
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • Sugar - 100 g

The recipe is designed for cooking in a 3-liter saucepan.


1. Peel the pumpkin and cut into small pieces. Peel the apples, remove the core and cut into slices.

We put everything in a three-liter saucepan (it will fill almost to the top) and fill it with water to the very edge.

2. Place the pan over medium heat, bring to a boil, then cover it with a lid, reduce the heat to low and cook for 15-20 minutes until the pumpkin is fully cooked.

3. Now carefully pour the water into a separate container (we will need it later), and puree the boiled pumpkin and apple with a blender, adding sugar before doing this.

You don’t have to drain the water if you’re lazy, but it will be more difficult to beat the toga.

4. Pour back the previously drained water, put the pan on the fire again and bring the juice to a boil, stirring it occasionally.

When the juice boils, remove the resulting foam, add the juice from 1 squeezed lemon, mix and pour the still hot liquid into pre-sterilized jars.

We roll up the jars and cool them upside down on a blanket. After cooling, store in a cool place.

How to make pumpkin juice with apple juice

Or you can not cook the apples with the pumpkin, but first run them through a juicer. Then the juice will be lighter and there will be less pulp.


  • Pumpkin – 900 g
  • Apples – 2 kg
  • Orange – 2 pcs.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 200 g
  • Water – 250 ml

From the specified amount of products you will get 2-2.5 liters of juice.


1. Peel the pumpkin, cut into small pieces, place in a saucepan, add 250 ml of water and cook over medium heat until soft.

2. Wash the lemon and oranges, pour boiling water over them and grate the zest using a grater. Then we cut the fruits and squeeze the juice out of them.

3. Add the squeezed juice and zest to the boiled pumpkin and cook for 5-10 minutes over low heat with the lid closed.

4. Then beat the mixture with a blender until pureed.

5. Let's move on to apples. We pass them through a juicer.

6. And then filter the resulting juice through a double layer of gauze.

7. Pour it into a saucepan with puree, add sugar, stir and bring the mixture to a boil.

8. Then cook the juice for another 5 minutes, and then pour it into pre-sterilized jars.

Close the lids tightly, cool the jars under a blanket and store them in a cool place.

Juice from pumpkin with carrots through a juicer - you'll lick your fingers

But if you have a juicer, then you can make juice much easier, without pre-boiling. Let's look at the example of carrot-pumpkin juice.


  • Pumpkin pulp - 7.5 kg
  • Carrots - 2.5 kg
  • Sugar - 100 g

From 2.5 kg of peeled vegetables, an average of 1 liter of juice is obtained.


1. Having a juicer greatly simplifies and speeds up the process. We clean the pumpkin and carrots and put them through a juicer separately.

2. Combine carrot and pumpkin juice in a ratio of 3 to 1 (3 parts pumpkin to 1 part carrot), put on fire and bring to a boil over medium heat. When the mixture boils, remove the resulting foam.

Then add sugar, stir and cook for another couple of minutes.

3. The juice is ready. Pour it into pre-sterilized jars, close with metal lids and leave to cool upside down.

Video on how to make pumpkin juice for the winter with orange

And finally, I suggest you watch a short video on how to make pumpkin-orange juice. The video is short but informative, so spend 3 minutes, you won’t regret it.

Here, in general outline basic methods for preparing and mixing pumpkin juice. Each of them has its own special taste and aroma, so I recommend trying each of them before deciding which one to prepare in sufficient quantity for the winter.

And that's all for today, thank you for your attention.

If you still don’t like pumpkin, then you simply don’t know how to cook it! It’s an amazing thing - once you try this orange beauty, you start to like everything about it: the taste and the smell. And in order to instill in your family a love for this incredibly healthy vegetable and berry, prepare pumpkin juice for your children at home from a very early age. Believe me, you will not get anything other than a ton of all sorts of vitamins and microelements. Although, no, you will get a lot of pleasure and taste satisfaction.

Pumpkin juice is prepared at home in several ways. The first, simplest one is to squeeze the juice through a juicer. It is better to use juicers that leave the driest pulp. But even if you have an imported juicer, do not throw away the pumpkin pulp, as it contains a lot of fiber. You can cook from it delicious cookies or dry and grind into flour. It can be added little by little to porridges or baked goods that do not require strict adherence to the recipe (for example, Lenten brine cookies - you can cram whatever your heart desires into it!)

If you don’t have a juicer, cut the pumpkin pulp into pieces and boil in a small amount of water until soft, then puree with a blender. Depending on the desired thickness, add boiled water. When you cook the pumpkin, pour in a little water, bring to a boil and reduce the heat to such an extent that the water above the pumpkin pieces trembles slightly and does not boil. A slow cooker can be the best assistant for poaching pumpkin for juice. The “Quenching” or “Simmering” mode is just what you need!

Pumpkin juice itself does not have a distinct taste, so it is recommended to mix it with other juices with bright taste and aromatic qualities. The very first thing that comes to mind is orange juice. By the way, this is an excellent option for “deceiving” picky children: just combine pumpkin and orange juice in such a proportion that the taste of pumpkin is almost not felt, and - voila! - children drink a healthy drink! You can mix other citrus fruits with pumpkin juice - lemon juice, grapefruit juice, lime juice.

Apple juice also goes well with pumpkin juice. Only apples should be sour. Or add a little lemon juice or citric acid to the mixture of these juices. Carrots can also make a great duo with pumpkin. For those who are slimming and those who lead healthy image life, a pumpkin-carrot cocktail will become an inexhaustible source of carotene. You can add steamed dried apricots, chopped with a blender, to this cocktail.

There is another recipe for a mixture of pumpkin juice with honey and cranberries. Pumpkins and cranberries should be taken in equal quantities, honey - to taste. You can add sea buckthorn juice, peach or apricot juice to freshly squeezed pumpkin juice. In general, pumpkin allows your culinary imagination to unfold!

But before you make pumpkin juice at home, you need to know which varieties of pumpkin are suitable for this. The pumpkin pulp should be rich orange in color, sweet in taste and, of course, juicy. Those who are disappointed in pumpkin have most likely tried regular pumpkin intended for use in agriculture. Don't go wrong with your seed selection if you're an avid gardener but haven't planted a pumpkin yet. Choose butternut squash varieties that are small in size and guaranteed to taste great. There are also large-fruited sweet pumpkins, for example, the “Children’s” variety. Dessert pumpkins have non-fibrous pulp and a pleasant aroma. If you choose a pumpkin in a store or at the market, remember - the pumpkin ripens in August-September. An unripe pumpkin is a complete disappointment...

You can save pumpkin juice at home for the winter. This is especially important for residents of urban high-rises who do not have the opportunity to store their pumpkin harvest until spring. Yes, you can put 5-10 pumpkin heads under the bed, but where to put the rest? There is only one answer - in juice and in jars!

The idea that the process of cooking and sterilization kills all the vitamins in products is, let’s say, slightly incorrect. Vitamin C, which everyone is shaking over, is generally very unstable and is destroyed already at a temperature of 40-42 ° C, that is, if you want to stock up on this vitamin, you will have to eat everything raw. And we eat - all summer and autumn! Other useful material When heated, they are not destroyed, and if they are destroyed, it is only slightly. And some - for example, carotene, which the heroine of our story is so rich in - becomes much more digestible. So get your jars and lids ready and let's go!

You can prepare pumpkin juice in its pure form, so that later, in winter, you can blend it with freshly squeezed citrus juices. To do this, you only need a juicer or blender. If you have a juicer, extract the juice, bring to a boil on the stove, skimming off the foam, and pour into sterilized jars. It is advisable to add sugar and lemon juice or acid so that you can store your preparations in an apartment. Of course, the storage place should be as cool and dark as possible.

If you don’t have a juicer, cut the prepared pumpkin into pieces and boil in a small amount of water until soft, and then puree with a blender. Dilute with boiled water to the desired consistency, boil and pour into sterilized jars. You can prepare pumpkin puree, which you will dilute in winter to the desired thickness. Just as in the first case, you need to add sugar and lemon juice to the pumpkin mixture.

If conditions permit and you have quite a lot of containers for canning, you can prepare any mixture of pumpkin juice with other juices. The algorithm of actions is the same: extract the juice in any way, mix in the required proportion with another juice, add sugar and citric acid or juice (if necessary), bring to a boil, pour into jars or bottles.

When stored in jars, juice may separate. There's nothing wrong with that, just shake the contents of the jar before opening it. Homemade pumpkin juice contains a lot of pulp, which is what settles to the bottom of the jar.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Pumpkin is one of my favorite vegetables. You can cook so much from it - soups, cereals, pies, drinks. This year the pumpkin harvest is simply incredible, so I decided to preserve it by boiling delicious juice.

Pumpkin juice is a wonderful drink that is most often given to babies at the beginning of their complementary feeding. But adults won’t refuse a glass or two. Our family never prepared it; more often it was compotes, jelly, but not juice. So I decided to experiment and make pumpkin juice for the winter - it turned out very delicious preparation! Now buying store-bought juices is taboo in our house, we drink only homemade ones healthy drinks, exclusively from natural ingredients.

I also liked this recipe for its simplicity, because you can preserve this juice without sterilization, using a juicer, etc. You just need to weld everything, carry out simple manipulations and close it with a key!

Recipe information

Cooking method: cooking

Total cooking time: 50 min.

Number of servings: 10 .


  • peeled pumpkin – 2-2.5 kg
  • granulated sugar -1.5 tbsp.
  • citric acid – ½ tsp.
  • water –2 l + 0.5 tbsp.