How long do they stay in the intensive care unit? How many days do they stay in intensive care? In the intensive care unit where and

Today I will depart from my principles and republish the article sovenok101 . It clearly and practically explains why you shouldn’t talk to resuscitators, why you shouldn’t rush to the intensive care unit to visit relatives, and why you won’t hear the truth from doctors.

It happens that acquaintances ask: how to talk to a resuscitator so that he tells the whole truth, lets him into the unit, realizes that this particular patient needs to be saved with all his might, does not hide information about the lack of medicine and says what needs to be bought. So here it is. It is impossible to achieve these goals. Why - let's figure it out.

Let's start with the first point - when the resuscitator tells the truth.

From the point of view of a resuscitator, All patients are divided into three categories. The first is with diseases no more severe than a runny nose, by intensive care standards, of course. Well, for example, pneumonia, affecting 1-2 lobes out of 5 available. Or allergosis, which breathes freely, does not require pressure support and whose skin does not peel off, well, by at least not all. There is also bleeding that was stopped by a surgeon, endoscopist, or stopped on its own after a couple of doses of plasma, when the patient is fully compensated for saline solutions and does not require red blood cells and other transfusiological wisdom.

Second category- these are really intensive care patients whose chances of survival are, for example, 1:2 or even less. For example, pneumonia of 3-5 lobes, ARDS, blood loss with disseminated intravascular coagulation. Sepsis with multiple organs. Pancreatic necrosis with infectious-toxic shock. They fiddle with such patients, perform shamanism on them, drag them in and out, stand next to them for days on end, leaving the entire first category to nurses and other surgeons.

Well, the third category- patients who have no chance of survival at all. Often this is terminal oncology. Mesenteric thrombosis with necrosis of the entire intestine. You never know what else. These patients are given relief, and after death they say: cured, which means “suffered.” There is no irony, resuscitators themselves wish for a quick and easy death, preferably in a dream, possibly with medication.

So. Let's consider the simplest situation, when you are the patient yourself. And for some reason you can talk. In any case, they will tell you that everything is fine. Now let’s get some treatment and everything will be fine. All the rhetoric about the patient's right to information works somewhere out there, in the outside world. Resuscitators know too well how the patient’s mood affects the outcome of the disease. The most depressing situation is when you are struggling here like a fish against ice, and he simply does not want to live. I want to kill this one! So everything is in order, but there is a lot of trouble ahead. And only to a patient who has actually been saved, at the door, can they tactfully explain that, in fact, he has already almost been to better world. And they will sincerely wish not to return here again.

The situation is more complicated when you are an agitated relative.
Well, your brother, for example, belongs to the first category. You may assume that everything is not so bad if the resuscitator comes out to you, feverishly leafing through your medical history. This means that he does not remember the patient. That is, he accepted him, gave instructions, and then the nurses looked after the patient. Well, the ulcer developed. Well, we coagulated. Everything is fine, we’ll watch until the morning, tomorrow we’ll go to the department. Do you think this is exactly what the resuscitator will tell you? Yeah! What if there are more beds during the night? But the probe will move and no one will notice anything in time. But in the laboratory the device malfunctions and does not show a decrease in hemoglobin. And when everything is cleared up, he will already have two liters of blood, they will take him to the table, but the plasma and ermassa they need will not be there, and by the time they are brought, there will already be internal combustion engine, and nothing will heal, the stitches will come apart, and then we will have a long and painful time treating peritonitis ...And who will be to blame? The same resuscitator who assured the relatives that everything would be fine. So while the patient is in intensive care, he dies. And period. And we’ll talk about everything well on the way to the department. And we sincerely wish this patient not to return back. Otherwise, anything can happen.

Or even worse, patient from the second category. The resuscitator will most likely go to the relatives of such a patient without a medical history in hand, because he already remembers all its contents by heart. And he will say that everything is bad and there is almost no chance. We heal, we fight, but we are not omnipotent. Good sign, if he says “no deterioration”, “slight positive dynamics”, “tendency towards stabilization”. You won't get more from him, even if you put a knife to his throat.

And only about the patient third category they will tell you the honest truth: “The patient is incurable, it is being carried out symptomatic therapy"What does it mean: the patient dies, and we alleviate his suffering.

Perhaps you will be allowed to see a category 3 patient to say goodbye. This depends on the situation in the unit and the doctor’s workload and usually contradicts the internal orders of the hospital. But doctors are people too and treat death with respect. You can be taken to a patient of the second category only if, from the point of view of the resuscitator, this can push the one “hung between heaven and earth” in the right direction. You will never be allowed to see a patient of the first category. We'll talk to you tomorrow or the day after tomorrow at the department.

It is impossible to stimulate the resuscitator to “save better” your patient. That is, he may take the money, but he will treat him the way it is customary to treat such patients in this hospital. The same is true for medications. Not so long ago, during another drug famine, one surgeon asked a relative of a freshly operated patient to buy cheap analgin at the pharmacy. The relative reported this to the administration and the surgeon was immediately fired. Everyone else drew their conclusions. We treat with what we have, if there is nothing, we treat with affection. But relatives will never know about this. They will be asked to bring hygiene products, water in a convenient bottle, and perhaps a homemade treat such as broth in a thermos, if the patient’s health allows them to eat it. Exceptions are for those who are very special. Yes, write a note, they will definitely pass it on, if anything, they will even read it out loud to the patient. And the patient in a coma too. If the patient is healthy enough, he will be given the opportunity to write a response. But this answer will definitely be read by a doctor or nurse. A note like “I’m being processed for organs here” will not be passed on. Mobile phone will not be transferred under any circumstances. And not at all because it interferes with the operation of devices. Doesn't interfere. It’s just that the more helpless the patient, the calmer the staff will be. You never know where he can call and who he can call...

So, in any case, they will tell you that everything is bad, they don’t make predictions here, they save you with all their might, all the medicines are there. They will record your phone number, but they will only use it in case of a sad outcome. They won’t give you yours, and even if you somehow get it, they will only say over the phone that the patient is alive and in the department.

So never talk to a resuscitator. And best of all, never meet him. Neither as a patient, nor as his relative!

A person in intensive care seems to fall out of our world. You can’t come to him, you can’t talk to him, they take away his phone, clothes and personal belongings. The most that loved ones can count on is a note sent through a nurse. What if it's a person? What if it's a child? All you can do is wait for a call from the doctor and hope for the best.

Why are there such draconian rules in hospitals and how not to go crazy from the unknown? We answer the most FAQ about resuscitation.

1. Will he die?

Don't stress yourself out and don't panic. Yes, your loved one has health problems. Yes, this is serious. And yet, if someone is in intensive care, this does not mean that he is on the verge of death. A person can be put there even for a couple of hours - for example, after. As soon as doctors are convinced that his life is not in danger, the patient will be transferred to a hospital.

The prognosis depends on the severity of the patient’s condition, age and concomitant diseases, from doctors, from the clinic and many, many other factors. And, of course, from luck.

2. What's going on there?

Doctors need access to equipment, and nurses need to be able to wash the patient - that’s why they usually lie naked in the department. Many people find this inconvenient and humiliating.

Maria Borisova told the story of her elderly mother on Facebook: “They immediately said: “Undress naked, take off everything, socks and panties inclusive.” Mom was lying in the large corridor, where there was walking great amount people, talking loudly, laughing. A small detail: in order to relieve yourself, you must get up naked from your bed in front of a large number of people who are walking back and forth, sit on a bedpan on a stool that stands next to the bed, and relieve yourself in public.”

Lying under one sheet can be not only embarrassing, but also cold. And dangerous for already weakened health. There are diapers and disposable underwear, but these are additional costs. But there is always not enough money in public hospitals. Therefore, it is easier to keep patients naked. If a person is able to walk, he may be given a shirt.

Bedridden patients Treated with liquid daily to prevent bedsores, and turned over every two hours. The body is also kept clean. Hair and nails are cut. If the patient is conscious, he can do this himself.

Life support systems and tracking devices are connected to the patient in intensive care. They can also tie him to the bed so that in his delirium he does not pull out all the sensors and harm himself.

3. Why am I not allowed to see him?

By law, doctors cannot refuse to admit you to intensive care without a serious reason. If a child under 15 years of age is admitted there, the parents have the right to go to the hospital with him. But this is in official papers, but in practice everything is different. Hospital staff have a “classic” set of reasons for not letting relatives in: special sanitary conditions, infections, lack of space, inappropriate behavior.

Whether this is right or wrong is a complex question. On the one hand, in the West you can visit a patient almost immediately after surgery. This gives peace of mind to both the relatives and the patient. On the other hand, in the West the conditions are suitable for this: air purification systems, bacterial filters, spacious rooms. And who can guarantee that he won’t faint when he sees a loved one unconscious and covered in equipment? Or won’t he rush to pull out IVs and tubes? This is also not uncommon.

In general, whether you insist on visiting or not is up to you. If the staff flatly refuses to let you in, refer to Federal Law No. 323 and contact the clinic management.

Follow all visiting rules: wear a robe, mask and shoe covers. Tie up your hair and bring hand sanitizer.

4. How can I help?

You can buy missing medicines, care products (“duck”, for example), or special food. You can hire a caregiver or pay for an outside consultation. Ask your doctor if this is necessary.

And ask the patient himself if he needs anything. Children often ask to bring their favorite toys, adults - a tablet or books, older people - even a TV.

5. How to behave in intensive care?

As calm as possible. Don't disturb the staff. Your loved one may be unconscious or acting strangely. It may look or smell unusual. Tubes and wires may be sticking out of him, and wounded, seriously ill people may be lying in the same room with him. Be prepared for anything.

The patient largely depends on his mood, and the mood depends on you - your loved ones. Don't cry, don't get hysterical, don't wring your hands and don't curse fate. Talk to him as if he were healthy. Don't discuss the illness until he brings it up. It’s better to discuss the most ordinary, everyday things: how things are at home, what news your friends have, what’s happening in the world.

If a person is in a coma, you also need to communicate with him. Many patients actually hear and understand everything that is happening, so they also need to be supported, stroked on the arm and told last news. Research shows it speeds up recovery.

If a patient asks to meet with a priest, doctors are required to let him into the room. This right is ensured by Article 19 of the bill “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in Russian Federation».

Chief freelance specialist in anesthesiology and resuscitation, chief physician GBUZ "City clinical Hospital named after S.S. Yudina DZM"

After the question about relatives visiting intensive care units was asked during a direct line with the President of the Russian Federation, its discussion continued both in the media and in in social networks. As always, the debaters were divided into two opposing camps, slightly forgetting that they were discussing a very complex and delicate issue.

Relatives of patients often believe that they should have access to the wards intensive care around the clock and they can dictate their terms or interfere with work medical personnel. This causes quite fair rejection among doctors. To understand how to come to a decision that would suit everyone, it is worth remembering how the intensive care unit generally works.

Most balanced intensive care unit consists of 12 beds - these are, as a rule, two rooms of six people.

Why is that? This correlates with the recommended staffing table, approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated November 15, 2012 No. 919 “On approval of the procedure for providing medical care for the adult population in the profile of “anesthesiology and resuscitation.” According to it, one round-the-clock doctor post should be organized for six intensive care patients. And this practice is typical not only for Russia, it is used in many countries around the world.

Seriously ill patients are accumulated in one place so that doctors have the opportunity to constantly monitor them and as soon as possible start providing emergency care.

After all, if each patient is placed in a separate room, even the presence of high-tech medical equipment, video cameras and other devices will not replace the personal presence of a doctor. And it certainly won’t speed up the ability to perform emergency procedures.

The second feature of the intensive care unit, and especially the surgical department, is the lack of separation of patients by gender and age. Both men and women, young and old can be in the same room. Of course, we try to create a certain comfort zone for conscious patients - for example, we fence off the beds with screens. But here a very serious question arises: even if one patient wants to see his relatives, how will his roommates react to this? Is everything, being in such in serious condition, are you ready for a visit from strangers?

In addition, we should not forget that the work of an anesthesiologist-resuscitator does not consist of the most aesthetic moments. The patient is in a state in which he does not control himself; for example, he may experience involuntary urination. Are all the relatives of patients ready to watch this around the clock? I don't think so.

As a rule, it is enough for relatives to see their loved one who is connected to life support systems. He is washed, shaved, smells normal, next to him are professional doctors and modern equipment. For the peace of mind of relatives, it is necessary, first of all, to be confident that the person is not abandoned, that they are being cared for - for this, 5-7 minutes are enough, and sometimes even one glance.

Of course there are different situations. But if doctors manage to build normal human relationships with patients’ relatives, everything can be solved.

For example, a situation may arise in which a visitor is asked to leave the emergency room immediately. Later you can come out and explain that the patient was ill and needed to be resuscitation measures- and this is the one serious reason, according to which the relative was asked to leave. If a person is not intoxicated by alcohol or drugs, if you can communicate normally with him, then he understands everything and begins to feel the situation in the intensive care unit.

There is another very serious question: even if the patient is conscious, does he want to see his relatives?

This is also a very delicate moment. Eat severe injuries, which can disfigure a person, and he will simply be afraid to appear close to him. How comfortable will this be for him psychologically?

Therefore, the wishes of the patient are taken into account first. If the patient says “no,” we politely apologize to the relatives and discuss further visitation issues. But even in this case, relatives want to know as much as possible. And a very important skill that intensive care unit staff need to learn is the ability to talk about the patient’s condition in a way that is understandable. a common person. That is, as accessible as possible, avoiding complex medical terms.

For example, you might tell a woman that her husband has bilateral hydrothorax. Sounds scary, doesn't it? And he won’t tell her anything at all. Or you can say it completely differently: “Due to serious illness your husband has fluid collecting in his lungs. We installed two tubes and pumped out this fluid to make it easier for him to breathe.” It's much clearer and sounds more calming. This is an opportunity to engage a relative in a dialogue and establish good contact with him.

Communication with patients and their relatives and even telling them bad news is a separate issue, because, unfortunately, patients die in intensive care. They have parents, spouses, children - and the sad news must be conveyed to loved ones in a way that does not cause additional pain.

Our resuscitation specialists must not only embrace the concept of preserving life, but also become more gentle, compassionate and empathic. The ability to find a common language with people, to empathize with the grief of others - this is often much more important in intensive care units than unlimited visiting time.

1 “Will he die?”
Your loved one is experiencing serious problems with health. This may be due to illness, injury, surgery or other reasons. His health problems require specialized medical care, the so-called “intensive care” (in common parlance - “resuscitation”). In avian medical language, the intensive care unit is often abbreviated as ICU.

Important! Just being admitted to the ICU does not mean that your loved one will die.

After successful intensive care in the ICU, the patient is usually transferred to continue treatment in another department of the hospital, for example, to surgery or cardiology. The prognosis depends on the severity of the patient’s condition, his age, concomitant diseases, the actions and qualifications of doctors, the equipment of the clinic, as well as numerous random factors, in other words, luck.

2 What should you do?
Calm down, concentrate and first of all take care of your own mental and physical condition. For example, you should not fall into despair, drown out fear and panic with alcohol, or turn to fortune tellers and psychics. If you act rationally, you can increase the chance of survival and speed up your loved one's recovery. If you find out that your relative is in intensive care, notify maximum amount loved ones, especially those related to medicine and healthcare, and also evaluate how much money you have and how much additional money you can find if necessary.

3 Can you not be allowed into intensive care?
Yes they can. the federal law No. 323 “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation” is quite contradictory. It guarantees free visits to patients by their relatives and legal representatives, but at the same time categorically demands compliance with the requirements established by the internal regulations of the clinic. The reasons for a clinic’s ban on admitting a relative to the intensive care unit may be quite understandable: the presence of an infection, inappropriate behavior, or staff being busy during resuscitation measures.

If you feel that your right to communicate with a relative in the ICU is being violated, conflicting about this with security guards, nurses, orderlies or doctors on duty is, as a rule, useless and even harmful. For permission conflict situations It is more advisable to contact the head of the department or the clinic administration. The good news is that the staff of most intensive care units are more friendly if you demonstrate a desire to cooperate and adequacy.

4 What is useful to ask doctors?
Ask these questions.

Is there a need to purchase any drugs that are not available (for example, expensive antibiotics)?

Should I buy additional funds care? For example, a “duck” made of synthetic material, not metal, an anti-bedsore mattress, diapers.

Is it worth hiring a personal caregiver? If so, is it necessary to negotiate with the junior staff of the department or do you need to bring in a person from the outside (for example, from the patronage service)? Remember that for some diseases the patient’s life directly depends on care. Don't spare money on a nurse if you need one.

How is food organized and is there a need to purchase special food for seriously ill patients?

Do you need outside expert advice? Let’s assume that the clinic does not have a full-time neurosurgeon, and his consultation in case of your loved one’s illness is advisable. Formally, doctors themselves are obliged to take care of this, but in practice, this is often organized by relatives.

Finally, ask what else you can bring. to a loved one. Some familiar things: toys for a child, personal medications, hygiene and household items. Sometimes - a phone, a tablet and even a TV.

5 How to behave in intensive care?
Dress as you are told. As a rule, these are clothes made of synthetic fabrics (no wool), comfortable replaceable shoes, a disposable robe, a cap, a mask (can be bought at a pharmacy). If you have long hair, collect them in a bun. Carry antiseptic liquid with you and sanitize your hands. Sometimes it even makes sense to have your own replacement surgical suit (you can buy it at a medical clothing store).

Moderate your emotions. You will find yourself in an extremely unusual environment, there will be seriously ill people around, there will be a lot of smells and sounds. Don't disturb the staff. For you this is stress, for your employees it is everyday life. Your loved one may not speak, or may say the wrong thing, there may be numerous tubes sticking out of him, there may be bandages or stickers on him. It may be a strange color, swollen, or smell unusual.

Don't worry, this won't last forever. He's just sick.

6 How can you help him?
No one knows how it works, but experienced medical practitioners can determine the patient’s likelihood of surviving complications even during the first conversation with a patient. From psychological state A lot depends on the patient. And this state almost entirely depends on your loved ones, that is, on you.

If possible, talk to the sick person as if you were healthy. Do not cry under any circumstances, do not become hysterical, do not look at him with despair and pain, even if you experience them, do not wring your hands, do not shout: “Oh, what’s wrong with you?!” Do not discuss the circumstances of the injury on your own initiative if it is an injury. Don't discuss the negative. Talk about the most practical things, both related to the disease and purely everyday, family ones.

Remember: while your loved one is sick but alive, he can and should participate in the life of his family.

7 What to say if he is afraid of death?
I don't know, it's up to you to decide. But, in any case, listen. If a loved one asks for a meeting with a priest, arrange it. As a rule, they are allowed into intensive care even with terminal patients. If a loved one has a chronic disorder of consciousness (for example, is in a coma), devote a lot of time to verbal and non-verbal (touch, massage, things familiar to him in the area of ​​​​accessibility) communication with him. Latest scientific works show that this has a positive effect on the rehabilitation process. Many patients who appear “comatose” to a non-specialist actually see and hear everything that is happening around them.

If you have to care for your loved one for long weeks, months or years, resuscitation becomes a significant part of life. You will need endurance and composure. Help staff as soon as you feel you have mastered the basic skills. I know of cases where relatives of intensive care patients subsequently changed their life path and became nurses and doctors.

The word “reanimation”, which frightens and alarms the average person, is translated as “revival”. This is where the real struggle for human life takes place. In this department, the day is not divided into day and night: medical workers They take care of patients every minute. The intensive care unit is a closed area of ​​the hospital. This is a forced measure that is necessary so that no one and nothing distracts doctors from saving human life. After all, some of the patients will never be able to leave the cold walls of the intensive care unit.

Relatives of such patients are worried because they do not know how long they have been in intensive care. How resuscitation treatment is carried out, what factors are associated with the length of a patient’s stay in the “rescue” department, you will learn from our article.

Specifics of the resuscitation state

- department of the hospital where emergency actions, eliminating violations of vital important functions body. No one can answer how many days the patient will spend between life and death. Recovery time is always individual and depends on the type, condition of the patient and the presence of concomitant complications that appeared after the injury.

For example, after the operation, blood flow and spontaneous breathing were restored. However, at this stage a complication is diagnosed: cerebral edema or damage. Therefore, monitoring the patient’s condition in the intensive care unit will continue until all complications are eliminated. After this, the patient will be transferred to a regular ward.

It is important to understand that relatives, acquaintances and friends cannot visit the patient in the intensive care unit. This rule applies to all visitors with rare exceptions. Let's tell you why.

All visitors bring a lot of bacteria and viruses on their clothes, bodies and hands. For healthy person they are absolutely safe. But for patients in Russia they will cause a complex infection. Moreover, patients themselves can infect visitors.

There are several patients in the general intensive care unit. Their location does not depend on gender: patients are undressed and connected to numerous equipment. Not everyone will be able to calmly react to such appearance people close to them. Therefore, people who are worried about the condition of their relatives need to wait until the patients are transferred to therapy. There it will be possible to communicate normally, regularly visiting friends and relatives.

Let us consider the features of resuscitation treatment in patients whose critical health condition is associated with the most common pathologies: stroke and heart attack.


dangerous change in the blood circulation of the brain. He spares neither women nor men at any age. Moreover, 80% of stroke cases are characterized by ischemic pathology and only 20% by the hemorrhagic type. It is impossible to predict when the cerebral hemorrhage itself will occur: the course of the pathology is unique for each patient. Therefore, each patient spends a different time in intensive care after a stroke.

How long a stroke will keep a person in the hospital depends on several factors:

  • Localization and size of brain tissue damage;
  • Severity of symptoms;
  • Presence or absence of coma;
  • Functioning of systems and organs: breathing, heartbeat, swallowing and others;
  • Possibility of relapse;
  • Presence of concomitant diseases.

As you can see, the patient will stay in the intensive care unit as long as his condition requires. Patients in the department are carefully examined every day, making a verdict on their further stay in the hospital.

It should be noted that when pathological changes brain, the patient is supposed to stay in intensive care for 3 weeks. This time is needed for the doctor so that he can track possible relapses and prevent them.

General standardization of stroke treatment involves a month. This period is approved by the Ministry of Health for full recovery sick. However, on an individual basis, the period of therapy is extended if it is determined that the patient needs further treatment and rehabilitation.

Stroke therapy includes 3 stages.

The first therapeutic course consists of basic treatment measures:

  • Improve the functioning of the respiratory system;
  • Adjust hemodynamics;
  • Eliminate body and psychomotor disorders;
  • Fight cerebral edema;
  • Realize proper nutrition and patient care.

After restoration of the primary functions of the body, differentiated treatment follows. It depends on the type of stroke and the patient's condition.

Hemorrhagic stroke:

  • Eliminate cerebral edema;
  • Adjust intracranial and blood pressure;
  • Assess the need for surgical intervention.

Ischemic stroke:

The larger the affected area in the brain tissue, the more time the patient will need to recover.

Also, relatives should know what happens to the patient when he falls into. This dangerous complication occurs only in 10% of cases. occurs due to instantaneous stratification of brain vessels. No one knows how long it will last. Therefore, in this situation, it is important to quickly provide qualified emergency care and ensure regular monitoring of the patient’s condition.

Diagnostic and corrective therapy for comatose state consists of the following actions:

  • With the help of continuous hardware monitoring, the functioning of vital important organs and human systems;
  • Measures against pressure ulcers are used;
  • The patient is fed through a feeding tube;
  • The food is ground and heated.


If the patient is in an extremely serious condition, it is indicated that he should be administered artificial coma. This is necessary to carry out on an emergency basis surgical intervention on the brain.

After the patient comes to his senses, therapy is aimed at combating the consequences of the attack: restoring speech and motor activity.

The reason for transfer to a general ward is the following improvements in the patient’s well-being:

  • Stable pulse and blood pressure readings within an hour of diagnosis;
  • Having the ability to breathe independently;
  • Full awareness of the speech addressed to him, the opportunity to contact the attending physician;
  • Complete exclusion of relapse.

Treatment is carried out in the neurological department. Therapy consists of taking medications And rehabilitation exercises aimed at developing motor activity.

Heart attack

The most dangerous consequence– . Severe pathology requires constant medical supervision, the timing of which depends on the severity and criticality of the condition.

As a rule, a heart attack and all other heart diseases require rehabilitation measures within 3 days from the onset of the attack. Then rehabilitation therapy begins in the general ward.

Treatment of heart problems occurs in 2 stages.


7 days after an attack is the most critical and dangerous time for the patient’s life. Therefore, it is extremely important to keep him in the hospital for several weeks in order to completely eliminate possible Negative consequences attack.

An acute attack of infarction requires resuscitation actions. They are aimed at providing the myocardium with oxygen to maintain its viability. The patient is prescribed the following treatment:

  • Complete rest;
  • Analgesics;
  • Hypnotic;
  • Medicines that reduce heart rate.

The first day of resuscitation is important for further treatment. On this day, the need to use the following types of surgical intervention is decided:

  • Installation of a catheter in the heart;
  • Expansion or narrowing of an injured vessel;
  • Coronary artery bypass grafting (helps restore blood flow).

The administration of drugs that stop the formation of blood clots is necessarily indicated.

After restoration of the necessary functioning of the heart muscle, the patient is transferred to cardiology department for further therapy. Then the attending physician will provide a plan of rehabilitation actions, with the help of which cardiac activity will resume in a natural manner.

Duration recovery period depends on the following factors:

  • Timeliness of emergency assistance during an attack;
  • Age category (persons over 70 years of age suffer a heart attack more severely);
  • The presence or absence of complications;
  • Possibility of complications.

The patient is discharged from the hospital only if the patient’s condition meets the following indicators:

  • Complete restoration of heart rhythm;
  • No complications were identified.

The recovery period after rehabilitation treatment continues even after discharge from the hospital. The patient must change his lifestyle, correctly alternating periods of rest and physical activity. It is important to completely reconsider nutrition issues, refuse bad habits. It is better to continue the rehabilitation period in a sanatorium-resort treatment setting.
