When to vaccinate puppies: pet vaccination schedule. What vaccinations do dogs need and when? Which vaccine is best for a puppy?

Prevention of infectious diseases in dogs.

Is it recommended to vaccinate dogs against infectious diseases? Vaccination has been proven to significantly reduce the risk of bacterial and viral infections. If it does occur, it proceeds in mild form and with minimal risk of complications. Considering the current high prevalence of infectious diseases, this measure is necessary. How does the vaccine work, and can you get sick from the vaccine?

The vaccine is not injected into the body. a large number of weakened and/or killed pathogen of infectious diseases. Cells of the immune system recognize the antigens of bacteria or viruses as foreigners and produce antibodies that neutralize the “enemy agent.” The presence of antibodies to the infectious agent determines the immunity of animals to the infection. When an infection “from the street” enters a vaccinated body, antibodies immediately block it, thereby preventing the disease. To produce enough to repel an attack by bacterial or viral pathogen the amount of antibodies takes 3 weeks, and their maximum number reaches approximately four weeks after vaccination. For 12 months, the amount of antibodies will remain at the level necessary to prevent the disease. And after a year, to maintain strong immunity, it is worth vaccinating again.

How effective is vaccination?

What diseases can be prevented by vaccination?

In recent years, vaccination of dogs against infectious diseases has become widespread. Currently, a large number of vaccines have been proposed to protect dogs from diseases such as rabies, hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, adenovirosis, plague, and leptospirosis. Mostly weakened (live) and inactivated (killed) vaccines are used. The most widely used vaccines include the following vaccines: Nobivak, Eurican, Vanguard, Duramun.

A special place among these vaccines is occupied by Nobivac vaccine, produced in Holland. In addition to the above diseases, it contains a component that protects against the so-called “ kennel cough", i.e. canine parainfluenza (Nobivak DHPPi vaccine). Dogs from kennels and dogs that have a large number of contacts with other animals (at holding centers, at exhibitions, etc.) should be regularly vaccinated against this infection. The Nobivak Puppi DP vaccine is also available, which can be used from 4-6 weeks of age. The fact is that maternal antibodies, which the puppy receives with colostrum in the first three days of feeding, provide protection for the small animal for 4-6 weeks.

What is the “window of receptivity”?

If for some reason the vaccination schedule was violated, then it is necessary to vaccinate the puppy during the period of teeth change (from 3.5 to 7 months). There are no contraindications for this.

Can dogs be vaccinated while in heat?

Is it necessary to vaccinate the bitch before the planned mating?

It is desirable, since in puppies born from a vaccinated mother with an average level of antibodies acquired as a result of vaccination, passive immunity weakens later than in puppies born from an unvaccinated mother. It is better to vaccinate no later than two weeks before the start of the expected estrus.

What complications can occur after vaccination?

Vaccines are generally low reactogenic. Although post-vaccination complications occur extremely rarely, their significance in each individual case is quite high, since we are talking about a previously healthy animal and the cause-and-effect relationship is obvious to the owners. Sometimes after vaccination there are excessive local reactions (after subcutaneous administration vaccine, a compaction sometimes forms at the injection site that can be detected by palpation, which spontaneously disappears in short time after vaccination), allergies, loose stools.

What should a pet owner tell a doctor before vaccination?

First, about the animal’s well-being before vaccination. Be sure to report allergies. If your dog has been in contact with a sick animal, you should definitely tell your doctor about it.
If the animal is sick, then vaccination should be postponed until complete acute manifestations illness or exacerbation chronic diseases. Vaccinations are only subject to healthy dogs. Therefore, before vaccination, animals are subjected to appropriate clinical examination.

How should an owner behave with a dog after vaccination?

For 3 weeks after vaccination, contact of vaccinated animals with a potential source of infection (other animals) should be avoided, and excessive physical activity, stressful conditions, hypothermia, changes in maintenance and feeding rations, you should not bathe the animal during this period.

At what age should a dog be vaccinated?

The dog should be vaccinated annually throughout its life.

Ermolova E.V.,
Ph.D. biological sciences.

Immediately after the puppy arrives at your home, we recommend contacting a veterinary clinic to evaluate its health. It does not matter whether the puppy was purchased from a breeder, taken from friends or from a shelter. Only a veterinarian can see hidden signs diseases.

During a visit to the veterinary clinic, the doctor will learn more about your pet and select the most optimal vaccination schedule specifically for your puppy.

Be careful if you adopt a puppy that has not completed its primary vaccination course (that is, younger than 3 months). Remember that your puppy will not be fully protected until the primer vaccination is completed correctly.

What you need to know about puppy vaccinations?

For comprehensive vaccination of a puppy, you need to schedule 2-3 visits to the veterinary clinic with an interval of 3-4 weeks.
If you miss or do not follow your vaccination schedule, you may need an additional vaccination to ensure full immunity is achieved.

It is impossible to shorten the interval between vaccinations; this will lead to the formation of a shorter and more intense immunity.

At what age are puppies vaccinated?

The first vaccinations for a puppy can begin at 6 weeks. At 7-8 weeks at least one vaccination should have already been carried out.

Puppy's first vaccination (optional, in the kennel)

The first vaccination for a puppy is usually carried out at 6 weeks while still in the kennel. This vaccination is not mandatory; it is given in nurseries to protect small puppies from parvovirus enteritis.

To vaccinate puppies at 6 weeks, use the Eurican Primo or Nobivak Pappy vaccines.

Second puppy vaccination (mandatory)

At 7-8 weeks, a second vaccination is carried out with a complex vaccine. This vaccination is aimed at protecting against parvovirus enteritis, plague, adenovirosis (infectious laryngotracheitis and infectious hepatitis), parainfluenza and leptospirosis.
This vaccination may be the first one if the puppy was not vaccinated against parvovirus enteritis at the kennel at 6 weeks.

Third vaccination for puppy (mandatory)

At 12 weeks the third vaccination is carried out. A complex vaccine from the same manufacturer is used that was used during the second vaccination against the same diseases, but with the addition of an anti-rabies component.

Puppy's fourth vaccination (optional)

In rare cases (less than 5% of puppies), if immunity has not developed after vaccinations at 2 and 3 months, additional vaccination may be required at 16 weeks (4 months). The vaccine from the same manufacturer is used as at 2-3 months.

What vaccines are used to protect puppies?

When can a puppy start going for walks after vaccination?

You've probably heard that the puppy needs to be kept at home to prevent a post-vaccination effect. The main question is how many days after vaccination can you walk your puppy? U different puppies immunity to different vaccines is formed in different times. If everything is done correctly, then full protection against all diseases is formed 2 weeks after vaccination at 3 months (for components other than leptospirosis and rabies even earlier - usually 1 week after vaccination at 3 months). But this does not mean that you cannot walk your puppy until 14 weeks. Early puppy socialization is extremely important.

You can start walking puppies from 10 weeks, taking maximum precautions:

  • DO NOT walk your puppy in areas where other dogs have marked territory or defecated.
  • DO NOT allow your puppy to play with unfamiliar dogs. It doesn't matter how friendly they are
  • DO NOT allow anyone you know to play with their dogs if their vaccinations are overdue.
  • CARRY the puppy in your arms over those places where dogs defecated or marked territory (for example, all courtyards in front of multi-story courtyards are such)

Is it possible to let a puppy out into the courtyard of the house?

If you live in a private house, the yard is fenced and has sufficient sunlight, then the risk of infection is minimal and you can walk the puppy.

Why do puppies need quarantine for the first 2 weeks after vaccination at 3 months?

Despite the fact that immunity against most diseases develops faster, protection against leptospirosis and rabies, diseases dangerous for dogs and people, appears only 14 weeks after the course of primary vaccination.

What is the difference between the vaccination schedule for Yorkies, German Shepherds, Labradors, Spitz and other dog breeds?

There is no difference in the vaccination schedule, the diseases for which vaccination is carried out and the doses of vaccines administered. Breed makes no difference when choosing a vaccine.

Independent changes in the vaccination schedule, vaccine volume, vaccine components can lead to low post-vaccination immunity! Remember, puppies are the most vulnerable to infectious diseases!

Do puppies of decorative dog breeds (Yorkies, Toys, Spitz and others) need to be given half a dose of the vaccine?

No. The effectiveness and safety of vaccines has been tested different breeds. The vaccine cannot be divided. A Yorkie or Spitz puppy does not need to be given half a dose, just as an Irish Dog, for example, does not need to be given 2 doses of vaccine at the same time. Administration of a half-dose of the vaccine can lead to insufficient immunity in the puppy!

Deworming puppies before vaccination

It is extremely important to deworm puppies regularly as they are the most susceptible to heartworm infections. 2 weeks before vaccination, it is necessary to carry out deworming if you have not followed the recommended regimen for treating the puppy against worms.

How much do puppy vaccinations cost?

The price of puppy vaccination consists of the cost of the vaccine and the cost of a doctor’s appointment, including examination of the animal and consultation with the owner. Prices for puppy vaccinations.

Vaccination schedule for puppies up to one year old (table)

Below is classic scheme Vaccination of puppies up to one year of age. Vaccinations at 6 and 16 weeks are NOT mandatory and are required in individual cases. The vaccination schedule for puppies is determined individually for each puppy!

After vaccination at 12 months, dogs must be vaccinated annually.

In addition to the above diseases, there are vaccines to protect puppies against other diseases.

Canine herpes virus

To protect dogs from the herpes virus, Eurican Herpes is used. Puppy bitches are vaccinated twice every whelping.

Canine coronavirus

Canine coronavirus, unlike parvovirus, is not a serious disease and is easily transmitted by dogs. International Association veterinarians does not recommend vaccinating dogs against coronavirus infection, since no serious evidence has been provided regarding the effectiveness of these vaccines.

Piroplasmosis / babesiosis of dogs

To protect against piroplasmosis, dogs are vaccinated with Eurican Piro. The vaccination schedule for puppies consists of two vaccinations: at 5 and 6 months of age, then vaccination is carried out annually.

Canine bordetellosis

Bordetella is one of the causative agents of nursery cough. In addition to it, this symptom complex includes adenovirosis and canine parainfluenza. Dogs that are kept in a kennel are subject to vaccination. The Nobivac BB vaccine is used.

Can I purchase a vaccine at a veterinary pharmacy and vaccinate my puppy myself?

In Russia, you can purchase vaccines for dogs and cats at a veterinary pharmacy. What are the risks of self-vaccination?

  • Only healthy animals should be vaccinated. IN veterinary clinic Before vaccination, the animal is examined to exclude hidden diseases.
  • The vaccine requires special conditions storage, transportation and use. If they are violated, vaccination will be ineffective and may lead to negative consequences.
  • Adverse events are possible after vaccination. Veterinarians know how to avoid them and how to deal with them
  • Only in a veterinary clinic is vaccination done officially. and a veterinary passport is officially issued, on the basis of which permission to transport the animal is issued

The first vaccination for a puppy will reliably protect your four-legged pet from most serious diseases that pose a danger at his age. In addition, timely administered medications help the growing body quickly get stronger and develop the necessary immunity. Therefore, if you decide to have four-legged friend, then be sure to check with the breeder what vaccines the baby has already received.

The first vaccination for a puppy will reliably protect your four-legged pet from most serious diseases that pose a danger at his age.

Vaccinations are given to pets throughout their life, which allows them to develop lasting immunity to diseases. Animals acquire resistance to some diseases even after they have been ill. Strong natural immunity given to the puppy from the mother at birth. However, it does not last long: as soon as milk volumes decrease, the protection begins to weaken. When the owner switches the pet to another food, the question arises about when to give the puppies the first vaccination.

Vaccinations are given to pets throughout their life, which allows them to develop lasting immunity to diseases.

To get the answer to this question, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian. However, you can adhere to the generally accepted standard: most breeders give the first vaccination at 6-8 weeks. After 2-4 weeks, you should return to the clinic for revaccination. As a rule, at the first visit to the veterinarian, the doctor writes detailed schedule, which prescribes at what age and what vaccinations puppies need to be given within 1 year of life.

At 6 months the dog is vaccinated against rabies and several other diseases. If your pet's teeth are changing at this time, administering medications is strictly prohibited. The doctor will tell you how many months the procedure can be performed.

When to a pet turns one year old, comprehensive vaccination should be carried out. The veterinarian will administer these same medications annually to the dog throughout its life.

Vaccination of puppies (video)

What vaccinations does a puppy need?

Typically, owners worry not only about when to vaccinate their puppies, but also about which vaccines are required. Each region has its own list of infectious diseases from which it is imperative to protect your beloved pet.

When your pet turns one year old, you should undergo a comprehensive vaccination

However, there are several ailments for which vaccination against is mandatory in all parts of our country.

  1. Rabies is a dangerous disease that leads to severe suffering and death of a dog. When bitten by an infected animal, it can be transmitted to humans. The rabies vaccine must be given every year. As a rule, vaccination is easily tolerated and does not cause complications.
  2. Plague - infectious disease, which also causes death. The vaccine is easily tolerated by the puppy, but in rare cases it can cause lethargy and loss of appetite. The malaise goes away without medical care within 2-3 days.
  3. Parvovirus gastroenteritis - intestinal disease, causing complete dehydration of the pet’s body. The vaccine is given for the purpose of prevention and is tolerated without complications.
  4. Leptospirosis is another infectious disease that can also cause death. Vaccination is carried out in for preventive purposes, it does not cause complications.

Depending on the characteristics of the area of ​​residence, the first vaccination may include other vaccinations. Your doctor may consider it necessary to administer medications to protect against:

  • piroplasmosis;
  • coronavirus enteritis;
  • canine parainfluenza;
  • Lyme disease;
  • viral hepatitis.

Today, not only single vaccines are widespread, but also complex vaccinations. The latter are more preferable because they protect puppies from several of the most common diseases at once.

How to prepare an animal?

Before you vaccinate your puppy, you need to make sure that he is completely healthy. It is strictly prohibited to vaccinate sick four-legged friends - this can lead to dangerous complications. If symptoms of illness appear, the administration of medications should be postponed until the animal has fully recovered and become stronger.

How to get vaccinated?

Only a specialist should vaccinate a dog. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure yourself at home, especially if the person has no experience with such manipulations. Another important rule: when visiting the clinic, the owner should not be nervous, since excitement can be transferred to the animal, making it disobedient and restless.

The doctor selects the required injection site depending on the type medicinal product. Typically, vaccinations are given in the scruff of the neck or in the thigh muscle. Each injection given must be included in the dog’s passport. This is necessary so that the owner knows when to come to the clinic next time.

Vaccinations for puppies (video)

Consequences of vaccination

Each puppy's body is unique and individual. It happens that some children feel slightly unwell after vaccination. An undesirable side reaction may manifest itself in the form of:

  • increased body temperature;
  • drowsiness and lethargy;
  • decreased appetite;
  • apathy and passivity.

The above symptoms do not pose a serious danger and, as a rule, go away without medical care within 3 days. It is not recommended to disturb a sick puppy. There is no need to provoke him to play, force him to eat or drink. But bowls of food and clean water should always be nearby. If the animal's condition does not improve, it should be shown to a veterinarian. It is possible that the vaccinated pet was sick during vaccination, and the vaccination caused even more damage to the weakened body.

Another unpleasant situation that many owners of four-legged animals encounter is a formation at the injection site. subcutaneous lump. The defect occurs if the doctor incorrectly performed the procedure and introduced the medicine into the intercutaneous space. In mild forms, the formation in the dog resolves on its own. IN severe cases If the defect does not disappear, but, on the contrary, grows, you cannot do without medical help. In some cases, surgery is required, in others it can be done with medication. medications. It all depends on the complexity of the case.

In some situations, owners notice that the puppy’s behavior has changed significantly after vaccination. The baby is experiencing constant drowsiness, suffers from shortness of breath and profuse salivation, his skin acquired a bluish tint. All of these symptoms are a sign that the animal has developed allergic reaction on vaccine components. Without medical intervention there's simply no way around it. Delay and lack of timely assistance can lead to the death of the animal. It is necessary to call a doctor as soon as possible, and before he arrives, give the puppy any antiallergic drug intended for humans.

Puppies are a source of endless joy and happiness for owners. These babies need human care and attention. A mandatory element of care is regular vaccination. If you take proper care of your four-legged pet and regularly visit the doctor, you will raise an intelligent, loyal and devoted friend.

Attention, TODAY only!

Timely and competent vaccination of dogs not only helps to curb the growth of major viral epidemics, but also helps to preserve the four-legged pet’s health throughout its life.

General rules for puppy vaccination

In many foreign countries Vaccination of a dog of any breed and any age is a mandatory condition for keeping such a four-legged pet in a city or suburban household. An animal without vaccinations will not be allowed to participate in exhibitions, and export abroad will also be prohibited. It is very important to remember a few of the most important, basic rules regarding the timing of vaccination and the rules for choosing a vaccine.

If there is a difficult epidemic situation in the region where you live, preference should be given to vaccines that are suitable for use in the most early age. In areas with relatively favorable conditions for the animal, it is advisable to follow the recommendations of a veterinarian. It is also necessary to make sure that the vaccine was stored in accordance with the attached instructions and fully complies with the established expiration date.

It is strictly forbidden to vaccinate without first performing deworming. IN Lately Increasingly, various immunostimulating components are being used simultaneously with the introduction of the vaccine, which makes it possible to obtain a strong immune response in the animal in the shortest possible time. Veterinarians recommend using this method if necessary to prevent infections during the seasonal exacerbation of severe contact diseases.

This is interesting! Quite difficult to this moment The situation arises with almost any serum of the treatment and prophylactic type. Depending on the characteristics of the series and the manufacturer, the titer of the antibody set can vary significantly, which immediately affects the level of protection.

Types of vaccines and diseases

Vaccinations for a puppy are a necessary necessity to prevent your pet from suffering from the most dangerous diseases, including distemper, rabies, coronavirus and parvo viral enteritis s, as well as others infectious diseases. Currently, all vaccines used differ in several characteristics, but the main ones are only five types, presented:

  • weakened live vaccines, which contain only live, but sufficiently weakened strains of pathogens;
  • inactivated vaccines containing only completely dead microbial pathogens;
  • chemical vaccines consisting of pathogen antigens that have undergone physical or chemical purification;
  • toxoids or toxoids made from components of pathogens that have undergone preliminary complete neutralization;
  • by means of modern genetic engineering, which are currently constantly being tested and improved.

Depending on the main characteristics of the vaccine, as well as the main components, absolutely everything modern vaccines can be classified into varieties represented by:

  • complex vaccinations or so-called multicomponent vaccines, capable of forming immunity to several pathogens;
  • double vaccines or divaccines capable of forming good immunity to a pair of pathogens;
  • homologous preparations developed on the basis of biologically active materials of the animal itself with subsequent administration;
  • monovaccines containing one antigen against one pathogen.

Basic multivitamin preparations are considered separately. Depending on the method of use, all vaccination preparations are presented:

  • intravenous vaccines;
  • intramuscular vaccines;
  • subcutaneous vaccines;
  • cutaneous vaccines followed by scarification of the skin;
  • oral vaccines;
  • aerosol preparations.

Somewhat less frequently, vaccination of a four-legged pet is carried out with internal or conjunctival preparations.

Animals can be vaccinated against canine distemper with Biovac-D, Multikan-1, EPM, Vakchum and Canivac-C. Prevention of parvovirus enteritis is carried out by “Biovac-P”, “Primodog” and “Nobivak Parvo-C”. Protection against rabies is best carried out with drugs such as Nobivak Rabies, Defensor-3, Rabizin or Rabikan.

The divaccines “Biovac-PA”, “Triovac” and “Multikan-2” have proven themselves very well, and the polyvalent drugs “Biovac-PAL”, “Trivirovax”, “Tetravac”, “Multikan-4”, “Eurikan-DHPPI2” are also effective -L" and "Eurican DHPPI2-LR". Veterinarians recommend the polyvalent drugs “Nobivak-DHPPi+L”, “Nobivak-DHPPi”, “Nobivak-DHP”, as well as “Vangard-Plus-5L4”, “Vangard-7” and “Vangard-Plus-5L4CV”.

Important! For each type of vaccine administration, the characteristic presence of strictly individual indications for use must be taken into account.

When to start vaccinating your puppy

Any domestic dog receives a certain set of vaccinations throughout its life, and the body is also capable of producing antibodies in the process of transmitted diseases, so puppies born with mother’s milk in the first days of life receive a fairly strong immunity. However, such immunity does not last long, about a month, after which you should think about vaccination.

In order for the puppy’s first vaccination procedure to be easy and hassle-free, it is necessary to find out from the breeder the type of food and the conditions for keeping the animal before sale. It is important to remember that a couple of weeks before vaccination, it is strictly not recommended to introduce new, even very expensive and high-quality food into the animal’s diet.

This is interesting! As practice shows, the very first vaccination for a puppy is most often given by the breeder himself in the nursery, at about one and a half months of age, so it is necessary to check the presence of such data in the veterinary passport of the purchased animal.

Vaccination schedule for puppies up to one year old

Today, the existing dog vaccination scheme causes a lot of criticism from veterinarians and disputes among specialists. Only rabies vaccination is not considered in this context, since the rules for its implementation are strictly regulated in our state.

Regarding other diseases, it must be remembered that the distribution area of ​​pathogens has changed very dramatically in recent years, but they remain relevant almost throughout the entire territory of our country. preventive actions, aimed at protecting against canine distemper, hepatitis, parvo- and coronavirus enteritis, as well as adenovirosis. In some regions for several recent years There are massive outbreaks of diseases such as leptospirosis.

Today, when vaccinating dogs under one year of age, it is advisable to adhere to the following optimal schedule:

  • at 8-10 weeks it is required to perform the first vaccination of a four-legged pet against pathogens of such serious illnesses, like parvovirus enteritis, viral hepatitis and plague of carnivores;
  • approximately three weeks after the primary vaccination, a second vaccination against diseases is carried out: parvovirus enteritis, viral hepatitis and canine distemper, as well as mandatory The first vaccination against rabies is given.

It is important to note that in conditions of unlikely contact of a puppy with carriers of the rabies virus, the first vaccination against this disease can be performed between the ages of six months and nine months. Some currently used vaccines can provoke pronounced darkening of tooth enamel, so it is practiced to vaccinate a growing pet before or immediately after changing teeth.

Important! According to the scheme established in our country, it is strictly not recommended to vaccinate puppies less than two months old, which is due to the presence of maternal antibodies and not fully formed immune system animal.

Preparing a puppy for vaccination

About a week before vaccination, the puppy must be given any anthelmintic drug. Pets one month old It is advisable to give 2 ml of a suspension of the drug "Pyrantel", after which after half an hour approximately one and a half milliliters of pure vegetable oil. It is more convenient to give anthelmintic medicine from a syringe, early in the morning, about an hour before giving food. After a day, this procedure must be repeated.

Dogs aged two to three months can be given special anthelmintics in tablets. As practice shows, it is best to use “Alben”, “Milbemax”, “Kaniquantel”, “Febtal” or “Prasitel” for this purpose, which have practically no side effects and are very well tolerated by animals.

Vaccination is usually performed in the morning, and is best done on a completely empty stomach. If the puppy is supposed to be vaccinated in the afternoon, then food is given to the pet approximately three hours before the procedure. At natural feeding it is advisable to give preference to the most dietary and not too heavy food products, and the norm of dry or wet food should be reduced by about a third.

After the puppy is weaned from its mother and until the course of basic preventive vaccinations, standard quarantine must be observed. You cannot walk a quarantined four-legged pet on public walking areas or in the company of other dogs.

Important! It is also advisable to observe the behavior for several days before the introduction of the first vaccine. pet and his appetite. Animals with any behavioral abnormalities or loss of appetite are not subject to vaccination.

Without false exaggeration, dog vaccination helps curb viral epidemics, preserves the health of millions of four-legged friends and prolongs the active life of pets. Vaccination is the only way to protect your dog from dangerous diseases, not all of which are treatable. What diseases should all dogs be vaccinated against? What vaccination rules should the owner remember?

Dogs are vaccinated to create lasting immunity to a specific disease. There is a 90% chance that a vaccinated dog will encounter the virus they are working against. active antibodies, will not get sick at all. Or with a 10% chance of getting sick, but suffering from a mild illness and recovering quickly. Unfortunately, the lifespan of antibodies is limited, so vaccinations must be done regularly.

The immune system forms antibodies when it encounters a virus. But this is quite a serious burden on the body, so the vaccine “deceives” the immune system and does not cause illness. The vaccine does not contain the virus itself. The liquid contains only its fragments sufficient to recognize the strain - shells, dead virus, weakened to an inactive state, etc. Even vaccination against rabies in dogs is dangerous and always fatal disease, – does not pose a danger. After vaccination, your pet will not get sick, this is simply impossible.

Main enemies:

  • rabies;
  • plague;
  • leptospirosis;
  • parainfluenza;
  • parvovirus enteritis.

These are the viruses against which it is advisable to vaccinate your dog on a schedule, regularly. Mandatory – plague, rabies, viral enteritis, parainfluenza, etc. Babies are vaccinated with childhood vaccines at six weeks of age. This vaccination can be skipped if the puppies are born from a healthy immune bitch and grow up in perfect cleanliness without contact with street clothes/shoes, etc.

If you find a dog, do not rush to get vaccinated. Perhaps the foundling has already been vaccinated. To find out if this is so, donate blood to determine the level of antibodies.

Read also: Folk remedies flea protection for dogs

First adult vaccination puppies are given between 8 and 12 weeks of age. Then they are vaccinated again (re-vaccination) after 21 days. The rabies vaccine is administered once, with revaccination once a year (read more in a separate article). The second adult vaccination is given after changing teeth, and then annually. Adult dogs are vaccinated once a year, at regular intervals. It's fast and almost painless procedure, complex vaccines - your pet does not need to endure a bunch of injections.

Vaccination rules

For dog vaccination to be effective, the vaccination schedule should not “float”. WITH adolescence you need to adjust the schedule so that vaccination occurs in the middle of summer or winter (dry or cold - minimum number of viruses outside). Remember the date and try to stick to it. Please note that vaccination should not coincide with the hunting period for bitches.

It is not advisable to vaccinate pregnant or recently given birth bitches. Girls are vaccinated at least a month and a half before mating or a month after cessation of lactation. In some cases, this rule may be broken, but only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Three weeks before and three weeks after vaccination, be sure to undergo quarantine - walk only in clean places, do not overcool your pet, do not communicate with strays and unfamiliar pets. Another mandatory rule is deworming 10 days before vaccination (canikquantel, milbemax, drontal by weight). By X-Day, your pet should be absolutely healthy, in a great mood and not tired. Otherwise, annual vaccination of dogs loses its meaning - weakened by illness, stress or overwork, the immune system simply will not respond to vaccination. Those. in fact, the dog will be vaccinated, but immunity will not develop.

Make sure that the doctor fills out the veterinary passport correctly. The designated pages must bear the date, signature and seal. Check for stickers.
