A special toothbrush for children. Choosing a brush - what you need to know? How often do you need to change the brush?

- a very exciting and responsible period in the life of parents, for which you need to prepare several weeks in advance. We are talking about the features of the hygienic regime and proper oral care. Some mothers believe that they need to brush their baby’s teeth after their first baby tooth, but dentists have a different opinion. Don't take hygiene issues lightly oral cavity in infancy, because not only the health of teeth will depend on this, but also correct formation bite

The mucous membranes also need daily cleansing of bacteria and food debris, since it is the surface layer of the gums that provides local immunity and helps prevent the development of many infectious pathologies. To clean the mouth of a child under 1 year old, the same hygiene products are used as for older children, but they must be selected in accordance with age characteristics and needs.

When to start?

A very common misconception of many parents is the belief that they need to start caring for the baby’s oral cavity after the first baby teeth erupt. In fact, gums and mucous membranes need special care almost from the very birth of the baby. It is impossible to use professional hygiene products at this age due to the content chemical elements and compounds that may adversely affect protective functions epithelial layer covering soft tissue.

To remove any remaining milk or formula, you can wipe inner surface cheeks, gums and tongue with a sterile gauze cloth moistened with boiled water. When the baby is one month old, the water can be replaced herbal infusions and decoctions. They help moisturize and soothe baby's gums and prevent development inflammatory processes, which often occur due to the accumulation of dairy food in the oral cavity. Parents should know that milk sugars are an excellent nutrient medium for the proliferation of fungal flora and the occurrence. The main food for infants up to six months of age is breast milk or its substitutes, therefore hygiene procedures are an integral part of oral health in children, starting from birth.

The following herbs can be used to prepare a decoction or infusion:

  • chamomile (considered a plant with hypoallergenic properties and is almost always well tolerated by infants);
  • calendula (a powerful antiseptic with bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects);
  • sage (soothes gums and destroys pathogenic flora);
  • St. John's wort (contains a lot mineral salts and vitamins, has a positive effect on the condition of gum tissue).

Important! It is not recommended to use decoctions and infusions more than 1-2 times a week, since frequent use may disrupt the natural balance of microflora.

What are dental wipes for?

Dental wipes are designed to remove food debris and microbial plaque from a baby's gums and are an alternative to a toothbrush for children under 5-8 months. Most wipes are approved for use from 4 months due to the content of sodium salts benzoic acid. They are used in Food Industry as a preservative and are officially considered a food additive.

You can also find other components in the composition, the use of which is contraindicated before four months of age. These include:

  • lemon acid;
  • sodium citrate;
  • xylitol (a type of sugar found in many grains, berries and fruits).

“Toothpicks” - napkins soaked in xylitol

Glycerin is used as a softening base, and the impregnation formula may contain plant extracts, for example, green tea, chamomile or calendula extract. This composition helps provide comprehensive care behind the child’s gums and prevention of infectious and inflammatory processes.

Note! The most popular brand of dental wipes for infant gum care is Spiffies. One package contains 20 hermetically sealed fruit-scented wipes, suitable for daily use from four months of age. The only negative this tool is high price(about 500 rubles per pack).

The role of hygiene care in infancy

Dentists recommend buying a special toothbrush for cleaning the first baby teeth from the moment the first tooth appears. Some mothers do not see the need to care for baby teeth, although the health of the permanent dentition will depend on the condition of the first teeth. A tooth affected by caries is a source of constant infection, which can penetrate into the deep layers of the periodontium and periodontium. With such clinical picture an erupted molar may also appear with carious cavity, which will be much more difficult to treat.

We must also not forget that healthy baby teeth ensure the correct formation of the facial skeleton and bite. Statistics show that almost 17% depressive disorders and children's complexes is associated with malocclusion and other defects of the oral cavity. This can be avoided if you apply for it in a timely manner. dental care and pay sufficient attention to preventive measures.

Choosing a brush - what you need to know?

Toothbrushes for infants are made only from soft materials that will not scratch or damage the gums. Almost 80% of products in this group are made of silicone, since this material has many advantages:

  • ease hygiene care;
  • softness and minimal trauma;
  • absence of dangerous compounds in the composition;
  • moderate massage effect.

The downside of silicone brushes is their fragility. The consumer characteristics of such brushes deteriorate after about 1-2 months of use. This is also due to the physiological characteristics of this age, because in the period from 4-5 to 8-10 months, all babies experience intensive eruption of baby teeth. This process is very painful, accompanied by swelling of the gums and constant itching, so the child tries to chew and gnaw everything that gets into his mouth and touches his gums.

Important! You need to change your baby brush promptly. This is due not only to the hygienic aspect, but also to the possibility of small pieces of silicone getting into the Airways baby. If, upon inspection of the product, any signs of deformation and damage to the integrity of the material from which the brush is made are revealed, it should not be used - this can be dangerous to the health and life of the child.

What does a baby brush look like?

The silicone brush is a soft fingertip that fits onto the finger of an adult. Before each use of a brush, parents should wash their hands with antibacterial soap to avoid introducing infection into the child’s mouth. Using a brush placed on your finger, you need to make gentle, slow movements on all sides of the gums, not forgetting to pay attention to hard-to-reach areas where plaque most often accumulates.

The duration of the procedure in children from 4-5 months to 1 year should be slightly longer than in older children, because for complete removal plaque and food debris 2 minutes will not be enough. On average, dentists advise giving hygiene measures at least 4-5 minutes. This will not only help remove all impurities, but also provide a massage to the gums, improve blood circulation and help reduce the severity of pain syndrome during teething.

Features of caring for silicone brushes

It is important not only to choose the right brush, but also to know the features of caring for it. Following the recommendations of dentists will help extend the life of your teeth and improve the quality of hygiene procedures. The product must be washed after each use warm water with baby or antibacterial soap. You can also use natural laundry soap for this purpose, but after the procedure it must be rinsed thoroughly. If this is not done, a characteristic odor will remain on the product and the child will refuse to brush his teeth.

It is best to store the brush in a special case, but you do not need to put it away immediately after use. After washing, it is better to put it in a clean towel or napkin and leave for 30-40 minutes. This is necessary for the product to dry completely. Regular drying with a towel is not enough for this, because moisture accumulates between the tubercles located on the surface of the brush, and it is quite difficult to dry these places.

Important! Children's personal hygiene products should not be stored together with products intended for adults. Silicone brushes must be stored in a case. Products with bristles should be placed in a glass with the bristles facing up.

Do baby brushes need to be sterilized?

Recently, devices for sterilizing children's toothbrushes have appeared on the market, which provide antibacterial treatment using steam. Experts consider the use of sterilizers inappropriate for several reasons.

  1. The service life of a children's toothbrush is about 2-3 months. After this, it must be replaced, since such a brush loses its hygienic and consumer properties.
  2. All modern products are made from synthetic materials in which the growth of pathogenic flora is practically impossible. To ensure hygienic treatment and remove bacteria from the surface of the product, it is enough to wash it with warm water and soap.
  3. Steam treatment can lead to deterioration of the silicone properties and faster deformation of the product.

note! Under no circumstances should children’s toothbrushes be boiled or doused with boiling water. Modern synthetic materials are not designed for this.

Manufacturers and prices

The table below lists the most popular manufacturers of toothbrushes for babies, as well as approximate prices for their products.

Table. Popular children's toothbrushes and their average market prices.

Manufactureraverage cost

190 rubles

210 rubles

Usually comes with “0+” toothpaste. The cost of the set is 210 rubles

100 rubles

210 rubles (storage case included)

Dentists consider early oral care to be the key to healthy teeth, proper bite and excellent prevention of caries. It has been proven that in children whose parents did not provide sufficient hygienic care in infancy, the first signs of the carious process are detected at the age of 2-3 years. In order not to expose your child to additional risk, it is better to follow the advice of specialists and take responsibility for the condition of the child’s oral cavity.

Video - Review of the first children's toothbrushes

A toothbrush is a necessary hygiene item familiar to each of us. Not so long ago, children's brushes differed from adults only in their size. But in the twenty-first century, a real revolution took place in dentistry, which has puzzled many parents. This appeared on pharmacy counters and on the shelves of specialized stores: great amount children's toothbrushes that parents were simply confused. We hope that our article will help them decide the right choice and buy the most best option toothbrush for your child.

How to choose a children's toothbrush?

Let's look at 6 rules that must be followed when choosing a brush for a child.

1. Appropriate for the child's age

Almost all manufacturers label their products, but not all approach age labeling responsibly. On some toothbrushes you can see markings ranging from 1 to 7 years. It is better to discard such a brush immediately. Each age period requires toothbrushes with different sizes heads. Therefore, until the age of seven, a child should use brushes of four age categories.

Markings on brushes for children

  • Brushes up to one year with silicone bristles, finger brushes, special dental wipes.
  • From 1 year to 2 years. Head length 1.5 cm, handle length about ten cm.
  • From 2 to 5 years. Head length 2 cm, handle length 13-15 cm.
  • From 5 to 7 years. Handle length parameters are from 16 to 17 cm. Head length is from 2 to 2.5 cm.

2. Rigidity

There are 3 types of brushes: soft, hard and medium. In some pharmacies you can see the markings: ultra hard and ultra soft brushes.

  • A hard brush is suitable for children (over one year old) with strong tooth enamel and healthy gums. It effectively massages the gums and perfectly removes plaque.
  • For babies with weak gums that are prone to bleeding, a soft brush would be an ideal option.
  • For parents who have doubts about the quality of the baby’s enamel and the condition of their gums, it is better to purchase a brush with medium-hard bristles.

3. Stubble

To make brushes, manufacturers use 2 types of bristles: synthetic and natural. Most parents opt for natural bristles.

According to dentists, a synthetic analogue is preferable. Why?

  • Firstly, such bristles last longer.
  • Secondly, unlike natural material, it does not break or crumble.
  • Thirdly, bacteria do not multiply in it.

Synthetic and silicone bristles are proven options. Toothbrushes with silicone bristles are ideal for babies up to one year old. In the future, it is advisable to switch to brushes with high-quality synthetic bristles. For a child with sparse teeth, it is better to purchase a brush with a V-shaped arrangement of bristles.

Today at specialized stores there is a new product - children's Toothbrush made from natural bamboo. Manufacturers claim that its service life is one year. In practice, the situation is not so rosy; after three months this brush becomes completely unusable. It even becomes dangerous, because mold and fungi actively grow in it (if it is not dried properly).

4. Brush handle

The design of the handle should have bends that are located near the head. It is desirable to have rubber or silicone inserts on the body of the pen.

5. Head design

The head should have a streamlined shape. The bristles can be located on one or both sides. On one side there are short silicone bristles for massaging the gums, on the other there are longer synthetic bristles for cleaning the tooth surface.

6. Design

Undoubtedly, the more interesting the design of the brush, the more pleasure your little one will brush his teeth. If your child is already old, then it is better that he is present when choosing his first toothbrush. Many little ones are delighted with a brush with a flashing timer.

IN Lately Many parents purchase electronic toothbrushes for their little ones. We would like to warn you right away, this type The brush is suitable for children over 5 years old.

Which toothbrush to choose for a child under one year old: which is better: silicone brushes, fingertips or dental wipes?

What kind of brush should be for the little ones? Of course, special.

Dentists strongly recommend starting to brush children's teeth from the very first days of teething. Therefore, you need to purchase your child’s first brush in advance. After all, no one knows exactly when the first tooth will appear in your little one’s mouth.

How to brush the teeth of a child under one year old: 3 options

  1. Many mothers prefer silicone fingertip , which is put on the parent’s finger. This fingertip is convenient for brushing your child's first teeth and massaging his gums. At its end there are special silicone tubercles.
  2. Also sold in pharmacies special silicone brushes for children up to one year old.
  3. Some dentists recommend brushing your first teeth special dental wipes , which can also be purchased in specialized stores or pharmacies. They are quite convenient to use; mommy just needs to wrap her finger in a napkin and she can start cleaning. The napkins have a very pleasant smell. They are convenient to take with you on the road. True, they are not cheap - 300 rubles for 24 pieces. But no worries with them - I brushed the baby’s teeth and threw the used napkin into the trash container. When choosing one or another option for your first teeth cleaning product, you need to start from: physiological characteristics the child’s dental system, on his character and temperament.

Review of the best toothbrushes for children under 3 years of age and older - table

The best toothbrushes for children

Manufacturer Toothbrushes for children up to one year old, from 1 to 3 years old and older?/Price Features/Pros/Cons
Canpol, Poland The Polish manufacturer offers different types of brushes for children.

Silicone finger brush Canpol babies - An excellent device for first oral hygiene. Price from 139 rubles

Toothbrush Canpol with special ring limiter for children from six months. The price is about 200 rubles.

Canpol babies – has soft bristles, is easy to put on your finger, children like it. Perfectly massages the gums.

Canpol silicone brush with special ring soft, has a limiter. The brush is too soft, so many mothers complain that its runners move apart and therefore do not clean their teeth well enough. But scratching her gums is a pleasure.

Happy Baby, England

A set of children's toothbrushes is now on sale Happy Baby Tooth care x3 with limiter. Price: from 175 rubles. Pros: soft bristles.

Presence of an anti-swallow ring. Different types bristles. The set includes: a teething brush, a gum massager, a toothbrush and a restrictor ring.

Pigeon, Japan

Pigeon – training toothbrush for children from 10 months. Price: about 200 rubles

Set of two toothbrushes for children from 18 months.

Educational Toothbrush Set for Toddlers . Price: about 400 rubles.

The training brush is very small and fits perfectly in a baby's hand. Has a restrictive ring. Soft plastic bristles. Children willingly chew on a brush when teething.

Disadvantage: high cost.

The training set includes: a double-sided rubber brush for children from 6 to 8 months, a single-sided brush for children up to one year, a brush with bristles from one to three years, a restrictive ring.

The kit provides step-by-step instruction for children to brush their teeth.

Mam, Switzerland

Interesting set of toothbrushes Mom Training Brush

Brush for two. Price: 274 rubles.

The brush is designed for children from 6 months. The elongated ergonomic handle allows the mother and child to hold the brush together, which guarantees thorough teeth cleaning and effective massage.

Material: polypropylene, silicone.

Cons: high shipping costs.

Oral-B, USA

Oral Bi battery-powered children's toothbrush for children aged three years and older. Price: 728 rub. 55 kopecks Interesting design, complete safety, perfectly cleans teeth, rubberized body, gentle circular rotation, has a timer. Replacement heads are available for sale.

Cons: high cost.

SILCA Putzi Baby, Germany

Toothbrush from one year. Price: 130 rubles Advantages: high-quality cleaning head, comfortable rubberized handle, bright and beautiful design, soft bristles.
Colgate, USA

Colgate from 2-5 years Akusherstvo . Budget option 30 rubles.

Colgate from 2-5 years (ozon). Price: 164 rub.

Akusherstvo has soft bristles and a classic head size. Long service life. A simple but very comfortable handle.

The ozon brush has a comfortable, “chubby” handle. However, its bristles are softer and its service life is significantly shorter than that of the first option.

At what age can a child use electric toothbrushes?

  • Children under 2 years old should buy electric brushes Dentists do not recommend it, and some doctors are sure that only children over five years of age can buy such brushes.
  • But even if your child is already two years old, you cannot use such a brush on an ongoing basis. The enamel of children's teeth is not yet hard enough and indelicate handling can have a negative impact on it.
  • For six years of age use electric brush you need to periodically, getting used to its effects gradually. For children, dentists recommend purchasing brushes with a flexible shock-absorbing element.

The best manufacturers of electric toothbrushes are considered to be: the American company Oral-B, Philips, Megasonex.

Tips for caring for toothbrushes

  • Modern children's brushes should not be doused with boiling water or boiled.
  • Brushes should be thoroughly washed with soap and water before and after brushing your teeth with a special children’s toothpaste (for a review of the best toothpastes for children, read our website)
  • They need to be stored in a special glass - with the bristles facing up.
  • As soon as the bristles begin to break down, the brush needs to be replaced. As a rule, the service life of the bristles is three months.

When buying a toothbrush for your baby, be sure to ask for a certificate and read the instructions carefully.

The modern idea of ​​hygiene justifies the need to brush children's teeth from the moment they appear, that is, from about six months. The very first baby teeth can be cleaned with a cloth moistened with boiled water. From about a year old, given the special fragility of enamel in children, you can carefully start using a special children's toothbrush.

Toothbrushes for children should ensure cleansing of the mucous membranes and massage of the gums during the eruption of the first temporary teeth and their replacement with molars. Also, for the youngest children (from three months to two years), there are brush attachments for the mother’s finger to clean the front teeth and tongue.

From the age of two, when a child begins to brush his teeth on his own, he will need a personal toothbrush. Her bristles should be artificial and as soft as possible so as not to damage the enamel and not provoke gingivitis in children. The size of the head of a children's toothbrush should be such that it covers no more than three teeth: approximately 18 - 25 mm. It is better to use a brush with a rubberized handle so that the brush does not fall out of the child’s hands. Choose a bright children's toothbrush. Colorful and beautiful, it will help make the process of caring for your teeth more fun.

Toothbrushes for little ones

If your child has wide spaces between his teeth, a brush with V-shaped bristles like this one will be perfect for him. orthodontic brushes for braces. This unusual shape of bristles will help better clean the contact surfaces of teeth from plaque. The flexible connection of its head and handle will allow you to regulate the degree of pressure of a children's toothbrush, which will also increase its massage and cleansing properties.

If your child absolutely does not like the process of brushing his teeth, try offering him an electric children's toothbrush. Moreover, modern models look very attractive. The child will surely like it not only appearance brushes, but also that it will become easier for him to brush his teeth. The whirring mechanism of the electric children's toothbrush and its toy shape are sure to attract the baby's attention and make daily oral hygiene enjoyable and simple.

So, let's review the most important principles for choosing a toothbrush for children:

  • The brush should be bright and colorful so that your child enjoys using it.
  • The handle of the brush should be thick and rubberized so that the child can hold it comfortably.
  • The bristles should be as soft as possible to avoid gum disease in children and hypersensitivity teeth.
  • The brush head should cover no more than three teeth (18 - 25 mm).
  • For better cleansing between teeth, a brush with V-shaped bristles works well.
  • You can use a children's electric toothbrush, but first you need to explain to your child how to use it correctly.
  • If a child wears children's braces, then in addition to a simple brush, a special orthodontic one is also needed.

Children's teeth are particularly sensitive, so their care must be special. Only a special children's toothbrush will help you take care of your child's teeth thoroughly and carefully. In such an unusual activity for a child as oral hygiene, it will be both a toy and a reliable assistant. Don't forget to also tell your child how to brush their teeth properly, as this is much more important point than choosing a toothbrush. In addition to regular teeth cleaning, be sure to undergo the procedure once every six months. professional hygiene oral cavity, especially if the child has tartar, because it cannot be removed with a regular brush.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 14 minutes


The importance cannot be overstated proper care for the oral cavity, especially when it comes to babies. The health of the baby’s teeth and gums, including those teeth that have not yet erupted, directly depends on good oral hygiene.

When to start hygiene procedures, and what can’t you do without?

When it is necessary to start brushing a child’s tongue and teeth – we determine the age in the matter of oral hygiene

As you know, bacteria in the oral cavity can multiply even in a completely toothless mouth, so parents should raise issues of oral hygiene much earlier than the first teeth erupt and even grow.

  • Child under 6 months of age Of course, you don't need to clean anything. It is enough to wipe the tongue, gums and oral cavity with clean gauze wrapped around your finger.
  • After the first teeth appear (from 6-7 months) - again, wipe the gums with gauze.
  • Further, from 10 months , comes a silicone fingertip, which is used to clean the already strong first teeth twice a day. You can even use toothpaste, but without fluoride.
  • Well and next stage(from 12 months) - This is a transition to a children's toothbrush.
  • From 3 years The child should already be able to use a brush independently.

Oral hygiene during the baby's teething period

Each baby has his own time to cut his first teeth. For one, this happens already at 4 months, for another - only after 7, or even by 1 year of life.

Is it necessary to brush teeth that have barely erupted, and how to care for your oral cavity during this delicate period?

The basic rules of hygiene for the period of teething come down to simple recommendations that will allow you to ease the pain of your little one - and prevent infection:

  1. Regularly remove saliva with a clean absorbent cloth/towel. to avoid irritation on the child's face.
  2. Be sure to give your child objects to chew on . Naturally, clean (before use, we disinfect them and pour boiling water over them).
  3. We do not use teething rings with liquid inside. (note - they can burst) and frozen in the freezer (they can damage the gums). For the desired effect, just keep the rings for 15 minutes in the refrigerator.
  4. Massage the tiny gums with a clean finger.
  5. Be sure to wipe your gums and mouth after eating with gauze soaked in a solution with anti-inflammatory properties. When choosing such a remedy, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Remember that during teething there is a decrease in local immunity in the baby - and therefore an increased risk of “catching” the infection.

The gums are already inflamed these days, so you should not overuse additional manipulations that could lead to painful sensations for the baby.

First toothbrushes, toothpastes - what is necessary for cleaning the teeth and oral cavity of a small child

For each age category– your own tools for oral hygiene.

In addition, both means and technologies may change depending on whether the baby has milk teeth or whether their replacement with permanent ones has already begun.

Of course, you can just look at the packaging labeling in the store - but, as a rule, the manufacturer’s recommendations are very broad (“from 1 year to 7 years”), so it’s better to choose a brush for your child individually.

A fingertip for cleaning gums and first teeth – a toddler’s first toothbrush

A child’s first toothbrush is usually a finger cap, which is a silicone “cap” with soft silicone bristles that is placed on the mother’s finger.

This brush will not scratch children’s delicate gums, improve blood circulation and provide light massage gums

There are no dangerous components in the fingertips, and caring for them is easy.

What do you need to know?

  1. The brush wears out within 1-2 months due to active itching of the gums in children at this age.
  2. The brush should be changed according to the instructions. And not only for hygienic reasons, but also because of the risk of silicone pieces from the brush getting into the respiratory tract.
  3. At the slightest sign of damage to the integrity of the brush, it should be replaced with a new one.
  4. The duration of brushing with a finger is longer than that of standard teeth brushing: in general, the procedure takes about 4 minutes.

Video: How to brush children's teeth using a fingertip?

Criteria for choosing the first brush for a child’s baby teeth

The first children's toothbrush is not just a bright tool for cleaning teeth with a toy on the cap and a suction cup.

First of all, the brush must meet all the requirements for this item - given that it will be used by a small child.

Video: Baby's first teeth. Baby's first toothbrush

So, the main selection criteria:

  • High quality plastic (request a certificate from the seller).
  • Rigidity. For your first brush, choose the softest or ultra-soft bristles. Medium hard bristles will be needed from 3 years of age.
  • Natural or synthetic? It is highly not recommended to choose a brush with natural bristles for a child - it is much inferior to the synthetic version in terms of wear resistance and the rate of growth of bacteria on the surface. Natural bristles allow bacteria to multiply very quickly, and regular sterilization quickly renders the brush unusable. Among the new products recent years You can highlight bamboo bristles. Its service life is only 1 year, and without proper drying, fungus quickly forms on the brush. And another option is silicone bristles, but this option is only suitable for periods “to the teeth” and during teething (up to 1 year). Synthetic bristles remain the ideal option.
  • Length of bristles. For babies over 1 year old, its length should be about 11 mm. However, you can also choose multi-level bristles with a V-shaped arrangement of synthetic bristles for ideal cleaning of rare teeth with serious gaps.
  • Pen. It should have rubber anti-slip inserts and a flexible connection to the head. As for the length, the handle should not be too long, but should still remain optimal for a child’s fist. From 2-5 years, the length of the handle can reach 15 cm.
  • Head size. For a one-year-old baby, the size of the brush head should not exceed 15 mm. And to get a more accurate orientation, look into the toddler’s mouth: the length of the brush head should be equal to the length of 2-3 of the baby’s teeth. From 2 years old you can look for a brush with a head of up to 20 mm. The shape of the brush head must be streamlined and smooth (so that there are no corners, burrs or scratches).
  • The presence of a rubber brush for the baby's tongue on back side brushes.
  • Regarding design – it all depends on the mother and the baby himself. Let him choose the design of the brush himself - then you won’t have to persuade your child to brush his teeth.

Video: How to start brushing your child's teeth? — Dr. Komarovsky

Electric toothbrush for children – is it worth it or not?

Today, manufacturers offer electric brushes for babies over one year old.

What do you need to know about them?

  • The optimal age for a child to use this brush is over 5 years old. Otherwise, the procedure will become a serious burden for a small child’s hand (the brush is quite heavy).
  • Under 5 years of age It is not recommended to use this brush more than once a week to avoid damaging the enamel.

Video: Brushing your teeth correctly!

How to choose the right toothpaste for your child’s baby teeth?

An ill-chosen toothpaste can greatly harm the health of the baby in general - and his teeth in particular.

What to focus on?

  1. For children up to 3 years old. Pastes for this age should not contain fluoride at all.
  2. For kids 3-4 years old. The fluorine content in pastes should not exceed 200 ppm, and the abrasive content (approx. RDA) should not exceed 20 units. There must be an inscription about the safety of the paste when swallowed (as for any paste “from 0 to 4”).
  3. For children 4-8 years old. In these pastes, the abrasiveness can reach 50 units, and the fluoride content can reach 500 ppm (but no more!). The paste may have anti-inflammatory properties and contain appropriate herbal ingredients. From 6 years of age you can add to your toothbrush dental floss, which the baby also needs to be taught to use.
  4. For children 8-14 years old. These pastes can already contain up to 1400 ppm of fluorine, but no more than 50 ppm of abrasive.
  5. From the age of 14 Children can already use traditional versions of adult toothpaste.

Ingredients of children's toothpastes: what else do you need to know about children's toothpastes?

  • Titanium dioxide or silicon dioxide can be used as abrasives, which are gentler on the enamel compared to calcium and sodium carbonate.
  • Avoid baby toothpastes with antibacterial additives such as chlorhexidine, triclosan or metronidazole.
  • As for the foaming component, it is better to choose a paste without it at all - SLS (sulfates) are harmful even to an adult body. Among the sulfate-free toothpastes, we can note the brands Weleda, Rox, Splat, Natura Siberica, etc.
  • Only natural ingredients – pectins – should be used as thickeners.

Video: How to choose a toothbrush and toothpaste for a child? — Dr. Komarovsky

Does your child need mouthwash?

Worth or not worth buying small child Mouthwash?

This tool will be very useful and effective if...

  1. The child has already reached 6 years of age.
  2. The child knows how to rinse his mouth and spit out the contents so as not to swallow any liquid accidentally found in the mouth.
  3. The rinse aid does not contain harmful components.
  4. The mouthwash is used for its intended purpose (for caries, for fresh breath, etc.).
  5. The procedure time does not exceed 30 seconds twice a day.

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When should you start brushing your child's teeth?

You should start brushing your teeth immediately after they erupt.

In young children, the protective properties of tooth enamel are reduced and in the presence of provoking factors (consumption of sugar-containing products, poor oral hygiene), this can lead to the development of caries. In addition, at night, children's salivation decreases, the reaction in the oral cavity becomes more acidic, which predisposes to damage to tooth enamel - the development of caries.

First toothbrush (3–6 months)

At first, instead of a toothbrush, you can use a piece of gauze that needs to be dipped in water. The surface of the tooth should be wiped carefully, without touching the baby’s tender gums.

You can purchase a special silicone toothbrush - a fingertip.

As the child grows and the area of ​​the chewing surface of his teeth increases, you can switch to a soft children's toothbrush. It should have an attractive shape and bright color to make the experience more fun and enjoyable.

Second toothbrush (1 year)

When a child has about 8 teeth, the silicone fingerbrush should be replaced with a toothbrush with a small head and soft polyester bristles. Such a brush should have a safety ring that can prevent the brush from completely penetrating into the mouth and will not allow the child to injure himself. You need to brush your baby’s teeth carefully, trying at the same time to show the child’s interest in this new procedure. If for some reason your baby doesn’t like brushing his teeth with a new brush, try going back to toothbrush No. 1 for a while.

Third toothbrush (1.5–2 years)

At 1.5–2 years, it is appropriate to replace a toothbrush with polyester bristles with a toothbrush with nylon bristles. Such brushes are already designed for a child’s hand, and therefore have the appropriate bend and thickness of the handle so that the child can comfortably hold it independently. True, this does not mean at all that your child can already cope with this procedure on his own. You should still brush your teeth together while showing them how to do it correctly. By the age of four or five, a child should learn to brush his teeth on his own.

What you should always pay attention to when buying a toothbrush:

1.The edges of the head should be rounded so as not to damage the gums and sensitive mucous membrane of the oral cavity.

2. The bristles should be soft or super soft so as not to harm either the oral mucosa or the developing tooth enamel.

3. The bristles must be artificial. The fibers of such bristles, unlike natural ones, are polished and the ends are rounded. In addition, natural bristles have a hollow channel in the center, in which microorganisms accumulate and multiply.

4. The handle of the brush should be voluminous (but in moderation) and comfortable, easy to hold by a child’s hand, and rubberized handles are great for this.


Dentists recommend starting to use toothpaste only after the child learns to spit and rinse his mouth. When these skills are mastered by the child, it is necessary to purchase exclusively children's toothpaste, since it contains less fluoride, because it is rare that a child will resist the temptation to taste the toothpaste.

Today there are toothpastes that do not contain fluoride and other ingredients that can harm a child if accidentally swallowed. You can use such pastes from birth (for example, R.O.C.S., Lacalut, Splat Junior, etc.). Instead of toothpaste, you can use a special foam, it is the same as toothpaste"goes"marked + 0 months.

Almost all children's toothbrushes have a colored spot on the bristles. This is a limiter for squeezing out toothpaste. As the child ages, the size of the limiter also increases.
