Dissolve eye color. How to change iris color without contact lenses

It's hard not to fall in love with a dazzling pair of sparkling childish blue eyes. Unfortunately, unless you were born with blue eyes, there is no natural way change your eye color to the desired blue. However, there are several ways to create the illusion of blue eyes, or if you're willing to take a little risk, there are surgical procedure, which will give your iris the desired shade.


Understanding the nature of eye color

    It is worth understanding that eye color is determined genetically. Like your hair and skin color, the color of your irises is determined by your genes. This means that unless you intend to destroy your genetic code or cellular structure, eye color cannot be changed permanently. Eye color is determined by the amount of melanin in the iris: a small amount of melanin gives it a blue tone, a large amount gives it a brown tone.

    • At birth, all babies have blue eyes because their bodies have not yet produced enough melanin.
    • Sometimes there are genetic mutations that can cause a person to have eyes different color, or even several colors present in each eye.
  1. Keep in mind that changes in eye color may indicate an illness or disease. If you notice that your eyes are changing color on their own - especially if from brown to blue - seek medical attention immediately. medical care. Changes in eye color can be a symptom of many diseases, some of which can harm your eyes and cause blindness. Although changing eye color is an interesting and exciting phenomenon, if it occurs on its own, you should always consult a doctor.

    Accept that you can't change your eye color forever. Although there are several surgical operations, available in some parts of the world, which promise to change eye color - there is no way to truly achieve this permanently. Since eye color is determined by genes, it can only be truly changed through external, superficial means. Surgery makes a difference, but there are no studies to show how long the effects actually last or what the long-term health consequences are.

    • Before taking any 'long-term' measures, you should take your time and think about the pros and cons.
    • Try all temporary alternatives before resorting to something as drastic as surgery.

    Creating the illusion of blue eyes

    1. Use blue contact lenses. The only safe and 100% reliable way– use blue contact lenses. Contact lenses are thin plastic pieces that you place over your eyes to cover the natural color of your iris and create the appearance of a different color. The advantage of lenses is that they are cheap and come in a variety of shades of blue. This way, you can easily try out many colors and types of lenses to find the one that's right for you.

      • Please be aware that some lenses and some colors may make your vision blurry and blurry.
      • You will have to learn how to insert contact lenses. Depending on whether they are hard or soft, the complexity of this procedure is determined by the characteristics of the person, and not by the type of lenses.
      • If you wear prescribed glasses or contacts, you can ask your doctor to prescribe similar colored lenses for you.
    2. Changes in makeup. If you wear makeup, you can change the colors to highlight the natural blue tones of your iris; if you have dark color eyes, you can make them blue. If your eye color has natural blue undertones, try using copper or gold eye shadow. The warm colors of the bronze eyeshadow will bring the blue tones of your iris to the fore. If you have Brown eyes, try applying eyeshadow in a cool blue shade - you'll add the color you want around your eyes and your eyes will look blue from a distance.

      • Using an eyeshadow brush, apply shadow all over your eyelid and to the outer corner of your lower lashes.
      • You can use eyeliner for a similar effect.
    3. Make yourself Blue eyes using the Photoshop program. If you want to see what you would look like with blue eyes, or you would be interested in changing your eye color at least in photographs, you can do this using Photoshop. Although technically this will not change the eye color in real life, the program will allow you to flaunt baby blues, by at least, in photographs, besides, this is an opportunity to see whether blue eyes suit you in principle.

      • You can use other photo programs to change eye color.
    4. Change your emotional state. When you are angry, sad or excited, your pupil contracts, 'increasing' the size of the iris. As a result, your eyes become lighter, brighter and more saturated than when you are simply happy. If your eyes have blue undertones, work on your emotions and try to express them naturally and directly. Additionally, when you cry, your eyes turn a little reddish, which contrasts with the blue tint, thus bringing out the blue undertones of your iris.

      • Any changes to hormonal background or pupil size will slightly affect the appearance of your eyes.
      • This technique will only make your eyes appear blue if your iris is green or brown and already has some blue in it.

    Physical changes in eye color

    1. Undergo a special laser surgical procedure. Although this method has not been tested medical institutions in Russia, however, there is a surgical procedure that is performed with a laser and permanently changes the color of your eyes to blue. The essence of the method is to use a laser to burn out melanin in top layer iris, revealing its blue lining. Since this procedure is a fairly new method, there is not an ounce of information about what its long-term health effects are. Either way, using a laser on your eyes is dangerous under any circumstances—you should avoid it if possible.

      • Since there are no long-term studies, it is impossible to know for sure whether melanin will return.
    2. Place iris implants. This treatment was originally developed for people suffering from serious eye conditions; a small silicone disc is placed over your iris, thereby changing its natural color. Being a kind of “eternal contact lenses”, a colored silicone disc changes the color of your eyes to blue. However, the procedure has a significant disadvantage: it caused blindness in more than one person among those who turned to it for cosmetic reasons. Iris implants are usually only used when the patient is at risk of blindness or severe cataracts—the procedure should not be used simply to change eye color.

Just ten to fifteen years ago, fashionistas striving for perfection could not even dream of a radical change from one eye color to another. However, as it turned out, nothing is impossible. In order to change, for example, grey eyes going green doesn’t necessarily mean spending a huge amount of money on laser surgery or struggle with lenses, causing damage to your vision. There are several ways to change eye color at home.

Fashion is constantly dictated by more and more new trends. But centuries-old traditions say that since time immemorial, in order to attract the attention of a man, women are ready for various changes in their appearance: hairstyles, clothes, body proportions, hair and eye color. Some secret tricks to look more attractive were known in ancient times, and some appeared thanks to the development of the cosmetic and medical industry.

The desire to change something in appearance is not always dictated by fashion trends. Sometimes it obsessively pursues a person who passionately wants to change something in life, or to be like an idol. And very often the dream of external change is aimed at a specific object on the face - the eyes. Is it possible to independently change the eye color given by nature at birth?

Does eye color change on its own?

Nature human body very mysterious and unpredictable. Eye color can change several times throughout life. Usually, babies at birth have a bright, often blue, eye color, which may change in the first three years, then changes lie in wait in adolescence. In older people, the eyes acquire a lighter shade - they “fade”.

You can often observe a phenomenon where the color of the eyes changes depending on the emotional mood of their owner: when angry, the eyes darken, when in a relaxed state they become lighter.

The iris or iris of the eye is a diaphragm, very thin and mobile, it contains cells with pigment, on which the color of the eyes depends. Sometimes a malfunction occurs in the body and a person’s pigmentation is disrupted, as a result, one eye is a completely different color than the other eye. Or a lack of pigment manifests itself as a red tint to the eyes, so-called albinism.

Before considering ways to change eye color, you should find out what their shade depends on. First of all, this is due to heredity.

But no matter what natural color a person gets, almost everyone, at least for the sake of experiment, thought about changing it. Most often, you can make your dream come true with the help of colored contact lenses, but there are other ways that will visually change the color of your eyes.

Safe ways to change your eye color yourself

Most prone to color changes light eyes. If you look closely, you can see how the color of the iris changes depending on makeup, clothing, and even health status. Why not take advantage of this?

Wardrobe items

You can change the color, or rather, their shade, with well-chosen wardrobe items, especially the upper part. But, to the owners dark eyes this method will not help. But light eyes: gray and blue ones can be made brighter.

The owner of gray-blue eyes, wearing a jacket of intense turquoise color, with daytime color will easily beat the “transformation” of her eyes into a deep blue or bright blue shade.

Bright accessories can help ladies in such matters: scarves, hats with brims, jewelry, especially earrings with large stones. But in order not to be disappointed, you should shade your eyes with more saturated colors of the same range. You can't turn brown eyes into cornflower blue.

  • Suitable colors for blue eyes: dark blue, azure, indigo, sea green
  • For those with marsh-colored eyes, clothing in turquoise, jade, and emerald shades will help make their eyes more attractive.
  • Yellow or hazel eyes will sparkle with bright colors when using accessories in intense brown shades: chocolate, chestnut, mocha.

Decorative cosmetics

Taking advantage of the ability of light eyes to reflect light, you can learn a simple way to change their shade using makeup. To do this, you only need to apply some subtleties of applying shadows.

Based on the natural color of your eyes, you need to choose decorative cosmetics of the same range, but in brighter and more saturated tones. As described in the previous method.

  1. Inner corners upper eyelid paint with lighter shadows
  2. Gradually moving towards the outer part of the eyelid, apply darker tones.
  3. On top of the shadows, make a neat thin “arrow” of a bright, but corresponding to the chosen color scheme. To do this, you will need liquid eyeliner or eyeliner.
  4. On the lower eyelid, directly under the eyelashes, blend eyeliner or a strip of shadow in a neutral pastel color, such as silver.

These manipulations will help not only visually change the color of your eyes, but also make them more expressive and larger.


No, you won’t have to turn to psychics. And although this method will initially cause grins and mistrust, there are very positive reviews about its functionality.

Those who tried this method claim that they were satisfied with the results obtained. It is achieved through self-hypnosis. And even if not everyone has the gift of realizing dreams with just a flight of thought, then we can confidently state that this event will not bring any harm to the body.

A recipe from experts that needs to be done daily, preferably in the morning and before bed:

  1. Sit down or take a reclining position as comfortably as possible; a soft sofa or favorite chair is suitable for this. No one and nothing should distract.
  2. Close your eyes and focus on the color you passionately desire. You need to imagine how this color envelops the outside and gradually fills the body from the inside.
  3. Feeling that the body is completely filled with color, try to move it to the eyes. Suggest that the natural shade becomes more and more faded, and the new color, displacing the old one, becomes brighter and brighter.

The duration of the procedure is at least half an hour. A month of regular classes - and it is quite possible that your efforts will be crowned with success. To maintain the effect, it is necessary to repeat sessions at least twice a month.

Contact lenses

Most best option change eye color now - contact lenses.

They can be either for vision correction or decorative. But this method can be considered relatively safe only if the basic rules are followed:

You need to buy lenses in specialized stores opticians, not in stalls. Along with the lenses, you will have to purchase the necessary kit to care for them.

You can wear lenses only if there are no allergies or irritations. Be sure to follow the lens wearing regime

All this costs certain financial expenses. Before spending money, it is better to first make sure whether the method will be comfortable. In fact, most people who decide to resort to it remain, to put it mildly, disappointed - the process of putting on lenses is not a pleasant one. Not everyone copes with the sensation of a foreign body in the eyes.

If the option is suitable, you need to choose the right shade. You can experiment, but you should take into account the saturation of the natural color of the eyes; by putting purple lenses on brown eyes, you will end up with a black color.

By following the rules for using lenses and wearing them (giving your eyes rest), you can really make your dream about the color of your eyes come true.

Medication methods


A modern way to change your iris with medical intervention- laser beam. The technology developed by the American scientist G. Homer is capable of turning a brown-eyed beauty into a blue-eyed one in a matter of seconds. The procedure is as follows: melanin (brown pigment) from the iris is absorbed by a laser, resulting in the color of the iris becoming blue.

The operation is not complicated, according to the developer it is safe, but it is expensive and its effect is irreversible - the pigment burned out by the laser will never be restored.

Therefore, the choice must be made once and for all.


Another operation to change eye color was invented by ophthalmologist Alberto Kahn. He practiced healing eye diseases, and the procedure was originally intended to correct eye defects such as albinism, coloboma. Now the development is patented, and anyone who wants to change their eye color can resort to it. Of course, if he can shell out 8 thousand dollars for such pleasure.

The operation involves inserting an implant into the iris of the eye. The implant is a thin colored (blue, green, brown) disc that completely covers the iris and is implanted in a few minutes. Subsequently, it can be deleted, of course, not independently.

What you should absolutely not do

Patients with glaucoma are prescribed a drug containing the hormone prostaglandin F2a, which promotes rapid decline inside eye pressure.

In pharmacies this medicine can be found in the form eye drops entitled:

  • "Bimatoprost"
  • "Unoprostone"
  • "Latanoprost"

Carrying out long-term treatment With the help of this group of drugs, the following changes can be observed: gray and blue eyes gradually become darker, and may even acquire a brown tint. The fact is that, in addition to their main purpose, the drops cause the accumulation of melanin in the iris. This side effect Fashionistas decided to take medicine, not thinking that it was very dangerous. Doing this is strictly prohibited.

The statement “beauty requires sacrifice” in in this case absolutely not justified. The real danger is incurable blindness! Why does a blind person need a new eye color? It should be remembered that this is not cosmetic product, and a medicine that is dispensed even to patients with glaucoma by prescription from a specialist.

Whatever eye color is given by nature, you should always remember the main thing: the most beautiful eyes are healthy eyes.

The iris of the eye is the outer part of it choroid. Thanks to the pigment cells contained in this membrane, the eye acquires one color or another. When the fibers of the outer layer of the iris have low density and a small amount of melanin, blue eye color.

In the case of a denser arrangement of these fibers, the eyes will be lighter - a grayish-blue tint. At high concentration melanin makes the iris darker, so the eye turns brown. Green eyes are obtained with moderate melanin content and blue inner layer irises.

There are many ways to change eye color, both technical and psychological.

Safe ways to change eye color

  1. Clothes can visually affect the color scheme of the eyes. Gray eyes will appear blue if there is blue in clothing items. A wardrobe of green and lilac colors will help those with dull green eyes make them brighter and more saturated.
  2. Women can highlight or change their eye color using cosmetics. Thus, by outlining light eyes with eyeliner of a certain range, you can achieve a deeper, darker shade. For example, if your eye color is a mixture of blue and gray, applying gray eyeshadow or eyeliner will make your eyes appear bluer, while using blue eyeshadow will make your eyes appear grayer.
  3. The color of the iris can change without lenses and various techniques, depending on the intensity of lighting. Light eyes change color especially well.
  4. Regardless of a person’s wishes, the iris changes its shade with age. Newborns' eyes are darker and brighter, but as they get older they become lighter and duller.
  5. There are cases when eye color changes due to illness. The iris may turn pale or, on the contrary, become darker. Under certain inflammatory processes The color of only one eye may change, which is called heterochromia.
  6. Some people's eyes may change during strong emotional experiences of any feeling, be it positive or negative. Anger, love, fear, shock, joy, pain - eyes different people can react to any feeling.

Color contact lenses

Modern market does not skimp on imagination and can offer lenses in a wide variety of colors, patterns and designs. Lenses come in color and tint. The former radically change the color of the iris, the latter only correct. Such lenses should be selected depending on your natural eye color. Those with light eyes will only need to wear tinted lenses to add something new. If your eyes are dark, you need bright lenses that noticeably contrast with the natural color.

If you decide to change the color of your iris using lenses, you need to remember:

  1. It is recommended to wear lenses no more than 8 hours a day.
  2. Lenses have a limited service life.
  3. Special products are needed to store and care for lenses.
  4. Before using lenses, you should follow safety rules: wash your hands, cut or clean your nails.

Before purchasing lenses, it would also be a good idea to consult an ophthalmologist.


Many times in a row you need to say: “My eyes are (this) color,” “My eyes are (name the color).” You need to fall asleep and wake up with this statement and believe that it is so.

You can also say rhyming phrases frequently. For example: “Eyes, eyes that nature has given, become blue like the sky,” or “Eyes, eyes that nature has given, become green like grass,” or “Eyes, eyes, be darker than the night.”

If psychological trainings have not brought the desired success, and there is not enough determination to take drastic measures, there is an option to master Photoshop and look at the desired eye color in your photographs.

Meditation and visualization

Meditation will help you avoid operations and unnecessary expenses. To do this, you need to sit in a comfortable position, relax, close your eyes and imagine the desired eye color. You can visualize your face with a certain eye color. You can also close your eyes and imagine the darkness in front of your eyes with the color of your natural eyes, and then mentally “paint” it in the desired, desired shade.

You should exercise every day for at least 10 minutes for a month. Despite the fact that this method is quite controversial and unconfirmed, such exercises are available at home and will not harm your health or wallet.

Ways to change color without lenses, associated with health risks

Eye drops

Prostaglandin is a hormone, analogs of which are used in the creation of medical ophthalmic drugs. Such drugs can give the iris a darker shade. Before using this method to change eye color, you need to know:

  1. Similar eye drops are a targeted medication used to reduce eye pressure in various diseases eye.
  2. Their long-term use for other purposes can significantly reduce blood supply and saturation. eyeball oxygen.
  3. Be sure to consult an ophthalmologist before using such drops!

Laser correction

A Californian scientist has developed a unique method for laser eye color correction. Its beam is able to remove excess pigments that make up the iris, and thereby change brown eyes to blue.

Despite the relative safety of this method, it has a number of disadvantages:

  • Incompleteness of the experiment and insufficient knowledge of long-term consequences.
  • High price procedures (about 5 thousand dollars).
  • Irreversibility.
  • The likelihood of acquiring factors such as double vision and photophobia.

Operational Impact

For supporters radical measures Dr. Kahn created a method of surgical intervention during which an implant of a certain color is implanted into the iris of the eye. If the patient wishes, it can be removed later. Initially, such operations were carried out to correct congenital defects of the eye shell, and can lead to a number of negative consequences, including: cataracts, blindness, glaucoma, corneal detachment, etc.

Changing eye color - is it possible?

Let's look at the methods of changing eye color that are known and possible today.

A person always strives for something new and perfect. I want to change my life for the better, and not only my financial situation or moral state, but also my appearance.

Nowadays, many operations are performed to change one's body and face. Eye color is no exception. Some people have a complex, others have curiosity.

A few words about what an iris is.

The outer part of the choroid of the eye is the iris or iris. It is shaped like a disk with a hole (pupil) in the center.

The iris is made up of pigment cells that determine the color of the eyes. connective tissue with vessels and muscle fibers. Exactly pigment cells we are interested in.

The color of the eyes depends on how the melanin pigment is located in the outer and inner layers of the iris.

Let's look at the most common ones.

Due to the low density of the fibers of the outer layer of the iris, containing a small proportion of melanin, the color blue is obtained.

If the fibers of the outer layer of the iris are denser and have a whitish or grayish color, the result will be blue. The denser the fiber, the lighter the shade.

The gray color is similar to blue, only the density of the fibers is slightly higher and they have a grayish tint.

Green color occurs when the outer layer of the iris contains a small amount of yellow or light brown melanin, and the back layer is blue.

At brown color The outer shell of the iris is rich in melanin, and the more of it, the darker the color, even black.

On this moment There are 6 known ways to change eye color.

Let's look at them in more detail.

First way.

Colored lenses are selected according to the color of your eyes.

If you have light color, then tinted lenses are also suitable, but if your eyes are dark, then you need colored lenses.

What your eye color will be is up to you. The modern market offers a wide selection of lenses.

Let's take a closer look at the first method of changing eye color:

How to change eye color using tinted lenses (video):

Second way.

If your eyes are light in color and change depending on your mood and lighting, then this method is right for you.

You can shade green eyes with brown mascara. Clothes should be chosen in lilac tones.

A significant disadvantage of this method is that when choosing cosmetics and clothes, do not forget that a particular shade can have a different effect on the color of your eyes.

Third way.

Eye drops containing analogues of the hormone prostaglandin F2a (travoprost, latanoprost, bimatoprost, unoprostone).

The eyes will become darker with prolonged use of eye drops. This means that eye color depends on certain types of hormones.

I would also like to note that the substance bimatoprost is also used in for cosmetic purposes. Apply the drug to eyelashes and eyelids, eyelash growth will noticeably improve.

Let's consider some points:

Fourth way.

The technique of changing eye color using a laser came to us from California.

It does possible change iris color from brown to blue.

Laser ray a certain frequency will remove excess pigmentation. In this regard, two to three weeks after the operation, the eyes become bright blue color.

In this case, there is no harm to vision.

However, there are disadvantages:

1. Considering that the method is very “young”, no one knows the long-term consequences.
2. The experiment is not yet completed. It requires a million dollars to complete.
3. If the experiments are successful, the operation will be available to Americans in a year and a half, and for the whole world in three (the countdown should begin in November 2011).
4. The surgery will cost you approximately $5,000.
5. Laser color correction is an irreversible operation. It will be impossible to return the brown color.
6. Scientists believe that such an experiment can lead to photophobia and double vision.

Despite all this, reviews of this operation are very positive.

Fifth way.

The operation was originally intended to treat congenital eye defects.

During the operation, an implant is implanted into the iris shell - a blue, brown or green disc.

If you change your mind, the patient will be able to remove the implant.

Flaws surgical intervention:

The scientist himself, who invented such a procedure, does not recommend the operation. However, the patients are satisfied.

Sixth method.

This method quite extraordinary and controversial - a visualization method based on self-hypnosis and meditation.

To do this, sit in a calm environment, relax all your muscles, let go of your thoughts and imagine the eye color you would like to have.

The duration of the exercise is 20-40 minutes. Classes should be held every day for at least a month.

What's happening in the world...

This method cannot be called barbaric, and harmful consequences for health and pockets is not expected.

The iris of the eye is the outer part of its choroid. The color of the eye depends on the pigment cells contained in this membrane. With a low fiber density of the outer layer of the iris and a small amount of melanin, the eyes have a blue color. If these fibers are denser, the eyes will be lighter - a grayish-blue tint. With a high concentration of melanin, the iris is darker - the eye color will be brown, and green eyes are obtained with a blue inner layer of the iris and moderate melanin content.

You can change your eye color in many ways, both technical and based on a psychological attitude.

How to change eye color without lenses

Safe ways to change eye color:

Clothes can visually influence the color scheme of the eyes. For example, gray eyes will appear blue if you are wearing blue clothes. Dull green eyes will appear brighter and more saturated if you are wearing green or lilac clothing.

Women can highlight or change their eye color using makeup. By outlining light eyes with a certain range of eyeliner, you can achieve a darker, blue shade. For example, if the eye color is mixed gray and blue, when applying eye shadow or contour pencil gray the eyes will appear bluer, and when using blue eyeshadow, they will appear gray.

The color of the iris can change depending on the intensity of light. Light eyes change their color especially well in this way.

Regardless of a person’s wishes, the iris changes its shade with age. Thus, as you age, your eye color becomes duller and lighter.

For some people, eye color may change due to strong emotional experiences of any of the feelings - negative or positive. Joy, shock, fear, love, anger, pain - the eyes of different people can react to any feeling.

Eye color may change due to illness. The iris darkens or becomes pale. In some inflammatory processes, the color of only one eye may change. This is called heterochromia.

Ways to change eye color associated with health risks:

Eye drops. Some eye drops can give the eyes a darker shade due to the content of prostaglandin, a hormone, an analogue of which is used in the creation of medical ophthalmic drugs. If you want to use these drops to change your eye color, you need to know the following:

1. Such drops are medical drug directional action, which is aimed at reducing eye pressure during various diseases eye;

2. Long-term use of such drops can significantly reduce blood supply and oxygen saturation of the eyeball.

3. Before using such drops, you must consult an ophthalmologist.

Laser correction.

Today it is possible to change eye color with a laser. The laser beam is able to remove excess pigments that are part of the iris, thereby changing brown eyes to blue.

Although this method is relatively safe, it has disadvantages:

1. Incompleteness of the experiment and insufficient knowledge of long-term consequences.

2. Irreversibility.

3. High cost of the procedure.

4. The likelihood of acquiring photophobia and double vision.

Operational impact.

There is a method of surgical intervention when an implant of a certain color is implanted into the iris of the eye. If a person wishes, it can be deleted in the future. But such operations may entail some Negative consequences: cataracts, glaucoma, blindness, corneal detachment and other problems.
