What kind of days are a woman's vagrants? The best days to conceive a child after menstruation

Women who use the old calculation method for contraception " safe days"according to the calendar, it is very interesting to know: on what day after your period can you get pregnant.

This method was very popular with our mothers and grandmothers. Contraceptives have only appeared and become available in the last few decades. Previously, it was almost impossible to get them. Not to mention that many of them were quite dangerous for women's health. Therefore, women calculated the days after menstruation that were most favorable for conception. Thus, this method was used not only to prevent unwanted pregnancy, but also vice versa, in order to become pregnant with a high degree of probability when the appearance of a child in the family was desired.

A woman's menstrual cycle

It is divided into three phases: menstrual, ovulatory, secretory. The duration of the first and third is the same. Ovulation lasts only 1-2 days. It is during this period that conception is possible.

If a woman’s cycle is classic – 28-30 days, then it is not difficult for her to determine on which days after the end of menstruation pregnancy is possible. This can happen on days 14-16, starting from the first day of menstruation, when the ovulatory phase of the cycle begins.

For women with a short menstrual cycle, let's say 25 days, this phase begins in approximately 12-13 days.

Calculation method using a calendar

Women who use the calendar method are interested in whether it is possible to get pregnant as soon as menstruation has ended. In the case where its duration is 3-5 days, then this question could definitely be answered in the negative. But, trusting this method, many women miscalculated. Because every rule has exceptions. This also applies to the rules for the onset of a woman’s ovulation period.

Therefore, the dilemma regarding the day after the end of menstruation when you can get pregnant has an ambiguous answer. Despite its reliability, the calendar method does not provide a 100% guarantee of pregnancy protection.

To build a calendar of safe and dangerous days, use ours and find out which days are the safest for you.

How to correctly calculate the days when pregnancy is impossible?

It's not that easy to do. To calculate the days when it is “safe” to have sexual intercourse, it is necessary to analyze the entire menstrual cycle for six months, at least, or even a year. It is prohibited to use hormonal contraceptives.

To do this, you should start a special calendar and mark all your critical days in it. If you do not have a regular menstrual cycle, then it is impossible to calculate a “safe” time for sex. In this case, the woman should look for other methods of contraception.

If the cycle is regular and has only slight deviations, then you should make the following calculations:

  1. Identify the longest and shortest menstrual cycles over the past at least six months.
  2. Subtract 18 from the shortest one. After that, we get the day from which the shortest begins. dangerous period. For example: 24 -18= 6, that is, starting from the sixth day menstrual cycle, the probability of getting pregnant is the highest.
  3. Of the most long phase subtract the number 11. For example: 28 – 11 = 17. This means that the seventeenth day of the menstrual cycle is the last one to manifest high level safety when having sex.
  4. The example considered shows that in the period from the sixth to the seventeenth day of your menstrual cycle, you are most likely to get pregnant.

For some, conceiving a child is a desired and long-awaited process. Other men and women try by all means to avoid this. On what days can you not get pregnant? This question is asked by couples who use interrupted sexual intercourse as contraception or calendar method calculation. The days when you cannot get pregnant will be described in this article. You will find out the opinion of experts on this issue. You can also find out how these most infertile days are calculated.

On what days can you not get pregnant? Doctors answer

If you ask this question to a gynecologist, reproductive specialist or obstetrician, you will not receive a clear and unambiguous answer. In their opinion, days when you cannot get pregnant simply do not exist. Throughout the entire cycle, a woman remains likely to become fertilized. It’s just that on some days it is maximum, while on others it decreases to a minimum. Doctors say: you can never guarantee that pregnancy will not occur during a certain period of the cycle. There is an exception to every rule.

Doctors also note that the female body is very unpredictable. Quite often due to the influence external factors happens to a representative of the fairer sex hormonal disbalance. It is because of this that pregnancy can occur when you definitely don’t expect it.

A little theory

To find out on which days you can’t get pregnant, you should have a fairly clear picture of conception. Even at school, teachers tell children about this during biology and anatomy lessons.

So, male body produces seed cells - sperm. They are capable of fertilizing the female body with every sexual contact. That is why men do not have specific days when they can or cannot conceive a child. If a representative of the stronger sex is healthy, he is always fertile, of course, after puberty.

What can you say about a woman? On what days can you definitely not get pregnant? There is only one answer to this question. Pregnancy cannot occur when there is no egg to fertilize. After all, it is the presence of this gamete in the genitals of the fairer sex that leads to fertilization. Without it, pregnancy is simply impossible.

How to calculate safe days so as not to get pregnant?

Finding out which days you can’t get pregnant is quite simple. It is necessary to know exactly the duration of a woman’s menstrual cycle and the stability of these periods. We can talk about regularity when for at least six months the duration of the cycle did not vary by more than 1-2 days. The rupture of the dominant follicle and the release of the egg occurs on average two weeks before the next menstruation. This is precisely the peculiarity of the second phase. It always lasts the same time. While the first half of the period can normally last from seven days to three weeks.

To calculate which days you cannot get pregnant, subtract 10-14 days from the duration of the cycle. The resulting number will be considered the most fertile day. During this period, the gamete ready for fertilization is released. The woman’s body remains in this state for about two more days. After this, the probability of pregnancy gradually decreases and reaches its minimum at the beginning of menstruation.

What can be said about the first half of the menstrual cycle? During this period, sexual contact is quite likely to lead to conception. It is worth remembering that sperm can stay in a woman’s uterus and vagina for about one week. Based on these data, you can make a simple calculation. Remember that a lot depends on the length of the menstrual cycle. So, for women with a period of 21 days in the first half there is no safe time. If the cycle lasts 35 days, then its first 14 days can be called infertile.

Menstruation period

On what days of your period can you not get pregnant? If we take into account the woman’s physiology and the calculation method described above, we can answer this question as follows. The first days of discharge can be called safe. However, this rule only applies to women whose cycle lasts 28 days or more. For representatives of the fairer sex with a short period, even the days of menstruation are dangerous.

There is also an opinion that it is impossible to get pregnant during bleeding. This is explained by the fact that the discharge simply washes away sperm and male gametes from the uterus and vagina. Also during this period, the endometrium is in the most unfavorable condition for implantation. Even if fertilization occurs, the fertilized egg simply will not be able to attach and develop further.

On what days after menstruation can you not get pregnant?

As for menstrual flow, you already know. Let's try to calculate on which days you definitely can't get pregnant in a given case.

  • In a three week cycle safe days can be considered the period from 10 to 21 days.
  • If your cycle lasts four weeks, then the absence of pregnancy is likely if you have intercourse from days 1 to 7 and from 18 to 28.
  • With a long cycle of five weeks without dangerous days- this is the first 14 days, as well as the period from 25 to 35 days.


Many representatives of the fair sex use the methods described above and try to find out on which days they cannot get pregnant. Calculate safe period pretty easy. However, no one can guarantee your success.

Women say that misfires still happen. The reason for this may be hormonal imbalance. In this case, the cycle is shortened or lengthened. The ovulation period similarly shifts. Also, the environment for sperm to stay can be quite favorable. In this case, they will remain in the woman’s body for up to ten days. Statistics say that every third representative of the fairer sex who uses this method of contraception ends up pregnant. Protect yourself correctly. Good health to you!

On which days you can’t get pregnant - a lot depends on the answer to this question. Therefore, we would not recommend placing too much trust in the methods for calculating these days, which we present below. But of course, it's up to you to decide.

Surely you know that you can’t conceive a child on any day, since you’ve already asked yourself the question of calculating “dangerous” days. Yes it is. During one menstrual cycle (which lasts on average 28 days), the chance of becoming pregnant is high for about 7 days in the middle of the cycle. And the remaining ones are the days when you cannot get pregnant. How to calculate “when it is possible and when it is not possible?”

The most popular method is to measure the temperature in the rectum. All you need is a regular mercury or electronic thermometer (the first will be more accurate and therefore preferable). Next, you need to measure your rectal temperature in the morning every day, at least for the first half of the cycle, and do not forget to write down all the measurement results.

On days when you cannot get pregnant, the temperature will be below 37 degrees. But this is not an axiom; there are exceptions. Until ovulation occurs, the rectal temperature is at the specified level. However, sperm are very tenacious, and even when in the female genital tract, they can maintain their viability for several days. Therefore, sexual intercourse that occurred 5 days before ovulation may also be “effective”. Next comes ovulation - it is expressed by a rise in temperature values ​​to 37 degrees and above. The egg remains viable for no more than 2 days, which means that the days when you cannot get pregnant come just after ovulation. That’s why they say that the safest days are those just before your period. However, there is also a nuance here - elevated temperature may be not only due to the maturation of the egg, but also due to illness, taking certain medications, after sexual intercourse, if in less than 6 hours the woman took a vertical position (for example, got up at night to go to the toilet). Accordingly, ovulation did not occur on that recorded day, and the couple “relaxed” on the day when ovulation actually occurred. The result is pregnancy. Quite difficult to use the graph basal temperature and those women who have irregular menstrual cycles.

Another way to determine ovulation and safe days, respectively, is through tests. Very reliable, but it turns out to be too unprofitable, since you will have to test for several days in a row, and this costs money. In general, for those who want to save on contraception using calendar method protection from unwanted pregnancy, this option is not suitable at all. Accordingly, ultrasound is an even more expensive method that also requires time.

Therefore, the only option left is to monitor your feelings. During the period of egg maturation, many expectant mothers experience a pulling in the lower abdomen; the pain may be stabbing or cramping, but not regular. There is abundant mucous discharge from the vagina. Accordingly, having found out on which days you can’t get pregnant, the calendar can be drawn up and different colors display “dangerous” and “safe” days there. By the way, there are quite good convenient programs that allow you to create a calendar. If your cycle is regular, then it makes sense to use them.

Let's draw conclusions.

1. The safest days are the beginning of menstruation, as well as the days just before the start of the next menstruation.

2. You cannot get pregnant during an anovulatory cycle, when ovulation does not occur.

3. You can’t get pregnant in the first 2 weeks after giving birth (who would even think of having sex these days?)

This is how you can calculate which days you can’t get pregnant and which days you can. As we already wrote at the beginning of this article, none of the described methods is 100% correct. It's better to choose an effective one contraceptive, there are more than enough varieties. Do you have rare sexual relations? Then oral contraceptives are unlikely to suit you. It would be wiser to use condoms or even spermicides - “chemical” contraception. With regular sexual relations and one healthy sexual partner, gynecologists recommend using intrauterine device, vaginal ring Ring or birth control pills. By the way, birth control pills, although not combined (containing only 1 hormone), can also be taken by nursing mothers. In general, there is always a choice. Do not risk your health, it is better to go for a consultation with a gynecologist.

Knowing the processes occurring in our body helps us plan our lives, prepare for conception or avoid unplanned pregnancy. For example, it is enough to calculate on what day after menstruation you can get pregnant in order to correctly distribute sexual intercourse or use protective measures.

Basic processes of the female cycle

To be able to calculate days favorable for conception, you need to keep a menstrual calendar. Its function is not only to calculate days, but also to control ongoing processes. So, you can always notice a failure and promptly seek help. The calendar is compiled according to the following principles:

  • Specify the start date every month bleeding.
  • Note the number of days of menstruation. A change in their quantity, as well as structure, abundance and color indicates a disorder or changes that have occurred in the body (for example, age-related).
  • By counting the days between the marked numbers, you can determine the length of your cycle.
  • By comparing the magnitudes of the cycles, the girl finds out how regular they are and promptly detects a failure.

Conception process

Having such a calendar, it will not be difficult for a girl to calculate the days of ovulation. It is known that pregnancy is possible only in these few days. Let us recall how the process of conception occurs:

  1. Follicles are born in the ovary.
  2. One of the bubbles grows faster, the rest gradually disappear.
  3. In the dominant vesicle, the egg is born and grows.
  4. Having reached maturity, the cell ruptures the follicle.
  5. The cell is directed into the reproductive tubes.
  6. If at this time it happens unprotected act and sperm enter the woman's path, fertilization of the egg is possible.
  7. The fertilized egg moves to the uterus, where it attaches to its wall. The development of the embryo begins.
  8. On the ovary, after the cell is released, a temporary gland grows - corpus luteum. Promotion of the processes of fertilization, implantation and development of the embryo is ensured by the production of the hormone progesterone.
  9. In the absence of sperm, the cell dies within a day.
  10. The cycle repeats.

In medicine, all these processes are divided into only two phases: follicular and luteal. Normally, they are the same in duration - 14 days. The moment of ovulation occurs at the border between them. Its duration is equal to a day. But not every girl’s cycle is 28 days, and it’s not only at the moment of ovulation that you can get pregnant.

Calculation of the day of ovulation according to the calendar

To understand which days you can get pregnant after your period, the calendar will be very useful. First of all, you need to calculate your cycle length. If it is always equal or there is a deviation of 1-2 days, this is normal and will not interfere with miscalculations. Average, the cycle is 25-30 days. But indicators of 21 or 35 days are also found. If the duration is unchanged, then this is considered normal.

  • The follicular stage may vary. Its length depends on the amount of hormones that affect the maturation of follicles. May be 11-16 days.
  • Ovulation lasts as long as the cell is alive. On average, this is a day. Very rarely, the lifespan is longer and reaches up to 3 days.
  • The luteal stage takes the same time for everyone - 14 days. Very rarely there are cases with a slightly lower indicator - up to 12 days.

On what day after menstruation can you get pregnant?

Thus, knowing the constant indicator of the last phase, it will not be difficult to calculate the rest. It will be necessary to subtract 14 days from the duration of the cycle. The result obtained is the length of the first phase minus one day for ovulation. So, on the calendar, a girl can put the dates calculated in this way for the appearance of the egg in the genital tract.

But due to the viability of sperm, it is necessary to note a couple of days before this date and one after. These four days in the cycle are the most likely for fertilization. The reasons are:

  • One type of sperm remains viable for about 2-3 days. If it enters the genital tract before the cell appears, it can wait for it there and fertilize it.
  • Since the cell lives for a day, then immediately after the ovulation date marked on the calendar, the second type of sperm, which has mobility and speed, will be able to “catch up” with it and come into contact.

There are online calculators that free girls from independent calculations and work on a similar principle: an ovulation calculator with a prediction of the sex of the child

Additional means of detecting ovulation

If a girl has periods different sizes every time, it will not be easy for her to calculate the day mathematically. IN in this case It is recommended to select the shortest cycle and apply it in the formula. But the result will be very approximate. It's better to take advantage additional funds. Girls with normal rhythms are also worth knowing about and using to confirm your calculation:

  • Tests. The easiest way at home. Analytics occurs daily from the calculated date (cycle length minus 17 days). A gradual change in shade on the strip will indicate the day of approaching ovulation. And two bright stripes indicate its advance.
  • Microscopes. Allows examination of a saliva smear. By the day of ovulation, a clear fern pattern appears on the glass.
  • Basal schedule . Every day, the temperature is measured rectally and the number is plotted as a dot on the graph. Once connected, a curve is formed. There are two jumps on it: a decrease in indicators before the cell exits and an increase at the moment of its appearance.
  • Discharge. The day before and during the appearance of the cell, the mucus becomes thick and abundant. A large number of similar in structure to egg white mucus is the first sign of the “right” period.

In addition, you need to listen to yourself. When the blister bursts, the girl experiences a slight pain or pulling sensation in her side. After this, sensitivity may persist for some time, but a wound has formed on the ovary, which is undergoing a healing process. In the second phase, after the cell appears, the breasts swell and become sensitive. It is affected by a hormone that prepares it for possible lactation.

It has also been found that during this period, sexual desire increases. This organism influences the subconscious, because produced a cell ready for fertilization.

When failures are possible

Counting down right time After menstruation, marking what day you can get pregnant on the calendar, the girl gets a complete picture and can plan her life. But still, you cannot completely rely on these calculations. Each organism is individual and does not always work like a clock. Failures and changes are always possible. We have all heard about stories of conception even during menstruation, which would seem completely impossible from a medical point of view.

Therefore, it is worth knowing about some factors that can affect the rate of follicle development or provoke a delay or earlier release of the egg:

  • Changing of the climate. Moving to another country or even a trip to the sea disrupts all women's rhythms. Many have noticed changes in cycles in such situations. Cell production is no exception.
  • Stress. Any negative impacts are reflected in endocrine system and affect the body. As a result, interruptions may occur. A cell, for example, may not be born at this time or, conversely, appear much later. ahead of schedule.
  • Hormonal medications. If the medications you take contain hormones, they change the balance in a woman's body, which will interfere with or promote the process of childbearing (based on the type of hormone taken).
  • Infection, disease. It is known that a number of viruses can change hormonal background. In addition, all the body’s reserves can be “thrown” into fighting the disease and egg production will be delayed until the next cycle.

As you can see, such situations are quite possible in everyone’s life. Therefore, the mathematical calculation can fail. In addition, in the life of any girl, once a year or less often an internal failure can occur: the production of two or more eggs per cycle, a one-time lack of ovulation, an extension of one of the phases, a change in the date of menstruation.

Therefore, if you plan based on what day after your period you can get pregnant, then the calculations should be confirmed by some additional method: an ovulation test or keeping a calendar.

If a girl is interested in knowing these dates from the point of view of protection against unplanned pregnancy, it is better to use contraceptives, since calculations do not provide a complete guarantee.

Conception calendar (video)
