The longest rice in the world. How to choose the right rice. Types of rice. Making fluffy white milled rice

After removing the husk and bran shell, what remains is a white grain of rice containing a significant amount of starch. The grains of this rice have a smooth and even surface, they are snow-white and translucent. However, individual grains or parts of grains may be opaque due to tiny air bubbles contained within. Polished white rice is the most common and easily recognized. It can be long-grain, medium-grain or round-grain. In terms of vitamin and mineral content, white rice is inferior to brown or parboiled rice, but it is the main type of rice consumed throughout the world. The cooking time for this rice is minimally 10–15 minutes, and ready-made white rice dishes have an excellent taste.

Steaming is a special technology for improving the quality characteristics of rice. Unhusked rice is soaked in water and then treated with hot steam under pressure. The grains are then dried and polished like regular rice. After processing, the grains of parboiled rice acquire an amber-yellow hue and become translucent. Parboiled rice has its advantages: when steamed, up to 80% of the vitamins and minerals contained in the bran shell are transferred to the rice grain, and the grains themselves become less brittle.

The yellowish tint of parboiled rice disappears when cooked, and it becomes as snow-white as white polished rice. However, the cooking time for parboiled rice is 20–25 minutes due to the fact that the grains become harder after processing and cook more slowly than regular rice. After cooking, the grains of steamed rice never stick together; in addition, it remains just as tasty and crumbly even when the dish is reheated.

In essence, this is lightly polished rice, in which the nutritious bran shell, which gives the grains a light brown color, is preserved during processing. It is much healthier than white rice, since a significant part nutrients contained precisely in the shell of the grain. Thanks to this, it is very popular among supporters of a healthy lifestyle. It is mainly long-grain or medium-grain. The bran shell of the grain contains B vitamins, minerals, fiber and folic acid, as well as small amounts of phosphorus, zinc, copper and iodine. It gives the rice a slight nutty flavor. Brown rice takes longer to cook than white rice - 25 minutes on average - and cooked brown rice is not as soft as white rice.

Commercial classification of rice is based on the size and shape of the grain, chemical features endosperm and the duration of the ripening period. There are three classes of grain - short, or “pearl”, medium and long. Short grain rice is also called round rice. The length of its seeds does not exceed 5.15 mm, for medium-grain it is 5.16–6.15 mm, and for long-grain it is at least 6.16 mm. Sometimes a fourth class is distinguished - ultra-long-grain - with thin grains longer than 7.5 mm.
Based on their shape, grains are distinguished as thin with a length-to-width ratio of more than 3, medium when this ratio is 2.1–3, and thick when it does not exceed 2.1. According to chemical characteristics, rice can be waxy (glutinous) or regular. In the first case, the wet grain is sticky and its endosperm contains very little of one of the forms of starch - amylose. Conventional varieties are rich in both amylose and another form of starch, amylopectin.

Grown in Asia, Australia, North and South America. Rice grains are long and thin: the length is 6–8 mm, and the width is a third to a quarter of the grain length. When cooked, long grain rice does not stick together and absorbs moderate amount liquids. Both white and brown long grain rice are popular throughout the world. This rice is universal and is used in preparing a variety of European and Oriental dishes.

Grown in Spain, Italy, USA, Burma and Australia. This rice has a wider and shorter grain compared to long grain rice. Its length is 5–6 mm, and its width is 1/2–1/3 of its length. It is less translucent than long grain rice and contains more starch. During cooking, medium grain rice absorbs a large amount of liquid and becomes soft, and ready dish its grains stick together a little. A distinctive feature of this rice is that it is able to absorb the aroma of other ingredients of the dish. Medium grain rice comes in both white and brown. White medium grain rice is suitable for making paella, risotto and soups.

ROUND GRAIN RICEGrows in Italy, Russia, Ukraine, China and Japan. The round grain of this rice is 4 to 5 mm long and its width is 1/2 to 3/4 of its length. It is almost opaque and contains more starch than long grain rice. Short grain rice absorbs large amounts of liquid when cooked, becoming soft and creamy. The most common is white short grain rice. Rice with these qualities is most suitable for making puddings, desserts, casseroles, porridges, pies, soups, and sushi.

Basmati rice is grown at the foot of the Himalayas in northern India and Pakistan, in the Punjab province. It is believed that this long grain white rice owes its unique taste and aroma to the special soil, climatic conditions and air of this region. The word "basmati" means "fragrant" in Hindi. This variety is recognized throughout the world as the “king of rice”. Basmati has a pleasant aroma and exquisite taste. Its grains are longer and thinner than regular long-grain rice, and when cooked, they elongate even more, remaining almost unchanged in width.


This early-ripening long-grain rice is grown in the mountainous regions of northeastern Thailand only during the main season - from September to December. It is watered by rain and clean water from mountain slopes, acquiring amazing whiteness and natural aroma. In many countries around the world, this rice is known as "fragrant" or "fragrant" rice, and its official name is Thai Hom Mali. Cooked jasmine rice becomes snow-white, soft, slightly sticky, with a wonderful floral aroma. At the same time, the grains perfectly retain their shape. Traditionally, jasmine rice is used in Asian exotic cuisine, especially in South-East Asia.

This Italian variety of medium grain rice is one of the most famous varieties both in Italy and abroad. His name comes from the name of one of the cities in the province of Vercelli in the north-west of the country. In the wide translucent grain of Arborio rice, you can see the opaque core of the grain. When cooked, this rice acquires a creamy appearance and absorbs the taste and aroma of other components of the dish.
Arborio rice is very soft and easy to overcook, so experts recommend removing the dish from the heat until the rice is completely cooked - then the rice will cook on its own in a few minutes, but the grains will retain their shape. This variety of rice is ideal for making risotto and soups.

Egyptian rice, also commonly known as Camolino, is a true gem among rices. It is grown in the fertile Nile Delta, where rice has been cultivated for thousands of years. The grains of this rice are round and large. Thanks to pre-treatment vegetable oil“Camolino” acquires a magical pearl color, unique taste and aroma, and is also enriched with various beneficial substances. Unlike other short-grain types of rice, Camolino does not stick together when cooked, but is slightly sticky and tender.

Krasnodar round grain riceThe northernmost in the world. Traditional taste, great for desserts and soups, for Chinese dishes. After rinsing, it is boiled in 1.5 volumes of water; in a larger amount of water it becomes very soft - for puddings and porridges.


Strictly speaking, indica is the name given to almost all long rice that spread throughout Asia from India. These are the most common varieties. It is not very original in taste, but it goes well with side dishes or where fluffy rice is needed. Before cooking, wash and cook in 1.5 parts of water for 12-15 minutes.

Parboiled Indica Rice

Was invented to save useful properties brown rice - the population of Asia suffered from terrible scurvy due to the constant consumption of polished rice. Steamed grain retains up to 80% of nutrients. It does not stick together, remains a little hard, and turns from amber to snow-white. It cooks, like brown, for a long time - 25 minutes.

Spanish rice

The grain is medium-length or short, absorbs liquid well, remains quite hard, does not stick together, and is well suited for dishes such as pilaf, which includes the famous paella. The most famous and expensive varieties are Bomba, which only increases in width when cooked, and Calasparra, the most common - Valencia. Absorb up to 2-3 volumes of liquid.

Italian rice for risotto

The grains are translucent with a matte center. Properly cooked, it acquires the necessary creamy consistency, absorbing 2 or more volumes of liquid. It is easy to overcook, so the risotto is removed from the heat slightly undercooked, and the rice quickly “cooks” on its own. The most popular varieties are Carnaroli, Arborio, Roma, Baldo, Padano, Vialone Nano. The highest quality rice is labeled "superfino", followed by fino, semi-fino and originario. Do not rinse before cooking.

Thai sticky rice

A very popular variety of “sweet” rice in Thailand, which is used both as a side dish and in dessert dishes. This rice can be cooked several hours before consumption; when it cools, it does not lose its quality. It is often eaten by rolling it into balls and dipping it into the sauce. Before cooking, rice is washed and soaked for 6-8 hours. It is best to steam it.

Rice for sushi

Special Japanese rice, harder than ordinary round varieties, increases in volume by 2-2.5 times during cooking, becomes very sticky, but retains its structure, “chews”. Before cooking, rinse thoroughly, leave for an hour, and then cook in 1.3-1.5 volumes of water under a lid. More details:

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Rice is one of the oldest grains. It is very popular on all continents and in all countries. And the most famous cereal dishes, known all over the world, are prepared from it. Exist different kinds rice, as well as many different varieties and other classification methods.

In order to fully enjoy the taste of a particular dish, you need to know which type of rice is most suitable for it. After all, each of them has certain properties and its own unique taste.

So, in order to be fully armed and not get into trouble, we have to understand all the subtleties and nuances. Then we can easily make the right choice and ultimately get excellent result. And the choice is great!

What types of rice are there, how many are there and how do they differ from each other? Let's find out the answers to these questions right now!

More than two dozen types of rice and one and a half hundred of its varieties are known. In general, there are about 8 thousand agricultural varieties. In order not to get lost and confused in such diversity, a classifier was introduced.

No matter how many varieties of rice there are, all of them (both the main popular types and lesser known ones) are distinguished according to certain criteria. Among them are the following: by type of grain, by its color and by processing method.

Types of rice by grain type

Rice grains are divided into three types according to their size and shape: long-grain, medium-grain and short-grain.

Long grain rice

Such a familiar and familiar appearance to us, it has thin and oblong-shaped grains. The length of such a grain can reach 8 mm.

Medium grain rice

Compared to long-grain rice, medium-grain rice has a more rounded shape and a grain size of no more than 6 mm.

Short grain rice

This variety of rice is distinguished by its round shape and relatively short length. Such a grain reaches no more than 5 mm.

Recipe: Homemade sausages Khasip.

Types of rice by grain processing method

Depending on the processing method, rice has the following classification:

  • brown (unpolished),
  • white (polished),
  • steamed.

Brown (brown) rice

This rice undergoes minimal processing, which allows the grain to retain its bran shell. This is what gives brown rice its light nutty notes. Unpolished rice has a distinct, distinct taste and unique aroma. But this is not even his main advantage. The main advantage is the preservation of vitamins and nutrients by the shell. Therefore, to the question “What type of rice is the healthiest?” We answer authoritatively – unpolished.

It cooks for an average of half an hour (sometimes up to 40 minutes), without overcooking. By eating it, you will improve digestion and strengthen your immunity. A beneficial effect on brain activity. In general, the benefits of such rice are obvious! Its only drawback is its short shelf life.

White rice

Polished rice white most common around the world. Its grains are smooth and even. The color is snow-white, and the shape can be any. It cooks quickly - from 10 to 15 minutes. Compared to brown, it contains a lot of starch and few minerals and vitamins. This is due to deeper grain processing. However, its main advantages are ease of preparation, long shelf life and, of course, affordable price.

Parboiled rice

A special processing technology gives rice grains translucency and a golden hue. Steam treatment allows you to preserve most of the beneficial substances. After cooking, the amber tint disappears and the rice becomes snow-white. Steaming makes the grain harder, so it takes longer to cook. Although it will take 20 or 25 minutes to prepare, it will turn out more tasty. The grains of steamed rice will not stick together, even if the dish is reheated.

Recipe: Steamed Long Grain Rice with Chicken Breast.

Types of rice by color

In addition to the traditional and most common white rice, there are other varieties. It can be either brown (brown), or beige, yellow, red, purple and even black!

The best and most popular varieties of rice

Some varieties are more popular in the world, being the so-called “rice elite”. Others are less common and therefore better known where they grow. Let's start getting acquainted with the most popular ones, finding out their qualities and places of cultivation.


It is not for nothing that Basmati rice is called the “king of the world rice”. Possessing a delicate texture and a pronounced nutty taste, it will not leave anyone indifferent. The grains of the basmati variety are the longest, and the variety itself is the most expensive. Indian basmati is valued for both quality and cost. Pakistani is slightly less valuable. But those grown in the USA cannot compare with them in either taste or aroma.

Recipe: Chickpea fricassee with basmati rice.


Medium grain Arborio rice comes from Italy. But he is loved far beyond its borders. Also known as risotto. It has a delicate creamy texture. However, to avoid overcooking, it is recommended to cook it until al dente.


The jasmine rice variety is pleasant to the taste and has an amazing subtle aroma, somewhat reminiscent of jasmine. When cooked, its grains do not become soft. And although they turn out soft, they do not lose their shape and remain crumbly. Basmati is grown in Vietnam, Thailand and other countries in Southeast Asia. That’s why it is also called “Asian rice”.


Undoubtedly, Camolino rice is a real gem. Grows in Egypt. It has been cultivated there for more than a millennium. It has a unique taste and aroma. It does not stick together when cooked and is very tender.


Round grain Valencia rice, similar to Arborio. Its other name is paella. It makes a gorgeous dish of the same name - a wonderful Spanish paella with seafood.


Devzira rice grows in the Fergana Valley. This rice is ideal for preparing Uzbek pilaf. It is with it that your pilaf will turn out perfect.

Other varieties

Wild rice

It is grown only in North America. It has pleasant taste, low in calories, but at the same time very satisfying. Wild rice has a rich and balanced composition of various minerals, fiber, vitamins and high protein content. All these factors make it far from cheap.

Black rice

Black rice grows in Tibet. That’s why its second name is Tibetan. This is an expensive variety, which, moreover, is considered an aphrodisiac. It is also called “forbidden”. Since in Ancient China it was served exclusively at the table of Chinese emperors. A mixture of black rice with a white variety looks impressive, served as a side dish or as part of rice salads.

Red rice

This variety of rice is grown in France. Although he is originally from Thailand. Previously he was revered for weeds. Now it is served in restaurants. It is very popular due to its unique nutty aroma and its beneficial properties.

Types of rice and their use in cooking

Some varieties of rice turn out crumbly and elastic. Others are overcooked and turn out viscous and sticky. Therefore, the choice of one or another type of rice depends on the dish you want to prepare. After all, some make excellent desserts, casseroles or sushi. There, their sticky structure is only to our advantage, allowing us to give the product a uniform shape. In other dishes, the creamy texture is important, absorbing the flavors and aromas of other ingredients. For example, for paella and risotto. Well, in pilaf the friability of the rice is appreciated.

So, for risotto there are varieties of rice that are simply ideal for preparing this delicious dish. These are 4 types of rice. In addition to Arborio, this includes Carnaroli, Vialone Nano and Padano. If you are preparing this dish Italian cuisine If you're trying risotto for the first time, it's best to opt for vialone nano. It absorbs much more moisture than arborio. This factor will make the cooking process easier for beginners.

Risotto recipes:
Risotto with chanterelles;
Risotto with frozen porcini mushrooms;
Risotto with plums.

Gorgeous Spanish (Valencian) paella is obtained not only with the Valencia variety. Rice varieties such as Bahia and Iberica are also good for this purpose.

Delicious pilaf is obtained not only from the devzira variety. Its other Uzbek brothers would be an excellent choice. These are chungara and dastar-saryk, considered elite and grown specifically for preparing wonderful pilaf.

To put it simply, long-grain rice varieties are more elastic and crumbly. Therefore, they are good for preparing appetizers, salads, soups, as well as side dishes for meat or fish.

Medium-grain varieties are suitable for risotto, paella, and cereals.

Short grain rice cooks well and sticks together due to high content starch. This means it is simply ideal for milk porridges, soups and sushi. It also makes excellent casseroles, pies, puddings and desserts. It is also used to prepare puffed (exploded) rice. There is also a special variety of round rice from which Japanese rice vodka - sake - is brewed.

I would like to note that each type of rice is good in its own way. And it has a number of advantages that distinguish it from other rice varieties. They differ in taste, color, aroma, but undoubtedly each of them should be tried. A properly selected variety of rice will highlight the taste and aroma of a particular dish. Prepare delicious and healthy dishes while discovering the variety of rice varieties. Appreciate the “king of cereals”!

Rice is one of the most common cereals, which, according to some experts, is the main product for more than a third of the population of our planet. However, the huge variety of rice dishes and differences in their preparation technologies pose the question of how to choose rice and what types of rice are best for a particular recipe. So, for sushi, round rice is needed, for pilaf, long-grain rice is desirable, and for risotto, certain varieties of rice are best suited: arborio, vialone nano, carnaroli. Let us consider in detail why certain types of cereals are good, and in which dishes they reveal themselves best.

Types of rice by shape and their properties

Photo: types of rice

The question of how to choose rice for specific dishes is based not so much on differences in useful qualities and chemical composition, but on how different varieties of cereal behave during processing. Indeed, there are different varieties of rice; they are classified according to length as follows:

  • Long grain rice

This type is extremely popular in national cuisine not only eastern peoples, but also European and even American. It differs from other species in the length of the grains - up to 6-8 mm in length. As a rule, it is long-grain rice that is used for Uzbek pilaf, since it absorbs water less actively and sticks together less easily. Due to the small proportion of starch in the composition, it is often transparent or translucent.

  • Round grain

Known in Russia as “Krasnodar” rice, rice is characterized by roundish grains 4-5 mm long and about 2-3 mm wide. It is almost never transparent or translucent because it is rich in starch. Due to this, it actively absorbs liquid during processing, softens greatly, acquiring a creamy consistency. This rice is good for sushi, porridges, puddings, casseroles, and baked goods.

  • Regular (medium grains)

The grains of medium-grain rice are slightly shorter and slightly thicker than their long-grain counterpart (about 5-6 mm in length). The composition contains starch, so the cereal is rarely translucent, and also becomes sticky when cooked. Typically, rice of this size is used for risotto, soups, paella and other similar dishes.

Each of these types of rice may also differ in the type of processing.

Varieties of rice by type of processing

  • Unpolished brown (brown) rice

A wide range of brown rice can be purchased here

Brown rice

The most natural product. The grains of this type of rice are not separated from the bran shell, which gives them color. In addition, brown rice is distinguished from polished and steamed rice by a more saturated vitamin and mineral composition. Can be used to prepare almost any dish, but takes longer to cook than other types of grains. This cereal is very popular among nutritionists and supporters of a healthy lifestyle. It contains a lot of useful substances and microelements for the body.

  • White or milled rice

According to the variety, it can be the same rice as brown, only white is subjected to several stages of grinding. Although its composition is slightly poorer, this type of cereal is the most widespread in the world.

  • Parboiled rice

This rice is subjected to specific processing before the bran part is separated from the grains. This is done so that the latter transmits most of its beneficial substances in food base cereals After steaming, the rice becomes translucent and amber yellow in color (lightens when cooked), and also becomes brittle. Despite the preheating effect, steamed rice takes longer to cook than usual because it becomes slower, but does not stick together.

Famous varieties of rice

Experts have identified more than one and a half hundred varieties of rice, each of which is good in its own way, but the following have gained the greatest popularity:

  • Basmati

A very expensive long-grain cereal, often called the king among rice varieties. It receives this status for the amazing length of the grains, as well as a special milky-nutty flavor. Most often, basmati is found in steamed form. It goes well with spices and is actively used in meat and fish dishes oriental cuisine.

  • Jasmine

An elite variety of rice, the name of which is associated with softness and milky taste. It becomes highly saturated with water, becomes moist and sticky, but remains crumbly. Popular in the East in dishes with many spices.

  • Arborio

Creamy Italian variety of medium grain rice. It is the basis for risotto and soups. It is well saturated with water, as well as with the aromas of other ingredients present in the dish.

  • Wild (black) rice

Wild (black) rice is called the healthiest because its composition is more diverse and rich in nutrients of all types. It is currently in fashion and costs a lot, but is of great value to those who are trying to lose weight.

  • Red rice

Red rice is good for health and is often prescribed by doctors to treat blood cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases.

  • Nishiki

Organic sushi rice can be purchased here

A special variety of rice for sushi. It competes in the right to be considered the best for preparing these dishes with the ginshari variety, but nishiki is more affordable. The practice of sushi chefs shows that domestic Krasnodar rice is well suited for preparing Japanese rolls and Japanese dishes. The main thing is that it is round-grain.

How to choose rice

Which rice to choose for pilaf

There is nothing easier than buying a package of cereal in the supermarket marked “for pilaf,” but this is not always possible. In addition, compliance with the following recommendations will guarantee that the dish will be prepared correctly and tasty.

  1. For pilaf you need long grain rice. It is best if it is jasmine, basmati, a mixture of wild and steamed. You can take cheap analogues with a ribbed surface.
  2. Rice for real pilaf should be firm. If raw grain can be bitten, then this cereal will turn an oriental delicacy into rice porridge.
  3. The rice should be saturated with liquid and increase in size. If this does not happen during cooking, you need to choose another one for the next time.
  4. When purchasing a special variety of “Devzira”, you need to check its authenticity by rubbing a handful of cereals in your hand - they should crunch. Devzir grains are heavy to the touch, and the flour from them has a pinkish-brown tint.

How to choose rice for risotto

Try this Italian Parmesan and Garlic Risotto here

When wondering what kind of rice to choose for making risotto, you should give preference to Italian varieties of cereal: carnaroli, vialone nano or arborio. The most accessible among them is arborio, as it is offered by the popular Mistral brand. The main advantage of these types of cereals is that they actively release starch into the dish, due to which it acquires a creamy structure. By the way, this requires you to immediately consume risotto, which quickly hardens and turns into a sticky porridge. Arborio is good for classic risotto without meat or fish side dishes.

Carnaroli differs from arborio in its more elongated shape and lower amylopectin content. The grains are less boiled and retain their shape. Carnaroli is well suited for risotto with vegetable, fish or game side dishes.

For exceptionally creamy risotto, you need to take vialone nano, which, by the way, is difficult to find in Russian stores. This rice contains the most starch, so after cooking it literally turns into cream.

Video: types of rice and how to cook

Try all types of rice from the world's best producers!!!

Rice classification: types of rice by grain type and processing method. Popular varieties of rice. Benefit different types rice for health.

Rice (also called Saracen grain) is one of the oldest grains, one of the most popular cereals, one of the favorite dishes on all continents. But in order to fully enjoy the taste and beneficial properties of this cereal, you need to know what types of rice there are, what advantages each has and what dish it is best suited for.

The number of rice varieties developed over thousands of years of cultivation is in the hundreds. In total, there are over 20 botanical species of rice, more than 150 varieties and about 8,000 agricultural varieties in nature. To make it easier to understand this diversity, a classification of rice was introduced: it is distinguished by color, grain length and processing method.

Each type of rice includes many varieties. At the same time, the same variety, processed different ways, can have completely different taste, color, aroma and nutritional properties. Rice is not only white, but beige, red, yellow, black, and purple.

1. Main types of rice

Types of rice by grain type

Based on grain length (grain shape, rice grain size), rice is divided into 3 types:

  1. long grain;
  2. medium grain;
  3. round-grain (short-grain, round).

Long grain rice
The familiar and traditional “long” rice, familiar to all of us since childhood, has grains that are thin, oblong (up to 8 cm long), transparent, white or brown. When cooked, they absorb a moderate amount of moisture, so they do not stick together, do not become overcooked and turn out crumbly. Long grain rice goes well with various sauces and is used for preparing salads, appetizers, soups, stews, and side dishes for meat and fish. It is popular in Australia, North and South America, and is indispensable in European and Oriental cuisine. The main quality of this variety of rice is hardness. You should choose the longest and most transparent grains - they are the highest quality and healthiest.

Medium grain rice
Medium-grain rice (compared to long-grain rice) has grains that are more rounded, shorter (up to 6 mm long) and less transparent. Due to their high starch content, they absorb a lot of liquid during cooking, so when finished they are sticky, but do not stick together much. They come in white and brown. Ideal for making risotto (Italian varieties Arborio and Carnaroli), paella (Bahia variety), soups and cereals. In order for the grains to retain their beautiful shape, it is recommended not to cook them a little. Medium-grain rice is not as pliable to absorb sauces as long-grain rice, but it tends to be filled with the flavors of other ingredients in the dish. Medium grain rice is grown in Asia, Europe, America and Australia.

Short grain rice
This variety of rice has grains that are round, short (up to 5 mm long), and almost opaque. Puddings, milk porridges, soups, pies, casseroles, all kinds of desserts and sushi are prepared from it - short-grain rice sticks together perfectly due to the high content of resistant starch. For the same reason, it is useful to give it to children. Back in Soviet times, rice porridge was recommended to be included in the menu of preschool institutions. When cooked, short-grain rice actively absorbs water, so it becomes very boiled and becomes creamy. It is grown in Russia, Ukraine, Italy, Japan and China. The British are very fond of round rice: the inhabitants of Foggy Albion prepare their famous puddings and desserts from it. And from a special variety of round rice, rice vodka sake is brewed.

Types of rice depending on processing method

According to the processing method, rice is classified as follows:

  1. brown (unpolished);
  2. white (polished);
  3. steamed.

Brown (unpolished, whole grain) rice
Brown rice is obtained after minimal processing, which allows you to preserve the bran shell: it is precisely this that gives the grains a light nutty flavor. Unpolished rice is light brown in color and has a distinct taste and aroma. And its main advantage is that all nutrients are preserved in the grain shell: fiber, B vitamins, zinc, iodine, phosphorus, copper, so brown rice is much healthier than white rice. It strengthens the immune system, improves digestion, and has a beneficial effect on brain activity. Unpolished rice takes about half an hour (25-40 minutes) to cook, but it does not become overcooked, and you can prepare the same dishes from it as from white cereals. The only drawback of brown rice is its short shelf life.

White (polished) rice
This is the most common and most recognizable variety of rice grain throughout the world. The grains of white rice are even, smooth, translucent and snow-white, and can have any shape. They cook quickly - 10-15 minutes. White rice, unlike brown rice, contains a lot of starch (about 70%), but few vitamins and minerals. This is due to the fact that it takes more deep processing: after grinding, the grains are deprived not only of the husk, but also of the entire nutritious bran shell. That is why white rice is, in fact, a refined product, although, paradoxically, it is the most frequent guest on our tables. The main advantages of milled rice are its affordable price, ease of preparation and long shelf life.

Parboiled rice
Rice grains acquire a golden translucent hue after being processed using a special technology: first, the grains are carefully washed, then soaked in hot water, treated with steam and only then dried, sanded and bleached. Steam treatment allows you to transfer up to 4/5 of the beneficial substances contained in the shell into the grain (in terms of vitamins and fiber content, steamed rice is almost as good as brown rice). The amber-yellow tint disappears after cooking: the grain becomes snow-white, but steamed rice takes longer to cook than polished white rice, about 20-25 minutes (steaming makes it harder), but it turns out more tasty. At the same time, the grains of rice never stick together, and if the dish is reheated, they remain just as tasty, aromatic and crumbly.

2. The most popular varieties of rice

There are a huge number of varieties of rice, so we will only talk about the most popular ones. The rice elite includes basmati, jasmine, camolino (Egyptian rice), arborio and wild rice.
Jasmine and basmati are the most popular varieties of long grain rice.

Basmati rice ("Thai rice")
The pronounced nutty taste, delicate texture and unique oriental aroma of “Thai rice” do not leave anyone indifferent. Basmati is deservedly called the “world king of rice”. It is grown at the foot of the Himalayas. This is an elite, most expensive variety of rice, and this is explained by the fact that its grains are the longest in the world. When cooked, they can increase in length by 1.5-2 times (up to 20 mm). The most expensive varieties of “Thai rice” are Indian. Pakistani basmati is a little cheaper. Delicate and incredibly aromatic oriental varieties are ideal for preparing spicy fish and meat dishes. But basmati grown in the USA cannot compare with oriental varieties in terms of aroma, taste, or texture. Another advantage of “Thai rice” is that its grains are first steamed and only then lightly polished, so they retain a lot of vitamins.

Jasmine (“Asian rice”, “Thai fragrant rice”)
Jasmine, like basmati, is a white long-grain rice variety. It has a pleasant taste, a pronounced, surprisingly subtle milky aroma, somewhat reminiscent of jasmine, and a soft, crumbly structure. “Asian rice” is appropriate in salads, side dishes and desserts, and is perfect for preparing spicy and exotic dishes of oriental cuisine. It is grown in Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and other countries of Southeast Asia (hence the names “Asian rice”, “Thai aromatic rice”). Jasmine (compared to basmati) is more aromatic, more moist and more sticky, but its grains do not soften when cooked, do not lose their beautiful elongated shape, and are soft, but crumbly.

Wild rice
Wild rice is grown exclusively in North America, in the Great Lakes region, which is why it is not cheap. Wild rice has a light nutty aroma and a pleasant sweet taste. It is rich in dietary fiber, B vitamins, especially folic acid, contains valuable minerals - magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, potassium, copper, and it contains several times more protein than other types of rice. This is a low-calorie, balanced and satisfying product. It reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood and has a beneficial effect on digestion and the functioning of the nervous system. You can add wild rice to both savory and sweet dishes. Its grains are long, smooth and shiny, black or dark brown. They cook for 30-40 minutes. As a side dish, wild rice is traditionally prepared by mixing with long-grain white cereals - polished or steamed.

Other popular varieties of rice
Translucent medium-grain arborio rice (also sold under the names carnaroli and vialone) comes from Italy and is ideal for making risotto and soups (the variety acquires a creamy texture when cooked). A variety of paella (Valencia) similar to Arborio: paella is prepared from it - a classic Spanish dish with seafood. Red rice (camarque) is originally from Thailand, but its advantage is grown in the south of France. This variety is distinguished by its rich nutty aroma and record fiber content. The famous Uzbek pilaf is prepared from red-brown devzir rice, which grows in the Fergana Valley. There is also brown, glazed, puffed, puffed, dessert, and special sushi rice.

Rice is an indispensable component of healthy and balanced nutrition. The health benefits of this ancient cereal are undeniable; it’s not for nothing that it is called “white gold.” Rice is a source of protein, vitamins, minerals, complex carbohydrates, and is free of harmful fats, sodium and cholesterol. The main thing is to choose grains that have undergone minimal processing, brown or steamed, and always remember that each type of rice has its own degree of benefit. Buy only good rice, cook it with pleasure and eat it for your health!

Alesya Musiyuk for the site “f-Journal.Ru”

Rice is one of the most sought after grains all over the world. In order for dishes made from it to always turn out successful, you need to know what type of product is suitable for a particular treat. For example, delicious, non-disintegrating rolls can be made from round grains, and for a delicious risotto, it is best to purchase the carnaroli variety. Which rice is best for pilaf? Let's figure it out together.

Types and varieties of rice

Today, several varieties and types of rice are known. You can find almost every one of them in Russian stores.

If we talk specifically about the types, then first of all they differ in the shape of the grains of the cereal.

The following rice grains are found:

  • Regular (medium). Their length is 5-6 mm. The cereal contains a lot of starch, so it is opaque and becomes sticky during heat treatment.
  • Long (long grain rice). Their length reaches 6-8 mm. Such grains have little starch, they stick together only slightly and are transparent.
  • Round (round grain rice). The length of such grains is 4-5 mm. They contain a lot of starch. During the cooking process, round rice softens greatly.

The cereals under discussion are also divided into types according to the type of processing. It happens:

  • Brown, unpolished. The most natural product, combining a combination of taste and benefits. It is not free from the dark bran membrane.
  • White polished. The product undergoes several sandings. Its structure is poorer in the composition of nutrients.
  • Steamed. Special steam treatment ensures that the dark part of the bran transfers most of the beneficial microelements to the base.

As for rice varieties, experts managed to count more than 150.

The most famous and popular among culinary experts are the following:

  1. Basmati. Expensive long rice with a nutty flavor.
  2. Arborio. Product with medium-length grains of a creamy color.
  3. Jasmine. Its soft grains of rice have a delicate milky taste.
  4. Wild. The healthiest variety, ideal for dietary dishes.
  5. Nishiki. A special variety intended specifically for sushi.
  6. Carnaroli. A medium grain product that creates a unique creamy texture to the finished treat.
  7. Red. Recommended for use for problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Which rice is best for pilaf?

When figuring out which rice is best to use for pilaf, you can use ready-made “tips.” On the shelves of modern supermarkets you can find a product marked “for pilaf”. If it is not available, the tips published below will help the cook.

For pilaf cooked in a cauldron

If the treat is prepared in a cauldron over a fire, then the choice of rice must be approached with special care. The “wrong” product will easily burn or remain somewhat harsh inside at the very end of the process. It is best to purchase first grade Thai steamed cereal. For example, Passim. True, its price is quite high, but from time to time the product is offered in theme stores with impressive discounts.

Rice for pilaf in a slow cooker

An excellent solution is to choose Basmati rice for pilaf in a multicooker. It will make the finished dish juicy, crumbly with a delicate milky-nutty taste. This variety goes perfectly with all kinds of seasonings, quickly absorbing their aroma. That is why Basmati is actively used in oriental cuisine.

For the recipe in the pan

If the housewife wants to cook a treat in a pan, but as close to the taste as possible to real oriental pilaf, it is worth purchasing Devzira rice. It is believed that traditional Uzbek dish can only be prepared from this type of cereal.

When purchasing a product, you need to ensure its authenticity. To do this, pour the cereal into your hand and lightly rub it. The grains of real Devzir should crunch slightly. In addition, they are heavy and have a brownish-pink tint.

For pilaf cooked in the oven

If a dish is prepared in the oven, the cook probably considers its healthfulness to be paramount. In such cases, the following varieties of rice for pilaf are selected: red, wild. With them, the treat will have a specific taste, but at the same time contain a lot of useful substances. Jasmine and Basmati rice are suitable for pilaf in the oven.

Rules for processing rice before cooking

Regardless of the type of rice you choose, it must be properly processed before further cooking. First of all, the product is always carefully sorted. It must be freed from any inclusions and low-quality grains of rice. Otherwise, if they appear in the finished dish, they will negatively affect the result.

Next, it is very important to soak the cereal in water. Tap liquid will not work. This should be filtered or even boiled water. The rice will remain in it for several hours. Minimum – 2-2.5. It is this stage that many housewives neglect. And in vain. If you throw a handful of starch into cold water, you will be able to watch how the bulk product curls into lumps. You should expect a similar result even if you skip the step of soaking the cereal. After a long stay in water, the grain becomes hard and there is no longer any fear of it boiling even after prolonged simmering on the fire.

Experts note that water at a temperature of 60 degrees is ideal for soaking. In fact, this condition is not at all necessary to comply with. It is enough to just use cool liquid.

Further stewing of the cereal in fat allows the grains to be coated with a shell that retains moisture inside. As a result, the rice softens inside, but the film prevents the grains from sticking together, preserving the nutritional value of the product.

Approximate ratio of rice to water

The secret of successful, delicious pilaf also lies in maintaining the correct proportions of grain and liquid. In a real Uzbek treat, the combination of water and rice is 1 to 1. These proportions are relevant only for those cases when the cereal was previously soaked in cool liquid for several hours.

If there was no such stage of rice preparation, the amount of water will need to be increased. Take 2 cups of liquid per 1 cup of grains.

Rice has been cultivated for at least 10,000 years, but it has been known for 600 million years - this is exactly the age experts say. Rice, along with wheat, is the main grain product, without which it is impossible to imagine at least one national cuisine in the world. What do we know about him? And how well have they mastered this unique culture?

What do we know about rice

In Europe, rice was introduced a long time ago. The Greeks took it with them from Persia when they were on a campaign with Alexander the Great. Muslims brought it to Spain. In the 15th century, rice became famous in Italy. It was from this time that his brilliant romance with European culinary specialists began.

Today, rice is grown in tropical, subtropical and warm temperate latitudes. In Europe, there are rice fields in Italy (Po Valley), Spain, Russia, Greece, Portugal, France (Camargue), Ukraine, and Bulgaria. White long-grain and round rice is typical for China, India, and France. Brown (by color, not by processing method) is widespread in China, yellow in Iran, purple (red) in Laos, waxy in China and Laos.

Rice is the basis of the diet of the population of Asia and Africa. Without exaggeration, this grain crop can be called global, second only to corn in terms of yield and consumption. Rice is also used for the production of alcoholic drinks (rice vodka, sake).


How many varieties of rice are there? It would not be an exaggeration to say that experts have lost count. Some talk about 10,000, others - more than 50,000. But no matter how many there are, there are few large groups:

  • According to grain length, varieties are divided into large-, medium- and short-grain
  • by processing method - untreated, polished, steamed and with special treatment
  • Finally, rice can be classified according to particularly famous varieties, for example, Basmati, Brown, Wild, Arborio, etc.

Long grain varieties - INDICA
The common name INDICA refers to long grain rice varieties. Popular all over the world, you can use them to prepare any dishes of both European and Oriental cuisine. These types of rice never stick together, and after cooking the rice turns out fluffy.


Brown rice is the most valuable of all varieties, which makes it an indispensable product in the diet of followers of a healthy diet. It contains the most minerals, vitamins and fiber. It has a light brown color because it retains the bran shell and is peeled only from the outer husk. Brown rice is long- or medium-grain, has a sweet, nutty flavor, takes longer to cook, and requires more water.


Rice that has had its shell removed but not polished.


Perhaps the most common and popular variety of rice. Ground (polished), elongated white grains. Rice is the most affordable price, but there are also very expensive varieties. Lasts the longest.


Treated with steam using special technology. Steamed contains up to 80% of the nutrients contained in the bran shell, so it is healthier than polished. Not only long-grain rice can be steamed, as well as polished.


Indian rice This rice has a nutty flavor, aroma and texture and is more expensive than long grain rice. For example, pilaf is prepared from basmati. Overall, the most popular variety in Indian cooking. However, it is universal and great in any dish.


Another name for this rice is JASMINE. Similar to BASMATI, just as slightly sticky and boiling, but even more aromatic. The rice has a milky taste and a snow-white color. Excellent for preparing oriental dishes, combined with the entire palette of peppers and the richest spices.

High-quality long-grain rice is very thin and transparent.

American rice, similar in taste to BASMATI. One of the best varieties in the world, highly valued by European and American gourmets. It is subjected to special processing, as a result of which it resembles amber and does not require preliminary washing or soaking (it is advisable to soak BASMATI).

Medium grain rice - ITALICA

It is from medium-grain varieties that dishes such as pilaf, risotto and paella are prepared. Medium grain rice in our country is often sold under the general name ITALICA. Round varieties are good in porridges, casseroles and puddings. Short grain rice is also used to make sushi.


A variety of rice from which the famous risotto is prepared. In stores it can be found under the names VIALONE (NANO) and CARNAOLI. Excellently absorbs water, expanding from it 5 times. Starchy variety: when mixed with hot broth and constantly stirring, it acquires the very consistency that distinguishes real, original risotto from a fake. The dish has cream. It is customary not to finish cooking it, but to “finish it” by simply removing it from the heat.

The most famous Central Asian medium grain rice. Pilaf is prepared from it. It has a beautiful pinkish-brown tone, which even after washing does not go away completely.

Spanish rice From the name it is clear that this variety is especially suitable for preparing paella - a classic Spanish culinary dish with seafood.

Round (short grain) rice - JAPAN

JAPAN- the general name of all round varieties that are sold in our country, which is very arbitrary. Round varieties are good in porridges, casseroles and puddings. Short grain rice is also used to make sushi and rolls. The peculiarity of this rice is that the cooked rice grains stick together.

This short-grain California rice is flavorful and soft when cooked, with grains that stick together well, making it ideal for sushi.

Our domestic brand. Rice is of average quality, an indispensable part of the consumer basket of a Russian resident. Quite starchy rice, which you need to know how to cook properly to make it fluffy. See, for example,.


Asian rice with a lot of starch, used in sweet delicacy recipes. During cooking, the grains stick together. First, the rice is cooked for about 20 minutes, and then placed in the oven for a long time (1-2 hours).

Delicious Egyptian rice. It is polished white rice coated with oil, giving it a pearly color. Round but large rice that does not stick together during cooking.

Wild rice

This variety of almost black rice (also known as aquatica) stands apart. A distant relative of the familiar rice, is a perennial plant Zizania aquatica or Zizania palustris, growing in the Great Lakes region (USA). Today, wild rice is cultivated, expensive and delicious, not to mention a very healthy food. The mineral content of black rice is two-thirds of the daily value for an adult. It is especially rich in thiamine. Aquatika does not contain gluten. Hard in consistency, requiring soaking and then long cooking(up to 1 hour), wild rice is especially good when combined with a quality long-grain white (such as CAROLINE) when served with seafood.

There are also other exotic varieties of weed rice - RED(France) and BLACK(China). Today, this “grass of the poor man” is prized as a real delicacy.

There are also a lot of different varieties, including man-made ones. For example, in France it is in great demand PRE-COOKED RICE- sanded, bleached, soaked and boiled for several minutes, and then dried at high temperature. Eat GLAZED RICE- coated with a thin layer of talc and glucose. Eat Puffed RICE, fried on hot sand (as they do in India) or processed with a high heat, and then low pressure(USA). Or Puffed RICE, more like popcorn.

What other rice products are you interested in?

It is obtained from broken grains of polished rice, thoroughly crushed. Rice flour is widely used as a natural thickener in the production of baby food, confectionery and etc.

Flakes are also formed from broken grains using a special technology (using grilling and oven drying). Rice cereal is a popular breakfast ingredient.

Rice oil, or rice bran oil, is a product of high biological value. Lowers cholesterol and is actively used as a cosmetic skin and hair care product. Popular in oriental cooking, in Europe it is increasingly used as an oil for frying meat and vegetables over high heat.

Rice oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids - linoleic and oleic, vitamins (A, PP, E and group B), lethicin. Rice oil is a source of vitamin E (tocotrienol and tocopherol) and a complex of antioxidants (gamma-oryzanol and squalene). These substances help fight free radicals in the body, slow down aging, and are recommended for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

An excellent source of fiber, useful for constipation and dysbiosis, removing cholesterol from the body, contains a large amount of vitamins.

Cooking class

Delicious pilafs, risotto, pasta, and soup are prepared from rice. You can stuff vegetables with rice and serve it as a side dish for meat and seafood. It is eaten as porridge, and as a dessert (rice pudding), and even as a salad.

This is a basic product in Asian cuisine, Chinese and Indian, and if we remember Europeans, then also in Italian.

Almost all varieties of rice (with the exception of parboiled and some other varieties) should be rinsed before cooking if you want to prevent the grains from sticking together.

Brown and wild rice usually take longer to cook than white, polished, and parboiled rice. To reduce cooking time, rice can be pre-soaked in cold water for 10-30 minutes.

Useful tips

Store rice Store in an airtight container in a cool, dark place at room temperature.

Add a few grains of rice to the salt shaker, then the salt will always be dry, despite the humidity. Change the rice grains every few months.

How to give rice a “crown” shape in a plate? Fill a bowl or small container with rice. Pack firmly. Invert onto a plate. Garnish with a sprig of parsley.

Healthy eating, therapeutic diets

What are the properties of rice?

Like all grains, rice contains three groups of nutrients:

  • Carbohydrates (slow sugars)
  • Proteins and amino acids
  • Fats (in small quantities)

In addition, rice contains a huge amount mineral salts(magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, silicon, iron, copper, zinc), vitamins (A, B, D, E, F) and dietary fiber. Brown rice is a champion in containing perfectly balanced substances. Complex carbohydrates help prevent hypoglycemia, and high-quality plant fibers regulate digestion and promote vigorous intestinal transit.

Energy value of white rice per 100 g of dry product is:
365 calories, 7.13 g protein, 0.66 g fat and 79.95 g carbohydrates.
Energy value of wild rice per 100 g of dry product:
357 calories, 14.73 g protein, 1.08 g fat and 74.90 g carbohydrates.

Eating rice helps detoxify the body and can be recommended for the treatment of obesity, but this must be done under the supervision of a doctor. It is very popular at home.

The absence of sodium in the chemical composition of rice allows it to be used as a staple food in all salt-free diets. Rice and all its products (see above) are also included in anti-atherosclerotic diets.

High energy value makes it indispensable in sports nutrition.

In addition, rice and the water in which it is cooked help fight diarrhea. traditionally used in the East.

Rice appeared on earth even BC. e. in Asian countries. It was brought to European countries at the beginning of the 18th century. And it is still one of the most popular cereals today. Almost every day it is present on the menu of Europeans. In eastern countries, rice is eaten several times a day, with many recipes in its arsenal. According to research, every Japanese person eats 100 kg of rice every year.

There are several thousand varieties of rice, and the taste, color and variety depend on the country in which it was grown. This is a rather unpretentious culture. Most types of rice are grown in China, India, Russia, and Japan. Moreover, in Eastern countries, growing this cereal can be a whole family affair with a lot of subtleties and nuances.

The most popular are the white round and long varieties of rice. If white polished short grain rice is used, due to its stickiness, for casseroles, milk porridges, stuffed dishes, sushi, then long grain rice is a complete side dish with its own distinct taste.

Long-grain cereal can be polished or unpolished. The polished look is one of the most commonly used. After all, it does not stick together, does not take long to cook, and has its own taste and aroma. This product is distinguished by the absence of gluten, which means it is suitable for patients diabetes mellitus of people.

When grinding, the cereal is cleared of the outer shell, which contains many useful substances and fiber. The grain is polished, making it look very appetizing. But it is still healthier to eat unpolished rice.

Also, long-grain cereals, depending on the processing, can be white, brown, or steamed. Its beneficial qualities and nutritional value change accordingly. If round rice does not have a pronounced taste and smell, then long-grain rice is completely different from short-grain rice in these parameters. There are also differences in the amount of starch contained, of which there is much more in the round variety than in the long-grain variety.

Popular types, their calorie content and distinctive features

Several types have gained popularity in our country, let's see how do they differ and what is the calorie content of different varieties.

  • Long grain white polished rice occupies, of course, the first positions. It has its own distinctive taste and aroma, does not stick together like the round one, is quick and easy to prepare, and looks appetizing. The calorie content of this rice is 365 kcal per 100 grams.

  • Parboiled long rice confidently holds second place. It is treated under special conditions with steam under pressure, due to which beneficial substances are formed in the grain and starch is destroyed, which gives the product stickiness. Steamed grain has a golden color, which changes to white when cooked. This rice is very healthy, its calorie content is 341 kcal.

  • Variety "Jasmine" has a faint milky taste and is named after the shrub whose aroma it vaguely resembles. It doesn’t take long to cook, 20 minutes, and it turns out crumbly. They make side dishes from it and add it to salads. Its calorie content is 343 kcal.

  • Brown rice during processing, they are cleaned only from the rough shell, completely leaving the fiber. It is more useful than the described types of rice and has its own aroma. It is very popular among older people and those who drive healthy image life thanks to its high fiber content. It cooks for approximately 40 minutes. The calorie content of this variety is 337 kcal.

  • Varieties "Basmati" and "Indian" have their own special taste and aroma. Long thin grains grown in excellent climatic conditions are not without reason given the name of a separate variety. Their calorie content is 342 kcal.

  • Red rice- a variety of Thai grain. It takes about 40-50 minutes to cook, however, if you pre-soak it overnight, the cooking time can be reduced. This variety is not particularly popular here. Calorie content is 334 kcal.

  • Brown rice Known for its slight nutty flavor. This type is also popular among supporters of proper nutrition, because processing is minimized and the outer shell is not removed. Its calorie content is 340 kcal.

  • Wild rice is one of the highest varieties in terms of nutritional value and accordingly expensive. Has a record amount of fiber, mass useful elements and very low calorie content, equal to 105 kcal per 100 g of grains.

As you can see, the less processed the rice, the more beneficial properties and vitamins it contains, and the less calories it contains. But the longer the cooking time will be.

Benefits and harms

Eating rice is beneficial for the human body. The amount of nutrients and vitamins in it varies depending on the method of its processing. The benefits of this cereal include a large amount of vitamins B, E, essential minerals - magnesium, zinc, iron, calcium, potassium, silicon, phosphorus.

These substances have a beneficial effect on nervous system, the cardiovascular system is supported by magnesium. Calcium is generally involved in 90% of the processes occurring in the body.

The benefits of unpolished varieties are: great content fiber, preservation of useful substances contained in the shell. Due to their gluten-free composition, the grains are approved for consumption by people suffering from diabetes. Many diets and healthy recipes are based on this product, due to its low calorie content, the presence of fiber and the absence of fat. This cereal perfectly removes sodium salts from the body, relieving pain for people suffering from urolithiasis.

However, people suffering from constipation should not use it. Frequent use is also not recommended, because it absorbs not only sodium salts from the body, but also useful substances.

Making fluffy white milled rice

How to cook rice correctly? This can be done on a regular stove in a thick-walled container and in a slow cooker.

On the stove

Fill a saucepan with 2 liters of cold water and bring to a boil. Rinse rice, about one glass, thoroughly with cold water, pour into a saucepan when the water boils, and cook over very low heat under a closed lid for 20-25 minutes. Don't interfere! Then turn off the gas and let the porridge brew for 7-10 minutes. Then drain the cereal in a colander, rinse with cold water and pour over boiling water. And only then can you add salt and oil.

In a slow cooker

Place one glass of well-washed rice in a bowl. Add 2 glasses of water, salt. Set the multicooker to “Porridge” mode and cook for 20 minutes. After turning off the program, let the rice sit for another 5-10 minutes. You can add oil as desired.



Perhaps one of the most popular dishes using long grain rice is risotto. It is prepared with seafood and chicken. And since it’s summer now, you can make risotto with vegetables.


  • 1 cup washed long grain white rice;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 1 small onion;
  • salt, pepper, dried tomato, basil and garlic seasoning - to taste;
  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • canned corn - 1 can.

Cook the rice following the recommendations described above. Cut the carrots into small cubes, chop the onion as for frying. Fry them in a frying pan with butter. Cut the pepper into cubes. Mix rice, carrots, onions, adding salt, pepper, seasoning to taste, simmer for 3-5 minutes. Finally add bell peppers and corn. When serving, sprinkle with herbs.

This dish can be eaten on its own, or can be used as a side dish.

Lenten pilaf with mushrooms

People who lead a healthy lifestyle and those who fast will love pilaf with mushrooms. It is easy to prepare, however, it is rich in rich taste and nutritious.


  • long grain rice – 1 cup;
  • champignon mushrooms -600 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • salt, pepper, seasonings to taste.

Wash the mushrooms, cut them in half and cut each half into slices. Pour oil into a frying pan with a thick bottom. Add mushrooms to the heated oil, add salt and fry until the water from the mushrooms has evaporated by half. Chop the onion finely and the carrots into thin, narrow slices. Add onions and carrots to the mushrooms, fry for about 5 minutes until the color of the onions changes to golden. Add washed rice to vegetables. Fill it all with water so that it is 1-1.5 cm above the rice level, add salt, pepper, and spices. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 20-25 minutes. Then turn off the heat and let the rice sit for another 10 minutes.

Rice with chicken and mushrooms in pots


  • long white rice – 1 cup;
  • champignons – 300 g;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • chicken fillet – 0.5 kg;
  • tomato paste;
  • hard cheese -150-200g;
  • salt, pepper, spices to taste.

Cut the mushrooms into slices, onions into half rings, carrots into long thin slices, fry everything together until half cooked, add 1 tablespoon of tomato paste, salt and pepper. Cut the chicken fillet into long strips, like carrots, add salt and fry for about 6 minutes to brown over medium heat. Prepare the rice for cooking as described above, rinsing it several times with cold water. Preliminary preparation done, now everything needs to be put in pots and baked.

Lay in layers: first rice, chicken on top, then mushrooms with carrots and onions. Repeat layers several times. Fill halfway or slightly more than halfway. Cover with a lid and place in the oven for 30 minutes, temperature – 180 degrees. At the end, sprinkle with grated cheese and place in the oven for another 3-5 minutes. When serving, you can decorate the dish with herbs. Black Borodino bread goes best with it.

Remember that rice expands in volume when cooked. After filling the pot, fill it with water 1-1.5 cm above the contents.

To learn which type of long grain rice to choose, watch the following video.

Rice is the white grains of health, following which you can achieve lifelong harmony between soul and body, find your groove in life. proper nutrition. Residents of Asian countries have long understood that rice is not just food, it is part of life and its healthy side.

The patron of rice is the Buddha himself, protecting those who choose this cereal as a staple product. In Eastern countries, a huge number of species and varieties of rice are grown, bringing out more and more new ones every year - more resistant to weather changes, more tasty, etc.

Currently, there are more than 10,000 varieties, although in a standard hypermarket the rice aisle is represented by 20-30 varieties. Despite such a huge diversity, all rice crops are united by a wealth of vitamins, essential amino acids and microelements, which not only enrich the human body, but also normalize all natural biological processes, only slowing down aging.

Rice is widely used in quick and effective diets. Based on this product, more than a dozen weight loss methods have been developed, the most popular of which are the three-day diet, the fasting day and the “5 volumes” diet. Rice is also present in special medicinal tables, which are recommended for a particular disease.

Such different rice

As mentioned earlier, there are a huge number of varieties and types of rice. It is simply impossible to list everything in one list, and it is not necessary. Such a list would be useful only to true rice lovers and connoisseurs. For ordinary people, there are also enough varieties that have become especially popular among the world's population.
To classify types of rice, we divide the representatives of this cereal according to the degree of processing:

1. Polished white rice . The grain is completely cleared of husk and is a white crystal. Compared, for example, with brown rice, white polished rice loses in the amount of nutrients, but gains in shelf life. This is one of the most popular types of rice in the world. In Russia it is produced from the Krasnodar variety.

2. Paddy rice perhaps the most natural among its brothers. It is also called “unthulled”, that is, it has not undergone any processing. "Paddy" is sold in a brownish bran shell, in which it, in fact, grew. The seed and husk are a storehouse of useful and nutritious substances. This rice is especially popular among adherents of a healthy diet.

3. Steamed or thermo-rice. This type of rice undergoes special processing in the form of soaking in water and subsequent cleaning with steam. The steaming technology has become a kind of breakthrough in the field of rice preparation - 80% of the vitamins from the shell remain in the grains, while they themselves are deprived of the “hard-to-remove” bran part. Parboiled rice has a pleasant amber-yellow color, which turns into snow-white during cooking.

4. Brown unpolished rice. Along with “Paddy”, it gained particular popularity among supporters of healthy eating. This rice, after harvesting, only went through the process of removing husks and weeds, while the bran part of the grain was retained. This shell contains phosphorus, copper, zinc and iodine, thanks to which the rice has a pleasant, subtle, nutty flavor. This rice is especially useful for expectant mothers due to its high content folic acid and vitamin B. Brown brown rice has the highest nutritional value. There are three main varieties of this cereal: short-grain, long-grain and medium-grain.
Short or “pearl” - the length of such grains, as a rule, does not exceed 5 mm. Appearance it resembles a small pearl of regular shape. After cooking, the rice becomes sticky, the grains literally stick to each other. Short-grain rice, along with short-grain rice, is usually used in making traditional oriental balls and in making sushi.

Long grain rice has oblong thin fruits. It contains the least amount of starch and therefore the grains practically do not stick together. This species includes such an elite representative of the cereal as Basmati, grown at the foot of the Himalayas. The air and soil of those places give the grains a refined and natural taste.

Medium grain rice is the most versatile. This variety is distinguished by the fact that it can absorb not only water, but also the aromas of the dish prepared with it. Therefore, it is most often used in the preparation of risotto, paella, kharcho and other dishes. The main representatives of medium grain rice are Italian, dessert and Egyptian varieties.

5. Black wild rice - food of gods and aristocrats. This rice grows only in strictly defined places, and the plant itself is a perennial wild grass that was discovered North American Indians. This type is also popular because it contains greatest number nutrients and vitamins. This rice never sticks together and the water turns a beautiful purple hue.

6. Red French rice is among the top useful varieties this cereal. It is characterized by a high content of natural dietary fiber and antioxidants. Consumption of red rice is recommended for completely various diseases: gastritis, colitis, difficult bowel movements, high blood sugar, for emergency weight loss. What makes it popular is its unusual reddish tint and subtle nutty aroma.

7. Uzbek rice or rice for pilaf . It is divided into several varieties, the most popular of which are “dastar-saryk” and “dev-zira”.

Dev-jeera grains are usually thick and oblong in shape. Initially, a thin strip of dark color runs along it, which disappears after processing. This rice is intended for preparing pilaf. Even a culinary amateur can make this dish with dev-jeera.

Dastar-saryk rice is also intended for pilaf lovers. It is noteworthy that after harvesting, the grains of this cereal are kept in bags for several years, being either watered or dried. It is also smoked in special smokehouses - bags of rice are hung on special hooks under the ceiling.

It would seem that rice is the most ordinary and widespread product, which is extremely simple and uninteresting. Upon closer examination, it turns out that this is not so: rice is a product with character.

Eat rice more often, because, as is commonly believed in the East, rice is the gateway to health.
