Necrotic nephrosis in animals and pathological changes. Nephrosis in cats. Insidious cat disease - nephrosis


Nephrosis(nephrosis) is a kidney disease characterized by dystrophic changes in the parenchyma with predominant defeat tubules. In terms of its course, it can be acute and chronic, in terms of the size of the lesions - focal and diffuse, in terms of origin - primary and secondary. Animals of all kinds are affected, but often young animals, especially piglets and calves.

Etiology . The cause of the disease may be feed intoxication, mineral and organic substances, metabolic disorders, circulatory disorders, infectious and invasive diseases. A predisposing factor is a lack of vitamins A, D, E and group B.

Symptoms . There is depression, loss of appetite, at the beginning of the disease there is polyuria, which is subsequently replaced by oliguria. Extensive swelling appears in the area of ​​the eyelids, chest and limbs. With a long course and progressive uremia, gastroenteritis, toxic hepatitis, pancreatosis, myocardosis and anemia occur. The skin of patients becomes dry and hair becomes brittle.

Urine contains a large number of protein (3-5%), mainly albumin, less large-molecular proteins, deflated epithelium of the renal tubules, hyaline and granular casts.

Diagnosis and differential diagnosis . The diagnosis is made taking into account the anamnesis, clinical symptoms and laboratory tests of urine and blood. At differential diagnosis exclude nephritis and pyelonephritis.

Treatment . First of all, it is necessary to eliminate etiological factors that caused the disease, and organize adequate feeding with sufficient protein, carbohydrates, calcium and vitamins. For sick animals, the dose of milk and skim milk is increased, clover and alfalfa hay, legume-cereal mixtures are prescribed, and the dacha is limited table salt and water. In order to enhance regeneration renal epithelium use vitamin A and E.

To compensate for large protein losses and relieve intoxication, fresh citrate plasma, hydrolysin, polyglucin, hemodez, and 40% glucose solution are administered intravenously at the rate of 0.5-1 ml/kg of animal weight. Calcium and potassium preparations are also prescribed: calcium chloride, calcium gluconate, potassium chloride and potassium orotate. At severe swelling diuretics are used.

Prevention nephrosis is based on nutritious feeding taking into account age and species features, protecting animals from poisoning with spoiled feed and pesticides.

It is important early diagnosis And timely treatment non-communicable, infectious and invasive diseases.

Hello, Anna Valerievna.
Help me please!!!
My cat is 14-15 years old, Persian.
At first it seemed strange that he began to drink a lot of water (he jumped on the bathroom sink, climbed to the kitchen sink, went into the toilet, jumped on the toilet) then within a week or two he refused milk, became passive - he ate less, sat in unusual places and sleep all day - lost weight. Let's go to veterinary clinic They injected saline solution and told me to take the OAM. The next day they brought the OAM: cr++++, glucose +++++. nephritis? They put in a drip (saline solution) and prescribed 1) a na cl drip 0.9% 100 ml for 3-5 days 2) Canephron 5 drops diluted with water. The next day we came for the drip (and there was a change of shift) and they said it was better to do an ultrasound abdominal cavity.they didn’t do an IV. Today (December 3) they did an ultrasound:
Protocol ultrasound examination animal's abdominal cavity
The degree of filling is good, the content is good, the formation is not visible, the wall is not thickened
Left kidney
Location typical shape-oval dimensions 4.0:2.8 clear, tuberous contours.capsule not visible.cortical-medullary differentiation-fuzzy.ratio of cortical layer to medulla 0.7:1.4.echogenicity of the cortical layer-higher.echogenicity of the medulla increased. pelvis is not dilated. formations are not visible
Right kidney
Location typical shape-oval dimensions 4.1:2.8 clear, tuberous contours.capsule not visible.cortical-medullary differentiation-fuzzy.ratio of cortical layer to medulla 0.6:1.3.echogenicity of the cortical layer-higher.echogenicity of the medulla increased. pelvis is not dilated. formations are not visible
The location is typical, the shape is typical, the contours are clear, the ecostructure is small, echogenicity is normal, blood vessels are not considered formations, they are not visible.
The location is typical, mobility during respiratory excursions is present, the contours are clear. the capsule is not visible. the echostructure of the parenchyma is large-sodded, homogeneous.
The degree of filling is average. The location is typical. The formation is not visible. The wall is not thickened.
Conclusion Nephrosis, nephromegaly
Diet royal kaknin renal,hols k/d
I asked the doctor about treatment, how is there no such thing, it’s not curable... she will live, she said maybe six months, maybe 8 months...
I bought Hils dry 500g and in a bag with salmon. At first the cat seemed happy and liked the smell. When I put it in a bowl: I didn’t eat liquid or dry food... He drinks water very often and sleeps. I’m afraid that he won’t eat at all. The doctor said if you put him on this diet, just let him eat this food, no, no. Yesterday I ate boiled chicken in small pieces from my hands and gave it to him. I cry every day, I love my cat very much, I don’t know how I will live without him...
Tell me, is it worth going on a drip, what is the best food to feed? What can you advise? THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR ANSWER!!!

The excretory system of the animal body plays a very important role - if at least some of its parts fail, the consequences are dire. The worst thing is when the kidneys are affected as a result of some disease. In this case, nephrosis may occur in cats.

Nephrosis is non-inflammatory kidney degeneration. Accompanied by poisoning of the body with products of internal processes (intoxication) and the development renal failure. As a rule, the disease develops quickly. Most often, dogs, horses, farm animals, and cats suffer from nephrosis. Nephrosis affects both old and young animals. Nephrosis is a very insidious disease, however, early stages the animal's condition is restored. If your animal develops swelling and thirst, contact your veterinarian immediately. Your pet needs help.

Causes of nephrosis in cats

The most common causes of kidney disease in cats include the following:

    infections, allergic reactions, colds, poisoning;

    exposure to microbial agents and their toxins (staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci, coli and etc.);

    mechanical irritation urinary stones or sand;

    presence of diseases gastrointestinal tract or bronchopneumonia;

    stagnation of urine;

    hypothermia of the body;

    dampness in the room,

    poor living conditions;

    unsatisfactory condition of the skin;

    unsatisfactory quality of feed;

    plant or chemical poisons.

Symptoms of nephrosis in cats

In acute and chronic nephrosis, they vary depending on the etiology, nature, intensity of the process and the reactivity of the body. Urine contains protein, blood cells, renal epithelium, casts; acidosis and uremia develop. When the animal's condition improves, polyuria occurs. Urine is light, with low relative density.

Characterized by emaciation, swelling, anemia, diarrhea; diuresis decreases, the content of protein and casts in the urine is increased. Renal failure progresses, hypoproteinemia increases. With an increase in anuria and uremia, a coma and death of the animal may occur.

    Cat's loss of appetite.

    Nausea and vomiting.

    Weight loss in a cat.

    Increased water consumption.

    Frequent urination of the kitten.

    Decreased urination.

    Blood in urine.

    Lower back pain, manifested by a numb gait and a hunched position when sitting.

    Bad fur.

    Mouth ulcers or drooling.

    High blood pressure.


To establish accurate diagnosis The veterinarian prescribes a number of examinations:

    taking anamnesis;

    examination of the cat;

    results of laboratory tests of urine and blood;


Treatment of nephrosis in cats

The first step is to ensure complete rest and comprehensive feeding, including a vitamin diet.

Eliminate etiological factors of the disease. Cats are included in their diet egg white at the rate of 1 g/kg body weight, milk, limit table salt, water. Antibiotics, sulfonamides, multivitamins, retabolil, alvezin are prescribed.

When making a diagnosis, the anamnesis data is taken into account, Clinical signs, urine test results.

Treatment. Diet, limiting the intake of table salt, reducing animal protein in the diet, dairy products, vegetables, cereals. Prescribe corticosteroids (prednisolone 0.005-0.02 g), diuretics (hypothiazide 0.001 g/kg), intravenous 10% albumin solution 5 ml/kg, intramuscular heparin 300 units/kg, brufen 0.1-0.2 g, intravenous glucose 2-25 and hexamethylenetetramine 0.5-2 g.


Shown hormonal drugs(prednisolone, ACTH, teroxidine), if there is no fever and exhaustion. Diuretics are used (veroshpiron, triampur, hypothiazide, furosemide, promeran, clopamide), as well as drugs that normalize digestive function and cardiotonic drugs (glycosides).

At mild form nephrosis, after the causes that caused the disease have been eliminated, the prognosis for the sick animal is favorable. At severe course nephrosis, the prognosis is not favorable.

Nephrosis is kidney degeneration of a non-inflammatory nature. Accompanied by poisoning of the body with products of internal processes (intoxication) and the development of renal failure. As a rule, the disease develops quickly. Most often, dogs, horses, farm animals, and cats suffer from nephrosis. Nephrosis affects both old and young animals. Nephrosis is a very insidious disease, however, in the early stages the animal’s condition is restored. If your animal develops swelling and thirst, contact your veterinarian immediately. Your pet needs help.

Main signs of nephrosis

Symptoms of nephrosis appear only with serious kidney damage.

At the beginning of the disease, the animal quickly gets tired and moves reluctantly. Then swelling appears on the lower surface of the body, at the base of the neck and paws.

Thirst appears. Animals refuse food, and in severe cases, water. Sometimes it accumulates in the corners of the mouth viscous saliva. Frequent companions of nephrosis are diarrhea, ulcers on inner surface oral cavity.

Nephrosis is a disease in which degenerative processes develop in the capillaries of an animal’s kidney.

Kidney disease leads to damage to the cells responsible for the formation of urine. Groups of cells around the capillaries die. Blood vessels narrow, the nutrition of nearby cells is disrupted.

Age-related changes develop in animals older than eleven years. The structure of the capillaries changes, deposits are deposited on the inner surface complex fats and organic salts. Nutrition of kidney cells becomes difficult, pressure in the urine formation system drops. The body increases blood pressure in the vessels, but the deposition of cholesterol and salts accelerates. Capillaries become clogged and surrounding cells die and are replaced connective tissue.

Causes and course

The disease has not been fully studied. Nephrosis is believed to be caused by:

  • kidney disease;
  • age-related changes;
  • liver diseases;
  • severe infections;
  • allergy;
  • diabetes;
  • spoiled feed;
  • poisoning

Kidney disease leads to disruption of protein synthesis and the appearance of toxins in the blood. The membranes of the kidney cells are damaged, and the process of urine formation is irreversibly disrupted.

Severe infections are accompanied by kidney damage both from pathogens (leptospirosis, brucellosis) and toxins of microorganisms ( parvovirus enteritis, canine distemper, tuberculosis, eczema). Damaged cells are replaced by connective tissue, and blood flow through nearby vessels is reduced. The nearby kidney cells lack nutrition and the process continues.

Allergies are characterized by the formation of large molecules. The substance that causes the allergy and the antibodies that bind it are combined into a conglomerate. These complexes settle on the cells responsible for the formation of urine and destroy them.

Diabetes leads to the deposition of carbohydrates in kidney cells. Substance receipts significantly exceed expenditures. Cells that have accumulated large amounts of carbohydrates die.

Spoiled feed and poisoning lead to the accumulation of toxins in the body that damage kidney cells. The processes of transfer of fluid and other substances into urine are disrupted.

As a result of these reasons, the ability of the kidneys to remove toxins decreases. Large amounts of protein and water are excreted along with urine. Minerals and waste accumulate in the body. The animal is rapidly losing weight.

Minerals attract liquid. For example, one part sodium chloride ( table salt) binds 18 parts of water. Along with the fluid, waste products are retained in the body. Swelling appears.

Protein settles in the urine formation system. The cells surrounding the deposit reduce their functional activity, accumulate waste and other substances, and then die. Toxins accumulate in nearby capillaries and block blood flow.

The process increases, accumulated toxins and minerals poison the body. Intoxication occurs.

Part harmful substances secreted through the mucous membranes of the mouth, stomach and intestines. Toxins irritate the intestines and diarrhea begins. As a result of irritation by stomach wastes and their high concentration in the blood, vomiting occurs. Irritation of the oral mucosa by waste causes ulcers.

The body loses water and nausea occurs.

Death occurs from intoxication and exhaustion of the body.

The diagnosis is made based on clinical picture And laboratory research urine

Treatment of nephrosis

It is carried out in the clinic by an experienced veterinarian. As a rule, the animal requires diet correction. The amount of table salt decreases, the proportion of protein increases. Manipulations are aimed at:

  • eliminating the causes of nephrosis;
  • removal of salts and toxins from the body;
  • restoration of kidney function.

Eliminating the causes of nephrosis is one of the most important stages treatment. The use of medications depends on the nature of the diseases that caused kidney degeneration. For example, when infectious diseases The leading stage is the use of antimicrobial (tetracycline, augumentin, etc.), as well as antiviral (anadine) agents. For nephrosis caused by allergies, adrenal hormones (dexamethasone, prednisolone, etc.) are used because of their ability to reduce immune activity. In case of poisoning, poisons are neutralized (sodium thiosulfate) and removed from the body.

Removing salts and toxins from the body achieved by using diuretics. The choice of medication depends on the causes of nephrosis and the condition of the animal. Furosemide, Lasix, Veroshpiron, Triampur, etc. are widely used. Potassium chloride solution and asparkam can be used at the same time.

Restoring kidney function is one of the most important stages of treatment. Medicines are used that restore functional activity (lespenefril) and accelerate the growth (riboxin) of kidney cells.

The choice of medications in each case is based on changes in the body and condition of the animal.

In some cases, hydrolysine solution, alvesin and other drugs are used to restore protein losses.

Nephrosis- diseases with predominantly dystrophic changes in straight and convoluted tubules in the form of amyloid, fatty degeneration, cloudy swelling or necrosis without inflammatory reactions from the side of the vascular glomeruli. According to the course, acute (necronephrosis) and chronic (amyloid-lipoid nephrosis) are distinguished.

Pathological changes. The kidneys are enlarged, the capsule is tense, the boundaries of the cortical and medulla layers are erased, the consistency is softened.

Necronephrosis is kidney damage with tubular necrosis, slight changes in the glomeruli, with impaired urination and acute renal failure.

Etiology. The disease occurs as a result of: salt poisoning heavy metals(mercury, bismuth, etc.), organochlorine compounds (hexachloroethane, hexachlorane), carbon tetrachloride, arsenic, complications of acute infectious diseases (leptospirosis, foot-and-mouth disease), acute septic processes; hemolytic anemias; ketosis; intestinal obstruction.

Symptoms Against the background of the clinical picture of poisoning, autointoxication, and infections, urination decreases. Urine with low specific gravity, in the sediment there are cells with fatty degeneration, erythrocytes, leukocytes, granular casts. Anemia. Neutrophilic leukocytosis. Residual nitrogen in the blood is up to 300 mg%, decrease in alkaline reserve.

Uremia. Kidney failure.

Exo- and endogenous poisons, when excreted through the kidneys, cause profound changes in the epithelium of the urinary tubules, where they are absorbed and concentrated, which leads to necrosis of the tubular epithelium, blockage of the lumen of the tubules by desquamated epithelium. Necrosis may extend to Shumlyansky-Bowman capsules. Circulatory and urinary disorders lead to uremia, an increase in residual nitrogen and indican in the blood.

Pathological changes. The kidneys may not be enlarged, the consistency is softened, and the characteristic pattern of the structure is erased. Diagnostics. The diagnosis is made according to anamnesis, clinical picture, urine and blood tests.

Forecast. IN severe cases intoxication - death; at moderate severity often recovery within 2-3 weeks; V mild degree- restoration of the affected areas of the tubules due to the regeneration of the epithelium.

Treatment. Eliminate the causes of the disease. Take action to quick removal and neutralization of poisons, endotoxins using appropriate antidotes. Glucose with caffeine (large animals 200-400 ml of 20-40% glucose solution) and blood replacement fluids are injected into a vein. Norepinephrine is effective intravenously at a dose of 8-10 mg per 100 kg of animal weight in a 40% glucose solution or 1% sodium chloride solution. Diet therapy. In case of poisoning - first a starvation diet, gastric lavage, deep enemas. In case of anuria - bloodletting followed by compensation with a blood substitute fluid.
