Why do we need a changed physical body in Subtle Mi. About the physical body How to change the physical body

Eating less or dieting is not the only way to change the way you feel and look. Self-care is not only proper nutrition, it is also attention to the body at all levels from physical to psychological. Here are some tips to help you lead healthy image life and not dieting.

Keep a food diary

If you want to lose weight, you can start writing down everything you eat to help you become more conscious of what you eat. Use a paper notepad or a special application on your phone. For people who suffer from acne or digestive problems, tracking their diet can help them figure out what might be wrong. potential cause. Plus, it helps you take a closer look at your diet. A food diary is great for helping you control your weight without harming your health. The point is not to restrict yourself, but to consciously choose foods and eat what is good for your body.

Eat with other people, not with gadgets

Take a break from the screen - both your mind and body will thank you for it. When you're distracted from eating by what's happening on the screen, you may eat more. Research has shown that people who don't pay attention to what they eat are more likely to want to snack later. In addition, eating in the company of other people is beneficial - this has been proven by research. It was found that single people eat fewer vegetables than those who live in marriages or simply with other people in the house.

Use a roller

Recovery after training has great value, sometimes it can be even more important than the training itself. A massage roller is not universal remedy for all problems, however, it has been proven to increase range of motion, increase flexibility and help manage muscle pain.

Eat more slowly

Try to do everything as slowly as possible. Enjoy all the flavors and rich textures of your food. By being mindful, you will feel full faster and allow your body to properly absorb and process all the nutrients.

Get enough sleep

You should definitely try to get the recommended amount of sleep - seven to nine hours. Yes, if you are studying or working, it may not be easy, but try your best to achieve it. If you don't get enough sleep, all the benefits healthy diet may be neutralized, and your emotional well-being will suffer. Stop browsing before bed social media and give yourself maximum time to rest.

Drink more water

Hydration is extremely important, and you've probably heard about it before. Water makes up sixty percent of your body weight. It is very important to receive sufficient quantity water - for men this is thirteen cups, and for women nine. This has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, muscles and overall well-being.

Eat more vegetables

Eating vegetables is a great way to reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and protect yourself from developing certain types of cancer. In addition, vegetables contain many vitamins and nutrients, which are not found in other products. Try not to cut your diet, but to enrich it - start your meals with vegetables, and then move on to starchy carbohydrates and lean protein.

Visit a therapist

If you visit a psychotherapist, not only your psychological condition, but also physical. If you don't express your feelings and constantly suppress them, the body reacts negatively. In addition, many people develop ulcers or headache when the body reacts to stress or psychological problems. Try to discuss your emotions with a therapist without putting unnecessary stress on your body.

Do strength training, stretching, or just take a walk

Many people sit at a desk all day, so free time It's important to move as much as possible. You don't have to go to Gym, there are many other ways to train your muscles. Go for a walk, do some exercise at home, or just stretch on the grass. Even minimal load is better than complete absence movements. Eat great amount benefits of training. If you need motivation, remember that exercise strengthens your bones, increases your energy levels, and can even improve your sex life.

Use sunscreen

This advice may seem trivial, but it is really important for your wellness. Be sure to use sunscreen in the summer months, and don't forget about it in the winter - try to protect your body as much as possible. Remember that skin cancer is a real problem, so you need to take care of yourself.

Take your lunch with you

Bringing food with you makes it easier to maintain a healthy diet. This works in the same way as keeping a food diary - you do it more consciously. In addition, this way you decide for yourself what you will eat, and neither the queues nor the prices in the cafe will affect you.

Stop eating when you feel full

Learn to listen to your hunger, this will help you eat intuitively. A poor relationship with food causes you to ignore the feeling of fullness and overeat. Some people eat out of boredom, reward themselves with food, or simply chew mechanically. Be more mindful and it will help you feel full faster.

Eat fruit, don't drink

It may seem that drinking juices is simple and convenient way eat fruits and vegetables, but this is not true. In fact, drinking juice will not make you healthier. Juice cleanses are all the rage, but eating this way strips your body of all useful properties these products. Plus, it wastes more food - you would never eat as much whole fruit as you drink in juice form. When making a drink from fruit, fiber and fat are lost, which the body needs to absorb vitamins. As a result, fruit juice is simply sweet water.


Meditation helps a person remain calm and collected. It has been proven that it affects not only the body, but also the brain. You can reduce blood pressure, cope with anxiety and strengthen cognitive abilities.

Go to the sauna

Treat yourself to a spa day and be sure to check out the sauna. It can help reduce stress and improve heart health, and it's proven to have similar benefits to the body as exercise.

Measure your portions

Precise portion control will help you eat as much as your body needs. There are foods that are too high in calories, making them easy to overeat. Portion control is the solution!

Dear Yeshua, please answer how does it change during transmutation? physical body person? If possible, the conversion sequence.
Thank you.

I greet you, dear, with love and respect! You asked a question that is beginning to concern many of you, since many of you varying degrees damaged their bodies in the process of using them. This normal process, and it corresponds to the level of consciousness into which you immersed yourself in order to completely immerse yourself in life and understand the whole situation on the planet on the eve of great changes, to fully understand from the inside. First of all, I want to note that most of the body problems that you received were caused by you purposefully, i.e. it was part of life studies programs. A small part of the damage had to do with some of your ideas, distorted perceptions that you could not overcome long time. It is too natural process for the level of matter (MIND) and level of consciousness (SC) at which you were.

But the changes that you and the planet have called for have come, and those changes are sweeping changes. You feel that these changes are changing you, first of all, inside, they change your consciousness, they change the orientation of your thoughts, and this new direction takes you more and more away from the old concepts of perceiving life, perceiving yourself and your place in this world. You are increasingly beginning to think in global categories, and this is the process of expanding consciousness that we have already talked about more than once. The process of changing consciousness is a process that precedes all changes that occur at lower vibrations. Including vibrations, which are reality for you and which are matter.

Your body is part of the material world, and it resonates at the same frequencies as the world that surrounds you. Thanks to the same resonance with the world around you, your body sees and feels everything the way you perceive everything now. That is why any object (a wall, a tree, the body of another person or animal, etc.) is an obstacle for you. Thanks to one vibrational level of everything that surrounds you and your carrier body, including, you have the opportunity to feel and perceive everything through the senses. It is precisely one vibrational level that provides you with this feeling of solidity of the surrounding world, although you, with your expanded consciousness, already know that the material world is an illusion. Only thanks to the vibrational layer in which your carrier bodies are located do you have the opportunity to use your senses. I am telling you about this so that you understand the root causes of those changes and the mechanism itself - how changes in matter will occur.

So, since you are in an area with a certain vibrational frequency and have a carrier body there with a vibrational frequency adjusted to this vibrational area, you have the ability to see, hear, touch, etc. If you change the vibrational frequency of a certain area of ​​the material universe and move those vibrations to an area with more high frequency, then you get matter with different properties and parameters, and you need another carrier body, adjusted to the changes made. It is with these new properties that matter will acquire during quantum transition, and so that you can explore already the new kind matter, you need to change existing body. In connection with what I just told you, you need to understand that this quantum transition is taking place in areas of higher vibrations and you are rising from 3UM to 4UM, and this is a new type of matter, and you need a new carrier body that will this 4UM corresponds.

Next, it is important for you to understand that the energy due to which the material universe and the entire universe exists is the divine energy of the Source and its basis is Love. This energy is constantly, unceasingly supplied to all existing areas of the universe. When you move from one level to another, the same divine Love ensures the existence of a new world order and matter with new properties. But in order for you to understand the movement that is taking place, let’s say that the amount of energy of divine Love is invested more, or we can say that the flow is more intense into matter an order of magnitude higher. No matter how I say trying to explain this to your mind, the meaning comes down to the fact that in order to study matter and maintain it, a constant movement of the flow of divine Love is necessary, it is necessary to maintain the structures of the wire into the matter of this flow of divine Love. In addition to creating this new space of new matter, the energy of divine Love also needs to support all the new properties of both new matter and carrier bodies for its research. So, a changed body is a necessity during the quantum transition, as is the need for a changed consciousness. You will have to be in harmony with the world where you find yourself during the quantum transition.

There is no doubt that during the quantum transition, not only the material substance in which you are now changes, but also the process of divine Creation occurs with your help, and through you as well, and that is why you are Co-Creators. It is for this that you began your changes and transformations, it is for this process that you began the rise of consciousness and secured your consciousness on higher vibrational layers. Your goal is to bring into matter, through moving and anchoring your consciousness higher in frequency, those necessary new divine frequencies of Love energy for the process of Creation. It is natural and logical that by raising consciousness and starting to perform new job Co-Creator, you not only expand your consciousness, but also transmute your body. For what? You conduct new, higher vibrational energy not only through your consciousness, you conduct it into matter through your bodies.

How is divine energy channeled through you? In order for your understanding to arise from this level where you are now, we will again use diagrams that you understand. If you imagine the entire creation in the form of a ball, then God for you is on the outskirts of this ball or beyond its boundaries, but you are deep inside. In a word, the lower the vibrations, the more and more they approach the center of this ball. You, being in 3UM, are inside, in the center of the ball. Now, in order to switch to a new, more high level matter (4UM), you need to expand the zone of matter and move into it, and according to our scheme it will be more distant from the center of the ball, where you were before. For such movement and expansion of the zone of influence of your consciousness and consolidation of it, you need colossal energies. This is a diagram, and it is, of course, largely conditional, because everything is much more diverse and complex, but we used it to improve your perception of the mind, answering the question of what is currently happening to you and the planet.

In order to bring here those colossal energies that are necessary for a new Creation and expansion of your habitat zone, in order to gain everything necessary for this movement, you must bring your consciousness closer to the outskirts of the energy ball in our scheme, secure it, and create corridors for pumping energy into the realm of the new Creation. According to the scheme that Nika and I gave you earlier (UZS), the lowest UZS are closer to the center of our ball, and UZS = 12 is on the border of the ball. Raising your consciousness from the center of the ball to its outskirts, you expand and gain greater opportunities for expanding your consciousness. Moving higher from the center, you put on your bodies of light, because moving higher without them is impossible. And so you were able to consolidate your consciousness higher, anchor there, and you begin to build corridors along which you will submit a new divine energy Creations. In the patterns we used earlier, these are your soft ascension structures. Having built such a corridor, each of you becomes a truly working Co-Creator of the new reality, because from this moment you begin to pump new energies through yourself and your body into the zone of new Creation.

The need to change the body becomes natural and understandable, because carrying higher vibrations into the existing matter of the 3UM level using unchanged bodies will simply damage them, burn them and cause the souls living in them a lot of inconvenience and suffering, because the body provides you with the whole range of sensations as before. That is why we can definitely say that the process of transmutation (deep changes) of your bodies began simultaneously with the process of quantum transition, and it proceeds in the same mode in which the main process takes place - incrementally. When the planet and you have decided to transition and you have provided minimum required to implement it several years ago, then slow, almost imperceptible changes began in your bodies following a change in consciousness. At this time, many of you are already registering these changes in yourself quite definitely. Of course, this all happened slowly for you in your perception through the linearity of time 3UM, but in fact on the scale of the universe it is extremely short term, very roughly can be compared in your mind as *thousandths of a second*. This convention is determined by the fact that on 3UM time is linear; in fact, time is all at one point and there it can be said to be absent (in your understanding from here).

Of course, you have noticed and are noticing changes in your bodies, and you often perceive them as ailments, increased irritability, drowsiness or agitation, painful conditions with unknown causes, etc. For many of you, the process is perceived as very painful and exhausting, both mentally and physically. He frightened many with surprises of unknown origin and the inability of the mind to explain anything clearly to you. Of course, everything went and goes differently for everyone, because the state of your bodies, the state of consciousness, and the programs of your souls and bodies are different. New energies break through blocked old energy channels and create new ones capable of conducting energies of a new frequency. All changes occur in the following sequence: change and expansion of consciousness - changes in the subtle bodies of your physical body - changes in the physical body. At the current stage, many of you are already going through the stages of active changes in subtle bodies with beginning transformations of physical bodies. Raise your consciousness, expand it, and in this way you will change your subtle structures (crystallize them), and then you will notice the changes that will occur with your physical bodies.

Since the peak of the quantum transition is inexorably approaching, all of you who have chosen the transition will increasingly rapidly raise your consciousness and make all the necessary changes, including those of your physical bodies. What will happen to your bodies? First of all, you will feel that your nutrition system and your preferences will begin to change. You will have less and less need to consume nutrients through your usual digestive system your bodies, and the need for food will decrease. At the same time, you will notice how new breathing systems, unknown to many of you, will turn on, through which you will take vital energy to maintain the body through prana (pranic nutrition) and through other systems of production of all necessary substances inside your bodies without eating food, but only through new respiratory processes. These processes will not be a frightening surprise for you, they will turn on naturally and gradually for everyone, at the time they need personally, and you do not need to try to control these processes with your mind. You will gradually begin to notice how your breathing will change: its rhythm, depth, cyclicity, you will begin to notice how you enjoy the process of breathing itself. Next, the following will happen to your bodies: after the entire nutrition system of your bodies and the nutrition of the physical body and its maintenance changes and becomes energetically pure and more balanced, more appropriate for you, you will completely get rid of the problems of excess weight or excessive thinness, get rid of various diseases and defects of the body. You will thus gain completely perfect proportions the initial body template, and your weight category will become absolutely ideal for you. You will not be susceptible to the diseases that previously plagued humanity, and those people who did not decide to change and chose not to participate in the transition will suffer. You will enjoy the new sensations of a healthy, flexible, beautiful host body as it was intended for you, and which suffered from low level consciousness, despite powerful internal defense systems.

Next, many of you will begin to feel the extraordinary lightness of the body, its weightlessness. This will occur under a change in the entire space, a change in the structure of the magnetic and other fields of the planet. From now on, you will have a glow around you, visible to many through the eyes of your physical body, and its intensity will gradually increase. This glow will be especially noticeable in twilight and certain lighting around. This glow will surround your body like a halo. In this way, my dears, changes will occur in your bodies. You, creating new reality, create your original purified forms of carrier bodies, create new nutrition systems for these bodies, and create a new beautiful Creation - New Earth, about which you dreamed so much with the Love and Joy of the Co-Creator.

With the onset of a new calendar year, you always want something new and unusual. Most of us think about both our own beauty and our health. But to look attractive for the new summer season, you need to devote only 10 minutes a day to your body. Indeed, with intense training extra calories disappear quickly, but as soon as you take a short break, they appear again.

In order to constantly keep yourself in good shape and not gain excess weight, we suggest getting acquainted with simple and easy exercises that will help you achieve significant results. Forget about wasting money on fitness clubs and Sport halls. All you need to do is set aside time (at least 10-15 minutes a day) for classes.

Exercise "Plank"
Let's start with a static exercise. Correct body position, and no movements - at the same time you will feel tension in the muscles of the abdomen, arms, back and buttocks. The main thing is to take the correct position, namely: keep your back straight, do not arch your lower back, place your arms in a bent position and shoulder-width apart, keep your feet on your tiptoes. If you don't feel any load on your body, it means you're doing something wrong. Pay attention to the photo and follow the example exactly.

Exercise "Push-ups"
To learn how to do push-ups correctly, initially try to take the desired position on your knees. If this position is easy for you, then go to the “plank” pose, just hold yourself on straight arms. Focus on a straight back, pelvis and legs. You should end up with a “straight line” and no bends.

By doing push-ups, you get an excellent workout not only on your arms, but also on your abdominal muscles. Every week, try to complicate the process - linger in the “pressed” position, and raise the body to the starting position as slowly as possible.

Pumping up the pelvic muscles
To do this, take the pose while kneeling and leaning on your hands. Then smoothly lift your leg to a horizontal position, while keeping it straight. Raise your opposite arm at the same time. Try to fix your balance so that your straightened arm and leg are on the same straight line. Then do this exercise on the opposite side.

Doing squats
In order for squats to bring benefits to the body and at the same time provide the necessary load on certain muscles, you need to find the right balance. For a proper squat, the emphasis should be on the entire foot, and the legs should be shoulder-width apart.

It is also worth noting that the knees should be on the same stripe as the feet. Now that you are in the correct position, begin to sit down slowly. Smoothly lower your legs to 90 degrees, then slowly rise. For good balance, keep your hands straight in front of you. chest as in the photo.

Exercise “twisting” (pumping up the abs)
To make this exercise not only beneficial, but also comfortable to perform, you need to get a mat. Place the mat on the floor and lie on your back with your arms extended (as in the photo). Bending and smoothly lifting your leg, reach your knee with your hand. To perform the exercise correctly, note that when lifting right leg you have to reach out right hand and vice versa ( left legleft hand). Complete the assigned task 5-10 times.

Complex: abs and buttocks
The next task is to support the arms and legs so that the body creates an imaginary triangle. Legs and arms should be shoulder width apart. Slowly raise your straightened leg as high as possible (as in the photo). Then, just as smoothly, lower it to the starting position. Alternate movements proportionally: left leg – right – left – right, etc.

Exercise for a slim waist
This exercise is performed standing (with legs bent). You need to position yourself so that your back rests against the wall. Having taken a stance, take the ball and straighten your arms. Next, perform movements of turning the body and arms from side to side. Try to twist as much as possible so that your hands touch the wall. Make sure your back is straight. For effective result each time increase the exercise time or the number of movements.

Step-by-step complex for 4 weeks

First week (initial)
Exercises should be performed daily 6 times a week:
1. Plank – 2 minutes.
2. Push-ups – 1 minute.
3. Hip exercises- 1 minute.
4. Crunches – 1 minute.
5. Complex “Abs and buttocks” – 1 minute.
6. " Slim waist" - 1 minute.
7. “Plank” (repeat) – 2 minutes.
Rest time between exercises is 10 seconds.

Second week
In order for all muscle loads to be better absorbed, you need to properly give them rest. Therefore, we divide the tasks into two complexes, which must be alternated over 6 days.

Complex No. 1:
1. Plank – 3 minutes.
2. Crunches – 3 minutes.
3. Hip exercises – 3 minutes.

Complex No. 2:
1. “Slim waist” – 3 minutes.
2. Push-ups – 3 minutes.
3. “Abs and buttocks” – 3 minutes.

Break between exercises up to 15 seconds.

Third week:
doing the exercises from the first week.

Fourth week:
performing exercises from the second week.

By following the instructions and performing the exercises correctly, you will feel changes and notice positive results on your body. Good results will give you confidence and you will have the motivation to complete your daily sports tasks.

Therefore, all you need is to be patient and devote only 10-15 minutes a day to sports. Really simple and easy exercises, if done consistently, can work wonders!

Enjoy your body, use it as much as you can, don't be shy about it and don't worry about what others think about it. This is the best tool you will ever have or ever have.
Baz Luhrmann

How do you feel about yourself and your body? How do you try to motivate yourself to exercise or diet? Do you look in the mirror and scold yourself with not the most disingenuous words? Are you trying to force yourself to do something with reproaches dictated by self-hatred and shame? Such tactics threaten endless weight fluctuations, constant anxiety and dissatisfaction with oneself, injuries from training. Having lost weight, you will strive to lose more weight, and by playing sports, you will exhaust yourself to the maximum, but you will never get a satisfactory result, you will always be dissatisfied.
However, there are five tips that will help you come to harmony with yourself, that will help you change yourself in the best side without killing you with endless stress. Here they are:


Accepting your body as it is does not mean that you do not want to change anything. This doesn't mean you give up your desire to be healthy and turn into a gluttonous slob. This means that you set out on your path to health with kindness and self-compassion, rather than with guilt, shame, and strict beliefs about how things really should be. Acceptance gives you a clear idea of ​​where you are now and what you are striving for. And this brings much more motivation than self-loathing, which is accompanied by thoughts of “I should”...

Thinking about how much you “should” weigh, how fast you “should” run, how strong/slim/fit you “should” be only creates dissatisfaction.

Feeling ashamed of your body is more likely to cause you to give up working out, or to train so hard and bitterly that you end up hurting yourself. Understanding where you are now will help you approach your workouts mindfully, with self-kindness and enjoyment.

Stop comparing

Stop comparing yourself to others or even yourself to your self from five years ago. Comparison is the thief of joy, as it leads either to complacent admiration or to feelings of inferiority and shame. But you already know that shame kills motivation.

And at this particular moment in life you have unique opportunities, recognize it, open your eyes and realize how amazing life really is.

A great first step is to go on a media diet.
Get rid of magazines that promote ridiculous beauty ideals. Naturally, with your mind you understand that even the models in the photographs are absolutely imperfect, their beauty is brought to the ideal using a whole arsenal of means, including post-processing of the image in a photo editor, but your subconscious still saves these images and gives them to you as something to strive for .
The fewer pictures you are surrounded by that you can compare yourself to, the better for your psychological state.

It’s worth giving up even health and fitness magazines, because they end up focusing too much on pictures of pumped-up women and men, and again your subconscious mind works against you, making you feel ashamed of your body again.

Turn off the inner bore

Surely there lives a nasty one in each of us inner voice who endlessly nags, criticizes, accuses... He is so interested in you being perfect in everything that he reveals secrets that you will never admit to anyone.

He scolds you for every pie you eat and for every day you miss a workout. But, despite the fact that this voice is a part of you, you are absolutely not obliged to listen reverently to everything that it squeaks to you.

After all, in fact, these cruel, constantly repeated messages that he is trying to convey to you only bring endless anxiety. These are not true statements about your personality and your potential.

Enable your inner friend

It's so easy to transform your critical monologues by imagining that your inner voice is your best friend. At first, of course, it will be very difficult: your bore will not want to be friends with you. And you will have to teach him this. Every time you start to hear the first bursts of criticism, immediately think about what would you say to your best friend in such a situation? Himself to a loved one? What words would you use to calm and motivate him? What do you say to relatives who need compassion?

Agree, it is unlikely that you will tell them the same thing that you internally tell yourself. So, you need to try to talk to yourself as if best friend. Allow yourself to be kinder to yourself, love yourself as the closest person.

Be attentive to yourself

Self-awareness in the current moment and focus on events and your state in the present - the combination of these two elements simultaneously gives you freedom and at the same time keeps you firmly on your feet.

Nowadays, when we are available through any communication channels 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, learning to pay attention to ourselves is very important. To learn to be grateful to life for everything it gives, you must first learn to appreciate every moment, try to slow down the present in order to feel the taste of each day.

Such mindfulness reduces internal anxiety and helps avoid stress eating. You will pay attention to whether you are really hungry or whether you want to chew something because you are overwhelmed with emotion. Focusing on your inner sensations also helps during training, you do everything consciously, and their quality improves.

How to learn to be more attentive to yourself? Take 10 minutes a day to sit quietly and breathe. Your goal is in this case not to throw it away negative thoughts, and not in not thinking about anything at all. The goal is to calmly observe your thoughts without introducing judgment or criticism into your thinking process. Every time you feel this happening, focus on the physical sensations: inhaling and exhaling.
Developing mindfulness certainly takes practice, but after a while you will notice the benefits that this practice will bring to all areas of your life.

Are you happy with your body? How do you motivate yourself to stay healthy and fit? What other tips can you offer to help you feel self-love?

Vladimir and Anna. Based on materials from conversations with the Family of Light in April and May 2011.

We often talk about ascension in his changed body. Indeed, in the process of the Transition, such an opportunity is open to many.
But a question may arise: why do we need a modified physical body in the 5th dimension? After all, we have our own subtle bodies!
Well, what can you answer here?...This formulation of the question is a process of activity of the three-dimensional human mind. But we are trying to think multidimensionally! And if so, let's try to look at everything through the eyes of a multidimensional Being.
Let's remember that our physical body is also energy, but very dense. Having created the Earth as a particle of the Universe, we first lived on it in rarefied (light) bodies. Then, out of necessity, we gradually densified our bodies until current state. But this does not make them cease to be a type of energy, just very dense energy. Returning back from the dense world to the world of subtle energies, we have the right, and now such an opportunity exists for many, take this body (this energy) with you, modifying it, giving it subtle-material properties.
And now we move on to the question - why is this necessary? After all, we have our own subtle bodies.........
First, let's compare the departure of the Soul Home without a physical body (1) and the Ascension of the Soul in a changed physical body (2).
(1) In the first case, both the structure of the Soul and the duplicate of the mind are connected to the subtle bodies. The entity retains the personality characteristics brought over from its last incarnation. Then comes the reunification of the entire enormous Essence.
(2) In the second case, ascension with a changed body; more It is not the mind (as a product of the brain) that prevails, but consciousness—with a large amount of Universal knowledge.
When (during life on Earth) a person is connected to the Higher Consciousness, he is constantly in a state of bliss and love (and this process can occur long before Ascension). Therefore, the mind is no longer duplicated (during Ascension), since all information is present and leaves with the entire being during ascension.
Intelligence has such a person properties of the Supreme, because for the most part man lives in a different dimension. Earthly human problems do not bother him; he works on a global scale, for the benefit of the universe.
(1) The soul, in the first case, goes beyond the vital shell before the death of the physical body.
(2) In the second option, The soul continues to work without preparation for the outcome and without encapsulation. The physical body is transformed into a “light” one, without tight physical connections between molecules. It becomes close in structure to subtle bodies, but capable of maintaining a physical visible plan.
The changed body easily transforms into subtle bodies, releasing a huge amount of Light, with the necessary transition to a higher level.
The entire set of bodies goes upward easily, to reunite with the MerKaBa and its Essence.

(1) In the first option, time is required for analysis and liberation from the earthly attachments of the incarnation.
(2) In the second option, analysis takes place before ascension.
The whole beauty of the ascended body is that this base (the changed body) allows you to descend into a lower dimension and there - become visible, to perform certain works. At the same time, it naturally remains structurally “light” and requires neither water nor food. It returns back to a higher dimension - easily!
So, we understand that there are certain actions in our three-dimensional world that, from the Subtle Plane, can only be performed in a modified ascension body. After all, the fifth-dimensional world of subtle energies cannot perform all actions. Especially on the physical planes.
Our Guides and other Beings from the Family of Light, located in higher dimensions, find it difficult to stay in our three-dimensional world; they require a lot of energy to concentrate. And, more often than not, our Mentors remain invisible to most people, although some people have learned to feel them.
Now I would like to say a few words about our work with the three-dimensional world from the 4th dimension.
In the 4th dimension (compared to the 3rd), people do not have much difference in the structure of their physical bodies. But there is a significant difference in the work of subtle bodies and consciousness.
The task of many of us is to be visible and tangible here and now. What cannot be done with subtle materials, we will do with physical hands. And also in the 4th dimension the strength of subtle bodies increases. This creates a new powerful creature of a new generation, while in the dense world.
"Physics" is saved as is on the 4th globe. In other words, in the 4th dimension the body retains the properties inherent to it. And all subtle bodies are strengthened, consciousness is strengthened, the brain is fully involved (and not 5%). This allows for full communication with the Subtle World without separation from the physical. This is already a world of interaction full of subtle energies with the physical world.
Some Light workers voluntarily (consciously) do not go to ascension, but work from the 4th dimension, often from the “border zone” of the 3rd-4th dimensions with people and the surrounding world of the 3rd dimension. The work is varied, a lot of spiritual work, co-creative work, educational work.
In order to move from the vibrational spectrum of “invisibility” for the world of the 3rd dimension to the state of “visibility,” a mental command is enough. This process is controlled through thought, in both directions.
In conclusion, I want to return to the main topic of the article - about our work from the 5th dimension, using our future changed body for this.
There is enough work in the 5th dimension for everyone! This includes working with globes of the 3rd and 4th dimensions of the Earth and people on them; work in other dense worlds and much more.

With Love, Vladimir and Anna.
