Why does a 1 year old baby cry in his sleep? Why does a child cry in his sleep? Is this normal

Children who cannot yet speak show all their emotions through crying. For them, this is the only way to attract the attention of their parents. By this sound signal, adults recognize the demands of children.

Sometimes a newborn cries in his sleep and screams sharply for other, more serious reasons, which should be urgently addressed and measures taken to eliminate them.

Features of infancy

Sleep is a special physiological state in which energy costs are restored and information received by the child throughout the day is consolidated. For full development, the baby must sleep peacefully at night. This has a positive effect on his mental and physical health.

Children under six months old should sleep at least 15 hours a day. In the first weeks after birth, babies wake up only to feed, and this is not a deviation. After the first month of life, he will gradually begin to develop a stable daily routine, and he will not confuse day and night.

At what age will your baby stop waking up at night? It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Many children sleep peacefully through the night after one and a half years, and some fall asleep without rocking and do not wake up for feeding at night at 6 months of age.

Sleep phases

Scientists have identified two phases of sleep: active and slow sleep. They can alternate with each other every 50 minutes. During activity, a smile may appear on the baby's face, the eyes move under the eyelids, or a leg twitches. It is during this period that he does not wake up.

Processed in the body nerve cells information that was received during the waking period. Kids are acutely aware of all the events that happened during the day. That is why in a dream he will continue to react to them. Sharp crying in the middle of the night can be a reaction to fear, a feeling of loneliness or overexcitement.

Why is the baby crying

There are several reasons why a child cries in his sleep. Parents should not immediately panic - it is important to understand the prerequisites for this phenomenon. After eliminating the unfavorable factor The baby usually immediately calms down and falls asleep.

Physiological crying is not a deviation, and therefore does not pose a danger to the health of the baby. A restless state occurs as a result of unstable functioning of the nervous and motor systems. During the day, a child learns about the world, so emotional stress can trigger bad dreams at night.

Such experiences can occur even after visiting guests or meeting new people. The child splashes out unnecessary emotions and overstrain through night crying. Parents should not panic about this. Some babies start crying, then the mother comes to the crib and he calms down.

This is a check for the baby to see if his mother is nearby. During pregnancy, a strong bond develops between the baby and the mother. Babies may cry out in their sleep, at the moment of transition slow phase fast sleep When the child grows up, his nervous system will become stronger and he will stop crying out during sleep.

Uncomfortable sensations

Often a baby cries in his sleep when he feels pain or discomfort. They may attract attention if they are cold or very hot, need to change their diaper, have gas in their intestines, or are teething. If a child cries in his sleep and does not wake up, but simply whines, this condition does not cause him discomfort.

Over time, parents begin to recognize crying and will be able to immediately determine the cause. If the baby long time does not calm down, then you need to take action.

Other Possible Causes

  • feeling of extreme hunger;
  • difficulty breathing with a runny nose;
  • excessive fatigue;
  • many emotions received throughout the entire waking day;
  • diseases.

Many parents spend most time on the street, visit crowded places and go on visits. As a result, the stress hormone cortisol can gradually accumulate in the child’s body. It is necessary to protect him from long walks, heavy load and unnecessary flow of information.

Night sobbing can go away without adults, and there are situations when the child begins to scream sharply. Parents always come to the crib and monitor the baby’s condition and well-being. If the child is sleeping, then there is no need to wake him up, because he may get scared and then not be able to fall asleep for a long time.

When a baby checks on its mother, then he must be gradually weaned from this. But you can teach yourself to sleep independently only at 2 years of age. A newborn baby's crib should only be placed in the parents' room. If mothers go to the crib even at the slightest movement, the baby will gradually get used to such attention. The situation may worsen and the crying becomes more demanding.

Prevention measures

So that your child can sleep peacefully at night, parents should adhere to the following recommendations:

To prevent night crying, adults should carefully monitor their child's health. Parents need to develop their own ritual that will prepare the baby for a night's sleep after active day. A great end to the day There will be a relaxing massage that will relax the nervous system and muscles of the baby. It is important to give up outdoor and active games before bedtime.

The room must always be maintained at optimal temperature regime. Bed linen should be clean and warm. In order for the baby to sleep peacefully, there should be no tense situations or quarrels in the family. You can leave a night light in the room so that the baby is not afraid of the dark.

Healthy, sound sleep - the best remedy to relieve stress. When a person sleeps well, he is said to sleep like a baby. However, not all babies sleep peacefully. Often young parents have to spend sleepless nights together with her baby, who cries in her sleep. In this article we will look at the main reasons why children cry at night and figure out what to do in such situations.

Why does a baby cry in his sleep?

Depending on the age, the reasons for night crying in children may vary. Thus, newborn babies are most often bothered by pain in the tummy; even at an older age, one of the reasons for a child’s restless sleep can be a nightmare.

Causes in children under six months

  • Intestinal colic and bloating - common reasons crying in newborn babies. During first three months, the child’s intestines are rebuilt, which can cause tummy pain. If your baby cries loudly in his sleep (sometimes the crying turns into screaming), tosses and turns and curls up his legs, then most likely he is worried about colic.
  • Hunger can be one of the reasons why a baby cries at night.
  • Unstable mode - newborn babies do not distinguish between day and night. They can sleep perfectly during the day and wake up at night. The period of wakefulness at first is about 90 minutes, already at 2–8 weeks of age it increases to several hours, and by 3 months some children can sleep peacefully all night. Remember that each child is individual; for some, the regime becomes stable by the age of 2.
  • Absence of mother. The presence of the mother nearby is necessary for the child, just like timely nutrition and hygiene procedures. If your baby wakes up alone in the crib, he will immediately notify you with loud crying.
  • Discomfort. He may cry in his sleep if he peed himself or is just about to do so. Also, the room where the baby sleeps may be too hot or cold.
  • Disease. A sick child has shallow and restless sleep. Nasopharyngeal congestion and fever prevent children from sleeping at any age.

Children from 5 months to one year

  • Teething is the most probable cause night crying in babies from 5 months to a year. The child’s gums begin to itch and hurt, and the temperature may rise;
  • Experiences. Every day your child learns about the world: a visit, a walk or something else can cause stress in a child.

Night crying in children 2–3 years of age and older

  • Psychological aspects. Children at this age are very sensitive to experiences, whether they are positive or negative. Around this age, children are introduced to kindergartens, which causes a storm of emotions in the kids. Their appetite may also worsen, and those who are especially sensitive may even have a fever. If your child is already used to kindergarten and still cries in his sleep, take a closer look at the microclimate in the family - perhaps his nightly crying is somehow connected with the fact that relatives are loudly sorting things out.
  • Fear. Fear can also provoke crying in children at this age. If your baby is afraid of the dark, leave him a night light on at night; perhaps he is afraid of some picture or toy - remove it from the child’s eyes. Nightmares can also be caused by banal overeating.

If your baby is afraid, try not to leave him alone for a while - he needs your support and a sense of security.

Unusual situations

What to do if the child suddenly starts crying, cries and arches, or cries constantly? The reasons for this behavior of the baby can be different, it is obvious that he is tormented by pain. It might be colic, high intracranial pressure etc. Be sure to consult your doctor, he will prescribe necessary treatment. You may need to undergo a series of examinations to clarify the reasons for this child’s sleep behavior.

What measures to take?

Knowing the reason for your baby's crying at night, you can try to solve this problem. If the cause is colic, then a light massage of the tummy (clockwise), a warm diaper on the tummy, dill water and special drops will help you cope with this problem and provide healthy sleep to kid. If your baby is teething, you need to consult a doctor and choose a special gel that will numb the gums. If the reason for the child’s crying is some kind of disease, you need to consult a doctor and immediately treat the baby. If the reason lies in the fear of the dark, leave the night light on at night.

The baby may cry due to some kind of emotional turmoil, in this case, try to calm him down: tell him how much you love him, how wonderful he is. It is very important to adjust the daily routine: if the child goes to bed at the same time, then it will be easier for him to fall asleep.

It is not recommended to give your child a hearty dinner; the baby should eat no later than 2 hours before bedtime. You should not play gambling or active games before bed - reading a book or an evening walk is best. In our article, we examined the main reasons for night crying in children. of different ages . Usually, serious reasons

There is no reason for parents to worry. But, nevertheless, if the baby often cries at night, you can seek help from a doctor who will help you pinpoint the cause and tell you how to solve this problem.

All mothers know that children cry. Some even know why. But here you are a young mother, you have your first child and he starts waking up in the middle of the night, screaming, shuddering, arching in his sleep. Parents experience particular stress when all this happens to an unawakened baby.

Why does a newborn baby cry in his sleep without waking up, what happens at night to children at 4, 6, 8 months, when they shudder and scream, what causes a child to twitch in his sleep, arch, why does this happen not only to infants, but also to children at 1, 2, 3 years? When should you see a doctor with such problems? We will try to answer all questions!

What is baby sleep

To find out what sleep pathologies are and whether they are such, let’s figure out what normal children’s sleep is and how it differs from an adult’s. Sleep is a normal physiological state that involves a decrease in a person's response to. This process is cyclical and starts at a certain time of day. Normally, it is staged; there are stages of deep and shallow sleep. At the superficial stage, the brain is actively working, a person is dreaming. This is the definition of adult sleep. Children's differs from it:

  • cyclicality– children sleep more often;
  • duration– in total, children sleep more;
  • structure– in an adult the phases predominate deep sleep, in a child - superficial.

Dr. Komarovsky gives a very precise definition of normal children's sleep: “This is when the whole family sleeps sweetly and comfortably.”
All mothers are now dreaming about something like this peaceful sleep. But children don’t always sleep like this, and it’s often the parents themselves who are to blame.

For the sake of order, let’s figure out why a child cries in the first place. Because he can’t speak, but he needs to signal problems. This is where children invariably differ from adults. They signal at the first discomfort and their problems are solved faster than the problems of silent adults. Although their problems are much simpler:

  • Instinct. It just so happens that the human race is weak. The kings of the planet are born absolutely defenseless, unable to survive without their mother. And if the child feels that he is alone, instinct is triggered - he calls his mother (nurse, protector) for help.
  • Physiology. To be honest, we all eat, drink, pee and poop, and sleep. Only we do it ourselves, whenever we want, where it’s supposed to be and how it’s supposed to be. The child is deeply unhappy in this, because he cannot eat - he needs to be fed. Drinking is the same problem. Peeing and pooping are welcome, but then something is wet, it itches, bothers him, and in general is unpleasant for him. Sleeping is yes, it’s always welcome, children love it, but falling asleep - mom, put me to bed.
  • Pain. When you have a headache, you take a pill. I have a stomachache? A tablet. Fever, throat, runny nose? Lots of pills. Something hurts a lot and the pill didn’t help – see a doctor. But the child has nowhere to get pills from, and he doesn’t even know about them. It hurts - I cry, let mom make sure it doesn’t hurt.
  • Problems. If your panties are wrinkled somewhere, you will hide from everyone and straighten them. Armpit itching - you can scratch it. It’s hot - undress, cold - bundle up. The child’s movements are limited and he cannot correct what is wrinkled, scratch where it itches, get under the blanket or get out of extra little vests. So he cries with grief.

In principle, a child cries in a dream for the same reasons. The feeling of my mother’s presence disappeared, I peed, I was hungry, the gas was tormenting me, I got sick, the diaper got wrinkled, the diaper rubbed. But in a dream some more factors are added:

You all know that dreams occur during the superficial phase of sleep. In a child, it predominates, and scientists have proven that the baby does see dreams. Abstract. If a child suddenly starts crying in his sleep, there is a chance that instead of his mother’s boob, he dreams of a doctor’s hand giving a bo-bo (vaccination).

  • Hypnagogic jerk. This is typical for babies who have begun to crawl. This has happened to you 100 times: you passed out, stumbled, started to fall, shuddered and woke up. You continue to sleep, and the baby bursts into tears. This happens because the body and brain did not relax at the same time, someone switched off earlier, and integrity is important to the body. That's why the baby fell asleep, shuddered and cried.
  • Exacerbations. Many people become aggravated in a dream discomfort- from colic, fever, to a wrinkled vest and a wet diaper. While the child is busy experiencing the sensations of the new world, discomfort fades into the background. And when cognitive function dulled by sleep, all troubles come to the fore.

  • Nightmares. Why healthy child 2-3 years old wakes up at night crying, trembles and arches in his sleep? At this age, children begin to have nightmares. This is often due to physical or emotional overload (active evening games, too much dinner, cartoons before bed). An unfavorable family environment may have an impact. If this happens often, it is possible nervous disorders, and you should consult a doctor.

We talked about the reasons, but the mother’s first task is to find a solution to the problem.

What to do if your baby cries in his sleep

Everything here couldn’t be simpler:

  • find out the reason for crying;
  • eliminate the cause of crying.

Eliminating the cause is like two fingers on the asphalt. But how to find out? There are few difficulties here, just follow the algorithm:

  • Look carefully at the child. Trembling - frozen. He bends over and is covered in sweat – it’s hot. Bends legs towards tummy, twitches - colic. If you're cold - put them on, if it's hot - take them off, if you have colic - give anti-colic drops or dill water, massage your tummy. None of this, just lying there and screaming? Next step.
  • Take it in your arms. I calmed down - I just wanted my mother. Crying, yelling? This is definitely not whims or instinctive crying.
  • Assess the temperature and measure if necessary. Eat? If the baby is under one year old and the temperature is equal to or higher than 38°C, give an antipyretic and call an ambulance. Everything is fine? These are not sores, let's move on.
  • Check the diaper. Dirty, wet - we change it. Dry, clean - look further.
  • Assess the intestines. I pooped on time, my tummy is soft - this is not constipation, we move on the list.
  • Feed. This is provided that the tummy is soft, the baby does not fart and does not press his legs to his tummy. That is, if there is no colic. Still crying?
  • Discomfort. Check to see if anything is pinching the baby, if all the folds are straightened, and if the seams are chafed. Is there such a thing? Shift the clothes and swaddle them, straightening out all the folds. Still yelling? Last chance.
  • Stretch your memory. How old is your child? 4 months or more? Are you drooling? Have you been chewing and putting something in your mouth all day? It could just be teething. Use a special gel on your gums. Calm down - congratulations, look forward to quick teeth. No?
  • Observations. Does your baby shake his head from side to side when he cries? There may be increased intracranial pressure. Grabs your ears? Possibly the onset of otitis media. Straightening up, stretching out, shaking or rolling the eyes are nervous phenomena.
  • Doctor. If you have been looking for the cause of the scream all night, but have not found it, or have observed the phenomena from the previous point, go to the pediatrician in the morning. Tell everything as it is, do not interfere with hospitalization and tests. If there is a problem, at such a tender age it can still be corrected.

Important! Do not panic under any circumstances. Most often the answer to the question “why infant cries a lot in her sleep at night” lies on the surface and simply needs your attention.

Cases with nervous or pathological phenomena are rare, but possible. The main thing is to find out and eliminate the cause of crying in a timely manner, even if it requires the intervention of specialists.

  • ventilate the room;
  • monitor the temperature (20-22°C);
  • monitor the humidity (50-70%);
  • prepare the crib if you are teaching your child to fall asleep on his own, so that it is neither soft nor hard, clean and without wrinkles;
  • stock up on good overnight diapers;
  • do not overfeed or overheat the baby;
  • Stock up on gum gel and antipyretic in case of a toothache.

Organize a good day:

  • do not offend the baby;
  • do not irritate the child;
  • walk more;
  • feed as much as he wants, do not stuff the child;
  • do not overload the cub physically and emotionally;
  • for the whims of older children, make allowances for the child’s 3-year-old crisis, do not provoke unnecessary scandals;
  • stick to a routine;
  • Do not put your baby to bed earlier than he wants.

And most importantly, monitor the health of your children; in the evening, any illnesses worsen their effect on the body. If you prepare everything correctly, everyone will have a sweet, healthy sleep!

Why do small children cry in their sleep - video

In this video, a neurosomnologist talks about the main problems of children's sleep and how to solve them.

This video explains the causes of restless sleep in a healthy child.

This video covers the causes of children's crying at night, and how to solve such problems.

Even the most restless mothers should remember: all babies cry. This is how they signal their needs, desires and discomfort. There is nothing wrong with a child’s nighttime crying - as a rule, it is enough to eliminate the reasons that caused it, and the baby will calm down and continue sleeping.

If the crying is caused by illness, or you cannot find the reasons for children's night tantrums, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. Have a good night and golden children's sleep!

Does your baby often wake up and cry at night? What reason provokes tears most often? If you understand what a child wants when he cries, share your experience with us in the comments!

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 4 minutes


Last update articles: 03/17/2019

Sound, healthy sleep is a kind of cure for all illnesses and stress. And every adult needs it, not to mention a baby. And it very often happens that new parents spend all night long near the baby’s crib. And the whole point is that the child screams and cries in his sleep. This is especially true at night. And sometimes mom and dad simply cannot find an explanation for this and wonder: why does their baby cry and scream in his sleep at night?

Famous children's doctor Komarovsky argues that sleep plays a vital role in human life. And sometimes the baby’s sleep process is surrounded by many problems that parents must solve, otherwise the baby will not get enough sleep, and his nervous system will be seriously weakened.

Baby's sleep according to Komarovsky

It’s no secret to any of us that a child usually spends most of the day sleeping. But before he is engulfed in sleep, the baby needs nutrition. From here we can trace the close relationship between feeding and sleep patterns. The mother must build the nutrition system in such a way that it fully determines when and how much time the baby sleeps.

Today, many pediatricians come to the conclusion that a child should not be fed by the hour, but exactly when he wants it. Therefore you can do next output: The baby will sleep until he gets hungry. And if he is fed, but does not sleep, then something is wrong. The reason may lie in the child’s well-being, or in the room where he lives (it can be cold, hot, stuffy, etc.). Gradually, the toddler grows and his period of wakefulness increases. And this is a completely natural, logical process. But the important thing is that this very process should not be accompanied by crying and screaming. Otherwise, you need to look for the reason.

What should a children's room be like?

The highly qualified doctor Komarovsky believes that if a baby often wakes up, screams or cries in his sleep at night, then the reason may lie in his environment. And no matter how much mom and dad try to calm the baby down, everything will be unsuccessful. Initially, you need to figure out what needs to be changed in the child’s room.

The first thing you need to do is to understand whether the baby lives in his own room or does he share the room with his parents. There are a number of basic requirements that are the key to healthy and sound sleep for the baby, as well as his mother and father.

There is nothing more harmful to a newborn than warm and dry air. The optimal temperature should vary between 18-21 degrees. Moreover, more low temperature much preferable to a higher one. It would be better to dress the child warmly than to install some kind of heater.

In addition, in the room where the baby lives, under no circumstances should there be any dust collectors: carpets, upholstered furniture, toys, etc. It is better if the crib is made of wood, has a fairly hard mattress and no pillows at all.

It would be more correct if the children's room is intended for sleeping at night. IN daytime It’s better to go for a walk with a newborn fresh air. It will be good if he sleeps outside at this time. For babies, sleeping in the fresh air is comparable to walking. Therefore, during the day, the child should walk as much as the strength and capabilities of the parents allow.

Causes of poor sleep in infants

  • Colic is the most common cause bad sleep in children at night. Moreover, this is not a disease or pathology; it cannot be cured. You just need to wait as long as the functioning improves gastrointestinal tract. In newborns, this process lasts until about three to four months. You should try to massage your tummy before going to bed, thereby relieving intestinal spasms. Gradually, you will begin to notice that your child wakes up much less often at night.
  • Crying in a dream can also be caused by hunger. But this problem can be easily corrected by offering the baby breast or formula.
  • The lack of a routine can also lead to whims. Often, a newborn does not distinguish the time of day before going to bed, so he may wake up at night and, finding himself in the dark, get scared and start crying. In this case, Dr. Komarovsky advises gradually instilling a regimen in the child. However, you need to remember that all children are different; for some, sleep problems disappear by 6 months, while for others only by 2 years.
  • Loss of contact with mom is also a popular reason why a baby screams in his sleep. The child has a strong connection with his mother, so at night, waking up in the crib and not feeling her, he can begin to cry a lot, calling for the person closest to him.
  • When the baby experiences a certain discomfort, he begins to cry. Sometimes parents don't understand why this happens. And the answer is actually simple. The baby most likely pooped or has a wet diaper. A stuffy room can also cause some inconvenience to the baby. You need to look at how many degrees the air temperature is, and depending on this, ventilate the rooms or dress the baby warmer.
  • Restless sleep often occurs in infants even when they are sick. Usually gets in the way heat, nasal congestion, sore throat or cough. Therefore, before going to bed, you need to put drops in the baby’s nose, give the pills prescribed by the pediatrician, and lower the temperature.
  • After five months, the baby begins to teethe. And this period can also negatively affect the baby’s sleep, especially at night. The child experiences itching in the gums and pain, constantly wakes up, and a high temperature may rise against the background of all this. Therefore, before going to bed, it is recommended to lubricate the gums with a special anesthetic gel. How long this condition will last will depend on the period of teething.
  • A child at this age may experience so-called childhood stress. And it may well be the reason why the baby wakes up in his sleep and starts crying. A simple visit, a sudden change of environment, can cause stress, strangers etc. That is why Dr. Komarovsky recommends gradually introducing the child to relatives, friends, etc.
  1. The first rule says that a child, first of all, needs healthy and rested parents. Any lack of sleep or stress unsettles us, causing us to get angry and swear. But in a house where there are children, harmony and comfort should reign. Therefore, before any important matter the main thing is to get enough sleep.
  2. You need to set a sleep mode. He must be completely subordinate to the family routine. It's good if everyone goes to bed together. Scientists have proven that in this case the baby wakes up much less often.
  3. You need to decide where, when and with whom the baby will sleep. There are several options: in your own crib, but in the parents’ bedroom - an acceptable option up to the age of three; in your own crib in the children's room - ideal, but for slightly older children; together with parents is not a favorable option, which has nothing to do with healthy and sleep soundly baby.
  4. Children should not be allowed to sleep more than normal. Otherwise night sleep will be very restless. In addition, parents will constantly watch their baby wake up and start crying.
  5. Gradually it is necessary to establish a feeding regime, and before that, find out a few important issues: Is it possible to use the breast not for feeding, but to satisfy the sucking reflex? Is it possible for parents to rock their child to sleep all night long and then go to work in the morning or continue doing other household chores, etc. in other words, you should not indulge the baby. When all the main aspects are clarified, then you can take the first step towards proper and healthy sleep.
  6. The baby's day should be active. Then the child will sleep soundly, he simply will not have the strength to do other things, and sleep problems will fade into the background.
  7. Ventilate your bedroom more often.
  8. Before going to bed, practice bathing in a large bath, they contribute to the accumulation of fatigue.
  9. The mattress in the baby's crib should be hard and there should be no pillow. If the crib environment is uncomfortable, you will probably hear your baby crying at night.
  10. Comfortable diaper.

Watch the video: Doctor Komarovsky talks about the reasons for children's crying

Children infancy They cannot talk about their problems, so they often cry. Crying is an opportunity for a baby to inform parents of a desire or need.

Sometimes children may cry in their sleep, waking up or even continuing to sleep.

The occurrence of such a condition is possible due to many reasons. Often this occurs as a result of ordinary discomfort, but there are situations when crying in a dream is caused by various pathologies.

What the crying of an infant in a dream indicates is discussed in this article.

The baby begins to cry in his sleep when he feels certain inconveniences, for example, wet diapers, hot or cold air in the room where he is.

The main reasons why a child cries in a dream are also:

  1. Intestinal. Usually, with this condition, the baby tenses his legs or begins to move them.
  2. Feeling hungry. Most often, crying for this reason occurs when parents feed the baby by the hour.
  3. Teething. This reason provokes crying in sleep after four months.

Infants also begin to cry in their sleep if their mother is not around. When they stop feeling their mother, they cry and wake up.

In frequent cases, the development of a certain disease prevents a child from sleeping normally. Sleep is usually disturbed in infants due to pain in the ears or throat, or cough.

Why does the baby cry without waking up?

The child usually cries without waking up when he feels uncomfortable. The baby may be cold or very hot. This problem can be eliminated if you do not wrap the baby too much so that he does not overheat. In addition, you should ensure optimal temperature and humidity in the room where the child sleeps.

Sometimes, without waking up, children may cry if urination or defecation occurs. In this case, they feel discomfort and cry until the diaper is clean and dry.

Another reason for such crying in a dream is an overexcited state. To prevent this from happening, you need to avoid disturbing your baby in the evening with too active exercises or games. It is necessary to provide a calm and quiet environment for normal sleep.

Some children may even cry in their sleep due to psychological or neurological reasons. If crying does not stop for a long time, the child should be examined by a qualified neurologist.

Why does he cry in his sleep at two months?

Experts say that seventy percent of children constantly cry both during daytime and nighttime sleep. Most children under three months of age sleep restlessly.

At night, such crying is physiological. This condition not considered dangerous. This phenomenon is associated with unstable functioning of the motor and nervous system baby. This will continue for some time until the baby’s biorhythms normalize.

Only thirty percent of newborn babies sleep normally.

Usually, by one year, babies stop crying in their sleep, only physiological or psychological problems may cause disorders.

Often, at just two months, babies cry while sleeping if they feel hungry. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to when crying begins. Typically, a child up to three months of age wants to eat every three to five hours.

Increased excitability and emotional stress at this age can also provoke crying in your sleep. This condition can even be influenced by the arrival of new people in the house.

At two months, crying may be a result intestinal colic or bloating, because digestive system at this age it is not yet fully formed. The baby may whine without waking up until the sleep phase changes.

Why does a baby cry at six months?

At six months of age, a baby may cry not only as a result of physiological reasons.

Often crying in a dream indicates that the baby is beginning to erupt. This phenomenon may be accompanied by fever, lethargy and moodiness of the child.

In addition, at six months the baby may still be bothered by colic. But this condition is extremely rare; colic usually goes away by the age of six months.

Sometimes children cry in their sleep due to the stress they have experienced during the day. At this age, the baby is actively exploring the world and any phenomenon can cause him a stressful situation.

Frequent crying in your sleep is a reason to consult a specialist

If the cause of crying is not teeth and abdominal pain, it is important to pay attention to the child’s condition, because this may indicate various problems with health (stomatitis, otitis, colds, central nervous system disorder).

If, in addition to crying in a dream, there is elevated temperature, nasal discharge, nasopharyngeal congestion, cough or difficulty breathing, then in this case it is better to show the child to a doctor.

To infant was normal sleep, you must adhere to the following recommendations from experts:

  • It is necessary to ensure the optimal temperature in the room: from 18 to 21 degrees
  • It is important that the room where the child sleeps is ventilated and there should be no drafts
  • At children's sleep there should not be a loud or harsh sound
  • It is better not to engage in active games or exercises before going to bed at night.
  • To ensure that your child sleeps well, it is advisable to buy it before bedtime.
  • It is necessary to protect the baby from negative experiences, provide him with care and affection
  • Parents must adhere to

You can eliminate crying in your sleep by identifying its root cause.

If the baby is hungry, he calms down after feeding.

In case of intestinal colic, methods are used to eliminate abdominal pain. Pediatricians recommend giving your baby fennel tea or dill water. You can also do light massage on the stomach, making movements clockwise.

Crying due to teething can be prevented by lubricating the baby's gums with a special gel before bedtime. It is better to consult with your pediatrician about which pain reliever to choose.

When a baby cries due to the absence of his parents, sleep will normalize if he sees them near him, especially in the arms of his mother or father.

Physiological night crying is not considered dangerous and usually resolves before the age of one year.

The video contains information for parents:
