Stories of men present at the gynecologist. A girl at the gynecologist. stories of virgins. Medical stories

The gynecologist's office is, perhaps, the only place, where even a self-confident businesswoman turns into a timid, confused girl: you must admit, it’s not easy to pretend to be a vamp when you’ve been laid out on a chair like a frog before dissection.

Especially if on the spot it turns out that your attending physician is not a stern, gray-haired lady of pre-retirement age, but a man, and not at all old and very handsome.

Many, having learned that it is not SHE who is conducting the appointment, but HE, suddenly “recover” right under the office doors. And you can be sure: in the coming years they will not appear on this floor - only if you really press it.

In fact, a male gynecologist is a relatively new phenomenon. In ancient times, women were always in charge of “ladies’ affairs” - let’s remember the village midwife, who was considered the first person in the village after the headman.

And only in the 16th century, somewhere in Europe, a male doctor first entered the chambers of a woman in labor. By the way, it was he who first lifted a woman in labor from her “all fours” and forced her to push while lying down, explaining this by the fact that, you see, he couldn’t see well...

But, despite the fact that a good five centuries have passed since then, In our country, a male gynecologist is still perceived as some kind of exotic curiosity. However, those who still dare to go to see him are often satisfied.

“Recently, for the first time in my forties, I went to see a male gynecologist and was pleasantly surprised by how carefully and painlessly he inserted the speculum,”- says Anna. - Before this, a grumpy pensioner was in charge of our site: when she was inspecting, it seemed to me that a little more and she would reach my tonsils.”

“As for me, the examination procedure is always unpleasant, and it makes no difference who conducts it - a man or a woman, - Natalya argues. - But psychologically, men are somehow more comfortable: By at least, they will not conduct educational conversations, they say, “you are all jumping on your beds - and then I should treat your clap.”

When I was a student, one such lady even brought me to tears. As I later found out, she was unmarried and deeply lonely - this is such a strange manifestation of female envy.”

However, Male doctors also have their disadvantages. First, they tend to understand women in labor less well than women and are 40 percent more likely to send their pregnant patients for caesarean sections.

“For the first time I encountered a male gynecologist before giving birth in the “unit”,- says Marina. - The girls who had already been examined by him they said that he does everything very painfully, rudely, so that almost every second person from the examination room is taken straight to the delivery room.

I don't know about others, but He looked at me quite carefully. But it was he who said with confidence that my baby’s head was pressed tightly to birth canal, at a time when my future Pasha was sitting on his butt for a long time and confidently".

And, of course, The biggest problem is shame. In our almost puritanical society, where just a couple of decades ago teenage girls could have their skirt length measured with a ruler and not allowed to go to school if it was two centimeters shorter than permitted, undressing in front of strangers is almost like death.

It is difficult to deal with this problem, but it is possible: try to understand that in fact the doctor is a sexless being and that for him there is only an organ - healthy or not, and the rest is of little interest to him.

And you can hardly tune into a lustful-erotic mood when a dozen of the same suffering patients with their thrush, erosions and fibroids are waiting for you in the corridor.

In general, as one of my friends wisely noted, when things really get hot and your health is in danger, you won’t think about whether your doctor will turn out to be a man or a woman.

You'll wonder if he can help you.. In doctors, first of all, you need to value professionalism, and gender is a secondary matter.

Lisa Saina

FROM THE HOURS Andrey Savitsky, obstetrician: - It seems to me that there is nothing unnatural if a man decides to become an obstetrician or gynecologist, because since ancient times, it was mainly men who were engaged in medical activities, including “women’s” diseases.

Sometimes you can hear that male specialists do everything more carefully and less painfully, but personally I believe that it all depends on the professionalism of the doctor, and not from his gender. As for shame and embarrassment, in my practice there has never been a case where a woman refused my help.

Perhaps because my work is always related to emergencies, and in such a situation the woman does not care who provides assistance - the main thing is that it is really provided, and provided with high quality.

Dear readers! How do you feel about male gynecologists? We are waiting for your answers in the comments!

December 24, 2013, 04:31

I was a romantic too... until I became a gynecologist.

Scientists, psychologists, have found that men choose the specialty of a gynecologist not by chance. Male gynecologists can be divided into two categories. The first are insecure people who, with the help of proximity (even medical) to women, hope to improve their personal lives: “what if something happens to me too.” And indeed, after several years of work in the chosen specialty personal life Such doctors are improving significantly: they can easily communicate with women and feel much more relaxed.

The second category, on the contrary, are men “sexy athletes” who are accustomed to close attention from women. But, in their opinion, there is never too much of a good thing. And Gynecology for them is just a goldmine where they can show off in all their sexual glory. But, alas, most women come to the doctor not to get pleasure, but to be treated. So in this sense, male doctors will be disappointed. Later they calm down and just continue to work calmly.

Georgy, 32 years old, gynecologist, reproductive embryologist:
My father advised me to become a gynecologist. I always wanted to be just a surgeon. But my father assured me that at one time he himself did not dare only because this profession obliges him to bear responsibility not only for the patient, but also for his child, i.e. for two. Since school, I have been very shy and, to be honest, at first I resisted my father’s persuasion. I thought about how I could look my grandmother in the eyes when she asked who I had finally become. For a Caucasian man, this is generally a shameful topic. Suffice it to say that when I got ready to get married, my profession became one of the stumbling blocks for the father of my bride. He told her: you will live with a man who will be surrounded by women every day!

But I did not regret that I chose this specialty. My purely academic and medical attitude towards my chosen specialty helped me in this. Of course, there are women who various reasons I would like to get an appointment with a male gynecologist, but most of them (thank God) still feel a sense of shame, and if I behave “wrong,” I will simply lose my bread, my clientele. Over the years of work, I have already learned to behave in such a way with women that even those who, perhaps, were afraid to come to see me, after 10 minutes of conversation calm down 100%. At work - I’m not a man, I’m a doctor - an asexual being, and I personally can’t do it any other way! My personal opinion is that male gynecologists who are aroused by their patients should not be allowed to do such work at all. In this state, the head, to put it mildly, does not cook, and, therefore, instead of solving the problems with which they approached him, this doctor can only help with another issue (an issue that is addressed to completely different institutions). Honestly, I was scared (not by doctors) that in such a profession I would become impotent. And this worried me very much. I directly addressed this question to my friends female gynecologists. So they answered me in unison that most of the male gynecologists they know are not only impotent or homosexual, but even, in their opinion, on the contrary, sexually hyperactive. Later I experienced this myself...

Konstantin, 33 years old, obstetrician-gynecologist:
Why did you choose this specialty? I don’t even remember now - it was a long time ago, you know, Khrushchev leaves, Brezhnev comes, it’s difficult to get a job at a factory, no one takes you to a collective farm, and nearby there was a rural hospital with training courses for gynecologists, so I went there, graduated in 2 months and went to work... well, something like that (Laughs, narrowing his eyes slyly). Just kidding, of course. It just happened that way. I’m even surprised at myself, I was so shy! Of course, the specifics of the profession are reflected in intimate life, but, rather, in in a good way- I do not want random connections, because many beautiful girls have big problems with gynecology - at best STIs (sexually transmitted infections - author's note), at worst HIV. But with regard to impotence, it is unlikely; impotence in men is caused by other reasons. Well, there wasn’t something like that - like sex in a gynecology office! The specificity of medicine is such that SICK people come to you who do not need sex, but a solution to their problems; test drives are discussed in car dealerships, not in technical centers! And so, some people like it as a person, some people don’t like it. Even towards the beautiful girls at the reception you don’t really feel any unprofessional feelings. There is no romance in the gynecological office! Affairs with patients among gynecologists are most likely less common than among doctors of other specialties (even less often, probably, only in psychiatry). The best option for dating - traumatologists...

Yuri, 42 years old, gynecologist:
How do I feel if I come to an appointment? beautiful woman? Nothing special. It is important to separate professional and personal. Then everything will be fine. The well-known Bykov (“Interns”) would make an excellent gynecologist. He, Bykov, is very close to me in spirit. Although, of course, anything happened in my youth, I won’t hide it. Eh, youth, youth... A member there, a member of the court... Over the years, professionalism came, which put everything in its place.

Vitaly, 33 years old, obstetrician-gynecologist:
What novels! Professionalism must come first. I've seen so many things that it's hard to surprise me with anything. A patient comes to us for an appointment, and we don’t perceive her as a woman. No, of course, we are not insensitive fools... I remember, as a student, I did an internship at antenatal clinic. I came to the reception very beautiful girl 19 years. So she undressed SO! Apparently, especially for me. I couldn’t even take tests from her; I asked the doctor to do it for me. Why couldn't I? I just couldn’t get up... But that was a long time ago! I was very young then.

Eduard, 37 years old, gynecologist:
Back in my 2nd year of medical school, I was fascinated by the complexity and at the same time fragility of women. reproductive system. That’s when I decided – this is mine! It happened, of course, that a very beautiful girl came to the reception, and I, as a man, naturally had not entirely professional feelings for her. It even happened that there was not just excitement or desire, but also more... Women came who tried to flirt with me, but in such situations a robe saves me. In general, over time you become terribly squeamish, sensitive to smells, etc. But with a certain circle of patients they establish special relationship built on mutual sympathy, respect, and understanding. I highlight them because each of them is unusual in some way. In me they find a friend who understands them more than others and can help with advice. We often talk at receptions, and this does not prevent us from often being on good terms with their husbands. But I also saw jealousy towards me - this is when the husband did not reach the level of development of his wife. In short, there was mental intimacy, and we both received a lot from this communication. I didn’t lead to sex (it went). Did my profession affect family life? I’ll say right away that it was not reflected negatively. But, firstly, it helped to better understand my spouse (I, too, am just a husband), and secondly, I began to make terribly high demands on the, uh, imaginary ideal.

So, based on the answers received from male gynecologists, here is what we can recommend. If you want to arouse not only professional, but also erotic interest in a doctor, then you need to choose someone who is just beginning his thorny path in gynecology. And if you just need to get to a smart doctor who doesn’t care what gender his patient is, then it’s better to go to a gynecologist with a lot of experience: he’s already seen so much that you can be calm about the chastity of his actions, thoughts and fantasies.

Just finishing the article, I suddenly remembered a couple I knew - he is a gynecologist, and she is a urologist. They were so beautiful, prominent, and always looked good together. I kept thinking: how are they? intimate life after such work? But I was embarrassed to ask, it was still awkward. And recently I found out that they were divorced - she left her husband for her patient, whom she was treating for prostatitis...

Conversation with nun M. In the early 90s, she participated in the creation of one of the family planning centers in a large Russian city, and worked as a gynecologist for more than 35 years. Then she came to the Church, and a few years later she became a nun. It was difficult for my mother to decide to have this conversation: she doesn’t like to remember her “gynecological” past and speaks with sadness. We hope that this conversation will be useful to both women who seek gynecological care and doctors in this field.

What would you, as a doctor, as a Christian, like to say to your colleagues - current gynecologists? We ask you this because an obvious miracle happened to you, a miracle of repentance and gaining faith. Tell us how you decided to leave your job as a gynecologist, what happened to you?

I graduated medical school in the 70s. I consciously chose the specialty “gynecology”. My total experience is more than 35 years. At first I was simply happy with my work: they often gave me gifts, flowers, sweets, people came to me with requests to cure infertility, to interrupt unplanned pregnancy etc.

However, events began to happen in my life that made me think about the other side of my work. Not that there was one big event, but several small, but quite impressive ones.

In the early 90s, a tearful student, unmarried and pregnant, came to me with a request to give her a mini-abortion. And he says: “I had a dream last night. A boy comes up to me and says: “My name is Seryozha. Mom, don’t kill me!” Other doctors gathered, and the woman refused an abortion. And we didn’t give her an abortion, that’s the impression this story made on everyone.

Once a girl came for an abortion, she was very young, I even felt sorry for her. And everything was already prepared, the operating room, instruments, etc. And suddenly the lights were turned off, and there was no light for a very long time. They never did. And I suddenly realized that this was no coincidence.

After some time, I began to be interested in questions of the meaning of life, Orthodoxy, and began to sometimes go to church. And the more I thought, the more I began to realize what a disaster this is, what evil I am doing! Abortion and sex education began to be perceived in a completely different light.

In Russia, Family Planning Centers began their activities in the early 90s. You were at the forefront of creating such a center in your city. Tell us about this process, please. What were the tasks? Why did you decide to work at the Center for PS?

Before creating a local family planning center, I worked as the head of the gynecology department. I was invited to the first all-Russian conference of the Family Planning Association in Moscow. And there I joined this association, yes, yes, I joined this “…..”. The chairman of the conference was Ekaterina Lakhova, there were many foreign guests from Holland, Germany (probably from the Organon and Bayer companies), etc. We were given a luxurious buffet in a first-class hotel. Imagine, in the early 90s!!! There is a shortage in the country, everything is based on coupons, but here...

Throughout the conference, the red line was the idea: human sexual needs are natural and must be satisfied. It is important that young people do this in a modern and safe manner. Early sexual intercourse is commonplace, and we just need to teach children to do it safely and in a civilized manner, as in other countries. Using condoms and hormonal contraception will only improve reproductive health. Everything was justified “ scientific research” and generous gifts. We felt very important and involved in an important cause.

There were colorful methodological manuals on contraception. We were told how to conduct sex education classes in family planning centers and schools. I don’t even want to tell you more, it was so shameful.

After some time, premises were allocated in the city for a family planning center, and I switched to a new promising job. The directors of the center and leading specialists were invited on business trips abroad. Sometimes direct financial assistance was provided to the leaders of the center.

So, promoting hormonal contraception was an important component of your work?

Yes, one of the main ones. At the beginning of the work of the center, a “volley” of contraceptives was fired. We were provided with free GCs and advertising booklets for distribution. And in a very large quantities, which lasted for several months. Then there were rumors that these same “free” contraceptives were sold in pharmacies. Hormonal contraceptives have been promoted as safe and modern means“planning” pregnancy. ABOUT side effects, bleeding disorders, caution when prescribing hormones, no one said. After some time, we encountered the phenomena of thromboembolism in young women. There were heart attacks, strokes, and venous thrombosis.

What led you to realize the immorality of working at a family planning center?

One incident helped a lot. We held another “sex education” lesson at school. By the way, back then it was compulsory in high school in almost all schools in our city. All directors actively promoted these “lessons” and I was invited as a specialist. It seemed very modern.

So, I tell girls and boys at school about their body, the structure of the genitals. She showed me on a dummy how to use a condom. Then I turn on the VCR with the appropriate cartoons. They show sex scenes, how this happens in animals, and how to use condoms. Teenagers quite naturally blush, whisper, feel embarrassed, and try to joke.

And suddenly, right during the film, someone’s mother runs in, stands in front of the screen and says: “I’m disrupting the lesson, I won’t let them show this to the children!” There was an uproar, a teachers' council was called, why the lesson was disrupted, the director was indignant: why the teacher allowed parents into the class, etc. For me, this was the key moment of realizing that this cannot be done. You can't show such rubbish to children, you can't. Then they wrote an article about me in the local newspaper, saying that I conduct immoral lessons at school, demonstrate condoms, teach how to do everything, in short, corrupt children.

I come to the director and say that I will no longer teach such lessons. This cannot be shown to children. My management, the chief gynecologist, and colleagues began to put pressure on me.

And what did you do after refusing to work at school?

At the planning center, I began to talk to the girls from a Christian perspective, to call things by their proper names. That you cannot have intimacy before marriage is fornication. That this is a great sin, this is bad. Dissuaded from abortion. Naturally, colleagues and management found out about this. They began to consider me abnormal. All sorts of bumps rained down on me!

I did some research at our center. Since the center began operating in 1991, our number of abortions following rape has steadily increased. That is, girls began to behave and dress more depravedly, and this provoked men to rape. This is family planning.

I also tried to stop sex education classes in schools. Not all teachers were “for” sexual “education”. Most teachers were against it, but they were afraid of the directors and remained silent. I said that children should be morally oriented, they should not be shown fornication and call it normal and safe. I told the teachers: collect parent meetings, let parents decide whether this can be done at school. And be sure to let them familiarize you with video materials in advance. After watching these “educational” films, the parents of this class abandoned these lessons.

How did your colleagues react to your choice?

I immediately found myself isolated. They started calling me crazy, and many “friends” turned their backs on me. When someone from an old acquaintance came to me for a referral for an abortion, I stopped giving referrals and dissuaded them from killing the child. Then they stopped contacting me. When I spoke at local meetings against the propaganda of immorality and sin, they openly said: “Who are you listening to, she herself promoted safe sex, contraception, she's gone crazy."

At work they created unbearable conditions for me, they made comments, reprimands, wrote complaints, carried out inspections, in general they did everything to get me out of the system. At the same time, I went to church and became a church member. And the closer I was to the Church, the more unbearable my work at the Central Church Church was. It was then that I experienced the strongest feeling of remorse for my work.

In the end, I quit and was left without a job. When I left the planning center, some colleagues wanted to stand up for me, they thought that I was right. But they were all silent because they themselves were afraid of losing their jobs.

Do you think gynecologists have any characteristics or character traits that distinguish them from doctors of other specialties?

The profession of a gynecologist changes a person and deforms his character. In general, many (but not all) are dominated by authority and aggressiveness. Some gynecologists are people with overly inflated self-esteem and pride. Female gynecologists often have aggression or hatred towards men, and a desire to dominate in relationships.

Gynecologists believe that they are fulfilling their medical duty and their functional responsibilities Right. When they save a mother and child, that's it. But when a child is killed, it is a terrible sin. Among the gynecologists I knew, there were those who deliberately, out of conviction, did not perform abortion operations while working in the departments. But many, knowing that this is a great sin, lull their conscience, thinking that the sin is on the woman, and I have nothing to do with it.

Many say that this is not their problem, that a pregnant woman cannot feed a child, is not settled in life, it’s like social problem. But no matter how you justify your actions, termination of pregnancy is the cruel murder of a child in the womb. The gynecologist does not say, going into the operating room, “now I will kill the child.” He may not even think about it, believing that there is no child yet. And he is. He is small, defenseless and emits a silent “cry” for salvation.

All my gynecologist friends with whom I worked died of cancer, and at the age of 45-50 years. I also knew the manager gynecological department- Died at 45 from breast cancer. I attended abortions.

What do you think about the mental consequences of abortion, the so-called post-abortion syndrome?

I know about this and have seen it in practice many times. Any woman who has had an abortion experiences extreme stress. She will be brave, she will be glad that she got rid of the problem (not the child, but the problem). She will remember from time to time how old the child would be if she gave birth. I talked to many people about this topic. Post-abortion syndrome is quite common.

Please tell us about the most striking cases from your medical practice.

Was alone interesting case. I was on duty at the hospital, they brought in a young girl who was pregnant, 11 weeks pregnant. I ask why are you having an abortion? Student? She says no, her husband is a student, her mother-in-law is forcing her to have an abortion. I tell her - no abortion, this is your first pregnancy, the child is already big. Don’t be afraid of anything, you will give birth and your mother-in-law will love this child and your husband, everything will be fine. She prepared me for a conversation with my mother-in-law and sent her home. Then my mother-in-law came running to me, screaming and swearing.

A lot of time passes. This mother-in-law comes to our department with a large bouquet. I thought - well, probably to me. I ask: “Who do you want?” She: “Please call me Tamara Petrovna,” I say, okay. I called this doctor, and she was treating miscarriage; this student’s pregnancy was threatening miscarriage. And this mother-in-law says to Tamara Petrovna, I am so grateful to you that you saved my grandson. And I'm standing next to you, listening. My favorite case.

But now in the temple I was talking with my grandmother, 88 years old. She has cancer, stage 4, already inoperable. Her daughter brought her to the temple. I tell her: “Thank God for sending you this disease!” She said to me: “Yes, I’ve had so many abortions, I’m so sinful, I pray to God for forgiveness,” and burning tears flowed...

What would you like to say in conclusion?

I also want to say “Forgive me, Lord!”

Prepared by Alexey Fokin, Elena Fokina


Rudeness and rudeness during an examination by a gynecologist. At an appointment with a gynecologist. Negligence of doctors

I can’t be silent anymore, I’ll tell you how I got sick rudeness of doctors. I have gynecological problems, although I am only 23 years old. I have been receiving treatment since I was 11 years old. The trick is that they still can’t deliver it to me accurate diagnosis. I almost took chemotherapy during the treatment process because the doctor made a mistake with the diagnosis. In short, my relationship with the doctor did not work out.

At the age of 13, I had a mini-operation during a bleeding. I had to remove the hymen. On this occasion, every time I listened to humiliation addressed to me, they say, I made my debut early, I’m a prostitute, so get treatment now.

The outright rudeness of the doctors was combined with their lack of professionalism. I drank powerful pills, which made my stomach ache wildly and turned me inside out. I had to wait in line for hours at the clinic.

In short, it would take a long time to describe my torment and humiliation to which I am subjected in the hospital. On private doctor I don't have any money.

Who has encountered this? Is this kind of doctor-patient relationship normal?

The author missed something. Our hospitals, of course, are not examples of culture and good attitude towards patients by doctors, but I have never seen such darkness as the author describes. Gynecologist may speak rudely, but to humiliate! You are either taking everything too personally, or there is something wrong here.

Some kind of chaotic story. As far as I understand, at an appointment with a gynecologist The girl is humiliated in every possible way, they cannot make a diagnosis, and they prescribe treatment that is harmful to her health. Something is wrong here, why didn’t you, the author, contact the police or change the doctor?

The story also seems strange to me. If there is no specific diagnosis, go through paid consultation. It's still cheaper than yours incorrect treatment for years. Well, I set it gynecologist at least some kind of diagnosis?

It seems to me that there is either a criminal medical negligence(then it is unclear why the girl did not go to the police), or the girl herself is not an angel.

Talk to private gynecologist. You are still wasting money on useless treatments. If you are still sick due to your doctor's fault, change your doctor.

Sometimes there is simply no money for this. I am being treated by the same doctor, but what if I didn’t work, but just studied? The sums are very large, I would definitely have to go to a state clinic and listen to all this heresy. Yes, and I found a normal private specialist only when I was 20 years old (and the problem started when I was 14 years old). The others couldn't do anything to my body. Nothing for a lot of money. Sometimes, making obvious mistakes in treatment and ordering tests. Vitamins were prescribed for bleeding. And yes, all these specialists were recommended to me, all through connections. I understand the author, gynecological examination of girls sometimes turns into torture, and finding a good doctor is unrealistic.

It's strange that the girl didn't go to the police if medical negligence led to bleeding and surgery. Why didn't you go to the press? I’m generally silent about rudeness.

A chaotic story with many unknowns. What is the diagnosis, at least tentative, what are the symptoms, how are they treated, why and how are the doctors rude to her? More questions than answers. And what is the truth here? Are the doctors to blame for her condition?

Do you want a drop-dead story about gynecologists? This is where this moral thing comes in. So, in August of that year I had a planned visit to the gynecologist, so I was sitting in line with the applicants. Gynecology there it is separated from the rest of the clinic by a door that is not closed, so there are both girls and boys in the same corridor. The doctor comes out. He looks around the line and assesses it - there are a lot of people. And he says: Come on, virgins, raise your hands! Inspect you quickly! The girls blush, no, turn purple. There is misunderstanding and shame on their faces. And some raise their hands. The doctor nods, leaves, the applicant comes into the office, a couple of minutes later some more women in white coats, and the girl jumps out of the office like a bullet, straightening her skirt. But in general, the doctors decided to get together for a consultation (a consultation means talking and drinking tea) and removed the patient from the chair! They didn't even finish examining her! And just a finishing touch: when they left, they shouted again throughout the entire corridor: “Who left his underpants on the chair there?”

No comments. The girls came to gynecologist, and this is such a shame. I haven’t been to this consultation again, the local professionalism of the doctors, their professional ethics turned me completely away from this hospital.

I know this consultation! There's one there gynecology sends everyone for paid (about 6 thousand rubles) tests to a clinic near the metro. I think she has a percentage of this. By the way, I did those tests there, but I never went back to that branch of hell. Free gynecologist In his best.

I’m re-entering the university this year, I need to update my certificate 86. It includes examination by a gynecologist. Go to next week, and I don’t know which clinic to choose, just thinking about it makes me shake. Thank you for the wonderful experience of painful, humiliating examinations and the bleeding after them. Gynecological examination For them, women are like cutting up a carcass at a meat processing plant. I'm scared to death to go there.

And everyone has to go through this hell. Medical ethics? No, we haven't heard.

The doctors there are also very rude. And not only doctors. I personally experienced the rudeness of a nurse when drawing blood!

It seems to me that the colors are greatly exaggerated here. Gynecologist at the clinic loaded and wound up, he can shout at the patient, but to purposefully humiliate him is nonsense!

The other day I made the same certificate in private clinic, was shaking and even thought of saying that she was a virgin, because she was afraid of pain and rudeness during the examination (in the certificate they receive less than for a regular appointment). Surprisingly, the woman I came across was very nice, didn’t ask anything extra, took the smallest mirror, did everything as quickly as possible and simply voiced the existing problems. Paid gynecologist I like it. Very polite and friendly.

Every whim for your money. Good attitude too.

So what's the problem, private gynecology for you!

Alas, not everyone can afford this. Private gynecology for the chosen ones. For the masses, the market is a municipal women's clinic with all its delights.

At the first examinations with a gynecologist, some said that they were virgins, so that the examination would be easier. I also heard that the instruments there were not disposable when examining girls.

I was also examined by a gynecologist in my hometown. I liked one clinic in St. Petersburg, from time to time they hold promotions for examinations, but the main thing is to ask about all the tests meticulously in the spirit of “why do I need them,” because sometimes they try to direct them towards something that is not really needed, but the service on the highest level.

I had a very bad experience on my first trips to gynecologist. I remember that I went when I was 15 after I was raped. Paid clinic, paid gynecologist, there was an opportunity then. Well, of course, they let me down when I was 15 (“Did I go to a disco or something? That’s right, they raped me, maybe you wanted to, well, yes, of course, of course” - that was the first time I encountered something like this) in full, they examined me in a very painful way (as if on purpose, other doctors never had this happen after that), they found papillomas, which were removed with a laser from the clitoris (I’m 15, yeah), there was no anesthesia, because “this part doesn’t take anesthesia at all” . Then, I remember walking home in a bloody dress. Moreover, I’ve always had a thing (that’s how I was brought up, unfortunately) that since childhood I don’t say at all that I’m in pain (like behave like an adult, yeah), especially with doctors. But then I cried out loud because it was very painful, to which, naturally, the classic “but give birth as you go.” After this experience I went to public clinic for children and teenagers, they calmly removed everything from me with nitrogen, surprised that in fact I was subjected to such torture. So I found a good gynecologist in a municipal clinic.

Yes, they scare me and send me for paid tests (cytology and HPV, as I understand it), which, in fact, would probably be a good idea to do, but this hysteria with intimidation really infuriates me. Because of this, I had an unpleasant story with my mother. I started having penetrative sex before I got to any gynecologist, and when I got there, it turned out to be a gynecologist from our district hospital, who recommended that I take tests for 11 (I still remember!) thousand rubles. Naturally, a second-year student in 2005 did not have that kind of money at all, and I had to go to my mother to tell all this. She took me to the gynecologist, whom she went to herself (which is good), but as a bonus I received a lecture about virginity and honor, which I didn’t save and how that happened. In short, there was a whole lecture on morality at the gynecologist’s appointment. It's still disgusting.

I remember thatgynecological examination for teenagers - hellish hell. After those examinations, I didn’t go to the gynecologist for 5 years and almost missed a serious problem.

Just as 14-year-old schoolgirls are herded like a herd of cattle, and accordingly treated for a whole lot of mandatory general medical examinations - this is how doctors, parents, the world, the Lord and the Universe worry, damn it, about children, about their reproductive health. They are worried. Very. So much so that healthy virgin girls are driven into the chair with yelling, kicking and threats.

But as soon as these same girls, having overcome themselves, turn (and some don’t turn, because they haven’t overcome it) to these same people (non-humans) because of painful critical days or something else, everyone gets completely and absolutely spit. It’s surprising that a consultation with a gynecologist for a real illness turns out to be unnecessary!

That's how I came to it too gynecologist. She complained of painful periods. She didn’t even look at me, she said it was natural, and sent me home. Tough!

I wrote “like a herd of cattle” because the associations and attitude at that moment were appropriate, sorry. I almost got into a fight with the school doctor. That's how he is Russian gynecologist. It.

It was probably even good that they looked at us during school inspections when we stood in the doorway and wrote “healthy” on the card. On the other hand, a couple of girls and I were overlooked for problems that could have been recognized with normal monitoring (at least an ultrasound).

However, thanks to those vivid impressions Five years later, I have never seen a doctor. I’m scared out of my wits despite all my ability to stand up for myself, but! But. Even this is not the limit, I know girls who are over 20, sex life they don’t, but they haven’t seen a doctor “thanks to” a similar sad experience.

What I mean is that after such “examinations” the chances that something will be overlooked increases sharply, because then you won’t be able to drive yourself to the doctor. For me, a gynecologist is like a sadist from a horror movie. Like this.

Unfortunately, you are usually assigned to one state clinic, and going to another is not an option. And this is also infuriating.

Literally a year ago pediatric gynecologist insulted my daughter. Her labia were swollen and itchy, I thought she had an infection, so the doctor said, well, it’s so green. How about masturbation? At least wash your hands before fiddling with your pussy. Beyond good and evil.

Terrible! And this is a pediatric gynecologist! Have you even reported it to the police?

Of course not. To get involved with them is to spoil your nerves.

And it would be necessary immediately after examination by a gynecologist. This can generally leave a wound on the child’s psyche!

We were scared, to be honest. Our police are like this one gynecologist.

Very in vain.

This is not the “other side” of these disgusting inspections. I’m not saying that you need to walk them, despite the fact that it’s painful, scary and pointless.

It would just be possible to conduct them at least relatively normally. And preferably with an ultrasound (as far as I know, in my school days, girls were simply interviewed and examined, no smears, no ultrasound, no checks hormonal levels, 80 percent were released). Or at least, based on the results of such a survey (I was included in the survey once), send me to the doctor running and in slippers.

Oh, well, this is holy, what are you talking about. A sacred examination will show everything, why an ultrasound, why tests, when we were not even asked about anything except:

Do you have your period?

Is there a cycle?


That’s true for me, um, but it’s the same for everyone else who went for an examination. What pain, what discomfort, why such subtleties? It is enough to visit a gynecologist to find out everything about yourself. In the worst sense of the word.

I think you're exaggerating. Free consultation gynecologist, of course, not heaven with coconuts, but elementary medical ethics always present. Frankly, I don’t believe some stories.

I was taken to the hospital with bleeding, but the doctor did not want to take me at all. He sat with me for about 20 minutes, deciding whether to clean it or not, while I was shaking with fear and pain. Question: Can a gynecologist risk the life and health of a patient? The answer is he doesn't care.

How is this even possible? Not helping a bleeding person when you are a doctor on duty in a hospital? I admit, my knowledge of female anatomy needs a massive upgrade, and that’s exactly what I’m doing. But I still don’t understand much - how did the doctor not take you to hospital, but sat and thought?

It seems to me that the girls who signed up here are rude to the doctors themselves, and so they receive a worthy answer. Nobody wants to get involved with a scandalous person. A girl at a gynecologist should also behave politely, even if she is a patient. If you have free gynecologist , this does not mean that you have the right to download something there. Like, he still has to treat, he works in a hospital.

Well, of course, all the commentators are just rude, they don’t greet doctors, and that’s why they are maimed. Don’t feed him honey, just let him have a fight with the doctor before the examination. If you have never had problems, this does not mean that other women do not have them. It’s like “I don’t have a headache, I don’t believe that anyone else has a headache, don’t make this up.” This conversation should rather be a reason for you to think about what you may have to face in the event of pregnancy and, God forbid, gynecological problems. Because this is the experience of dozens of women.

Woman, take it easy. I didn’t say that, I said that this never happened to me. I have personally heard and seen that ladies in the gynecologist’s office are the first to raise their voices. And this happened more than once. By the way, I have gynecological problems and they are successfully treating me.

Consider yourself very lucky! Where is this doctor?

I'll tell you a secret - male gynecologist more polite and careful. Tested for myself.

The teenagers' clinic is also rude, so many go for examinations with adults. Oddly enough, if you come with adults, they treat you very politely!

I was lucky to change doctor due to moving. I have a wonderful one now gynecologist. And I don’t want to give birth to a second one because of the terrible memories of the maternity hospital. Don't set foot there again. Doctor obstetrician gynecologist there's just a butcher!

Just recently I was at gynecologist. Once again I remembered that throughout the civilized world, inspections are carried out with lubricant.

I am very sensitive to pain, so even though I went to a very friendly gynecologist, the sensations during the examination were very unpleasant. And the problems could not be solved. But one day a miracle happened. Mom, she works at a pension fund, went out into the corridor and saw a confused man with a bunch of documents in his hands, who was shouted that he would not get through without an appointment. Mom felt sorry for the man, and she accepted him. This man turned out to be wonderful gynecologist, who helped me a lot and who knows how to examine painlessly. Good returns, verified!

I, too, quite by accident, based on reviews, found my doctor, he also operated on me, and I go to him for consultations. Beautiful gynecologist! After everything that happened to me, they treat me very carefully, both in words and during examinations. Actually, I didn’t have to tell him anything special - I saw everything myself, sympathized, and helped. The question is why good people do they come across to me after the bad ones have been mutilated? And so all my life. Sometimes I really don't want to be a woman, but the problem is that I like being a woman, I'm happy with my body, I just can't understand why a woman should suffer all the time.

The head of the gynecological department lectures me, discharging me after inflammation of the appendages: and you, she says, baby, keep an eye on your husband. Your husband is a male, that’s where the inflammation comes from. I say - I'm not married. She: oh, well, you don’t hang around with men as much, you’ve had enough. I say: you have a folder with my tests in your hands. There is not a single infection there. What are you telling me anyway? She was not embarrassed: I have experience, she says, I know. I came out of there like I was crap. There is no other word for it. The most offensive thing was that being overweight prevented me from building relationships and having sex - I was shy, and I didn’t have anyone for two years; and then suddenly the head of gynecology gave me this. I became envious of the non-existent me who “travels around” and lives for her own pleasure. A girl comes to the gynecologist and finds out about her alternative life! Class!

So rejoice! Gynecologist considered you worthy of abundant male attention! Why not therapy for self-doubt?

Here they advise you to contact the police about insults. I don't recommend it. The women's clinic is always stronger and you can avoid problems.

How familiar! When the doctors realized that they had screwed up during the operation, and I called the insurance company, they began to openly threaten me. And they called me all sorts of names and said, “Don’t you dare complain, when you’re discharged, you’ll suddenly come to us for help,” but I stood my ground, wrote, appealed, and so on. The team was punished, perhaps also because there were 5 of us women who complained and received irreparable health consequences from these people. And the manager was just good, she did everything she could for me, she was the one who pulled me out of the other world when she came on duty. About infections - well, exactly! Some kind of left-wing midwife on duty told me that I need to treat my infections, and not complain! I say - you will now take my card, see that I have not had a single infection in my life and apologize! Her eyes popped out of her head. At the same time, I was on a drip after the operation. Only one girl was very good, she sympathized with me, supported me, then she was still an intern, now she is very good doctor and he doesn’t behave that way around women.

I listened to the advice gynecologist, I ended up bleeding during my period. My husband recorded the entire conversation during his appointment with her, attached all the extracts to the recording, and reported it to the police. Don’t say that antenatal clinics are stronger in legal terms! We won the case on all counts! Don't be afraid to fight for yourself!

Thanks for the experience! Now, if there are similar situations, I will also call and complain. They are accustomed to the irresponsibility of women, that they meekly leave with a grudge, and nothing will happen to anyone for this. And the practice of slut shaming among doctors and medical staff gynecology- a common thing, in maternity hospitals it blooms in lush colors, they also laugh there: what, when I spread my legs, it didn’t hurt, but now you’re aching? I personally was given this and in the end, instead of feeling the birth of a new life, joy, pride that I was able to give birth to a child, I received a feeling of guilt, the feeling that childbirth is retribution for sex, and the child is punishing me for my dissoluteness. Thanks for the story, you're great! If only there were more of us like that, so that they would learn from offending helpless sick women.

I only had this with the maternity hospital. Both in the clinic and in the hospital they treat me normally, and I’m satisfied with the attitude and treatment, I’ve been there many times. And after the maternity hospital, many people are dealing with the consequences, not just me. And depending on your luck - which brigade you end up with. Perhaps when I also changed my approach, I began to filter who I addressed, and other people began to come across and the good came to the fore. My child and I are being treated and observed in our city and we went to the Turner Scientific Research Institute - and everywhere we are treated well, I have never seen anything like this anywhere else, and I go to private clinics - there is also order there. So visiting a gynecologist And pediatrician Quite comfortable for me!

In private clinics - yes, I agree, everything is fine too. In a regular clinic, young doctors are friendly and responsive. There was an old school doctor there, an elderly one, who practiced slut shaming with all her might, but retired. I think the new specialists, the young ones who replaced the old ones, are no longer the same. Although giving birth is still recommended as a cure for all diseases. Maternity hospitals really are few people without psychological trauma. It seems that they are deliberately trying to belittle the role of a woman, her efforts and pain, in order to show her that she is just a fool who whines and whines because there is nothing to do. Obstetrician gynecologist He's generally rude to patients. Why is he doing this? I don't understand.

How does he do what? gynecologist? He takes out his dissatisfaction with life on his patients. Typical loser psychology!

A classmate of mine had an abortion at age 15. I paid the doctors a lot of money to do it on the sly from my parents, because she was underage. So, in order to punish her, they did it to her without anesthesia. Naturally, she could not argue with them. Question to gynecologist– Did it make you feel better that the girl was suffering? And then, I remember, a nurse came to our technical school to give vaccinations. And that girl was so afraid of pain that she ran away from the nurse. We didn’t know it then, we laughed as the nurse chased her around the office with a syringe. Now this girl has a wonderful child. But she said that she was so afraid of giving birth that even in some cool Kyiv clinic, already giving birth under epidural anesthesia, she screamed like she was cut. Now she wants a second child, but is very afraid.

I think it is necessary to conduct professional testing of doctors for rudeness and rudeness. Kind of psychological tests. Those who do not pass are not allowed to perform medical work.

I agree with you 100%! This is still a utopia, but I think it is necessary medical universities doctors and medical schools conduct psychological tests and weed out people prone to rudeness and cruelty. And those who entered must be taught ethics. My husband taught at a medical school at one time. I was shocked when, on the first day of school, students began shouting from their seats: “When are we going to go to the morgue?” And they laughed loudly.

The question is that if a person is initially a boor and a sadist or ended up in the profession by accident, and not due to personal convictions and abilities, this cannot be corrected. And in general, conduct a normal examination by a psychiatrist every year of work. Because people sometimes go initially unsuitable, and sometimes somewhere in the process they lose their adequacy, this can be seen more clearly from the teachers.

I know why this inspection is not carried out. Quite a lot of unsuitable people will be identified. And who will replace them? The state does not adequately fund healthcare. Nobody wants to work for three pennies. So it turns out that in state clinics(and even in schools) there were those who were not accepted into private ones. Not all of them, of course, but there are many. In Crimea we generally have a problem, in Sevastopol alone there are 700 vacant places in government medical institutions. Because people are leaving en masse.

Well, private schools are not places with good teachers, for the most part, I knew enough students from such schools. On the one hand, yes, but on the other, there is a hell of a competition in honey, at least they filter it there. I’m just studying in pedagogy and I have at least one classmate who cannot be allowed to work in her profession, right now.

I think doctors need to behave decently. Appointment with a gynecologist, who is kind and welcoming will be worth his weight in gold, and the gratitude of many clients in monetary terms will be a pleasant addition to the salary even in a public clinic.

It is absolutely necessary to filter upon admission, I absolutely agree with this. Many troubles can then be avoided!

And conditionally, even a psychiatrist looks at drug addiction. That's all.

In educational and children's institutions, a psychiatrist is now mandatory for teachers. My mother works at rehabilitation center, take place every year.

You just need to not allow this kind of attitude towards yourself. As long as patients remain silent, the rudeness of doctors will be ineradicable.

Have you encountered rude treatment of yourself and negligence of doctors?

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My friend, when she first went to the gynecologist (I don’t remember, it was in the 8th grade), the aunty doctor, instead of asking a question like: “Aren’t you sexually active?”, asked her: “With whom “Do you live?”, to which my friend proudly replied: “Yes, with my mother!”

One aunt, forty years old, went to a proctologist for some need. He tells her: “Take off your pants, bend over and spread your arms.” The aunt took off her pants, bent down and (we should show it further, but I hope you will appreciate the situation) spread her arms, like they dance a Lady, wide, wide. It was a sight - the doctor crawled out of the office.

I also went to the gynecologist once...
Well, as always: “Come in, undress, sit on a chair...”
I climbed onto the chair, put my feet on the supports, but I don’t know where to put my hands. folded it on my stomach - uncomfortable. She folded it on her chest - well, just like a dead woman (pah-pah-pah)
And then I put my hands behind the back of my head.
The doctor turned around from the washbasin, looked at me and said:
-What... you might get a good sun lounger...

I’m a builder and we had to do dentistry, it’s a new thing and I approached this issue thoroughly, I studied everything thoroughly, but there are sophisticated chairs from abroad for them and water and air and sewerage and vacuum, motherfucker and electrician and something else, in general I’m worried, but we did it another hospital and I visited there sometimes and then I looked at the chairs in the office, and I went to the doctor with questions about what and how, and she told me, the young man in this chair is not tearing teeth, but performing abortions on women, a silent scene.

According to some incomprehensible law of meanness, they are very rarely found different sides barricades are people with similar views on life. Childfree in the relevant communities and forums cry about how society puts pressure on them, literally extorting their children from them. Evil gynecologists create obstacles to abortions and conduct propaganda on the topics “this is harmful” and “this is pathetic.” Oh, if we and those complaining exchanged doctors, everyone would be happy!

First positive test, visit to the gynecologist. Her first question:

Well, what about an abortion?

Why? - I’m taken aback. - A desired child, my health seems to allow it, hereditary diseases No…

Why so early? (Looks at the card.) 21 years old, single, student. You must first get on your feet, earn a decent living, and you can’t tie a man down with a child!

She shrugged her shoulders and did not go into the jungle of explanations about joint the decision taken and about justified trust in the father of the child, with whom they had lived together for four years at that time. I found another gynecologist, not so “caring,” and calmly carried her to term and gave birth to a daughter.

The second child is okay, no questions asked.

Well, abortion?

Deja vu. I remember the first time, I wonder:

But why? Two healthy children, a stable family and financial situation, quite childbearing age... So what now?

The third child is not given maternity capital for him, only for the second one! Well, why do you need so many children? - the doctor explains, like a little girl.

She shrugged her shoulders again and went to register with another specialist. You'll want to laugh. It turns out that only the second child can be desired, because they give maternity capital for him?

After 15 years of working as a gynecologist, I got used to everything. AND foreign objects pulled out, and waited for ten minutes until the lady remembered when her last critical days there were, and the spirals met for twenty years... Two points just can’t fit into my head.

First: a cycle is something closed. Why do two thirds of women answer the question “What is the length of the cycle?” answer: “Three or four days”?

Second: why do ladies climb onto the gynecological chair naked from the waist down, but wearing fur hats?

From different women in white coats, I learned that men are absolutely forbidden to tell anything about their “women’s” health; what happens in her office is a secret behind seven seals. A man doesn’t need to know that I have erosion, he still won’t understand anything, and if he understands, he will definitely leave me, because he will decide that I am flawed, since something is wrong with me. Stories from life began pouring in about how a woman had her uterus removed in the hospital, and she told her husband that she was just going to get treatment.

An emergency operation happened to me - so the doctors on rounds kicked the guy out into the corridor: what if he heard that I had a double female organ has become unpaired and will quit! The fact that he already knew was not taken into account.

Then it’s completely unpleasant. My now husband came with me to the hospital by ambulance and waited in the waiting room. When it turned out that my bleeding was a miscarriage, they tied me to a chair before the procedure, they said a bunch of things that I, numb with fear and surprise, not only did not understand, but also did not hear. When I asked my husband to repeat the same thing at the reception, all the staff made scary eyes and said that this was impossible. He, @#$, was told that I was being examined, but what actually happened to me, he found out from me over the phone after I had undergone anesthesia.

What is this anyway? Is that a concern? State project to reduce the statistics of breakups and divorces?

I don’t know about you, but if my man is cowardly giving in to difficulties related to my health and fertility in particular, I want to know this as soon as possible, because I don’t need him for such a gift. If a person is afraid of problems, then sooner or later it will come out. And if he wants to find a “problem-free” one, then it’s better to find out about this at 19, when you have only photos in common on vacation, and not at 35, when you already have two children and a mortgage.

Good afternoon. Yes, I'm a young guy. Yes, I recently graduated from medical school. Yes, I'm a gynecologist. How sick of some people around me I am! “You probably have impotence, because of such abundance any interest in opposite sex will melt"; "concerned"; “teenage complexes” is the mildest thing I regularly hear from my friends, lawyers and middle managers. I’m just keeping quiet about “keep your hands warm.” Just like the fact that women would rather die a terrible death than turn to a male specialist.

I think you will be surprised to know how many women leave my office every day satisfied with their examination and treatment. I assure you that many of them are not so happy with my female colleagues, because we, male specialists, treat women much more carefully and delicately. So your jokes and jokes got old a long time ago. It’s just insulting - especially in the presence of your other halves.

And I wish my dear ladies health - mental and physical.

Walking around the expanses of these Internets of yours, sometimes you just want to curse: “Women, what fools you are!”

I, a physician by training, needed to find a description of one hormonal contraceptive- there was no reference book at hand. The devil pulled me to look not only at pharmacological sites, but also at women’s forums. I thought I'd have some fun...

Let's start with the fact that three quarters of the ladies do not know how to spell the word "gynecologist" (although it is usually written in capital letters in the header of the site). It turns out that the letters “i” and “e” can form so many combinations! Literacy is generally bad: the question “Is it possible to cum on a porter?” blew me away. Girl, finish third grade before having sex and using protection!

Most frequently asked question: “Advise something, otherwise there’s no time to go to the doctor.” Do you have time to sit on the forum? It’s a nice thing when one clueless whore advises another like her hormonal drug. She knows better than a certified specialist who has studied this for at least eight years. “Take it, it helps me well” or even “Yes, it will help everyone - it helped me.” Certainly. And I’ll write that an ax is good for the head, and I’ll see what comes of it.

“What are you talking about, there are so many side effects! I will never buy these pills." Have you tried drinking them? Of course, few people know that once noted when taking the drug during trials by-effect is included in the list, but to assume that your liver and stomach cannot simultaneously fall off, all the hair on your body fall out, gain overweight and grow a mustache, is it possible? Such a drug simply would not have been put on the market.

Dear women masterfully invent new regimens for using drugs because “it’s more convenient,” they give advice that would make even the miracle doctor Malakhov’s bald head sweat, they recommend contraception using the “Indian method,” because it’s simple and you don’t need to take anything - in short, They do all possible stupid things instead of going to the doctor normally and getting a consultation.

There are, of course, literate people on the forums - they write sensible things without errors (the most sensible, of course, is to write at the end of a detailed message that it is better to personally consult a specialist), but there are so few of them! And about the rest I really want to say that women are fools. They won't believe it.

A friend of mine went to see a lady's doctor the other day. I had been postponing the visit for a long time, and as a result, it waited until the New Year. I must say, the clinic is expensive, the equipment is modern, the patients are licked from head to toe and they are catered to in every possible way - so that they leave more money...

Well, I went into the office, this and that, we talked about life, got acquainted with the complaints, collected an anamnesis, then - verbatim:

Come behind the screen, undress, let's look!

And the chair is super-sophisticated, it goes up and down smoothly, like on a hydraulic booster, the knee pads are wide, comfortable, (NOT COLD, a disposable diaper “to match the color of the eyes”, shoe covers on the legs... Damn, I would lie in it and relax after working day...

But! In anticipation New Year's holidays(and, obviously, to create a festive mood in the patients) is entwined with a blinking garland with multi-colored lights... A second stupor, then spontaneously:

Damn, doctor, you don't have a damn thing on you here!..

The doctor couldn’t begin the examination for another five minutes - she was laughing along with the nurse...

God bless doctors with imagination, as well as their patients!))))

I am a gynecologist. One day while on duty, at night, at about four o’clock, I was called into the emergency room to see a patient. In the examination room I am met completely drunk and absolutely naked girl 18 years old, standing, staggering and holding onto the wall.

I, doctor, immediately undressed so that you could look at me.

What hurts?

What happened, why did you come? - I ask.


I was told to come here so the doctor could look at me.

Who said?

At the antenatal clinic.

Naturally, I watch it - no problem, everything is fine. I'm starting to clarify:

When was your consultation?

Just now.

And she said: “We were walking in a large group at my house and at about 2 o’clock in the morning my stomach hurt, my friend and I took a taxi to the antenatal clinic. We knocked on the doors for a long time, the door was opened by some
man. I said that my stomach hurt and that he should look at me. At first he refused, but I gave him a hundred rubles and he agreed. He took me into the office, looked at me for a long time, and then said: YOU NEED TO SEE A DOCTOR, GO TO THE HOSPITAL!!! I immediately went here, and my stomach stopped hurting..."

…… I couldn’t speak, I just waved my hand, saying, go home.
Needless to say, at the antenatal clinic at 2 am there is only a guard...
