A cat in your home: what you need to know about caring for your pet. What you need to know about purebred cats What you need to know about kittens

The cat has been one of the most popular pets for thousands of years. And no wonder: this beautiful, intelligent and “compact” animal does not require special conditions accommodation and complex care.
Some people keep cats for practical reasons (as a rat and mouse exterminator), but the vast majority of people keep them as pets to whom they want to give their love and care.
So, you belong to the last category and have decided to get a cat or are already the owner of this wonderful animal and want to learn more about caring for your pet. What do you need to know before bringing a cat into your home? And how to care for this graceful creature while you live with him? Useful tips and advice.

Cat comfort. Setting up the cat's territory.
First of all, you must assign your cat a “bedroom”, “kitchen” and “toilet”.
The “bedroom” is the place where your pet will spend her “sleepy” 16 out of 24 hours a day, the so-called “place of sleep and rest.” It is advisable to purchase a special cat bed or soft house for these purposes. You can buy them at any pet store.
The “kitchen” is the place where the cat’s drinking and food bowls will be located, that is, where the cat will eat. There must be at least two bowls: one for food, the other for drinking. It is best to purchase bowls made of earthenware or plastic: they are easy to clean and almost indestructible.
The “toilet” is the place where the cat will defecate. For these purposes, you should buy a special tray, which can also be purchased at a pet store.

Usually the mother cat herself teaches the kittens where they should go to the toilet, but if the animal is still not trained to the litter box, you can teach it using a special spray, which you will find in any pet store.
Warning: cats, unlike cats, often do not like to defecate “smallly” and “largely” in the same tray, therefore, if you decide to have a cat, it is recommended to purchase two trays.

Cat accessories. Choosing accessories for the cat.
The cat needs grooming and leisure. To do this, purchase the following accessories:
Comb. Approximately once every one to two weeks (depending on whether it is short, medium or long wool your pet), the cat needs to be brushed. This allows you to remove dead hair, which, when washing the cat, gets into its stomach and causes gag reflexes in the animal, and also prevents the formation of tangles in the fur of long-haired breeds. In addition, the animal loves to be carefully and tenderly combed.
Toys. Cats are very mischievous and love various toys. You should buy your pet several toys various types so that the cat can choose the toy that is most pleasant to her.
Carrying. If you sometimes take your cat out, for example, with you on nature or on vacation, it is advisable for you to get a special carrier. This can be either a portable container, a carrying bag or a wicker container.
Leash for a cat. If you sometimes take your animal for a walk under personal supervision, you should buy a special cat leash. The design of a cat leash is different from a dog leash, so a regular dog leash is unlikely to be suitable for these purposes.

These furry fidgets are not very fond of the bathing procedure, so during bathing try not to shout at the meowing and struggling animal, but to calm the pet in a soft and gentle tone, often calling it by name.
Feline medicine. Cat health and going to the vet.

From 3-4 months and throughout its life, the cat should be examined by a veterinarian in order to vaccinate the animal and prevent/detect various diseases. It is recommended to do this once every six months to a year in a specialized veterinary clinic. Remember that cats get sick too, and take this process seriously!
If you don't want your four-legged friend brought offspring, it is advisable to sterilize/castrate him. This can also be done in the vet. clinic.
By following these cat care recommendations, your pet will be able to give you love and affection for a long period.

Loving a cat means respecting its freedom and adequately understanding the needs of the animal.

You have a kitten

If you have purchased a kitten, the first thing you should do is take it to the vet for a checkup. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a purebred baby with a passport or bought second-hand in transit. It is important that the doctor examine the animal immediately. Many diseases can be dangerous for both cats and humans.

Visit to the veterinary clinic

Depending on the age of the kitten, the veterinarian may ask you to prepare the animal for vaccination (this is simply necessary and statutory a measure due to the sharp increase in rabies among animals). A comprehensive vaccination will protect your pet from many possible problems and keep your family safe. The kitten must be wormed 2 weeks before vaccination. The dose of the deworming medication will be prescribed by your veterinarian, or you can calculate it yourself by studying the instructions for the drug.

The first vaccination will need to be repeated after some time in order to develop stable immunity to the disease in the animal.

Enter all information about worming and vaccinations into the animal’s passport, which can be purchased at the veterinary clinic. This document will allow you to subsequently transport the animal without any problems if you decide to cross the border. When the animal grows up, the cat will need to be vaccinated once a year, a month before the last vaccination given the year before.

It is also important to treat the animal for fleas and other harmful insects, for example, ticks (in spring and summer). Even if your furry friend does not go outside or go to the country, you can bring insect larvae from the street with your shoes. Check your animal regularly.

Choosing a name

Your cat is healthy, vaccinated and full of strength and energy. When choosing a name, consider the fact that cats respond well to dull and hissing sounds. Therefore, choose a short and sonorous name with the consonants “f, s, ch, sh, sch, c.” So furry pet will get used to his name faster. Do not call your cat using the phrases “kitty-kitty”. The animal will get used to it, thinking that this is its name.

Toilet training

It is very important to immediately accustom the kitten to its latrine. Choose a tray that is sized, with low sides so that your baby can easily climb into it. Also give Special attention choice of filler. There are special litters for kittens on sale. The fact is that stupid kittens love to play in their toilet, dig around and sometimes even taste the litter. And here it is very important that it is safe for the health of the animal. Place the tray in a secluded place where the animal can be alone with itself; cats are very shy in this sense. This could be a corner in the bathroom or toilet. Make sure that the door to this room is always open and the cat has constant access to the litter box. At first, put the cat on the tray quite often so that he understands where his toilet is located and remembers what needs to be done there. If your furry friend misses a couple of times, don’t scold him too much, just point out the “surprise” with his muzzle, and immediately take the cat to the litter box. You can wipe the puddle with a piece of paper and leave this paper in the tray so that the smell attracts the animal to to the right place for the toilet. Wash the puddle off the floor well special means, which eliminates odor (sold in a pet store) so that the cat does not go there again.

Don't force

Cats are very independent animals and do not tolerate being restrained by force. Therefore, do not try to hold the animal in your arms if the cat does not want it. He will definitely come to you exactly when he is ready for affection.


If you want to live in peace and harmony with your pet, you should not harshly punish him. Cats are very sensitive to the intonation of your voice. If the cat misbehaves, just scold him in a loud and firm voice, do not hit him. Often, the owners themselves provoke the animal to disrupt the order, for example, by leaving food on the table. Of course? the cat will try to get to the treasured sausage. In order not to drive the animal into actions that you do not like, watch your own.

Accustom to nail sharpening and nail trimming

From childhood, teach your cat to sharpen its claws in the designated place. Buy a sharpener and to attract your kitten, you can spray it with catnip (available in pet stores). Cats love this scent very much. But if an animal gets into the habit of sharpening its claws towards the sofa, spray it with citrus perfume, animals cannot stand this smell. Many owners also choose furniture with anti-vandal upholstery, which is resistant to the teeth and claws of pets. It is also worth accustoming your cat to trimming its claws from childhood. It is important to do this correctly. Buy special scissors with rounded ends at the pet store and trim only the very tips of the claws, where there are no nerve endings or blood vessels. Otherwise, the kitten will be in pain and will no longer want to undergo such a cruel procedure. Learn more about how to trim cats claws from our master class.

Get used to traveling by car

Not all animals don't like car rides. It's all a matter of habit. Accustom your cat to the car gradually. Buy a special carrying basket for your pet, give him time to get used to it, sniff it, and spend several hours in a calm environment. After this, the cat can be brought into the car, but there is no need to rush there either. Do not start the engine right away, let the cat get used to it. Sit next to her, caress her, talk, let her hear a familiar voice and smell. After several such visits to the car, you can start it and drive it a short distance.

Bathing a cat

Most cats hate water. And it is not recommended to bathe cats often. It is enough to do this once or twice a year. Bathing is a real challenge for the animal and for you. Fill two basins with water, in one you will bathe, soap and rinse off the foam from the shampoo, and in the other basin you will rinse the animal. Try to hold the cat's paws confidently, but do not hurt the animal! Do not pour water on the animal's head and make sure that water does not get into the cat's ears. The ears can then be gently cleaned with a damp cotton swab. After bathing the cat, dry him well with a towel and comb him. Make sure the house is warm and free of drafts.


Decide how you want to feed the animal - natural products or dry food. The second method is of course more convenient. But here it is important to choose the right food. Avoid cheap, inexpensive brand foods. Buy good, proven food, which your veterinarian can recommend. In this case, you will avoid possible pet health problems in the future. Cats can also be given sprouted wheat or oats, which are rich in vitamins.


Cats can be active or lazy. Depending on the nature of the animal, offer it fun game. Buy a couple of mice and balls at the pet store, a wand with feathers at the end, and be sure to play with your pet. Then you will grow up to be an affectionate and active animal. Remember, you are responsible for the one you tamed.

Before you get a kitten you need to know how to care for it

If you decide to buy yourself a kitten, it is important to know what you need to have to meet it in order to quickly accustom it to its new home. You need to have: a carrier, a tray, litter, feeding dishes, a scratching post, a comb, toys, sprays, toothpaste and brush, food. How to choose the right one and what it should be, we will analyze further.

What is a carrier and how to choose it correctly

Carrying - a basket, box for carrying and transporting the baby.

Carrying requirements:

  • You need to pay attention to the seasonality of carrying; it can be winter, summer, or combined;
  • It should be made of durable materials, it is good if it is collapsible so that it can be washed;
  • The carrier must have an inspection hole, this reduces the animal’s sense of fear. A hard bottom will also be a plus, since the kitten loves to feel solid soil under its feet;
  • The clasps must be strong, some animals like to try to open the carrier so as not to lose your pet it is better to take this fact into account;

Select the size according to the breed of the cat; it is better to buy a larger one right away, because when the kitten grows up you won’t have to change it.

Types of carriers

There are several types of cat carriers on the market.


They have strong walls and a bottom that allows the animal to feel comfortable. It must be taken into account that the cat basket must be tightly closed.

  • The advantages of the baskets are that they are made from natural materials and are quite lightweight.
  • The disadvantages of baskets are that they are not airtight and absorb odors. It is not recommended to wash it; it is better to wipe it with a slightly damp cloth, so contamination is not always removed.

Bags for transporting cats made of fabric

  • The advantages of bags are that they are very light, do not take up much space, can be folded, and are inexpensive.
  • The downside is that they can get wet and do not have a frame, which leads to irritation and discomfort for the cat.

Containers for transporting cats

One of the most reliable ways for transporting your pets. The advantages of containers are that they are made from durable plastic, which is easy to care for: wash, clean. Such a container is well suited for transportation in a car, but if you transport the cat in public transport, it will be inconvenient, as it takes up a lot of space and is quite heavy.

Please note that it is better to choose a container with metal doors; plastic ones are not entirely reliable.

Tray or toilet for a kitten

Choose a suitable tray for your pet

Toilet (tray) – required attribute when keeping an animal. It is better to purchase a medium or large size right away.

Types of trays:

A tray with rectangular sides is the simplest type of cat litter. Convenient for small cats. Cons - if the cat likes to bury itself, it will most likely scatter the litter. Pros: inexpensive, lightweight.

  • Tray with sides and mesh. The tray is similar to the previous one, but the advantage is that it is easy to clean.
  • Tray with high sides. It’s convenient because when the kitten paddles, it doesn’t scatter the litter, but when washing this toilet, the litter can remain on the sides.
  • Cat toilet. A special toilet is designed specifically for the convenience of the owners. Very convenient and practical. It has high sides on which the seal is located, this allows you to cover the toilet with a bag or paper and fix it.
  • Tray - house. An innovation that will make caring for your pet much easier. The toilet is shaped like a house, with a transparent door. It is collapsible, which is convenient for washing. Many models are equipped with a carbon filter, which removes odor. This toilet model is very convenient, it can be placed even in the smallest apartment, and it will not spoil the view.
  • The toilet is a tray with a cleaning system. The design of the tray is made in such a way that it contains a sensor that reacts to the approach of a cat. After a couple of minutes, a rake comes out and removes the waste into a special container. The container must be cleaned periodically.

Each owner chooses independently which type of filler is best suited for his pet.

It’s up to you to decide what type of cat it will be, but it’s better to buy one that the kitten is already used to. Many people prefer the old methods: newspaper, sawdust, sand. But such a filler quickly gets wet and does not eliminate the smell. Better to use:

  • granular, made from small lumps of clay. Absorbs moisture well, but does not eliminate all odors. This kind of filler should not be flushed down the toilet. It needs to be changed every 3-4 days;
  • woody– granular, copes with odor very well, can be washed down the drain. But the downside is that when wet it can stick to the animal’s fur;
  • clumping filler, very popular, when wet it forms a lump that is easily removed with a spatula. But it sticks to the paws and doesn't hold odor very well;
  • silica gel filler. The new kind filler, which consists of quartz sand, its very big advantage is that it needs to be changed every 2 weeks. Eco-friendly and absolutely harmless. The downside is the high price.

Food bowl

Choose comfortable bowls

It is better if the bowl is stable; what material it is made of is not so important, the main thing is that it is not harmful to the kitten. There are many types from single to triple bowls. You can also choose colors and materials as you wish. Some owners sometimes even write the kitten’s name on the bowl; this is convenient if you have more than one animal in the house, so you definitely won’t mix up the bowls.

It is also worth considering the anatomical capabilities of your pet when choosing a bowl, since you cannot buy a bowl that is too deep for the British and Persians. Because of their flattened muzzle, it is inconvenient for them to eat from such dishes. For large breeds For cats, it is recommended to use stands for bowls so that the cat does not have back problems in the future.

scratching post

All kittens love to scratch their claws, so it is important that he can do this not on furniture, but on a special stand for scratching his claws - a scratching post. They are different sizes, when buying a scratching post, you need to take into account the approximate size of the already grown kitten. If this is a cat, for example, then it is better to immediately buy a scratching post large sizes so that even when the cat grows up he can stretch out and scratch his claws. Most often, the claws are entwined with sisal and twine; when choosing, keep in mind that it must be reliable.

Types of scratching posts:

  • Flat, the simplest type, they consist of a flat wooden base wrapped with twine. This scratching post can be placed on the floor or attached to the wall.
  • In a column. This is a stand on which the scratching post is located, usually in a column or cylinder. The advantages of this stand are that it does not need to be attached anywhere, and it will fit into any interior. Sometimes different toys are tied to it.
  • Scratching post in the shape of a house. Represents various options location above or below, then a scratching post. Convenient because the animal can play and relax. The disadvantages of the house are the high price and dimensions, most often it takes up more space than a regular scratching post.

How to choose a comb for your pet

You can use a furmitator to comb your cat well.

Many types of combs are now presented in pet stores, they come in different sizes, materials and with different features. When choosing, you need to take into account such features as:

  • type of comb bristles;
  • the material from which it is made;
  • convenience and durability;
  • safety, environmental friendliness;
  • cleaning

It is better when you have several combs in your arsenal, for simple combing, for combing out wool.

Before cutting your nails, you need to know that only the rounded tip of the nail is cut, since there are blood vessels next to it; if you hit a vessel, your animal will be hurt. When cutting, take the cat's paw and carefully separate one nail, cut it to the line of blood vessels.

In order not to cause discomfort to your pet, it is better to periodically accustom him to this, little by little, maybe even one nail at a time.

Cleaning your ears

To clean you will need cotton swab and boiled water at room temperature. You need to carefully clean the auricle from excess dirt and wax; you should not try to penetrate deep into the ear. We recommend reading full information.

You don’t need to clean your ear more than once a month and you don’t need to achieve sterility, just remove dirt. If you find that your cat often scratches his ear, you should show him to a doctor.

Combing out the wool

Brush your cats periodically

A mandatory element of caring for a cat is brushing its fur. By combing the skin, we massage it, stimulating blood flow. Long-haired cats must be combed to prevent the formation of mats.

Features of care different breeds cats are almost identical. For example, for Scottish cats, you need to take into account their curiosity and hide all things and medicines that are harmful to it. They are quite painful, you need to comply with all vaccinations and be constantly examined by a doctor.

For long-haired and large cats such as the Maine Coon, they need a special large toilet, their own place to sleep, and constant coat care.

For siamese cat It is worth remembering that she is very sociable and attentive, it is worth devoting time to her, this breed has a predisposition to liver diseases and dental problems.


This procedure should be carried out for prevention once every 4 months. Or 2 weeks before vaccination.

Flea control

Collar. It is also used for prevention and control. Put a collar on the cat; the period of wearing it depends on its type and the number of fleas. Cons: Not all cats are comfortable wearing a collar.

Drops or sprays. They are applied between the cat's shoulder blades and are very effective.


It is up to the owners to decide whether to vaccinate cats or not, but it is worth remembering that unvaccinated cats do not have immunity against diseases. Kittens can be vaccinated as early as 3 one month old. Vaccination is carried out subsequently every six months, a year, three years, depending on the vaccine. Vaccination can be carried out only after deworming. Only a doctor can determine exactly when and what to vaccinate your pet with, but one manufacturer is better.

It is better to spay and sterilize domestic cats and female cats.

This is either ligation of the ovaries or removal of the uterus. If you remove the uterus, the cat does not stop estrus, she can breed, but she cannot give birth. When ligating the ovaries, the cat's body sometimes deceives everyone and eats the opportunity to become pregnant.

When a cat is neutered, both her ovaries and uterus are removed. She's going into heat hormonal background does not change, the risk decreases oncological diseases decreases many times if the cat was neutered before the first heat or immediately after it.

This is the removal of the testes. This procedure can be performed on absolutely all cats. The downside of this procedure is: it increases the risk urolithiasis, obesity.

Before and after the castration operation, you will need to not feed the cat for 12 hours. Remove the filler to avoid infecting the seam. Once every six months you need to take urine samples for analysis to track changes in the animal’s body.

And in addition, watch the video.

If you've ever thought that a cat is a cunning, complex creature that probably has a few secrets from you, then... you were right. We can provide at least 20 amazing facts about your pet. And many of them you never knew. So read on!

Female cats are most often right-handed

Psychologists D. Wells and S. Millsopp from Queen's University Belfast tested 21 male and 21 female cats and determined that the animal's dominant paw correlated with gender. For example, female cats are right-handed.

Cats have more than 20 muscles that control their ears.

Our pets can hear even the slightest rustling noise because they have more than twenty muscles that control the outer part of the ear. Cats can move ears towards the sound, one independently of the other. Interestingly, an animal can better identify the source of a sound when stationary, which explains why a cat often stops and listens without moving.

Almost 70% of a cat's life is spent sleeping.

Everyone's favorites can be observed at home only in four states: while sleeping, eating, running around and playing. It turns out that they take much longer to sleep than the other three activities. As it turns out, cats are the champions of sleep-loving animals. And all this because in wildlife they must expend a lot of energy to hunt.

Cats can't eat sweets

Cats are well versed in different tastes. They distinguish between bitter, salty and sour. True, these animals are most interested in meat, but they are not tempted by sugar or spices. As it turned out, due to a damaged gene, they, unlike any other mammal, do not perceive sweet taste.

Owning a cat may reduce your risk of heart attack or stroke

If you have a purring dog in your home, you've probably noticed that its presence helps relieve stress and anxiety. And this, in turn, leads to normal blood pressure and helps protect you from heart problems.

Purring is a sign of “self-medication”

We often perceive a pet's purring as a sign of contentment, but sometimes the reasons for it can be more complex. It turns out that purring is not always associated with pleasure - in some cases it reflects pain or nervousness. Some experts believe that these sounds made by a wounded animal are a sign that its muscles and bones are recovering.

Cats may be lactose intolerant

Although cats generally love milk, this does not mean that they all digest it easily. Our pets often have problems digesting lactose. For most of them, the named substance can upset the stomach and lead to diarrhea.

Raw fish can be dangerous for cats

We, of course, find it difficult to believe that, judging by the cartoons, a cat’s favorite food - raw fish - can be quite dangerous for her. As it turned out, the named product may contain bacteria harmful to our pets that can cause food poisoning. In addition, enzymes contained in raw fish destroy thiamine, important vitamin B, which can result in neurological problems.

Cats can make over 100 different sounds

Cats are capable of hissing, meowing, purring, snorting, grumbling, howling, and during the annual cat concert you can safely add dozens of variations of other sounds. By comparison, dogs only make 10 different sounds. Cats can also communicate through body language, bite and give signals using smell.

We have more in common with cats than we might imagine. It turns out that both human and cat brains are made up of gray and white matter, and our pets tend to think along the same lines as humans. In addition, they, like us, have long-term and short-term memory.

Cats are smarter than dogs

Studies have shown that the cerebral cortex (the part responsible for processing cognitive information) in cats is much more complex than in dogs. In addition, their brains contain twice as many neurons, making cats much better equipped to solve problems, as well as more long time than their rivals - dogs, can retain information.

A cat can jump up to 6 times its body length

Cats have powerful muscles hind legs, which help them jump very far (fun fact: they use their tail for balance). This is why your pet will easily jump from the floor to the countertop, and in some cases even to the top of the refrigerator.

If cats leave their feces exposed, this is a sign of dominance in the territory.

Cats are social animals by nature. They use urine and other signals to demonstrate a higher position in the hierarchy. Thus, in colonies, subordinate cats bury their feces, while dominant cats leave them open.

Cats have sweaty paws

Like dogs, cats have sweat glands only on their paws, between their toes. You've probably found wet paw marks when your pets sweat during the hot months. But these glands are not intended for cooling, but for scent marking. Therefore, hot cats have to look for a cool place to cool down.

A cat's nose is unique

Cats' noses are equipped with unique skin patterns. They are as unique as human fingerprints.

Cats lick themselves to get their scent.

Cats can detect odors even when diluted to one part per million. And they rub against other cats or people to convey their scent and pick up someone else’s. When purrs lick themselves, it turns out that they are carefully removing your scent from their fur - nothing personal.

Cats see better than people

Cats have a large number of photoreceptors in the retina. There are 25 times more rods than cones. Thanks to this structure, their visual organs are very sensitive to dim light. And to see something, they need only a sixth of the illumination that people need for the same purposes. But this property also comes with disadvantages: as it turned out, cats are not able to distinguish finer details or rich colors.

Cats rub against people to mark territory

When cats rub against people or objects, they leave their personal scent on them. In this way, they make it clear to other cats that they are the masters here, and you are only on their territory.

Changes in the rhythm of life are painful for cats

When our pets are forced to change something in their routine, such as their feeding schedule, owner, or where they live, they can get sick. In this case, the unfortunate animal may vomit or refuse to eat. The fact is that purrs are strongly attached to a place and to a certain rhythm of life, and any violation in this can cause them depression or cause unusual behavior.

Cats use their whiskers to navigate through narrow spaces

A cat's whiskers (also called whiskers) are longer and thicker than ordinary hairs. The longest of them are located near the nose, and the shorter ones are located above the eyes, on the chin, cheeks and even paws. They're covered nerve cells And blood vessels, which help to detect any changes around and navigate in space. Whiskers typically grow the width of the animal's body, so cats use their whiskers to determine if they can fit into a space. In addition, these hairs help animals avoid obstacles in complete darkness.

Where to find a reliable seller in Blagoveshchensk, how to determine the health of a kitten and why four-legged animals are sold with nicknames

When buying a “noble” four-legged animal, you pay a decent amount for it. To spend money well and find a friend on long years, you should remember some important points. Shared tips Chairman of one of the Blagoveshchensk cat lovers clubs Irina Yakovenko.

Choose wisely

1. It is better to purchase kittens from breeders - that is, from those who breed breeds and sell them. You can find out the addresses at the cat lovers club.

2. Documents for the kitten are obtained from the club where its parents are members. If you are offered an animal from a male cat, for example, from a Vladivostok organization, then in Blagoveshchensk you will not get registration and pedigree.

3. A breed certificate, or “kitten card,” is issued on the basis of a referral for mating (this paper is given to the club by the owner of the cat, after mating, the paper is signed by both owners). Metrics and pedigree of the animal are received when the baby is two months old. Each club has its own sample of these documents.

4. The kitten should not be taken from its mother before 12 weeks (3 months) after birth. Firstly, the longer the baby eats milk, the stronger his immunity will be. Secondly, adult cat teaches how to properly lick oneself, go to the toilet, hunt, etc. A kitten that is taken from its mother early may grow up to be aggressive and selfish.

5. The degree of fatness is also important. If the kitten is too thin with a thin tail, then he is simply severely malnourished. But swollen sides and abdomen may be signs of intestinal infestation or gastrointestinal disorder.

6. The baby's ears should be clean, without odor or rash (this may be a sign that the animal has fleas and ticks). Cats' ears (as well as dogs' ears) are very sensitive, so such problems are extremely painful for the animal.

7. Look into the kitten's mouth. The gums and oral cavity should be pink (not pale or red) without wounds or inflammation. Otherwise, it may be the result of periodontal disease or a sign of infectious and viral diseases.

8. Purebred four-legged animals are sold with nicknames. The fact is that the clubs maintain a “Stud Book” of born cats. There is one for each group (short-haired, long-haired). In the books, animals are arranged alphabetically. The name of the baby born is chosen based on the “current letter”.

9. Prices for some breeds of kittens can be quite low. There are several reasons for this. Breeders reduce prices if there is no demand for the animal. Keeping growing four-legged animals is expensive; the owner tries to attract potential buyers with a low price. The price of certain breeds is also falling. For example, Persians are leaving the Blagoveshchensk market, although they are very popular in western Russia. Now you can buy such a kitten from us relatively inexpensively. A baby with a so-called “breeding marriage” can also be given away cheaper. This may be a discrepancy between the color or appearance of the animal and the breed standards.

Kitten to suit your personality

Before buying a furry friend, decide on the breed. To do this, you can go to cat shows, read information on the Internet, and study specialized literature. The main thing is to choose an animal not only for appearance, but also by character. Representatives of each breed have their own character and behavior. They should suit your character and lifestyle.

For example, it is better for sanguine people to choose a kitten of a “calm” breed, such as Maine Coon, Siberian, Neva Masquerade or Bobtail (especially Thai).

Those who spend a lot of time at work should take a closer look at four-legged animals that do not become strongly attached to their owners and easily tolerate loneliness. These are breeds such as Persian, British, Scottish Fold.

Among purebred cats, Amur residents prefer Maine Coons, as well as British and Scottish cats.

Preliminary efforts

Before you bring your furry friend into your home, prepare everything you need for his stay.

Bowls for food and water. You need at least three of them. It is better to choose ceramic or metal cookware , nickel plated or teflon coated. For feeding, find a secluded place where your family members will not constantly pass by and distract the kitten from eating. But the breeder will tell you what to feed the animal.

Toilet. For your baby, first buy a tray with low sides so that it is convenient for him to climb into it. And decide in advance on the place for the cat litter.

Filler. It is better to buy the filler that the kittens are already accustomed to while living with the breeder. In addition, the seller may give you some used litter to take with you - this will help your pet quickly figure out where his new litter box is now.

Carrying. It will come in handy right away when you take your baby home. And in the future too - for trips to the veterinarian, trips to exhibitions or trips into nature.

Toys. Playing with a kitten is a must. This is necessary for harmonious physical and psychological development. Nowadays you can choose toys to suit every taste and budget. Try to avoid entertainment for kittens such as long ribbons, threads, Christmas tree garlands and “rain”, metal foil. The kitten may start eating them, and this is very dangerous for the stomach.

Scratching post. If you don't get it on time, your furniture and wallpaper will suffer. Cats simply need to sharpen their nails - it's an instinct. Here it is also useful to ask the breeder what kind of scratching post the baby is accustomed to.


The following breeds are popular among Amur residents:

  • Britons (or British cats)
  • Scots
  • Maine Coons
  • Burmese (Burmese cats)
  • Russian blue
  • abessinians (Abyssinian breed)

In the Amur region you can buy not many breeds of cats, among them:

  • Kurilian bobtails
  • Maine Coons
  • Neva Masquerade
  • Don and Canadian sphinxes
  • Persians
  • exotics
  • British
  • Abyssinians
  • Scottish folds
  • Burmese