Morning exercises - rules of execution, a set of exercises and their effectiveness. The benefits of morning exercises and two sets of exercises for doing it

Do you do morning exercises? No? In vain! Morning exercises are not only a quick and easy way to cheer up, but also an excellent opportunity to keep yourself in shape without additional special training. You don't need exotic exercises to exercise. The usual and long-familiar ones are quite enough.

The main thing is to do these simple exercises correctly, in right time and in the right quantity.

Moreover, exercise can be a complete system for training the body and your overall physical culture, if you approach it seriously (I’ll tell you about this approach below).

In this post I will share with you five useful exercises For morning exercises and I will explain how and in what volume to perform them, so that you get a decent and really healthy exercise.

Morning exercises, set of exercises

To begin, take a few deep breaths in and out so that exercise does not cause acute shortage oxygen in the body, which will lead to too much strong heartbeat(cm. ).

1. Squats: 20-30 times.

2. Push-ups: 10-15 times. (If regular push-ups are difficult for you, do push-ups from your knees as described below).

3. Lying crunches: 15-20 times.

4. Bend forward: 15-20 times.

5. Bend to the sides 3-5 times in each direction with a delay of 2-3 seconds.

Below I will explain how to do each of these exercises and show them in a video. But first I’ll explain the rules of execution morning exercises which I have been using for many years.

How to do morning exercises?

In the morning we woke up 10 minutes earlier to give ourselves time to exercise. We went to the toilet and washed ourselves. Drank half a glass or a glass clean water. After a couple of minutes you can start charging. During this time, you can ventilate the room and get dressed for class. Shorts (or lounge pants) and a T-shirt will do just fine. You can exercise barefoot.

We always start and end the exercise with a breathing exercise. Take 3-5 calm but deep breaths in and out.

Perform each strength exercise 10-20 times depending on your physical fitness. Perform one set of each exercise, then rest briefly and move on to the next exercise.

It is important that breathing becomes noticeably faster, but not too fast. For morning exercises, a moderate, without excessive, load is quite enough.

Morning work-out. A set of exercises.


Very useful for legs, buttocks, back. The legs are 40-50 cm wide. They are performed energetically, but without “plumping” down. They sat down smoothly and stood up energetically. When bending your legs - deep breath, when extending, exhale. When bending your legs, your arms extend forward.

The option with arms raised up very effectively strengthens the back, improves posture, and helps fight back pain.

Push ups

Develops arms, abs, shoulder girdle, strengthens legs. Hands at a width of 80 cm or more. Body and legs are in line. When bending your arms, inhale; when extending, exhale.

For variety, I demonstrate a complicated version of push-ups with alternating leg raises. This is very powerful tool for development .

If regular push-ups are difficult for you, do push-ups from your knees. The rules for performing and breathing are the same.


This is an exercise for the abdominal muscles. Perfectly tightens the stomach and leads to the appearance of “cubes”. Performed while lying on a mat. Looking at the ceiling. We don’t pull our heads with our hands. We twist the body so that the distance between the lower ribs and the pubic bone changes.

When twisting (lifting the body), we exhale, when moving backwards, inhale.

Forward bends

This is a great flexibility exercise. The legs are 10-15 cm wide. The lower back is arched and fixed. When leaning forward, it should remain in this fixed position. Do not round up under any circumstances!

The legs are slightly bent at the knees and fixed. When bending over, inhale; when extending, exhale. Don't let it get too much painful sensations at the back of the thighs and behind the knees. They should be moderate and pleasant. Don't force the exercise. Be careful. Excessive effort can lead to knee and lower back problems.

Side bends

Exercise to improve flexibility. Great for strengthening your back.

The legs are 10-15 cm wide or slightly wider. Raise one arm up and, continuing the movement, reach for it with your whole body, bending to the side. Hold the bend. Then smoothly return to a standing position and bend to the other side.

Inhale as you bend over. When returning to a standing position, exhale.

What kind of exercise do you do?

“As the morning begins, so will the whole day pass” - about this folk wisdom everyone knows from childhood.

Morning exercises are in the best possible way wake up and cheer up.

People who exercise every morning feel alert and energetic throughout the day. Morning exercise should not take you much time, as it is designed to wake up the body and get your body into working condition.

By doing morning exercises every day for 10-15 minutes for a month, you can lose a couple of kilograms excess weight. Weight loss occurs due to the acceleration of metabolism.

Where to start charging?

Doctors recommend waking up every morning not to the sound of an alarm clock, since such a sound puts the body into a state of stress. They say that you need to get out of sleep only naturally, when, after getting enough sleep, you open your eyes without external irritants.

But modern world forces humanity to get up early and go to bed late. Try to wake up to the sound of your alarm clock, smile and mentally tell yourself that a wonderful day awaits you ahead. Stretch thoroughly to feel each muscle.

Morning exercises should be aimed at stretching, no strength loads.

The set of exercises given in this article is a complete morning exercise. And strength “male” exercises should not be performed when waking up in the morning, because this can lead to heavy load on the heart.

There are two stages of morning exercises

The first stage includes exercises that are performed right in bed:

The second stage includes physical exercise, which are performed after you get out of bed.

If the weather is nice and warm outside, the second stage can be done on fresh air.

These exercises of the second stage of charging can be performed by men, women and children. You just need to control the load level - gradually increase the load every day.

These exercises are enough to tone your body and prepare you for the day ahead.

The warm-up can be completed water procedures. If there is no opportunity and time for this, then limit yourself to simple rubdowns.

Morning water treatments

After finishing your morning exercises and feeling a surge of strength, drink a glass of purified water without gas. Drinking water on an empty stomach helps wake up your stomach and speed up your metabolism.

Then we go to the bathroom to harden the body. Execute cold and hot shower. If you are not yet ready for such “entertainment”, do a rubdown - wet a terry towel cold water and wipe your whole body with it.

Do not wet your hair while showering

  • boosts immunity;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • improves skin condition;
  • helps get rid of cellulite.

How to take a contrast shower correctly?

First, prepare yourself for this procedure, prepare a hard terry towel so that after a shower you can rub well and improve blood circulation.

From the first seconds the water should be comfortable and warm, then increase the water temperature. The main thing is not to get scalded. Make sure that there is no tension in the body; the body should be relaxed.

A set of exercises for morning exercises is recommended to be performed daily. Naturally, there can be no coercion here, but later you will understand why this is vitally necessary.

Modern lifestyle and the need to move

Today, many devote too little part of their lives to physical activity. Modern man spends every day sitting, lying down, or in various combinations of these two positions. As a rule, this is due to the characteristics of their work or hobby.

For example, a sound engineer is forced to spend the entire working day in a chair. Writer most time sitting at the laptop. And there’s no need to talk about the employees of numerous offices. It doesn’t seem to be a big deal, but let’s see what a sedentary lifestyle leads to:

  • Prostatitis in men.
  • Hemorrhoids in both men and women.
  • Problems with the spine, back pain, pinched nerves and a lot of discomfort in life during active movements.
  • Brain stroke.
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system, pressure surges, hypertension. The list goes on.

The heart ceases to function normally, followed by a reduction in the vital volume of the lungs, the brain gradually loses its former functional acuity, and the muscles lose strength and precision of movements. The body ages faster. Physical activity is a kind of panacea.

Note that not every physical activity useful and not every day. There is work that is considered hard - this is the work of loaders, when you have to carry and move something for the entire shift. Here the human body is already wearing out, which also leads to premature aging.

And there is healing physical activity - morning exercises, amateur sports ( Gym, football, tennis and everything else that is done for one’s own pleasure).

The minimum you can do for your health is exercise.

The benefits of morning exercises and why it should be done in the morning

Good news:

  1. A boost of energy and an opportunity for the whole body to effectively “wake up” every day.
  2. Preparing the body for work after sleep.
  3. Acceleration of blood throughout the body, prevention of stagnation, aeration of the lungs.
  4. Maintaining body flexibility.
  5. Minor maintenance of muscle tone (here it all depends on the degree of difficulty of the exercise).

Most people wake up in the morning. They get up and pour themselves a cup of coffee every day, raising their blood pressure in organism. This is stress for our body. Therefore it is often said that overuse coffee can lead to unpleasant consequences. In addition, having become accustomed to coffee, a person needs a stronger stimulus and begins to drink energetic drinks. Goodbye heart!

Exercising every day raises blood pressure much more effectively, and in a gentle manner.

Actually, that’s why the exercises are known as a complex of morning exercises, because they are done almost immediately after sleep. However, you should know that heavy training after waking up is not recommended, since the body is still “sleepy” and its metabolic processes are too slow.

Charging complexes

Frequency of training

So, such an easy complex physical exercise should be done every day after sleep in the morning. It is not recommended to do exercises after eating, if you have a muscle strain. If you play sports, you can do without exercise, since it is replaced by your regular workouts, maintaining good condition muscles.

Since the level of training different people different, then we will divide the set of physical exercises into 2 complexes: for beginners and for people with little training. Let's call them the first and second levels, respectively.

Any set of morning exercises begins with a warm-up, this applies to both levels.


Warm-up will consist of bringing the joints and tendons into working condition:

  1. Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly rotate your head 10 times in one direction and 10 times in the other.
  2. Then we tilt our head to the right and left, forward and backward 2-3 times, stretching the muscles.
  3. We make circular movements with our shoulders, in the same way - 10 times in both directions. Then we make 2-3 stretching movements up, down, back and forth.
  4. Now rotate with outstretched arms in both directions at the same time. 10 times.
  5. Next, we do the same with the bend of the elbows. We twist our hands in the way that is most convenient.
  6. Stretch your hands - make circular movements.
  7. We rest our hands on our sides and make circular movements with our pelvis 10 times in each direction.
  8. We rest our hand on the wall and make 10 rotational movements in each direction with our knee bent. We try to increase the radius of the circle with each swing.
  9. We raise our leg so that the distance from the toe to the floor is approximately 10 cm. Draw a circle on the floor with the toe extended toward the floor by moving the knee.
  10. Then we do the same, but with the help of the ankle, and the leg is motionless at the knee.

That's it, warm-up is over. It may take 3–5 minutes.

Level 1 charging

Exercises for morning exercises of the first level are suitable for older people age groups and persons with poor physical fitness:

  1. We do this, trying to reach the floor with our hands on outstretched legs. This is a back muscle workout.
  2. We raise our legs bent at the knees up, simulating a step with a high knee lift - training the front muscles of the legs and abs.
  3. We sweep the heels back, remaining in one place - training the back muscles of the legs and buttocks.
  4. We move the leg to the side and back - training the lateral muscles of the legs.
  5. We swing our legs back and forth, trying to swing our legs a greater distance each time.
  6. We lie down on a fitness mat. Hands behind the head, we lift the legs bent at the knees alternately: right-left, right-left. This is an abdominal muscle workout.
  7. We clasp our knees with our hands, pressing them to our chest, and try to ride on a spine bent into an arc. Try to roll along the sides of your spine - that's where the muscles are. Of course, it is better not to ride on the vertebral bodies themselves.
  8. Roll over onto your stomach, place your hands on the floor and, pressing your pelvis to the floor, straighten your arms. Your body will rise up, look at the ceiling, throwing your head back as much as possible. This is stretching after working with the abs.
  9. Lift your pelvis off the floor and lift it towards the ceiling, the angle between the body and legs in the pelvic area will become straight (in a lying position it is 180 degrees). IN in this case core muscles are trained.

Each exercise involving swinging or other movement should be done 10 times for each part of the body.

Charging completed. Charging time is 10–15 minutes.

Second level charging

This option will give you energy and warm you up on a cold winter morning:

  1. The first exercise is the same as in the previous version.
  2. Squats with arms raised forward – 10–15 times.
  3. Free style push-ups – 10–15 times.
  4. Torso bending from a lying position – 10 times.
  5. press – 10 times.
  6. Bridge – 20–30 seconds.
  7. Plank – 60 seconds.
  8. Running in place – 20–30 seconds.
  9. Jumping on your toes – 20–30 seconds.
  10. Restoring breathing.

Then you need to go to the shower. For those who are tempering, it is very good to douse yourself with cold water. For the rest, a regular warm shower is enough.

Over time, you will notice that you no longer need coffee in the morning. By the way, you can come up with your own set of exercises for morning exercises.

If you are too lazy to do exercises every day, do it every other day or 5 times a week. But it’s better to develop a stable and strong habit of waking up with thoughts about exercise.

There are many different complexes, for example, in the practice of yoga (“5 Tibetans”, etc.), which are also well suited for morning exercises. For some, it’s enough to just warm up in the morning, for others, they do stretching after pre-warming up. Some people do 50 push-ups as soon as they fall out of bed onto the floor. Everyone has their own approach.

It is best to do exercises in the fresh air in combination with jogging. Or just go to the gym three times a week. This good alternative, but this won’t help you wake up in the morning. Therefore, no one canceled the exercise!

A person can live without food for several weeks, without water for several days, but without air he cannot live even a few minutes. To understand how important free and easy breath, remember how you felt when severe runny nose. The sensations are not pleasant, so your mood and well-being deteriorate not only because of the cold itself, but also because of a stuffy nose. Even Apple devices now have special workout apps. correct breathing and breathing exercises.

What are the benefits of proper breathing?

If we breathe deeply, evenly and measuredly, then the cells of the body are evenly saturated with oxygen, and the body as a whole begins to work more harmoniously. Let's decompose beneficial effect on the shelves:

The brain receives more oxygen, begins to work more productively, and wants to sleep a little less. With constant lack of sleep and short daylight hours, this is irreplaceable.

Lymphatic and circulatory system use their full potential, so fluids calmly circulate in the body, warming it and saturating it with oxygen. Immunity is enhanced by activating immune system, and thermoregulation becomes more intense. That is, in the cold season we warm up faster, and in the summer we tolerate the heat more easily.

The lungs and mucous membrane are better cleaned, so there is a chance of catching an unpleasant “sore” associated with respiratory tract, is significantly reduced.

Regular classes breathing exercises accelerate the metabolic process and have sedative effect. You can kill two birds with one stone - start losing weight and recover from insomnia.

The cardiovascular system is strengthened due to better blood circulation, and if you engage in sports or fitness, the loads are much easier to bear.

General rules of breathing exercises

To achieve proper breathing, you need to regularly do breathing exercises. It sounds very “academic” - but in reality this easy and enjoyable activity takes very little time and very quickly produces results, significantly improving your well-being.

You need to exercise daily. It is best twice a day - morning and evening, this will give the most complete effect. In the morning, breathing exercises will help you wake up, and in the evening it will calm you down and relieve the stress that has accumulated during the day.

You should not exercise after eating. Breathing exercises performed on an empty stomach or at least 1.5 hours after eating. Otherwise, a full belly will prevent you from breathing deeply.

Before performing the exercises, you need to warm up: perform rotations and tilts of the neck, twist and wave your arms to disperse the blood. There is no need to be very zealous, the main thing is that your neck does not “crunch”, especially after sleep.

To practice, you need to take a comfortable position in which nothing constrains you. Practice shows that it is most convenient to stand up straight, straighten your spine, or sit down on something hard. The pose should be stable, the back should be straight, and the head should not be thrown back.


Basic exercises for beginners are very simple. They are enough to tone the body and generally improve the state of “unconscious breathing” when repeated regularly. If you are so interested in breathing exercises that you want to deepen the effect, then many different schools will be at your service: from yoga to proprietary courses. When choosing them, you should focus on which one positive effect you want to strengthen.

You can perform these exercises in any order, but you should always complete the complex with a series of deep breaths while holding your breath.

For convenience, you can count the seconds in your mind by saying long word after each number. Americans usually say: “One Mississippi, two Mississippi...”, but you can come up with something of your own. For example, take the word “Pinocchio” or “caramel” instead of Mississippi.

Inhale through your nose, exhale through your nose. 10 times. Inhale deeply through your nose for 2 seconds, then hold your breath for 2 seconds and exhale through your nose for 4 seconds.

Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. 10 times. The same as in the previous exercise, but exhale not through the nose, but through the mouth. Athletes call this “circular breathing.”

Inhale with your belly. 15 times. Inhale deeply through your nose without straining chest, A abdominal muscles. Hold for 4 seconds and exhale through your nose.

Triple breath. 10 times. Take 3 short breaths, then exhale deeply. It doesn't matter how many seconds it takes, the main thing is not to take in too much air in those 3 "sips". In total, slightly more air should enter the lungs than usual.

Take a deep breath and hold your breath. 3 times. Take a deep breath, drawing as much air into your lungs as possible. Hold for 3-5 seconds, then purse your lips into a narrow “tube” and gradually release the air from your lungs.

We all understand that with age female body and the figure undergoes changes. The years make their own adjustments. After 40, metabolism slows down and hormonal changes, and the body becomes less flexible and mobile. This greatly affects both physical state women, and on the mental. You can come to terms with this state of affairs and give up, or try to change something.

The most best medicine from all of us age-related changes- regular exercise. And the editors "So simple!" prepared 5 of the most effective exercises for women after 40, which will reduce the signs of aging and help get your body in shape.

A set of exercises for every day

Below there will be a set of exercises and training videos, but for now let’s talk about why training is so useful and what you should first pay attention to when starting classes.

The desire to improve your health and tone your body is wonderful, it Right way. But in this endeavor it is important not to overdo it. If you have not played sports before, you need to be careful. It is best to start small and then add loads.

It is very important to focus on the quality of the exercises, not on the speed. It's better to do them slowly but correctly. This will bring more benefits and protect you from injury. Strength training is very important for older women. They promote muscle growth and keep the body in excellent shape.

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Strength training has a very positive effect on your mental health. In addition, studies have shown that regular exercise improves blood flow and stimulates brain activity. Exercise also helps improve the quality of sleep and will allow you to fall asleep faster. You know, you can't let age define you, mentally or physically. Agree? Then let's do the exercises.

5 essential exercises

  1. Burpee
    The classic burpee consists of the following stages: you perform a squat, rest your palms in front of you, take a prone position, do push-ups, return to a squat and jump up from this position. This is one burpee. The number of repetitions depends on your physical fitness. You can start with 10–15 and gradually increase the pace.

    This exercise may intimidate you because it seems quite difficult. Believe me, you can do it. Yes, the burpee contains several exercises and involves all muscle groups, but it does not require special training and equipment. Making it at home is not difficult.

    This is one of the best exercises to burn calories. It allows you not only to keep yourself in shape, but also to develop muscles. In addition to muscle strength, burpees help increase endurance, lung capacity and strengthen the heart.

    In this video, a lovely girl will tell you how to do burpees correctly.

  2. Squats
    Proper squatting strengthens the muscles of the buttocks, thighs, abs, and back. Plus, squats are great for balance and coordination.

    It is important to learn how to do squats correctly. So, stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. The back should be straight so as not to overload the lower back. Move your hips back slightly and begin to squat.

    The most important rule is that your knees should not go beyond your toes. Perform deep squats, lowering your pelvis as low as possible. Shift your weight to your heels, then you can work your gluteal muscle well. Start with 20 squats and gradually increase their number.

    In this video you can see,

  3. Plank
    The most best exercise for buttocks, back, stomach and every other body you can think of. With its help, you can strengthen your abdominal muscles, improve your posture, speed up your metabolism, and even get rid of a bad mood.

    The most important thing in this exercise is to take the correct starting position. Take the support while lying down (you can do it on your hands or elbows). It is better to do the plank on your elbows to avoid injuries to your hands. Place your elbows directly under your shoulders.

    Your spine should be straight from your pelvis to the top of your head. Bending in the lower back is unacceptable. Don't strain your arms, they are not that important in this exercise. The main thing is to tense the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks. Stay in this position for as long as possible. Repeat several times.

    Do you want to learn how to do a plank correctly? Watch a video.

  4. Lunges
    This is one of the most popular exercises in the world and there are a number of reasons for this. It allows you to perfectly work out the muscles of the legs and buttocks. As with squats, it is important correct technique execution.

    Stand straight, back straight, shoulder blades together, arms along your body. Your feet should be directly under your hips. This is your starting position, now start doing lunges. Take a step forward, keep your body straight. Lower yourself straight down, transferring your body weight to your front leg.

    It is important not to lean your body forward and not to help with your leg back. Lift up, tightening your hamstrings, and return to the starting position. Perform 10-15 lunges on each leg.

    Here is a video that will help you visually study the technique.

  5. Bent leg abduction
    And the last exercise on our list. Great for working out gluteal muscles and keeping the body in good shape.

    Starting position - on all fours, emphasis on hands, slight deflection in the lower back is allowed. Now alternately move your legs bent at the knees back and up. Do 10-15 repetitions on each leg.

    And a video for pinning.

It's never too late to play sports. These exercises are certainly very useful and should be done, but you can also add fitness classes or join a gym. We have prepared a small list of tips, be sure to read it.

If you do the exercises correctly, regularly and with great care, you will be able to maintain not only your clothing size, but also the health of your joints and of cardio-vascular system. In addition, they reduce the risk oncological diseases, diabetes and arthritis. Take care of yourself and your health!

What daily exercises do you do? Share with us in the comments!

Ekaterina Khodyuk’s main hobby is literature. She also likes to watch a good movie, enjoy autumn, pet cats and listen to the band “Spleen”. He is interested in Japanese culture, the thinking and way of life of the Japanese, and dreams of visiting this country. Katya strives to live a rich life, full of impressions and travel. The girl's favorite book is “The Unbearable Lightness of Being” by Milan Kundera.
