What does the year of the rooster promise for roosters? Eastern horoscope for other signs. Horoscope for a man

Among many peoples, the rooster is considered a brawler and a bully. But he also has a lot of benefits: he is the “master of the yard”, and most importantly, throughout the world the rooster has been an alarm clock, the herald of a new day, since ancient times. And when there was no clock yet, the night was measured by how many times the roosters crowed.

New Year 2017 is a year again fire element. This time the Red Fire Rooster will make its own adjustments to our lives and bring many surprises.

According to Chinese calendar, Red Fire Monkey will say goodbye to us on January 28, 2017. We will not immediately notice the change in power, because the color, the element, and the temperament of the owners of 2016 and 2017 are almost the same.

Activity poultry directly depends on daylight hours. Therefore, the Red Fire Rooster will fully come into its own by the end of March. And then expect surprises. Hardworking people will be lucky in the coming year: the Rooster loves careerists and will present many tempting business offers. But the main thing in the year of the eccentric Rooster is to be philosophical about any changes in life. Therefore, you should not rush to make decisions.

Creative people, as well as those whose work involves intellectual work, will rise on a wave of inspiration and reach incredible heights. Recognition, money, success await you. Astrologers also predict the discovery of new talents, so don’t be afraid to experiment.

In terms of finances, the Rooster will not fork out money; you should not expect this. But no one will be particularly in need this year: the crisis has passed, and we will all have enough for bread and butter and caviar and new gadgets. The rooster painstakingly picks the ground in search of a fat worm, so expect many offers of profitable part-time jobs.

The Rooster is a flamboyant bird and loves to be the center of attention. To please him, astrologers recommend changing your image, becoming brighter and gaining self-confidence. In addition, experts advise listening to your intuition more often. And even if the mind repeats “take it”, but the heart resists, then it is better to listen to the feelings.

By the way, about feelings. The cockerel is a good family man, he fiercely protects all his hens and chicks. Therefore, positive changes are expected in family life. And for those who do not yet have a family life, 2017 promises many fruitful acquaintances, one of which will certainly become fateful. And children born this year will be unusually beautiful and will achieve unprecedented success in politics and business life.

How the new patron will influence the fate of all signs of the Zodiac in 2017, the stars told.

Aries / Photo mayax.ru

The rooster is a bird with character. However, Aries is rightfully considered the most characteristic sign of the Zodiac. The Year of the Monkey brought many surprises into the life of Aries. Not all of them were positive, but they definitely taught stubborn sheep to cope with difficult and unpredictable situations and get away with it. You should be more restrained and not disappoint the cocky owner of 2017. For example, a cockerel healthy image life, and if you haven't gotten rid of it yet bad habits, you better think about it right now.

The rooster will bring good luck to financial sector: You will make money from literally everything that comes your way. However, beware of ill-wishers - envious people can destroy everything that you have built with such difficulty and love for many years.

Taurus / Photo mayax.ru

Astrologers say that the most lucky sign The zodiac sign for the coming year will be Taurus. The Monkey was extremely pleased with Taurus in 2016 and recommended that the Rooster help you in every possible way. The Rooster will show concern from the first days of the new year: you will receive many profitable and tempting job offers. The Rooster will teach Taurus how to build relationships with loved ones and will give them many fans. You will bathe in love and attention, every day of the year will be a fairy tale, the main thing is not to become arrogant and not to go to great lengths.

The Rooster welcomes creativity and new ideas, Taurus can safely begin their own business: they are the favorites of fate this year and you should not be afraid of unpleasant surprises. Any innovations are welcome, so it is important not to be afraid and bring the most fantastic ideas to life. Pay attention to your competitors - among them there will be a couple of guys who have long dreamed of going over to your side.

Gemini / Photo mayax.ru

Frivolous Gemini felt great in the year of the Red Monkey. The Rooster will add to your self-confidence and strength to complete things that were put on the back burner in 2016. The Fire Rooster will give Gemini the opportunity to have plenty of frolic, you will feel this from the first days of the bright bird’s reign. Bankruptcy does not threaten you; you can safely experiment with work and areas of business.

At the beginning of spring, you will be known as a winner in life, and you will bear this title not only in the service, your skills and abilities will be at their best. Your personal life will be bright, eventful and rich in love encounters and amazing dates. But try to control yourself - don’t be afraid, fans will only benefit from balance in the relationship.

Cancer / Photo mayax.ru

Cancers will be sad to part with the Monkey, but the Rooster will not leave them without his care. At the beginning of the year, the caring bird will even shoulder all the problems of Cancer. So for the time being, you can relax and enjoy stability both at home and at work. But then you will have to forget about the routine. Cancers will play an important and main role and will succeed in any business they choose. All your competitors will run away in panic this year - after all, your abilities will frighten the most excellent specialists. While sitting on a horse, do not forget about those who helped you - they will be useful to you more than once. It is also advisable to be more affectionate with your superiors: of course, you are irreplaceable, but no one has yet canceled subordination.

Personal life promises a lot for Cancers sleepless nights, which do not always promise the warm embrace of loved ones. Astrologers predict many adventures for Cancers, friendly gatherings in restaurants and noisy parties. It is useful to arrange romantic trips for two more often - no matter how long you have been together with your partner, you will have great fun on trips.

Leo / Photo mayax.ru

For the second year in a row, Leos will be lucky in all areas of their lives. Be patient and persevering - you will be tested by Fortune. Your mind will be filled with ideas for improving the quality of your work, but you will have to work hard to bring them all to life. Expect a new position with an increased salary - your efforts will not go unnoticed. Lviv will also experience success in politics, the advertising business and, oddly enough, on television.

IN personal life A sea of ​​romance, sweet dates with wine and flowers awaits Lviv. In the year of the Fire Rooster, try to forget about your complexes - you are magnificent and charming, and a lot of unforgettable novels await you. But you shouldn’t get carried away with each of your partners: the Rooster will push “that one” right to the doors of the registry office, you won’t be able to help but notice it.

Virgo / Photo mayax.ru

Virgos are waiting for original gifts, which the Rooster has already carefully packed. In February, Virgos are in for surprises in the professional sphere: your boss will finally recognize you as a professional, and you can safely demand a promotion wages. Business trips and various transactions will be almost daily, nothing depends on Virgo, just have time to agree and sign profitable contracts. A frivolous attitude towards money will not prevent you from achieving stability in your financial situation; money rain or snowfall will be constant - have time to collect.

You know the value of your charm and do not allow defeats - the Rooster understands this and will help you achieve victory on the love front in your year. You will recognize your chosen one immediately - don’t get lost, and quickly take the initiative into your own hands. Try to be less picky: don’t be capricious and listen to your loved one. Virgos will not be bored in their personal life: a pleasant addition to the family awaits you.

Libra / Photo mayax.ru

At the beginning of 2017, Libra will enjoy life and have fun to the fullest. In the year of the Red Rooster, Libra can succeed in areas where others fail. Your interest in everything unusual will help you achieve financial success - just learn to count money. Although why do you need this, there will still be a lot of money, much more than you expect. Astrologers recommend that Libra take up some new creativity - draw, embroider, weave baskets - everything you do will definitely turn out to be necessary and in demand.

In the year of the Rooster, Libra will be the most charming sign of the zodiac. Use your charm boldly; hundreds of amazing meetings and dates await you. The Rooster is not against your romances and will do everything to make you feel comfortable. Do not rush to accept marriage proposals - some thought will add weight to you in the eyes of your partner. And the partners awaiting you are quite respectable.

Scorpio / Photo mayax.ru

In the year of the Monkey, Scorpios often had to use their sting to deal with their enemies. But the Rooster will save you from ill-wishers, and the sting will soon become completely dusty. And then Scorpio will go to great lengths to look for adventures. This will happen around the middle of the year. Do not doubt your abilities, even if you have to work in a new industry - just study the relevant literature and practice a little: you will pick it up on the fly, so there will be no problems. Astrologers recommend being a little more restrained. In the year of the Fire Rooster, your entrepreneurial abilities will increase several times. Money will be a drain on your pockets, so take care of opening a deposit - even with just one percent you will live happily ever after.

Try to analyze your feelings less, you will like to give yourself to love completely and without reserve. Moreover, fate will bring you together with a person who can win your heart. Try not to harm yourself and do not start unnecessary romances for fun. But remember that rejected fans may be offended, so control yourself and don’t play with other people’s feelings. The meeting with your long-awaited soul mate is just around the corner.

Sagittarius / Photo mayax.ru

In the coming year, Sagittarius will not need arrows and the quiver can be hidden on the mezzanine. But first, don’t forget to say goodbye to the Monkey, give her a merry farewell, because in her year she often helped you. For February, you can plan important meetings and negotiations: you can easily persuade the most distrustful partner, and he will sign any contract that you slip him. The Rooster likes you, and he will not leave you idle.

Check how many real friends you actually have: tell everyone you're broke. Half of your friends will definitely disappear, but don’t worry, because the number is not the main thing in this matter. In addition, the remaining comrades will help you more than once difficult situation, and in the year of the Rooster you can safely take them as your partners for a new enterprise.

Astrologers recommend Sagittarius to finally understand love affairs and stop breaking the hearts of unlucky fans. Do not make promises to your suitors; it is better to immediately explain that you are not averse to having fun without obligations, or enjoy life with your current chosen one without thinking about the future.

Capricorn / Photo mayax.ru

Capricorns were looking forward to the arrival of 2017. The Red Fire Rooster will get down to business right away: already at the end of January, Capricorns will feel its influence on their lives - unexpected meetings, interesting proposals, and a lot of amazing things will happen. In February 2017, Capricorns will finally be able to say goodbye to their boring work: even with your modesty, it will be difficult to refuse tempting offers that will rain down on you as if from a cornucopia.

In love matters, Capricorns will be better informed than anyone else. You will finally get tired of loneliness, and you will be able to choose a partner from the crowd of fans that have already surrounded you. Stop being self-critical - you are too picky about your shortcomings, mostly far-fetched, and this scares off potential admirers. Smile at your reflection right now - because you are charming, there is no doubt about it. The stars advise Capricorns to try themselves in family life - there is nothing terrible there, so go for it. Moreover, in the year of the Rooster there is a chance to become parents.

Aquarius / Photo mayax.ru

Aquarians have done a good job this past year. You have nothing to worry about: the Rooster is a conservative bird, but if it plans to make any changes, they will all be pleasant. In February 2017, you will have a chance to change your profession - don’t miss it. You will receive interesting and profitable offers, some of them will be from old friends - why not take advantage of the benefits?.. Friends, together with the Rooster, will help you understand the intricacies of the new business.

Personal life will also turn out well: family air signs will bask in the love and adoration of their relatives, and single Aquarius will meet Cupid. There will be a lot of love adventures, just try to come up sometimes and look around. In a series of novels, do not miss a meeting with your only and long-awaited soul mate - the next opportunity to meet may be postponed for another year. You can conquer your partner with your intellect - there are no equals to Aquarius in matters of seduction.

Pisces / Photo mayax.ru

The Pisces received many bonuses from the Monkey, but the Rooster will be no less generous. You can continue to frolic and swim in the ocean of happiness, enjoying life and not thinking about problems. In February 2017, the Rooster will make sure that Pisces receives a good increase in salary. If you are bored of sitting in a stuffy office, then the owner of the year has provided for this: open your own business, do whatever you want, as long as it’s something you like, and in the meantime the Rooster will print out a new batch of money for you.

Pisces will fall in love often, but try not to get too carried away - you may simply not notice your long-awaited soul mate. There will be no problems with choosing fans. Light flirting in the year of the Rooster is not for Pisces - you will want a serious relationship, right up to marriage. Your demands in the year of the Rooster will be extremely great, so few people will be able to win your heart. But if you come across the perfect person, in your opinion, don’t delay. Pisces, who will put a stamp in their passport in 2017, will be very happy with their spouse: the union promises to be strong and harmonious.

According to the eastern horoscope, which appeared several thousand years ago, every year has its own animal patron, element and color. The patron changes on a twelve-year cycle, and the element and color - on a ten-year cycle.

The Year of the Fire Rooster came into its own on January 28, 2017. Each sign influences the destinies of people all over the planet in its own way. Therefore, it is important to know under whose auspices the year will pass and not miss your chance for good luck.


In the East, there are many legends explaining the origin and meaning of the signs of the Eastern (Chinese) horoscope, and why they were named after the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

The most popular of them says that one day Buddha invited all the animals to his holiday, and promised the first twelve of them that would come, to give the opportunity to lead the whole year, every twelve years.

To get to Buddha, it was necessary to swim across a wide river, and Buddha suggested organizing a competition: whoever swims first will get the first year, whoever comes second will get the second, and so on.

The rooster, the symbol of 2017, appeared to Buddha tenth, although it cannot be called slow. Legend has it that he was so late because he was giving valuable instructions to his huge family, explaining in detail to the household how they should live and what to do while he was away. From this episode of the legend one can judge his character.

Patron of 2017

The coming year is the year of the Fire Rooster, and the color of the year is red. The sages have always believed that the element of Fire represents continuous upward movement and has unrivaled vital energy, is distinguished by an incredible desire for self-improvement and success.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexey Danichev

The Fire Rooster differs from other Roosters in having a more passionate, assertive, energetic and decisive character. His penetration abilities can only be envied, and his courage often borders on recklessness. It is thanks to these qualities that the Fire Rooster in most cases achieves success where other signs fail.

In the Chinese calendar, the Rooster is considered the most sophisticated, sociable sign. In his affairs, he strives for perfection, for the ideal completion of all endeavors. He also simply adores attention and literally basks in compliments and praise.

Despite their positive traits, The Rooster is stubborn and arrogant. His selfishness and pickiness do not add to his advantages, and his penchant for empty bravado sometimes makes the decent Rooster a real windbag.

The stars warn

Astrologer Mikhail Tsagareli told readers of Sputnik Georgia that the year passing under the banner of the Fire Rooster is a period full of events. The new year 2017 promises to be less stressful and unpredictable than the year of the Fire Monkey, but it will not be possible to avoid big changes.

He also warned of negative periods expected in 2017 and advised everyone to be especially careful during this time.

According to him, since the energy of the earth is quite negative at the beginning of the year, this period will be the most difficult. He called for conversion Special attention for the period from February 1 to February 10, and then from February 20 until the end of the month.

Conflicts may arise between by individuals or organizations, so it will be difficult to implement ideas at this time. Your health may also worsen, especially from the second half of February, when infectious diseases become more active.

The period from March 10 to March 25 and the first 12 days of April are also expected to be unfavorable. During this time, problems may arise related to nervous system, and various kinds of conflicts.

© photo: Sputnik / Isaev

It is advised to be especially careful from the end of June until August 10th. The astrologer also calls the end of September unfavorable.

The Year of the Rooster as a whole promises to be very fruitful and generous with chances for every person to prove himself in one way or another. Positive changes in all directions await almost all zodiac signs.

Libra will have the most luck in the year of the Fire Rooster. Jupiter will transit this particular zodiac sign until the end of October, so this sign has a high chance of success and achievement.

Taurus will also be lucky; in general, they will have quite a lot of successful moments next year. They will be able to successfully implement their ideas and establish interesting contacts. The second half of the year will be less successful, but stable.

For Gemini the most good period will begin in the second half of the year. The Year of the Rooster will be much more promising for them than the Year of the Monkey.

In the new year, signs such as Aquarius and Virgo will feel good.

For Sagittarius, 2017 promises to be the most unfortunate year. The astrologer advises people born under this sign to try to go with the flow and not start any important things in order to avoid serious problems and conflicts in business and at work.

© photo: Sputnik / Vitaly Ankov

Scorpios should be especially careful until the end of February, since at this time the Black Moon passes through this zodiac sign, which is a rather negative factor. Therefore, those born under this zodiac sign must carefully weigh every decision to avoid problems. Scorpios must be patient - after mid-October their luck will return and the end of the year will be quite positive for them.

For the rest of the zodiac signs, the year will be more or less stable.

According to the eastern horoscope, people born in the year of the Snake, Goat, Dragon and Pig (Boar) have the best chance of success. Cats, Rats, and Horses should not count on luck in 2017. For other signs a year will pass stable.

The material was prepared based on open sources

The rooster symbolizes the beginning of something new, because it is one of the first to wake up at dawn and notify people that a new day has arrived. The Fire Rooster is energetic and very temperamental, demanding from others as much effort as he can give himself. He is a born leader and can be authoritarian, hot-tempered and intolerant.

To catch the Fire Rooster by the tail, you need to understand his character and become the same active and assertive, then success in business and plans will not bypass you. The Fire Rooster will especially reward those who do not look for easy ways, do not break the law, and stubbornly create the foundation for their well-being, grain by grain. It is characterized by determination, vigilance and insight. The Fire Rooster is difficult to mislead or deceive. This is a brave sign, possessing courage and willpower, always ready to stand up for friends and family. One of the most important characteristics Fire Rooster 2017 - justice.

But there is also negative traits The character of the Fire Rooster that should be feared is vanity, selfishness and pugnacity. And even some of him good qualities under unfavorable circumstances they can turn into their opposite. For example, passion for a particular cause can turn into fanaticism. Straightforwardness can become tactlessness, and pride and dignity can become arrogance. The Fire Rooster's desire for perfection can imperceptibly turn into perfectionism.

The closest impacts on people from the year of the Fire Rooster were 120 years ago - in 1897 and 60 years ago - in 1957.

In 1897, the first football match was held in Russia, Sunday was declared an official day off, Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko decided to create folk theater, Austria and Russia agreed to respect the status quo in the Balkans. The monetary reform of 1897, initiated by Witte, was the locomotive that pulled Russian industry, thereby accelerating the modernization of the state, and the convertibility of the ruble contributed to the influx of foreign investment and economic development countries.

During these years, important scientific developments were made. In 1897, aspirin was invented and the electron was discovered. In October 1957 Soviet Union The first Earth satellite, Sputnik 1, was launched, followed by Sputnik 2 in November. The laser was invented by Gorden Gould in 1957.

However, given the unpredictability and negative character traits of the Fire Rooster, there were also tragic events. In February 1957, a gas explosion in a Virginia coal mine killed 37 people. In May, a 42,000-pound hydrogen bomb accidentally fell from a bomber near Albuquerque. In Russia, a nuclear disaster occurred at the Mayak nuclear power plant in September. There were also many accidents in 1957: in September, 175 people were killed in a train accident in Jamaica, in October two trains collided in Turkey, and in December there was also a train accident in London.

It should be noted that the Fire Rooster is famous for its desire for loud and noisy victories. This fact is confirmed by the character of people born this year, who are considered lovers of bright words, ambitious projects and enchanting hype. From famous people this year Yoko Ono, Yuri Nikulin, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Giuseppe Verdi, Catherine the Great II, Queen Victoria, directors Nikita Mikhalkov and Mark Zakharov were born.


Characteristics of the 2017 Year of the Rooster: color, element

According to the Chinese (Oriental) calendar, each year has its own patron - one of the twelve animals. Oddly enough, but every year, a certain eastern sign influences the destinies of people at a super-level. Therefore, it is extremely important to know under whose protection the next year in order to be well prepared for his meeting. Knowing the characteristics of a particular sign, it is easy to try to appease the owner of the year from the very beginning. Then all twelve months until the next New Year will pass cheerfully, at ease, generously presenting you with gifts of fate. Last year, the Year of the Goat was replaced by the Year of the Monkey.

Coming 2017 – it's the year of the Rooster. On January 28, 2017, the Fire Monkey will transfer its powers to the Rooster. The tenth sign of the Chinese twelve-year horoscope is almost the most interesting animal in the entire eastern calendar. He is bright and demonstrative, elegant and sociable. However, in addition to the animal itself, you also need to know the color and element of the patron sign of 2017. The element, like the color of the Rooster, directly affects what 2017 will be like for each person.

The mystery of the appearance of the eastern calendar

The most widespread and beautiful existing legend about the appearance of the eastern horoscope says: before leaving the Earth, Buddha invited all the animals to come to him. And the first twelve little animals who came to say goodbye to him, Buddha promised to give them the opportunity to lead a whole year, every twelve years.

The first to run to the Buddha was a nimble rat, then the hard worker Ox came, followed by the brave Tiger, after whom the quiet Rabbit ran, softly moving his paws, immediately after him a mighty Dragon appeared and a wise Snake crawled, then a graceful Horse galloped up and arrived on thin legs of a virtuoso Goat, a savvy Monkey came running after her, behind which, proudly stepping, a motley Rooster appeared, then came faithful Dog and finally on sacred place a cheerful Pig ran out. Immediately after each year he became attached to the animals, he acquired their character, qualities, emotionality and some distinctive features. Needless to say, people born under one or another sign of the Chinese horoscope also copied these features.

Element and color of 2017 Rooster

The coming 2017 will be the year of the Bright or Fire Rooster, and its color is red. Since ancient times, sages believed that the element of Fire personifies continuous upward movement and has unsurpassed vital energy, characterized by an incredible desire for self-improvement and success.

The red color is closely intertwined with the fire element and this is very good, because such a mixture means complete harmony in all matters. Red is the color of love, infatuation, ardor, passion. So we can say with confidence that 2017 will be a busy year in terms of romance. The coming year promises a possible wedding for strong couples, married people will revive their former love passion, and single people will find their soul mates. The red fiery color displays strength, confidence, as well as good luck. Therefore, in the coming year, you need to boldly cast aside all doubt and rush towards the new with abandon, not be afraid of changes and all kinds of changes.

Characteristics of the symbol

In the Chinese calendar, the Rooster is considered the most sophisticated, sociable sign. The Rooster is incredibly insightful, meticulous, organized, scrupulous, decisive, demanding, conservative, vigilant, responsible and practical. In his affairs, the Rooster strives for perfection, for the ideal completion of all endeavors. He also simply adores attention and literally basks in compliments and praise.

Despite his positive qualities, the Rooster is stubborn and arrogant. His selfishness and pickiness do not add to his advantages, and his penchant for empty bravado sometimes makes the decent Rooster a real windbag. It is extremely rare for the Rooster to show interest in anyone other than himself. Despite this, the opposite sex is unable to resist the charm of the charming Rooster and completely surrenders to his power. Despite his callousness, the Rooster is extremely lucky in love. However, he will still put himself above family values and if the Rooster does not “take hold of his head” in time, then everything may end in a sad outcome. The Rooster is adored for his ardent temperament and his ability to play a beautiful love game. A certain mystery allows the Rooster to subtly feel the edges of romance and skillfully play on the strings of love. The Rooster loves his bachelor life, however, if he meets “the one,” he will, without a twinge of conscience, rush into the pond of a new passionate relationship, which will subsequently lead to the conclusion of a strong family union.

Most Compatible Partners: Snake and Ox

All is well with the Rooster in the business field. Due to his sharp mind and brilliant intelligence, he holds his business tightly with both hands. Despite some extravagance in small things, the Rooster is very thrifty, which once again proves his thriftiness.

People born in the year of the Rooster are extremely difficult to fool. Their intelligence is often above average, and their natural ingenuity will not allow anyone to deceive themselves. The Rooster vigilantly notices every little thing that is more or less dubious. Unless a huge portion of compliments can confuse the Rooster for a short time, because the proud bird will not miss an opportunity to once again be in the center of everyone's attention. The Fiery Red Rooster loves to command, and if we add his temper, then there is no doubt that the tenth sign of the eastern horoscope will definitely express everything that is boiling up in the opponent’s face. All the traits inherent in the Rooster will manifest themselves throughout 2017 to one degree or another. In order to go in your usual rut and not get out of line, or to move to a new, higher level, you need to try to adapt to the restive sign.

Horoscope for those born in the year of the Rooster for 2017

Already capricious, in 2017 the Rooster will be simply unbearable. His correct statements and a large number of fresh ideas will simply be leveled out by his own, cocky, selfishness and eternal irritation. Everyone who was born in the year of this beautiful bird should remember their extraordinary abilities and remarkable willpower and, perhaps, step over themselves somewhere, but direct all their positive rays towards the light, towards their goal. Roosters should not forget that in some situations their temper does not play into the hands of wayward bearers of motley plumage. Therefore, in 2017 we need to try to be a little more tactful so that problems with the public do not arise.

In general, the year will bring a lot of interesting things to emotional Roosters. It definitely won’t be boring, because the Rooster himself, worse than other signs, knows how to find adventures for himself. But, thanks to his innate talent to charm those around him, the Rooster will skillfully overcome all the vicissitudes that arise along his path. In 2017, the Roosters should push themselves a little more at work and you can be sure that the merits of the hard worker will be rewarded in full. The career will move uphill, the financial side will only please you if the Rooster plays fair, without deceiving or falsifying the facts. On the personal front, Roosters seeth passions: love, jealousy, passion, tenderness and scandals, giving way to stormy reconciliations. All the delights Serious relationships The roosters will feel it in full. Those who break will be left without a soulmate in 2017.

2017 portends many good and interesting events for representatives of the eastern calendar - the roosters, which is filled with both pleasant moments and difficult and unpleasant ones.

Rooster Woman: Horoscope for 2017

She is a sociable and very ambitious person. One thing helps the other - these women force their acquaintances to serve the achievement of their goals. The New Year will be rich in acquaintances, and Rooster women will reach sky-high heights.

They are not inclined to brag or be cunning; they will act honestly and directly. Their main drawback is their temper and conflict. But crowing and getting into fights at the slightest provocation is not a very feminine way of behavior, and in the new year it is better to try to fight these unpleasant qualities.

If the Rooster woman can behave more or less with restraint, she is guaranteed the support of friends, old and new, as well as relatives. In the family, Rooster women have troubles for the same reasons, so this side of the matter can also improve.

The patron of 2017 likes activity, determination and energy, and Rooster women have them. If they keep their “dark side”, brilliant results are guaranteed.

Rooster Man: Horoscope for 2017

Roosters are ambitious and hardworking, which helps them achieve their goals. These qualities will be appreciated by management in the new year, and many Rooster men will receive promotions and salary increases.

Typically, such men tend to act according to a pre-developed plan, and in the new year this approach is especially desirable. Spontaneous decisions may turn out to be wrong and create a lot of problems.

Like women, Rooster men are hot-tempered and conflict-ridden. There's nothing wrong with bringing out clean water a swindler (Roosters can’t stand those!) or to protect their own honor and dignity. But there is no need to start a scandal over nonsense. They don’t like such people and try to hinder their progress.

In the year of the Rooster, many men will face problems that arose much earlier. This is unfortunate, but everything can be resolved if you take care of your nerves and don’t lose control of the situation. If you give in, a nervous breakdown will become possible.

Rooster: Love horoscope for 2017

All love problems for Roosters arise due to their temper and jealousy. They create a certain scenario for themselves, believe in it and are indignant if reality does not fit into it.

Roosters need to remember well that jealousy is The best way hopelessly ruin the relationship. It is much better to openly discuss problems that arise - most of them are easily solvable.

Roosters do not tolerate loneliness well, and therefore can enter into a hasty marriage. In fact, the coming year will favor the appearance of the Roosters’ own nest. But a balanced decision is necessary. The engagement should be preceded by a sufficiently long relationship that will allow you to understand each other well. Patience pays off.

Another problem may arise. In the year of the Rooster family life and relatives may begin to interfere too actively with the Roosters’ wedding plans. There is no need to quarrel with them, but it is necessary to politely point out that this is not really their business.

Rooster: Finance and career horoscope for 2017

The Roosters are expecting a generally successful year, but without noisy financial success. Many of them will receive a promotion, but the monetary return will not be felt immediately.

Roosters usually voluntarily avoid all kinds of fraud, preferring legal ways of earning money, but in the year of the Rooster they will have to follow this rule especially strictly. The patron of the year hates dishonesty, and will brutally beat his own people so that strangers will be afraid. Accountants, cashiers, bankers and private entrepreneurs also need to be careful. Errors may creep into the financial statements, which the owner of the year will regard as malicious and will send inspectors to check.

Roosters' spending should be moderate, but for them this is a big difficulty. But you should still restrain your own impulses and not spend a lot of money on unnecessary luxury. There will be enough money for everything you need (and even for a good vacation).

Rooster: Health Horoscope for 2017

Usually Roosters are quite strong people, but not this time. 2017 threatens them with heart problems, digestive system, and surgical intervention. The root of all evil will be in the nerves - the Roosters will overexert themselves, raking over the problems of the past.

Most troubles can be avoided by undergoing a preventive examination and treating the disease for initial stage. This is both cheaper and safer than having to urgently go under a scalpel.

To bring the nerves back to normal, it is necessary to spend more time on fresh air and definitely go on vacation somewhere. In your diet you need to limit those foods that have a bad effect on digestion - fried, fatty foods. Unfortunately, you will have to limit coffee, although the Roosters love it. This drink is too hard on the heart.


These people will prove themselves with the best side– serious, deep natures. They can be entrusted with responsible work.


Perseverance, hard work - everything is as it should be. But all efforts will be only for yourself, your beloved. Well, I'm selfish, selfish!


Gemini will have plans on a cosmic scale. If they overcome their "rooster" shortcomings, they will accomplish great things.


And then the rooster’s restless nature will take over. Cancers will be much more prone to conflict than usual.


But here it’s the other way around. Leos will show themselves to be homebodies, not prone to excesses.


Virgos will fit into the new year very well. They are active and love to be in the center of events, and in the year of the Rooster this is how they should behave.


Don't let your guard down! Libra-Roosters are very honest and trusting. But not everyone is like them!

Rooster Scorpio

It will be useful for Scorpios to remember that immense courage is usually required in war. And the war is over.


They will successfully come to an agreement with the patron of the year. These will be honest pragmatists with strong nerves.


Nice, calm people. Unlike other Roosters, they do not start quarrels. But they will be drawn to Tasty food, so you need to worry about your health.


You can negotiate with them safely. Aquarians will prove themselves as honest and reliable associates and partners.


And with these you can safely go to the registry office. They will not be frivolous, and they will not change their word.

2017 is the year of the Fiery Red Rooster. Astrological forecast for the year. How to celebrate the Year of the Rooster, what to give. New Year's menu.

Along with the first snow, the time for the most fun and favorite holiday of the year is approaching - New Year. What it will be like, what it will bring with it, how to celebrate the New Year—many people are already thinking about this. New Year 2017 eastern calendar will be the year of the Red (or Fire) Rooster.

Rooster is the symbol of 2017
New Year 2017 will be held under the symbol of the red Rooster according to the Eastern or Chinese horoscope. The time of the New Year according to the Chinese calendar will be January 27 next year. The Eastern or Chinese horoscope has existed for more than 2000 years and is based on the same 12 cycles as the zodiac, but it is counted not by months, but by years. Each year of the Chinese horoscope has its own totem animal, and accordingly, has the character of this animal. Also, the year belongs to one of the five elements, which also interact with each other - harmonize and complement, or come into conflict and oppress. Chinese horoscope can be used to understand which animal’s year is coming, what astrological trends of the year will prevail, what it will bring to us, what to expect from the new 2017 Year of the Rooster, and what to fear. If you know in advance the characteristics of the upcoming Year of the Rooster, its symbols and the nature of the year and the animal of the Rooster, the color of 2017, then you can already plan gifts in the Year of the Rooster, New Year's table dishes in the Year of the Rooster, and also understand your horoscope in advance for the new 2017 Year of the Rooster!

2017 Year of the Red Rooster. Characteristics of the year: what awaits us and what to prepare for

2017 will pass under the sign of the fiery or red Rooster. A rooster is a bird with a loud voice, bright plumage, it carries new life, cheerfulness, drives away darkness and evil spirits. The Rooster always brings something new - he wakes up with the first rays of the sun and informs everyone about the coming of a new day.

This totem of 2017 can be compared to a person’s character - it is distinguished by iron willpower. Roosters of the element of Fire have bright leadership qualities, a strong-willed, stubborn character, so everything they undertake, they bring to the end, and a successful one. They always achieve their goals. The rooster of the fire element is not afraid to express his opinion, and he does it quite loudly and openly. The element of Fire itself adds energy to the already active Rooster and, what is more valuable, determination. This Rooster knows where to put his strength and what to strive for. An additional supply of energy makes him an inexhaustible source of activity; this Rooster will be able to infect large crowds of people with his ideas and optimism; he can become a real spontaneous leader with high charisma. All this has a very beneficial effect on his affairs and projects.

The Rooster signifies hard work, assertiveness and ambition. If he has set a goal for himself, he will overcome all obstacles and achieve his goal. The Rooster is ready to win at any cost. In love, representatives of this year show great selfishness, so build partnerships It's not easy with them.

The element of fire in the eastern horoscope is also considered uncontrollable and unpredictable; depending on the method of use and application, fire can either warm and give warmth and food, or burn home and earth. In such overly active and energetic years, you can dramatically change your life in the most unexpected direction, realize your most cherished and long-standing dreams, and begin your movement towards real success.

In order to catch the year of the red fire Rooster by the tail, you will only need to understand his character and become as active and assertive as the Rooster himself. In this case, the Rooster’s reward will not bypass you, and success in your business and plans will be ensured. The Monkey gives its sympathies and rewards to the strong, who are not afraid of difficulties and, in spite of everything, move forward towards their goal, their dream, casting aside fears and doubts about failures. Especially generously in the year of the Red Fire Rooster will be rewarded those who do not look for easy ways and bypasses, do not violate moral and legal laws, says little and does a lot, persistently, grain by grain, creates the foundation for his success and well-being.

If you like to wait for the right moment and calculate every step in advance, then this year will not please you with anything. Here you will need to act quickly, actively and spontaneously, without worrying about the consequences. In this case, the winnings will be guaranteed. The symbol and concept of the year of the fiery Rooster can be summarized in the words: “Live to the fullest now.”

There are also negative sides Rooster characters you should avoid in your life in 2017. It’s better to be determined to spend this year as responsibly and seriously as possible, in balance and with a clear, well-thought-out plan. Beware of rash and risky steps, do not enter into conflicts - the Rooster is almost the biggest fan of sorting things out among all the signs. Therefore, in 2017, he will often arrange situations in which it will be easy to start conflicts. Be careful, vigilant and reasonable, behave wisely, do not make hasty decisions! He who is forewarned is forearmed.

The Rooster loves scope and globality in everything - both in thinking, earnings, career, shopping, and in general political events of the year. In the Year of the Rooster, large and significant events of an international scale take place that affect the lives of all countries of the world. The previous years of the Rooster have already proven this to us: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Horoscope 2017 Year of the Rooster

Symbols of 2017: color, stone, material

The main symbol of 2017 will be the element of fire, which is part of the five-year cycle of elements - Fire, Water, Air, Wood, Metal. Fire is a strong element and it is best to handle it carefully and carefully, in which case it will bring all the good that it possesses.

The main colors of 2017 will be all associated with fire - red and orange, as well as all sorts of shades of these colors.

The talisman stones of 2017 are also painted in all shades of red - the king of stones is the bloody ruby, deep cherry garnet, and fire opal. This also includes all stones whose origin is also associated with the element of fire, for example, volcanic glass obsidian. The natural mineral amber is also suitable for the Rooster. To celebrate the New Year 2017, you can choose all these stones and shades of color.

How to celebrate 2017 the year of the red rooster

To celebrate the new 2017 Rooster, choose clothes in bright, colorful and memorable colors - the Rooster will pay attention to everything bright, lush and shiny. The best way to celebrate the New Year itself is in society, very fun and joyful - at a carnival evening, a costume party, where you can show off your bold and unusual outfit. The colors of the year should prevail in clothes and in the interior of New Year's Eve. The biggest chic will be New Year's costumes of all kinds of colors, with natural bird prints - peacock feathers.

When choosing a place to celebrate the New Year of the Monkey 2017, you should give preference to those places where you will meet many people and be able to celebrate this holiday fun and noisily. The Rooster loves to be the center of attention; everything bright, moving and noisy attracts him - restaurants, sea cruises, travel to new countries. Choose a place you like - and go, follow the tail of the red Rooster.
When celebrating the New Year itself, it will be most favorable to pay respect to the element of the year - living fire. Holiday candles, a fireplace, and large colorful fireworks are suitable for this. After such veneration of the element of Fire, rest assured that your holiday will not pass by and will remain with you throughout this year.

What to cook for the New Year's table in the Year of the Rooster

The most important New Year's Eve dishes for the 2017 Rooster will be his favorite delicacies - all grain dishes. Prepare more dishes from fruits and vegetables, as well as more fresh gifts of nature, including herbs. All the most delicious, natural and healthy things will become a symbol of the New Year's table 2017. The Rooster prefers simple and tasty dishes in which you can feel the taste of all the ingredients. It is better to give preference to simple and healthy, not too fatty dishes. Numerous salads will help you diversify your table. It’s best to leave spicy dishes with a lot of spices for next year. The rooster loves natural taste. If you cannot do without meat, then give preference to all dishes cooked over a fire or in the oven.

In the center of the table to invite the host of the year to the festive table, place a small bowl of millet or millet.

For a sweet treat, make a treat made in the shape of worms. Also, all kinds of dried fruits, berries, candied fruits, honey cakes are suitable here - everything should be light and sweet.

The table itself should be decorated with a bright tablecloth, with the same colorful cutlery. The treats themselves can be decorated with products in the Rooster’s favorite colors - yellow, white, red and brown.
The rooster loves to both eat and move a lot. Therefore in New Year's Eve It’s good to do everything in a balanced way - both treat yourself and dance and have fun.

What to wear to celebrate New Year 2017?

The most basic color of 2017 is red and all its shades. For New Year's Eve, prepare bright, catchy, memorable outfits. You can focus on details, select everything that is most shiny and catchy. The entire New Year's look can be created from the brightest details - a dress, a handbag, earrings, a necklace, rings, shoes - all this should be bright and super extravagant. Choose any shades of red - from soft scarlet to orange and fiery red. Let yourself shine. If you don't want to change your look and prefer black or light-colored clothes, then dilute them with bright red accessories or metallic details.

The most important details of the New Year's outfit will be the decorations - jewelry and costume jewelry. Choose natural stones red: blood ruby, cherry garnet, fire opal. Classic amber can also be a beautiful addition to your New Year's look.

Anything unusual is also suitable as a hairstyle to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017 - do yourself something that you usually don’t have time or money for. The rooster loves big bouffants, false tails, and decorations in his hair. Don’t forget about the convenience and practicality of your outfit. You should feel as free as possible in it in order to please the owner of the coming year with fun and dancing.

What to give for 2017 Red Rooster

New Year's gifts for family and friends this year should also be unusual and extravagant. Therefore, you should approach the choice of gifts carefully and responsibly. The most important condition for choosing a gift for the Year of the Rooster is practicality, that is, your gift should not only please, but should also find practical application in the life of the one whom you will congratulate on the Year of the Rooster.

Jewelry, various certificates for cosmetic services or sets, and travel vouchers are suitable gifts for a woman.

For a gift for a man, look for something that will most bring him joy to his soul. For example, something for his hobby or passion. Don’t forget also that the gift can be men’s cosmetics or clothing. In the New Year of the Rooster you can give your parents household appliances. And children will be happy with any toys that are fun and interesting for the mind. All unusual souvenirs are suitable for gifts in the work team - show your ingenuity and creative talent. A box of chocolates, fireworks and candles, decorative jewelry, certificates for a fitness center, business accessories, etc.
