The tick vaccine is imported. Timing of vaccination against ticks for people and how much it costs

Defeat nervous system, manifested in the form of convulsions, delirium, movement disorders, combined with severe headaches, high temperature, weakness and nausea are the main signs of infection with tick-borne encephalitis. The disease is caused by a virus transmitted to humans through an insect bite. Among prophylactic agents and the most effective ways to prevent infection are the use of protective equipment, special clothing, and regular body examinations. But none of the listed methods guarantees 100% protection. The closest thing to achieving an ideal result is vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis.

Indications for vaccination

Warnings about the activation of ticks that carry encephalitis, and recommendations regarding protective and preventive measures, often raise more questions than encourage action. And if there is a need to use chemicals or protective clothing along with regular examinations does not raise any objections, then the question of the need to undergo vaccination is asked with enviable regularity.

First of all, people are stopped by probability:

  • development of the disease, even if it occurs in mild form;
  • manifestations possible reactions and side effects in response to the vaccine;
  • continued need for adoption protective measures, if we are talking about children;
  • inconsistency of the results obtained, contrary to the provided guarantees about full protection from infection for three years.

The opinion of experts is unanimous: if a person lives in a region unfavorable in terms of encephalitis infection, often travels out of town for outdoor recreation or cannot imagine life without tourist travel, then for him vaccination is the only reliable means of avoiding infection. In addition to lovers of outdoor recreation, vaccinations against the consequences of encephalitis tick bites in mandatory receive:

  • agricultural workers;
  • people engaged in irrigation or construction work;
  • geologists;
  • foresters;
  • deratizers and pest control agents;
  • expedition participants;
  • performers of survey tasks.

Vaccination is also mandatory for owners of summer cottages and garden plots located in areas where tick-borne encephalitis is endemic.

As for the concerns expressed, they, as a rule, turn out to be unfounded. Indeed, after being vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis, a person bitten by an insect may become ill. However, the disease occurs in a very mild form and does not have any effect. negative influence on the body. Side effects or allergies occur extremely rarely and only if the basic requirements for vaccination have not been met. You will have to use other means of protection only during the period of developing immunity. The effectiveness of vaccinations is more than 95% with guaranteed immunity for at least three years. Of course, provided that you use a drug that has passed the necessary studies:

  • Tick-borne encephalitis vaccine, cultured, purified, concentrated, inactivated, dry (produced in Russian Federation).
  • EnceVir (manufactured in the Russian Federation).
  • FSME-Immun Inject/Junior (manufactured in Austria).
  • Encepur Adult and Encepur Children (manufactured in Germany).

After the vaccine is administered, learning occurs immune system The body develops the ability to detect the presence of a virus and then activate the production of antibodies (immunoglobulins) to destroy it.

Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is permitted only in special institutions that have received a license to carry it out. This is due to the ability to ensure proper storage of drugs with strict adherence to cold chains. As a result of the lack of proper storage conditions, the use of vaccines will not bring any results and becomes dangerous to human health.

Mandatory conditions for vaccination

The key to successful vaccination is the fulfillment of a number of requirements, which allows you to use the drug without any consequences and with maximum efficiency:

  • Pass the medical checkup to identify diseases included in the list of contraindications. The list of diseases for which vaccinations are contraindicated is indicated in the accompanying instructions.
  • Visit a therapist directly on the day of vaccination. Those who want to skip this procedure need to know that without a certificate issued by a therapist, vaccination is impossible.
  • Determine the time required to complete the procedure. It is necessary to take into account previous diseases (vaccination is allowed no earlier than 30 days after full recovery), the time of departure for vacation or the start of work specified in the list of recommendations. The basis for early vaccination is the development of immunity within 45 days from the date of vaccination (standard regimen was used) or 28 days (emergency regimen was used).
  • Do not give multiple vaccinations at the same time.
  • Strictly adhere to the established vaccination schedule.

The primary issue people are interested in is the interchangeability of vaccines. The opinion of experts is unanimous: all drugs approved for use are interchangeable. Regardless of whether a domestic or foreign vaccine was used, the immunity will be stable and will be able to resist infection by any of the tick-borne encephalitis viruses. Therefore, the effectiveness of the vaccination procedure does not depend on the use of foreign or domestic drugs, but on strict adherence to vaccination regimens.

Standard scheme

According to the standard scheme, vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is carried out in three stages. The first stage consists of two vaccinations. The interval between them is on average one month. Typically, for domestically produced drugs, the interval scheme looks like 0-1(7)-(12) months, and for foreign analogues - 0-1(3)-9(12) months. The start of vaccination should be planned already in the cold season so that the procedure is completed approximately two weeks before the expected activation encephalitis ticks. The next, second stage involves the administration of the third vaccination twelve months after the administration of the second dose.

Emergency scheme

This option can be used when rapid development of immunity is required, especially if time has been missed for vaccinations according to the standard schedule. According to the emergency option, the second dose of the drug is administered after two weeks after the first vaccination.

The turn of the third procedure occurs a year after receiving the second dose. Similar to the use of the standard regimen, immunity after using the emergency regimen is sufficiently stable to resist infection. The consolidation of immunity, after which revaccination is carried out only three years later, is facilitated by the administration of the third dose of the drug. For revaccination, one vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is sufficient.

Vaccination of children

Most of the drugs approved for use (for example, children's vaccines FSME-Immun Junior, Encepur Children's) are approved for use in vaccinating children over the age of one year. However, in the case of young children under three years of age, the decision to administer vaccinations should be made only by a pediatrician based on a carefully conducted analysis possible risks and objective benefits. If the risk of infection after an insect bite is small, it is better to postpone vaccination until the age of three.

Additional Precautions

In addition to possible adverse reactions, drugs intended to protect against tick-borne encephalitis have another significant disadvantage. They do not protect against tick bites. It is important to remember this, since tick vaccinations have not yet been developed, and each insect can cause infection, in addition to encephalitis, with a number of other dangerous diseases. Therefore, even people vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis should take care additional funds security.

Tick-borne encephalitis - infection, which is carried by ixodid ticks. The disease is accompanied by fever, inflammation and brain damage, leading to complications such as paralysis and incapacitation. Infected insects are found throughout Russia, so vaccination should be carried out everywhere.

Vaccine cost

Prices for domestic and foreign drugs intended for immunization against tick-borne encephalitis are presented below.

Immunoprophylaxis Price
Klesch-E-Vac (Russia) for children 750 rub.
Klesch-E-Vak (Russia) adult 750 rub.
Dry inact. encephalitis vaccine (Russia) 400 rub.
FSME-IMMUN Inject syringe (Austria) adult 950 rub.
FSME-IMMUN Inject syringe (Austria) for children 900 rub.
EnceVir (Russia) 1,500 rub.
Encepur adult (Germany) 950 rub.
Encepur for children (Germany) 900 rub.
Cost of examination before vaccination- 800 rub.

*Preliminary inspection is paid separately.

Indications for vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis for adults

Vaccination is most relevant for the following groups:

  • agricultural and forestry workers;
  • geological prospectors, water reclamation workers, specialists engaged in survey work, located and working in tick habitats;
  • hunters, fishermen, fans of outdoor recreation, hikers;
  • summer residents whose plots are located near the forest;
  • laboratory employees working with tick-borne encephalitis virus;
  • donors immunized to receive immunoglobulin.

When should adults not be vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis?

Absolute contraindications for vaccination are:

  • allergies (especially to chicken protein);
  • diabetes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • epilepsy;
  • liver diseases;
  • tumors (including those with a history);
  • endocrine disorders;
  • kidney infections;
  • systemic connective tissue diseases;
  • heart diseases;
  • blood diseases.

TO relative contraindications include: pregnancy period, elevated temperature bodies, recent viral, respiratory, meningococcal infections, hepatitis.

Features of vaccination

The vaccination schedule can be standard or accelerated, depending on the vaccine used and the person's plans. For example, standard immunization with EnceVir is carried out in two stages: primary vaccination, then revaccination after 5-7 months. The use of the FSME-IMMUN vaccine involves repeated immunization after 1–3 months.

The accelerated scheme is used if a person suddenly gets ready to go on vacation or has an urgent business trip to a region with increased risk infection with tick-borne encephalitis. On the appointed day, he receives a vaccination; revaccination (for example, with the EnceVir vaccine) is carried out after 14 days.

The standard time for immunization is early autumn. Revaccination must be done every 3 years.

After vaccination, the following may occur: side effects, How:

  • redness and swelling at the injection site;
  • headache, weakness;
  • soreness and aches in the muscles;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • nausea.

In order to warn side effects, it is recommended:

  • be vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis in healthy condition(2-4 weeks should pass after the last cold);
  • take antiallergic medications before and after immunization (recommended preliminary consultation doctor);
  • Take antipyretics immediately after the injection.

How to sign up for a tick-borne encephalitis vaccination?

Impromed is a network of vaccination centers in Moscow where you can get immunized. Reception of private individuals is carried out in vaccination rooms. For organizations, we provide a team to travel to vaccinate employees on site. We use high-quality domestic and foreign vaccines and strictly follow the rules of storage and transportation.

Tick-borne encephalitis is caused by a flavivirus, transmitted by ixodid ticks, and cases of infection through fresh milk have been described. After a 10-day incubation period, it manifests itself as catarrh, fever, headache, joint pain, central nervous system lesions (encephalitis - 30%, meningitis - 60%, meningoencephalitis - 10%). Endemic in forest and taiga zones. Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis in endemic areas led to a decrease in incidence: if in 2001 6,401 cases of tick-borne encephalitis were registered in Russia (incidence 4.38 per 100,000, in children 976 and 3.67, respectively), then in 2007 3162 people (2.21 per 100,000), incl. children - 405 (1.86 per 100,000). In addition to risk groups, schoolchildren are also required to be vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis, which is carried out en masse in a number of regions.

Indications, routes of administration and doses

Vaccine against tick-borne encephalitis, concentrated dry culture for children and adults. The course consists of 2 doses (0.5 ml each) in autumn and spring with an interval of 5-7 months (acceptable minimum - 2 months). The first revaccination is after 1 year, then every three years. The vaccine is administered subcutaneously into the subscapular region or intramuscularly into the deltoid muscle, for children from the age of 3 years.

EnceVir is used from the age of 3 years. The course consists of 2 intramuscular injections of 0.5 ml with an interval of 5-7 or 1-2 months (emergency regimen). The first revaccination is after 1 year, subsequent ones - after 3 years.

FSME-IMMUN® (cultured, highly purified, sorbed) is administered to persons over 16 years of age at a dose of 0.5 ml intramuscularly; it can be administered simultaneously with other vaccines in different areas bodies. Children 6 months to 16 years old are given the FSME-IMMUN® junior vaccine. Basic (standard) vaccination: 2 doses with an interval of 1-3 months, emergency vaccination - with an interval of 14 days. Booster after 5-12 months, then after 3 years. Children under one year of age are vaccinated at high risk infection. Shelf life - 30 months.

Encepur-adult is used from the age of 12 years. 2 schemes are used. Traditional: 2 injections with an interval of 1-2 months, the third - after 9-12 months. after the second one. Protective antibody levels are achieved 2 weeks after the 2nd vaccination. Emergency scheme: 0-7-21st day - 9-12 months. Revaccination - after 3-5 years. Effective protection 3 weeks after starting the vaccine.

Encepur-children is administered to children 1-12 years old according to the same two regimens indicated above.

Human immunoglobulin against tick-borne encephalitis (TI) is administered 96 hours before visiting the lesions without vaccination - intramuscularly 1 time at a dose of 0.1 ml/kg. The protective effect begins after 24 hours and lasts about 4 weeks, after which the same dose is repeated

Vaccination reactions and contraindications to vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis

At the injection sites, pain, swelling and hardness may occasionally occur, sometimes with enlarged lymph nodes, and even more rarely - granuloma. After the 1st dose, a short-term increase in temperature, headache, pain in the limbs, nausea and vomiting is sometimes observed; these symptoms are rarely observed at subsequent doses. Extremely rare allergic reactions. According to WHO, FSME-Immun produces side effects with a frequency of 0.01-0.0001%. Skin itching and pain are possible at the injection site of immunoglobulins, and very rarely, anaphylactic reactions.

Contraindications, in addition to those common to all vaccines, are allergies to chicken eggs; Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is acceptable after 2 weeks. after childbirth. The use of FSME-Immun is not contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis: characteristics of drugs

Vaccines against tick-borne encephalitis - inactivated, adsorbed on aluminum hydroxide, differ in the original strains of the virus, antigen and protein content. All vaccines are stored at 2-8°C.

Tick-borne encephalitis vaccines registered in Russia

Dry tick-borne encephalitis vaccine for children and adults, Russia

Antigen (strain Sofiin or 20S), kanamycin up to 75 mcg. No preservative. Protein up to 30 mcg. Can be used from 3 years of age.

EnceVir - liquid vaccine, Russia

Virus suspension (growth on chicken embryo cell culture). In 1 dose (0.5 ml) chicken protein up to 0.5 mcg, human albumin up to 250 mcg, aluminum hydroxide 0.3-0.5 mg. Without antibiotics and preservatives. Can be used from 3 years of age.

FSME-IMMUN® -Baxter Vaccine AG, Austria. Junior (0.5-16 years)

In 1 dose (0.5 ml) 2.38 μg of Neudoerfl strain virus (growth on chicken embryo cell culture), phosphate buffer, human albumin. Without preservatives, antibiotics and heterogeneous proteins. FSME-IMMUN® Junior - 0.25 ml/dose.

Encepur-adult, Encepur-child

Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics GmbH & Co., KG, Germany

The portal contains information about medical centers in Moscow where vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis can be carried out: prices, addresses and telephone numbers, as well as patient reviews.

For the convenience of visitors, we have developed a special filter by metro stations and districts, thanks to which choosing a clinic based on its location will not be difficult. The tables contain prices for vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis for children and adults.

The tick-borne encephalitis vaccine is a way to protect against a dangerous disease carried by ixodid ticks, which become active during the first warming in spring.

They continue their activity throughout the warm season. Infection occurs as a result of a tick bite and can manifest itself in both mild and severe forms with various complications, for example, paralysis. The graft is injected into the upper third of the shoulder intramuscularly. Please note that the vaccine may not have the desired effect in people with acquired or congenital immunodeficiency.

How is vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis carried out in Moscow?

Vaccinate and carry out re-vaccination Possible from one year of age. The standard vaccination regimen involves 3 vaccinations - for this reason, doctors recommend contacting medical centers in advance, even in the cold season. The first vaccine against tick-borne encephalitis includes two vaccinations with an interval of 1 - 2 months, however, if necessary, this period can be reduced to two weeks. The third vaccination can be done about a year after the second. The immunity acquired as a result of vaccination lasts for three years, after which the patient will have to be revaccinated again. In some cases, an emergency vaccination regimen may be used to obtain a quick protective effect in cases where the time frame for standard vaccinations has been missed.

Unfortunately, vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is really capable of providing protection only for 95% of patients. If infection occurs in vaccinated people, the disease has much less consequences and is easier. But it is worth remembering that vaccination should not exclude other preventive measures, such as appropriate equipment and repellents.

What determines the cost of vaccinations against tick-borne encephalitis?

On average, prices for vaccinations range from 400 - 500 rubles for Russian drugs, 1000 - 1500 rubles for foreign ones. It is worth noting that this is the cost of only one vaccination, and to complete the full course you will need to complete a regimen of 2 or 3 vaccines. Many medical centers and private clinics offer promotions and discounts, including for ordering collective immunization. Despite the difference in prices, the effectiveness of European and domestic vaccines remains at approximately the same level.

What other features of vaccination should you pay attention to?

In the future, maintenance vaccinations should be carried out every three years if the risk of infection still remains. As soon as the patient changes his place of residence or work and is no longer in the threat zone, the need for immunization disappears.

Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis for children from 3 to 15 years of age should be performed in a reduced dosage, half the standard dose for an adult. Vaccination can be carried out simultaneously with other vaccinations. The only precaution involves injecting different vaccines into different place when using different doses. The doctor will have to determine the level of antibodies in the blood after the second dose, and also determine the need for additional maintenance vaccination.

Do you know that when sucking blood, the areas of the body between the sclerites (compacted areas of the chitinous cover of the tick) are stretched and the ticks (females, nymphs, larvae) increase in size up to 300 times?

Do you know that The emergence of ticks from their shelters from the litter after winter can be extended over several months. It is known that the peak release of mites after winter occurs when the buds of birch trees open. The daily activity of ticks is related to illumination (they usually do not attack at night). If it is very hot during the day, then activity is greater in the morning and evening, if the temperature is below 10 - 12 degrees. C - ticks are not active. Ticks do not like humidity (until the dew has dried, they do not attack).

Do you know that, If a tick attacks, it “thinks” for 2 hours before launching its proboscis and selects a suction site. If you remove a tick before it begins to feed, infection does not occur, so at least every 2 hours It is necessary to carry out a self-inspection or mutual inspection.

There are 6 genera of ticks found in Russia. The female attacks the host, attaches itself and feeds on blood for 10 days, then falls off, lays eggs in the soil and dies.

The threat posed by ticks living in Russia remains the highest in the world, not only in terms of the prevalence of diseases, but also the severity of the consequences. The strain of the tick-borne encephalitis virus that circulates in European countries does not pose a threat to life, while in Russia deaths have been registered after the bite of an infected tick, and more than 25% of victims of tick attacks were left disabled.

Every year according to medical institutions behind medical care 7-8 thousand residents of Moscow and the Moscow region who have suffered from tick bites are contacting us. The tick bite itself is not dangerous, but if the tick is infected with the tick-borne encephalitis virus, or borreliosis, then there is a threat to the health of the victim.

Where is the disease registered?

Currently, the disease of tick-borne encephalitis is registered almost throughout the entire territory of Russia (about 50 territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are registered), where its main carriers are ticks. The most disadvantaged regions in terms of morbidity are: the Ural, West Siberian, East Siberian and Far Eastern regions, and those adjacent to the Moscow region - Tver and Yaroslavl.

When traveling to an area where tick-borne encephalitis is endemic, you must obtain preventive vaccinations against this disease? Specific immunoglobulin against tick-borne encephalitis (seroprophylaxis) is indicated for administration to persons with tick suction that occurred in an area endemic for tick-borne encephalitis, no later than 4 days from the moment of suction. The territory of Moscow and the Moscow region is free from tick-borne encephalitis.

Where can you find out whether there is a risk of infection in the area of ​​interest anddo I need to get vaccinated?

List of disadvantaged territories as of this year, approved by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, is available in medical institutions and on the Internet on the website of the Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the city of Moscow press center.

Examination of ticks for infection with the tick-borne encephalitis virus can be carried out in the special department dangerous infections microbiological laboratory of the Federal State Institution "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Moscow (Grafsky per. 4/9 tel. 687-40-47).

What are the main signs of the disease?

The disease is characterized by spring-summer seasonality associated with the period of greatest activity of ticks. The incubation (latent) period usually lasts 10-14 days, with fluctuations from 1 to 60 days.

The disease begins acutely, accompanied by chills, severe headache, a sharp rise in temperature to -38-39 degrees, nausea, and vomiting. Worried muscle pain, which are most often localized in the neck and shoulders, chest and lumbar region back, limbs. Appearance The patient's face is characteristically hyperemic (red), hyperemia often spreads to the torso.

Who is susceptible to infection?

All people are susceptible to infection with tick-borne encephalitis, regardless of age and gender. Persons whose activities involve staying in the forest are at greatest risk: workers of timber industry enterprises, geological exploration parties, builders of automobile and railways, oil and gas pipelines, power lines, topographers, hunters, tourists. City dwellers become infected in suburban forests, forest parks, and garden plots.

The population protection system is the basis of sanitary education work.

Special personal protective equipment:

  • treatment of clothing with chemicals;
  • special (anti-encephalitis) clothing.

Environmental transformation measure:

  • clearing the territory (in children's health camps It’s better to have flower beds rather than bushes along the paths);
  • extermination of tick vectors – carrying out deratization;
  • elimination of living conditions and attraction of rodents (clearing areas, garbage collection, etc.)

How can you protect yourself from tick-borne encephalitis?

Tick-borne encephalitis can be prevented with nonspecific and specific prevention.

Non-specific individual (personal) protection of people includes:

  • Compliance with the rules of behavior in an area dangerous in relation to ticks (carry out self-examinations and mutual inspections every 10-15 minutes to detect ticks; it is not recommended to sit and lie down on the grass; parking and overnight stays in the forest should be in areas devoid of grass vegetation or in dry pine forests on sandy soils; after returning from the forest or before spending the night, you must take off your clothes and carefully examine your body and clothing; It is not recommended to bring freshly picked plants, outerwear and other items into the room that may contain ticks; inspect dogs and other animals to detect and remove ticks attached to them and attached to them);
  • Wearing special clothing. In the absence of special clothing, you should dress in such a way as to facilitate a quick inspection to detect ticks; wear plain light-colored clothes; tuck trousers into boots, knee socks or socks with a thick elastic band, top part clothes - trousers; Sleeve cuffs should fit snugly to the arm; Shirt collars and trousers must have fasteners or have a tight fastener that ticks cannot crawl under; put a hood on your head, sewn to a shirt, jacket, or tuck your hair under a scarf or hat.

How to remove a tick?

To remove the tick and initially treat the bite site, you should go to a trauma center or remove it yourself. The tick should be removed very carefully so as not to tear off the proboscis, which is deeply and strongly strengthened for the entire period of suction.

When removing a tick, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • grab the tick with tweezers or fingers wrapped in clean gauze as close to its oral apparatus as possible and holding it strictly perpendicular to the surface of the bite, rotate the tick’s body around its axis, remove it from the skin;
  • disinfect the bite site with any product suitable for these purposes (70% alcohol, 5% iodine, alcohol-containing products).
  • After removing the tick, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  • if a black dot remains (severation of the head or proboscis), treat with 5% iodine and leave until natural elimination.

It is recommended to examine the removed tick for infection with Borrelia and the TBE virus in the laboratory. Ticks removed from a person are placed in a hermetically sealed container with a small piece of slightly damp cotton wool and sent to the laboratory. If it is impossible to examine the tick, it should be burned or doused with boiling water.

Measures for specific prevention of tick-borne encephalitis:

Preventive vaccinations against tick-borne encephalitis are carried out for persons of certain professions working in endemic foci or traveling to them (business travelers, students of construction teams, tourists, people traveling on vacation, to garden plots). All persons traveling for work or leisure to disadvantaged areas must be vaccinated.

Emergency seroprophylaxis is carried out for unvaccinated persons who apply due to tick bite on an endemic tick-borne area. viral encephalitis territories.

Where can I get vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis?

In Moscow, in all administrative districts, from March to September, vaccination points operate annually at clinics, medical units, and health centers. educational institutions: (in Western administrative district– in children's clinic No. 119; in clinics for adults: No. 209, No. 162 and Moscow State University clinic No. 202), as well as the Central vaccination point based at clinic No. 13 (Trubnaya St., 19, building 1, telephone: 621-94-65).

When should you get vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis?

Only a doctor can give advice on vaccination.

You can vaccinate with the Encevir vaccine (Russia) for children from 3 years of age and adults with the Encepur vaccine (Germany) for children from 1 year of age and adults.

Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis must begin 1.5 months in advance (Russia) or 1 month in advance. (Germany) before leaving for a disadvantaged area.

Graft domestic vaccine consists of 2 injections, the minimum interval between which is 1 month. After the last injection, at least 14 days must pass before leaving for the outbreak. During this time, immunity is developed. After a year, it is necessary to do a revaccination, which consists of only 1 injection, then the revaccination is repeated every 3 years.

Vaccination with the Encepur vaccine three times within 21 days.

If before departure a person does not have time to get vaccinated in emergency cases, human immunoglobulin against tick-borne encephalitis can be administered before leaving for an unfavorable area (pre-exposure prophylaxis), the effect of the drug appears after 24 - 48 hours and lasts about 4 weeks.

What should you do and where should you go if you are not vaccinated and a tick bite occurred while visiting an area unfavorable for tick-borne encephalitis?

Seroprophylaxis is carried out for unvaccinated persons - introduction human immunoglobulin against tick-borne encephalitis no later than the 4th day after tick ingestion (around the clock):.

  • adults at the Research Institute of Emergency and Emergency Medical Care named after. Sklifosovsky (Moscow, Sukharevskaya sq., 3);;
  • children in the Children's room clinical hospital No. 13 named after. Filatova (Moscow, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, 15).

Where to conduct laboratory testing of ticks?

Research of ticks for infection with pathogens of natural focal infections is carried out at the Federal Budgetary Institution of Health " Federal Center hygiene and epidemiology", FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Moscow", at the Federal State Budgetary Institution Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor.

When contacting the laboratory, it is necessary to provide information about the date and territory in which the tick vapor occurred (region, region, locality).

Where can I get a laboratory blood test?

Upon receiving a positive result laboratory research It is necessary to urgently seek medical help from medical institutions.

TICK-BORNE BORRELIOSES (synonyms: Lyme disease, Lyme borreliosis, ixodic tick-borne borreliosis) are transmissible natural focal infections with acute or chronic course, which may cause skin damage. Nervous, cardiovascular systems, liver and musculoskeletal system.

The causative agent of Lyme disease, the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi, is transmitted by ixodid ticks.

A person becomes infected through a transmissible route - when a tick is sucked on, the pathogen is transmitted through saliva.

Many species of small mammals, ungulates, and birds are reservoirs of the pathogen and “feeders” of ticks. In Russia, the main feeders are small rodents - bank and red-gray voles, root vole and wood mouse.

There is no official list of areas endemic for tick-borne borreliosis. Distribution area of this disease wider than the range of tick-borne encephalitis. Cases of the disease tick-borne borreliosis are also registered in areas free from tick-borne encephalitis.

Incubation period ranges from 3 to 45 days (on average 12-14 days), according to some authors up to 60 days. The ability of the pathogen to persist for a long time in the body determines the formation chronic forms a disease that occurs in the form of systemic organ damage.

Clinical manifestations. In most patients, a characteristic skin lesion in the form of migratory ring erythema develops at the site of the entrance gate. However, not always pathological process can only be limited skin lesion. Changes in the regional lymphatic system, pain in muscles and joints, increased temperature, and signs of intoxication are observed. In cases caused by a large dose and pathogenicity of the pathogen, it spreads through the bloodstream and lymphatic vessels in the central nervous system, myocardium, muscles, joints, liver, spleen. In such cases, the second stage of the disease develops, in which various symptoms of neuroborreliosis (meningitis, polyneuritis, myelitis), arthritis, myositis, pericarditis, hepatitis, etc. may appear.

In 20-45% of Borls, a form of the disease without local skin changes is observed. Diagnosis in such cases is based on clinical signs practically impossible. Only serological diagnostic methods can make it possible to make a correct diagnosis.

Often the disease occurs in mild, erased forms.

Measures for specific prevention of tick-borne borreliosis have not been developed. In this regard, the main measures to prevent the disease are methods nonspecific prevention(see Tick-borne encephalitis).

When a tick is sucked on in forested areas of Morskoy and the Moscow region, it is necessary to remove the tick and primary processing suction sites in the city's trauma centers, it is advisable to preserve the tick for further testing for Borrelia infection (see Tick-borne encephalitis).

When clinical manifestations You should contact an infectious disease specialist at a medical institution. A patient suspected of having tick-borne borreliosis should undergo serological studies blood.

Testing ticks for Borrelia infection can be carried out in a laboratory that performs this type research (see Tick-borne encephalitis).

Upon receipt positive results laboratory testing of a tick for Borrelia infection, you must contact an infectious disease specialist or your doctor for examination and possible destination antibiotics.
