Dreams: color or black and white. How to determine without a dream book why you had a colored dream

Why do you have colorful dreams?

Miller's Dream Book

In dreams of green light you have the opportunity to celebrate, dreams of yellow and red light call you to pay attention to solving a problem or to your health. Fortunately for most of us, yellow light colored dreams are more common, telling us about the need to grow and change and warning us about this in different ways.

Let's say you got divorced a few years ago and now feel ready to get married again. You have met an excellent person, but something is still holding you back from taking the final step. You know that when you should listen to your gut feeling, you dream that you are sitting in a car stuck on the road. And wow, two days before the wedding you have such a dream!

But instead of a subcompact, you're stuck in an S-class Mercedes. Since you like Mercedes, your color dream tells you: yes, this a good choice. But you are dreaming of a yellow light, which means that you need to look at what unfinished business or relationship in your first marriage may interfere with your second.

If you think about it a little or write down on a piece of paper the strengths and weaknesses of both your partners, you will see that they are similar in some ways. Maybe they're both sleeping on right side a bed on which you yourself like to sit. Maybe this will be something more important to you: let's say they tend to pester you with love when you want to be alone. The important thing is that your colored dream says: something from a previous relationship that caused you pain has migrated into your new relationship.

Why do you have colorful dreams?

Freud's Dream Book

Opportunities for growth and maturation appear in colorful dreams, and they can touch any aspect of our lives. Let's say you are considering whether to continue your studies. The only problem is that you are not very capable of learning and you need to constantly study with a teacher to achieve your goal. Perhaps you will see a signal dream that will be a warning for you.

Remembering the color dream, you go to the university, talk to the teachers and realize that the teaching methods of twenty years ago are outdated and now you can get more help here than before. You paid attention to your dream and, in accordance with it, before dramatically changing your life, you decided to first find out everything in more detail. You may be rewarded with a celebratory dream of green light, as you experience a sense of legitimate pride and pleasant excitement. You discovered new possibilities in part because you listened to your yellow light signal dream.

So, yellow light colored dreams may be warning you to be careful in your actions but still take action!

Why do you have colorful dreams?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Over time, Color Dreams can evolve. Once you reach a new level of understanding of your environment and relationships with other people, the images in your signal dreams may change. Although most of the themes of your dreams will remain the same - flying, soaring, fast movement, beauty, peace - the symbols in them may reflect a new “height”. In a dream, your plane may become larger, the car more powerful, the movement faster, the launch sites more diverse. Or people and places may become different, but the environment may remain the same.

When you work with different options Colored dreams, you will learn to recognize the symbolic forms that they take. And remember that these are special, very important dreams that people do not often dream of throughout their lives.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Friday to Saturday

The dream contains encrypted advice, a hint on how to act in the future for the sleeper or his loved ones. Bright and pleasant dream portends good luck in current affairs and endeavors. Pictures that contain barriers or restrictions have the opposite meaning. Dreams for this day of the week are prophetic.

Good day, reader! Sleep is one of the the most important conditions normal existence and preservation of human performance. Experts say that we most often see during the phase REM sleep. These can be very vivid and vivid color dreams that will remain in memory for a long time. for a long time, or gray and unremarkable, which will be forgotten immediately after waking up.

Psychologists around the world believe that the majority of people have dreams without different colors, and even cited statistics according to which only 20% of the population can see colored dreams. In addition, they carried out big number research aimed at explaining this phenomenon.

One of the most popular studies is an experiment conducted by an American scientist. Its essence was that a certain number of people of different ages was divided into three target groups. People included in the first group had signs of a disease such as. Those who entered the second group had hereditary signs of this serious illness, and the third group consisted of mentally healthy people.

The study found that people with schizophrenia are 20 times more likely to experience dreams in different colors.

Does this mean that people for whom colorful dreams are the norm suffer from schizophrenia?

The next group of researchers came to the conclusion that colorful dreams are an indicator of the impact of events experienced over the past day on you. Indeed, try to remember yourself in the evening, on the eve of an exam or an important interview. A large number of thoughts before bed leads to an eventful and disturbing sleep. This type of dream carries a sharply negative emotional connotation.

However, the happy moments experienced during the day are also reflected in our dreams, bringing peace and happiness into them.

Another hypothesis is that color night “viewing” is the lot of talented and gifted people. Indeed, it is worth remembering only Mendeleev with his dream periodic table, or Beethoven, who dreamed of entire passages from his works.

It is believed that such gifted people have a more developed imagination and Creative skills. People who have a significantly developed left hemisphere, in turn responsible for logical thinking, most often see achromatic or all kinds of black and white dreams.

So, after all, viewers of colored dreams are creative and often brilliant people?

Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to get a definite answer to this question. Scientists continue to conduct research exploring the capabilities of the human brain. And the rest can only guess what is really hidden behind this phenomenon.

Those who are used to seeing dreams in color consider this to be the norm, while people who most often see dreams in black and white prefer to adhere to the version of schizophrenia.

But more often than not, people simply do not remember details such as the presence of colors in their night visions, which gives them the opportunity to come up with ideas, relying entirely on their imagination.

What kind of dreams do you have?

Memorable dreams with an unusual plot are manifestations of higher nervous activity, which have not been fully studied scientific point vision. At least once in his life, every person was deeply impressed by a dream he saw. And I probably wondered: who dreams in color, and who dreams in black and white?

Dreams reflect external reality, which is intertwined with the peculiarities of a person’s inner world, which is formed from the moment of his birth. From a physiological point of view, in a dream there is a sorting of information received from environment with the help of several thousand nerve impulses coming from the receptors of the analyzers. During sleep, when the brain is disconnected from external stimuli, that is, it stops analyzing external environment, the threshold for the penetration of nerve signals coming from internal organs, decreases and the person develops the ability to perceive what was ignored in the waking state.

Black and white dreams come from the near subconscious and in most cases help to realize personal problems and contradictions in relationships. People who often see black and white dreams are rational, have an analytical mind and are not prone to showing strong emotions. Even in sleep, their left hemisphere works hard, digesting the information received, and producing solutions to the assigned problems.

Colorful dreams are the result of imaginative thinking, therefore those who see colorful dreams are creative people, with developed imagination. Seeing dreams in a variety of colors, they internalize the emotions they have experienced.

Theories of the origin of colored dreams

Why do some people constantly have colorful dreams, while others rarely see them? Scientists' opinions on this matter are divided, so today there are several theories about the origin of color dreams.

  1. Dreams in color are an individual feature of the body, that is, all people are divided into those who see colored dreams or only black and white dreams. However, modern research has proven that all people have the ability to see colorful dreams, which differ in qualitative characteristics: the intensity of colors, different colors.
  2. All dreams are initially colored, that is, black and white dreams do not exist. According to this theory, all people see exclusively colored dreams, but after waking up they do not always remember the color scheme of the dream, so they are inclined to think that they saw a black and white dream.
  3. Such dreams arise as a result of the so-called projection, since a person sees surrounding world multi-colored and, therefore, thinks in colored images.
  4. Dreams in different colors are pathological products of the brain, so people with lesions dream of them nervous system suffering from nervous mental disorders-schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychoses, neuroses, severe forms of depression. This theory, which was initially a priority among numerous theories of the origin of color dreams, was later not confirmed. Modern research proved that ordinary people, not prone to mental disorders, regularly see colorful dreams.
  5. Dreaming in color is an acquired ability of the brain that arose in modern society due to the advent of color cinema. This theory, put forward by American scientists, was formed on the basis of social surveys of representatives of different age groups. Thanks to this, it was found that young people under 30, who are active fans of modern films and often watch TV, see colored dreams much more often than representatives of the older generation. People over 50 watched black and white films as children, so they are less likely to dream in color. However, this theory has refutations: scientists are not completely sure whether dreams are initially black and white and are colored in various colors thanks to memories, or are they originally colored.
  6. Dreams are a product of higher nervous activity, characteristic of people with high intelligence. This hypothesis was refuted by Professor Elena Korabelnikova. She proved that the coloring of dreams depends not so much on mental abilities, but on such individual characteristics as emotionality and impressionability. Level intellectual development defines such a characteristic of a dream as a storyline: the better educated a person is and the more he knows, the more intricate and interesting his dreams will be.

Features of color and black and white dreams

  1. The role of the left and right hemispheres of the brain for color dreams is different. Responsible for the brightness and imagery of color dreams right hemisphere brain, for the frequency of occurrence of colored ones - the left hemisphere. If the right hemisphere, traditionally responsible for creative abilities, creativity of thinking, intuition, is well developed and dominates the left, a person will see more emotionally charged, varied dreams. Representatives of creative professions, primarily artists and musicians, who think in images, see very interesting and extremely vivid dreams.
  2. A direct dependence of the color scheme of a dream on the emotional mood preceding sleep has been established. If the day was hard, filled negative emotions, then the dream will be black and white or gray. The pleasant emotions experienced are “translated” into the subconscious and foreshadow colorful dreams. However, a dream in color is not always necessarily positive, just as a dream in black and white does not always carry a negative meaning.
  3. The predominant color scheme of a dream can tell a lot about a person’s hidden, unconscious desires. The color of a dream is a kind of indicator of consciousness, and can signal a state of health, hidden fears and worries, physical condition body.
  4. Representatives of the fair half of humanity see colorful dreams more often than men. This is due to the fact that they are by nature more emotional and impressionable people.

Is it possible to turn black and white dreams into colors?

In order to “color” dreams, scientists suggest following the following simple recommendations:

  • it is necessary to develop in every possible way the right hemisphere, which is responsible for creativity and imaginative thinking; To do this, you can write and make movements with your left hand;
  • an interesting, eventful life, where there is no place for boredom and monotony, is a prerequisite for the occurrence of colorful dreams;
  • ability to be positive person, rejoice simple things and every day stimulates the development of emotional intelligence necessary for the production of colorful dreams;
  • a sufficient amount of sleep makes dreams positive, and, in most cases, colorful; if a person experiences chronic fatigue caused by systematic lack of sleep, he often has nightmares, black and white dreams.

List of used literature:

  • The Epistemology of Descartes (fulltext) Classic philosophy on the difference between the real and the dream world
  • The International Association for the Study of Dreams Research About Dreams and Dreaming
  • Beskova I. A. The nature of dreams (epistemological analysis) / RAS, Institute of Philosophy. - M., 2005

Why do I have colorful dreams?

Everyone will have dreams. Some people see them in black and white, while others have bright colorful dreams. Waking up after such a dream is pleasant, the mood is not overshadowed by anything, the person is full of energy. Let's look at the question of why we have colorful dreams.

Reasons influencing the color of dreams

  • Emotional condition. Scientists have found that this directly affects not only what kind of dreams we see, but also how they are colored. If a person lives rich life, does not suffer from depression and enjoys every day, his dreams will reflect all these factors. Conversely, if you are tired, your emotional condition is far from the norm, and you experience a feeling of apathy, then your dreams are likely to be gray and dull.
  • Creative people dream in color much more often than others. Their rich imagination itself contributes to this process. And impressionability and emotionality add color.
  • It is also believed that such dreams occur only to people with high intelligence.
  • There is an opinion that color dreams are directly related to the age of cinematography. Although whether or not to believe in such a fact is a questionable question. Research conducted by scientists has revealed that the younger generation sees vivid dreams more often than older people. This is directly related to watching films. And since the older generation had the opportunity to watch only black and white films, conclusions were drawn accordingly.
  • Psychological condition. Doctors also put forward a hypothesis about who has colorful, vivid dreams. They, according to experts, are a deviation from normal condition person. This means that if you don’t see black and white dreams, simply put, you have mental problems or you suffer from schizophrenia. This hypothesis appeared after a series of studies by Professor Bravin Stent, but today many scientists refute this theory.

And yet our science cannot give an exact answer to the question « Why do I always have colorful dreams? » There are many guesses and assumptions around this topic, but not one of them has yet been fully proven. Some people believe that dreams have no color, but that they take on colors in your imagination. Based on what we want to see. Good dream our subconscious will paint it in bright colors, while the gloomy one will endow it with dark ones, gray flowers. Remembering what you dreamed, you involuntarily add bright accents and colors. And by the way, even if you don’t remember that you had a dream last night, this does not mean at all that it is true. During the night a person sees several scenes at once, and he manages to remember only a few of them.

How to identify a prophetic dream

After interpreting the dream, we think about it. Whether the dream will come true or not depends on which lunar day you dreamed about and on what day of the week. Let's look into moon calendar- what and what lunar day.

By comparing the data on lunar day and by the day of the week one can guess whether the prophecy of the dream will come true.

Sleep from Friday to Saturday 03/23/2019

Sleeping from Friday to Saturday can also find application in reality. The abundance of happy events and pleasant impressions given by Morpheus speaks...

Many people wake up for some time under the influence of their dream. It happens that we remember for a long time what we dreamed, while plunging into the atmosphere of a dream. Someone at this moment realizes what they saw color dream, because colorful pictures come to mind. Most people (according to some experts, their number reaches 75-80%) dream black and white dreams. Are these figures true and, in general, why is it that someone has access to a range of sleepy colors, while others are content with black and white pictures? Can a person himself regulate his dreams and influence the color of dreams?

Scientists' opinions are divided...

It must be said that psychologists themselves cannot come to a unity of views. Some support the fairly widespread belief that people suffering from certain mental disorders experience colored dreams. Statements that dreams in color are one of the signs of schizophrenia could often be found in various articles 2-3 decades ago, but someone still holds the same views. Other scientists have categorically refuted such assumptions, especially since the level of research on sleep has increased. Let's try to figure out what arguments both sides give. But first, let's give a few points about the color of dreams.

Who sees colored dreams and why?

The fact that they dream in color is most often said representatives of creative professions, first of all, artists and musicians. Some painters do not hide the fact that they initially saw the images of their paintings in a dream. Researchers claim that colorful dreams are characteristic of emotional people , and lefties. It has been established that the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the vividness of dreams, their imagery and “fantasy” nature. It is precisely this that is better developed in left-handed people.

Representatives of the fair sex, who are more emotional than men, are about one and a half times more likely to talk about their colorful dreams compared to the stronger sex.

If you pay attention to the various age groups, then a pronounced trend is visible, indicating that As people age, they have less frequent dreams in color. Some scientists directly link the colors of dreams with color television and color cinema. These experts argue that older people dream predominantly in black and white because their childhood and adolescence included black and white TV and black and white cinema (however, their opponents cite as a counterargument that research into black and white dreams began when before televisions and even cinemas existed). This statement allows us to suggest that today's children and youth, born in the age of color television, cinema and monitors, when they reach old age, will see color dreams much more often than their parents and grandparents.

Researchers point to the dependence of dreams on a person’s mood during the day. If you are sad, depressed, if the day has not gone well and turned out to be difficult, then you are unlikely to see a dream in color at night. But the joyful events that happened during the day, and good mood become the key to colorful dreams. At the same time, it is important to note that not all colored dreams are pleasant in their content. Research data suggests that nightmares are more often attributed to color than other dreams. In turn, a black and white dream can be pleasant and positive.

Why do we dream in color or black and white?

Now let's return to the confrontations between scientists. Some modern specialists claim that black and white dreams don't exist at all. All people see colored dreams, it’s just that many cannot remember the colors they saw at night (just as some cannot remember the plot, details or the entire dream), therefore, when trying to describe what they saw, they talk about black and white tones. Someone sees dreams in dim, muted colors and, upon waking up, cannot remember the color scheme. Other scientists say that we all see black and white dreams, but since the world around us is colored, when we wake up, it’s as if we “transfer” the dream into reality.

And since scientists have not come to a consensus, we will give our answer to the question of whether dreams are colored or black and white. And in our opinion, both answer options are correct. Dreams can be both black and white (for those who believe and know that such things happen) and colored. In other words, you dream exactly the dreams you want (according to at least on an unconscious level) and/or are accustomed to seeing them.

Is it possible to turn black and white dreams into colors?

If you don’t like black and white and want to enjoy the bright colors of your dreams and see night images in color, then try following a few simple tips. Whatever the reason why some people dream in black and white and others don't, these steps can certainly help you experience the fullness of the palette. Develop the right hemisphere of your brain. To do this, try to use more left hand: write several phrases a day with it, keep a spoon in it during lunch (by the way, the same rule works for neurobics). Learn enjoy life, enjoy every day. Strive to be a positive person. Try to get new impressions, lead a more or less active lifestyle and sleep enough hours for you(there is a version that a tired brain produces duller and fuzzier dreams). Over time, you will probably notice that your dreams will become colorful and bright.
