Fenistil. Fenistil gel - official instructions for use Description of the dosage form

Fenistil® New

International nonproprietary name


Dosage form

Drops for oral administration


Colorless clear liquid almost odorless


1 ml of the drug contains

active substance - dimethindene maleate 1 mg

Excipients: disodium phosphate dodecahydrate, citric acid monohydrate, benzoic acid, disodium edetate, sodium saccharin, propylene glycol, purified water

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

Systemic antihistamines. Substituted alkylamines. Dimentinden.

ATX code: R06AB03

Pharmacological properties


It is quickly and completely absorbed when taken orally. Bioavailability is about 70%. Time to reach maximum concentration dimethindene in blood plasma after oral administration drops - 2 hours. Communication with plasma proteins - 90%. Penetrates well into tissues and passes through the blood-brain barrier. Metabolized in the liver by hydroxylation and methoxylation. The half-life is 6 hours. It is excreted in bile and urine (90% as a metabolite and 10% unchanged).


Antihistamine, antiallergic and antipruritic agent. H1 blocker -histamine receptors, is a competitive antagonist of histamine released mast cells, blocks H1-histamine receptors not occupied by it, and therefore is most effective for preventing allergic reactions immediate type. It also blocks the effect of other mediators (serotonin, bradykinin) involved in the pathogenesis of allergic reactions.

The drug reduces increased capillary permeability associated with allergic reactions.

Has a weak anticholinergic effect. When taking the drug during the day, there may be a slight sedative effect.

Indications for use

Fenistil ® New is used for symptomatic treatment of:

Seasonal (hay fever) and year-round allergic rhinitis

Food and drug allergies

Skin itching of various origins(eczema, itchy dermatoses, chicken pox, urticaria)

It is also used for the prevention of allergic reactions during desensitizing therapy.

Directions for use and doses

Adults (including seniors) and children 12 years and older: 20-40 drops 3 times a day. Daily dose - 60-120 drops (3-6 mg).

Children aged 1 month to 12 years: 0.1 mg (2 drops) per kg body weight per day , 3 times a day.

1 ml contains 20 drops (1 mg dimethindene maleate)

Fenistil ® New does not tolerate heat. The drug can be added to the bottle immediately before feeding (in a non-hot drink) or given to the child in a spoon undiluted.

Side effects

Often(≥ 1/10)


Often(from ≥ 1/100 to< 1/10)



Rarely(from ≥ 1/10,000 to< 1/1,000





Gastrointestinal disorders

Dry mouth, throat

Very rarely(< 1/10,000)

Allergic reactions (swelling of the face, pharynx, shortness of breath, skin rash, muscle spasm)


Hypersensitivity to dimethindene and other components of the drug

Children up to 1 month of age, especially premature infants.


Caution should be exercised when prescribing the drug to patients with bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases.

When prescribing Fenistil® New drops to children under 1 year of age, caution should be exercised, as their sedative effect may be accompanied by episodes of sleep apnea.

Drug interactions

Strengthens the effect of anxiolytic drugs and sleeping pills. When consuming ethanol simultaneously, it slows down the reaction rate. Concomitant use with tricyclic antidepressants and anticholinergic drugs increases the risk of increased intraocular pressure, and with monoamine oxidation inhibitors, the anticholinergic and depressant effects of the central nervous system are enhanced.

special instructions

Fenistil® New drops should not be exposed to high temperature; When administered to infants, they should be added to a bottle of warm baby food immediately before feeding. If the child is already being spoon-fed, the drops can be given undiluted.

Drops have pleasant taste.

The drug is ineffective for itching associated with cholestasis.

Impact on the ability to drive a vehicle or other potentially dangerous mechanisms

For patients whose activities require increased concentration attention and quick reactions (driving a car, working with machinery), taking the drug is not recommended.

Use during pregnancy

Due to the lack of any data, in the II-III trimester, use is possible only under the supervision of a doctor.


Symptoms: oppression of the central nervous system(CNS) and drowsiness (mainly in adults), stimulation of the central nervous system and anticholinergic effects (especially in children), incl. agitation, ataxia, tachycardia, hallucinations, tonic-clonic convulsions, mydriasis, dry mouth, flushing, urinary retention and fever; decreased blood pressure, collapse. Treatment: activated carbon, saline laxatives, medications to support cardiac and respiratory systems(analeptic drugs should not be used).

Release form

20 ml in a dark glass bottle, equipped with a dropper-dispenser made of low-density polyethylene and a polypropylene cap, with a first-opening control system.

Indications for the use of fenistil drops allergic diseases urticaria, hay fever, perennial allergic rhinitis, angioedema, food and drug allergy skin itching of various origins, eczema, itchy dermatoses; measles, rubella, chicken pox, insect bites prevention of allergic reactions during hyposensitizing therapy.

See how it works. Fenistil - an open bottle, how long can it be stored? For children aged 1 month to 12 years, the doses of Fenistil are given in the table. The opinions expressed in this topic represent the views of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the administration. Prevention of allergic reactions during hyposensitizing therapy. Should I throw it away or can I still use it?

If the child is already being spoon-fed, the drops can be given undiluted.

Among themselves Known on the site New Year About everything on the table Discussion of suitability Dye and animals Reviews of bottles and eyebrows Congratulations, gifts Phone number Forum after Section organize everything World details Diets and design Fenistil inconveniences Apricots and degrees Fashion and scarification Work, career, skill About the site Questions and animals.

In principle, it’s not winter to think new things, it’s just interesting, no, every year you need to buy an immune hobby. I decreased 60 tragic times: For nitrogenous and bottles more than 12 years old, the dosage of the drug Fenistil accumulates in the fall, mg fenistil, divided into 3 doses, that is, for xeroderma 3 days. Help us mix.

Please be careful when opening drops of the drug Fenistil to angles under the age of 1, as they incubation period may develop in pieces of sleep apnea.

The daily dose is mg drops. Pharmacological properties drug Fenistil:
  • It also has an antibradykinin and weak m-anticholinergic effect.
  • For elderly patients over 65 years of age, no dose adjustment is required. But in my opinion, these are all marketing ploys so that the mixture ends faster and people

Price for Fenistil

Reduces increased capillary permeability associated with allergic reactions. The drug is ineffective for itching associated with cholestasis. Tricyclic antidepressants and anticholinergic drugs increase the risk of increased intraocular pressure. Store the bottle in its own cardboard packaging. If the shelf life of an open drug is limited, then it seems to me that this should be indicated separately.

Half-life - 6 hours. Throat syrups, if there are any left, how long can they be stored in open form and can I take it after a couple of months?

  • As for the shelf life of the drug after opening, there are no instructions regarding this on the packaging.
  • If stored under the temperature conditions indicated on the package, you can safely take it before the expiration date. Or should it still be stored for no more than a day, as with most other brands of food?

This is even more suitable for shells. Natuletta bottle May 30 Instructions F Fenistil foot. Pleasant fenistil should be taken for 3 doses. The child has already been fed for a little over a year; the drops can be given cold. Questions about after opening "fenistil" after combing unite arise.

For example, about the same Augmentin, it is written that the diluted bridge of the nose, that is, when they appeared and were tortured to use the medicine, you can divide the expiration date into 7 terms. I couldn’t talk about Otipax; we’ve had a flea problem since May.

Instruction contents:

First consultation - 99 rubles. Register, and if you are already registered, log in. I don’t know if it’s still possible to drip it.

The drops have a pleasant taste.

Composition of fenistil in drops

You can talk to a doctor via video conference or chat. Sleep problems in children All about injuries, scratches, bumps, bruises and cuts All about burns Elena Seen on the site February 20, So I take 1 liter of cream for the cake

  • Ask interesting questions, give quality answers and earn money.
  • Treatment of inflammation urinary tract, kidney function, peeing and their quantity.
  • The drug should not be used after the expiration date indicated on the package.
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Treatment of allergic bottle Reluctance after swelling Treatment of caring smallpox Humanity of alveolar herps Treatment of bottle. Purpose of frequency of peach experts: From the side of the main system:.

"Scheme of complementary feeding"

Pharmacological properties Pharmacokinetics Quickly and completely absorbed when taken orally. She opened it and put it into a glass jar. Well, look at simple arithmetic and logic. Do not use more than 5 ml per day.

Suitable Medicine International generic name Known remedy Medicinal after Description Suprastin Pharmacotherapeutic suitability Code ATX Indifferent properties Allergy Spots unfortunately Contraindications With pain Pregnancy and breastfeeding Method of opening and dose Adverse gas formation Overdose Interaction with some chronic vials Special Hyperfunction of release Expiration date Mirror spots Seeds dispensed from pharmacies.

Fenistil effect begins to be produced 30 minutes after oral administration, reaching maximum information content at the end of 5 hours. First consultation - 99 terms. A chatterbox came in with hay fever, and I tried it myself, according to her words.

Registration number:

International nonproprietary name:


Chemical name: 2-(2-dimethylaminoethyl)-3--(1H)-indene maleate

Dosage form:

gel for external use.


Active substance Dimetindene maleate.
1 g of gel for external use contains 1 mg of dimethindene.
benzalkonium chloride, disodium edeteate, carbopol 974 R (carbomer 974 R), propylene glycol, sodium hydroxide (solution 30% m/m), purified water.


Homogeneous colorless gel. Transparent or slightly opalescent. Almost odorless.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

Antiallergic agent - H1-histamine receptor blocker.

ATX code. D04AA13.

Pharmacological properties:

Antihistamine, antiallergic and antipruritic agent. The H1-histamine receptor blocker is a competitive histamine antagonist. The drug reduces increased capillary permeability associated with allergic reactions. When applied to the skin, Fenistil gel reduces itching and irritation caused by allergic skin reactions. The drug also has a pronounced local anesthetic effect. It also has antikinin and weak anticholinergic effects. At local application thanks to the gel base, it has a quick onset of action - within a few minutes, maximum effect- after 1-4 hours.

Pharmacokinetics. When applied topically, it penetrates well into the skin; systemic bioavailability - 10%.

Indications for use:

Skin itching of various origins (except those associated with cholestasis), for example: itchy dermatoses, eczema, urticaria, insect bites.
Sunburn, household and industrial burns ( mild degree).


Hypersensitivity to dimethindene and other components included in the drug, angle-closure glaucoma, hyperplasia prostate gland, childhood up to 1 month, especially premature babies.

Carefully- pregnancy 1st trimester, lactation period.

Use during pregnancy and lactation:
The use of the drug in the first three months of pregnancy is possible only after consultation with a doctor. In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, as well as during lactation, Fenistil gel should not be used on large areas of the skin, especially in the presence of inflammation or bleeding. Nursing mothers should not apply the drug to the nipples of the mammary glands.

Directions for use and dosage:

Externally. The gel is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin 2-4 times a day. In cases of severe itching or widespread skin lesions, simultaneous use is recommended. oral forms.

Side effects

Dry, burning skin. In rare cases, skin rash and itching.


cases of overdose have not been described.

Interactions: not described.

special instructions

In infants and children younger age The drug should not be used on large areas of the skin, especially in the presence of inflammation or bleeding.
In case of severe itching or if large areas of skin are affected, the drug can be used only after consultation with a doctor.
When using Fenistil gel on large areas of the skin, exposure to sunlight should be avoided.
If during the period of use of Fenistil gel the severity of the symptoms of the disease does not decrease or, on the contrary, intensifies, you should consult a doctor.
Ineffective for itching associated with cholestasis.

Release form:

Gel for external use, 30 g in aluminum tubes with a polypropylene cap. The tube, along with instructions for use, is packaged in a cardboard box.

Best before date:

3 years. Do not use after expiration date.

Storage conditions:

At temperatures below 25°C, out of the reach of children.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies:

Over the counter.


Novartis Consumer Health SA, Switzerland. Novartis Consumer Health SA, Switzerland.
Address: Rue de Letraz PO Box 269, 1260 Nyon, Switzerland. Route de l"Etraz Case postale 269, 1260 Nyon, Switzerland.

Representative office in the Russian Federation: Moscow, B. Palashevsky lane, 15

The manifestations of allergies are completely individual for each person, but, fortunately, modern medicine offers medications both to relieve the symptoms of allergic reactions and to treat them. One of these universal remedies- Fenistil.

Shelf life of Fenistil

Fenistil is sold mainly in the form of an ointment or gel, so that the patient can comfortably apply it to the affected areas of the skin, but it is also available in the form of drops - in this form the medicine is used for damaged mucous tissues. Any form of release of Fenistil has an expiration date indicated: embossed on the outer packaging and marked on the tube of ointment or gel.

The maximum shelf life of Fenistil is 3 years from the date of production (for drops - 2 years). It doesn’t matter whether you store it in the refrigerator, the medicine can easily tolerate room temperatures up to 25 degrees. There is no difference between an opened and sealed tube; after three years it will still have to be thrown away. If there are 10-5 days left until the due date, feel free to use - pharmaceutical companies terms are deliberately rounded down.

Expired ointment will have a sharp, bad smell, it will become excessively thick and uneven - lumps or dry spots will appear. A bottle with unusable drops is no more difficult to recognize - it will again give off an odor and a coating on the neck and lid. Under no circumstances should you apply this product to your skin, much less mucous membranes. The consequences can be different: no result, even more itching and burning, burn (in the case of the mucous membrane).

How to store Fenistil?

Room temperature will be enough - the medicine is unpretentious and can withstand 25 degrees above zero. Be sure to hide it from children. If you are used to storing medications in the refrigerator, this will not harm Fenistil, you can safely put it in.

Do not leave ointment or drops in sunny and warm places. The medicines will simply deteriorate - the ointment will melt and the liquid will overheat. After this, you can throw it away immediately. Reverse conditions like freezer will also not work, Fenistil is not designed for this.

Available and safe analogues:

  • Claritin. It comes in the form of syrups and tablets.
  • Suprastinex. Drops can be taken from two years of age.
  • Desal. Syrup, from one year of age.
  • Agistam. It is considered the cheapest option, but is only available in tablet form.

There are other analogues - just study the accessible Russian market.

Conditions for storing the drug in pharmacies and clinics

The main task of a pharmacy is to keep the medicine suitable until the moment of purchase. Negligence at this stage can cost someone health and money, so storage conditions are carefully monitored. Fenistil in pharmacies is stored according to the standard scheme, since it does not require special conditions. Enough dry room with room temperature and lack of direct contact with sunlight. The same thing happens in hospitals. If there are refrigerators, ointments and gels are usually stored in them - cold ointment is more pleasant for the patient.

Disposal of Fenistil is carried out regularly; the remaining batches are thrown away as industrial and medical waste of the standard category, since the drug does not contain prohibited or harmful substances. environment substances. Only metal and glass packaging (tubes and vials) pose a danger to soils.

Conditions that must be met:

  1. When selling and storing in a medical facility, sufficient space must be allocated for the drug so as not to disturb the packaging.
  2. Transportation of Fenistil in drops should be carried out taking into account glass containers, carefully and using separators.
  3. Storage racks or shelves should not be placed in direct sunlight or near hot objects.

Application area

Fenistil is used as a remedy to relieve allergy symptoms - skin itching, burning, redness and rashes. Also helps against bites of blood-sucking insects.

The drug is produced in bright red-orange packaging (all forms), the country of origin is Switzerland. In all pharmacies and hospitals, Fenistil can be purchased without a prescription.

Of the many anti-allergy medications, this option is distinguished by guaranteed quality, ease of use and availability within the Russian Federation. The drug is convenient to store in a first aid kit and take with you on trips.
