Social work specialist where to get education. Social work in universities. Requirements for a specialist

What to do after graduating from university? In reality, this question can be very difficult to answer. After all, even many teachers cannot clearly answer students what awaits them ahead. Nevertheless, for some, building a career in this field is quite interesting and even successful. Unfortunately, there are few different alternatives here. This is such a cruel specialty" Social work". Where to work after graduating from university? Let's try to figure this out as soon as possible. After all, there are not so many vacancies on offer, although the positions are, as a rule, constantly empty.

Social worker

Of course, the first place that can be recommended is the fact that this vacancy is not particularly popular in Russia, although it plays an important role for society.

You have completed your degree in Social Work. Who to work with? As already mentioned - a social worker. What to do here? You will have to help people in need, as well as identify and register them. In other words, to be in the government service of “surveillance” of social development population.

A social work specialist is far from the most promising position. Practice has shown this. After all, you won’t be able to become a boss - for this you must have connections. But anyone can become an “ordinary” employee. Only the level of salaries, taking into account the responsibility and emotional stress, is very, very small.


The job can also involve politics. The thing is that many graduates of this specialty have great prospects for personal growth. And this, like nothing else, will help them achieve success in politics.

In practice, to be honest, this situation occurs very rarely. After all, the standard description of the specialty does not include any mention of political activity. As a rule, graduates are told that they will only be able to get a job as an ordinary social worker at some enterprise and work there almost all their lives.

So, don’t think that “Social work” is a death sentence. You can easily become a successful politician. Only for this you will have to make considerable efforts. But the result will please you in every sense.


Such a vacancy as a social teacher is very common these days. To be honest, this position is most often found in kindergartens. Graduates of the specialty “Social work” often become educators there. Why does this happen?

The thing is that such employees, as a rule, very quickly determine social problems in children and their parents. And if necessary, they are registered as a dysfunctional family. This in turn helps eliminate problems and improve the atmosphere. And, of course, it has a beneficial effect on the child.

But social work with children is not particularly popular among graduates and young employees. The thing is that here you will not be able to receive high wages. And with career growth, things are very difficult. Thus, only those who “have a soul” for this profession are capable of working as a (social) teacher.


You have completed your degree in Social Work. What to do after graduation? For example, such graduates have the opportunity to work as a professional caregiver for the disabled. The prospect is not the brightest, but this vacancy is almost always empty.

However, not everyone will agree to work as a nurse. Especially when you consider that, again, you will receive low wages, but during the working day you will have to give all your best full program. Often caregivers look like a squeezed lemon by the end of the week.

Therefore, young graduates are not particularly interested in this vacancy. They are more interested in the vacancy of a “hostel teacher.” Only in practice, people with extensive life experience are hired for such positions. Typically, this vacancy is occupied exclusively by women over 50 years of age. So young graduates have very little chance of getting this vacancy.


Sociologist-psychologist is another position that is available to graduates. But here things are a little better than with previous vacancies. The point is that you can work as a sociologist-psychologist either in government agency, and in private. In the first case, you will be in the civil service, but your salary will be meager. And there is a lot of work.

In the second case, you will not have civil service in experience, but this is the level wages will be several times higher. Additionally, the clientele is also different in the two places. In the first case, you will most likely have to work with disadvantaged families, and in the second, you will have to serve elite clients.

Of course, everyone chooses for themselves what is best for them. Only in practice it has been proven that a sociologist-psychologist is quite often chosen as a private job rather than a public one. And this is understandable - it is very important for young employees career, as well as the level of wages, which are not satisfactory in government agencies.


Your diploma says "Social Work" as a specialty. Who to work with? For example, in addition to all the listed vacancies, you can also work in medical institutions. And here there are several options for the development of events. Which ones? Let's figure it out.

For example, graduates of our current specialty can work in the so-called social medical worker. This vacancy involves supporting and helping sick people. For example, working with alcohol and drug addicts, as well as with people with disabilities different categories. This is far from the best the best place for the work of young and promising university graduates.

You can also work as a psychologist in medical institution. It's more a good place. Usually, it is for this position that employees are hired for whom it is important to work in medicine, but at the same time have a sociology degree.


Today we figured out what kind of specialty “Social work” is, who to work for, and also what places graduates choose most often. To be honest, in practice it turns out that few people work with a diploma in this field.

Often it is enough just to get at least some higher education in order to work in one place or another. For example, sociologists are very often found as managers, waiters and cashiers. That is, with this diploma you can get a job wherever you want. But in most cases only by an ordinary employee.

Courses social workers are intended for students who want to work in organs social services, in specialized social centers, in boarding schools and rehabilitation centers.

A social worker implements programs social assistance, providing public services and assisting clients to solve their personal and social problems.

The training program for social workers is developed in accordance with Federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in Russian Federation"and Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 2013 No. 499 "On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in additional professional programs."

The Social Worker Vocational Training program is based on the requirements professional standard“Social worker” (approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 No. 677n “On approval of the professional standard Social worker”), as well as the all-Russian classifier of occupations OK 010-20141 (MSKZ-08) and the requirements modern market labor.

The goal of the professional training program for social workers is to develop the professional competencies of employees of social welfare centers, as well as all interested parties.

The course for social workers consists of theoretical lectures, interactive presentations, video lessons, tests and situational tasks.

As part of the training for social workers, you can consult with a personal manager on the subject of the course for free, and receive free electronic manual according to the course, prompt sending of educational documents upon completion of training.

You will be able to undergo social worker training at a time convenient for you. Training social workers has become even more convenient with the distance learning program.

We offer to study the social worker course remotely.

The course is intended for:

Persons wishing to master the vocational training program “Social Worker”, having a higher education (bachelor’s degree, specialty) or secondary professional education.

Benefits of the course:

1. Training for social workers lasts 2 months, you can undergo training at any time convenient for you and from any mobile device, without interrupting your work.

2. If you do not have time to pass all internal exams, you can extend your studies for an indefinite period for a nominal cost.

3. You can always return to a lecture or video course to consolidate the material, or use the electronic library.

Requirements for students:

1. Complete secondary education.

2. Copies of documents required for completing training and issuing a certificate of advanced training:

  • Document on complete secondary education;
  • A copy of the work record;
  • Copy of the passport;
  • A document confirming the change of surname, if it has changed.


After you submit your application or our manager contacts you, you will be issued an Invoice if you entity, either a receipt is generated for payment at any bank, or you can pay for the service yourself by adding the course to your cart using the Robokassa service. An invoice, receipt, contract and program of the selected course will be sent to you at email specified in the application.

Non-profit educational institution Additional professional education, in accordance with Russian legislation, is not subject to state accreditation. Only higher education institutions are subject to state accreditation.

Within a day, from the moment of receiving payment, an agreement with your signature and a package of applications for creating a personal file. Access is provided to your personal email.

You will receive an email notification about the end of the course. Either upon completion of the course in your personal account An email notification will appear indicating successful completion of the course. If nothing happens, then you need to contact your personal manager, tutor, write to the technical service - you will promptly be provided with information about the status of your training.

It all depends on the program you choose. Each program is designed for a certain number of hours. For example 288 ak. h. – designed for 2 months. But you can complete the training faster by passing all the tests and deciding situational tasks and cases. If you do not have time to complete the program in established by agreement terms, YOU can purchase unlimited access to the program. Its cost depends on the program you choose. For example, purchasing unlimited access under the programs “ Medical massage", "LFC", "Nursing" 288 and 504 academic hours cost 7,000 thousand rubles, as part of the purchase of unlimited access we agree with you additional agreement to your contract for the provision educational services.

If you purchase long-term certification or professional courses, you will need not only to undergo an internship, but also to write thesis, and pass the qualifying exam. The exam can be taken remotely as part of an online conference on the appointed day, or you can come to the in-person certification exam. If you are a resident of Moscow and Moscow Region, we can send you to practice with our partners completely free of charge. Depending on the course, you may need a medical book to complete the internship. Check with your personal manager for details.

You will receive documents from 3 to 14 calendar days. We work with the EMS (Russian Post) courier service at the Customer’s expense, and also send documents by Russian Post free of charge.

If you want to receive documents faster, we can send them at your expense using the courier service you specify. Data about courier service notify your personal manager immediately.

Yes. We have official agency offices in Krasnoyarsk, Krasnodar and a branch that carries out educational activities by extension “Cosmetology” in Yekaterinburg.

Certainly. Our corporate department managers organize training for on-site cycles. Educational process debugged for outbound cycles. If necessary, a mobile simulation center is activated. We consider each organization’s request individually and offer a reasonable and profitable solution to our partner.

Yes, sure. Our center is accredited for all electronic platforms. We constantly participate in procurement under 44-FZ.

Our Center operates without VAT. Educational services non-profit organization additional professional education in accordance with paragraphs. 14, paragraph 2 of Art. 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation are not subject to VAT (sales on the territory of the Russian Federation of services in the field of education provided by non-profit educational organizations for the implementation of general education and (or) professional educational programs (main and (or) additional), programs vocational training specified in the license, or educational process, as well as additional educational services corresponding to the level and focus of educational programs specified in the license).

If you terminate the contract for the provision of educational services before the start of training, we will return you 100% of the amount you paid, without any deductions. To process a return Money you need to fill out a letter on your organization’s letterhead or a personal statement, indicating the payment details, the reason for the return, the bank details to which the funds need to be returned, and send us a scanned copy, and either bring the original to the Central Office, or send it by letter with a notification by Russian Post , notifying your personal manager in advance. Refunds are made within 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the citizen’s written request and registration of this application by the quality manager.

We do not have a special student employment service. However, employers and partners often turn to us with a request to provide qualified personnel. We inform our listeners about such vacancies, or place advertisements in groups and social groups in the Internet.

For listeners who don't have medical education developed at ICPO special programs: “Medical massage. Comprehensive course", " Baby massage. Comprehensive course." As part of these courses, students will receive maximum information for the purpose of self-improvement, and will receive a diploma of the established form.

You can also get education in related areas, for example exercise therapy and SPA operator, which will make you even more competitive in the labor market.

The life of any society is a complex, multifaceted process that involves a large number of controversial situations. There are socially vulnerable or problematic groups of people who require help, material and moral support, and human participation. Previously, these functions were distributed between law enforcement agencies, educational and healthcare institutions. But since 1991, the profession of social worker has appeared in our country, the activities of whose representatives are aimed at helping and supporting those in need.

Areas of activity

  • Social therapy at the individual or family level aimed at social adaptation individual or permission of various kinds conflict situations in his environment. This area includes working with a problem child, with his parents, supporting a family member in case of domestic violence, helping a lonely pensioner, etc.
  • Working with population groups. They may vary by gender, age, interests or problems (single fathers, retirees, etc.). Often, a social worker has to deal with disadvantaged groups, or with those who have problems with crime - alcoholics, drug addicts, difficult teenagers who are registered with law enforcement agencies and require control and rehabilitation.
  • Community work. Most often it is required in small, fairly close teams (for example, in a village). Aimed at creating and strengthening interpersonal connections in the team, organizing mutual assistance.
  • The special field of activity of professionals is social projects. This could be an organization of assistance to civilians during natural disasters, during military conflicts. As an example, it is worth mentioning the collection of donations, necessary things or food for refugees.

Specifics of the profession

Social work is superficially similar to charity, which is voluntarily provided by certain people to those in need. However, the key point in the activities of professionals is considered to be the theoretical basis and practical skills that are the main component of the specialty. Those who want to become social workers study at universities at the faculties of the same name. The disciplines that are basic for students are pedagogy, psychology, sociology. Special place Practice takes place during training. Without it, the young specialist will have little idea of ​​what awaits him. The practical basis will help in both employment and professional development.

Social work is defined by qualified assistance to groups of people and individuals in solving their life's troubles and problems. Because complexities and communities vary, work requires a range of skills and knowledge. This profession can be described as having an integral nature. That is, it combines knowledge, skills and abilities from related disciplines.

A social worker, in order to diagnose the problems of his ward, uses psychological techniques; to resolve the problem, he can use legal knowledge (if necessary) or pedagogical knowledge (in the case of working with a teenager, a child from a problem family). Sometimes social work is directly related to helping the patient: for example, rehabilitation in case of irreversible injury or serious illness.

Special mention should be made of activities in the case of interaction with a person who has experienced violence or lost a loved one. Two aspects are important here: firstly, theoretical knowledge and skills from the field of psychology, which allow you to find the right approach to the ward, and secondly, sensitivity, tact, participation and a sincere desire to help.

The scale of activity of a social worker can be very different. He can contribute to the transformation of the client’s personality, or he can manage an entire social sphere.

Approaches to activity

  • Educational. A social worker acts as a teacher and advisor. He models situations, the behavior of his ward, establishes with him feedback and gives advice.
  • Advocative. The specialist acts as a lawyer. He helps in collecting documentation, in arguing that he is right, and helps the client achieve success in a particular problem area (for example, correcting certificates for disability benefits).
  • Facilitative. An approach that involves helping to overcome personal apathy and disorganization. A professional models behavior, encourages, looks for optimal options for your client.

Categories of social work

The specialty involves many options for activity, the main ones being the following:

  • Social politics. The broadest direction, which involves improving the life of society in this area, a number of measures aimed at solving problems, creating conditions to meet the vital needs of certain groups of the population.
  • Social protection. This direction is necessary to ensure the active existence of citizens and normal living conditions.
  • Social services. Provides household, material, medical, psychological and other assistance to people in difficult life situations.
  • Social insurance. Includes protections for the working population under federal laws.
  • Social guarantees. This is the implementation of a system of measures aimed at maintaining normal life support for citizens.
  • Social rehabilitation. Special area in a specialty that helps restore partially or completely lost social functions personality. This includes loss loved one, shock after a disaster, violence, sometimes restoration of the ability to live in society after imprisonment, etc.

Requirements for a specialist

A description of the profession would be incomplete without mentioning the personal qualities that a social worker needs. Since the object of his activity is a person, a formal attitude, callousness, commercialism and indifference are incompatible with such work. You should not only understand and realize the importance of your own specialty, but also sincerely feel sorry for the one who ended up in difficult situation, try to help him with all my heart. Only in this case will the activity bring real results.

The concept of social ethics also deserves special mention. This is one of the most important components of the profession, without which productivity is impossible. Ethics is important because a social worker deals with issues of vulnerable segments of the population, as well as people who come to him with problems - alcoholics, drug addicts, former prisoners, the poor. Respectful and humane treatment is an integral part of the profession.

Social work is a field that pays modestly. Unfortunately, in our country the salary of a worker in this field is low. On average it is 12 thousand rubles. It is possible to take on part-time jobs, receive small increments and bonuses, and sometimes there is a chance to go into management, where the rewards are higher. In general, a social worker is one for whom the first place is not salary, but the work for which he came into his profession.

The social sphere is quite multifunctional. The activity of social workers is to provide assistance to people experiencing difficult life situation. Specialists with higher education in social work help solve problems of a medical, legal, psychological, and social nature. You can complete distance learning as a social work specialist through our distance education center - it’s convenient and easier than contacting a university directly - you get a personal consultant who has a diploma in social work and real experience work in the specialty.

Areas of activity of social workers:

  • medical and social examination services;
  • legislative and executive power on social issues;
  • institutions of the social protection system (institutions for oncological, psychiatric, drug addiction profiles, services for the protection of motherhood and childhood, gerontological and rehabilitation centers, antenatal clinics and maternity hospital);
  • organs local government and state power;
  • insurance organizations and funds (pension, social support population);
  • medical institutions;
  • bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;

Certified specialists are always in demand in institutions across the country various forms property, and the demand for the specialty “Social work” is consistently high.

We offer you to obtain higher education in the specialty “Social work” by correspondence. The process of gaining knowledge and passing the session will take place remotely. By contacting us, you can be sure that you will be aware of all the nuances of training and that you can always contact us with any questions you may have.

Direction Level of education of the applicant Training period Price per semester, rub. Qualification (degree) Entrance tests
Social work 11 classes 5 years 18 000 Bachelor Unified State Exam
Secondary vocational education (SVE) 4 years 19 000 internal testing (Russian language, history, social studies)
Higher professional education (HPE) 3 years 19 000

Receive a state-issued diploma higher education in the specialty “Social work” you can study remotely by entering the Moscow Socio-Economic Institute (). To apply for the correspondence (distance) form, you must submit to the admissions committee. If you have already chosen a specialty and are studying at another university, but want to enroll with us, with the rules for admission to higher education programs in the 2019/2020 academic year, the procedure for transferring students from one university to another and the regulations on admissions committee You can check it out by going to.

Distance learning social work specialist - fill out the necessary documents

Document Note
Application for admission () To be completed by the applicant
Questionnaire To be completed by the applicant
Education document Copy
Agreement for the provision of paid educational services To be completed by the admissions officer
Photos 6 pcs. (3x4)
Passport Copy
Written test or Unified State Examination Certificate
Receipt for tuition fees
For foreign citizens additionally:
  • Passport translation
  • Translation of educational document
  • Certificate of Compliance with Education Level

* on Russian territory.
