General surgery is the study of the causes of animal diseases. Goals and objectives of veterinary surgery. With all this, it should also be taken into account that

Veterinary animal surgery- this is one of the most popular services provided to pets in Moscow and the Moscow region. Experienced veterinarian surgeons professionally conducted different kinds operations on animals. Most Popular surgical operations pets are still considered spayed and neutered. Surgery can save your pet from many serious illnesses.

Animal surgery in veterinary clinic Vet Clinic provides a fairly large list of surgical operations for your pet. Here are just a few of them:

  • joint operations;
  • expansion of the ear canal;
  • resection of the liver and pancreas;
  • removal of tumors;
  • hernia operations;
  • dorsal laminectomy;
  • elimination of intussusception;
  • amputation of tails and limbs;
  • treatment of fractures;
  • creation of artificial ligaments;
  • and other surgical operations on animals.

Veterinary surgeon at home

When your pet gets cut wound, you must treat her and call a veterinarian to your home for an examination. The veterinarian will assess the severity of the injury and take appropriate action. necessary actions For first aid to your pet. Equipped with everything necessary equipment cars veterinary care provide the opportunity to undergo surgery close to home.

Animal surgery in Moscow and Moscow region

In one situation, stitches and antibiotics may be necessary to prevent infection. In another situation, even restoration of muscles and ligaments. Or the connection of nerves and blood vessels. Inhalation anesthesia is already used here.

If labor is prolonged or difficult, veterinary surgery can also help your pet. Sometimes a caesarean section is necessary. There are times when a blood transfusion is necessary.

Veterinary surgery Helps pets with genitourinary problems and heart diseases.

Eye surgery is also performed (for example: removing eyeball or glands of the third eyelid).

At home, simpler operations are possible that do not require permanently installed complex auxiliary equipment. For example, brushing your teeth. You can check the possibility of performing surgical operations with a veterinary surgeon in the section.

In May, repair and maintenance work and equipment replacement will be carried out at the Chance Clinic.

Outpatient appointments will be limited. We apologize to you.
For questions regarding surgical operations please contact Alexander Leonidovich Poloz by his personal phone number +7 903 779 19 11
and you will definitely receive prompt, qualified veterinary care.

Thank you for your understanding and we are waiting for you in the summer at the updated Chance veterinary clinic at the old address: Butlerova Street, building 5a.

The surgical department of the veterinary clinic is equipped with modern medical and veterinary equipment. Qualified surgeons with higher medical and veterinary education have many years of experience work. Most of the employees have been working at the clinic since its opening. Highly qualified specialists and the most modern techniques.

Surgery room:

General veterinary surgery

Progressive techniques for managing gunshot, bitten, cut and other wounds;
Abdominal surgery
Any operations on organs abdominal cavity, incl. operations for foreign bodies gastrointestinal tract And various forms gastrointestinal obstruction (obturacin, strongulation);
Surgeries for gastric volvulus;
Surgeries for various abdominal tumors;
Bowel resection;
Removal of the spleen according to indications and other operations;
obstetrics and gynecology
Operation " C-section» followed by fetal resuscitation;
Surgeries for tumors and vaginal prolapse;
Operations for oncological processes of the uterus, ovaries, mammary glands, etc.


Catheterization and removal of stones from Bladder;
Formation of urethrostomy with urolithiasis;
Kidney surgeries: stone removal, nephrostomy;
Surgeries for kidney and bladder tumors, etc.

Articles on the topic “Pet Urology”: urolithiasis - urolithiasis - in dogs and cats

Part 1: "Causes and predisposition" -

Part 2: " Clinical symptoms» —

Part 3: “Diagnostics and Differential diagnosis» —

Thoracic surgery

Open operation chest using artificial ventilation lungs with traumatic injuries to the chest wall of the lungs;
Lung operations: removal of a lobe of the lung, the entire lung, suturing of lung wounds, etc.
Operations for heart wounds and some heart defects;


Operations for various injuries, incl. complex, intra-articular and multi-fragmented, incl. using external fixation devices of the Elizarov and Kirchner type;
Conservative and surgical reduction of dislocations;
Operations for the formation of artificial ligaments when they are torn;
Restoration of ligaments and tendons in case of injury;
Operations for pelvic fractures, etc.


Removal of missing baby teeth;
Removal of broken teeth;
Operations for epolus and other hypertrophic and hyperplastic processes oral cavity;
Reduction of jaw dislocations;
Operations for fractures of the lower and upper jaw;
Removing tartar;
Complete sanitation of the oral cavity using an ultrasound device followed by enamel enamel, etc.

Plastic surgery

Operations for various forms of entropion;
Surgical placement of the ears;
Operations for hematomas auricle;
Operations for traumatic injuries of ligaments and tendons;
Complete removal claws in cats and much more.


Operations for benign and malignant tumors soft tissues, gastrointestinal tract, lungs, ovaries, uterus, vagina;
Operations for breast cancer.


It so happened historically in Russia in general, and in Moscow in particular, that almost all veterinary clinics do almost everything the same. Exactly the same list of therapeutic, diagnostic and surgical procedures and solutions.
For our visitors, we are pleased to offer a number of unique services, techniques and approaches that you will not find in ordinary clinics of a similar profile.
HERE! Our differences. Our pride. Our exclusive. And all this for our patients!

Laparoscopic sterilization of cats, dogs and ferrets

We have specially improved and adapted laparoscopic techniques for low-traumatic surgical operations for animals. As a result, today we perform single-port laparoscopic sterilization of cats, dogs and ferrets.

The uniqueness of the method is that all surgical manipulations are carried out inside the abdomen through a single puncture of 5-10 mm! Which ultimately results in quick recovery, absence of pain and stress. The operated animals are not prescribed any injections of drugs or procedures. And you are allowed to live your normal life starting from the first day of the operation.

Gas anesthesia

We have many means to general anesthesia, allowing you to choose the least dangerous combinations for the patient. It's no secret that many doctors and animal owners are very afraid general anesthesia, believing that he kills almost half the animal.

In fact, properly administered anesthesia has virtually no effect on the patient’s health (laboratory confirmation). An inappropriately prescribed antibiotic causes more damage to the body.

In this topic I would especially like to mention gas anesthesia. For animals during low-traumatic operations, it is the safest type of anesthesia. Can be used by weakened, old animals, and even patients with heart problems. Waking up when the gas supply stops happens instantly.

Spine operations

Often, only timely and professionally performed spinal surgery can put an animal back on its feet. Give the joy of movement again. Many doctors understand this, but are in no hurry to operate simply because of the lack of equipment and experience. Surgeries on the spine and brain are among the most difficult in modern veterinary medicine.

As a result of inaction, precious time is sometimes wasted forever. Our advice: for problems with the spine, if the existing conservative treatment does not bring quick results and the neurological deficit worsens - immediately agree to surgery. You can contact us. We already have a couple of dozen dogs (mostly dachshunds) that other clinics advised to euthanize due to paralysis of the limbs. But thanks to spinal surgeries, they got back on their paws and continue to delight their owners.

Adoption of exotic animals

It is no longer possible to surprise the capital's public with such predators as ferrets, skunks, arctic foxes, minks, etc. However, there are only a few clinics ready to offer modern surgical care for these animals.

We provide full treatment for ferrets, guinea pigs, skunks, rats, arctic foxes, mice, minks? fox etc.

Most often we have to perform laparoscopic sterilization on ferrets. He also removed paranal glands and adrenal tumors.

Rats and mice most often suffer from oncological diseases. Which they tolerate much more easily than other animals. However, they have relapses many times more often.

Transfusion of blood, its components and blood substitutes to dogs and cats

The possibilities of blood transfusion greatly expand the capabilities of modern veterinary medicine. By using donated blood Many operations that were previously carried out with great risk have become technically possible. And how many dog ​​and cat lives were saved after car injuries, falls from heights, gunshot wounds! The only chance of salvation for them was donor blood.

Donor blood is also vital for dogs with severe piroplasmosis, animals with severe sepsis, severe anemia, etc.

Having a blood bank is quite a hassle. Preparation, storage, endless analyses. All in order to look at blood as a source of life, and not as a breeding ground for infection. IN permissible cases we use perfluorocarbons (blue blood).

Author's methods in veterinary urology, oncology and dentistry

But I would especially like to highlight the following innovations in veterinary surgery:

- adaptive urethrostomy for severe course urolithiasis in cats. With this technique, the hole urethra does not overgrow;

— implantation of a constrictor for rectal prolapse in dogs, cats and ferrets. Thanks to this surgical technique, major surgery and loss of part of the intestine can be avoided;

— oncological operations according to special needs. techniques; organ-preserving interventions; modern chemotherapy adapted for animals; radioisotope irradiation;

— aesthetic dentistry; filling of canals and installation of light-curing fillings (heliocomposites); restoration; orthodontics;

The content of the article was prepared based on materials from the official website of the TsVM Chance veterinary clinic, section Surgery, with the permission and at the request of the site owners.

The Avtozavodskaya Veterinary Clinic uses the latest advances in veterinary surgery in its practice. Veterinary surgery is a key clinical discipline that provides the basis for the formation of a veterinarian. Mastering the subject leads to the independence of the veterinarian, the ability to make diagnoses and promptly select correct technique surgical and other types of treatment.

Study of veterinary surgery taking place in close connection with other disciplines, lays the foundations for a doctor’s ethics, his worldview and interaction with animal owners. A veterinary surgeon takes on enormous responsibility, both to the animal, its owner, and to himself. Only a thorough study of the discipline allows one to competently formulate a well-thought-out method of surgical treatment.

Goals and objectives of veterinary surgery

The main goal of animal veterinary surgery is the formation of a general specialist who is able to competently and timely select the most effective method treatment. Surgery like scientific subject should teach the student independence in choosing a method of treatment, prevention and diagnosis, which should be based on the scientific basis obtained during training.

Objectives of animal surgery:

  • education topographic anatomy animals;
  • familiarization with safety precautions when interacting with animals and surrounding objects;
  • training in methods of restraint and anesthesia;
  • acquaintance with asepsis and antisepsis, as the basics of the prevention of surgical infections;
  • knowledge of methods for preparing the surgical field;
  • familiarization with infusion and puncture techniques;
  • study of technology surgical intervention;
  • familiarity with the general patterns of development of pathological processes;
  • determination of etiology and pathogenesis surgical diseases;
  • study of theoretical and practical methods veterinary surgery.

Courses and disciplines of veterinary surgery

Pet surgery is divided into a number of independent courses, each of which includes the basic part of the other, complementing it and, to a certain extent, revealing it. Without knowledge of all courses in veterinary surgery, it is impossible to form a medical mindset and be ready for surgical interventions without serious consequences for an animal.

Operative surgery and basic theory

The surgical technique is a key element in the surgeon's knowledge. In the animal operative surgery course, students learn the methods and rules of conducting a surgical operation. The discipline consists of two complementary parts – theory and practice. Studying the educational part allows you to take a broad look at the essence of surgical intervention, and continuous polishing of the surgical technique will allow you to the most difficult situations avoid mistakes. It is the honing of simple and basic methods of surgical intervention that helps save the lives of animals.

General surgery - studying the causes of animal diseases

General veterinary surgery studies the patterns in the causes of the development of diseases in animals, their pathogenesis, etiology, general clinical picture, methods of diagnosis and treatment.

general surgery provides basic concepts in a number of the most common diseases with operative method treatment.

The section of this discipline includes the study of:

  • burns and frostbite;
  • dislocations and fractures;
  • hematomas and bruises;
  • phlegmon and abscesses;
  • muscle tears and nerve damage;
  • basic surgical interventions.

Private veterinary surgery is a narrow specialization of a doctor

The pinnacle of studying the discipline is private veterinary surgery, in which students become familiar with pathological lesions that require surgical treatment depending on topographic location:

  • head area;
  • neck and back of the head of the animal;
  • areas of the withers, lower back and chest;
  • pathologies of the abdominal area;
  • diseases of the udder and mammary glands;
  • surgical pathologies of the pelvis;
  • surgical pathologies of the reproductive system;
  • diseases of the limbs and hooves;
  • surgical ophthalmology.

Private surgery builds on the previous two subjects. The treatment technique is taken from the surgical part, and the basics of etiology and diagnosis are taken from general surgery. In addition, private veterinary surgery interacts with other clinical disciplines.

History of veterinary surgery

At the beginning of its development, veterinary surgery was closely related to medicine. Are common educational establishments and joint experiments were carried out for a long time with the aim of joint development. Gradually, theoretical and practical bases accumulated, which made it possible to separate humane and veterinary medicine. From this moment the history of veterinary surgery begins. True, the development of science was extremely slow - only in the Renaissance did the first topographic atlases appear, which gave rise to meaningful surgical intervention.

Stages of the history of surgery:

Behind thousand-year history veterinary surgery has undergone a lot of changes and innovations, but over the years false teachings have been removed from science, and only theoretically based and experimentally proven methods of surgical treatment of animals remain.

Year of issue: 2007

Genre: Veterinary

Format: DjVu

Quality: Scanned pages

Description: General veterinary surgery studies all types of injuries and the causes that contribute to their occurrence; considers the species reactivity of animals, their body’s responses to traumatic factors and infection; some aspects of clinical immunology; principles of etiological and pathogenetic treatment, reflexology and other issues. She finds out the conditions and causes that cause surgical diseases (etiology); patterns and mechanism of their development (pathogenesis); are common Clinical signs, patterns of progression and features of these diseases (semiotics). Develops and recommends general principles and methods for recognizing surgical diseases (diagnosis); biological and clinical patterns of regenerative processes and recovery; internal and external conditions that accelerate healing processes; possible outcome diseases (prognosis); principles of treatment of diseases caused by injury, infection and metabolic disorders; rational dietary feeding and living conditions for sick animals, general methods prevention, organizational and technological principles surgical work V modern conditions livestock farming with a variety of forms of ownership.
To effectively carry out prevention and treatment, veterinarian must be proficient in modern diagnostic methods, have a good knowledge of the pathogenesis of diseases and be able to control the protective and adaptive reactions of the animal’s body.
A student of general surgery must master the art of surgical technique, which is achieved through long and constant training. Modern veterinary surgery combines surgical methods treatment (bloody and bloodless) with chemotherapy, the use of biological agents and physiotherapy. Complex surgical procedures are recommended only in cases where they are economically feasible or there are absolute indications.
When studying the surgical discipline, a student needs solid knowledge of systemic and topographic anatomy, histology, physiology, biochemistry, pathological physiology and anatomy, microbiology, pharmacology, animal hygiene, feeding, and organization of veterinary services. Knowledge of these disciplines is mandatory to determine the causes of surgical diseases, correct diagnosis, organization of treatment and prevention. In turn, surgery provides other clinical disciplines with therapeutic, preventive and diagnostic techniques and methods. General surgery as a discipline has general clinical significance and is theoretical basis surgery as a branch of veterinary science.

"General Animal Surgery"

1.1. Classification and types of injuries
1.2. The effect of trauma on the body
1.3. Types of injuries
1.4. The body's response to injury

  1. General body response to injury
  2. Local reaction of the body to injury (inflammation)
  3. Clinical manifestation of aseptic inflammation
  4. Treatment for inflammatory processes
1.5. Pain surgery
  1. Local anesthesia
  2. Anesthesia (general anesthesia)
2.1. Classification of surgical infection
2.2. Aerobic purulent infection
  1. Abcess
  2. Phlegmon
  3. Treatment for aerobic purulent infection
2.3. Anaerobic infection
  1. Gas abscess
  2. Gas gangrene
  3. Gas cellulitis
  4. Malignant edema
  5. Putrid infection
  6. Treatment for anaerobic infection
2.4. Dormant infection
  1. Forms of dormant infection
2.5. General surgical infection
  1. Types of manifestations of general surgical infection
2.6. Specific infection
  1. Types of manifestations of a specific infection
  2. Prevention of wound surgical infection
3.1. Terminal states body in shock
3.2. Resuscitation measures in surgery
3.3. Euthanasia in veterinary medicine
4.1. Wound symptoms
4.2. Types of wounds
4.3. Biology wound process
  1. Types of wound healing
4.4. Treatment of injured animals
4.5. Blood replacement (tissue) therapy in surgical practice
4.6. Blood replacement solutions in surgical practice
4.7. Laboratory monitoring of the course of the wound process
  1. Cytological analysis of fingerprint smears
  2. Bacteriological control of wound process
  3. Hematological control of wound process
  4. X-ray monitoring of the wound process
  5. Monitoring the measurement of the electrical field of the heart
5.1. Thermal burns
  1. Burn disease
5.2. Chemical and thermochemical burns
5.3. Frostbite
6.1. Necrosis
6.2. Gangrene
6.3. Ulcer
6.4. Bedsores
6.5. Fistula
7.1. Stretching and tearing
7.2. Shake
7.3. Squeezing
7.4. Injury
7.5. Hematoma
7.6. Lymphextravasate

10.1. Military injuries and its types
  1. Classification of surgical injuries caused by weapons of mass destruction
  2. General principles of sorting and staged treatment wounded animals
  3. Treatment times for individual surgical injuries
  4. Wound ballistics and features of gunshot wounds
  5. Combined lesions of animals
  6. Dynamics of the wound process against the background of radiation sickness
  7. Pathogenesis and treatment of wounds and burns contaminated with toxic substances
10.2. Peculiarities mechanical injuries in peacetime disasters
  1. Long-term crush syndrome
  2. Basic principles of providing surgical care injured animals
11.1. Pustular skin diseases (pyodermitis)
11.2. Dermatitis
  1. Skin rashes
11.3. Basics of skin disease therapy
12.1. Wounds
12.2. Muscle bruises
12.3. Muscle tears
12.4. Myopathoses
12.5. Amyotrophy
12.6. Muscle inflammation
13.1. Periostitis
13.2. Toxic ossifying osteoperiostosis
13.3. Osteitis
13.4. Bone necrosis
13.5. Caries
13.6. Osteomyelitis
13.7. Bone fractures
14.1. Structure of joints
14.2. Classification of joint diseases
14.3. Closed traumatic aseptic joint diseases
  1. Hemarthrosis
  2. Distortion (stretching) of joints
  3. Dislocations
  4. Acute serous synovitis
  5. Serous-fibrinous synovitis
  6. Fibrinous synovitis
  7. Chronic serous synovitis
  8. Periarticular fibrositis
  9. Periarticular fibrositis
  10. Periarthritis ossificans
  11. Joint contractures
14.4. Open damage(wounds) of joints
14.5. Purulent diseases joints
  1. Purulent synovitis
  2. Suppurative arthritis
  3. Capsular cellulitis
  4. Paraarticular phlegmon
14.6. Rheumatic inflammation of the joints, articular rheumatism
14.7. Chronic non-exudative joint diseases
  1. Chronic ossifying periarthritis
  2. Arthritis deformans
  3. Arthrosis
  4. Ankylosis
14.8. Diagnostic and therapeutic punctures joints
15.1. Brief anatomical data
15.2. Tendon sprains, tears and ruptures
15.3. Tendon wounds
  1. Tendinitis
  2. Tenosynovitis
15.4. Bursitis
16.1. Arteritis
16.2. Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis
16.3. Lymphangitis
16.4. Lymphonodulitis
17.1. Nervous system diseases
17.2. Traumatic injuries nervous system
17.3. Traumatic brain injury
  1. Brain damage due to closed traumatic brain injury
  2. Brain damage due to open traumatic brain injury
17.4. Post-traumatic epilepsy
17.5. Spinal cord injuries
  1. Open spinal cord injuries
  2. Closed spinal cord injuries
  3. Spinal syndromes caused by intervertebral disc pathology
  4. Laminectomy technique for injuries of the spine and spinal cord
17.6. Traumatic injuries to peripheral nerves
17.7. Peripheral nerve regeneration
17.8. Diseases caused by nerve damage
18.1. Tumors and their classification
18.2. Diagnosis of tumors
18.3. Benign tumors
  1. Fibropapillomatosis
  2. Fibroma
  3. Lipoma
  4. Chondroma
  5. Osteoma
  6. Angioma
  7. Leiomyoma
  8. Rhabdomyoma
18.4. Malignant tumors
  1. Carcinoma (cancer)
  2. Sarcoma
18.5. Oncological surgery
  1. Principles of oncological surgery
  2. Tumor biopsy
  3. Types of oncological surgery
  4. Surgical treatment of breast tumors

Guidelines for phototherapy of animals with surgical pathologies
Concise Surgical Prescription Guide
The use of dietary foods from Hill's Pet Nutrition for the treatment and prevention of the most common surgical pathologies

Test card for self-testing of knowledge

Operative surgery of animals is a branch of veterinary medicine that deals with surgical interventions(operations). The most common branch of veterinary surgery is general animal surgery - operations on the abdominal organs, soft tissues and skin.

Needless to say, performing a timely operation often saves the life and health of an animal when therapeutic methods are powerless.

There are several types of operations, differing in purpose and nature:

Diagnostic. Method for making a final diagnosis. In some cases, this is the only way to reliably diagnose the disease.

Radical. Complete elimination pathological process. This type of operation includes most operations on internal organs.

Palliative. Partial normalization of the body’s functioning, alleviation of the patient’s condition. They are carried out for advanced cancer diseases.

Operations are also divided according to urgency:

Emergency operations are performed in critical situations; preparation before the operation is minimal. Example: surgery for trauma with internal bleeding.

Urgent operations may be postponed for a short time to clarify the diagnosis and appropriate preparation of the patient. Example: surgery for intestinal obstruction.

Planned operations. They are carried out after a detailed examination of the patient, clarification of the diagnosis and preparation. Among this group of operations, the most popular are cat castration and sterilization of cats.

With all this, it should also be taken into account that:

Surgery under full anesthesia carries certain risks. Therefore, the animal is examined before it; it may be necessary various tests, ultrasound, ECG, because of this the price of the operation itself increases. Unfortunately, there is always a chance that some hidden pathology will not manifest itself during the examination, and then cause complications during or after surgery. The percentage of probability of such a development of events is extremely small, but it still exists.
