Recipe rules. Solid dosage forms

A prescription is usually called a written request from a doctor to a pharmacy about the manufacture and dispensing of a medicine, indicating how to use it for a patient. A prescription is an important document used by a doctor, pharmacist, animal owner or person caring for a sick animal. Therefore, the recipe must be written in ink very clearly, without unnecessary words, legibly. Corrections to recipes are not allowed.

The prescription indicates: what medicinal substances and in what quantities must be dispensed, what dosage form should be prepared, which animal should the medicine be prescribed, in what way, in what quantities and how often should it be used.

Prescriptions are written in a special form on a prescription form measuring 105 x 148 mm in Latin in ink or a ballpoint pen in clear, clear handwriting. On one prescription form, only one medicine containing a toxic substance is prescribed, and no more than two medicines in other cases, and the first prescription is separated from the other by a double cross #.

The recipe begins with Inscriptio (title). This part of the recipe is stamped medical institution, which indicates the name of the institution, its address and telephone number. Here you also enter the date the prescription was issued and indicate brief information about the sick animal (type, name or number; for young and old animals - the age and surname of the animal’s owner, and his address).

On the next line write the doctor’s last name, first name, and patronymic.

The next part of the prescription, the doctor’s request to the pharmacy (Praepositio) to prepare the medicine, is indicated by the word Recipe - take (abbreviated Rp.:). This is followed by a listing in Latin in genitive case prescribed substances (Designatio materiarum), included in the dosage form, indicating their quantity in metric measures. In a recipe, the names of drugs and plants are usually written with capital letter. One ingredient is written directly below the other.

When listing medicinal substances in a complex recipe, the main one is written first. active substance(Basis). Next comes the adjuvant. The third, if necessary, is given a product that corrects taste or smell (Corrigens). And the last thing in the recipe is the substance that gives the dosage form (Constituens).

Sample form:

veterinary institution


(species of animal) Inscriptio


Date 20 - 12

FULL NAME. veterinarian

Adjuvans Designatio materiarum

M.f. Subscriptio

Veterinarian's signature. Nomen medici

The full form of the prescription is not necessary. A recipe that contains only the main active ingredient is called simple. A complex recipe requires two or more ingredients.

The designation of the dosage form (Subscriptio) is written according to the accepted abbreviation: M.f. pulvis - Mix to make powder, D.t.d. - Give (or release) such doses, M.f. unguentum - mix to make an ointment, M.Sterilisetur Mix. Sterilize, etc.

If in the recipe the amount of the formative substance is not indicated in mass units, but quantum satis (how much is needed) for preparing the dosage form is indicated, then Ut is used instead of Misce (mix) to obtain the required form.

When prescribing medications that contain hygroscopic medicinal substances or solid fats, write Da in charta cerata (give in wax paper), Da in charta paraffinata (give in paraffin paper).

The instructions on the method of using the medicine (Signatura) in the recipe are replaced by the word Signa (S.) (designate, let it be designated). This part of the prescription is intended for the owner of a sick animal or the person serving him, therefore, in the signature, instructions on how to take the medicine are written in Russian or national language. The signature indicates the method of use of the medicine (internal, external, etc.), dose and frequency of administration (one powder 3 times a day).

Weight quantities in recipes are written in Arabic numerals. 1 gram is written 1.0; 1/10 gram (decigram) - 0.1; 1/100 (centigrams) - 0.01; 1/1000 of a gram (milligram) is 0.001. The amount of liquid substances is given in milliliters (ml) or drops (gtts).

The number of drops is indicated by a Roman numeral, preceded by gtts (an abbreviation for the word guttas - drops). For example: Solutio Adrenalini hydrochloridi 1:1000 gtts X - solution of adrenaline hydrochloride 1:1000 10 drops.

When prescribing medications dosed in units of action (IU), the number of units (Benzylpenicillini-natrii 1000,000 IU) is indicated in the prescription instead of weight or volumetric quantities.

If two or more medicinal substances are prescribed in the same quantities, then the dose is indicated only for the last of the prescribed substances, and aa is written before it, which means ana, i.e. equally.

If it is necessary to urgently dispense medicine to a sick animal, the veterinarian writes cito (quickly), citissime (as soon as possible), statim (immediately) at the top left. Also, medications with the inscription “Antidotum!” on the form are dispensed out of turn. ("Antidote"!).

If the prescription is written on both sides of the form, then write verte (turn over) at the bottom so that the pharmacist does not miss one of the prescriptions. If it is necessary to order the medicine again, the doctor writes Repetatur on the prescription in the upper left corner (let it be repeated), puts a new date and signature.

When prescribing poisonous and potent substances in doses exceeding the highest single dose, the veterinarian is obliged to write the dose of this substance in words and put Exclamation point.

A prescription that does not meet the established requirements or contains incompatible medicinal substances is considered invalid and the medicine will not be manufactured according to it.

Addition. The endings of the nominative and genitive cases of singular or plural Latin declensions.

The first declension includes nouns female ending in "a". In the genitive case the ending changes to "ae". The only exceptions are words starting with “ta”, which belong to the neuter gender and are inflected in the 3rd declension (rhizoma-rhizomatis).

Tabulett-a Tabuiett-ae Tabulett-ae Tabulett-arum

The 2nd declension includes nouns ending in “us” (masculine) and “um” (neuter). The feminine word bolus (bolus-boli) belongs to the same declension.

In the genitive case they end in "i"

Singular Plural

Nominative Genitive Nominative Genitive

Suppositori-um Suppositori-i Suppositori-a Suppositori-orum

The 3rd declension includes nouns with different endings in the nominative case. When forming the genitive case, the root vowel often changes and the ending changes to “is”.

Singular Plural

Nominative Genitive Nominative Genitive

Mucilag-o Muciiag-inis Mucilag-ines Mucilag-inum

The 4th declension includes masculine nouns ending in “us” and neuter nouns ending in “u”. In the genitive case they have the ending "us". This also includes the feminine word Quercus.

Singular Plural

Nominative Genitive Nominative Genitive

Spirit-us Spirit-us Spirit-us Spirit-uum

The 5th declension includes feminine nouns ending in “es”. In the genitive case they have the ending "ei". Singular Plural

Nominative Genitive Nominative Genitive

Speci-es Speci-ei Speci-es Speci-erum

Most pharmaceutical adjectives end in “us” for masculine, “a” for feminine, and “um” for neuter. The word “Solutio” (3 declension) is feminine, so the endings of adjectives are formed according to 1 declension: Solutio spirituosa (oleosa).

Independent work. Get acquainted with the latest edition of the State Pharmacopoeia.

Pay attention to the content of articles about chemicals, medicinal plants and dosage forms. Familiarize yourself with the lists of toxic (A) and potent (B) substances, a table of the most commonly used doses of medicinal substances used for animals, a table of antidotes and benefits for poisoning, as well as biological methods for determining the activity of medicinal substances.

Familiarize yourself with samples of finished medications and various labels.

Control questions:

1. What is a recipe?

2. What is a pharmacy?

3. What is the State Pharmacopoeia?

Lesson 2.

Topic: “Solid dosage forms”

Purpose of the lesson: become familiar with solid dosage forms.

Solid dosage forms include: powders, tablets, dragees, pills, boluses, charges, briquettes, granules, premixes.

Powders, Pulveres (singular im.p. - Pulvis, genus - Pulveris).

Powders are solid medicinal substances in crushed form. Powders can contain various substances of both plant, animal and mineral origin, and synthetic drugs, and waste products of some microorganisms.

According to the degree of grinding, powders are minute, fine and large. The degree of grinding of powders has a certain therapeutic value. Thus, by applying the smallest powders to the mucous membranes and wound surfaces, the closest contact with the tissues is achieved, which allows them long time remain in place at the application site and ultimately achieve the desired therapeutic effect. Fine powders are most often prescribed orally. Large powders are administered to large animals without prior grinding.

Hygroscopic substances (calcium chloride, sodium bromide, potassium acetate, etc.), with an unpleasant odor and taste, as well as easily crushed substances (silver nitrate with organic substances). In this case, other dosage forms are prescribed.

Based on their composition, powders are divided into simple and complex. The former contain one medicinal substance, the latter - several.

Powders can be intended for both internal and external use. For external use, powders are prescribed and dispensed in total quantities, without being divided into individual powders (undivided powder). For internal use, powders are prescribed, as a rule, divided into separate doses.

When preparing a prescription containing simple undivided powder, indicate the name of the drug in the genitive case and its total quantity. This recipe ends with two letters: D.S. (Da.Signa Release. Designate).

In complex, unseparated powders, the incoming ingredients are written out one below the other, indicating the doses. At the end of such a recipe they write M.f. pulvis (M isce fiat pulvis - mix to make a powder), and then D.S. (Da.Signa).

Recipe examples:

Prescribe 50.0 Xeroformium to cover the wound.

20 – 12 Downtime

Rp.: Xeroformii 50.0 undivided

D.S. Powder applied to the wound

Prescribe 100.0 antiseptic powder containing 1 part streptocidium (Streptocidium), 2 parts iodoform (Iodoformium) and 7 parts boric acid(Actidum boricum) as a wound powder.

Rp.: Streptocidi 10.0 Complex

Iodoformii 20.0 undivided

Acidi borici 70.0 powder

D.S. Powder on the wound.

Separated powders, as well as non-separated ones, can be simple or complex.

Simple divided powders are prescribed indicating the dose of each powder and total number their. This is done in Latin by the abbreviation D.t.d. N. 6 (Dentur tales doses numero 6 - Dispense doses in number 6).

If the powders contain volatile (camphor, menthol), hygroscopic substances, then they are prescribed and dispensed in capsules, waxed (Charta cerata) or waxed paper (Charta paraffinata), as indicated in the recipe.

The mass of the separated powder can vary for small animals from 0.2 to 2.0; and for large domestic animals - from 10.0 to 25.0. In cases where the dose of the medicinal substance is less than 0.2; then to increase the mass of the powder, indifferent substances are added: Saccharum sugar, milk sugar - Sacch. lactas, sodium bicarbonate - Natrii hydrocarbonas and others. In these cases, the powder becomes complex and is prescribed according to the rules for prescribing complex separated powders.

When prescribing complex powders, indicate the weight quantities of each ingredient included in the medicine in a dose per dose. Then the prescription instructs the pharmacist to “Mix to make a powder” (M.f. pulvis) and “Dispense ten such doses” - Dentur tales doses (D.t.d.N 10).

It must be remembered that when prescribing both complex and simple powders, it is not customary to begin the prescribed drug with the word Pulvis. The recipe begins with this word when prescribing powders plant origin(Pulveris foliorum digitalis).

Recipe examples:

Write out 12 powders containing 0.2 pounded camphor (Camphora trita) in wax paper. Prescribe 1 powder 3 times a day.

Rp.: Camphorae tritae 0.2 Simple

D.t.d. N. 12 in charta cerata divided

S. Internal. 1 powder 3 times a day powder

Prescribe thiamine and riboflavin in equal quantities, 0.01 per 10 doses. Drug doses are less than 0.2; therefore, it is necessary to add a filler such as sugar.

Rp.: Riboflavini Complex

Thiamini bromidi aa 0.01 separated

Sacchari 0.2 powder

S. Internal. 1 powder 2 times a day.

Preparation and dispensing of simple and complex unseparated powders

The preparation of simple undivided powders involves weighing the amount of the drug indicated in the recipe.

The production of complex unseparated powders comes down to weighing out the medicinal substances specified in the recipe and mixing them evenly. Unseparated powders are sold in paper bags or cardboard boxes. If the powder is hygroscopic or contains volatile substances, then it should be dispensed in a wide-necked bottle, closed with a cork or ground glass stopper.

Preparation and dispensing of simple and complex separated powders.

To prepare a simple divided powder, the medicinal substance is weighed out in the indicated quantities as many times as the doses prescribed.

To prepare complex separated powders, the substance that is included in the powder in the smallest quantity is weighed first (for all powders). Then the second substance is weighed out, etc. All ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous powder is obtained. Next, the entire mixture is weighed on a pharmacy scale for the number of powders specified in the recipe. Complex separated powders are sold in ordinary paper capsules (bags).

If the powders contain volatile or odorous substances, as well as hygroscopic drugs, then they should be prescribed in waxed or paraffin paper, which is indicated in the prescription.

There are times when poisonous and potent substances are prescribed in powders in quantities of less than 0.05 g for the entire mass of powders, then they are used in the form of triturations - a mixture of substances from list A or B with milk sugar or other auxiliary components in a ratio of 1:10 or 1 :100. Trituration of toxic substances dosed in milligrams or less is prepared in a ratio of 1:100 (1.0 toxic substance + 99.0 sugar). Triturations are prepared from substances dosed in centigrams in a ratio of 1:10 (1.0 toxic substance + 9.0 sugar). When preparing powders with trituration, the amount of the corresponding drug is weighed out 10 or 100 times the dose prescribed in the prescription.

Tablets, Tabulettae (singular - Tabuletta, singular - Tabulettae, singular - Tabulettam, singular - Tabulettas).

Tablets are a solid dosage form obtained by pressing medicinal substances. They are intended for both internal use, and for preparing solutions from them. Sometimes tablets are coated with coatings (Tabulettae obductae): gelatin, starch, keratin, which masks the taste of the substances and protects the contents from external influences.

Tablets are a convenient dosage form: they last a long time; portable; convenient for transportation, storage and vacation; the amount of medicinal substance in them is strictly dosed; mask bad taste drugs. Tablets are more hygienic than powders, as they are manufactured in a factory.

Tablets are prescribed as an official form. The recipe begins with the indication of the dosage form, that is, with the word Tabulettam (vin.p.ed.h.), then the name of the medicinal substance and its single dose are indicated.

Example recipe:

Prescribe 10 tablets containing 0.2 paracetamol (Paracetamolum). Prescribe one tablet 2 times a day.

I option II option

Rp.: Tabulettam Paracetamoli 0.2 Rp.: Paracetamoli 0.2

D.t.d. N. 10 D.t.d. N 10 in tabuletti

S.Internal. S.Internal.

1 tablet 2 times 1 tablet 2 times

in a day. in a day

Example recipe:

Prescribe 6 tablets of Ascophenum. Take 1 tablet 2 times a day.

Rp.: Tabulettas "Ascophenum" N. 6

D.S. Internal. 1 tablet 2 times a day

Dragee, Dragee (Dragee -, Dragee -, Dragees - - a solid dosage form obtained by repeated layering of medicinal and auxiliary substances on sugar granules. The dragee is intended for internal use. Dragees as tablets are portable and differ from the latter in that complex dragees include several medicinal substances that ensure the consistent action of drugs isolated from each other by layers of formative substances. Sugar, starch, ethyl cellulose, cocoa, chocolate, dyes, etc. are used as auxiliary components.

Tablets and dragees are manufactured in a factory manner according to standard prescriptions; they are in finished form in the pharmacy, and therefore, when writing prescriptions for these dosage forms, the veterinarian must be guided by the standard dosage of the ingredients. Fillers added to increase weight are not indicated in recipes.

The prescription begins with the indication of the dosage form, i.e. from the word Dragee, followed by the name of the medicinal substance, its single dose, designation of the number of dragees (D.t.d.N. 10) and signature.

Example recipes:

Prescribe 20 tablets containing 0.05 diazolinum (Diazolinum). Prescribe 1 tablet 2 times a day.

Rp.: Dragee Diazolini 0.05

S. Internal. 1 tablet 2 times a day.

Prescribe 100 “Undevitum” tablets. Prescribe 4 tablets 2 times a day.

Rp.: Dragee "Undevitum" N. 100

D.S. Internal. 4 tablets 2 times a day.

Pills, Pilulae (singular name - Pilula, genus Pilulae, plural genus - Pilularum).

Pills are a dosage form for internal use, which are balls weighing from 0.1 to 0.5 for small animals and from 2.0 to 6.0 for large animals. In addition to medications, the composition of the pills also includes indifferent substances that serve as the basis for the preparation of the pill mass, which should have the consistency of a thick, easy-to-mix dough that can easily come off the walls of a mortar and pestle.

Rye flour (Farina secalina) and powders containing a large number of mucus: licorice root powder (Pulvis radicis Glycyrrhizae), marshmallow root powder (Pulvis radicis Althaeae), etc. with the addition of water, liquid or thick extracts.

The amount of formative and flavoring agents is usually not indicated in recipes, but written Quantum satis (q.s.) - as much as needed, ut fiat pilula - to make a pill.

Example recipe:

Prescribe 30 pills containing 0.05 mammary gland(Ferri lactas) in each. Prescribe 1 pill 2 times a day.

Rp.: Ferri lactatis 0.05

Extracti et pulveris

Radicis Glycyrrhizae

q.s. ut flat pilula

S. Internal. 1 pill 2 times a day.

Boluses, Boli (unit named after - Bolus, genus - Boli) - a dense dosage form weighing more than 0.5, the consistency resembles soft bread. The same agents are used as formative substances as for pills, but most often rye flour and water are used. Boluses are prescribed for 1-2 days, since this is an easily spoiled form, boluses turn sour, mold, and dry out.

Boluses are prescribed mainly to horses, and less commonly to sheep, birds, dogs and cattle. Give to animals using a bolus giver or forceps.

Example recipes:

Prescribe 4 boluses containing 20.0 paracetamol (Paracetamolum) each. 2 boluses per day.

Rp.: Paracetamol 20.0

Farinae secalinae et

Aquae destillatac q. s.

S. Internal. 2 boluses per day.

Prescribe the horse 2 boluses containing 15.0 sabur per dose. 1 bolus 1 time per day.

Rp.: Aloes pulverati 15.0

Farinae secalinae et

Aquae destillatae q.s.

S. Internal. 1 bolus 1 time per day.

Capsules, Capsulae (singular part named after - Capsula, genus - Capsulae, plural part named after - Capsulis).

Capsules are shells used to contain powdered and liquid medicinal substances used internally. Taking medications in capsules allows you to hide the unpleasant taste and smell, as well as prevent the irritating effect of drugs on the mucous membrane oral cavity.

Depending on the material from which the capsules are made, there are:

1. Starch capsules or wafers (Capsulae amylaceae s. oblatae). The material used for production is starch. Wheat flour. Starch capsules are filled only with non-hygroscopic powders, as they become soggy very easily. To obtain powders in starch capsules from a pharmacy, the veterinarian must indicate the number of such doses... in starch capsules D.t.d. N. in capsulis amylaceis (tv. plural).

Example recipe:

Prescribe 10 quinine sulfate powders (Chinini sulfas) no. 0.3 in starch capsules. Take 1 capsule 2 times a day.

Rp.: Chinini sulfatis 0.3

D.t.d.N. 10 in capsulis amylaceis

S. Internal. 1 capsule 2 times a day

2. Gelatin capsules (Capsulae gclatinosae). There are: a) elastic gelatin capsules - Capsulae gelatinosae elasticae, made from a mixture of gelatin, water and glycerin, and factory-filled with the same liquid medicinal substances, such as castor oil, etc.; b) hard gelatin capsules - Capsulae gelatinosae durae, made from pure gelatin in the form of two cylindrical cups that fit into each other with rounded bottoms.

Example recipe:

Prescribe 10 ml of castor oil (Oleum Ricini) in gelatin capsules, 1 ml each. For one appointment.

Rp.: Olei Ricini 1 ml

D.t.d. N.I 0 in capsulis gelatinosis elasticis

S. Internal. For one appointment.

Fees, Species (singular part im. p. - Species, gen. p. - Speciei, pl. part. gen. p. - Spe-cierum).

Collections - a mixture of dried and coarsely ground various parts medicinal plants with the addition of some salts and other substances. Table No. 1

The name of some parts of plants included in the collections.

The plants included in the collection contain active ingredients that have astringent, laxative, diuretic and other properties. Plants containing potent and toxic substances are not prescribed in the collections. To correct the taste, sweet or bitter substances are added to the composition of the collection, depending on the medicinal raw material and the type of animal.

In recipes, parts of some plants are written in the genitive plural. For example: leaves - foliorum, flowers - florum, fruits - fructuum.

Fees are prescribed both for external use in the form of poultices, lotions, baths, and for internal use (diuretics, laxatives, etc.).

The preparations are prescribed in the same way as non-dosed powders, indicating the total amount of medicinal raw materials. Ingredients are listed in order of their pharmacological activity or botanical characteristics. Since the medicine for use is prepared by the owner of the sick animal, the signature should indicate in detail what and how to prepare from the prescribed collection.

Example recipe:

Prescribe a collection containing 50.0 wormwood herb (Herba Absinthii), 20.0 cumin fruit (Fructus Carvi), 30.0 dandelion root (Radix Taraxaci) and 100.0 sodium chloride (Natrium chloridum). Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Rp.: Herbae Absinthii 50.0

Fructuum Carvi 20.0

Radicis Taraxaci 30.0

Sodium chloride 100.0

D.S. Internal. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Briquettes - Briketa (named after unit - Briketum, generic unit - Briketi) - solid formations of a certain qualitative and quantitative composition various shapes(rectangular, cylindrical, oval). They are obtained by pressing medicinal substances with formative substances. In briquettes for internal use, sodium chloride, chalk, feed, etc. are usually used as forming substances. Briquettes are used both for preventive purposes and to increase the productivity of animals. Example recipe:

Prescribe 100.0 briquettes of eucalyptus leaves for rinsing the mouth at the rate of 1/10 part per glass of water.

Rp.: Briketi foliorum Eucalypti 100.0

D.S. For rinsing the mouth. 1/10 part per glass of water

Granules, Granuiae (named for the singular part - Granula, genus for the plural - Granulae, genus for the plural - Granularum).

Granules are grains of various shapes, round, cylindrical or irregular for internal use. The granules contain medicinal and auxiliary (sugar, starch, wheat flour, ethylcellulose, talc, food varnish, etc.) substances. Granule size is 0.2-3 mm. Granules are official drugs; they are written out in the prescription in abbreviated form, indicating the total number of granules.

Example recipe:

Prescribe 100.0 granules of calcium glycerophosphate (Calcii glycerophsphas), at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 15 heads, 2 times a day with food.

Rp.: Cranularam Calcii glycerophosphatis 100.0

D.S. Internal. 1 teaspoon 2 times a day with food.

Premixes, Premices (singular part im. p. -Premix, singular part n. p. -Premicis).

Premixes are a dosage form obtained by mixing biological active substances, intended for addition to feed. Premixes may include enzymes, biostimulants, antibiotics, vitamins, microelements, etc. pharmacological substances. Based on their action, premixes are divided into therapeutic and prophylactic, antibiotic and complex. Premixes are prepared at feed mills.

In veterinary medicine, as in medicine, there are rules for preparing prescriptions.

a) documentary rules:

1. A recipe is an official legal document.

2. The prescription is written in ink or pen. Corrections to recipes are not allowed.

3. Special-sized forms 105 * 148 mm are accepted, other sizes are allowed, but with the obligatory indication of the stamp and seal of the institution issuing the prescription.

4. Only generally accepted Latin abbreviations are used.

5. On one form you can write - only 1 prescription with a toxic substance; 1 strong and 1 complex or 2 simple. Recipes are separated by a # sign.

6. Validity of prescriptions: poisonous - 5 days; potent, hormonal, neuroleptics - 8 - 10 days; others - 2 months.

7. At the end of the prescription, the doctor’s name must be stamped.

b) rules - design:

8. Medicinal substances in the prescription are written in Latin with a capital letter, most in the genitive case, each substance on a separate line. If the name does not fit, then the word is not broken (it cannot be transferred), but continues to be written with new column, retreating two letters:

Rp.: ...Benzylpenicillini

natrii........................ 250000 ED

Aethazoli................... 10.0

9. When writing a prescription for an official drug, the drug is written in quotation marks in the nominative case ("Ung. Wyshnevskiy")- Vishnevsky ointment.

10. Doses of drugs are written one below the other. Doses and concentrations of each drug are written on the same line with the substance; if the number does not fit, then it is transferred to another period, where a line is first put.

11. Doses of substances are indicated in Arabic numerals.

  • Solid, bulk - in grams and units. (the word gram is not written).
  • Liquid - in milliliters, drops, grams, OD. (5 ml, 0.4 ml).
  • If liquids are in small quantities, then they write in Roman letters, for example drops (if there are 1 or 2 drops, then gtt. I or gtt. II, if more than 2, then gtts. X.
  • The concentration is indicated in % or in ratio to the solvent (5% or 1: 500).

12. In the prescription - medicinal substances that are provided in mg (milligrams) must be converted into grams: for example, prescribe Amidopyrine tablets, release form - in 1 tablet - 500 mg

1 g ---- 1000 mg

X ------ 500 mg, X = 0.5 g (the word “g” is not written in recipes!!!)

Rp.: Tab. Amidopirini 0,5 , not 0.5 g, or 500 mg

13. If the drugs are in the same dose, put a reduction ahh (equally) after the name of the last substance:

Rp.: ...Iodoformii

Talci............ aa... 10.0

c) designation in recipes:

14. If the recipe is long and the form has run out, then write in the lower right corner Verte!(turn it over), and on the back of the form continue the recipe.

15. When prescribing a potent or toxic substance in a dose exceeding the maximum, then put the sign “!”:

Rp. : Phenobarbitali 1.0!

......D.S. Internally.

16. When designating a recipe in the right corner: Cito! - Fast. Citissime! - Very urgent. Statum! - Straightaway. Antidotum! - Antidote. Then the veterinary pharmacist must immediately prepare the drug according to this prescription.

17. Sometimes medications are required special conditions storage, then denote:

  • In vitro nigro - in dark glass;
  • In vitro flava - in yellow glass;
  • In charta cerata - in waxed paper;
  • In charta paraffinata - in waxed paper.

18. Sometimes it is necessary to repeat the prescription of the drug, then on the same prescription form they indicate at the top: Repetatur! (repeat), put a new date and signature.

For poisonous drugs - only a new prescription!

Recipe Ingredients

I. Inscriptio(title) - written in the national language.


  1. Stamp of the medical institution indicating the telephone number and address. (must be stamped or data printed).
  2. Datum: 01/06/2003.
  3. Nomen aegroti: name or inventory number, species, age, weight (if necessary), address of the farm or owner.
  4. Nomen medici: full surname, first name, patronymic of the doctor, indicate the paramedic or veterinarian. doctor.

II. Praepositio(doctor's address) - consists of one Latin word: Rp.: (Recipe - take).

III. Designatio materiarum (list of materials). They write only in Latin! Its content depends on the form of the recipe: simple or complex. This part lists substances in the genitive case.

3.1. First, write down the main drug substance, its concentration and dose.

Rp.: ..Sol. Mentoli Oleosae 1% - 50 ml

3.2. If there are more medicinal substances, then they are written one under the other. Also indicating the dose and concentration.

Rp.: ..Iodoformii ...................10.0

Naphthalini.........................15.0 .100.0

M.f. pulvis.

3. 3. When prescribing 2 or more substances in equal doses, the quantity is indicated after the name of the last substance:

Rp.: ..Iodoformii


Talci...................aa 10.0

M.f. pulvis.

3.4. In complex recipes there is a sequence in which prescriptions are written:

  • A). Remedium cardinale s. basis- a substance that is the main and most active, has the active ingredient of the recipe.
  • b) Remedium cardinale s. adjuvans- auxiliary substance, used to enhance therapeutic effect main, or to reduce side effects.
  • V) Remedium cardinale s. corrigens- to correct taste and smell, used for cattle, small cattle - salt, for dogs - sugar.
  • G) Remedium cardinale s. constiituens- a formative substance to give a medicinal product a specific dosage form.

It should not affect the action of the medicinal substance and not have a negative effect on the body.

Its quantity is indicated in grams, ml, qs - Quantum satis- how much do you need.

Rp. : Laevomycetini .......2.0

.......Massae pilularum+q.s.

.......Ut f. pilulae ........No. 30

If the dose of the formative substance is indicated precisely, then it is placed after the formative substance ad(i.e. the formative substance will go to 60.0, but they indicate that up to 100.0.).

Rp. : Glukosi.........................40.0

.......Aq. pro injektionidus ad .......100.0

.......M. f. Sol pro injection.

IV. Subscriptio- prescription for the manufacture of the dosage form:

1 case. This part of the prescription is not written if the prescription contains one drug, but goes straight to Part V of the recipe, while combining III (D.) and V (S.), For example,

Rp.: Sol. Mentoli Oleosae 1% - 50 ml


Case 2. If there are two or more components, and a dosage form needs to be made from them, then this part of the recipe is written like this:

Indicate which dosage form should be prepared after mixing all the ingredients.

Rp.: Iodoformii ............10.0

......Naphthalini ...........15.0

.....Talci 100.0

M.f. pulvis.

M.f. (Misce ut fiant - mix to form)

1. If in Part III (Designatio materiarum) form-building quantities indicated q. s., then they don’t write M.f., A Ut. f. - to be formed!!!

2. If the prescription is dosed, then indicate the amount of the drug, write:

D.t.d. No. _____(Da denture tales doses Numero)- Give out such doses in number.

3. If it is necessary to indicate features, then these features of the issue are also added:

D.t.d.No. ____ in charta paraffinata

V. Signatura- method of application, written in the national language.

Determine what dose the drug should be taken at one time (dosed), time, frequency and duration of use, method of administration.

This part of the prescription is written so that it is clear, even to the owner, how, how much, when, at what interval to administer the drug!!!

5.1. If the dosage form is dosage and there is no indication about storage features, then combine the subscript (IV) signature (V) and begin with the words D.S..

Rp. : ..........

D.S. External. Rub into affected areas of skin 2 times a day.

5.2. If medications are dosed or come in packaging, then write separately D. and on the next line S !!!:

D.t.d.No. 6.............(Subscriptio)

S. Internal. 1 powder 3 times a day. (Signatura)

......................# Or a case when there are features of dispensing in an undosed prescription:

.............Da in vitro nigro -

...................S. Internal.

VI. Nomen medici- a doctor’s signature is enough; it must be certified with a seal.

Recipe(from the word recipere - to take) - a written order from a doctor to a pharmacist about the preparation and dispensing of a medicine, indicating the method of use. A prescription is a legal document, so when writing it out, you must strictly follow the established rules:

1. Prescriptions are written on standard forms measuring 105x148 mm, in ink, clearly, without corrections or errors, in Latin, except for the title, signature and signature of the doctor (paramedic), which are written in Russian or the national language.

2. On standard prescription forms, only one prescription containing a toxic or narcotic substance is written. In other cases, no more than 2 prescriptions can be issued on one form. In this case, they are separated from each other by a line, and each subsequent recipe begins with the word Recipe (Rp.:) and ends with a signature. The doctor's title and signature are placed once, regardless of the number of prescriptions on the form.

3. In cases where, due to the condition of a sick animal, it is necessary to quickly get medicine from a pharmacy out of turn, write on the prescription form at the top left: “Cito!” (“Soon!”), “Citissime!” (“Very soon!”, “Very soon!”) ​​or “Statim!” (“Instantly!”). Also, medications with the inscription “Antidotum!” on the form are dispensed out of turn. ("Antidote!").

4. If the prescription signature does not fit on one side of the form, it is continued on the back, and Verte (turn over) is written below on the front side. Poisonous medicines, potent and narcotic drugs are prescribed on prescription forms that have a stamp, the seal of the institution and the personal seal of the doctor.

5. Recipes containing:

    poisonous and narcotic drugs, including codeine and dionine, are valid for 5 days;

    potent, sleeping pills and antipsychotics - 10 days;

    solutions of pilocarpine and physostigmine - 1 year;

    all other substances - no more than 2 months. from the date of discharge.

6. Prescriptions for toxic, potent substances and alcohol are left at the pharmacy. To refill the medication, you must re-prescribe it. 7. If a prescription is written in violation of the rules or contains incompatible medicinal substances, and the pharmacy cancels it and stamps “The prescription is invalid.”

8. Acceptable abbreviations in prescriptions are possible when writing the names of medicinal substances and instructions for the pharmacist. The names of medicinal substances, when abbreviated, end with a consonant, and if there are double consonants, end with the second consonant. The names of toxic substances and salts of polybasic acids are not abbreviated. Instructions for the pharmacist are abbreviated as much as possible, for which there are a number of conventional abbreviations.

Recipe ingredients:

1. Inscriptio (title)– includes the stamp of the medical institution, the date the prescription was written, for whom the medicine is intended and full name. who wrote the prescription.

2. Praepositio (address)- expressed by the word Recipe - take (abbreviation Rp.:).

3. Designatio materiarum (list of medicinal substances included in the medicine)

in complex recipes includes:

    main active ingredient (Basis);

    excipients (Abjuvans);

    substances that correct the taste and smell of medicine (Corrigens).

    substances that give a medicine a specific form(Constituens).

The name of each medicinal substance is written on a new line, with a capital letter, in Latin, in the genitive case, in a column one after the other; the continuation of the name of the medicinal substance, transferred to another line, is written indenting to the right.

After the name of the medicinal substance, the dose is indicated in Arabic numerals, the system is decimal, the unit of weight is taken as a gram, in recipes they write “1” comma “0” (1.0; 5.0; 250.0; 500.0). To indicate a dose, quantities of less than a gram are often used. 0.1 g = 1 decigram (abbreviated deci - 0.2; 0.5; 0.7), 0.01 g = 1 centigram (abbreviated centi -0.05; 0.15; 0.25; 0.73 ), 0.001 g = 1 milligram (abbreviated milli - 0.003; 0.015, 0.125). For example, 0.0005 is half a milligram; 0.0001 - 1 decimilligram; 0.00001 - 1 centi-milligram, etc. Doses of drugs have recently been indicated in g, mg/kg and units.

Liquids in quantities less than 1 ml are prescribed in drops in Roman numerals I gutta - 1 drop, III gtts - 3 drops. Liquids in quantities greater than 1 ml are prescribed in milliliters (6 ml, 20 ml).

The activity of some pharmacological substances is expressed in units of action (AU). In recipes they are designated in Arabic numerals without a comma (Rp.: Benzylpenicillini - natrii 300,000 units).

When prescribing several medicinal substances in a row in equal quantities, the dose is prescribed after the last drug, and the word ana is written before it - equally (aa).

Tablets are prescribed in expanded and shortened forms. The expanded form is more common: after the word " Recipe"(take) write the name of the medicinal substance in the genitive case, followed by its quantity in 1 tablet; this is, as a rule, a single dose, then - an instruction on the number of tablets prescribed: "Give out such doses No. in tablets " (Da tales doses or Dentur tales doses №__ in tabulettis) and signature.


prescribe 30 tablets containing 0.1 neodicoumarin. Prescribe 1 tablet 1 time per day.

Recipe: Neodicumarini 0.1

Da tales doses No. 30 in tabuletti

Signa: 1 tablet once daily

Prescribing tablets in an abbreviated form. After the word " Recipe"(take) write the name of the dosage form in the singular accusative case (“Tabulettam”), followed by the name of the medicinal substance in the genitive case, its quantity (single dose), then an order is given on the number of tablets prescribed (Da tales doses No....) and signature.

Recipe: Tabulettam Neodicumarini 0.1

Da tales doses No. 30

Signa: 1 tablet twice a day

Some tablets, which contain several medicinal substances, have their own trade (commercial) name. When prescribing such tablets, the prescription begins with the name of the dosage form in the accusative plural case "Tabulettas" then the name of the drug and the number of tablets are written in quotation marks in the nominative case, followed by an indication of the dispensing of the drug and the signature.

Recipe: Tabulettas "Nicoverinum" No. 10

Yes. Signa: 1 tablet 2 times a day.

Complex tablets are prescribed in expanded form.

Recipe: Phenobarbitali 0.02

Acidi acetylsalicylici 0.25

Da tales doses No. 10 in tabuletti

Signa: 1 tablet 2-3 times a day for headaches

3. Dragee- Dragee (inflexible) - a solid dosage form for internal use, obtained by repeated layering (drageeing) of medicinal and auxiliary substances onto sugar granules. Most vitamins are produced in pill form. There is only one form of prescription for dragees: after the word “Recipe” they write the name of the dosage form of Dragee, then write the name of the medicinal substance in the genitive case, its single dose, followed by the dispensing instructions and signature.

Example: prescribe 25 tablets containing 0.025 diprazine. Prescribe 1 tablet 2 times a day.

Rp.: Dragee Diprazini 0.025

Da tales doses No. 25

Signa: 1 tablet 2 times a day.

Granules– a solid dosage form in the form of homogeneous particles of round, cylindrical or irregular shape, intended for internal use. In recipes, granules are prescribed in an abbreviated form. After the word “Recipe” write the name of the dosage form in the genitive plural, then the name of the medicinal substance and its quantity. This is followed by the issuance instructions and signature.


prescribe 100.0 granules of sodium paraaminosalicylate. Prescribe 1 tsp. three times a day 1 hour after meals.

Recipe: Granularum Natrii paraaminosalicylatis 100, 0

The rules for prescribing a particular drug must always be followed. Otherwise, you may incur some liability. As practice shows, doctors are responsible for issuing prescriptions for medications. Therefore, violation of established norms is not acceptable. What tips and tricks should you follow? What can and in what order, and what cannot be prescribed to patients as a drug in a particular case? What process features should all healthcare professionals pay attention to?

Drug definitions

The first step is to learn the basic concepts that every healthcare professional should know and fully understand. Only after studying them can you start preparing the recipe. The following concepts will be useful:

  1. A drug (substance) is a chemical compound, which has so-called pharmacological activity.
  2. A medicinal product is a medicinal raw material that has been subjected to special processing. Sources can be different: plant, mineral, animal, synthetic, as well as the result of the activity of various microorganisms.
  3. A dosage form is the form of release of a medicinal substance that is best suited for a particular drug.
  4. A medicine is a medicinal substance released in a specific form.

Recipe Definition

The rules for writing a prescription vary. Each specific case has its own characteristics. Before issuing this document, the doctor must understand what kind of paper is being prescribed. So what is a recipe? What document could be called this?

A prescription is a so-called written request from an authorized medical worker to the pharmacist (pharmacy staff), which indicates the need to prepare and dispense a certain medicine to the patient. This paper gives the patient the right to purchase a particular drug.

When dispensing/selling a medicine, the pharmacist must carefully study the prescription - instructions for use for the patient will be written there. This is extremely important point. We can say that a prescription is a kind of permission to issue and purchase special medicines that are not intended for free access. Without this paper, many potent drugs are unavailable to patients.

This form is used not only for medications that are marked “Dispensed only with the permission of a physician.” Prescriptions are written to control the intake of medications containing narcotic and psychotropic substances. This way you will be able to find out exactly who and when, as well as what drug was purchased in this or that place and for what specific reasons.

Consequences of incorrect prescribing

The rules for writing prescriptions (dispensing medicines) are established at the legislative level. And violation of these norms entails certain consequences. Most often, they are dangerous or cause discomfort to the patient. Especially if the medicine is urgently needed in order to save the life of a citizen. So what should you prepare for if established standards for registration and prescription are violated? The consequences may be the following:

  1. Non-dispensing or non-sale of medicine. Pharmacies have the right to refuse to dispense the goods indicated on the form. This is a kind of reinsurance measure - perhaps the buyer decided to purchase a psychotropic substance (or narcotic), producing it on behalf of a particular doctor.
  2. The doctor's refusal to bear responsibility for the consequences of using the medicine. A recipe filled out with errors is considered invalid. If the patient uses it, all consequences will lie solely with the one who decided to use and purchase the medicine. You cannot make any claims against the doctor if the medical worker made some mistake during the treatment process.
  3. Additional cash costs for a drug listed on a prescription with a higher price. Some doctors try to prescribe either the “wrong” drugs or drugs with high price tags.
  4. Criminal or administrative punishment for doctors who write prescriptions for narcotic/psychotropic substances without indications. Not the most common case, but it does occur. A prescription should be issued only when indicated. If a medical professional issues this document unnecessarily, you will have to answer for the consequences.

It can be concluded that violation of the rules for registration of drug dispensing leads to quite serious consequences. Therefore, healthcare professionals should pay attention Special attention this process. Otherwise, you can bring disaster to both yourself and the patient. What are the rules for writing prescriptions? Order number 1175 dated December 20, 2012 indicates the algorithm for preparing the document. What features should you pay attention to first?

Who can write prescriptions

It is not difficult to guess that not all citizens can write out certain prescriptions. These documents are extremely important; their execution imposes, as has already been said, a certain responsibility on the one who issues them. It should also be remembered that a person who gives a pharmacist a prescription issued by an unauthorized person may be accused of making a counterfeit. It is for this reason that it is necessary to figure out who exactly has the right to issue this documentation.

The thing is that the general rules for writing prescriptions indicate that only a certain circle of people have the right to issue a document to a patient. Of course, we are talking about medical workers. These include:

  • paramedics;
  • doctors;
  • obstetricians.

This is where the list ends. No nurses or assistants have the authority to issue a prescription. Speaking about doctors, it should be noted that we are talking about everything like medical personnel. That is, a treating specialist, a specialized medical worker, or an ambulance employee can issue a prescription for a certain drug. The main thing is that it is a doctor, and not secondary personnel.

These are not all the features that are hidden in the rules for writing a prescription. The thing is that individual entrepreneurs often act as doctors. Some wonder whether such employees have the right to fill a prescription for medications. The question is controversial. In general, such a right is for individual entrepreneurs, carrying out medical care as narrow specialists or attending physicians, assigned. It’s just that such citizens cannot issue prescriptions for certain groups of medications. For example, all medications that contain narcotic drugs or drugs of the 2nd and 3rd list are subject to restrictions. Therefore, individual entrepreneurs have fewer opportunities. But ordinary doctors have more rights in the area of ​​issuing prescriptions. They have the right to prescribe almost all medications.


Did you need this or that recipe? Its structure (the rules for writing a prescription have general provisions on the contents of the form issued) is clearly defined at the legislative level. Every doctor must comply with established standards. Otherwise, the recipe will be considered invalid. So the structure of this document next:

  • information about the patient (full name, age, date of birth);
  • information about the doctor (initials are enough, sometimes the position is indicated);
  • name of the medicine;
  • indication of the recommended form of leave (optional);
  • features of drug dispensing;
  • date of document issuance;
  • stamp medical organization, in which the prescription was issued;
  • physician’s signature with personal seal;
  • instructions for taking the medicine (usually written for the patient).

It is this information that should be mandatory indicated on the issued document. Sometimes doctors even indicate the disease for which the patient is being treated. This is far from the most necessary step. But some people use it, especially when it comes to medications containing narcotic/psychotropic components. Order 1175N, issued back in 2012, indicates these rules for writing prescriptions. It contains other design features of the document in question. What other points should you pay attention to?

Various forms

The thing is that medical institutions provide a variety of forms for writing prescriptions. This feature plays an important role for both the doctor and the patient. Failure to select the form is a serious omission of the physician. What should every doctor know about forms? General rules prescriptions indicate the existence of only 4 forms of documents:

  • N148-1/y-88;
  • N148-1/y-04 (l);
  • N148-1/y-06 (l);
  • N107-1/1.

Each form has its own restrictions. In general, the structure of the recipes is no different. You just need to follow some small rules for document formatting. Otherwise it will be considered invalid.

What do the rules for writing prescriptions indicate? The prescription forms listed earlier are for specific medications. What medications are prescribed and in what forms? For example, N148-1/y-88 is used for:

  1. Medicines containing psychotropic substances included in the 3rd list.
  2. Any medicines subject to accounting.
  3. Drugs with anabolic activity.
  4. Medicines that contain narcotic or psychotropic components of the 2nd list in a dose that does not exceed the highest single dose, provided that the drugs themselves are not included in the list of the 2nd list of psychotronic or medicinal drugs.

We've sorted out the first type of forms. What's next? The rules for writing prescriptions for medicines indicate that forms N148-1/y-04 (l) and N148-1/y-06 (l) are forms that help to receive free medicines. The option of selling medicines at a discount is also being considered. We can say that these two forms of document issuance are intended exclusively for beneficiaries. For all other medications, form N107-1/1 is used. This is not all that a healthcare professional needs to know before he issues a prescription. What rules have not yet been taken into account?

For example, how to correctly record medications on certain forms. The point is that the doctor must first write down components that are psychotropic or narcotic, provided that they are included in the 2nd and 3rd lists. In the first place it is also necessary to record the names of any medicinal substances that are subject to mandatory registration. All other components are recorded after.

There is one more point - each drug has a maximum permissible limit. It allows you to set a limit on the amount of medication per prescription. It is not recommended to exceed the established maximums. For some medications, prescribing the drug in excess of the norm is strictly prohibited.

Sometimes it turns out that the prescribed medication contains narcotic/psychotropic substances, the concentration of which exceeds the maximum dose. In this case, the rules for writing a prescription indicate that the physician is obliged to prescribe precise instructions for taking the medicine with a dosage, and after this an exclamation mark is placed. The dose must be written in words. This rule applies to medications with psychotropic or narcotic components included in the 2nd and 3rd lists.

If the patient turns out palliative care, it is permissible to exceed the prescribed dose of the drug per prescription. But there are also limitations in this area. You cannot prescribe a quantity of medications with psychotropic or narcotic components that exceeds the established norm by more than 2 times. As in previous cases, this algorithm applies to substances that belong to the 2nd or 3rd list, or are subject to mandatory registration.

The rules for prescribing dosage forms in prescriptions indicate that when drawing up a document, you should write an appeal to the pharmacist, and also indicate the components of the medicine (along with its name) in this case, certain abbreviations are allowed. They were approved by a special order. Ingredients that are similar in name cannot be reduced at all under any pretext. The ban also includes substances whose incomplete names can cause difficulties in identifying them.

For the patient and pharmacist

The rules (procedure) for writing prescriptions exist not only for doctors and pharmacists. Patients also need to understand what exactly is being prescribed to them. Therefore, there are some recommendations that can help in deciphering the rules of administration, as well as other instructions regarding the medication that was prescribed by a medical professional.

For example, the method of using the medicine is prescribed with all the nuances. The dosage, frequency and duration of the course of treatment, as well as the time of administration relative to sleep (morning, evening, night, “before bed”) are indicated. If we are talking about drugs that must interact with food, the time of use relative to the meal must be indicated. For example, during a meal or after.

Sometimes it turns out that medicines need to be issued/sold urgently. Established rules for writing prescriptions (and other forms of issuing drugs) indicate that in such circumstances, the physician makes a certain note on the form Cito- it's "urgent" and statium used to indicate immediate release of the drug.

If we are talking about prescribing liquid forms of medication, then dosages are indicated only in milliliters. For all other (solid or bulk) options, this parameter must be written in grams.

Validity periods

These are not all the rules for writing prescriptions. Order No. 1175 provides for an indication of the validity period of these documents. After all, you cannot issue a prescription and claim that according to it the patient is able to purchase medications on a regular basis. The form must be updated from time to time. Maybe the treatment should be stopped!

How long are the forms valid? It all depends on their shape. Prescriptions written out on form N148-1/y-88 are valid for only 10 days from the date they were issued by a doctor. If we are talking about receiving medicines for beneficiaries (or at a discount), then there is no need to rush into purchasing. After all, forms N148-1/y-04 (l) and N148-1/y-06 (l) allow you to use the issued prescription for one month. But this is not the only rule that must be taken into account. The thing is that the validity period of “preferential” forms can be increased to 3 months. These are cases of issuing a document to disabled people of the 1st group, disabled children, as well as pensioners. But the prescription form N107-1/1 has a duration of action of 2 months. After the specified period has expired, you will either have to stop taking the prescribed medications or take a new prescription from your doctor. No pharmacist will accept the old document.

Features for beneficiaries

The last thing to consider is the rules for writing preferential prescriptions. After all, such cases are not too rare. The point is that all of the above features apply to beneficiaries. Only for recipes in this case there are some points that will have to be taken into account.

For example, a certain circle of people cannot issue prescriptions for drugs that can be obtained at a discount or free of charge. The ban includes medical workers working in sanatorium and resort organizations. Staff in day hospitals also do not have any rights to prescribe prescriptions to beneficiaries. In all other cases, the document is issued by the attending physician during treatment.

Prescriptions issued on preferential forms are issued in 3 copies. One remains with the medical professional who prescribed the medication, 2 are given to the patient. They must be taken to a pharmacy.


The rules for writing prescriptions (RK and RF) provide for some features of filling out the document. More precisely, requirements that must be complied with. We are no longer talking about the recipe itself, but about its design. It is clear in what order the substances should be listed. But that is not all.

The fact is that all forms must be completed manually by the attending physician or other healthcare professional who has the right to issue a prescription. In this case, all entries are made only with a ballpoint pen (black or blue). Labels must be clear and legible.

The initials of the patient and the doctor must be indicated in full in the spaces provided. Abbreviations are prohibited. If you provide information about the doctor writing the prescription, such a step is acceptable, although not encouraged. But patient data must be contained in full.

The column "Rp" is intended strictly for names medical product. Here the name is indicated in Latin, then in Russian. Next, the doctor prescribes recommendations for use. At the end, the doctor’s signature, date of issue and stamp are placed. The rules for writing prescriptions are now clear. Narcotic and psychotropic substances are not sold without this document!
