Allergy to hair at the hairdresser. What are the occupational diseases of hairdressers. The procedure for applying for benefits

Ringworm and Q fever

According to the German Institute of Occupational Diseases, a veterinarian is nine times more risky than a human doctor. Patients in conventional hospitals generally do not bite or scratch. But cuts are only part of the problem, it is much worse that animals bring pathogens of serious diseases into wounds. About 40% of veterinarians have been treated at least once in their practice for infections received at work. Most often given to doctors ringworm, and microscopic fungi settle on the skin, which cause hair loss, peeling and redness of the skin. A survey of Canadian veterinarians found that 76% of veterinarians have seen the condition in their four-legged patients and 8% have contracted it as a result.

It is especially dangerous to work with farm animals: they can catch Q fever. It's relative rare disease- on all livestock farms in Australia, several hundred cases of infection are recorded annually, but the symptoms are extremely unpleasant. Patients are hospitalized with fever, aching joints and muscles, headache and photophobia. In addition, Q fever often gives complications to the heart, and without timely treatment can lead to death. The name of the disease comes from the English Query, " vague fever”, because its nature could not be established for a long time. Only in the middle of the 20th century it became clear that the disease is caused by a bacterium from the genus Rickettsia, a relative of the causative agent of typhus.

Have you ever thought that a hairdresser is a dangerous profession for health. We've all been to the hairdresser's at least once in our lives, and most of us assume that snapping scissors doesn't take much effort. However, the features of the profession of a hairdresser are such that already in young age many hair designers suffer from serious chronic diseases that they have received at work and from which they often have a disability. Consider why the hairdresser loses his health.

Ben Mones, designer, art director/technologist and distributor for Jojo haircosmetic

Features of the profession of a hairdresser, undermining his health

Loyalty to your beloved clients and your profession often costs the hairdresser an exorbitant price - disability from illnesses that he received in the workplace. Today, the profession of a hairdresser occupies the 11th position in the world in the ranking of the most popular specialties that attract young people. The education of a young apprentice hairdresser lasts on average about three years; in Germany, for example, today there are more than 125,000 employed hairdressers. But, unfortunately, many of the designers hairdressing are forced to part with what they love, and the reason for this is their bad health.

Features of the profession of a hairdresser allow us to distinguish two groups of factors that negatively affect the state of his health:

  • problems with the skin and respiratory organs, caused by the contacts of a specialist with various chemicals which he uses in his work;
  • problems with the musculoskeletal system due to work with constant muscle tension and in uncomfortable positions.

As for the first group of factors, they are relatively obvious: the peculiarities of the profession of a hairdresser force him to constantly deal with hair dyes and various chemicals (including in aerosol form) that are used for styling). Dust, vapors, powders, spray particles enter the body, lead to headaches, irritate the mucous membranes respiratory tract cause the development of bronchial asthma and obstructive pulmonary disease.

In addition, constant contact with water, wet hair and chemicals during bleaching or dyeing becomes the strongest stress for the skin, the cause of allergic and dermatological diseases causing intolerable itching and turn work into torment.

With regard to the second group of factors, the reasons for the destructive impact on the health of hairdressers are not so obvious. However, according to statistics of occupational diseases, hairdressers and beauticians make up 47.3% of patients who visit a doctor with back pain. Representatives of other professions, such as salespeople, technicians and managers, complain of back pain much less often - about 34.4%. In the list of reasons that lead to the disability of hairdressers, diseases of the musculoskeletal system are the first. According to the researchers, such diseases develop due to the fact that the characteristics of the profession require unilaterally tense and uncomfortable postures while washing and cutting hair, tension in the lower back, sharp movements of the arms in the shoulder area, and overstrain of the joints of the hands.

Let's also remember that often a hairdresser for a client acts as an adviser, comforter, psychotherapist. Wash, cut, style - this is not all that people expect when they go to the hairdresser. They are waiting for a show, waiting for a miracle, waiting for a confidential conversation. And all this - through suffering with a sore back from tension and inflamed hands from chemicals.

Wave your hand: features of the profession and joint problems

It may seem surprising to someone, but such a joint problem as “tennis elbow” is inherent not only to athletes, but also to hairdressers. This problem arises due to constant tension in the shoulders and wrists, due to work in a pose when the arms are bent at the elbows and raised above shoulder level. The peculiarity of the profession is such that from this tense pose - when cutting, coloring and drying hair, when winding curlers on the client's hair - the hairdresser must sharply lower and raise his hands above shoulder level, hold them in this position for a long time, and then sharply lower and raise again - and all this with a tool in hand.

If such hand movements and posture changes are repeatedly performed over a long period, then anatomical changes occur in the elbow and shoulder joints, in the wrist, painful deviations begin at the physiological level, when due to excessive tension shoulder joint other organs are affected. Hairdressers complain to the doctor about spasms and severe pain in the joints and muscles, often they are diagnosed with bursitis. Moreover, constant overload and the resulting inflammatory processes can even lead to osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint.

Keep your back: problems with the spine caused by the peculiarities of the profession

Hairdressers are characterized by the "turtle neck" syndrome, when cervical region the spine moves forward. This malposition of the head is often associated with a rounded back and the development of a stoop, as the nature of the profession requires frequent bowing while bathing and cutting a client's hair. In this case, the hairdresser is often forced to lean far forward, and then rise sharply back. It is known that some specialists tried to alleviate the condition of the back by doing part of the work while sitting on a chair, but this position rather aggravated the condition, as it forced the back to strain and the arms raised at the elbows. Thus, the pathological curvature of the spine in the lumbar region (lordosis) becomes another occupational disease of the hairdresser.

It should be noted that even the most general view of the problem of occupational diseases of hairdressers makes an attempt to draw the attention of specialists - both designers and doctors of relevant specializations - to developing measures to prevent diseases that destroy the health of professionals in this industry. It may be necessary to develop a set of special rules that allow alternative movements that do not lead to a devastating effect on the body of young professionals and preserve their health.

A number of professions in the legal field Russian Federation recognized as dangerous and harmful. Class similar species activity is accompanied by an additional package of social guarantees. Unfortunately, occupational diseases of hairdressers are not included in a separate list. Although doctors recognize that such professional activity contributes to the development of chronic ailments.

Let us analyze whether a mechanism for the social protection of hairdressers has been created in the Russian Federation. What you need to do to take advantage of it in 2019. How does the position of officially employed barbers differ, individual entrepreneurs and citizens who did not attend to the registration of their activities.

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What ailments of hairdressers occur on professional grounds

The category of occupational diseases is determined on the basis of studies of the causes of certain ailments. In general, they develop under the influence of adverse factors that workers are exposed to in the workplace. Hairdressers face the following difficulties in connection with the performance of duties:

  • communication with a large number of people (not always healthy);
  • contact with harmful chemical elements;

These factors contribute to the development of the following major ailments:

Name Causes
AsthmaThe development of the disease contributes to the specific atmosphere in the workplace. The specialist constantly inhales particles of the epithelium and hair, microscopic dust, sprayed liquids. All this accumulates in the lungs, which causes dysfunction of the respiratory tract.
AllergyCaused by the same factors. The body of a specialist is attacked by a variety of chemical elements that make up professional tools: gels, paints, shampoos and others.
Varicose veinsSuch an ailment is a consequence of constant movement. As a result, the veins in the legs are overstressed. Over time, the process of blood circulation in the lower extremities is disturbed, which causes serious problems.
ConjunctivitisThis eye disease occurs due to improper lighting in the cabin. In addition, dust particles hair follicles, the epithelium gets on the cornea of ​​​​the eyes, which causes their constant irritation, and eventually inflammation.
RadiculitisWorking on your feet creates unfavorable conditions not only for lower extremities. The back of a professional suffers. An uncomfortable position causes pinching of the nerves and changes in the structure of the spine. In addition, back tissues are affected by drafts and other sudden changes in the microclimate in the room.
Hint: the above lists only the main diagnoses that hairdressers face. Full list diagnoses are much broader.

Is the benefit due

In Russian legislation, hairdressing salon workers are not singled out as a separate group. But this does not mean that specialists in this industry are deprived of support from the state. Payments for people who become ill or injured at work are carried out by the Social Insurance Fund for Accidents and Occupational Ailments (FSSNS).

Important: Only an insured person can apply for assistance from the Fund's budget.

Thus, the list of hairdressers who are supposed to due to occupational diseases include:

  • officially employed persons for whom the employer regularly makes contributions;
  • individual entrepreneurs who independently concluded an agreement with the relevant Fund and paid a fee for at least six months;
  • self-employed citizens under the same conditions.

How to apply for a vocational benefit

Professionals working in the service sector receive payments from the SSSF on a general basis. The main thing is to be a payer of contributions. The reversal algorithm is as follows:

  1. Obtain a certificate from the attending physician stating that the illness is related to the situation at work. To do this, at the reception, it is necessary to describe the working conditions themselves and the symptoms. The doctor is obliged to independently connect the course of the dynamics of disorders in the body with the factors of professional activity.
  2. Clinic employees contact the employer and the Fund.
  3. After studying all the circumstances, an act is drawn up and a package of documents is collected. It includes:
    1. certificates from the clinic;
    2. extract from the outpatient card;
    3. conclusion of the inspector for labor protection;
    4. a copy of the patient's passport.
  4. Specialists of the FSSNS, after studying the package for compliance with the law, prescribe payments. Their size is related to the amount of earnings, as well as the degree of disability of the victim.
Hint: with a complete or serious disability, you can apply for a disability. To do this, you need to request a referral to a medical and social examination at the clinic.

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Only those who are insured with the Social Insurance Fund can take advantage of the law in the field of support for injured workers. Barbers receive such a right on a common basis. To apply for a budget allowance, it is necessary to prove that the illness was caused by the situation at work.

Purpose: To identify occupational diseases of hairdressers. Treatment and prevention of these diseases.

Occupational diseases are diseases resulting from exposure to the body of occupational hazards.

There are 5 groups of occupational diseases.

Group 1 includes diseases caused by the influence of chemical factors: acute and chronic intoxication and their consequences, proceeding with an isolated lesion of various organs and systems; skin diseases (contact dermatitis, photodermatitis, melasma, folliculitis, foundry fever, fluoroplastic (typhlon) fever.

Group 2 includes diseases associated with exposure dust factor: pneumoconiosis - silicosis, silicotosis, metlloconiosis, carboconiosis, pneumoconiosis from mixed dusts, diseases of the bronchopulmonary system caused by organic dusts (biosynosis, bagassosis, etc.), chronic dusty bronchitis.

Group 3 includes diseases caused by exposure to physical factors: (vibration disease; diseases that develop as a result of contact exposure to ultrasound - vegetative polyneuritis; hearing loss by the type of cochnar neuritis; diseases associated with exposure to electromagnetic radiation and scattered neuritis; local tissue damage laser radiation- skin burns, eye damage, electrophthalmia, cataracts, radiation sickness, local radiation injuries, pneumosclerosis; diseases associated with changes in atmospheric pressure - decompression sickness, acute hypoxia.

Group 4 includes diseases resulting from overvoltage, diseases peripheral nerves and muscles - recurrent neuralgia, neuritis, radiculoneuritis, vegetative-sensitive polyneuritis, cervicothoracic radiculitis, cervico-shoulder plekist, vegetomyofasciitis, myofasciitis, coordinating neurosis - writing spasm and other forms of functional dyskinesia; diseases of the musculoskeletal system - chronic tendovaginitis, diseases of the vocal apparatus and organs of vision.

There are acute and chronic diseases.

Acute occupational disease (intoxication) occurs suddenly, after a single (during no more than one work shift). exposure to relatively high concentrations of chemicals contained in the air of the working area, as well as levels and doses of other adverse factors.

Chronic occupational disease develops as a result of long-term systematic impact on the body of adverse factors. feature chronic diseases is a gradual increase in the symptoms of the disease. (one)

During the working day, the hairdresser's body is affected by many adverse factors: constant stay in the room, prolonged stay on his feet, the influence of certain chemicals during certain types of work performed (coloring, waving), elevated temperature(drying), insufficient amount of ultraviolet substances, etc.

The work of a hairdresser is associated with a constant stay on your feet. Therefore, comfortable shoes are of great importance, which should correspond to the size of the foot. When wearing narrow, tight shoes, flat feet and other diseases can develop. It is best to wear shoes with low heels. Wearing shoes with high heels can lead to the development of a disease such as varicose veins, and shoes without heels - flat feet. Do not wear overly warm footwear while working.

A public survey showed that hairdressers often have allergic reactions, pain in the back and legs.

The profession of a hairdresser involves a high load on the legs, so people in this profession very often develop varicose veins.

Varicose veins - a disease characterized by an uneven increase in the lumen and length of the veins, their tortuosity, the formation of nodes in the areas of thinning of the venous wall. Mainly affected superficial veins lower limbs.

There are primary dilatation of the veins of the lower extremities (varicose veins) and secondary (symptomatic) caused by various obstructions in the outflow of blood through the deep veins of the lower extremities (post-thrombotic disease, tumors).

Varicose veins of the lower extremities occur predominantly in women. it occurs, as a rule, at a young age and develops most often in the basin of the great saphenous vein (70-85%), less often in the system of the small saphenous vein (5-12%).

factor predisposing to the occurrence varicose disease, are congenital weakness of the connective tissue of the vein wall, inferiority of the valvular apparatus, hormonal disorders. The development of varicose veins is facilitated by conditions that impede the outflow of blood through the venous system: systematic stay on the legs associated with professional activity(hairdresser, waiter, seller).

Stagnation of blood in deep veins causes their expansion, leading to insufficiency of communicative veins, as a result of which blood is discharged into saphenous veins, they stretch and lengthen, varicose nodes appear.

Main clinical manifestation varicose veins is an expansion of the veins on the back of the inner surface of the lower leg. fatigue, convulsions in calf muscles. (2)

Prevention and treatment. Wearing medical stockings, stockings. Medications (anavenol, venorutin, aescusan).

Mode: alternating physical activity and rest in a lying or sitting position with legs raised. Useful for cycling, walking, swimming, cold and hot shower, taking vitamins, normalizing body weight. Performing the exercise: lifting on toes. Sleep in bed with the end of the bed raised by 5-7 feet.

Shoes with stable heels (not higher than 4 cm).

Surgical intervention.

Bronchial asthma - chronic inflammatory disease respiratory tract, characterized by reversible bronchial obstruction and bronchial hyperreactivity. The inflammatory nature of the disease associated with exposure to specific and non-specific factors, manifests itself in morphological changes in the bronchial wall - infiltration with cellular elements, primarily eosinophils, dysfunction of the cilia of the peaceful epithelium, destruction of epithelial cells, up to desquamation, disorganization of the main substance, hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the mucus glands and goblet cells. Other cellular elements are also involved in the inflammatory process, including mast cells, lymphocytes, and macrophages.

The prolonged course of inflammation leads to irreversible morphological and functional changes, characterized by a sharp thickening of the basement membrane with impaired microcirculation, and sclerosis of the bronchial wall.

The described changes lead to the formation of broncho-obstructive syndrome caused by bronchoconstriction, mucosal edema, dyscrinia and sclerotic changes. Depending on the etiological factor of the disease, the severity of the course and the stage of the disease, one or another component can predominate. bronchial obstruction.

The main pathophysiological sign is bronchial hyperreactivity, which is a consequence of the inflammatory process in the bronchial wall and is defined as increased sensitivity of the airways to stimuli that are indifferent to healthy individuals. Under the specific hyperreactivity of the bronchi understand the hypersensitivity bronchial tree to certain allergens, subspecific - to a variety of stimuli of a non-allergenic nature.

As you know, the main feature of the bronchial system of a patient with asthma is its pronounced hyperreactivity to many stimuli of allergic and non-allergic (non-specific) origin. the latter include numerous chemicals, especially those with pungent odor with which the patient may come into contact at home or at work. To typical non-specific stimuli, causing seizures in many patients with any form of asthma, include:

smells of perfumes, oil and nitro paints, rosin, burnt oil, exhaust gases, sulfur dioxide, gasoline, solvents (acetone), etc.

The so-called inert dust, which causes mechanical irritation of the respiratory tract.

cold (rarely hot) air

forced breathing, laughter

physical activity

change in weather, especially a drop in barometric pressure, rain, wind, snow, cold snap.

This partly explains the typical exacerbations of any form of asthma, except for pollen, in early spring and late autumn. (3)

Bronchial asthma can be classified according to etiology and severity. To date, there is no single world classification of bronchial asthma according to the etiological factor, however, most researchers distinguish bronchial asthma as atonic (exogenous, allergic, immunological) and non-atopic (endogenous, non-immunological).

Bronchial asthma is classified into mild, moderate and serious disease. The severity of the course is determined by the doctor on the basis of a complex of clinical and functional signs, including the frequency, severity and duration of attacks of expiratory dyspnea, as well as the patient's condition during periods free from attacks. The severity of the course of the disease can be characterized by the following criteria.

With a mild degree of severity, the course of the disease is usually characterized by the absence of classic extended attacks of suffocation, symptoms are observed less often 1-2 times a week and are short-lived. Night sleep patients are characterized by awakening from respiratory discomfort less than 1-2 times a month. In the intersymptomatic period, the condition of patients is stable.

The studied indicators take normal due values ​​after inhalation of bronchodilators.

Asthma moderate severe course characterized by the occurrence of extended attacks of suffocation, occurring more often 1-2 times a week.

Nocturnal asthma attacks recur more than twice a month. POSvyd or FEV1 is 60-80 "% of the proper values.

Severe asthma is characterized by frequent exacerbations of the disease that pose a threat to the patient's life, prolonged symptoms, frequent nocturnal symptoms, decreased physical activity, the presence of persistent symptoms in the interictal period. POSvyd or FEV1< 60% от должных величин, не восстанавливаются до нормальных значений после ингаляции бронхолитических препаратов, суточный разброс показателей более 30%.

Comprehensive treatment program includes: - educational program patients.

Dynamic control of the severity of the disease and the adequacy of the therapy using clinical and functional research.

Elimination or control of causative factors.

Development of a drug therapy plan.

Prevention of exacerbation and development of a plan for its treatment.

Dynamic monitoring of the patient.

Of particular importance is the sensitization of the patient's household environment with allergens, which forces the use of measures aimed at reducing their concentration in the patient's home. The presence of occupational Bronchial asthma forces one to consider changing the patient's workplace. The most important aspects of sanitary and hygienic measures are the observance of a hypoallergenic diet, which is included in the rank of mandatory measures in the presence of food allergies, maintaining the purity of the air in the patient's home, smoking cessation

Bronchial treatment mild asthma severity involves, depending on the clinical symptoms, continuous or episodic (before the expected physical activity or contact with the allergen) the use of sodium cromoglycate. Inhaled B2-agonists are used as needed, but not more than three times a week.

Medical therapy Bronchial asthma of moderate course involves the daily use of anti-inflammatory drugs (inhaled glucocorticosteroids at a dose of up to 1000 mcg per day, sodium cromoglycate), daily intake of B2-agonists as needed, but not more than 3-4 times a day. It is possible to use prolonged bronchodilators, especially with the appearance of nocturnal attacks of suffocation. In some cases, it is advisable to include inhaled anticholinergics in the treatment regimen.

Treatment of severe bronchial asthma includes daily intake of inhaled glucocorticosteroids at a dose of more than 800 mcg per day under medical supervision, systemic use of glucocorticosteroids is possible, the use of prolonged bronchodilators in combination with the planned intake of inhaled B2-agonists is indicated. short action in the morning and as needed during the day, but no more than 3-4 times a day. (4)

Allergic contact dermatitis occurs in individuals whose skin has become hypersensitive to a particular allergen. As a result of sensitization, a delayed-type allergic reaction develops. Sensitization develops more easily in individuals with a hereditary predisposition to allergic reactions.

Allergens can be a wide variety of chemicals. common allergic dermatitis associated with skin exposure to chromium salts, petroleum jelly, ethyl alcohol, ethylene glycol, as well as cinnamaldehyde, and essential oils contained in cosmetics, fragrant substances that make up toilet soap, ursola (fur dye, which women sometimes use to dye their hair, eyebrows and eyelashes).

Clinical picture allergic dermatitis has some features: inflammatory process, as a rule, is manifested by erythrema and exudative phenomena.

Assign hyposensitizing agents (antihiston, calcium theosulfate).

Prevention: exclusion of contact with identified allergens. (5)

The hair dye used by hairdressers in their work contains the substance ursol, which, if safety rules are not followed, can cause allergic reactions, including allergic eczema.

Eczema is an allergic disease characterized by a variety of rashes, the appearance of vesicles on the skin, and the formation of crusts. This disease is characterized by a chronic course, frequent exacerbations, expressed neurotic disorders(itching, sleep disturbance up to insomnia, tearfulness).

A person gets eczema from many reasons. The disease is based on significant changes in the reactivity of the human body, due to disorders of the nervous and endocrine systems, metabolic disorders, changes in the functions of the liver, intestines.

This disorder can be caused by exposure to the body of a variety of external stimuli with the simultaneous presence of internal violations, expressed in the development of hypersensitivity to many allergens. Hypersensitivity is determined by the method skin tests and the study of autoallergic changes in the body, established in a number of patients with special serological reactions. (6)

In conclusion, it must be said about the importance of physical education and the constant hardening of the body. This provision fully applies to hairdressing salon workers, since their work is related to staying indoors and is sedentary in nature.

Regular lesson morning exercises, sponging, systematic sports protect the body from diseases and improve health.

Prolonged stress on the feet when wearing shoes without heels can lead to the development of flat feet. Flat feet can be longitudinal, transverse, or longitudinal and transverse together on the same foot. The fact is that a normal, healthy foot has two curvatures. Their flattening, and even more so the absence, is flat feet to one degree or another.

The main symptom of longitudinal flat feet is the reduction or complete disappearance of the longitudinal notch of the foot. The first consequence of this is fast fatiguability legs not only while walking, but also during prolonged standing (especially when working in a standing position). Well, then - pain in the calf muscles and in the arch of the foot, frequent tucking of the feet. Reliance on the inner bar of the foot leads to clubfoot, as a result of which the shoe is deformed, its inner edge wears out - not only along the length of the entire sole, but also on the heel.

Transverse flatfoot is characterized by flatness of the forefoot and is one of the causes of toe deformity. At the same time, the thumb, as it were, “dislocates”: its end begins to deviate obliquely outward, a bone thickening appears at the base, which grows in the form of a painful “bump” (its scientific name is “hallux valgus” - Fig. 1) Usually such a thickening is noticeable even with shod foot, because it significantly deforms the shoes.

AT initial stage curvature thumb it is recommended to use a triangular tampon - an insert made of cotton wool and a piece of gauze, which is laid between the long and forefinger. its length corresponds to the length of the fingers, and the thickness should ensure the straightening of the position of the thumb.

The deformity of the thumb is perhaps the most noticeable and painful, but not the only consequence of transverse flat feet, for the same reason, bone growth can also occur on the little finger, in its main phalanx, and the third and fourth fingers are bent, and especially in the second phalanges, and so, half-bent, protrude upwards (Fig. 2).

Prevention and treatment. (fig. 3 - 18)

Starting position sitting, legs bent at the knees at a right angle, arms lowered; raise your toes, lower your feet. Repeat 10-20 times, medium pace. (Fig. 3)

Starting position sitting; raise your heels and lower. Repeat 10-20 times. (fig.4)

Starting position sitting; legs connected; spread the legs to the sides and bring them together without lifting the feet from the floor. Repeat 10-20 times (Fig. 5)

Starting position sitting; spread your heels and bring them together without lifting your legs from the floor. Repeat 10-20 times (Fig. 6)

Starting position sitting; Raise the toe at the same time right leg and the heel of the left foot and vice versa. Repeat 10-20 times (Fig. 7)

Starting position sitting; Without lifting the feet from the floor, simultaneously spread the socks towards the side, then the heels, thus moving the legs 6-8 counts to the side, and also return to the starting position. Repeat 4 - 6 times. (Fig. 8)

Starting position sitting, under the feet of a gymnastic stick with a diameter of 5-8 cm; roll the stick with your feet from socks to heels and back. Continue for 1 minute. (fig.9)

The starting position is sitting, the feet are connected, under the arch of the feet there is a stick; spread the feet and bring them together, trying not to tear the arch of the feet from the stick. Repeat 10-20 times (Fig. 10)

Starting position sitting, under the feet of the rubber ball; roll the ball from toe to heel and back. Continue for 1 minute. (fig.11)

Starting position sitting, feet on the floor; bend your toes and, without looking up from the floor, move your heels forward. On 6-8 accounts, move forward and, also bending your fingers on the same account, return the feet to the starting position. Repeat 10-20 times (Fig. 12)

Starting position sitting still and bending your toes. Walking - 20-30 seconds, then on the outer edge of the feet - 20-30 seconds (Fig. 13)

The starting position is sitting, the right leg lies on the knee of the left leg, circular movements in the ankle joint of the right leg clockwise and counterclockwise. Repeat 10 times. (fig.14)

Starting position sitting, arms lowered, feet on the floor; take away thumbs stop and lead, bring them back. Repeat 10 times (Fig. 15)

Requirements for the device and equipment of hairdressing salons.

The following premises are provided in hairdressing salons: entrance hall, visitor cloakroom, waiting room, workroom, hair-drying room, utility room, rest room, staff cloakroom, clean linen pantry, dirty linen pantry, perfumery pantry, room for administration, sanitary unit and shower.

Hairdressing salons with less than three workplaces are equipped with hangers for visitors' outerwear. The distance from dressing tables to waiting places should be at least 1.5 m. If a hairdressing salon is designed for one workplace, then the area of ​​​​the working room should be at least 8 square meters. m.

in hairdressing salons with more than five workplaces, several rooms are provided.

the area of ​​the waiting room is determined on the basis of 2.5 sq.m. for one workplace.

The workroom for serving women should have an area of ​​8 sq.m. for one workplace, and for serving men - 6 sq.m. The width of the working hall must be at least 5 m.

The hairdresser's workplace should have the following dimensions: the distance between the chairs is 1.3 m; the width of the workplace, including the chair, is at least 1.8 m. The distance from the outer chair to the wall is 0.7.m.

The back room of the barbershop should have sinks, hot and cold water.

Storerooms are designed for separate storage of dirty and clean linen, perfumes. Recommended area of ​​storage rooms: 1.5 sq. m. for each workplace.

The rest room for hairdressing salon workers is equipped with a sink for washing hands and a table for eating. When the rest room should be a room for a wardrobe.

Conclusion: All occupational diseases are caused by the impact on the body of occupational hazards. In the work of a hairdresser, the following hazards can be distinguished: constant stay in the room, prolonged stay on the legs, the influence of certain chemicals during certain types of work performed (coloring, curling), the effect of elevated temperature (drying), insufficient amount ultraviolet rays etc. The study showed that allergic reactions (allergic dermatitis, eczema) and leg diseases (varicose veins of the lower extremities and flat feet) are the most common, bronchial asthma is much less common among hairdressers.

Since the work of a hairdresser is associated with staying indoors and is sedentary in nature, it is very important to conduct healthy lifestyle life. Regular morning exercises, wiping, systematic sports protect the body from diseases and improve health.


No. 1 Pokrovsky V. I. "Small Medical Encyclopedia" In 8 vol. T5 M. 1996

No. 2 Pokrovsky V. I. "Small medical encyclopedia» In 8 vol. T1 M. 1991

No. 3 Pytsky V. I., Adrionova N. V., Artomasova A. V. " Allergic diseases» M. 1984 272s

№4 Electronic abstracts / Medicine and health / Bronchial asthma

No. 5 Pokrovsky V. I. "Small Medical Encyclopedia" in 8 volumes. T2 M-1991

No. 6 Ado V. "Allergy" M-1985 160s.

No. 7 Tranquillitati A. N. "If your back hurts" M. - 1989 47s

For the preparation of this work, materials from the site were used.

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Hairdressing is a profession in which you have to meet every day with different people and have physical contact with them.

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In this case, there is an interesting question - what occupational diseases do hairdressers have. A hairdresser can be exposed to many diseases.

Basically, the problems are based on contact with hair that can get into the nose, chemicals, contact with which gives rise to not always pleasant feelings and a hard working day while sitting and on your feet.

The necessary information

The art of hairdressing is developing rapidly - there are modern ways haircuts, improved tools.

Along with this, a number of occupational diseases of hairdressers are growing, many masters become hospital patients, and some of them have to abandon the profession of a hairdresser forever.

Fine hairs, dust, chemicals and sedentary work, standing and sitting - these are all factors that have a bad effect on the health of the hairdresser.

Important Concepts

List of occupational diseases

List of occupational diseases of hairdressers:

Bronchial asthma This disease can often appear in hairdressers. The lungs suffer greatly from this activity, because you have to breathe hair and dust, and it is difficult to isolate yourself from this. It is not difficult to treat this disease, but if it is ignored, complications may appear.
Allergy Many hairdressers suffer from allergies. At work, you need to use various chemicals, which can cause allergic reactions. This is allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma and etc.
Varicose veins Working daily on the legs, you can get varicose veins - varicose veins. This is not common, but a big problem for people in this profession.
conjunctivitis Hairdressers' vision suffers from poor lighting and external stimuli. There is also allergic conjunctivitis - eye irritation
Radiculitis This disease may appear due to the fact that during the working day you need to strain your back, serving customers.
Skin diseases Occupational dermatitis and eczema. The term occupational skin diseases is understood to mean such lesions of the skin cover that appear when exposed to human skin. harmful substances

Legislative regulation

"On Compulsory Social Insurance against Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases" defines the legal, economic and organizational basis for compulsory social security in Russia. at work.

The law determines the order of harm that was caused to an employee in the performance of duties.

In addition to the previous law, "On Insurance Tariffs for Compulsory Social Insurance against Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases" was adopted.

It provides preventive action to reduce occupational disease rates.

Varieties of occupational diseases in hairdressers and their prevention

There are 5 groups of occupational diseases:

Diseases that are caused by the action of chronic factors Acute and chronic intoxications and their consequences
Diseases associated with exposure to dust Silicotosis, silicosis, diseases of the bronchi and lungs, chronic bronchitis
Diseases that are caused by physical factors Ultrasound, laser radiation associated with a change in atmospheric pressure. These can be skin burns, hearing loss, acute hypoxia
Diseases that appeared due to overexertion, diseases of peripheral nerves and muscles Neuritis, cervicothoracic sciatica, disorders of the musculoskeletal system
Diseases that are caused by the influence of biological factors Tuberculosis, anthrax

The work of a hairdresser is associated with a stable stay on your feet. Therefore, considerable importance should be given to comfortable shoes, which must be chosen according to the size of the foot.

It is best to choose shoes with low heels. Shoes with high heels can lead to varicose veins, and shoes without heels can cause flat feet.

A big problem for many hairdressers is varicose veins. For its prevention and treatment, medical stockings and stockings should be worn.

To prevent occupational diseases of a hairdresser, it is necessary to alternate physical activity and rest.

If you smoke, you should quit this bad habit. Riding a bicycle, a contrast shower, swimming, normalizing body weight, taking vitamins will be useful.

Best thing to do exercise. To prevent skin diseases, non-latex gloves should be used when you dye or wash your hair.

It is also necessary to use a cream often, which will moisturize the skin and store liquid in it.

After each contact with water, you should thoroughly dry your hands with a towel, this will protect your hands from dehydration.

You should also provide the necessary ventilation in the room, while there will be less harmful substances in the air, and they will not settle on the skin.

Types of benefits

An occupational disease can be established by an employee of any field of activity, but, unfortunately, given time in Russia are not provided for hairdressers, because, despite all the risks, the profession is not a harmful activity.

Today dangerous and harmful are the professions where the employee has direct contact with hazardous substances and risk their own health.

However, you can get legal help with the task of proving you got sick or injured while on the job and claiming damages.

To do this, you first need to contact a specialist and find out if you really have this or that disease.

Benefit rules

The state will pay the allowance only if you received social insurance when you got a job.

Compulsory insurance is determined by the legislation of Russia and should be carried out when hiring between the insurer and the insured, if the type of work poses a risk of getting some kind of illness or injury.

Assistance will be paid if you have insurance for this event and you successfully prove that you received an injury or illness during the period of work.

Labor Code Russia prescribes that incidents are analyzed only when during the working day at the place of performance of work, an industrial injury occurred.

Any accident that occurs to you at work or on the way to work in the provided vehicle, which occurred while working with harmful substances, according to the agreement, is considered a work-related injury.

A commission will also be created and assembled in the coming days after the application is submitted, it will analyze all the facts that you provided, as well as your workplace, in order to further issue you documents for issuing assistance.

Features of assistance payments

In a situation of disability, an employee can receive compensation for the harm caused to him and pay for treatment. This is enshrined in Art. 8 of the Federal Law No. 125 “On mandatory social. insurance."

In case of an occupational disease, the hairdresser is entitled to the following payments:

  • temporary payment;
  • lump-sum payment for the acquisition of an occupational disease;
  • monthly payment to an employee who has lost his ability to work;
  • other compensation payments.

Damage to an employee who has received an occupational disease is compensated on the basis of the Labor Code of Russia. All reimbursements are charged by the employer, payments are made at the expense of the FSS money.

Amounts of payments for different types of assistance:

Help type Maximum benefit amount
Payment for temporary disability RUB 289,961.6
One-time payment for the acquisition of an occupational disease RUB 94,018
Monthly payment to an employee who lost his ability to work RUB 72,290.4
Other compensation payments set by the employer. They provide for monetary compensation for employees who received during work due to an occupational disease or injury - in the amount of 30 to 75% of the annual salary

Skin diseases

Often, hairdressers develop such a skin disease as contact dermatitis - irritation and inflammation of the skin.

This is facilitated by constant contact with water and a significant number of irritating factors around.

Occupational dermatitis - acute inflammation skin, when inflammations form only on those parts of the skin that were affected by the irritant.

The disease stops if the hairdresser stops contacting the harmful substance. If it comes into contact with harmful substances long time, an exacerbation of the disease may occur.

Also, the hairdresser may develop professional eczema. This is a disease that occurs when various factors with which the patient meets in the workplace.

With eczema, inflammation can appear on any part of the skin, and not just in places where the skin has come into contact with a harmful substance.

If you have a skin disease, consult a doctor and collect, which will indicate that you have this disease.

You will also need to prove that you received it at work. To do this, a special commission examines the workplace for the presence of harmful substances. After all the actions, the patient is paid assistance.

Constantly check the skin - if there are signs of dermatitis, consult a doctor as soon as possible, because this disease threatens your health and performance.

Ailments in the legs

Leg pain is a common problem for hairdressers. After all, they spend their working day standing on their feet. If something is wrong with the veins, then it is noticeable how the legs swell.

At the first stage, heaviness in the legs, fatigue is felt, but pains appear already at a more difficult stage.

If you notice the nascent varicose veins veins, then you need to go for a consultation with a phlebologist. There you will have an ultrasound of the vessels, and everything will become clear.

If you have pain in the extremities, then you need to contact an orthopedist or a neurologist, because in this case you may have problems with the joints and spine.

After that, you must provide a certificate of illness to work, and you will be paid assistance.

Is it possible to insure against the acquisition of chronic ailments

You can take out voluntary insurance in case of acquiring chronic diseases.

Under such an agreement, the sudden appearance of a disease in the insured person during the validity period of the agreement, which is in the insurance agreement, is insured.
