How to install metal-ceramic crowns on the front teeth. Prosthetics of the upper front teeth - a beautiful and confident smile. Zirconium dioxide with increased aesthetics –

Anastasia Vorontsova

To put crowns for front teeth It is necessary to remember that such teeth require high aesthetics.

Taking this into account, today patients can be offered two options for crowns - metal-free ceramics and metal ceramics.

Let's try to figure out which of them are the most suitable for installation on the front teeth.

Prosthetics with metal-ceramics

A metal-ceramic crown is made of metal, which serves as the frame of the structure, and ceramics applied on top of it.

Metal-ceramics are most often used for the restoration and restoration of the anterior group of teeth.

The popularity is not due to the fact that metal ceramic crowns are the best for prosthetic teeth that fall in the smile zone, and the fact that at a relatively inexpensive cost they have good aesthetics.

Among the advantages of metal-ceramic crowns are: the following advantages:

  • Good aesthetic indicators.
  • High strength and reliability.
  • Fit with high accuracy to the surface of the tooth.
  • Long service life.
  • The cost of metal-ceramic crowns is average between them and the cost of metal crowns. This option prosthetics is an ideal ratio of price and quality.

Metal-ceramic structures are not without drawbacks.

These include minuses:

  • During tooth preparation, a thick layer of hard tissue is removed.
  • In most cases, tooth depulpation is an indication for fixation of metal-ceramic crowns.
  • After installing the crown, after a short period of time, cyanosis appears in the area of ​​​​contact of the structure with the gum. If your gums become exposed when you smile, the blueness will be noticeable to others, which will have a negative impact on aesthetics.
  • Due to the fact that metal ceramics lack transparency, artificial teeth will be noticeable against the background of the real ones. Therefore, it is better to resort to prosthetics of the front teeth with metal-ceramics in case of replacing a group of teeth, for example, from canine to canine. With this method of restoration artificial crowns will not be conspicuous to others when talking and smiling.
  • The metal contained in the crown can cause an allergic reaction.

Video: “Metal-ceramic crown”

Prosthetics with metal-free ceramics

To make crowns from metal-free ceramics, materials such as zirconium dioxide and porcelain are most often used.

In rare cases, crowns are made of plastic. This is the cheapest, but most unreliable option, which is subject to very rapid wear.

You should know that only single crowns are made from porcelain. If the patient requires a bridge, it is made from zirconium-based ceramics.

In terms of aesthetic indicators, porcelain and zirconium dioxide are no different.

Ceramic structures are made without the use of metal.

For front teeth, pressed ceramics are usually used, which are not strong enough. Therefore, it is not recommended to install it on the chewing group of teeth.


The advantages of metal-free porcelain and zirconium ceramics include:

  • Highest aesthetics. Ceramic crowns completely replicate the color and transparency of real teeth. The properties of the ceramic structure make the tooth covered with a crown indistinguishable from other teeth.
  • Impact resistance aggressive factors environment oral cavity. The structures retain color and transparency throughout their entire service life.
  • Duration of use of crowns.
  • Biocompatibility and hypoallergenic design.

The disadvantages of ceramic crowns include very high cost and limitations in the choice of material.

Porcelain is only suitable for making single structures. Plastic crowns have a limited lifespan.


It is advisable to perform prosthetic restoration of anterior teeth with crowns in the following cases:

  • If you need to protect a root filling.
  • In case of severe damage to the tooth as a result of trauma.
  • If installation of a bridge is indicated.
  • For better aesthetics.
  • If the tooth is severely weakened as a result of a large filling.
  • After installing a pin or core tab with a preserved tooth root.
  • After implantation.

How to install

  1. During the initial visit to the dentist, an anamnesis is collected and the patient’s oral cavity is examined.
  2. If necessary, dental treatment and root canal filling are performed.
  3. Then the material for making crowns on the front teeth is selected and the color of future crowns is specified accordingly.

Installation of crowns on the front teeth occurs in several stages:

  • Anesthesia is performed and the tooth is ground to the thickness of the future crown, which depends on the selected material.
  • Taking impressions of the jaws and sending them to a dental laboratory.
  • Manufacturing the structure in the laboratory.
  • Trying on and adjusting the finished structure.
  • Fixing the crown on the tooth using a special cement mortar.

When replacing front teeth with crowns, you will have to visit the dentist’s office at least twice.

Which ones are better

Which crowns are better? put on the front teeth: made of zirconium or porcelain, metal-ceramics or plastic?

  • Based on their cost, the most affordable are plastic and metal-ceramic crowns. But it should be taken into account that plastic prostheses wear out quickly, and metal-ceramic ones can cause allergies.
  • Next - porcelain structures, which combine high aesthetics and reliability, but they are quite expensive.
  • The leader in terms of functionality are zirconium crowns, the costs of manufacturing and installation of which will be the highest.

Thus, the choice in favor of one design or another should be made, first of all, based on whether the patient has a certain amount of money, and only then consider their advantages and disadvantages.


The main aspect that differentiates crowns for front teeth – price.

It depends on the material, the qualifications of the dentist, and the quality of the clinic’s equipment.

In some cases, it is possible to reduce the cost of prosthetics.

For example, when making a bridge structure, when only part of the teeth falls into the smile zone, it is advisable to make crowns from ceramics or metal-ceramics.

The remaining crowns, which will not be noticeable during a conversation, can be made from another cheaper material.

As a result, the cost of such a prosthesis will be much lower.

There is also another advantage here: when grinding such teeth, it will not be necessary to remove a large amount of hard tissue, which will preserve the vitality of such teeth longer.

These prostheses need to be installed in the following cases:

  • When most of the tooth is affected by caries;
  • severe destruction of the dental organ (more than 70%);
  • the tooth is destroyed after injury, the root must be intact;
  • external defects of teeth (hereditary or acquired), changes in their color when aesthetics suffer;
  • enamel predisposition to pathological abrasion;
  • loosening of teeth, which is the cause of periodontal disease (temporary dentures will make them more stable);
  • when a bridge is installed, thanks to the crowns it is fixed to the supporting teeth;
  • the presence of uneven edges on the tooth, which injure the mucous membrane.

Which material to choose?

Thanks to new developments, in modern dentistry there are several types of materials from which crowns are made. Let's consider the main ones:

  1. Metal - classic prostheses, already used long years. Most often they are made of gold. The advantages of such products are strength, reliability and durability. They do not oxidize, have an abrasion coefficient almost like that of natural enamel, and do not damage opposing teeth. The main disadvantage is minimal aesthetics, which is why they are placed on invisible areas of the jaw.
  2. Metal-ceramic, combining the advantages of metal and ceramics. They have durability, strength and high aesthetic values. They cost less than all-ceramic ones. The disadvantage of these prostheses is the mandatory preparation of a large amount of living tissue before their installation, as well as the possibility of abrasion of the enamel on the opposite dental organs. A strip of black metal near the gum may also be visible if its edge is lowered or the product was not made accurately.
  3. Crowns that have the most aesthetic appearance are made from ceramic or porcelain. They are as similar as possible to natural teeth and retain their properties for a long time. However, ceramics are significantly fragile and cannot always withstand the load of chewing. For this reason, ceramic products are often placed on the front teeth. The main disadvantage of these crowns is the high price.


Crowns are made using prepared plaster models. Metal, metal-ceramics and ceramics can be used as the manufactured material.

Manufacturing is quite labor-intensive and time-consuming, so while the dental technician is working on their creation, the patient is put on temporary plastic products. This way, the aesthetic appearance of the ground teeth is restored, and they are protected from external influences and infection. These dentures, in addition to protecting teeth, also allow them to be fully used when chewing.

Grinding of teeth for installation on their crowns

Grinding of teeth is called preparation. Produce this procedure using a drill into which a diamond bur is inserted. This way the tooth can be given the desired shape.

When grinding living teeth, the procedure is painful, so the patient is given anesthesia before it is performed. If you need to grind a pulpless tooth, anesthesia is not always used, but if you need to move the gums, it is better to do it.

The orthodontist needs to grind the tissue of the dental organ, a layer of which will be equal to the thickness of the prosthesis. Depending on the crown used, 1.5-2.5 millimeters of dental tissue can be removed from all sides of the dental organ. When attaching cast structures, less grinding will be required, and if ceramic or metal-ceramic products are installed, more grinding will be required.

The ground tooth forms a stump where the crown will later be attached.

How is the crown of a tooth restored?

The crown part of the tooth different cases can be destroyed in different ways, that’s why they restore it in different ways. To do this, either a stump inlay is installed in the tooth, or a pin is placed, and this does not in any way affect the appearance of the tooth.

A pin is a highly durable rod that is screwed into the root canal after it is filled. It plays the role of a basis for attaching the filling material. Then the tooth is built up and ground down for a prosthesis.

Using a stump inlay, you can make a very reliable restoration of a dental organ that will last a long time. It is made in a laboratory from a special metal that is non-toxic. The inlay consists of a coronal and root part. The root one is attached in the root canal of the tooth, and the coronal one has a look that is ready for attaching a crown to it.

The first stage of installation is preparatory

Before installing a crown, the dentist must carefully examine the patient's oral cavity; if necessary, an x-ray can be taken. Based on the examination results, a treatment plan is drawn up and recommendations are made. necessary procedures. It is also important to examine the patient for contraindications and allergies to any material.

The doctor and the patient select the most suitable type of crown. The timing of when the prostheses will be manufactured and installed, as well as the cost of treatment, is clarified.

If there are diseases of the gums and teeth in the oral cavity, they are cured.

  1. Removes the nerve from the tooth and grinds it down. It is important to grind a layer of the tooth that will correspond to the thickness of the prosthesis. When attaching a crown to anterior units with one root, removal of the nerve is necessary, because during grinding a pulp burn may occur. Depulping a multi-rooted tooth is not necessary, because the risk of burns in such a situation is minimal.
  2. Treats teeth affected by caries. Performs filling of canals. Cleans teeth from tartar and plaque.
  3. If the dental organ is severely damaged, it is depulped, the canals are filled and the coronal part is recreated with a filling compound.
  4. When attaching a crown to a living tooth, anesthesia must be used.
  5. If there is a filling on the supporting tooth, it is replaced with a new one.

After preparing the teeth for attaching the prosthesis, impressions are taken from them, from which crowns will be made in the laboratory.

Laboratory (second) stage of installation

Based on impressions taken from prepared dental units, plaster models of dental organs are made in the laboratory. This way, the dental technician gets an exact plaster copy of the patient’s teeth, maximally reflecting all their features. With the help of these models, further production is carried out.

Fitting and fastening - the third stage of installation

Before the crown is installed and even before the completion of manufacturing work, the first fitting of the prosthesis is performed. They check that it sits on the stump accurately and firmly.

Next, adjustments are made to the product if necessary and it continues to be formed in the laboratory. If metal-ceramics is used as the material being manufactured, it is necessary to coat the metal frame with an aesthetically attractive ceramic composition.

After completion, the prosthesis is fixed with a temporary composition, which allows you to evaluate the comfort of wearing the prosthesis, the possibility of allergic reactions, and eliminate the possibility that it will interfere with the connection with opposing teeth. The reaction of the dental units and neighboring tissues to the presence of a new element in the oral cavity is checked.

At this time, defects in filling the dental canals, inflammation or severe pain may appear.

The most common defect is the following: overbite, which causes the prosthesis to fit loosely on the neck of the tooth, injuring the gums and causing bleeding.

If there are such complications, measures should be taken to eliminate them.

Temporary dentures are worn from two weeks to a month. If the patient has no complaints, they are removed, the dental unit is cleaned and the permanent product is secured with permanent cement. Then the crown is irradiated with a special lamp, which promotes hardening of the cement. All excess cement is carefully removed.

On a note: You can chew on the tooth where the crown was placed after a couple of hours, but maximum load can be given to it after one day.

Cases in which crown removal is necessary

The need to remove the crown may be due to the following reasons:

  1. The tooth was poorly prepared for installation of the prosthesis. Statistics show that 60% of cases of dental canal filling are carried out with errors. This serves as a prerequisite for the development of inflammation, and tooth treatment leads to the need to remove the structure.
  2. Error during construction. If the product distorts the bite, does not fit tightly around the neck, or causes physical or aesthetic problems, it is removed.
  3. Planned replacement. At the end of its service life (usually 10-15 years), the prosthesis is replaced.
  4. Damage to the structure, the appearance of cracks or holes on it from washed cement, requires urgent replacement of the product.
  5. The occurrence of complications.

Removal methods

Removing the product is quite difficult, especially if you need to keep it intact in order to reinstall it.

If removal is due to a broken structure, it is better to cut it with special tools.

If it is necessary to preserve the prosthesis, the following is used to remove it:

  1. Crown removers (the most common are Kopp hooks) are special tools in the form of flat hooks that can be automatic or manual. With their help, the prosthesis is removed at the part where it connects to the tooth.
  2. The forceps securely grasp the prosthesis with its jaws and remove it from the base.
  3. Ultrasonic installations. Ultrasound waves can destroy the adhesive cement, after which the prosthesis can be easily removed.
  4. Pneumatic tools, the use of which also contributes to the destruction of cement and facilitates the removal of the crown.

What are the complications?

Let's consider complications that can appear after the installation of crowns:

  1. Strong pressure from the product on soft fabrics interferes with blood circulation, promotes the formation of bedsores. In this case, the soft mucous membrane can die off at the point of contact between the gums and the crown. This is how prosthetic stomatitis can develop.
  2. Damage to supporting dental units by caries. Poor cleaning of the oral cavity or poor preparation of the dental organs for the installation of a prosthesis leads to the accumulation of food particles under the crown, where bacteria that cause disease develop.
  3. An allergy to the metals that make up the prosthesis may not appear immediately after installation of the structure, but after some time. There is a burning sensation in the mouth, dryness, and inflammation occurs.
  4. Galvanic syndrome can be caused by the presence of various metals in the mouth. The result is education electric current, which enhances oxidative reactions. The patient feels in his mouth metallic taste, can be observed general malaise, headaches, the structure and neighboring dental organs may change color.

Each of these complications requires a quick reaction and a visit to the attending physician, otherwise you may lose the supporting tooth. The doctor will most likely remove the crown, perform treatment and install a new one.

The most interesting questions for patients


Does it hurt to get a crown?


Installing a denture can cause discomfort, just like any other dental procedure. Largest quantity discomfort falls on the preparation stage, including drilling, grinding of dental organs, cleaning and filling of canals. But the fact that the crown is generally attached to pulpless teeth minimizes the likelihood of pain. If live teeth are ground, anesthesia is used. And the actual attachment of the crown to the stump is completely painless.


How long does the procedure take?


The installation has several stages. To prepare your teeth, you need to visit the dentist one to two times, and sometimes more. The duration of each visit depends on which teeth are planned to receive a crown and their condition. It may take several weeks to make a crown. The prosthesis is placed on temporary cement for a period of 2 to 4 weeks. Then it is finally attached. Wherein total time The time spent on installing a crown can be from 1 to 2 months, and sometimes more.


Are crowns placed on living teeth?


For living multi-rooted teeth, the condition of which does not require depulpation, a crown is allowed. You can also place them when installing a bridge, when the crowns are attached to ground healthy teeth.

Crowns for the front teeth are selected taking into account special requirements. They should help restore the functionality of the jaw and at the same time have a high level of aesthetics. It is a wide, dazzling smile and healthy snow-white teeth create an image successful person. Advanced technologies, modern dentistry and high-quality materials will allow you to return lost incisors.

If any troubles arise in the dentition, especially in the front part, people try to eliminate the problem as quickly as possible. The incisors are located directly in the center, have a flat shape and cutting edges. Ceramic crowns are installed on the front teeth in the following cases:

  • absence of one or more incisors;
  • with increased abrasion of tooth enamel;
  • with necrotic changes in the pulp;
  • in case of hypoplasia;
  • V for cosmetic purposes when teeth are stained with tetracycline, as it cannot be whitened.

This type of prosthetics has no contraindications. Installation can be carried out even under different dental pathologies, in this case, the devices will help eliminate a number of other existing defects.

As for restrictions, pregnant women should refuse prosthetics, especially in the first and third trimesters. It is best to carry out such procedures in the middle of pregnancy.

Choosing a crown for anterior teeth

Dentures can be made with or without metal. Materials such as gold and platinum are rarely used due to their low aesthetics, although such a frame is more durable and has a longer service life than others.

To understand which crown is best to put on front tooth, it is worth considering the characteristics of each material. Modern dentistry offers several options: metal-ceramics, zirconium dioxide and simply ceramics.

Metal-ceramic crowns

This material is used more often than all others and is what dentists recommend. This is due to the fact that metal-ceramics simultaneously combines such qualities as functionality, aesthetics and low cost. The average service life of such products at proper care is about 10-15 years.

The structure looks like a metal frame about 0.5 millimeters thick, which is covered with several layers of ceramics. After this, the prosthesis undergoes a firing procedure in a special oven at a very high temperature. All these manipulations make the crown strong and solid. The base can be gold or made from an alloy of cobalt and chromium.

The main disadvantages of metal-ceramics are as follows:

  • during installation, deep turning is required, the nerve is removed (depulpation is performed);
  • the crown can negatively affect neighboring tissues;
  • the edge of the gums often stands out, and this reduces aesthetic indicators;
  • In bright light, you can distinguish the prosthesis from real teeth. This is due to the fact that the material is not transparent.

In addition, with prolonged use, the gums acquire an unsightly bluish color and recede. This usually happens after 3-5 years of use. As a result, a dark strip may appear at the neck under the gum - this exposes the denture. Such changes occur due to contact of metal with tissue. Basically, these factors do not affect the chewing function, but for the frontal zone this problem is significant.

If the patient has allergic reaction on metal objects, it is best to install the structure on a shoulder base, which will help avoid unpleasant consequences. Such dentures are completely covered with a ceramic mixture, so soft tissues will not come into contact with the metal. But it is worth noting that the cost of such products will be much higher.


As reviews show, it is not so popular for the front teeth. This is due to the fact that the structure has low strength. In this regard, the products are made with rather thick walls, which means that the tooth has to be sharply ground. In addition, the material itself is considered allergenic, and various microorganisms penetrate through the porous structure of the prosthesis, which often causes inflammatory processes under the crown.

As for aesthetics, the products are very similar to real teeth, although opaque. Basically, nylon or acrylic is used for their manufacture. But such devices have a service life of no more than 5 years, as they quickly lose their color. In addition, after a short period of time, chips and microcracks are observed on them.

Most often they are used for prostheses that are installed on implants. The advantages of plastic fixtures are low cost, speed of manufacture and installation. This crown can be installed in one visit dental clinic.

Zirconium dioxide

This material is the most technologically advanced of all presented. Zirconium prostheses are very durable and reliable, they are hypoallergenic and of high quality, which is especially appreciated by patients. The only drawback of such products is their high cost.

Typically, such structures are installed in the form of a single crown. To make it more durable and beautiful, it is better to make a prosthesis on a zirconium frame on which ceramics are applied. In this case, the metal base will not show through, which means your smile will look snow-white and natural.

Zirconium crowns are made using computer modeling. At the very beginning, the frame of the structure is projected, porcelain layers are applied to it, which give the prosthesis natural look. Modern materials allow you to choose almost any shade that will be as close as possible to the color of the patient’s teeth.


Crowns made from ceramics are also popular, although they are quite expensive. They are suitable exclusively for front teeth, since they are quite fragile and are unable to cope with the chewing function.

The advantages of such a prosthesis include:

  • long service life and reliability, after ten years of operation the aesthetic characteristics will not deteriorate;
  • even in bright light it will be impossible to distinguish artificial incisors from real ones;
  • installation of ceramic dentures does not worsen the condition of the gums and oral cavity.

But it’s worth noting right away that such material is used only if it is necessary to replace one tooth. Bridges cannot be made from ceramics. In addition, only ceramic or fiberglass pins can be used for inlays. Metal elements are not suitable, as they will be visible through the transparent ceramic layer.

Preparation and installation

Prosthetics begins with full diagnostics oral cavity. Only after this is a plan of action selected and the material from which the denture will be made is determined. If necessary, treatment is prescribed to eliminate caries or other dental diseases. Then the specialist performs the following actions:

  • Drills the tooth, removes the nerve, cleans and fills the canal;
  • Checks the condition of seals;
  • Installs a pin or stump inlay in pulpless teeth.

Such manipulations must be performed under X-ray control. In some situations, the incisor cannot be cured, so it is removed, then the patient requires two weeks of rehabilitation so that the gums can heal.

Many patients are afraid of dentures because of the pain, and they often cannot decide which crowns to put on their front teeth. But in fact, the procedure is absolutely painless, as it is carried out under local anesthesia, and an orthopedic dentist will help you choose the ideal material.

Before installing the prosthesis, it is necessary to slightly grind the teeth and, if necessary, fill them. At the same time, the nerves are removed. If this is not done, the pulp will be damaged during grinding, and this may cause an inflammatory process under the crown. The specialist then takes the impression and sends it to the laboratory, where a technician will make the necessary product.

If teeth are missing, an implant is inserted, after which it should take root. This will take about three months. Only after that . During this period, plastic crowns can be installed so that the person leads a normal life and feels comfortable.

Once the prosthesis is ready, the patient is invited to try it on. If necessary, the product is adjusted, and then it is fixed first with temporary cement, and after a month - with permanent cement.

There are special requirements for crowns on the front teeth. In addition to restoring the functional properties of the dentition, they should ensure high aesthetics of the smile area. It is difficult to imagine the image of a modern successful person without a wide smile that reveals healthy, snow-white teeth. This is exactly what can be achieved by using advanced technologies and materials to restore the lost properties of teeth.

When problems arise in the visible area of ​​the dentition, everyone strives to eliminate them as quickly as possible. The incisors are located directly in the center of the dentition. They are characterized by cutting edges, a flatter crown, and have only one root. They are not adapted to heavy chewing loads and cannot withstand strong mechanical influences.

The canines are the next two teeth on either side of the incisors. They are stronger and perform an auxiliary function when the incisors cannot cope with solid food and effort is required.

If they are affected or damaged by trauma, they need to be restored, especially if the pulp is affected by the inflammatory process. This is usually done by placing crowns.

Others important factors In order to place crowns on the front teeth, they become:

  • increased abrasion is observed; this problem cannot be eliminated by other means;
  • necrotic changes in the pulp begin;
  • the color of the enamel changes;
  • dental hypoplasia occurs;
  • There is tetracycline staining that cannot be bleached.

If you need to restore a single tooth, the root remains in place; it is enough to install 1 crown. A separate crown can also be placed on a grafted one. For prosthetic restoration of large areas, a bridge consisting of several crowns is used.

When are crowns contraindicated?

There are no serious contraindications to installing crowns on the front teeth. They are recommended to be installed even in case of multiple pathologies of the oral cavity, as they can eliminate many defects.

Be careful when using prosthetics with poor hygiene, because poor care can lead to inflammatory diseases. Some sports are highly traumatic, so installing aesthetic prostheses will cause them to break frequently.

Dmitry Sidorov

Orthopedic dentist

Important! Prostheses cannot be installed in the first and third trimester of pregnancy; this can be done in the second trimester.

Preparing for installation

The preparatory stage involves full examination oral cavity by a doctor, after which a treatment plan and material for dentures are selected. Therapeutic treatment is carried out: all manifestations of caries are eliminated, oral diseases are cured.

This is the most difficult stage:

  • drilling, removal of nerves, cleaning and filling of canals is carried out (these cannot be classified as pleasant procedures);
  • it is necessary to check the condition of all seals;
  • if the pulp is severely destroyed, a pin or stump insert is installed.

All these procedures are carried out under X-ray control. If the tooth cannot be treated, it must be removed and waited for 2 weeks. Modern drugs allow all these manipulations to be carried out with complete absence pain.

How is the crown installed?

Patients are usually interested in how crowns are placed on the front teeth, whether this is accompanied painful sensations. Preparation for prosthetics and installation take place without any discomfort.

Viable teeth are slightly ground down and filled if necessary. Before prosthetics, the roots of the front teeth must be removed. Otherwise, the pulp is damaged during grinding, and this will end in inflammation under. Subsequently required long treatment and installation of a new prosthesis.

The tooth is ground to the required depth. The turning procedure is painless, since the nerve is removed. Then an impression is made of the tooth stump, which is sent to a dental laboratory where a crown will be made. If it is intended to replace a living tooth with prosthetics, grinding is carried out under local anesthesia.

If a tooth is missing, the doctor inserts an implant in this place. The implant healing stage takes a long time, from 2 to 6 months.

Dmitry Sidorov

Orthopedic dentist

Important! A temporary plastic crown is placed on the stump. Making crowns takes for a long time, sometimes up to two weeks, during which time the stump should maintain its size and not be exposed to external factors.

And just from an aesthetic point of view modern man cannot live fully for two weeks with an unsightly smile. When the prosthesis is ready, it is tried on and adjusted. If everything is done properly, the crown is fixed with special cement.

Which material is better?

All crowns are made with or without the inclusion of metals. Gold, platinum and other metals for the frontal zone are rarely used. They are unesthetically pleasing and highly noticeable, although they have increased strength, high quality and a long service life.

When the question arises, which crown is best to put on a front tooth, preserving the beauty and naturalness of the enamel, it is better to choose metal-free dentures. They convey the natural color of the enamel well and are transparent, which is very valuable for the smile area.

The optical characteristics of ceramic dentures are closest to enamel; they are durable, resist staining, and retain color and original shine. They are made using zirconium dioxide, plastic, porcelain:

  1. Ceramics with plastic. Cheap, but fragile, wears out quickly. Service life 3-5 years.
  2. With porcelain. Average price group. characterized by reliability, but are applicable only for individual crowns.
  3. With zirconium dioxide. High strength, aesthetics, quality, hypoallergenic. Used for multi-tooth bridges.

If you have to choose, you need to take into account price, quality, and their ratio:

  1. The most accessible materials are metal-ceramics and plastic, but plastic does not last long due to its fragility; metal-ceramics sometimes causes allergies.
  2. Ceramics are more expensive than metal-ceramics, more reliable, durable, and beautiful.
  3. Zirconium is the highest quality, durable material, but has the highest cost.

When selecting material, you should not proceed only from price. It is necessary to choose the right crown for the front tooth, taking into account the transparency and natural color of the enamel.

Dmitry Sidorov

Orthopedic dentist

Important! Even the most expensive crown will not provide the desired aesthetics if the degree of transparency of the material and some other characteristics are not taken into account.

If you need one crown or a bridge, for example, out of three crowns, but want to preserve the naturalness and aesthetics of your smile, then it is recommended to choose pressed ceramics from E-max.

E-max glass-ceramic crowns are made from lithium disilicate. Transparency and light transmission are fully consistent with natural enamel, so they cannot be distinguished from your own.

Crowns and veneers are made from glass-ceramics under high temperature and pressure using injection molding techniques. Considered the best option for a separate crown, bridge or veneer for the smile area.

They are characterized by the same transparency as their own enamel, but low strength. Therefore, bridges made from it are not recommended.

Metal-ceramic crowns

The use of metal-ceramic prostheses is the most popular area of ​​prosthetics. They are often recommended by doctors if the patient is interested in which crowns are best to put on the front teeth in order to get a combination of beauty and low cost.

The quality and reliability of this material are not much different from other types of crowns: the service life is 10 years, and the cost is in the price range between metal and non-metal crowns.

Several layers of ceramics are placed on a metal frame 0.5 mm thick. The structure is then fired in a kiln to ensure high strength and integrity. The metal is an alloy of cobalt and chromium, sometimes gold is used.

Metal-ceramics has the following disadvantages:

  1. Requires deep grinding and removal of the nerve with filling of the root canals.
  2. It can negatively affect adjacent tissues, the gingival margin stands out, which reduces aesthetics and makes the presence of crowns noticeable.
  3. In bright light, the difference between metal-ceramics and your own teeth becomes noticeable due to low transparency and lack of shine.

Therefore, metal ceramics are often used to restore the entire smile area so that the contrast is less noticeable.

The metal frame is often visible through the surface material, so the frame is made opaque. For low levels of transparency, metal-ceramics are ideal if they are manufactured with high quality. Sometimes the gums near the crown acquire a bluish tint; after 3-5 years, the gums recede, and the edge of the denture in the neck area under the gum is exposed in the form of a dark strip.

These changes are caused by contact of metal with tissues, this is typical for standard options metal ceramics. It is not important on chewing surfaces, but for the frontal area it is a significant problem.

If the question arises, which crowns are best to place on the front teeth if you are allergic to metal materials, it is recommended to choose “shoulder-based” dentures.

Dmitry Sidorov

Orthopedic dentist

Important! The metal of such prostheses is completely insulated with ceramics, which eliminates contact with tissue. But their price is 2 times higher than standard ones.


When making crowns, the plastic coating is applied to a metal base. Such crowns are as beautiful as metal-ceramics, although they are not transparent. The material is nylon or acrylic.

Low strength requires a larger thickness of the crown wall, so you will have to grind too much tissue. Allergenic, the porous structure of the material allows microorganisms to penetrate into the crown, which can lead to inflammatory process. The edge of the prosthesis is damaged by the gums. Gradually they lose color and chips often occur. The service life reaches 3, sometimes 5 years.

Plastic is used to make crowns on implants, when installing combined dentures for one or several teeth, and sometimes for the restoration of the entire dentition. Costs plastic prosthesis inexpensive, it can be made very quickly. Plastic is often used temporarily while permanent crowns are being fabricated.

Zirconium crowns

They are among the most technologically advanced materials. Zirconium has the same strength as metal, is hypoallergenic, good quality. The disadvantages include the high price, some contrast in strength with natural enamel.

Zirconium dioxide is the material of choice for bridges and single dentures. To ensure strength and beauty, you should choose ceramics with a zirconium frame. Such a frame does not show through the ceramics, which is typical for metal-ceramics. Zirconium devices are more similar to natural enamel, although they do not have increased transparency. Therefore, they are also not recommended for patients with increased enamel transparency. But at low transparency it is a good option, zirconium prostheses are distinguished by their bright white color and low transparency.

They are made using computer modeling (based on a 3D model of the patient’s jaw). First, a zirconium frame is modeled, and several layers of porcelain are placed on it. Porcelain has low strength, so after 5 years, every 10th patient with such dentures develops chips.

Dmitry Sidorov

Orthopedic dentist

Important! IN last years Expensive translucent or pre-colored materials with zirconium dioxide appear, which have the necessary gradient of color and transparency from the neck to the cutting edges, corresponding to the gradient of natural enamel.

Disadvantages include high cost zirconium crowns, their fragility. In addition, zirconium dentures are slightly different from neighboring teeth, which is important for the smile area.

Is it acceptable to put crowns on a child’s front teeth?

Dental crowns for the front teeth are necessary not only for restoring the dentition of adults, but also for restoring baby teeth in children. This is required to preserve the coronal part baby tooth when the physiological change of teeth is still far away, if:

  • the coronal part is severely destroyed;
  • enamel is damaged;
  • there are chips;
  • the pulpless tooth needs to be strengthened;
  • caries progresses;
  • fluorosis is observed;
  • there are visible defects.

When installing a crown, the functionality of the child’s tooth is restored, the beauty of the smile is restored, and the chewing load is distributed properly, which ensures proper development bone tissue.

In children, depulpation is not required; it is enough to remove the affected tissue. For aesthetics, strip crowns are used. These are special blanks that are selected based on the size of the child’s tooth. There is no need to visit the doctor several times, take impressions and wait several days.

The doctor tries on different crowns, selects the one you need, fills it with the selected material and places it on the tooth. Before this, all damage is removed, the tooth is shortened by 0.5 mm. Then the tooth is illuminated with a special polymerizing lamp, the cap is removed, and the material is additionally polymerized, polished and adjusted to the bite.

Approximate cost in Moscow

The cost of prosthetics is not limited to the price of crowns, this includes preliminary treatment and doctor’s services. Therefore, a person pays for dental restoration based on the class of the clinic and the qualifications of the doctor, and the cost of the material and the crown itself is approximately the same for all clinics.

Average cost of one crown in Moscow clinics:

The cost of crowns is not determined by what area needs to be restored. But if, when installing a bridge, it will cover the teeth not only in the smile zone, the part of the device that is not included in the visible zone can be made from cheaper components. Ultimately, the cost of the prosthesis will be lower.

Modern technologies help to fully restore the integrity and beauty of one or more front teeth without causing harm to neighboring tissues. To ensure that dentures provide comfort and joy for a long time, it is advisable to choose qualified doctor And good clinic. At the same time, focus not only on your material capabilities, but on the quality and properties of materials, so that later you do not have to spend a lot of time and money on additional treatment and prosthetics.

Let's start with the fact that we, living in the 21st century, are very lucky in terms of dental treatment. The process itself became absolutely painless, and modern techniques They allow you to restore even completely missing teeth, and artificial teeth will be difficult to distinguish from natural ones. Regarding the installation of dental crowns, here too the dental industry has made a serious step forward over the past 20 - 30 years. Our parents were forced to wear metal crowns, which, although they performed their intended function, looked unsightly and oxidized. In the past, crowns on the upper front teeth made many people feel bad about their smile, but today everything has changed. Crowns can be placed on the front teeth in Russia in almost any dental clinic, and the number of qualified orthopedists and dental technicians has increased significantly. Patients also have the opportunity to choose: in modern dentistry, several types of dental crowns are used, which are designed to restore all the teeth in the oral cavity. What crowns are best for front teeth? Let's figure it out.

The best crowns for front teeth

On this moment V dental practice are used the following types crowns for the front teeth: metal-ceramic, zirconium, all-ceramic or E-MAX. When a patient has a question about which crown is best to put on a front tooth, products made from solid ceramics are first considered. Crowns of this type are usually made of porcelain using layer-by-layer technology or by injection molding, and the second method is considered more effective in terms of the strength of the finished structure. Ceramic structures are considered an excellent option. However, such crowns on the front teeth are not suitable for men with a massive jaw. A worthy alternative in this case would be ceramic crowns on a zirconium dioxide frame.

Types of crowns for front teeth - all the pros and cons

When choosing a design, it is easy for a patient to get lost in terms and definitions. However, in order to evaluate all the pros and cons of the proposed prosthetic option, it is enough to simply understand what material of the crowns on the front teeth is used in the manufacture of the prosthesis.

Metal ceramics

This crown has a metal base, the thickness of which is about 0.5 millimeters. As a rule, the material of metal-ceramic crowns for the front teeth is obtained by an alloy of cobalt and chromium, but gold-based products are often found. In the laboratory, layers of ceramics are applied to a metal frame and fired under high temperatures to achieve structural integrity and strength.

  • acceptable price
  • reliability
  • good aesthetics
  • serious impact on healthy teeth
  • blue outline along the gingival margin
  • allergy to metal

Solid ceramic

All-ceramic crowns are designed specifically for aesthetic prosthetics. Due to their relative fragility, they are almost never used in the chewing area; in addition, only single prosthetics are possible with ceramic products (crown bridges are not placed on the front teeth). Installing a crown on a front tooth should use metal-free support elements.

  • high aesthetics
  • biocompatibility
  • natural smile
  • fragility
  • relatively high cost


These are the most modern, durable and aesthetic crowns available on the dental market. They are made from zirconium dioxide - a material that is not inferior in strength to metal, is hypoallergenic and allows the production of prostheses of the highest quality.

  • reliability
  • good aesthetics
  • no transparency of natural tooth
  • high price

Ceramic on a zirconia framework

If you want to combine excellent aesthetics and high reliability, pay attention to ceramic structures on a zirconium dioxide frame. In metal-ceramics, the metal is visible through a thin ceramic layer, which significantly reduces aesthetics. Crowns of this type do not have this drawback, but at the same time they are as strong as metal-ceramics.

  • high aesthetics
  • reliability
  • high price

How are crowns placed on front teeth?

Many people are interested in how crowns are placed on their front teeth. The process is no different from installation on chewing teeth and includes several stages.

Installing a crown on a front tooth in 3 stages

Stage 1. If a crown is placed on a natural tooth, in most cases the root canals are filled and a special pin or core is installed on which the crown will rest.

Stage 2. After filling the root canals, the tooth is ground to the required parameters, impressions are taken, and a crown is made in the laboratory based on plaster models.

Stage 3. The crown on the front tooth is fixed using special cement. Well-placed crowns on the front teeth should not feel like a foreign body, put pressure on opposing teeth, or stand out in color and shape. If you are wondering how to get used to crowns on your front teeth, then the prosthetics went wrong.


If you experience the above symptoms in one form or another, we advise you to contact your dentist as soon as possible. After taking an x-ray, it will become clear whether you have a hidden problem and whether the crown needs to be removed. If there are certain indications, the doctor may not perform tooth depulpation, limiting himself to only grinding it. This often happens when crowns are installed on crooked front teeth that are not subject to extensive carious destruction (of course, if there are the necessary indications).

Is it possible to put crowns on the front teeth if there is no natural tooth?

You can, and this procedure is called dental implantation. How are crowns made on the front teeth during implantation? Specialists place a crown, as a rule, after completion of the healing stage of the implant itself, which lasts on average from 2 to 6 months. Up to this point, impressions are taken or computer 3D modeling takes place, allowing you to obtain the most accurate results. As with natural teeth, the patient wears a temporary plastic crown for a period of time before receiving a permanent denture.

What to do if the crown on your front teeth is broken?

Replacement of crowns on the front teeth occurs in case of damage (chips, cracks) or destruction of the supporting tooth. In this case, a new crown is installed (if there is an implant), or the entire prosthetic process begins from scratch (in the case of loss of an abutment tooth). To avoid possible complications, it is recommended to regularly practice good hygiene and visit a doctor. If you notice that the crown on your front tooth is loose, contact your dentist immediately.

Crowns for front teeth: “before” and “after”

Below are photographs of patients before and after having crowns installed on their front teeth.

What is better - veneers or crowns on the front teeth?

There is another way to restore teeth - veneers. These are ceramic inlays that are fixed with a special glue onto ground natural teeth. “Should I install veneers or crowns on my front teeth?” - this dilemma arises in the minds of many patients, but despite similar functions, these are two different systems. Crowns are intended to the greatest extent to replace the functional properties of a tooth, while veneers belong to aesthetic dentistry and can be installed on absolutely healthy teeth that the patient is not satisfied with. appearance. Let's take a closer look at modern types of crowns for the front teeth, which are worth paying attention to when restoring teeth in the smile area.

Crown for front tooth - price in Moscow

Detailed information about how much a crown for a front tooth costs along with treatment should be posted on the website of each dental clinic. We can only give approximate figures based on the average indicators in the dental market. The price of a crown for front teeth in Moscow starts from 5,000 - 7,000 rubles for a metal-ceramic product. This amount only includes the manufacture of the crown itself and its installation: all accompanying therapeutic treatment is paid separately. A ceramic crown will cost approximately 13,000 - 16,000 rubles, and for a zirconium dioxide structure you will need to pay about 20,000 rubles. Crowns for 2 front teeth or crowns for 4 front teeth will cost the patient quite a significant amount, but with competent work by the doctor you are unlikely to regret the money spent.

The cheapest ones are temporary crowns, which the patient wears until he receives a permanent crown: the price of a temporary crown for the front teeth rarely exceeds 1,000 - 2,000 rubles.

The cost of the crowns themselves practically does not depend on the type of teeth being restored, so you should not think that a crown on the lower front tooth will cost less or more than prosthetics on the upper front tooth.
