Signs in which month the cat appeared. What do signs say if a strange cat comes into the house? Signs associated with cats

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Beliefs about cats are many and varied. At all times folk signs about the cat, they pointed out the inextricable connection of this animal with the subtle worlds, spirits and brownies.

Signs about cats cover all areas of human life - travel, home, hospitality, health. This is because for centuries animals have lived side by side with humans. As a result of observing graceful beauties, a wide variety of signs and superstitions about cats appeared.

There are interesting cat signs about how the pet appeared in the house. Many of them have changed under the influence of culture and civilization, but have not lost their relevance:

  • Together with the animal, happiness and peace come to the house. If the pet leaves due to the fault of the household, then happiness can be lost;
  • Hence another tradition: during a housewarming party, it was customary to let several cats into the house first. The new residents had to do everything to prevent the mustachioed ones from leaving, taking home happiness at the same time. IN modern world the belief has changed a little: now one cat or cat is enough;
  • If a strange cat comes to an unmarried girl’s house, she will soon get married. If females come, then you should expect an addition to the family;
  • The birth of kittens in a city apartment is a significant and magical event. If there are red and black kittens in the same litter, then you should give the first one as a gift, and keep the second one for yourself, for good luck;
  • Giving a kitten means giving happiness. But you should be careful with your purchase: buying a cat is a sure sign of bankruptcy in the future. At the same time, if you are given a kitten from a rat-catcher mother, then you must pay a small coin for it. If this is not done, then the adult pet will not be able to catch rodents. IN modern understanding a coin is given “for the health” of the pet;
  • At the same time, there is another belief: you cannot pay for a kitten as a gift. He may get lost or even die. In fact, the coin that is usually given away is a donation to the subtle world, and not a payment to the seller;
  • The seller or donor, having received money for a kitten, should not immediately spend it. It is better if the money “spends the night” in the seller’s house;
  • If a family decides to get an animal, then it is necessary to choose the color of its coat in accordance with the natural shade of the owner’s hair. If you do not follow this superstition, the brownie will not get along with the cat and may kick the pet out of the house.

What color should I choose for a kitten?

Color, or color, of animals - important characteristic in magical beliefs. Each color is a symbol of an element or phenomenon:

  • Gray – wisdom, balance;
  • Black – darkness that hides objects and opens clairvoyance;
  • Red (red) – fire;
  • White – strength, light magic.

Sticking to folk beliefs about cats and their colors, you can program life events for yourself.


The sign about is the most ominous. It is popular in many regions and even countries. People are afraid when a black cat crosses their path.

Initially, the sign meant that the animal warned the walker about possible dangers on his path, but does not at all predict them. Now everyone is sure that troubles and misfortunes are due to the fault of that same black cat, and they complain when the button did not help prevent the incident.

In favor original value black color is indicated by other signs associated with cats:

  • A sign about a cat in the house. The black darling will protect your home from attacks by thieves, evil spirits and bad people;
  • A cat came into the house - a sign speaks of great luck awaiting the owner;
  • The fisherman's wife needs to keep a furry pet in the house - then the husband should not be afraid of hurricanes, storms and other troubles at sea;
  • Also, the husband of the cat owner will always return with a rich catch. If the pet decides to leave, then the family’s position may be shaken.


Red and all shades of the sun from yellow to red are magic symbols actions, protection, movement, gold.

A good sign is a red cat in the house - signs about it portend well-being and prosperity. He easily makes friends with the brownie, but does not tolerate a change of environment.

Red cats and cats are a symbol of vitality, success, healing. They help their owners (wife and husband) establish contact with their children and improve their well-being. Signs do not recommend getting a red pet before moving to new house.

Ancestors believed that if an unmarried young lady sheltered a red cat, she could gain financial stability and find a life partner.


A gray cat rarely attracts attention. However, a sign about gray cats in some countries says that if you give such an animal to newlyweds for a wedding, it will strengthen the problems that have begun. family relationships, will give stability and prosperity. Grey colour in magic it symbolizes metals, stability, strength, hence the impact on family relationships.


White cats are an invariable attribute of a healer, a person who practices the magic of the Moon. Snow-white pets will help you get rid of physical and psychological stress and cleanse your home of negative energy. At the same time, white color is dangerous for those who do not know how to handle it. He is vulnerable even at night, but his power works unnoticed, in secret, and creates the basis for any other magic.

Tricolor, bicolor, spots, stripes

Rarely can we determine what we need more: wealth, a family hearth, or protection from dark forces. In the magic of superstition there is a ready-made solution - tri-colored cats, the signs of which are always positive.

ON A NOTE. In fact, tricolor is only external sign. Genetically, tricolor and bicolor contain all four colors: a white base and spots of black, gray and red tones. It’s just that not all of them show up in color.

A tricolor cat in the house will bring good luck, happiness, and joy. Signs say that it is precisely such animals that are able to protect against evil forces, attract financial success and maintain harmony in relations between residents of the house.

If a motley cat reaches towards a person, he will receive good news. More tortoiseshell cat washes against the grain, then you should wait for bad weather.

Two-colored, especially black and white pets can be considered the mascot of the house.

Cats and people

There are popular signs about cats, by which you can determine, for example, the imminent arrival of guests or the approach of illness, and also understand why cats leave home.

Owner's health

Traditional healers involved various animals in their craft. Among their helpers were birds, rodents, and inhabitants water element, but none of them at will doesn't heal people. Only felines are capable of this. Village old-timers and almost disappeared grandmothers always knew why a cat falls on a person:

  • If a cat sleeps at the bedside of a seriously ill person, then the matter is close to death;
  • If a cat sleeps at the owner’s feet, it relieves fatigue and takes away the person’s negative energy;
  • Another belief about why cats sleep in their legs states that this is how they take away the illness of a person who has problems with this part of the body;
  • If a cat licks her hands, she is expressing affection and may also lick sore spot. Sometimes this means that she was simply bored in your absence;
  • A pet often licks its owner when it wants to show him its devotion. But people claim that pets remove negativity and illness with their rough tongue;
  • A cat sleeping near a person's head is a fairly well-known sign. The popular perception is harsh: if a cat sleeps on its head, it drives away death. But, it's more about the dark world, and not death itself.
  • A cat can lie down at the head of a tired owner as a warning, indicating a weak spot - the nervous system;
  • If a cat lies on the stomach of a pregnant woman, this means an early birth;
  • If cats lie down on their hearts, they delay the onset of old age and rejuvenate the owner’s body;
  • If the cat slept on his lap, he “cleaned” from negativity. If the animal leaves, you should not keep it;
  • If a cat lies on its stomach, it warns of a possible developing pathology in the intestines;
  • If it sniffs the air near a person’s nose, it warns of a possible imminent illness. This is understandable even without magic. Animals are naturally very sensitive to odors. And every disease carries an odor trail, this is scientifically proven.

Do not force your pet to sore spots. Let the cat lie where it sees fit. And let her go when she wants.

And here a logical question arises: why do cats leave in general? It is believed that they need to “reset” the negative energy removed from a person. If the cat comes in and immediately leaves, then the illness will last a long time. If the pet lies down and stays, the patient will quickly recover.

If animals voluntarily treat people, why do cats leave the house when there is a sick person in it? The popular verdict is disappointing: the patient faces death, and the cat is trying to avert it. If a person recovered at the moment when the cat left the house, they said that the cat took the disease with it.

Prophetic dreams

Pets are not uncommon in dreams. According to the dream book, this character is often interpreted depending on the color of his fur.

Why do you dream ginger cat? The color red appears in a dream as a sign of lies and envy. Everything is connected with a woman who may have used black magic on the dreamer. In order to understand why a ginger cat dreams, you need to pay attention to the actions of the animal and interpret them in the context of the dream.

Sometimes cats even wash themselves in their sleep. This means that it is possible to meet a pleasant person. And on the eve of a complex transaction, this is a sign of success and business promotion.

Why do you dream about a tricolor cat? According to Miller's dream book, the description of the dream says that in reality such a dream could have been dreamed by a woman who had a rival. A tricolor pet, according to Vanga’s dream book, would dream of conflicts. Tsvetkov's dream book says that cats that have three colors in their color dream of open hostility (if there are many dark shades) or a flattering friend surrounded by (if there are light shades).

Guests on the doorstep

Signs about guests are associated with cat washing. If a cat washes itself on the threshold or windowsill, expect visitors. At the same time, it is worth paying attention: if a cat washes behind his right ear, people with good intentions are coming, a cat washes behind his left ear - wait for an enemy.

By the temperature of the paws after the cat washes itself, you can determine who to wait for. Warm limbs to good people, cold - to bad. But the pets wash their pads and claws on the threshold before the priest arrives. The behavior of the animal with them will tell about the intentions of the guests: the cat fawns - the guest is reliable, keeps away - the person is hypocritical.

Interestingly, people have noticed a connection: when a cat sneezes, something happens:

  • It’s bad weather if a cat sneezes in the house;
  • To the rain, if he sneezes on the doorstep or in the yard;
  • If a cat sneezes, you must say: “Be healthy!”, then your own health will not fail;
  • If a cat sneezed once near you or while sitting in your arms, expect good luck, three times - someone will get sick;

BY THE WAY! In Japan, it is believed that a cat washing itself outside the windows lures customers into the store.

Whether the cat washes itself behind its ears or only washes its paws, runs across the road or purrs at the head of the bed, it does this without knowing any signs. Whatever events prophesy about cats, treat them with a grain of salt. Yes, cats are mysterious and unique, but since the first signs appeared, our world has changed a lot. Now cats may well be wrong.

“They say you won’t be lucky if a black cat crosses the road...” - perhaps everyone in our country knows these lines of an ancient superstition. But how else are there signs about cats?! In general, it’s worth starting with the fact that a cat is one of the most magical animals on our planet. In all countries and all peoples there are superstitions and beliefs about cats - both good and not so good. And now we will tell you about this in more detail.

The magical nature of cats and cats

Since ancient times, people have associated cats with sorcerers, magicians and otherworldly forces. The aura of this animal is very great. When there is a cat in the house, its aura covers not only the specific person with whom the animal most often communicates, but also his entire family, home and even the territory that the cat considers its own. The owner needs to clearly understand that when a cat rubs against its legs, it is not just petting and trying to beg for something! This also means that she shares her magical and astral energy with you and charges you with strength. The fools who push the animal away at such a moment don’t even suspect that they are simply refusing the mass of positive energy that she wanted to give him! Next time she is unlikely to try to positively influence such a person and may even try, on the contrary, to take away part of his power.

Also in Ancient Egypt It was believed that the cat not only protects the house from evil spirits and prevents them from entering its territory, but it is also able to rid the home of evil spirits if they have settled there previously. This is where the custom of letting a cat into the house come first when moving in. In Rus' there was such a ritual: when moving to a new place of residence, the cat was the first to enter the house. If the house was old, then the cat took on all the negative energy left over from the previous owners. But if the house was new, then it requires a so-called “ransom” - a powerful energy charge, which is precisely what the cat gives. It was often believed that the cat should be allowed into the house first in order to appease and appease the brownie and establish relations with him.

If a cat sees evil spirits in the house, it first observes, trying to determine its intentions. If he understands that this astral entity threatens his territory, then the pet will make every attempt to displace it with his energy field. If this fails, then the cat will try to draw this evil force onto itself and take it away from the house. By the way, this is where some peoples began to believe that evil spirits ride on cats. If you notice that your cat is constantly in a tense position in some place in the house, watching something, it is likely that there is evil spirits there. If you know prayers, you can stand nearby and read a prayer over that place or perform a cleansing ritual. Alternatively, you can fumigate this place with wormwood, as it is very powerful tool, exorcising evil spirits.

A cat in the house may well protect the residents from any evil eye and damage, but for this, parapsychologists advise, in the presence of an ogling or envious person, to keep your hands on the cat, while stroking the cat’s scruff with your left hand, and its tail with your right hand. In this case, the person is in full contact with the animal and their energy fields will close into a single contour. This will help to withstand even a very strong magical blow from a sorcerer or witch.

Our beloved cats are guides cosmic energy, they can attract favorable energy into the house, contributing to the well-being and prosperity of their owners. The cat loves to be in places of strong energy flow (so-called “geopathogenic zones”). What is noteworthy is that most often the pet chooses the place where large quantities negative energy is collected. It is because of this knowledgeable people They use cats to cleanse the space of the house from negative vibrations. In this case, the cat can attract negative energy and transform it into positive. This happens because the cat’s own biofield has a negative charge.

Huge Application magical abilities cats are also found in healing. Cats, regardless of breed and color, have the ability to heal and can treat their owners by lying on them. sore spot. Even just stroking it can relieve a person of stress, tension and fears!

Popular beliefs about cats:

  • During a housewarming party, the cat is the first to be allowed into the new house. And where she falls asleep, you need to put a bed for people. In this place there is a favorable bioenergy zone;
  • Someone else's cat came into the house - it means there was an evil spirit in the house and the cat kicked it out;
  • A pregnant cat came into the house and gave birth to kittens - good luck;
  • The cat washes itself, washes guests, invites them;
  • If a cat comes into the house on its own, it means that it brings happiness and wards off misfortune;
  • The cat lies down on you or “kneads” you with its paws - there may be a disease in that place and it treats it as best it can;
  • The cat is also a symbol of eternity, as it lies curled up in a ring;
  • If a boy pours water on a cat, he will not live to adulthood;
  • You cannot pick up a cat by the tail, otherwise it will shit everywhere in the house;
  • If a cat reaches out to a person, it promises renewal or benefit;
  • The cat is considered the keeper of wealth;
  • Man, loving cats, will always love his wife;
  • The cat meows endlessly - expect a child in the family;
  • The appearance of a beautiful white cat in a dream promises wealth;
  • When a cat sneezes, you need to say to him: “Be healthy!”, then the teeth will not hurt;
  • If a cat sneezes in the morning next to the bride on the eve of the wedding, her marriage will be successful;
  • Newly born kittens cannot be called and compared to mice - otherwise the cat will suffocate them;
  • If a cat begins to sniff the air exhaled by a person near the nose, this means the onset of the disease;
  • When a cat lies near a sick person, it takes away the disease from him. The cat has healing power. She feels when a person is in pain and reaches out to that place, trying to warm him up. And in most cases it promotes healing!;
  • Whoever tortures cats will be tormented by them in the next world;
  • Whoever beats a cat will go to prison;
  • Whoever kills the cat is waiting for him the death penalty or deadly danger;
  • The killer of a cat can kill a person;
  • Kill adult cat- to long-term failures in life;
  • To kill a cat means to endure seven years of misfortune;
  • A cat cannot be killed, since it will be the first in the next world to meet its owner;
  • Cats should not be offended, as they help the former owner to climb steep mountain to the kingdom of heaven;
  • Meeting a skinny, pitiful and dirty cat means bad news: one of your friends or relatives will get sick. But if you adopt a cat, your friend or loved one will be cured of their illness;
  • Hearing cats squealing and meowing means a false friend seeks to harm you;
  • I dreamed of a cat (not white) - to betrayal of friends or loved ones;
  • A cat with a chopped or short tail from birth brings prosperity to the home;
  • Cats are not taken for nothing, they are not given as gifts. It is necessary to give a ransom so that the animal takes root and does not die;
  • Whoever takes care of a cat, it protects him from misfortunes;
  • If a cat purrs when a visiting guest pets it, it means that this person is sincere with you;
  • A cat will never approach a proud, selfish person;
  • Adopting a stray cat or kitten will attract good luck and happiness for many years;
  • If luck and money have left your home, pick up a stray cat or kitten on the street with a pure heart - everything will work out in the house;
  • Feeding homeless cats means easing the suffering of deceased relatives;
  • To yours front door a stray kitten has found its way - you must definitely take it in; if you throw away such a kitten - 7 years of failure for the residents of the house;
  • Drowning kittens means drowning in the clan is possible within seven generations; strangling kittens, burying them means violent deaths of members of the clan are possible within seven generations;
  • If you want to marry off an old maid, her mother must arrange for good houses 7 unwanted cats (kittens), if you want to marry an old bachelor, his mother should give him away good hands 7 ownerless cats (kittens);
  • If you want to live long, have a healthy heart and nerves, let a cat always live with you.

Associated with representatives of the cat family great amount legends and superstitions. Scientists suggest that their domestication began 9,500 years ago. Since then, signs about cats have been passed down from generation to generation, varying in content and meaning.

Animal color and folk beliefs

Probably the most famous sign is about a black cat crossing the road, which promises bad luck. Many believe in it so much that they are ready to immediately change their route.

The belief came to us from the Middle Ages. In times famous for witch hunts, it was believed that people involved in black cats, or even the devils themselves, turned into black cats.

These animals were perceived as harbingers of crop failure and even death. Because of the color of their fur, they were known as almost the devil's helpers. An evil spirit in the guise of a cat deliberately crosses the road, thereby leading you astray from the right path.

But few people have heard that the direction of movement of an animal matters. If a cat runs from left to right, then for a man this is very good sign, but for a woman, on the contrary, it promises problems. Conversely, it is good luck for a woman to meet a cat moving from right to left, but not for a man.

How can you protect yourself from negative consequences this sign? For this, protective rituals are used:

  • ancient Slavic ritual: spit through three times left shoulder, turn around its axis and move on calmly. Thus, a person deceives the devil;
  • you need to put a dry branch, saying: “I open the way for myself, and evil spirits are not an obstacle to me.” The gap in the path crossed by the cat is overcome by holding broken parts of a branch in their hands, which are then thrown away;
  • in order to confuse the evil spirits, it is recommended to walk the ill-fated section of the road backwards.

On the other hand, a black cat in the house is . If kittens are born, among which there are black and red, it is recommended to give the red one into good hands, and keep the black one with you.

Ginger cats tend to protect their owners from harm. Due to their golden color, they symbolize. A sign that promises good luck is to shelter a saffron milk cap. Three-colored cats are harbingers of happiness.

Representatives who are both white, black and red in color are especially valued among the people. Such cats will definitely bring prosperity to your home. Each of the three shades is responsible for a certain strength.

Black - protects from evil spirits, red - white - means purity, love and peace. Since ancient times, sailors have used these cats on ships to predict the weather. According to legend, they anticipate changes in atmospheric phenomena.

Cats with a tricolor color are highly respected in Japan, where mascot figurines with their image are popular. The figurines are made with their paws raised up. The right paw, the left one attracts.

In Muslim countries, they believe that a tricolor cat in the house protects the home from fire. White cats are famous for their ability to cure diseases. If a pet lies on any part of its owner’s body, they say that it “heals” this place, absorbing all the negative.

White cats are believed to have healing powers

Snow-white cats reduce arterial pressure, give peace. If a woman makes such a furry friend, she will become kinder, gentler, more caring, etc.

Tricolor cats are extremely rare. Males are usually sterile. True, this has nothing to do with mysticism; the cause is a genetic anomaly.


Superstitions and signs about cats in the house:

  • When moving to a new house, the owners must first let the cat into it. He can feel it immediately. Afterwards, you should observe the cat’s behavior. The place where he goes to sleep is considered good for;
  • cats have the ability to see ghosts and spirits. There is a sign: if a cat is wary and looks intensely at something invisible to human eyes, this means that she noticed some kind of ;
  • They are also friends with brownies. Sign: the cat jumps and runs at night - plays with the guardian spirit. It is not recommended to interfere with them;
  • the presence of this wonderful animal protects from magical influences. Thanks to their strong energy, cats subtly sense all negative energy vibrations and are able to neutralize them;
  • The cat washes its face and ears with its paw - it washes the guests. If the paws are warm, friends will come; cold ones - to uninvited and unpleasant visitors. There is another observation: he moves his paw behind the right ear - to pleasant meetings; behind the left - ill-wishers will come;
  • If the owners leave their home for a long time, you need to pat the pet on the back goodbye. At the same time, the cat purrs or is silent - everything is fine, the road will be safe. Meows, behaves noisily and restlessly - you should stay at home;
  • If the owners of an animal, while packing for a trip, are faced with the fact that the cat gets into a suitcase, this is good. The road will be easy. Being a hooligan and taking things out of a suitcase is an unfavorable sign. Pet warns against traveling;
  • If domestic cat ran away and did not return, they say she left to die. According to another version, in this way the brave pet wards off trouble from the family.

Opinions about why a cat settles down to sleep near its owner's head are divided:

  • relieves tension and removes anxiety;
  • protects against death and;
  • simply heats up, because through the surface head goes maximum heat transfer;
  • completely trusts this person and is strongly attached to him;
  • attracted by the smell of hair, skin or clothing.

If a strange cat comes into the house, then this is a good omen. Representatives of the cat family never come to people without a reason. If a stray cat chooses a specific home to live in, there are good reasons for this.

Interpretation of the signs of why a cat comes into the house:

  • keeping a stray cat always brings great luck and happiness;
  • a cat that comes before the wedding promises a happy marriage;
  • a black cat came into the house - a sign indicating that not all is well in the family: illness, quarrels, an abundance of ill-wishers. The animal needs to be sheltered, because it was sent from above for protection and help. This is a gift of fate;
  • if the cat is black with white paws - to money and career growth, with wool white will serve as a home healer;
  • a tricolor cat sticking to your home means good things, for a quick wedding, for newlyweds it means the birth of children;
  • a cat that comes to the house where there is a sick person gives him relief and takes away the illness.

In general, all folk signs associated with cats wandering into a person’s home boil down to the fact that it is very lucky sign. The furry alien should be left in the house. If for some reason this is not possible, you need to treat the guest with all kindness, feed and warm him, and then wait for him to leave on his own. If you drive him away, you can lose your luck.

Many people believe that the death of a cat in the house promises misfortune. But should we take this as a bad omen? Of course, this is a very sad event, but, as a rule, there is nothing mystical about it.

Especially if the pet passed away for natural reasons. Usually, seriously ill or old animals anticipate their death and go to die in a secluded place far away in advance. Cats living in apartments are deprived of this opportunity.

There is also this interpretation: a cat, dying, at the cost of its own life, averts great trouble from its owners. The death of several cats in a row may indicate that the house is saturated with black energy. They take it upon themselves and simply cannot stand it.

But do not forget about a rational explanation. It is likely that the animals were infected with some kind of infection. This is especially true for kittens and older cats.

About family happiness

A cat sneezes next to the bride - to a strong, happy marriage. A cat sneezes near a young couple - a wedding is just around the corner. If before the wedding your pet constantly meows - family life it won't work out.

A cat sneezing near lovers is a harbinger of a wedding

Beliefs associated with weather changes

The cat curls up into a ball and covers its nose with its paw or lies somewhere higher - to a sharp cold snap. Sneezing means rain and a cold for the owner. Scraping the floor with its paws means the weather will worsen and a storm is possible. He sleeps with his belly stretched out - it will get warmer. He looks out the window for a long time - towards the warmth. He licks himself, sitting to the east - towards the sun, to the west - towards bad weather.

From a healing perspective

It is believed that these animals have the gift of removing any negativity from people, as well as anticipating death.

Signs about cats in the house, how and where they sleep:

  • the cat lies at the head of its owner - protects against death;
  • in the heart - delays old age;
  • at the feet - .

If he sniffs a person's breath, he will soon fall ill.

If a cat runs away from home and the sufferer feels better, they say that she took the illness to herself. A cat sleeping next to the bed of a seriously ill person is a sign of imminent death.

Why can't you hurt cats?

A cat that is often offended or punished will eventually become aggressive and vindictive, or downtrodden, intimidated and unhappy. It is believed that if you grab a cat by the tail, it will shit anywhere. The cat in the house does not feel guilty, but he very subtly senses when he is not loved and remembers it.

Under no circumstances should physical violence be used against these animals. This promises nothing but problems. For educational purposes, completely different methods are used that are safe for their health. For example, various repellent devices with unpleasant smells or sounds for cats.

There are also very gloomy signs among people associated with the killing of cats:

  • cat killer: dooms himself to seven years of misfortune, in the future he will go to prison, and is capable of killing a person;
  • a cat is the first one to meet its owner in the next world, so it cannot be killed;
  • drowning kittens means loneliness and... Within seven generations there will be drowned people in the family.

Hitting a cat with a car is definitely an ominous sign that has several interpretations:

  • a person who hits a cat will lose his luck for seven years;
  • warning. You should drive more carefully, otherwise there will be trouble. There may be a serious accident in the near future;
  • knocking down a cat means betrayal by loved ones;
  • if a cat dies - to grief because of a woman; if the cat is because of a man. Will ;
  • if the animal was hit by a woman, she will have a rival;
  • when the newlyweds were in the car - this is a bad sign, promising the breakdown of the family.

The best thing to do is to stop the vehicle and check the condition of the animal. If it is still alive, you should try to get it to a veterinary facility.

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Signs and superstitions associated with cats:

Since ancient times, representatives of the cat family have been credited with magical properties. Signs about cats in the house are harbingers of various events, protectors of the hearth, healers, mediators between world of the dead and the world of the living. That is why everything about cats in the house has so many legends, signs and beliefs. Sometimes it's worth listening to them.

Signs about cats are very popular among people, because they have lived next to humans for centuries. Superstitions are often associated with the colors and behavior of animals. Some are considered lucky, bringing profit, luck or happiness. Other signs are dangerous, promising trouble and even a funeral in a cemetery. Whether or not to believe in superstitions is up to everyone to decide for themselves. We will tell you what folk rumors have told us over the centuries.

Cat colors

Many folk signs and superstitions are associated with colored cats. These pets boast a variety of colors. Color is often associated with the influence of cats on a person and his fate. IN different countries and at different nations signs may vary.

Calico cat

It is quite rare to find a three-colored or four-colored cat. She has a combination of white, black and red tones on her coat, and there may also be inclusions of gray shades. Sometimes the color even resembles embroidery patterns. It is believed that a pet with such flowers brings happiness to its owners. Each shade has its own meaning:

  • White is purity and innocence
  • Black - reliable protection from dark forces and evil demons
  • Red – attracts wealth and wards off illnesses

The Japanese believe that a cat with three colors is the most reliable talisman that brings prosperity and material wealth to the house. In Islam, tricolored pussycats are considered reliable protectors from fire. And the British are happy to bring even stray colorful cats into their homes, and believe that such animals will protect the home from all troubles.

White cat

Snow-white pets are able to absorb negative energy, relieve stress, prevent diseases and other troubles, and protect against the evil eye. When a white cat crosses the path of a woman or man, it is good luck. If she lambed at home and brought the same snow-white kittens, it means that luck will never leave them.

There is a belief that a white pussy can arrange personal life their owners. Unmarried girls must adopt 7 white female kittens, and boys must adopt 7 male kittens. If the newlyweds met a white animal at a wedding, it means their life will be happy and their marriage will be successful.

Black cat

Folk signs have endowed the black cat with many negative traits. It seems to me that such prejudices arose in the distant Middle Ages. After all, at night the black beauty hunts completely silently, and in the dark her eyes sparkle frighteningly. At the same time, there are also positive signs for animals with the following colors:

  • The black cat must be allowed into the house first so that he can “agree” with the brownie living there
  • During a thunderstorm, a black pet should be expelled from the room, it attracts lightning
  • Black pussy - reliable protection against thieves
  • The British believe that a black animal attracts lovers
  • Crossing the road is not good, and if you meet a person on the way to the cemetery, it means death
  • Sneezes near the bride at a wedding - fortunately
  • Hit a black cat with a car - expect serious trouble

In some countries, they believe that a black pet is reliable protection against the evil eye, evil spirits and other troubles. It's up to you to decide what you can believe and what you can't.

Ginger cat

Positive signs are associated with ginger cats. Their fur shines like the sun, which cannot bring evil. So, here's what our ancestors believed:

  • When the owner is sick, a saffron milk cap perched next to him can bring him recovery
  • The ginger cat is a peacemaker, he can reduce quarrels between spouses
  • Ryzhik protects newlyweds from damage and envy of strangers
  • Rubbing against a person’s legs – takes away all the negative energy and bad mood
  • Golden wool attracts money and other wealth to the family

Many people experiencing financial difficulties are advised to take a ginger kitten or puppy into their home. After this, you can forget about your problems. In addition to the above-mentioned colors of cats, there are smoky, brindle, Siamese, and a two-color range is often found. They are not remembered so vividly, which is why the superstitions associated with them are little known.

The cat comes or leaves the house

Various signs about cats are often associated with home. After all, these animals live next to a person, in his apartment, often without even going outside. How are cute furries connected to housing? What does a cat at the door promise?

A cat appears near the house

What is the cat nailed to? If one day you find a kitten at your front door, do not drive it away under any circumstances. And it doesn’t matter whether the animal was planted or the baby killed himself. An abandoned kitten will help solve many problems. Perhaps someone knew about your misfortunes and is thus helping you. The baby definitely needs to be sheltered; if this is not done, you can bring trouble to everyone.

If a cat strays towards the newlyweds, it means that a baby will soon be born in their family. When not a stray cat, but a neighbor’s cat comes into the house, it should also not be left at the doorstep. She knows why she comes. You probably need her help to scare off intruders. Feed the animal, when it wants, it will go away on its own. If someone else's cat gives birth in the house, she has gained trust in her owners and wants to give them good luck.

If a stray or someone else's cat runs up on the street and follows you all the way to your apartment, it means he wants to tell you something. Not a cat lover? Then just feed the baby and try to place him in good hands. You cannot throw it away; it will attract bad luck for 7 years. Some believe that along with the cat come the souls of those who have been buried in the cemetery for a long time. In this way they want to convey a message or warning about danger.

The cat leaves the house

When a cat comes into the house, it is fortunate. What happens if he leaves? Such signs are almost always associated with negativity. If your pet is missing, you need to find it quickly so as not to cause misfortune. There are several reasons why animals leave their owners:

  • The pet is constantly bullied and treated poorly
  • The cat does not want to be near a sick person who will soon die
  • When a pussy jumps out of the window, it means misfortune is inevitable
  • The pet itself is sick and does not want to die in the owners’ house; animal instinct forces it to leave a pleasant place and die alone.

The death of a cat in the house is very Bad sign, it attracts troubles and failures. It goes without saying that killing cats or drowning kittens is prohibited, especially in your own home. This can not only bring misfortune to the killer, but also harm the entire family, including future generations of children and grandchildren.

It is important to take a closer look at how animals settle into the house. The cat shits and yells, which means they gave it to you in vain. Brings dead mice - pleases the owners. Lying at the threshold - think about what thing she might not like; at the bed - trust is at its best. Cats break dishes - good luck leaves the house. They try to take the place where the person was sitting as soon as he leaves - they consider themselves to be in charge. When the cat is alone, he jumps out onto the curtains - pay more attention to him.

Cats and weather

Many beliefs are associated with cats and the weather. Since ancient times, people have tried to guess the vagaries of nature, focusing on the behavior of their pets. The following signs are associated with the weather:

  • Sleeps soundly with his stomach turned up - for warm and hot weather
  • Hiding his muzzle between his paws while sleeping means bad weather
  • Curled up in a ball on my lap - it will be bitterly cold
  • Sitting on the stove or radiator - to the cold
  • Unfolds or licks its tail - wait for a snowstorm
  • Hides his head - you can wait for a thunderstorm or rain
  • He washes himself, licks his paws, strokes his head - there will be sunshine
  • Licking the skin - most likely the day will be rainy
  • If your ear scratches, it means it will snow or rain
  • Scraping on glass, on a wall or floor - wait for the wind or blizzard
  • Sharpening his claws on a table leg means a change in weather
  • Sneezes - wait for precipitation

Of course, many of these signs are simple superstitions. But sometimes the behavior of animals is due to the fact that they better sense changes in the atmosphere that precede certain weather phenomena. For example, before a thunderstorm, a cat may become nervous. In the heat it tries to open up as much as possible, and in the cold it curls up into a ball to keep warm. Even scientists talk about predicting earthquakes based on animal behavior.

Folk signs about cats

Signs and superstitions associated with cats


Signs associated with death

Leaving for another world has always been associated with mysticism, evil spirits. It is not for nothing that many people still experience fear in the cemetery. At the same time, a person wants to guess when his last hour will come, whether he will soon be separated from his loved ones. Here are some cat signs that people have kept that warn of illness and death:

  • Sniffs the air right next to my nose - a sign of illness
  • She came up on the street and sat down near my feet, or she was riding on my pants - she wanted to warn me that I was feeling unwell.
  • If a cat marks a sick person’s clothes, it means recovery
  • Bite a pregnant woman - there will be a miscarriage
  • If the pussy lies at the feet of a seriously ill person, he will recover; if he leaves the bed, he will end up in the grave
  • If a pet sits on a patient’s lap, it takes away the disease and promotes healing.
  • Don't tell your cat, "Sleep at the head of the bed." She will “survive” the owner from bed, who will soon “sleep” in a grave in the cemetery
  • The cat lies down and sleeps on the table - one of the family members will soon die
  • Meows constantly - also signifies illness or death of a loved one

People often tried to prevent death. For example, it is considered bad luck to look in the mirror when there is a dead person in the house. Whoever does this first will be the first to go to the cemetery for the deceased. To prevent this from happening, you need to bring the cat to the mirror. The British believe that a cat jumping over a coffin or ending up in an open grave can cause the death of one of the family members. To prevent misfortune from happening to a person, the animal must be killed.

Other signs associated with cats

Pets are often associated with guests. It is believed that cold paws foretell the arrival of an unpleasant visitor. If the cat shits itself, it means a person will come into the house and offend the owners. The cat ran in and wrote - expect a visit from an ill-wisher. Washing too often means distant relatives from the outback will come. A cat on a window or windowsill means a close and long-awaited guest will arrive.

Many folk superstitions connected to the road. If a cat crosses the road before a long journey, it means the path will be difficult. Hitting a cat with a car is a very bad omen. If you kill an animal, bury it and ask that no evil fate befall you. Pussy gave birth before the road - it’s better not to go anywhere. A dead kitty is found, and the traveler is in mortal danger. The missing cat returned before the trip, which means the journey will be easy, successful, and the one leaving will return home safely.

Sailors left many signs associated with their tailed friends. If your cat follows you before fishing, you can safely take him with you. The catch will be plentiful. If a dead cat gets caught in the net, you need to immediately swim to the shore, the ship will face misfortune. If a cat lifts its hind legs up and sneezes, there will be a storm at sea. To see a cat that accidentally got on a ship, unfortunately during the voyage. If she is huddled in a corner in a cabin, death awaits its resident, she ends up on her back or throws herself on her leg, the person at sea will get sick.

You can choose to trust or not in cat omens. But the tradition of guessing the future by the behavior of cats has taken root. Therefore, it seems to me that it is worth paying tribute to her and, just in case, listening to folk wisdom. After all, if a person is forewarned, he is forearmed. And picking up a stray kitten is far from a sign of superstition, but ordinary human mercy.

Cats have been domesticated for a very long time. Most experts agree that this happened in Ancient Egypt. In this state they were considered divine beings and were worshiped. And, most likely, they were interested, like other deities, about the future.

From Egypt, cats spread to Europe, Asia, and then to America. Observing their behavior, people gradually formed certain ideas about what certain actions of animals could mean. Today, a huge number of popular beliefs and signs have been accumulated related to these mysterious beautiful creatures that have been living next to humans since ancient times.

Very often, observing behavior pet, we can draw conclusions about events in the near future. The following signs are associated with cat behavior:

  1. The cat washes itself when guests arrive (some believe that the sign works if the animal washes itself while sitting “facing” the front door).
  2. Hearing a cat sneeze, according to Italians, portends the imminent onset of happiness. According to other beliefs, a cat sneezes to warn of a possible illness. In such cases, it is recommended to quickly say to the animal: “Hello!” This will neutralize the bad prediction. Also, the sneezing of an animal near a young couple is often taken as a sign of imminent marriage.
  3. If a cat knows that it is not allowed to sit on the table, but suddenly climbs onto it, this indicates that the people who were recently visiting and sitting at the table have bad intentions towards the owners. Climbing onto the table, she tries to “expel” bad energy in order to protect her loved ones.
  4. If in the house Small child, and the cat stubbornly climbs into his bed, there is no need to shoo her away. Children are defenseless against evil spirits, especially in their dreams, and the tailed protector will help ward off the forces of evil.
  5. If it is unusual for a cat to be very affectionate towards people, but she unexpectedly came, demanding to pet her, or rubs against her legs, this indicates the imminent acquisition of a new thing (most often successful) or the receipt of a gift.
  6. If a cat sits on the threshold, turning towards the exit, this indicates that she is trying to prevent bad news, troubles or death, as well as unclean spirits from entering the house. Pets also protect themselves from evil forces when they go to the toilet in a completely inappropriate place, for example, on beds. It is impossible to scold and punish for such actions: ancestors have long noticed that this sign actually comes true.
  7. Sitting on the windowsill and looking out the window, the cat often warns that people with bad intentions or unwanted guests will soon visit. In this way, the cat tries to delay them on their way and prevent them from entering the house.

It is also interesting to observe how and where the cat sleeps. This can tell a lot to an attentive person. If a pet comes into bed with its owner and tries to perch on his head, this indicates that something is bothering the person, and the pet wants to drive away these thoughts.

If the animal lays down at its feet, it tries to cleanse the owner of bad energy brought home from outside. When a cat persistently tries to sleep between a married couple, it means that there are some difficulties in their relationship or a quarrel has occurred. So she tries to remove the bad, to take away the negative emotions that the husband and wife experience towards each other.

If a cat wants to lie down on a certain area of ​​a person’s body and sleep there, it is trying to treat him. Climbs on the head - the owner suffers from headaches, on the neck - tries to cure problems with the larynx, colds, on the stomach - cures digestive tract, on the legs - problems with the musculoskeletal system. If a cat comes to lie on the belly of a pregnant woman, it protects both the baby and its mother. On early stages pregnancy, such behavior, especially not characteristic of the animal before, indicates a possible threat of miscarriage.

Cat in the house

There are many signs associated with cats of different coat colors. The leader, of course, is a black cat, which many take as a harbinger of misfortune. Such beliefs are connected with the fact that earlier in the villages it was believed that blacks, without a single blonde hair, only witches have cats. With the help of their pets, they collude with evil spirits, since evil favors such animals.

Some believed that at night or only during the full moon, the witch was able to enter the body of the coal cat to do evil deeds.

Of course, this is a slander, and black cats are not to blame for anything. On the contrary, many have noticed that a black pet is able to protect the home from troubles, negative energy, and even bring happiness to its owners.

It is considered a particularly negative omen if a coal-black cat crosses the path of someone walking. There will be no way to where the person is going, or misfortune awaits him along the way. In fact, it’s worth postponing your planned hike and returning home if a black cat literally throws itself at your feet, trying to block the path. In other cases, you can safely move on, even if a completely black animal has crossed the road. Especially if the cat did not pay any attention to the passerby.

If a black cat crosses the road behind the person walking, it is believed that this indicates that the person has successfully avoided some kind of trouble or the trouble has passed by.

The second most popular are those that bring happiness to their owners. In the old days, it was believed that getting such an animal as a pet was a great success; a tricolor beauty could become a real talisman. Just seeing her on the street while going to an important meeting was considered great luck and a good sign.

Ginger cats are second only to black cats in terms of strength attributed to them magical properties. When starting a saffron milk cap, a person tries to attract the attention of the gods who are responsible for luck and material well-being. If a fiery-colored kitten wanders into the house from nowhere, this is good news and happy changes in life. The cat must be sheltered and well looked after.

Gray cats combine the abilities of black cats to protect the home from evil spirits and the ability of red cats to bring financial well-being. It is believed that having a gray or smoky animal in the house means big and happy changes. In addition, such a cat crossing the road is considered a good sign.

White cats, according to legend, have good energy and are able to saturate a house with it, making it cozy and its inhabitants calm and happy. Meet on the way to an important meeting white cat is considered a good sign. This promises the success of the planned enterprise, and may also portend good news.

It is believed that white animals can “pull together” the hosts of the disease. This is especially successful in snow-white handsome men with heterochromia (eyes different color). Tortoiseshell cats are also considered good healers.

Cats and weather

Many signs about cats are related to the weather. Today this is not so relevant, but in the old days climatic conditions and natural disasters greatly influenced people's lives. Therefore, we tried to find out the weather different ways, including watching cats.

Here are the most reliable signs:

  • if an animal sleeps curled up in a ball and at the same time hides its nose or covers it with its paw, this means the onset of frost;
  • tries to fall asleep on the stove (in urban conditions - on the heating radiator) - to a strong cold snap;
  • tears the floor, furniture or wall - to windy weather, in winter - to a snowstorm, blizzard;
  • sleeps soundly, spread out - for warm weather;
  • a cat washes itself, washing its ears with its paws - to precipitation;
  • a cat on a ship meows or purrs loudly - to a storm, stormy weather;
  • an animal sharpens its claws on a wall - to a change in weather;
  • licks or spreads its tail - to a storm, blizzard.


There are many superstitions associated with cats. Today they may not have their original meaning, but knowing about some of them is interesting and sometimes useful.

Here are the most common superstitions associated with cats:

  • you cannot buy a cat, only an exchange for some useful thing is permissible;
  • during a thunderstorm, a coal-black cat should be kicked out of the house (wooden) so that lightning does not hit it and a fire does not occur;
  • You can get rid of a stye on the eye by stroking the sore eye with the tail of a charcoal-colored cat; the tail of a three-colored or four-colored cat will help remove warts;
  • hearing a cat sneeze at a wedding is fortunate for the newlyweds;
  • if a stranger or a stray cat comes into the house - unfortunately;
  • a person who tortures and offends an animal commits a grave sin, and in the next world he will immediately encounter cats that will bite and scratch him;
  • with the help of a cat you can summon the souls of dead people;
  • By catching and boiling a black cat, you can get a bone that will make a person invisible.

Indiana still has a law requiring owners of jet-black cats to wear bells on them when they are allowed outside on Friday the 13th.

Signs about death

Many signs are associated with cats and death. Here are the most common:

  • the cat is lying on the table - at worst, it is “staying after” one of the household members;
  • lies under the bed or does not leave the side of a seriously ill person, then he will soon die;
  • if a cat shits on the clothes of a person with a cold, it means a speedy recovery;
  • if a cat lies down at the feet of a patient - to recovery, if it leaves him - he will soon end up in the grave;
  • if a cat sleeps in a person’s head, this indicates that the latter will soon end up in a cemetery, since the animal “drives” him out of the house;
  • if a cat suddenly begins to meow loudly and for a long time, this means the death of one of the household members; the animal is trying to ward off death with screams.

Road signs

The most famous sign: a cat running across the road (usually black, but generally of any color) foretells that there will be no path. Residents of Foggy Albion believe that if they are about to leave the house and hear a loud meow, it means they should postpone their journey.

If you are going to leave the house, even for a short time, you should ask the cat to protect it from uninvited guests and thieves. To do this, you need to gently stroke her and address her in your own words. Together with her brownie ally, she will fulfill the request.

If a cat purrs in response to affection, this indicates that everything will be fine, but if it meows loudly, then you should not leave the house now.

Before a long journey, people pack a bag or suitcase. If a cat climbs into it just to lie down and sleep, then the trip will be successful. If the animal tries to throw things out of the bag, you need to postpone leaving.

Sailors and fishermen always tried to take a cat on board. Initially, this was done for purely practical reasons: the cat destroyed rats - the main destroyers of food, which to remain without at sea meant certain death. Rats and mice could also damage barrels of fresh water, there is nowhere to take it in the open sea, far from the coast. Over time, a cat on a ship began to be considered simply a good omen, and sailors always took their tailed friends on a trip. Their behavior was also used to judge the upcoming weather.

Cat and material well-being

Witches and wizards have various methods enrichment, and one of them is associated with the possibility of receiving an irredeemable ruble from an unclean person. You can also get this magical item using different methods, for example, using a black cat. At midnight you should go to the crossroads, stand facing west and pinch the animal so that it meows loudly. In response to these sounds, a spirit will appear and ask you to sell the cat. You must agree, asking for a ruble in return. Such a coin will invariably return to the owner and make him rich.

In China, they believe that keeping a cat in the house is a sign of wealth. If a stray cat comes into the house, material well-being will soon end.

If a cat fawns over its owner, it means he will soon receive an expensive gift or profit.

During the growing month, you should stroke a gray cat wearing white socks to gain wealth and good luck.

One of the most famous beliefs is that a cat should be the first to cross the threshold of a new home. She will "appreciate" energy state new home and establish contact with the brownie.

Here are the most common and often true signs associated with cats:

  • the cat broke the mirror - fortunately;
  • washes his face - to the guests;
  • petting a cat if he comes up on his own means good luck and material well-being for the near future;
  • There must always be at least one cat on the ship, then it will return safely to the port (the wives of sailors kept black cats in the house so that their husbands would definitely return);
  • whoever pours water on a cat loses half his life;
  • kittens cannot be given away for free; you must take at least a small coin in return;
  • by feeding stray cats, a person patches up his karma, and also ensures a prosperous afterlife existence for deceased relatives;
  • Taking a stray cat home and taking care of it will bring money and happiness; driving away an incoming animal will bring punishment upon yourself. higher powers(it is believed that cats come only where they are really needed).

Cats have been living next to humans for a very long time, bringing joy with their mere presence. It turns out that they can bring quite material well-being, as well as protect the house from troubles and ward off death. Therefore, you need to protect and take care of your furry pet, so as not to incur the wrath of the goddess Bast and her comrades from other mythological stories.
