Preparation of sulfur liver. DIY sulfur liver - KIMECIA. Chemical processing of copper

  • 1 Indications for use
  • 2 How to properly prepare for a cholesterol test?
  • 3 Types of cholesterol tests
    • 3.1 Complete blood test to determine cholesterol
    • 3.2 How to take it biochemical analysis blood?
      • 3.2.1 Biochemical studies
      • 3.2.2 Colorimetric methods (Ilk method)
      • 3.2.3 Enzymatic method
      • 3.2.4 Alternative methods
  • 4 Express analysis
  • 5 What is a lipid profile?
  • 6 Decoding the result and norm
    • 6.1 What is the atherogenic index?

Few people know that total cholesterol is important component, which ensures the proper functioning of the body. Medicine has determined the norms for its content in the blood, so doctors recommend monitoring indicators so that cholesterol levels are not low or, conversely,. General and biochemical blood tests are often used as the most accurate procedures that are carried out in every clinic. Cholesterol levels are determined using research methods, with preference given to enzymatic methods. In addition, you can purchase a special test system at the pharmacy to conduct a rapid laboratory analysis without leaving your home.

Controlling blood cholesterol levels is a simple but important procedure even for healthy people who do not have diabetes.

Indications for use

Note that the cholesterol level is not constant, and the older a person gets, the higher the level rises. Don't be afraid and limit yourself in consuming good cholesterol. Even if the substance does not enter the body with food, it will provide for itself. And the liver will help with this.

From the age of 20, doctors advise taking tests at least once every 5 years to monitor blood cholesterol levels. This analysis is included in the list of tests for preventive medical examinations. In addition to prevention, doctors use the study in the following cases:

A cholesterol test is required if you suspect heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, diabetes, etc.

  • to assess the likelihood of cardiac disorders: stroke, heart attack, coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis;
  • when diagnosing kidney and liver diseases;
  • with endocrine abnormalities (diabetes mellitus);
  • during dispensary examinations;
  • to diagnose dyslipidemia (lipid metabolism disorder).

To determine the current cholesterol level, you will need to donate blood from a vein, which will subsequently be subject to laboratory testing. There are 2 types of blood tests: general and biochemical. In addition to cholesterol, they determine how much protein, glucose and other substances are in the body.

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How to properly prepare for a cholesterol test?

The doctor always draws the patient’s attention to the rules for taking the test. If the patient does not prepare the day before, the result will be unreliable and the procedure will have to be repeated. In order not to spoil the analysis, it is better to familiarize yourself with the rules:

  • It is not advisable to eat food 12 hours before visiting the laboratory; you need to donate blood on an empty stomach.
  • Preparation includes lack of diet fatty foods And alcoholic drinks at least 2 days. This provokes a temporary increase in the level of the substance. Drinking allowed clean water, and it’s better not to drink tea or coffee for 6 hours.
  • You will have to be patient and not smoke for at least an hour before the test.
  • Bring yourself to a state of calm if before this the person was running or walking at an accelerated pace.
  • It is better to have a blood test before x-rays, rectal examinations or physical therapy procedures.
  • It is important to remember that there are a number of drugs that help raise cholesterol. The doctor must be informed about the appointment. These drugs include diuretics, antibiotics, and vitamins.

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Types of cholesterol tests

Complete blood test to determine cholesterol

A general analysis helps diagnose atherosclerosis and the risk of coronary disease. Testing blood for cholesterol in adults shows how much total cholesterol is contained in venous blood. This technique is the most common, and the material is taken from a finger or from a vein. The analysis is carried out exclusively in the laboratory. Anomalies may be indications for use endocrine system, violation renal work, liver dysfunction, treatment control.

It was previously mentioned that there is an increase in the level of the substance depending on age. Besides age characteristics, there is a difference related to gender. The difference shows that in middle-aged men lipid index increased, while in women the increase is observed only after 50.

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How to take a biochemical blood test?

Besides general analysis, no less common is the method of biochemistry, from which a detailed report on the state of the body is obtained. Biochemical analysis allows you to detect possible deviations internal mechanism, the presence of an infection inside or a lack of any substances. During a biochemical examination, many indicators are assessed (glucose, protein, bilirubin, potassium, creatinine and others). Decoding the results that biochemistry gives:

  • increased protein in the blood is a sign that there is an infection in the body or that arthritis, rheumatism or even oncology are developing;
  • A deviation from normal glucose levels indicates the presence of an endocrine disease.
  • at elevated level lipase, pancreatitis is possible;
  • decreased haptoglobin - disruption of the liver and spleen;
  • High cholesterol is the main indicator of the development of atherosclerosis.

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Biochemical studies

It is worth noting that a biochemical blood test for cholesterol includes the study of blood serum using certain methods:

  • colorimetric (150 types, which are based on color reaction);
  • the nephelometric method compares the “turbidity” of two solutions: standard and test;
  • fluorimetric (determines the amount of a substance in the blood serum);
  • titrimetric and gravimetric;
  • gas chromatic and chromatographic studies;

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Colorimetric methods (Ilk method)

The Ilka method for testing blood for cholesterol is simple and does not require special preparation.

Colorimetric methods are named because of the process of performing the analysis using color reactions. For example, the Biol-Croft reaction involves the addition of potassium persulfate, acetic acid and sulfuric acid, which causes a red color. And the Liebermann-Burkhard reaction oxidizes cholesterol so much that it produces an emerald-colored acid.

The Ilk colorimetric method is considered the most common and effective. To perform this, take the following reagents:

  • glacial acetic acid;
  • sulfuric acid;
  • ethanol;
  • acetic anhydride;
  • special acid mixture: 10 ml ice acetic acid mix with anhydride and, while mixing, add 10 ml of sulfuric acid (the liquid should turn out colorless);
  • calibration solution, which includes exactly 232 ml of cholesterol, 3 ml of chloroform and 100 ml of ethyl alcohol.

The principle is based on the Liebermann-Burkhard reaction: when acetic anhydride reacts with an oxidized environment, water molecules are split off from cholesterol, which leads to the formation chemical acid, colored greenish or blue. This method is relatively easy to use, does not require preparation, but has disadvantages: it causes toxicity and corrosion in modern analyzers, which is why laboratory technicians prefer to use enzymatic methods for determining the substance.

The enzymatic method of analysis gives good results, but the procedure takes place in several stages. Return to contents

Enzymatic method

This technique includes the use of enzymes (cholesterol esterase, cholesterol oxidase, peroxidase, catalase) and takes place in 3 stages:

  • enzymatic breakdown of cholesterol esters under the influence of water;
  • oxidation of a substance with oxygen to form cholesterol and hydrogen peroxide;
  • the process occurs in one test tube.

(NH 4) 2 S n. The structure of these compounds contains (dimer/polymer) chains atoms -S-S (n) -S-.

Numerous hydrogen polysulfides are known, general formula H2S n, Where n varies from 2 (hydrogen persulfide) to 23. These are yellow oily liquids; As the sulfur content increases, the color changes from yellow to red.

Ammonium polysulfides (NH 4) 2 S n (n= 2...9...) are used for bluing steel. A mixture of sodium polysulfides (Na 2 S n; in the old days it was called “sulfur liver”) has been used since ancient times in the leather industry to remove hair from hides. Sulfur liver for this purpose it is prepared by fusing sulfur with soda. The resulting greenish-brown mass dissolves in water with a strongly alkaline reaction and, when the solution stands, gradually decomposes with the release of hydrogen sulfide (and hydrogen disulfide). Some organic derivatives of the persulfide type are used as fuel for solid jet fuels. Calcium and barium polysulfides are used in pest control in agriculture.

Homeopathy Classic Encyclopedia home medicine J Laurie



Related drugs . Spongia, Dulcamara, Sulfur.

Specific action. On the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract; on the skin and glandular apparatus; for absorption and excretion; to the salivary glands.

Application. Stubborn and inflammatory skin diseases, especially on the head and face; mercury abuse disorders; persistent ulcers, boils and abscesses, inflammatory lesions respiratory tract; bronchitis; gum disease from mercury; croup; inflammatory and chronic cough; inflammation and drainage from the ears; inflammation of the glands, predisposition to suppuration; inflammation of the tonsils; toad; erysipelas; pustules on the connective membrane of the eyes; ulcers on the cornea; diphtheria.


Outside surface. Inflammation of the skin with redness, heat, swelling and tenderness; pimples between the roots of the hair, very sensitive and painful; unhealthy skin with a predisposition to ulceration; enlarged glands with inflammation or suppuration, ulcerative or rash diseases of the skin with foul-smelling discharge; severe itching, itching and fever; skin cracking; nodular swelling of the joints, very painful and sensitive, sweat easily caused; dry heat throughout the body; hot flashes, accompanied or replaced by sweat, burning redness of the face, or inflammation, or erysipelas; hives; hard breast swelling; foul-smelling sweat under the arms; heat, redness, and swelling of the ankles; weeping scabs on the head; scabs behind the ears; red hot swelling of the joints; sticky, sour sweat, especially at night and in the morning; the hair comes out and the head remains completely bald; redness and swelling of the nose; lips are swollen or ulcerated; pimples on forehead; swelling of ankles, feet and knees; cracking of the skin of the legs; yellowish color faces, blue circles under the eyes.

Breath. Weakness in the chest; partial or total loss vote; whistling, rapid, hoarse, anxious breathing; shortness of breath, cough and profuse sputum; severe suffocating cough ending in gagging; deep, suppressed cough with difficulty breathing; persistent hoarseness; rough voice; habitual fever at night; soreness of the upper respiratory tract; deep sharp sighs after coughing; constricted breathing, with the head thrown back to facilitate air access; cough appears immediately after swallowing liquid; dry cough with convulsive gagging and vomiting; or moist cough with rattling of mucus in the chest and suffocation when lying down.

Stomach, intestines and feces. Indigestion; heaviness, bloating of the stomach even after the lightest food; belching with stomach contents and heartburn; extreme thirst; changeable appetite, sometimes gluttonous; greenish, bilious or sour vomiting with mucus; urge to go down with veining; loose, dry, or lumpy stools; or very thin, bloody, clayey and sticky, or whitish with sour smell; very hot and dark urine, mainly at night; or copious cloudy and whitish urine with sediment of the same color.

Pain. Drawing, tearing, stitching in the joints and limbs, especially when touched; tickling in the throat, as if there was a fish bone stuck there; shrill burrowing or boring headache and forehead as if it were crushed or opened; pain in the eyes, as if they were being pressed into the brain; tugging, gnawing pain in the teeth; tearing, jerking pain in the bones of the face, jaws, ears and temples; stitching or cutting in the liver and spleen; pain or constriction in the intestines; aching legs; shooting or pain in the lower back, as if bruised, or shooting, cutting, stabbing in the chest; pain when moving the eyes.

Eyes and ears. Chronic inflammation eyes, eyelids and ears; eyes red, hot, inflamed; offensive drainage from the ears; itching in the ears; ears are red and swollen on the outside; overnight glueing of eyelids; protrusion of the eyes or convulsive closing of them; lacrimation at night or towards night and sensitivity to light during the day.

Nose, mouth, throat and gums. Drainage from one nostril; nose bleed mainly in the morning, with dullness or exacerbation of smell; profuse drooling; whitish, cheesy mouth ulcers; swelling, heat and redness of the tonsils; gums are hot, swollen and painful.

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The liver is, without exaggeration, a unique organ. The liver does not remove toxins and other harmful substances(collectively they are called xenobiotics), how many convert them into harmless, or less toxic, or compounds that are easier to remove from the body. She's in charge

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Liver The liver produces from 1 to 1.5 liters of bile in 24 hours; one part of it goes to the intestines, the other to gallbladder, serving as a warehouse, reservoir. Bile converts fats contained in nutrients, into a substance which is then broken down into small intestine for more


Sulfur liver (Liver of sulfur / Liver of sulfur) - potassium polysulfide or sodium polysulfide.

Copper and silver patina well aqueous solution sulfur liver, gradually acquiring a thick black color, and bronze and brass - faint shades.

Sintering of the patinated composition over a fire gave it the name “liver” in the old days - from the word “furnace”, “to sinter”.

Patina- film (plaque).
Patina comes in two types: natural and artificial.

Natural patinaA- this is a thin, but quite dense and durable oxide film formed on the surface of decorative elements in natural conditions(under the influence of the environment).

Natural patina is often considered noble and, as a rule, they try to protect it.

Artificial patina- a coating formed on the surface of decorative elements after applying various mastics, solutions and other compositions intended for this purpose to their surface.

Oxidation- creation of an oxide film on the surface of a decorative element as a result of an oxidation-reduction reaction. Oxidation is used, among other things, to obtain a beautiful decorative coating.

To oxidize copper, silver, bronze or brass you will need :

The object itself, the surface of which will be treated with a solution of sulfur liver;

Liver sulfur (working concentration - 10 g of liver sulfur per 1 liter of water, however, by changing the concentration,
solution temperature or exposure time, a wide range of patina colors can be obtained on copper and silver -
reddish brown and purple to black);

Glass or plastic container;
