How to remove muscles on calves in girls. How to make your calves smaller - exercises for the calf muscle at home

Often, even thin girls complain about excessively voluminous shins. You can reduce fat calves by doing special exercises. They can be done at home or in gym. The main thing is to exercise at a high pace, with a lot of repetitions. It is advisable to supplement such training with cardio exercises. Stretching also plays an important role. Thanks to it, the tendons and muscles lengthen, resulting in a thinner and slimmer lower leg.

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Reasons for fullness of calves

The shins can be large for several reasons:

  1. 1. Overweight. If a person has a high percentage of body fat, the calves will be full. It is also worth considering that fat layer distributed individually. Sometimes even thin girls can have thick calves.
  2. 2. Sport. Regular exercise in ballet, football, sprinting and other sports leads to enlarged calves. Even if you stop training for a long time, your shin will remain large.
  3. 3. Heels. Girls who often wear high heels may notice that their legs become more inflated. This is due to the fact that the calves are under stress for a long time.
  4. 4. Genetics. If excess weight no, but the legs still remain full, most likely it’s a matter of hereditary characteristics. The length of the Achilles tendon affects the volume of the calves. If it is short, then the shins will be large.

Usually girls want to reduce the size of their calves. To do this, you need to deal with anatomical structure shins. This area contains the gastrocnemius muscle, which occupies most of it. Underneath it lies the soleus, which pushes the gastrocnemius upward. You need to pay attention to both muscles, since they are the ones that affect the volume of the lower leg.

How to reduce calves?

To get rid of large calves, you need to reduce your body fat percentage with cardio and strengthen your muscles with workouts.

Don't be afraid that your calves will get bigger as you exercise. Most often, the lower legs look full because of the fat layer. Repeated training will reduce their volume and make them stronger.

How to quickly pump up your calves at home and in the gym - effective exercises

Training program for the gym

The calf muscles work when rising onto your toes from various positions. The technique for performing all exercises to reduce calves is similar. You should rise up quickly, stretching the lower leg muscles as much as possible. You need to lower yourself under control, stretching your calves at the bottom point. In this case, the legs should be straight, but the knees should not be fully extended, blocking the joint.

The gym has special machines for doing calf muscle exercises. These can be supplemented with free weight movements. It is important to note that the lesson should take place at a fairly high pace. Rest between sets should be 30–40 seconds.

The weight should be selected in such a way that it can be easily performed at high intensity for the specified number of repetitions.

The table shows a set of exercises to reduce calves in the gym.

Exercise Approaches Repetitions Illustration
Standing calf raises in the machine3 30
Toe press on a leg press machine3 20–30
Calf raises while sitting in the machine3 20–30
Calf raises in plie squat position3 20
Jumping rope4 50

If the gym does not have a special machine for standing calf raises, you can perform a similar movement in a Smith machine, placing your feet on a step platform.

Standing calf raise in Smith

It is necessary to stretch your calves after each approach. To do this, you need to move your pelvis back and pull your toes towards you. This stretch prevents the muscles from shortening, making your lower legs slimmer.

Standing calf stretch

After training, it is worth stretching your calves longer, for 5–10 minutes. Another way to stretch is to rest your hands on a wall and place one leg back without lifting your feet off the floor.

Calf stretch against the wall

Home workout program

You can also remove full calves at home. To do this, you need to perform similar exercises with dumbbells and other equipment. You can even use water bottles as weights.

When doing exercises to reduce calves at home, you should follow the same rules as when working out in the gym.

The training program for losing weight in the legs at home is given in the table.

Exercise Approaches Repetitions Illustration
Standing calf raises with dumbbells on a hill3 30
Rolling from heels to toes while standing on the floor3 20–30
Seated calf raises with dumbbells on knees3 20–30
Burpee3 15
Jumping rope4 50

You need to practice these programs at home or in the gym 2 times a week.


It is advisable to complement weight training with cardio exercises. This will help reduce your body fat percentage, resulting in thinner calves.

If you need to reduce the calves on your legs, you should not do the following types of cardio:

  • walking and running downhill on the street or on an inclined path;
  • stepper exercises;
  • fast running over short distances (sprint);
  • training on an exercise bike with resistance.
  • interval running on a treadmill without incline;
  • exercise on an elliptical or exercise bike without resistance;
  • swimming;
  • brisk walking or jogging long distances(from 40 to 60 minutes).

You can do cardio training immediately after finishing the strength part. In this case, it should last 20–30 minutes. Cardio on some days should be longer, since glycogen will be burned in the first 30 minutes and only then fat.

And a little about secrets...

The story of one of our readers, Inga Eremina:

I was especially depressed by my weight; at 41, I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers combined, namely 92 kg. How to completely lose excess weight? How to cope with perestroika hormonal levels and obesity?But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure.

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

It's no secret that when losing weight, fat is not burned evenly, but from different zones, sometimes from the most unexpected ones, and in order to remove it exactly in the place where it is required, you need to make a lot of effort. But when it comes to areas of the body such as the calf muscles, completely different methods must be used. The fact is that problems with volume in the calf area can have different reasons occurrence: both obesity and too heavy loads during training. That is why the fight against calves must be deliberate and systematic.

To quickly remove calf volume, you will need not only regular physical exercise, but also good quality nutrition. It is not for nothing that they constantly talk about it when it is necessary to burn fat in any part of the body, since it is thanks to poor nutrition (and this includes irregular nutrition too) that the body constantly stores fat, putting it aside “just in case.”

Video: exercises to reduce calves

To reduce your calves in one week, you will need regular cardio, which will include a lot of leg exercises. If you just work your calves without paying attention to burning fat throughout your body, then you won’t see much result, but will only pump up your calf muscles under a layer of fat.

1. Running, in in this case, passes on the toes, due to which the calves develop and function. Thick calves can be “burnt” well in aerobics, doing exercises, climbing stairs on your toes.

2. Jumping rope burns fat perfectly and reduces volume. Such jumps simultaneously make the legs slimmer and pump up the muscles, highlighting them with a beautiful line. It is recommended to jump for about 20 minutes on two legs and at least 5 minutes (to start) on each leg separately.

3. You can reduce very thick calves using squats and rolls. The difficulty with squats is that they need to be done on your toes. Feet are brought together, toes pointing in different sides, you can, for confidence, hold on to the back of a chair or the wall with your hands. Rising on your toes and spreading your knees to the sides, squat as deeply as possible. This plie is a great workout for your calves.

4. Leg swings stretch the muscles, which is also necessary to obtain the desired result. Holding onto a chair or wall, lift your straight leg forward, pulling your toes away from you, keeping the muscle tense. Swings are made with sharp movements: back and forth. It is advisable to do 40-50 repetitions on each leg.

How to reduce pumped calves

Many athletes, as well as those who independently engage in sports “for themselves,” are faced with another problem – over-pumped calves. Pumped calves appear from regular loads on your legs and with minimal time allocated for stretching. Despite the fact that “drying” the muscles has a great effect on the volume of the figure, its plasticity is best emphasized by stretching the muscles. This is why professional trainers and athletes spend some time stretching all muscles after each workout. In this case, we are interested in the calves - and the results can be seen in just a week.

1. Sitting on the floor, bring your legs together and bend towards your toes. You need to pull your toes first towards you, and then away from you. You should stay in each position for half a minute or a minute and breathe deeply, as oxygen allows muscle fibers function and stretch better.

2. Standing straight, bend one leg and place the other straight slightly forward, with the toe pulled towards you. Bend toward your straight leg, grasping your pointed toe. You also need to stand in this position for at least 30 seconds and then change legs.

While a lot of girls are trying to cope with the problem of a lack of waist or the presence of “ears” on the hips, many are worried about something else, namely full calves. Graceful and toned ankles combined with beautiful shoes are so attractive. Don’t wait until this feature of your appearance turns into a serious complex, but start working to achieve changes for the better. Simple exercises for reducing calves, available to us at home, if performed regularly, will be a wonderful way to solve the problem.

To reduce the size of your calves, you need to try to understand the causes of this problem. The matter may be a hereditary predisposition and a particular physique, in which the entire figure will be dense and stocky. In this case, you will have to work for a long time, but you can still get results.

Also, the shins may increase in size due to varicose veins and fluid retention. Pay attention to symptoms such as extreme fatigue legs in the evening, a feeling of heaviness and burning in them.

Too full calves can be a consequence of excess weight, as well as uneven weight loss. First of all, volumes disappear from the arms, chest and abdomen, but problem areas in the lower body may remain rounded, despite constant efforts.

Having determined what is causing the fullness of your calves, you must fight the cause. Most often it is necessary to reconsider your diet and lifestyle, move more, consume sufficient quantity clean water.

In addition, if you want to reduce your shin, you can't do without exercises aimed specifically at this area. There are special complexes that are recommended to be supplemented with stretching exercises, thanks to which the muscles will become elastic and toned. The calves themselves are strong and resilient muscles, it is thanks to them that we can move throughout the day. Because of this, they are difficult to correct. To achieve results You need to exercise regularly - at least 2-3 times a week. It is also important to choose the right set of exercises.

A little about correct calf adjustments

To achieve the desired shape of your calves, you need to understand that training them can be different. There are exercises for pumping up the calf muscles, there are exercises for losing weight, and there are exercises for maintaining muscle tone. There are also exercises for weak muscles, mainly aimed at stretching. What you choose is determined only by the desired result.

The selected set of exercises should also take into account the structural features of the lower leg. To form a beautiful muscle definition, you don’t have to push yourself to the point of exhaustion. a huge amount exercises. Exercises for losing weight in calves should be light, aerobic. In this case, you can’t get carried away with power loads - it can have the opposite effect. You need to work without weights, but increase the number of repetitions and approaches.

They will be very static loads are effective, such as yoga and pilates. They simultaneously tense the muscles and stretch them. If you only include strength exercises in your workout, you can develop an irregular calf shape that resembles an inverted bottle. In addition, seizures may occur. Therefore, the training should consist of exercises aimed at burning fat and training the muscles, calf and soleus. A properly developed soleus muscle lifts the gastrocnemius, giving the leg a beautiful shape.

How to reduce calves: effective exercises

Exists a large number of exercises to help you deal with how to reduce calves on your legs. We suggest considering the most popular ones.

1. Plie

Plie squats are a great exercise for reducing your calves. If you want to reduce volume and not build muscle, do not use additional weights. This exercise is popular among professional ballerinas, whose slender legs are the best proof of its effectiveness.

Stand straight, place your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. In this position, perform squats, trying to specifically tighten the thigh muscles and bend your knees as much as possible. When performing the first 20 repetitions, lean on the entire foot, and for the next 20, lift up on the bones. When squatting, follow safety precautions to eliminate the risk of injury.

2. Folding knife

You need to sit on your buttocks and straighten your legs. As with a normal stretch, lean forward and extend your arms, trying to touch your toes. Stay in this position for at least one and a half minutes, and repeat it about 15 times.

3. Jumping rope

Jump rope - simple, fun and effective method, how to reduce calves on legs for girls. Total 15 minutes of jumping a day help burn a significant amount of calories and “dry” the calves.

4. Rolls

Rolls are aimed at stretching the lower leg muscles and forming beautiful calf muscles. Stand on your heels, march thirty times so that you clearly feel your calves. Then sharp rolls are made from heel to toe. Then march again. One approach - one full roll. It is recommended to do at least four repetitions.

5. Lunges

Lunges are a universal exercise for working the lower body. It can help both build muscle and lose weight. To shrink your ankles and calves, use a lighter version of the exercise.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart and lunge, making sure that the heel of the second, supporting leg does not leave the floor. After a few seconds, return to the starting position.

6. Toe raises

Calf raises, which help reduce ankle pain, can be performed in several variations.

Stand up straight, transfer your body weight to your right leg, bend your left at the knee. Now rise on your toes at least fifteen times. Do the same for the second leg. You can choose a weighted version of the exercise, standing not on the floor, but on a step or step.

This exercise is also a wonderful prevention of edema and varicose veins.

7. Batman

Another exercise on how to shrink your calves. To perform this you will need a chair (you can use other support). Stand next to him and grab his back. The feet should be parallel to each other. Stretch your right leg forward, straining your toes, and make a sharp swing forward. For each leg, repeat the exercise at least 20 times.

8. Classic squats

Regular squats are a great way to reduce calves and create beautiful and slender legs generally.

If you want to reduce the volume of your calves, do not use weights when squatting. There is also no need to do deep squats - a half squat is enough.

The technique for performing squats is as follows:

  • Stand up straight, straighten your shoulders. Do 30-40 squats. Perform the exercise at a slow pace and hold the squat position for a few seconds.
  • Another option: stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, with your toes pointing inward. Do 20-30 shallow squats.

Stretching exercises

Stretching exercises help to cope with how to reduce calves. They make the muscles elastic and elastic, giving the lower leg a beautiful shape.

1.Sit on the floor. Bend forward, touching your fingers to your fingertips. Pull your heels toward you and your toes away from you. This will be difficult at first, but over time your flexibility will increase and you will be able to perform this movement with ease. Stretching should be done smoothly. Hold the maximum tension pose for a few seconds. Repeat the stretch three times. This exercise is also done for each leg separately. The starting position is similar, your legs need to be spread apart.

2.Stand straight and lunge forward with your left leg. Bend it at the knee. foot right leg press firmly to the floor - due to its muscles, stretching will occur. Lock in this position for a few seconds. Similar action do the same for the other leg. Repeat 3-5 times for each leg.

3. "Downward facing dog"- one of the basic yoga poses. You need to get on all fours. Slowly straighten your knees, lifting your torso. Leave your legs slightly bent, your feet resting on your toes, and your face should be directed towards the floor. Try not to lift your heels high. Stay in this position for a few seconds. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

4. There are many others in yoga good exercise to stretch the calf muscles. By including them in your morning exercises, you can make your legs graceful and slender. In general, yoga is a great way for those who inherit fat legs. It is better to do it under the supervision of a professional instructor or through video lessons online.

5.Very good for muscle stretching and weight loss Pilates is useful- a muscle stretching technique that is based on static exercises.

Thick calves, you already know how to reduce them - it’s not as scary as you think. Regular exercise combined with proper nutrition and lifestyle, as well additional measures like body wraps and massage will help achieve the desired results. And soon you will be able to boast of beautiful legs, with which you will be able to afford any mini and any shoe models.

Video exercises to reduce calf size

Exercises to reduce calves on legs

Features of leg correction

Fitness instructors believe that women's calves are a part of the body that is quite difficult to correct. Too full legs, wide ankles and voluminous knees can be caused by heredity, and it is almost impossible to completely get rid of these shortcomings. However, this does not mean that you will have to hide your legs under clothes for the rest of your life. With the help of specially selected exercises, you can remove excess fat deposits and make your legs slimmer. They will not become thin, but they will acquire more correct shape. In addition, gymnastics will help correct some defects - for example, X-shaped or O-shaped curvature legs

To achieve noticeable results, repeat each exercise maximum amount once every few approaches, and do them with good amplitude and at a fast pace. Don't forget about warming up - it will help avoid injuries and painful sensations. After class, be sure to do some stretching exercises.

For better results, make changes to your diet. Increase your fiber intake while cutting back on protein foods that promote muscle growth.

A set of exercises for calves

Start with a light warm-up - dance to fast music for 5-7 minutes. Then proceed to the main complex. Stand straight, place your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. Rise up onto your toes, fix your body in this position and lower yourself onto your entire foot. Do the exercise 20 times.

Repeat the calf raise, but turn your feet with your toes inward. Perform the exercise so that you feel tension in your calves. Move quickly enough.

In between classes, do hiking, ride a bike and swim - this will help keep your calf muscles toned

What you need to do to lose weight in your calves

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Lie on your back, stretch your legs, place your palms under your buttocks. Point your socks toward you, raise your feet 30-40 cm above the floor and move them up and down, imitating the movement of scissors. Tighten your calf muscles, not your thighs. Repeat the exercise 20 times.

The starting position is the same. Stretch your toes out, then pull them toward you, feeling the tension in your calves. Repeat the exercise 20 times. Stand up with your hands against the wall. Take your left leg back, straining your calf as much as possible. Fix your body in this position for 5-6 seconds, then relax. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.

Try a simple but effective exercise with a step platform. Alternately climb it with one or the other leg.

Perform the exercise at a very fast pace - it burns excess fat perfectly.

Place your foot on the platform not on the toe, but on the entire foot.

In conclusion, do a stretching exercise - it will consolidate the results of gymnastics and tones the muscles well. Lunge forward, bending left leg in the knee and extending the right one. Do not bend the knee of your right leg. Hold this position for 5-6 seconds, then stand up and repeat the lunge with the other leg.

Do calf exercises every other day. Start with one approach of 20 times, after a week increase the approaches to 2, and later to 3. You will see the first results in a month, and after six months you will be happy to wear short skirts, proud graceful forms your legs.

Is it possible to remove the muscles in the legs, how to do this effectively?

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Full, round calves are not in trend now, so girls strive for graceful, toned ankles. If voluminous calves have become a real problem, do not wait until the complex grows out of it, look for options to reduce them. First, you need to objectively look at the condition of your ankles and understand the reasons for their volume.

How to make your calves smaller: why are your calves full?

The cause of voluminous calves may be genetic predisposition, hypersthenic physique, while the figure is dense, stocky. If this is the case, losing weight on your calves will require more time and persistence. Enlarged calf muscles may be associated with leg swelling caused by fluid retention or varicose veins. In this case, the legs get tired, and in the evening they feel heaviness and burning. Muscle mass the legs in such cases are loose and not pronounced. Excessively thick calves are a result of excess weight and uneven weight loss. The body both loses weight and gains weight disproportionately. When losing weight, volumes primarily disappear from the neck, arms and chest. A problem areas maintain roundness, despite diets. Long-term, persistent strength training can also give your calves volume and definition.

How to reduce calf size

If the fullness of the calves is associated with fluid retention, it is necessary to limit the consumption of salt, pickled and smoked foods. All this can lead to swelling of the legs and provoke vascular diseases. Get rid of excess weight and full legs You can by reviewing your diet. It is best to contact rational nutrition, this is how you can achieve excellent result and stay healthy. To do this, you need to include fresh vegetables and fruits and low-fat dairy products in your diet. You shouldn’t worry that the weight will come off slowly, the main thing is that it doesn’t come back quickly. At the same time, you need to adjust your drinking regime and move more.

To reduce calves on the legs after losing weight, it is recommended to perform special sets of exercises. At the same time, it is good to do several exercises to stretch the muscles, then they will become elastic and toned. Calves are very strong and resilient muscles; they help us move around all day, almost without getting tired. That is why they are difficult to correct. To change their form, training must be systematic, 2-3 times a week. Calf muscles that have become bulky as a result of exercise can be tightened by regularly stretching this area.

Stretching exercises to reduce calves

  1. Sit on the floor. Bend forward, touching your fingers to your toes. Pull your heels away from you and your toes toward you. It will seem difficult at first, but gradually your flexibility will increase and you will be able to perform the exercise with ease. Stretching is carried out at a smooth pace. Hold the pose of maximum tension for a few seconds. Repeat the stretch 3 times. This exercise must be performed on each leg separately. The starting position is the same, spread your legs in different directions.
  2. Standing straight, lunge forward with your left foot. Bend it at the knee. The foot of the right leg is pressed tightly to the floor, stretching occurs due to its muscles. Hold the position for a few seconds. Using the same technique, perform the exercise with a lunge of the right leg. Repeat 3-5 times with each leg.
  3. Stand facing the wall at arm's length. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, do not raise your heels. Bend your body towards the wall, leaning on it first with your palms, then with your forearms, and finally with your shoulders. Feel the stretch in the muscles above the heel. Perform 3-5 times.
  4. Basic yoga pose: Downward Facing Dog. Starting position: stand on all fours. Slowly straighten your knees, lifting your torso. Leave your legs slightly bent at the knees, feet resting on your toes, face directed towards the floor. Do not lift your heels high from the floor, this is when the calf muscles are stretched. Stay in this pose for several seconds. Repeat 3-5 times.
  5. There are other exercises in the yoga system for stretching the calf muscles, so include them in your morning exercises and make your legs graceful. If you inherited fat calves, you can combat this by doing yoga. It is better to master yoga techniques from a professional instructor; if this is not possible, use video lessons.
  6. Pilates helps you stretch your muscles and lose weight at the same time. This is a muscle stretching technique based on static exercises.

Exercises to reduce fat calves

If you are concerned about the problem: how to reduce fat calves, do squats, it is very simple and effective remedy. Squats performed systematically will significantly reduce the size of your calves if done correctly:

  • do not use additional weight, this can lead to enlargement of the calf muscles;
  • perform one half of the squats while standing on your entire foot, and the second half on your toes;
  • do not do very deep squats, a half squat is quite enough.
  1. Stand up straight, straighten your shoulders. Perform 30-40 squats at a slow pace, fixing the position for a few seconds in a squat.
  2. The next version of squats: feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointing inward. Perform shallow squats 20-30 times.
  3. You can reduce your calf size by walking on tiptoes. Try to walk on your toes more at home, at the same time you can improve your posture and feel like a princess.
  4. Rising on tiptoes. Place a chair with a back in front of you, put your hands on the back. Rise onto your tiptoes slowly, holding in the highest position for 2-3 seconds. Gradually lower your entire foot. Perform 30-40 times.
  5. Walking on stairs will help you burn body fat in the calf area due to the activation of metabolic processes in this area. To do this, walk up the stairs every day for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Jumping rope will help make your legs slender. This is a great activity for both legs and of cardio-vascular system. Intense exercises with a skipping rope for 10 minutes will correct your silhouette and reduce the size of the calf muscles. Getting to it simple exercise, do not overdo it. Start with a few minutes, this will help avoid pain. Then you can increase the training time. In subsequent workouts, add jumps on each leg in turn.

How to quickly reduce calves

If you urgently need to reduce your calves, you can resort to the help of clothes and shoes. Some rules should be followed so that the calves visually appear less voluminous:

  1. You cannot wear short trousers or breeches. When choosing trousers, give preference to models with flares from the knee.
  2. Black and brown rough-shaped boots and sandals with ankle straps visually weigh down the foot. A high heel of medium thickness will suit you.
  3. Create an emphasis on the waist. Choose fitted shirts, jackets and blouses. Wear pants and skirts with a belt or belt.
  4. Choose elegant, catchy items and accessories: scarves, hats, jewelry. All this will create your uniqueness and make a minor flaw known only to you invisible.

How to reduce calves at home

Massage for calf muscles

A foot massage will help relieve congestion in the ankles, which will visually shrink your calves. It is not the only salvation from fullness of the legs, it is better to use it in combination with stretching and physical exercise. To achieve rapid reduction in calves, you need to contact a massage specialist; after 6-10 sessions you are guaranteed to feel lightness in your gait. But you can also do some easy work yourself at home. lymphatic drainage massage. To do this, you will need 2 chairs, you need to sit on one, and put your foot on the second. The direction of the massage is from the feet to the knee, movements should be leisurely and smooth. Before the procedure, apply massage oil to the skin.

  1. The massage begins with stroking the calf muscles for 2-3 minutes in the direction from the foot to the knee.
  2. Then move on to kneading the muscles, grasping them with your hands one at a time, stretching and relieving tension.
  3. Perform a drainage movement; to do this, grab your leg with both hands by the ankle and move it with tension towards the knee. Do this movement 3-4 times.
  4. Finish the massage by stroking for 2-3 minutes.

Wraps for slimming calves

Wraps are used to reduce calves. It is better to carry out these procedures in the evening, before bedtime, in order to calmly relax and lie down. Before doing this, it is recommended to take a shower or bath to clean and warm the skin. Then apply the pre-prepared mixture to the calves, wrap the problem areas with cling film, trying to do this as thoroughly as possible. The procedure time is 40-60 minutes. After washing off the composition warm water and apply nourishing cream to the skin.

Wraps improve metabolic processes in muscles and skin, increase blood circulation, accelerating the burning of fat reserves.

  1. Mustard-honey wrap. 2 tbsp. l. mustard powder dilute 2-3 tbsp. l. warm water, mix. Add 3 tbsp. l. honey If you're afraid strong burning sensation, soften the impact by adding 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. The action time of the composition is 30-40 minutes, then remove the mixture with warm water.
  2. Honey and sea salt wrap. Heat 3 tbsp in a water bath. l. honey, add 1 tbsp. l. finely ground sea salt. sea ​​salt can be replaced with regular, cooked one. This composition perfectly draws out toxins and excess moisture, significantly reducing the volume of the calf muscles. It is recommended to use no more than once a week.
  3. Honey-oil wrap. To 3 tbsp. l. honey add 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, mix. Then everything is done in the usual way. Such wraps perfectly tighten the skin, make it well-groomed and smooth.

The most radical way to reduce fat calves is liposuction. Here only the woman herself can decide how much surgical intervention she needs. If your legs are not losing weight after all the measures taken, turn your energy in a different direction. Emphasize the advantages of your figure; you probably have a stunning waist or luxurious breasts. So make it your dignity!

Exercises for losing weight of the calf muscles. Video
