"Symptoms and the danger of stones in the bladder, treatment techniques." Stones in the kidneys and bladder, treatment of folk remedies, symptoms, reasons, signs

Cavity bladder Wears in medicine name - cystolithiasis. Pathological process Represents one of the forms of manifestation of urolithiasis. The disease has ancient roots, as it is found even in mummified remains of ancient Greek grave.

The development of stone formation is observed both in the men's and in the female half of the population. 97% of the "strong" patients are men aged 50 and the boys to the six-year-old age. This is due to the factor in the anatomy-physiological structure of the male urethral canal and a number of specific pathologies in their sexual system.

Genesis and the danger of cystolithiasis

On the descent of stones on the ureter, the pain can "give" to the lower back

The formation of stones in the bladder in medicine is positioned as a process for which the development and formation of concrections in various departments of the urinary system are characterized. IN normal condition This system, urine contains special impurities and a high concentration of salts depositing and leaving the body at a certain point.

In the presence of any changes in the composition of urine, begin to crystallize and fall out in the form of sediment salt, forming sand and stones. It is also possible to hit stones into the urinary bubble cavity from the kidneys, where they settle and increase in size. Meager sizes of concrections, in the form of a sand, capable of outward natural way, Washing out urine. Larger, which can achieve the size of more than 12 cm. - Surgically removes.

There is a reason for identifying the patients with a stone weighing 2.5 kg.

The primary formation of stones is developing against the background of infraezical obstruction, in the form:

  • Processes of hyperplasia and oncological neoplasms in the prostate gland;
  • Acquired or congenital pathology urethra - stricture (narrowing of its internal lumen);
  • The presence of a peeler diverticulus (urethra protrusion) and tumors;
  • Neurogenic pathologies that violate the innervation of the urethral canal and the urine-bubble organ and many other processes.

The formation of concrections in the bubble in children can lead pathologies in the valve apparatus of urethra - the disease may develop due to: meatostenosis - narrowing its outdoor stroke (congenital or acquired), narrowing extreme flesh (phimosis) or inflammatory processes Penis heads (Balantostite). Symptoms of stones in the bladder in women often manifest as a result of bubble-vaginal and ureteral fistulas, as the consequence of radiation cystitis or the presence of ligature ( suture material) After operations on the bladder.

The impetus to developing secondary cystolithiasis processes give "migrant" stones entering the bladder from the kidneys. In 15% of cases in hyperplasia in exocrine iron - Prostate.

If the cystolithiasis is not treated in time, the stones can provoke a complete, or partial blockage of the urinary bubble passage, which prevents the urine outlet or completely makes this process impossible.

Solid stones with sharp edges may be injured by the mucous membrane of the organ, causing inflammatory and hemorrhagic processes. To all other things, the so-called "migratory stones" are capable of injury and hemorrhage not only the bubble cavity, but also a ureter that chronic flow It is fraught with the development of anemia.

Symptoms and types of stones in the bladder

Some symptoms depend on the type of stones and their size

Deposits in the urinary bubble cavity can manifest one and multiple localization, Have different sizes and shapes. Sometimes there may be a combination of stones in a ureter with stones in the bladder, or other localizations in the region of the urethra. Besides external differences, Conductors differ in their chemical composition.

The most "popular" has a calcium structure - they are dense consistency, are considered the most dangerous and difficult to be derived. In its chemical composition there are:

  1. Oxalatate, having a brown color, rough surface and crystals of sorval acid salts in the composition. Such stones wound the mucous cloth, which gives Urin Aluu painting and causes pain in urination.
  2. Phosphate, characterized by greater density having a gray and phosphorus salts in the composition, which affects ease of crushing. Such deposits are a consequence of a failure in metabolic processes. Signs of their presence are manifested by light flakes in the urine, difficult to urine and pain in the lower zone of the abdomen.
  3. Uralny stones with a smooth structure that do not cause irritation or damage to the mucous membrane. It is a consequence of the dehydration of the body (dehydration). Detected only when analyzing urine.
  4. The trollee, resulting from the acid-alkaline urin reaction, provoking the sedimental loss of phosphate, carbonate, ammonium and magnesium salts, which contribute to the development of trimming formations.
  5. Custine - so rare species Stones having a hexagonal shape and type of crystal. Manifests as a consequence of cystinuria - congenital disorders in metabolic processes. In patients with identifying signs of such stones in the urinary bubble, the concentration of amino acids (cystine) is constantly improved.
  6. Mixed character containing various salting precipitation in its structure and with the type of characteristic layered pattern.

Sometimes, the presence of concrections in the urinary bubble cavity is not manifested by any symptomatic and at large sizes of stones. Clinical signs There are in the case of constant contact of the concrections with the walls of the bubble or in cases of the presence of irritation of its liner mucosa, or due to the overlap of the free exit of urin.

In the signs of the presence of stones in the urinary bubble cavity, the symptoms are so diverse that they cannot be a diagnostic marker. The main manifestation is pain in the field of abdominal nise and the pubic zone. Men have a sense of discomfort, stupid or acute pain in the penis. The pain can be slightly expressed in a state of rest and unbearable when driving and urination acts.

The disease is characterized by irradiating pain syndrome - with return to the crotch area and hips, manifested in genitalia.

The presence of concrections provokes violations in the process of urination, when moving often causes urinary urinary, dramatically interrupting the secreted urin. Signs of the advancement of the concrections into the urethral channel are manifested by the urine outlet delay.

Stuck in the sphincter bubble stone breaks it physiological process The closure, which is manifested by the signs of Enurrawa (urinary incontinence). In a similar case, symptoms may be similar with signs of cystitis. Some patients, with large stones in the bubble, are forced to empty it only in the lying position. In some cases, the manifestation of the disease in children is expressed by the signs of Enuris and painful erection (priapism), not related to sexual desire.

General symptoms are complemented:

  • Weakness and articular sickness;
  • Increasing temperature and migraines;
  • Reduced appetite.

Options Treatment - Delete or display stones?

What to apply treatment methods, remove or remove stones from the bladder - the doctor decides according to the testimony diagnostic examination, giving information about localization, quantity, size and chemical composition of the concrections. Today there are two main treatment options - drug and operational.

Drug therapy is used in the treatment of small stones, which can be derived naturally. The main purpose of the drugs is the removal of sharp pain at the exit of the concretions.

  • To relieve pain syndrome and, in order to relax the walls of the urethra, spasmodics are prescribed in the form of anesthetic drugs "but-shops", "drootaverin", spasmalgon "or" spasmodyl ".
  • In case of infectious connection, antibacterial drugs are prescribed - "Amoxiclav", "Cefodox", "Augmentin", Zinnat, or Ciprinol. As preventive Mer, A complex anti-inflammatory agent can be appointed - "CISTON".

An integral part of conservative therapy is the alkali-level urine and diet. If necessary, it is possible to conduct a reservation methodology from the bacterial flora in the bubble cavity.

The need for operation in the treatment of stones in the bladder in men or women is due to the need for destruction and subsequent removal of formations from the bubble cavity and the body as a whole. If the formation is not destruction - a curved surgical removal is applied.

For big amount Conductings or insolvency of conservative treatment on the removal of the bladder stones - crushing is used - the main method of operational intervention. For these purposes, apply:

  1. The method of remote lithotripsy is a shock-wave method that allows you to destroy small pebbles without use. anesthetics With the subsequent removal of their residues naturally along with urinous. With such a crushing, damage to the adjacent tissues is possible, which is the only disadvantage of the method
  2. Supply litholapacksia. The percutaneous crushing method allows you to destroy the concrections and remove their residues through the cut by a vacuum tube.
  3. Transurel lithotripsy method - allows you to crush the formation with a laser, pneumatics, ultrasound and electro-hydraulics. The most progressive and convenient way is a laser crushing with the visualization of the process through a flexible optical endoscope.
  4. An open strip technique is used in the presence of large size of the concrections, in which due to the narrowness of the urethral channel it is impossible to remove it with a different way.

You can solve the problem by any selected method. The main thing is to prevent complications.

What could be complications?

Launched disease and attempts of self-medication can lead:

  • To infectious damage to the whole gOOD SYSTEM;
  • Cause processes of blockage in urinary channels;
  • To uncontrolled blood pressure jumps (nephrogenic hypertension);
  • Chronic inflammatory and purulent processes that can provoke anaphylaxia and patient's death.

With timely elimination of background processes, the prediction of the treatment of cystolithiasis is favorable. If the causes of the formation of stones are not eliminated, there is a big risk of recurrence. In the future, after treatment, patients need every six months to undergo an integrated examination and ultrasound urinary bubble.

Stones in the bladder in men manifest themselves strong painful syndrome At the bottom of the abdomen, in pakhova region, lower back. If the councils start moving, arise acute attacks, often transient to kidney colic. For symptoms, the temperature rise, the development of chills, fever, nausea is characteristic. The patient may be in shock state Due to high painful rockEspecially when the stones clog the urinary pathways or ureter.

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    Clinical picture

    The formation of stones in the bladder (cystolithiasis) carries a direct threat to the health and life of the patient. Urolithiasis affects up to 2% of the male population of any age. Pathology in most cases is considered as a consequence of diseases caused by anatomical or functional changes in the patient's body. Almost 50% of the stones are formed on the basis of uric acid. The size of the accretions may vary from 1 mm to 10 cm in diameter.

    Stones are solid and soft. Their number can reach several dozen or be one. Often small sand is formed in the bladder. Often, instead of stones, salts deposition, predominantly calcium.

    Studies show that the stones in the bladder are formed mainly in men in early age (up to 6 years) and after 50 years.

    Causes of disease

    According to statistical data, people with risk leave poor nutrition, low standard. Provoking factor can be untime treatment diseases of the genitourinary system. Urologists revealed that the main cause of stones in men over 50 is incomplete emptying of the bladder with prostate adenoma.

    The main reasons for the development of the disease, specialists consider:

    • genetic predisposition;
    • failures in the exchange of substances, as a result of which salts in the bladder appear;
    • incorrect diet: selection of acute, acidic, bitter food, which causes salt sediments;
    • pathology bone system, among which osteoporosis predominate, osteomyelitis and various injuries;
    • lack of vitamins;
    • accommodation in hot climates, promoting increased sweating and the formation of salts in the urine;
    • infectious diseases causing fluid loss in the body;
    • inflammatory processes of the urogenital system - adenoma prostatic gland, Prostatitis, cystitis.

    Proper definition of the reason provoking the formation of stones is necessary to select effective methods Therapy. The patient will examine through the ultrasound apparatus and only then put accurate diagnosis.

    Symptoms of the disease

    The symptomatic picture of the disease is manifested by pain at the bottom of the abdomen and in the lower back area. Almost all patients appear blood in the urine. Sharp pain May occur against the background of physical exertion or sudden movement.

    Hazardous attacks are developing if the stones begin to leave the bladder. In such situations painful feelings Marked in the groin area. If the man's urination is accompanied by pain and takes place too often, it means that the stones are located at the bottom of the bubble or ureter. Signs of kidney colic indicate that the stone scored the passages in the ureter.

    Spontaneously attack may stop if the stone changed the location or left with urine. The above symptoms are very often accompanied by an increase in temperature and nausea. Depending on the painful threshold in a man, the capture-shaped syndrome may be of varying severity. The appearance of chills and fever are noted. The patient can be in a shock, gradually pain spread throughout the abdomen and lower back. If you do not pay for help in a timely manner, blood clots and traces of pus appear in the urine.


    The complication of the disease is the blockage of urinary tract and, as a result, the development of the infectious process of the urethra. Moreover:

    1. 1. Developing urine incontinence syndrome.
    2. 2. Erection becomes painful.
    3. 3. Conductors in the bladder not only cause pain, but also provoke inflammation abdominal cavity and kidneys. In particularly launched cases, kidney can be lost.

    Medical treatment methods

    Regardless of where the stones come from in the bladder in men and how much they are manifested by painful symptoms, their treatment should be carried out under the complete control of doctors. For therapy at home, the use of each of the funds is only possible after consulting with a urologist and surgeon. The whole therapeutic course is divided into the relief of attacks and the general base treatment.


    Medical treatment consists of reception lithic mixes antispasmodic orientation. In addition to tablets, patients show the introduction of intravenous and intramuscular drugs (metacin, scopolamine, drootaverin). Cyston and Uronhephront have antimicrobial, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. The main action of funds is to relax the walls of the ureter, which contributes to the relief of the movement along it.

    Cystone existing substances do not provide negative influence on the acid alkaline urine

    Litholithic therapy, the main focus of which the removal of the concrete vehicles from the bladder and the ureter is shown only if there are stones large sizes. It is prescribed to patients who have no kidney problems. Almopurinol and Uricesan drugs reduce the level of uric acid and activate the process of dissolving stones.

    Drugs do not eliminate the cause of the disease itself, but only reduce the severity of clinical manifestations. Therefore, the optimal solution of the problem is the cardinal - removal of the accretions of any sizes from the bladder.

    Surgical intervention

    When conservative treatment of the disease does not bring results, a man prescribe stones removal using one of the surgical methods. These include:

    1. 1. Cistolitomy. This method Ensures excision of stones in the urinary bubble cavity using endoscopic equipment. A special cystoscope is introduced into the bladder for crushing the concrections. In the absence of such an opportunity, the surgeon makes cuts in the downturn part and extracts all the stones.
    2. 2. Cistolitripsy.Operation at which the removal of stones is carried out by a laser. The urinary bubble cavity after the procedure is necessarily washed with a large amount of fluid.

    The choice of any of the methods depends on the results of a detailed diagnostic survey. Direct assignments and recommendations of specialists play a primary role. Each of the operations are carried out under anesthesia. Immediately after surgery, a man introduces a catheter to remove urine. Be sure to be assigned a course of painkillers and antibiotics for 5-7 days. It is necessary to examine on the ultrasound apparatus to identify the results of operational intervention.

    The rehabilitation period in most cases does not exceed 3 weeks. However, with complications, the return to full-fledged life May be delayed for months. The closer surveillance of the surgeon and the urologist are necessary for a man for at least 3 weeks after removing stones. It is important to observe all dressing appointments. operating wound.

    Home therapy

    Remove stones at home can be combined medication drugs and folk medicines. Doctors strongly recommend consulting individually when choosing certain alternative methods. The description of the most popular folk agents for the treatment of stones in the bladder is presented in the table:

    Name Description
    Infusion of Shipovnika

    For the preparation of the medicine you need:

    1. 1. 200 ml of rosehip pour a liter of boiled water.
    2. 2. Insist a mixture at least 10 hours.
    3. 3. Peel on slow fire up to a decrease from the initial number of one-third.
    4. 4. Before use of the ragger, profile it through the sieve.

    Drink 70 ml 30 minutes before meals, at least 3 times a day. For the effectiveness of herbalists, advise add to portions to 1 dessert spoonful of honey and lemon juice. Store the medicine is necessary in the refrigerator, slightly heated before drinking. The recommended time of therapy is to complete the disappearance of stones.

    Ovus decoction
    1. 1. One glass of crude oat grains pour 500 ml of boiled water.
    2. 2. The mixture was insistant in a thermos of 12 hours.
    3. 3. The resulting cleaner wipe through fine sieve.

    Take it daily instead of breakfast. The course of medicinal therapy ranges from 30 to 60 days. The value of the amount and size of the accretions. Means effectively and when sand is detected in the bladder

    Grape branches

    Soft, but active action In this direction there is a decoction from the branches and mustache of home grapes. It is helpful to combine with the use of at least 3 liters of water per day. For a healing effect, raw materials need to collect early spring.


    1. 1. On 1 teaspoon of crushed raw materials to take 200 ml of steep boiling water.
    2. 2. Through the mixture on slow fire 3 minutes.
    3. 3. Insist to allocate all useful substances from branches for about an hour, strain and divide into 4 portions.

    Drink each of them before the main meal. The optimal duration of therapy is 30 days

    Herbal collection

    Drug collection for the removal of stones from the bladder, the most useful for men, consists of a dispatcher, cornflower, carving of the marsh, lingonberries and Kuril tea.


    1. 1. Take 100 g of each ingredient.
    2. 2. Pour 2 tablespoons of ground raw materials 2 glasses of boiling water.
    3. 3. To withstand in a thermos 12 hours.
    4. 4. Strap.

    Take 1/3 cup 3 per day. General course - 4 months with a 14-day break in the middle of treatment

    Lemon juice

    The unique properties for dissolving the concrections and sand in the bladder has lemon juice.


    1. 1. for 2 servings fresh juice Lemon is taken 1 portion of boiled water room temperature.
    2. 2. Therapeutic dose is 200 ml per one reception.

    You need to repeat it 3 times a day before meals. Herbalists advise combining such treatment with daily beets, cucumber and radish juices (from 100 ml of a mixture per day). Therapy depends on the size and number of stones and ranges from one to four weeks.

    Mix of natural juices with honey
    1. 1. Stir into equal proportions Freshly squeezed juices of radish, carrots and beets.
    2. 2. To the mixture obtained add a similar amount of natural liquid honey.
    3. 3. Insust the medicine 4 days in a cool place - in a glass container under a closed lid.
    4. 4. Then put it in the refrigerator.

    For daily dosage, one tablespoon is diluted with glass boiled chilled water. Divide the drink into three parts and take one before the main meals. The duration of treatment - until the end of the harvested mixture. Then break 2 weeks and another course of therapy.

    Medical diet

    The advantages in eliminating the symptoms of the disease have conservative and surgical methods. However, doctors focus on the fact that proper nutrition not only improves the overall condition of the patient, but also contributes to the removal of the concrections.

    The main principle of the diet is frequent food by fractional portions. Menu B. obligatory Must include healthy foods. The correct focus of nutrition is consisting of vegetables that do not contain oxalic acid, and dairy products. It is necessary to include B. daily diet Sweet varieties of fruits and vegetables, as well as compotes, kisins and natural juices of them.

    Need to abandon:

    • cooking salts and tanning broths;
    • sharp and smoked dishes;
    • digging and sweet soda;
    • any fats except vegetable.

    You can not fry food, the optimal solution is baking in foil. A man with diagnosed stones in the bladder should drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day. This allows us to reduce the acidity of urine and facilitate the process of dissolving and exiting the accretions of any size.

    In particularly difficult cases, a man will have to come to terms with such a diet and stick to it. long years. After all, according to medical statistics, the stones are formed re-in 40% of those already operated on patients.

Urinary bubble diseases are divided into infectious and urolithiasis. Problems with bladder Start people regardless of age, and from gender. Most diseases associated with the bladder begin with a kidneys. Urolithiasis is a disease at which mineral compounds in ureters and renal ducts accumulate, these formations are by-product, from the fluid filtration process in the body.

When the urinary bubble appears, immediately appear painful symptoms. This disease is accompanied with bright and very strong symptoms, among them:

  1. When moving the stone from the kidneys down the ureter, painfulness Have a location somewhere at the bottom of the abdomen, in the genitals and hips. During acute stage Diseases accompanied by sharp, hellish pain, the stone can come out with the urine.
  2. Periodic pain in the urinary bubble or in the kidney, which is accompanied by moderate pain and discomfort, with a sharp movement of the body or physical activities. This is due to the movements of the very stone on the ureter, the kidneys and a bubble.
  3. Cutting / stupid pain during urination, which is associated with stones accumulated in the bladder. For large quantities The stones or the presence of a large stone can occur the clogging of the blade, at which completely urination is overlapped, or the process is very difficult. With a strong blockage of the blade, it is necessary to quickly surgical interventionto prevent a deadly outcome. From time to time, when a person moves, the urinary duct opens and is obtained uncontrolled urination.
  4. Blood selection in the urine rather points to stones in the bladder than an infection that, however, is also not excluded, since the symptoms of the disease are similar.
  5. Muddy urine and the appearance of a sharp smell.
  6. Chills and an increase in body temperature up to 38.
  7. Edems on the legs.
  8. The appearance of hypertension.

The appearance of the smallest stone or sand in the urinary bubble will make it up from pain and cutting in the blade of the blade.

Causes of the appearance of stones in urinary

The physical body of a person is perfect, it can dispose of any garbage, but alas, even it does not cope with everything. And where is it going? That's right, postponed on the walls of the vessels, in the tissues, forming plaques and stones. Contributes to this process disturbed metabolism in the body, as a rule, water salt balance and dysfunction of the chemical composition of blood.

Factors contributing to the growth of the disease:

  • Genetic program or heredity;
  • Alpine diseases of the urogenital system or gastrointestinal tract.
  • Thyroid dysfunction;
  • The presence of bone-joint diseases (osteoporosis, coxarthrosis, osteochondrosis, arthritis);
  • Consequence infectious disease, in the form of a side effect;
  • Abuse of food having an acidic medium (smoked, salted, fried, sour);
  • Drink "bad" water, with a high content of salts;

Types of stones in the bladder

Oxalate stones - when oxalic acid is elevated in the body, similar stones are formed. It is reminded by dark gray crystalline formations, which, due to sharp corners, cannot exit independently, and while driving a strong torment to a person, since they scratched on the wall of the bubble and blade.

Phosphate stones - According to the structure, smooth, soft, easily absorbed and output. With a violation of the level of acid-alkaline aside of alkalis, stones are formed. If you treat phosphate stones in the bladder folk remediesthen it is better to start to eat in large quantities berry juices Lambs, cranberries.

Uranian stones - prone to education in case of dehydration of the body and increased urea cluster. The touch is soft, able to solve when using a large amount of water.

Struvitisstones - during the processing of urea bacteria, such stones are formed as by-effect. According to statistics, women more often sick with this type of stones. According to the form of crystals and is difficult to display.

Protein stones - It is extremely rare, have a smooth texture, are formed due to the imbalance of metabolism.

Diet with urolithiasis

Choosing a diet should be done after passing full diagnosis and identifying which type of stones include, because food may very differ in appearance and composition.

  1. When discovery of oxalate stones, it is necessary to completely eliminate all products containing a large percentage of oxalic acid (sorrel, beets, strawberry, parsley, tea).
  2. With phosphate sediments - it is required to quickly acidify urine. Drink more lingonberry, cranberry juices or other acidic.
  3. The presence of urachants - fully puts "cross" on meat and fish. Reception of a vegetarian diet is required.

Treatment with folk remedies in the bladder

  1. For dissolving and treatment of stones in a righteous film, you need to drink more water With the addition of the floor of a teaspoon of food soda.
  2. Good medicine that must be taken 1 dec. l. 3 times a day before meals. 50 gr. Magnesia sulfate + sugar 100 gr. + a few drops essential oil Lemon. This tool perfectly dissolves stones and just cooking.
  3. When blocking the ureter, it is good to take a bath with the infusion of a couple of glasses of beam of the horsetail of the field. Before the bathroom, you need to drink more 1 tbsp. Inside of this brave. For cooking, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. Grass on 1 tbsp. Water, pour boiling water and insist 20-30 minutes. After the bath, it is necessary to warm warm and lie down in bed, and take 1 h. Natural freshly squeezed radish juice with lemon. And to the bladder area to make a parcel of cooked potatoes, and hot.
  4. Drink daily at 2-5 glasses from brave immorter. For cooking you need to take 2 tbsp. l. Herbs and fill 300 gr. boiling water, insist 1 hour and take over the whole day.

The treatment of stones in the bladder requires a careful and consistent impact that will inevitably lead to complete recovery.

Stones in the bladder - this is the result of the metabolic disorder, which will be a consequence of urolithiasis. Oxalate, plification, phosphate, cystine, uragual and mixed arctotes are formed from accumulated mineral salts and acids. In case of incorrect urine content in the urinary system, the concentration of salts increases pathologically. The composition of urins is broken, the precipitate falling crystallizes and forms the concreteren. The chemical composition of the "dodes" of the urinary tract is always different, its study allows you to clarify the symptoms and appoint true treatment.

The stones of the bladder, taken on the analysis in an adult, about half of the cases consist of uric acid. Children's councils are from oxalates and calcium phosphates, other elements.

The bladder stones are soft and rigid formations, single and multiple, rounded and solid, with a rough, layered and smooth surface, in the form of spikes and polyhedra. Differ in size and localization. There are small and very large. There are instances with a diameter of 1 millimeter to 10 centimeters.

The stones of the bladder are formed as a result of irregular nutrition, metabolic disorders, stagnant phenomena leading to urolithiasis.

Causes of bladder stones

To the appearance of stones in the bladder leads urolithiasis disease. it pathological statecharacterized by violation of urine properties that cause changes in the anatomical structure and functioning of the body. The disease is quite widespread in children and adults. Diagnosed in 2-3% of those who applied to the doctor who have reached the 20th age. Deposition of harmful substances, in particular, phosphoric acid and calcium salt, from which phosphate clusters are formed, affects the departments of the urinary tract, ureter and kidneys.

The grained formations of various consistencies are most often located in the kidneys. With exercise, the finished stone is moving from the upper urinary tract down. Bypassing low departments of the structure of the urinary organs, the concretion falls into the bladder, and is delayed in it. The patient's condition can be more critical when the stone will move. A large and hard pebble can be stuck in the hole of the urethra, having fascinating the lumen.

If the stagnation of urine began directly in the bubble, dense stony formations are originated in the walls of the urea. In addition, the outflow of urine is disturbed due to the stricture rack (narrowing) of the urethra. The presence of tumors and inflammatory processes in the prostate provoke bladder stones in men.

The risk of sick with urolithiasis is not excluded in children with a pathologically narrow channel for urination.

Urolithiasis is predominantly prone to men.

Be sure to pay attention to the problems with urination with 50-year-old patients. In connection with age-related changes The prostate gland, their bladder can stop functioning normally, the accumulated urine is not completely emptied.

The older generation of strong gender representatives, which has reached retirement age, is widely engaged in diseases of the genitourinary system. A side effect, complicating the course of the main diseases, is the formation of bladder stones.

Stone formation provoke:

  • diseases of the prostate gland and urethritis;
  • failure in metabolic processes, formation of phosphate, urates, oxolate salts;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal apparatus - injuries, osteomyelitis, osteoporous states;
  • infections dehydration organism;
  • food preferences affecting the increase in acidity in Urine. Amateurs of sharp, excessively bitter and acidic dishes sometimes expect salts deposition, soon fossils;
  • regional location. In some regions, water rigidity is increased due to the large concentration of salts provoking the occurrence of urabular stones;
  • in the climate S. increased temperature air the content of salts in the urine increases due to reinforced sweating;
  • conglomerates may form with all sorts of urological inflammation. These are kidney nephritis, nephroptosis, prostate diseases and all departments of the urogenital system;
  • gastritis, colitis and all sorts of gastrointestinal tract;
  • urinary bubble diverticulitis;
  • outtal spirals, prostheses, catheters and other foreign bodies.

Identify the cause of the disease to trust the doctors-urologists. It is necessary to contact the doctor if you have an unpleasant feeling in the side and lower back, blood in the urine, frequent false urinary to urination, reducing the number of urine.

Symptoms of bladder stones

The presence of urinary conglomerates causes men, women and children a feeling of harsh abdominal pain and back, in the lumbar department. In some cases, blood appears in the urine - this symptom is called "hematuria".

Pain - as a symptom

The main symptom of the presence of stones in the bladder - acute pain At the bottom of the abdomen, which arises in response to exercise. Physical exercises, lifting weights, motor activity, vibration enhance the aggravation of pain. Along the pain, as a rule, subsides and passes at all. But by changing the position of the body, the patient risks cause the movement of the stone by blades. Conquering integration during exercise responds to a change in localization unpleasant sensations. Bypassing the lower back, the pain descends to groin as the stone moves from the kidneys to the bladder and the ureter. When the stone turns out to be on the bottom of the bubble or falls into the area of \u200b\u200bthe ureter, a person constantly wants to urinate.


The situation is not always limited to frequent urges, the stone can overwrite the ureter. Water does not fall into the bubble and accumulates in the kidneys. About it dangerous condition Spasms in the lower back and stomach sign.

Crack pain

Catching pain - the first sign renal colic. Pain bouts are repeated, the patient often rises the temperature, it can be fever and nauseated. The attacks stop when the stone finds a way out or departs to the side, the arrival of urin is settled.

If the patient detects such symptoms as:

  • abnormal frequency of hiking to the toilet;
  • catching pains in sides and stomach;
  • the complete absence or unusual urine appearance is muddy, thick, silent;
  • throw in chills or heat;
  • strengthening pain - need emergency medical care.

Under the acute urine delay there is a possibility of blockage of the stump of the urethra. Exit - immediately cause physicians to the house. Ambulance doctors to begin with the patient, then apply the technique laboratory diagnostics Under medical institution.

Pains for urolithiasis are cutting, noving, protracted.

Strong, pronounced pain patient experiences when hardening oxalate and brittle phosphate compounds move through the nerve endings.

Walking out the outside of rough pebbles and crushed fragments injure bubble and an outer hole of the urethra. Primary pain attacks cause scratches from small sharp concrections and pushing large "blocks", responding to the incessant pain in the genitals.

Blood in the urine

A characteristic symptom of stones filling the bladder is hematuria - blood entering the urine. It occurs during injuries and scratches by the episodes of the concreters that wound the mucous membrane. When the stone displays, he wounds the transition to the urethra. In this case, blood can appear only at the end of the emptying of the bubble.

If the traces of blood in Urin are visible to the victim - this is Makrogematuria.

Unlike the manifestations of macrohematuria, the processes of microhematuria proceed hidden, the blood can be found only in the picture of the increase in erythrocytes, under the glass of the laboratory microscope.

No symptoms

Asymptomatic leakage of pathology for several years is characteristic of patients with the presence of smooth and soft urates. They do not cause pain until they turn out on the wall of the bladder. The pain is felt when the urate conglomerates fall into the sensitive zone of nerve endings.

Diagnosis of bladder stones

Health and life of patients depend on the timely manner, adequate treatment. One of the most important stages Surveys doctors - urologists consider the obligatory detection of concrections on special equipment and eliminate provoking factors.

It is not enough to simply remove the stone without finding out what reason it appeared. After some time, the possibility of relapse is not excluded. Before making appointments, the doctor must elect a faithful patient's treatment strategy.

Determine whether to apply conservative method or patient required surgery, only professional consultation is capable of comprehensive examination of the patient.

The main criterion for determining the causes and severity of the disease is a comprehensive diagnosis with the use of modern diagnosis techniques.

Detect stones in the bladder will help ultrasound examination organism various tests urine. The doctor may assign the urinary system x-ray system, magnetic or computer tomographyUse the data special device - Cistoscope, carry out urographic research using contrasting substances.

Treatment of bladder stones

If the deposits of conglomerates did not acquire a massive nature, it is possible to appoint conservative treatment.

Finding out, from which the stone consists of, the doctor can assign a combination of drug therapy with a power system. The diet appointed by men and women in the formation of a bladder stones depends on the chemical composition of the concrement - phosphate, oxalate, urate or mixed type. To eliminate symptoms, stopping pain and prevent recurrent stone formation, efficient and safe drug therapy has been developed.

Apply drugs based on perennial grass Golden Ries - Solidár Virgáurea. Herbate plant Astrov family got its latin name In the scientific classification from the word Solidus - healthy, fastening. It contributes to the removal of stones and prevents the emergence of new conglomerates. When the accompanying infectious diseases of the urogenital system are detected, antibiotics are prescribed. Pain and colic are eliminated by spasmolitics.

IN operational treatment Apply the following surgical methods:

  • stones are crushed, removed endoscopic;
  • conduct cystoscopy inside the bladder, shredding dilutions;
  • perform an operation on an open abdominal cavity, extracting the formation of a scalpel stones.

Experts advise you to choose one of the most gentle methods, called the "shock wave lithotripsy". The crushing operation of conglomerates is under the control of UHF using x-ray research. When the procedure is completed, the crushed stones will independently leave the bladder and will freely come out.

Forecast after removing bladder stones

Timely appeal to the doctor and compliance with the course of treatment completely eliminates the disease. The forecast of recovery is favorable. To avoid resumption of crystallization of precipitation urinary acids and calcium in the urea, it is necessary to adhere to the rules that contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

Risk factors that can provoke the resumption of inflammation, infectious diseases Urinary system and re-formation of concrections in the bladder:

  • abuse of harmful food and alcohol;
  • excessive passion for lifting weights;
  • accommodation in too raw, cold, hot atmosphere;
  • sharp differences day and night temperatures.

Recover and support health after treatment:

  • neutral diet, eliminating fatty, sharp, smoked dishes and spices;
  • moderate physical activity, reasonable loads. Periodic workouts during sedentary work.

With urolithiasis in the kidneys and bladder, stones are formed that can disrupt the work of the urinary system organs and cause various complications.

5-10% of people suffer from urolithiasis, men are 3 times more often than women. Usually, urolithiasis is developing after 40-50 years. However, there are cases in children. Most often, the stones are formed in the kidneys, the likelihood of their formation in the bladder is significantly lower. More often in the bladder stones descend from the kidneys around the ureters.

In this article, we will talk about stones in the bladder. Read more about another manifestation of urolithiasis - nephrolithiasis (kidney stones).


The bladder is a hollow spherical organ located in the pelvic area and an employee for urine accumulation. Watering contains unnecessary produced substances that the kidneys are filtered out of the blood. Urine is heading from the kidneys in the bladder on two tubes, which are called ureters. When the bladder is filled, urine is derived from the body through a channel, which is called Urethra ( urethra). This is called urination.

Stones can irritate the walls of the bladder, block the removal of urine from it, disturbing urination. This contributes to the development of infection and leads to pains in the lower part of the abdomen, impaired urination, the appearance of blood in the urine.

If any of the above symptoms appear, consult a doctor. These signs do not necessarily indicate a urolithiasis, but it is necessary to conduct a more thorough examination.

Most often, the cause of stones is becoming incomplete emptying of the bladder during urination. If the urine has long been stirred in the bladder, some of its components fall into the precipitate, form crystals, which in time form stones.

Usually, the stones are removed from the bladder surgically. One of the common types of operation is cystolololpaccia.

Symptoms of stones in the bladder

If the stones are so small that they can easily go through the urinary tract and stand out with urine, symptoms may not be. However, in most cases, urolithiasis is accompanied by severe complaints, as the stones are either irritated by the walls of the bladder, or prevent normal urination.

Symptoms of urolithiasis include:

  • pain in the penis, scrotum or in the bottom of the abdomen (in men);
  • pain or difficulty when urination;
  • muddy or dark urine;
  • blood in the urine.

Additional symptoms found in children include:

  • a constant and frequent painful erection that is not associated with sexual activation (medical term for this state - Priapism) in boys;
  • bed-wetting.
  • constant abdominal pain;
  • change in the usual urination mode;
  • blood in the urine.

These symptoms do not necessarily indicate urolithiasis, but require a more thorough examination.

Causes of the formation of stones in the bladder

The most common cause of the stone formation is incomplete emptying of the bladder.

Urine is produced by the kidneys. It consists of water mixed with unnecessary metabolic products that are removed from the blood kidney. One of the decay products is urea consisting of nitrogen and carbon. If the urine in the bladder is for a long time, some chemical substances The sediment falls out and crystals are formed. Over time, these crystals solidify and form stones in the bladder.

Below are some of the most common causes. incomplete emptiness Bladder.

Adenoma Prostate (increasing prostate gland).Prostate - small iron available in men. It is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pelvis between the penis and the bladder and surrounds the urethra (urethra), according to which the urine from the bladder is derived from the body. The main function of the prostate is to participate in the process of developing seed fluid. Many men with the age of prostate increase.

Neurogenic bladder - The condition caused by the damage to the nerves controlling the work of the bladder, as a result of which a person cannot empty it completely. Neurogenic bladder can have the following reasons:

  • heavy injury spinal cord (long beam of nerves passing inside the spine from the brain), leading to paralysis (violation motor activity organs and parts of the body);
  • damage diseases nervous system, for example, the disease of the motor neurons or the splitting of the spine (the unguardment of the vertebral arc).

Most people with neurogenic bladder for emptying is required to install a catheter. The catheter is a tube that is injected into the bladder through the urethra. On the catheter, urine expires from the bladder. This is called bladder catheterization.

However, an artificial way of emptying the bladder is not an ideal substitute for natural. Therefore, a small amount of urine may remain in the bladder that over time it becomes causes the formation of stones. According to some estimates, approximately each tenth person with a neurogenic bladder sooner or later, a urolithiasis will be repaired.

Out of bladder - The disease occurring in women and developing, when the walls of the bladder weaken and begin to hang over the vagina. This may affect the normal urine outflow from the bladder. Urging the bladder can develop during the period of heavy loads, for example, during pregnancy, due to chronic constipation or lifting weights.

Urinary bubble diverticulus - These are bag-shaped protrusion on the walls of the bladder. If the diverticulus grows to a certain size, a person can be difficult to completely empty the bladder. The urinary bubble diverticulus can be a congenital defect or develop as a complication of infection or prostate adenoma.

Operation to increase the bladder.There is an operation to increase the bladder, during which a part of the intestine is sewn to the bladder. This technique is used, for example, for the treatment of urgent (urgent) urinary incontinence. Research results have shown that approximately every twentieth person underwent this operation will face urolithiasis.

Monotonous nutrition, saturated fat, sugar and salt, having a lack of vitamin, A and B, can increase the predisposition to urolithiasis, especially if a person is not enough liquid. These factors can change the chemical composition of urine, which will increase the likelihood of the formation of stones in the bladder.

Treatment with stones in the bladder

Small stones can leave the body independently, it is recommended to increase the amount of liquid consumed to 6-8 glasses per day (about 1.2-1.5 liters) in other cases of medical assistance.

The most common operations to remove stones from the bladder include:

  • transuretral cystolololpaccia is the most common procedure for the treatment of urolithiasis in adults;
  • subcutaneous junk cystolitholapaccia - more often used to treat children to avoid damage to urethra, but can sometimes be used in adults to extract very large stones;
  • open cystotomy is often used for men, whose prostate is so increased, which prevents the conduct of other procedures, or if the stone is very large.

These procedures are described in more detail below.

Transuretral cystolololpaccia.During the operation, the surgeon through the urethra will introduce a cystoscope into your bladder - a small solid tube, inside which is located the camera. The camera will help detect stones. Then, the stones are crushed into parts by means of a laser energy or sound waves emitted by a cystoscope. Small pieces of stones are washed out of the bladder liquid.

Transuretral cystolololpaccia is carried out under local or general anesthesiaSo you will not feel pain. There is a risk that the infection will be entered during the procedure, so antibiotics will give you as a precautionary measure. There is also a small risk of bladder damage.

Subcutaneous sucrosic cystolololpaccia.During surgery, the surgeon makes a small incision on the skin in the field of the lower abdomen. Then there is an incision on the urinary bubble and stones are extracted through it. The procedure is carried out under general anesthesia.

Open cystotomy It looks like a subcutaneous sucrosy cystolololpaccia, but the surgeon makes a larger incision on the skin and bladder. Open cystotomy can be combined with another type of operation, for example, by removing the prostate or part of it or removing the urinary bubble diverticulus (bags formed on the walls of the bladder).

The operation is carried out under general anesthesia. The disadvantage of open cystotomy is more pronounced pain after surgery, a longer period of recovery. But this procedure is necessary if the stone reaches large sizes. For 1-2 days after the operation, you will also need to install a catheter.

Complications for operation

The most common complication in the recovery operation of the bladder stones is the development of bladder infection or urethra. These infections are known under the general name of the infection of urinary tract.

Urinary tract infections occurs around each tenth person who has undergone operation. As a rule, they are treated with antibiotics.

After removing the stones from the bladder, you will need to stay in the hospital for several days so that the doctor can control your condition in postoperative period. The duration of hospitalization may vary depending on the type of surgery, the availability of complications and your individual features. You will be prescribed a repeated inspection, during which will do x-ray Or computer tomography to make sure that all the particles of the stones were removed from your bladder.

Treatment of the cause of urolithiasis

After removing stones from the bladder, it is necessary to cure the cause of the disease, so that in the future it does not happen.

Prostate adenoma can be treated with drugs that simultaneously reduce the prostate and relax the bladder, alleviating urination. If medications do not help, it is possible that the operation to remove the prostate or part of it will be required.

If you have a neurogenic bladder (the inability to control the work of the bladder due to damage to the nerves), and you have developed a urolithiasis, the correction of the urine removal process from the bladder is required. To do this, you may need to install a catheter or a replacement of an old to improve control over the work of the bladder.

Lightweight and moderate cases of climbation of the bladder (when the bladder walls weaken and begin to hang in the vagina) can be cured by installing the pessary. This device in the form of a ring, which is inserted into the vagina and keeps the bladder in place in more severe cases to strengthen and support the walls of the bladder may require operation.

Urinary bubble diverticulus (bag-shaped protrusion) can be removed surgically.

To which doctor to apply for urolithiasis

With the help of the service, you can quickly find a urologist - a doctor who is engaged in the treatment of stones in the bladder. If an operation is needed, select a good urological clinic yourself, reading about her reviews.

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