What causes jaw pain? Why does the lower jaw hurt and ache on the right or left side and what to do if it is swollen, how to treat it? Treatment of pathology of the temporomandibular joint

In cases of injury to the lower jaw, the bite and reaction to palpation are initially checked. A visual inspection is carried out for the presence of bruising, swelling, and closed deformities.

Infectious diseases include: dental abscess, osteomyelitis, actinomycosis. With a dental abscess, hypermia of the mucous membrane and the appearance of a painful new formation of a loose structure are observed. In some situations, the disease appears externally on the skin of the lower jaw. The lymph nodes in the neck become enlarged, gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) and caries appear. Acute osteomyelitis is characterized by problems with swallowing, the mouth is difficult to close due to muscle swelling. As a result, there is pain in the lower jaw, tissue hyperemia, and pain when swallowing. Actinomycosis is characterized by the presence of many passages with greenish-yellow contents located in bottom corner jaws.

Dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint is accompanied by spasm masticatory muscles and trismus, in which the jaws close tightly. Rheumatoid arthritis causes pain during examination and swelling in the joint, and osteoarthritis limits the movement of the joint with the formation of swelling. In patients with dislocation of the temporomandibular joint, the mouth does not close; during palpation, condyles are discovered that are displaced forward from the articular tubercle.

Why does pain appear under the lower jaw?

Located under the lower jaw great amount anatomical formations. Their diseases often manifest as painful echoes in the lower jaw. Pain under the lower jaw occurs:

  • due to pathologies of the lymph nodes. For example, with lymphadenitis - an infectious inflammatory process. The acute process occurs with cutting pain, fever, severe weakness;
  • with the formation of metastases - tumors of the submandibular lymph nodes. The pain becomes chronic, body temperature rises slightly and lasts for a long period. Patients experience general weakness, weight loss, and malaise;
  • during attacks of glossalgia (severe sensitivity of the tongue), provoked by a long conversation, eating spicy, sour, hot or cold foods, chewing rough food, etc.;
  • glossitis – inflammatory disease language. During the examination, a bright red, thickened tongue is observed;
  • sialadenitis – inflammatory process salivary glands. Provokes pain under the lower jaw, increased temperature, malaise;
  • sialolith – salivary stone disease. Characteristic symptoms are: swelling of the lower jaw area (only on the right or only on the left), gland in oral cavity secretes pus (appearance unpleasant odor), temperature, mild pain in the lower jaw area, weakness;
  • for pharyngitis, sore throat, tonsillitis;
  • tumors of the larynx - pain increases gradually, moves to the chest, ear area, lower jaw. There is a feeling of “coma”, sore throat, feelings foreign body, cough, voice changes. Large tumors make breathing difficult;
  • neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve - a rare problem that starts from the root of the tongue or tonsils, moves to the ear, under the jaw, sometimes with pain in the eye, cervical region. Attacks of pain are manifested by dry mouth, cough;
  • with jaw fractures appear strong pain under the jaw, hemorrhages, swelling, difficulty chewing;
  • damage to the facial artery begins with burning pain in the lower jaw;
  • diseases of teeth and gums.

Jaw pain is one of the most common complaints in dental practice. But it is not always associated with diseases of the dental system. The symptom can also occur due to pathologies of the respiratory system, lymph nodes, cardiovascular system, inflammatory processes and neurological abnormalities.

Most often, jaw pain occurs due to injury. Its intensity and the nature of the accompanying symptoms depend on the nature of the damage:

Important! Sometimes jaw pain may return after the wounds have healed. It is caused by damage to the splint for fixing tissues and nerves, repeated fractures, improper healing or displacement of the bone.

Pain during dental treatment

Correction of the bite leads to displacement of the teeth. As a result, they become mobile, and pain in the jaw occurs. This is the standard condition. It lasts for about a month while addiction occurs.

Important! Discomfort and unpleasant sensations for several days after prosthetics are also considered normal.

Pain after getting braces is normal.

Sometimes both the lower and upper jaw can hurt due to improper treatment. The symptom occurs due to incorrectly installed fillings and dental structures, which leads to changes in the bite.

Inflammatory diseases

With infectious lesions and inflammatory processes, it becomes painful to open the mouth, the temperature increases, swelling or a characteristic purulent formation appears. Such diseases include:

  1. – inflammation of the bone as a result of infection entering through the bloodstream.
  2. Abscess– local purulent tissue damage.
  3. Phlegmon– an inflammatory process without clear boundaries.
  4. Furuncle– an abscess on the skin or mucous membrane.

Neurological factors

This type of pathology includes nerve damage facial area accompanied by disturbances in speech, chewing, and salivation. May become inflamed:

Important! Treatment of neurological pathologies should begin as quickly as possible. The longer there is no therapy, the greater the risk of not restoring the function of the facial muscles.


Divided into two main groups:

  • Benign: osteoma, osteoblastoclastoma, adamantinoma. Accompanied by tissue compaction, changes in facial symmetry, and increased pain when chewing. All of them are subject to mandatory surgical removal.

Important! Benign tumors are asymptomatic for a long period.

  • Malignant: cancer, sarcoma, osteogenic sarcoma. Neoplasms grow rapidly, affecting the joint, soft and bone tissue. Except surgical intervention Radiation and chemotherapy are used.

TMJ pathologies

They are characterized by the simultaneous occurrence of pain in the jaw, ear, clicking and crunching when opening the mouth, and stiffness of movements. The joint also loses mobility, which makes talking and chewing difficult.

Such diseases include:

Important! All TMJ pathologies are similar to each other. The exact decision on what to do in a particular case and what the treatment will be is made by a specialist after a thorough diagnosis.

Causes of radiating pain

Sometimes pain in the jaw may be associated not with damage to the TMJ, but with diseases of other organs and systems. They could be:

  1. Carotidynia- a type of migraine. Radiating pain appears in the lower jaw, ears, and eye sockets.
  2. Red ear syndrome– develops due to damage to brain structures.
  3. Lymphadenitis– inflammation of the lymph nodes. Accompanied by an increase in temperature, fatigue, general weakness, enlarged lymph nodes.
  4. Sialolith and sialoadenitis– and their inflammation. In this case, the jaw often hurts when opening.
  5. Arteritis of the facial artery. There is discomfort either at the bottom - from the chin to the corner, or at the top - from the wings of the nose to the upper lip.
  6. Angina and heart attack. As a result of impaired blood flow, compressive sensations appear behind the sternum, radiating to the arm or, in an atypical course, to the face area. They will always be celebrated not with right side, and on the left side.

Important! Submandibular lymphadenitis, sialolith, sialadenitis can provoke the development of phlegmon, abscess or affect the temporal joint.

Radiating syndrome also occurs in diseases of the respiratory system (angina, pharyngitis, sinusitis, sinusitis), laryngeal tumors, otitis, mumps - mumps. In these cases, it is accompanied by other symptoms: swelling of the mucous membrane, serous or purulent discharge from the nasopharynx, elevated temperature.

Pain in the lower jaw - common symptom dental and other diseases. It is unilateral or equally pronounced on both sides, radiating to the neck, ear and other parts of the body. Unpleasant sensations prevent the patient from chewing, yawning, or simply opening his mouth. To return to your usual quality of life and eliminate the risks of complications, you need to consult a doctor.

Possible causes of pain in the lower jaw

Pain syndrome is a consequence of damage to any component unit of the maxillofacial region. The main causes of pain in the lower jaw are:

  • purulent-inflammatory diseases that melt soft and bone tissues;
  • infections that spread without accompanying tissue melting;
  • violations metabolic processes, in particular, the balance of electrolytes and other substances;
  • injuries - this group includes not only direct blows and bruises, but also accidental injuries due to careless movements of the jaw and bad habits;
  • tumor formations of a malignant or benign nature;
  • pathologies of nerves and blood vessels.

The clinical picture directly depends on the cause of the symptom. Discomfort can be the main symptom or complication of pathologies.

Dental problems

In most adults and children painful sensations arise against the background of problems with teeth and gums. For example, the jaw often hurts due to untreated caries, when the inflammatory process affects the pulp.

If It's a dull pain occurs during sleep or when pressing on the gums, this indicates the presence of a chronic inflammatory process. The eruption of wisdom teeth is painful for most patients. It is accompanied by intense nagging pain. Unpleasant symptom It is especially dangerous if there is parallel swelling of the tissues, discharge of pus, impaired swallowing function and the inability to move the jaw freely.

Bone lesions

Pain syndrome localized in the lower jaw – typical symptom osteomyelitis. According to the mechanism of infection, the disease is:

  1. odontogenic – pathogenic microorganisms penetrate into the bone through the affected tooth;
  2. hematogenous - the spread of pathogenic agents occurs through the blood from the source of infection;
  3. traumatic - bacteria enter the body through open wounds.

In 75% of patients, osteomyelitis develops due to advanced caries. In the early stages pain syndrome localized in the area of ​​a specific tooth. As the purulent-inflammatory process spreads, the pain spreads to neighboring areas and becomes stronger. Unpleasant sensations radiate to the eye, temple or ear.

Joint diseases

The main task performed by the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and the articular process is to connect the lower jaw with the upper and ensure its mobility. Any damage to the joint, articular process, ligaments, cartilage and muscles in this area leads to joint dysfunction. Most often the problem occurs due to the following diseases:

TMJ diseaseCommon CauseSymptomsDiagnostic methods
ArthrosisIncorrect load distribution due to congenital or acquired malocclusionDull pain occurs in the area of ​​the TMJ and maxillary process during exercise, with aggravation in cold weather or in the eveningX-ray, CT
Joint dysfunctionInjuries, inflammations, malocclusionsThe masticatory muscle often cramps at the bottom, an involuntary tight closure of the jaws occurs (we recommend reading: what to do if the teeth and masticatory muscles cramp together?)X-ray, CT, ultrasound, orthopantomography
Rheumatoid and osteoarthritisPenetration of infection into the TMJ cavity, complication infectious diseases, damage to the joint or jaw processThe jaw is swollen, it hurts when pressing and opening the mouthX-ray, CT, CBCT

Symptoms typical for TMJ pathologies are crunching, clicking, and limited joint mobility.

What to do with a specific problem is decided by dentists, rheumatologists or specialized specialists.


Pain syndrome is often provoked by inflammation of the nerves connecting the maxillofacial system with the central nervous system. In fits and starts acute pain accompanied inflammatory processes which affect the following nerves:

  • Trigeminal. The pain syndrome is of a “drilling” nature, the jaw aches more strongly at night.
  • Superior laryngeal. Unilateral discomfort (usually on the right) increases when chewing food, blowing your nose, or yawning. The symptom is accompanied by cough and hiccups, intense salivation.
  • Glossopharyngeal. The patient has pain in the jaw, tongue and larynx. Spasms occur in short-term attacks when trying to move the tongue.

Neuralgia is treated by a dentist and neurologist. To determine why the jaw hurts, an x-ray or CT scan is performed.

Oncological formations

Unilateral pain on the left or right in the lower jaw occurs during development malignant formation. This characteristic symptom bone cancer and osteogenic sarcoma. On early stages nerve processes lose sensitivity, bones and joints begin to numb and ache.

A common cause of pain is benign tumor in the form of atheroma. This is a small bump that forms behind the ear due to overgrowth lymph node(we recommend reading: what to do if a lump appears on your gum and does it need to be treated?). On palpation, the formation resembles a movable dense ball. If the pathology is detected in time and treatment is started, the prognosis is positive. Uncontrolled development of atheroma leads to inflammation and suppuration, even blood poisoning.

ARVI and other infectious diseases

Cheekbones and jaw often hurt when respiratory diseases– runny nose, colds, viral diseases. The infection often spreads throughout the body, causing inflammation to develop.

With different diagnoses, the localization of the pain syndrome varies. For example, the cheekbones under the eyes often hurt with sinusitis. With rhinitis, pain is concentrated between the lower and upper jaws due to the accumulation of pathogenic agents in the joint sac. Similar sensations occur with ear inflammation and are accompanied by an increase in body temperature. The angle of the jaw on the right and left sides usually ache with mumps.


The nature, localization and severity of pain depend on the type of injury received. Most often children and adults are diagnosed with:

Type of injuryCausesAssociated symptoms
InjuryHit or fallSwelling, bruising and bruising
DislocationImpact, sudden or incorrect opening of the mouth, age-related weakening of ligamentsForced unnatural jaw position, drooling
FractureHit or fallHematoma, impaired chewing function and speech, forced change in bite, drooling
Traumatic osteomyelitisBone and soft tissue infectionSwelling of the face, prone to proliferation and hardening, fever
Chronic subluxationsViolation of fixation of the joint and jaw process“Loss” of the joint due to any careless movements

Often pain occurs due to the fixation of bones after fractures with a splint. This occurs due to damage to teeth, gums, nerve processes or recurrent fractures. Another cause is infection with the development of phlegmon or abscess.

Jaw pain is a common phenomenon that has already been experienced by millions of people around the world. For medical professionals, such pain often becomes a real challenge when it comes to operational diagnostics and choosing the correct therapeutic approach.

Because jaw pain can be caused by a number of various reasons, a correct diagnosis is extremely important. Doctors need to identify the exact cause, because only in this way can they offer the optimal solution to reduce or completely eliminate pain.

There are several reasons that can lead to jaw pain. Discomfort in this area of ​​the face can be caused by physical injury, nerve problems, and blood vessel disease.

Most common reason people's appeals for medical care due to pain in the jaw - dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). This condition affects about 12% of the planet's population at one time or another in their lives. About 5% of such people visit doctors because the pain becomes very severe and interferes with daily life activities. Most often, temporomandibular joint dysfunction is observed in women of childbearing age.

This disease may be associated with a malfunction of not only the joint itself, but also the muscles responsible for jaw movement. This muscle group is called the masticatory muscles.

Among others known reasons Pain in the jaw includes the following conditions.

  • Clenching, grinding teeth, or opening the mouth too wide. In most cases, grinding and clenching of teeth occurs during sleep. Sometimes this results in tooth damage and jaw pain. People often encounter this phenomenon when they experience strong emotional stress.
  • Osteomyelitis. This is a condition in which an infection in the body affects the bones and associated tissues.
  • Arthritis. Arthritic conditions such as osteoarthritis and osteoarthritis cause the surface of bones to wear down.
  • Synovitis or capsulitis. In these conditions synovial membrane or the joint capsule becomes inflamed.
  • Dental conditions. These may include gum disease, missing teeth, damaged teeth, or abscesses.
  • Sinus problems. They affect the nasal cavities.
  • Tension type headaches. Tension headaches are usually a result of stress and can lead to pain affecting the facial area.
  • Neuropathic pain. It occurs when nerves become damaged and begin sending pain signals to the brain. This type of pain may be long-lasting or occur occasionally.
  • Vascular pain. This type Pain occurs when the blood supply to one part of the body is disrupted. Vascular pain can be caused by diseases such as giant cell arteritis and carotid artery dissection.
  • Neurovascular pain. This type of pain is caused by conditions that affect both the nerve and cardiovascular system. Examples of such conditions include migraines and cluster headaches.

In addition, jaw pain can result rheumatoid arthritis, hypothyroidism, Lyme disease, multiple sclerosis, lupus, fibromyalgia and some other conditions.

Jaw pain can also be caused by lifestyle factors. Such factors, for example, include emotional stress, sleep problems, poor or insufficient nutrition, and fatigue.

What symptoms are accompanied by jaw pain?

Jaw pain may be accompanied by toothache, earache, trismus, or facial swelling

Associated symptoms depend on the individual case. These symptoms may include:

  • pain in the face, which intensifies when moving the jaw;
  • sensitivity of muscles and joints;
  • limited movement;
  • difficulty aligning the jaw;
  • clicking sounds when opening and closing the jaw;
  • tinnitus;
  • ear pain;
  • headache with ear pain or without it and with pressure behind the eyes;
  • dizziness;
  • lockjaw;
  • dull pain turning into sharp and piercing pain;
  • toothache;
  • tension headache;
  • nerve types of pain, such as burning;
  • fever;
  • swelling of the face.

Other symptoms may occur and usually depend on the underlying cause of the pain.

If acute pain in the jaw is detected, a person needs to as soon as possible get an appointment with a doctor who will help determine the cause of the ailment and develop the necessary treatment plan. If everything is done as quickly as possible, the risk of developing long-term complications will be minimized. Dentists, oral surgeons, and general practitioners can evaluate jaw pain.

What complications can there be with jaw pain?

Possible complications depend on the cause and other factors associated with the pain. In particular, the consequences are significantly influenced provides right choice therapeutic method. To the number possible complications for jaw pain include:

  • dental complications;
  • surgical complications;
  • infections;
  • chronic pain;
  • emotional stress;
  • changing your usual diet.

How is jaw pain diagnosed?

In order for the doctor to make the correct diagnosis and quickly begin to treat jaw pain, he first needs to carry out several diagnostic procedures.

Tests and examinations will help the doctor learn more about the cause of the pain. These include:

  • examination of the patient, during which the work will be assessed nervous system, as well as the condition of the cervical vertebrae, jaw, mouth and muscles;
  • a detailed study of medical history, in particular conditions that cause pain;
  • certain lab tests, such as erythrocyte sedimentation rate analysis. This test is widely used in the diagnosis of pain-related conditions;
  • some radiographic imaging techniques, e.g. X-ray examination or magnetic resonance imaging;
  • psychological and psychiatric checks.

Other diagnostic procedures may be needed if the doctor suspects that jaw pain is caused by special cases.

How is jaw pain treated?

If the cause of jaw pain is an infection, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics to the patient

Treatment for jaw pain depends on the cause that causes the pain. Therapeutic methods in different cases vary and may include the following:

  • taking antibiotics if pain is caused by infections;
  • surgery to remove damaged bone, treat the affected nerve
  • or identifying unknown problems;
  • using mouth protection devices such as mouthguards;
  • physiotherapy;
  • muscle relaxants or tranquilizers to relax the affected muscles;
  • antidepressants, which sometimes help treat painful conditions;
  • topical capsaicin, which helps treat certain nervous system diseases;
  • steroid injections to reduce inflammation or swelling;
  • antiviral therapy for treatment viral infections, such as herpes zoster;
  • painkillers;
  • oxygen therapy and some types of prescription drugs to treat cluster pain;
  • some remedies for blood pressure in the treatment of migraines;
  • Root canal therapy is a procedure that involves treating infections in the teeth;
  • tooth extraction if the pain is caused by an abnormal or infected tooth;
  • a cooling spray to relieve painful areas in the muscles called trigger points;
  • injections of local anesthetics;
  • relaxation therapy;
  • stretching and relaxing the affected muscles;
  • soft food to ensure moderate work of the affected jaw;
  • applying warm compresses or cold therapy;
  • massage and acupuncture;
  • Correct posture to avoid neck or back strain.

There are other treatments available for treating jaw pain. All of them are determined by the reasons that cause pain. Doctors can discuss optimal therapeutic approaches with each person, depending on their specific situation.

Preventing jaw pain

Knowledge of provoking factors - the most important moment in the prevention of all types of pain.

Besides, To prevent jaw pain, you must do the following:

  • avoid solid foods and chewing gum;
  • do not bite fingernails or other hard objects;
  • eat soft or liquid foods such as pasta or soups;
  • eat small pieces or portions;
  • give up caffeine;
  • practice massages, meditation, aerobics;
  • take calcium and magnesium supplements as needed;
  • avoid yawning;
  • sleep on your side or back, avoid sleeping on your stomach;
  • avoid teeth grinding;
  • avoid long-term wearing bags on the shoulders, often change shoulders when carrying bags;
  • watch your posture;
  • visit the dentist regularly.

People should always discuss preventive measures with your doctor to evaluate their safety and effectiveness for your case.

When should you see a doctor for jaw pain?

A person should seek medical help if, while treating jaw pain, they discover the following:

  • home treatments do not help relieve pain;
  • jaw pain interferes with daily life activities;
  • jaw movement is impaired;
  • when moving, the jaw joint makes sounds;
  • neck pain or top part backs;
  • pain behind the eyes;
  • headache;
  • tinnitus;
  • dental problems, such as worn or broken teeth.

People should talk to a dentist or GP about jaw pain to diagnose the cause and get treatment as quickly as possible.

It is quite difficult for a person far from medicine to determine the problem that has arisen, so it is recommended to seek help from a doctor. Only he, based on the location of the pain and symptoms, will be able to make the correct diagnosis.

Whenon the left, we can talk about the presence of one of the following diseases:

  • disease of the parotid salivary glands;
  • pathology maxillary sinuses;
  • the wisdom tooth is coming out hard;
  • various inflammations of the maxillodental apparatus;
  • jaw injury: dislocation, bruise, fracture;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • various purulent-inflammatory diseases: abscesses, osteomyelitis, phlegmon;
  • pathological processes in the temporomandibular joint: arthritis, dysfunction, arthrosis;
  • pain, perhaps when wearing prostheses;
  • malocclusion;
  • for benign and malignant tumors;
  • neuralgia;
  • pain is present even with angina pectoris and myocardial infarction.

What to do if your jaw hurts for a long time?

If the pain has been following you for quite a long time and is becoming more intense and other signs have been added to this:

  1. Teeth began to fall out.
  2. Facial asymmetry appeared.
  3. Began serious problems with chewing and swallowing food.

Contact the clinic immediately, such symptoms indicate the development of a very serious illnesses. The most dangerous of them is tumor process.

Types of pain

Depending on the cause that caused it, it can be different:

  1. For fractures and dislocations - sharp, cutting.
  2. For minor injuries - aching, tolerable.
  3. Purulent inflammations are characterized by jerking pain.
  4. - burning, sharp.
  5. There is a tumor process - intense, growing.
  6. Progression of pulpitis, etc. - gives radiating pain.
  7. With degenerative lesions of the joints, it occurs - aching, paroxysmal.
  8. Arthritis - chronic, nocturnal.
  9. The facial artery is inflamed - paroxysmal, constant.
  10. Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses - acute.
  11. Wisdom tooth - pulsating, etc.


This is a special kind of pain that does not torment us as much as acute pain, for example. But you can’t forget about her even at night. With its constancy, it torments a person even more.

There can be many reasons:

  • due to a tumor, intensifies as the tumor grows;
  • Arotidynia is a type of migraine;
  • neuritis trigeminal nerve;
  • corotidynia;
  • dental problems, etc.


Possible with:

  • incorrectly fixed: crowns, bridges, dentures;
  • consequence of the development of: reactive arthritis, arthrosis.
  • diseases of the temporomandibular joint;
  • injuries, falls, severe bruises;
  • malocclusion;
  • developing rheumatism;
  • decrease in the volume of intra-articular fluid (after operations);
  • congenital anomaly;
  • weakening of the ligamentous apparatus.

How to treat?

Your actions will depend on:

  1. If it is traumatic, gradually intensifies, the mouth does not open, you need to consult a doctor for help. Because most likely there is a dislocation, or even a fracture of the bones. If there is a small bruise and there is no swelling or bruising, and the pain does not intensify, then you can simply apply ice to the site of the bruise.
  2. Inflammation or purulent formation- possibly with polio. If the temperature reaches 40 and there is swelling on the left side, call an ambulance. These symptoms are also characteristic of peritonsillar abscess. This is a consequence of severe sore throat. Call a doctor immediately, otherwise the process will worsen.
  3. If the pain is boring and very sharp Looks like trigeminal neuralgia. You should be examined by a neurologist.
  4. If jaw pain is constant, may indicate - tumor formation. Moreover, as the tumor grows, the pain will only intensify.
  5. Sometimes strong painful sensations Braces are delivered. If your jaw hurts at first, this is normal. But if you are in a lot of pain, or it lasts too long, contact.
  6. Arteritis of the facial artery- causes severe painful sensations, you should consult a doctor. This is treated with anti-inflammatory drugs.
  7. Jaw pain occurs with otitis media- it is caused by pathogenic microflora, it occurs suddenly: sharp, shooting, increases postauricular lymph nodes, hearing decreases. An otolaryngologist prescribes appropriate treatment.
  8. Angina attack- localized first behind the sternum, then moves to the face.


Treatment options will depend on the underlying cause of the pain. To eliminate it, it is first necessary to examine the patient. Conduct X-ray studies, urine and blood tests.

If necessary, a CT or MRI will be performed. A neurologist will also be needed.


  1. At severe bruise – a cold compress and painkillers are prescribed.
  2. At– surgical intervention is indicated.
  3. If your jaw is dislocated- a traumatologist or dentist will adjust it and make a fixing bandage.
  4. Purulent diseases- treated in a hospital, used surgical interventions and massive antibiotic therapy.
  5. Cure carotidynia- includes any painkillers and antidepressants.
  6. Abscesses- open surgically and remove the purulent contents, prescribe antibiotics and painkillers.
  7. If the pain is caused by myocardial infarction, then treatment is carried out in a hospital: thrombolytics: alteplase, streptokinase; anticoagulants; antiplatelet agents; beta-blockers; normalize blood pressure; relieve pain with narcotic analgesics.
  8. Pain of odontogenic origin- require, it is necessary to treat the existing: pulpitis,