Anti-Smoking Day November 16th. No Smoking Day is a worldwide holiday. Information about the dangers of smoking

It is not customary to pay attention to smoking. Everyone has friends who love cigarettes, and even if the smell of tobacco is unpleasant, this bad habit does not cause much disapproval. Many people do not realize that every ten seconds one person in the world dies from exposure to nicotine. No Smoking Day aims to alert cigarette lovers to the risks they pose to their bodies, focusing less on the ban and more on promoting the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

World No Tobacco Day

More than one holiday is dedicated to the fight against addiction. In 1977, the American Cancer Society declared that the third Thursday in November would be observed as International No Tobacco Day. Later they decided to strengthen the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, and a new date appeared. In 1988, WHO declared May 31st as World No Tobacco Day.

The main goal of such events is to change the consciousness of smokers and attract those who have never smoked or managed to quit to fight it. The action invariably attracts the attention of doctors who talk about the harm it causes to health. The World Health Organization, proclaiming World No Tobacco Day, asked all countries of the world to accept nicotine addiction as a serious problem. global problem and tell people what the consequences of tobacco are.

In order to combat the bad habit, cigarette advertising is banned in some countries. Numerous campaigns are held to educate people about the dangerous effects of tobacco on health. Substitutes appear in pharmacies, and scary pictures about the dangers of smoking are printed on cigarette packs. International Day against Smoking has a specific motto: in previous years there were such slogans: “Tobacco-free youth”, “Tobacco and poverty: vicious circle" The use of slogans is encouraged both in social videos and during various events.

Purpose of the holiday

No Smoking Day has a global goal - to completely rid humanity of the harmful habit of smoking tobacco. WHO wants future generations to be free of all diseases caused by nicotine. It is important that Anti-Smoking Day informs the population about the impact tobacco addiction has on the body and how dangerous passive smoking is. Such actions lead to the fact that everyone more people prefer to give up bad habit. As a result of choosing the right solution:

  • a surge of energy is felt;
  • blood cholesterol levels drop;
  • women have a chance to give birth to a healthy baby;
  • vision becomes better, since after stopping smoking the condition of the vessels of the fundus normalizes;
  • men can forget about impotence;
  • the immune system begins to work better.

Disease statistics

In Russia, approximately 300 thousand people die from smoking every year. Statistics show that 40% of the Russian population are smokers. It is believed that approximately 6 million people die worldwide each year due to nicotine, including passive smokers who are harmed by second-hand smoke. WHO predicts that in the absence of proper measures, by 2030 the number of deaths due to smoking will reach 8 million people annually.

The attitude towards tobacco is frivolous, because cigarettes do not produce an immediate destructive effect. Unnoticeable erosion of the body leads to many health problems in smokers, often lung diseases:

  • Smokers are 20 times more likely to die from chronic bronchitis.
  • Lung cancer in 96% of cases.
  • Cancer and heart disease often affect smokers.

Some important points, which will become a support in a difficult task:

  1. Relieve hard days When the body weans itself from nicotine, if you have a long history of smoking, special patches, tablets, and sprays will help.
  2. Proper nutrition, including avoidance of alcoholic beverages and coffee.
  3. Exercise and breathing exercises.
  4. You should ask relatives and friends not to smoke if they do not want to get rid of the bad habit together.
  5. Smoke breaks should be replaced by a cup of green tea, fruit or a walk.

This Day is a great opportunity for those who smoke to find out why and how easy it is to quit. The fact is that smoking addiction does not exist. The fact that a smoker reaches for the next cigarette is a complex of specific processes that occur in the smoker’s body. Nicotine is a pyridine alkaloid. It acts as a mild pain reliever for only 18 minutes after smoking a cigarette. Then the smoker begins to more clearly feel the process when the body is cleansed of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and other unnecessary compounds, removing them through means internal mechanism metabolism. In total, about 500 compounds enter it through the lungs with smoke, including nitrogen, ammonia, resins, salts heavy metals, residual substances resulting from combustion, and the time for removing excess depends on the degree of their penetration into the body and takes a period from several hours to several days. bad joke a person is affected by his own cause-and-effect relationships, which are formed so variably that they are literally unique for everyone. The biological neural network unmistakably signals to the smoker that the body is not so well, it has deviated from the norm and is poisoned, and in cause-and-effect relationships a rule is developed to ignore this circumstance - the moment that the normalization process is taking place as usual and there is nothing to worry about.

The human physical body is genetically programmed for life. When threats arise, he works with them to neutralize their danger for his further successful functioning. Another thing is psychology and the broad abilities that are open to us. Unfortunately, we are capable of deceiving life and rarely allow ourselves to give up this, preferring to develop alternatives to the main one. signaling system simple reflexes. Retraining neural memory requires basic attention, a little time and is accessible to everyone.

Finally, the fight against this addiction is taking on quite concrete outlines, because just a few decades ago it was impossible to advance further simple words. The reason for this was the almost impenetrable lobby of tobacco manufacturers and their basic greed.

According to the project website, it is very symbolic that International No Smoking Day has its origins in America, the continent from which this total procession of smoking habits began.

In the distant year 1977, after studying the sad statistics of cancer patients, the cancer community of the United States of America established No Smoking Day for the first time. It was proposed to celebrate it annually on every third Thursday of the month of November. Soon people all over the world began to join this useful initiative. And later, in 1988, at the proposal of the World Health Organization (resolution No. WHA 42.19), the younger brother of this date arose - International or World No Tobacco Day, which is now celebrated on May 31.

The WHO statistics are very sad. The tobacco smoking epidemic in the 20th century killed more than 100 million people. In the 21st century, this figure may increase by an order of magnitude. About 63% of all deaths on earth are due to non-communicable diseases. Smokers occupy a stable leading position in these terrible statistics.

The purpose of No Smoking Day is active actions to help reduce the spread of harmful tobacco addiction. This includes the fight against tobacco smoking in all levels of society and primarily among doctors and medical personnel. Activities are being carried out to widely inform the public about the harmful and detrimental effects of tobacco on the health of the smoker, as well as the people around him. It can have a positive impact on the self-awareness of many smokers. Thanks to good public awareness of the health hazards of smoking and available methods To get rid of this bad habit, many citizens strive to get rid of the harmful nicotine addiction.

There is also criticism of these initiatives. Arguments and accusations of cynicism are given. Criticisms include, for example, the legalization of marijuana use in some developed countries. In addition, due to the astronomical increase in prices for tobacco products through taxes and excise taxes, followed by inappropriate use of the funds received, with a low level of information about effective and financially accessible smoking cessation methods for smokers, the coefficient useful action from these efforts for society is significantly reduced or becomes completely negative.

However, a study published in the journal Tobacco Control on November 1, 2016, found that basic graphic warnings on cigarette packages could help prevent more than 652,000 deaths over the next 50 years in the United States alone.

Interesting facts for International No Smoking Day

These so-called lifestyle diseases are good known issue in the West. Non-communicable diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes now account for up to 90% of deaths in developed countries each year. Read more in the material “The global epidemic of “lifestyle” diseases”, which can be used as a theme or script for an event or evening.

Every year on 31 May, WHO and its partners around the world celebrate World No Tobacco Day, drawing attention to the health risks associated with tobacco consumption and calling for effective policies to reduce tobacco consumption levels.

Smoking is the leading single preventable cause of death globally and currently accounts for 10% of the world's adults. Every year, the global tobacco epidemic claims about 6 million lives. More than 600,000 of these people are non-smokers and die as a result of inhaling second-hand smoke ( passive smoking). Without action, the epidemic will cause more than 8 million deaths annually by 2030.

The main purpose of World No Tobacco Day is to contribute to protecting current and future generations not only from the devastating health consequences of tobacco, but also from the social, environmental and economic consequences of tobacco consumption and exposure to tobacco smoke.

2017 in the Moscow region has been declared the year of the fight against cancer. Minister of Health of the Moscow Region D.S. Markov noted the need to improve work on prevention and early detection malignant neoplasms, and strengthening the interaction of oncologists with medical workers primary health care in this matter.

The role of smoking in the development of malignant neoplasms is undeniable. Medicine has no doubt that people who smoke develop cancer more often. It has been statistically proven that the risk of developing cancer is associated not only with the fact of smoking, but with its duration and intensity, that is, with the number of cigarettes consumed per day, month, year. Tobacco smoke contains more than 60 carcinogens, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, N-nitrosoamines, aromatic amines, aldehydes, phenols, volatile hydrocarbons, nitrohydrocarbons and other organic and inorganic components. In terms of weight, the amount of carcinogens in 1 cigarette ranges from 1 to 3 mg. One of the most toxic components of tobacco is cadmium, and its level is increased 3 times in the tissues of a smoker. Cadmium leads to carcinogenesis due to DNA damage, which leads to gene mutation, inhibition of apoptosis, which is natural defense mechanism from the growth of defective cells, alteration of gene expression, induction of proto-oncogenes, due to oxidative stress, inhibition of DNA methylation and activation of signaling cells. The role of free radicals is also great, the number of which also increases in the body due to smoking. Hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radicals lead to DNA damage in the form of DNA breaks or single breaks in the chain.

Those who stop smoking have a reduced risk of developing cancer, and this risk decreases more and more over time.

  • Lungs' cancer.

Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer and increases the risk by 20 times. Tobacco smoking is responsible for 86% of lung cancer cases in men and 49% in women. The risk of developing lung cancer is dose-dependent: the more cigarettes a person smokes, the higher his risk of developing lung cancer. So, when smoking less than 30 packs per year, the risk increases 3 times, when smoking from 30 to 59 packs, the risk increases 9 times, and when smoking 60 packs or more, the risk increases 20 times. For lung cancer, the five-year survival rate is only 8 to 14%. When you stop smoking, the risk of lung cancer is significantly reduced, and the longer the abstinence period, the more pronounced the risk decreases. Compared to non-smokers, the risk of lung cancer is only 3 times higher in those who quit more than 5 years ago.

About 70% of oral cancer cases are associated with smoking. Smokers develop oropharyngeal cancer 7 times more often than non-smokers. The five-year survival rate for these cancers is less than 50%. Suspicious for the process of malignancy in the oral cavity and oropharynx are following symptoms: not healing ulcerative defects, compaction or thickening of tissues in the mouth and neck, the presence of a permanent white or red “spot” in the oral cavity, difficulty chewing and swallowing. Laryngeal cancer is more than 20 times more likely to develop in those who smoke 40 or more packs of cigarettes per year and 9 times more likely in those who smoke 20 to 29 packs per year than in non-smokers. The connection between the development of laryngeal cancer and smoking is explained by a mutation in the TP 53 gene, which occurs under the influence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which are part of tobacco smoke.

  • Cancer of the digestive system.

Smokers have a 3 times higher risk of developing esophageal cancer than non-smokers. And although the risk decreases significantly when you stop smoking, it is still 2 times higher even 10 years after quitting smoking than for those who have never smoked. Adenocarcinoma of the cardial part of the stomach develops in smokers 2 times more often, and in the distal part 1.5 times more often. The risk of pancreatic cancer is increased by 3 times when smoking more than 40 cigarettes per day; when smoking less, it is increased by 1.6 times in men and 1.7 times in women, that is, the risk of pancreatic cancer is directly proportional to the intensity of smoking. When smoking cessation, the risk of developing pancreatic cancer is reduced by 50% 3-10 years after quitting smoking.

Smoking is one of the main risk factors for developing bladder cancer. Among patients with this pathology, 50% of men and 23% of women smoked before its development. The risk of bladder cancer is 3 times higher in smokers. And even after stopping smoking, the risk remains 2 times higher than for those who have never smoked. The risk of developing kidney cancer is 2 times higher in men who smoke more than 20 cigarettes per day and 1.6 times higher when smoking 1 to 9 cigarettes per day. The risk of developing kidney cancer decreases when you stop smoking, with those who quit more than 10 years ago having a third less risk than those who quit less than 10 years ago.

  • Ovarian, cervical and breast cancer.

The risk of developing cervical cancer is 3 times higher in women who smoke more than 17 cigarettes per day and 2 times higher when smoking between 11 and 16 cigarettes. The development of cervical cancer is associated with both smoking and infection with the human papillomavirus. If you have the human papillomavirus and a woman who smokes, the risk of development is even higher. That is, these factors have a mutually potentiating effect. Among the products of tobacco smoke, the development of cervical cancer is directly influenced by NNK, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and benzopyrine, which accumulate in tissues cervical canal and lead to DNA mutation. Risk of developing ovarian cancer smoking women 3 times higher than that of non-smokers. When you stop smoking after 5 years, the risk remains increased by only 1.7 times, and then it continues to progressively decrease. The effect of smoking on breast cancer may be greater than previously thought. According to the results of large prospective studies in healthy women With increased risk breast cancer, current and former smokers had a 39% higher risk of dying from breast cancer compared to women who had never smoked.

  • Malignant blood diseases.

The connection between the development of leukemia and smoking is associated with the effect on the hematopoietic system of such components of tobacco smoke as benzene, urethane, 1,3-butadione, N-nitroso-N-butylamine and sterene. The most carcinogenic of these substances is sterene. It is believed that its exposure is associated with the development of 10 to 50% of cases of leukemia in smokers. It is statistically calculated that only acute myeloid leukemia develops in smokers 1.4 times more often, and even after stopping smoking 1.2 times more often than in those who have never smoked. An increase in the incidence of non-Hodgkin lymphoma due to smoking has not been proven, but the mortality rate of patients with this pathology with concomitant smoking is higher than 1.6 times when smoking more than 31 packs of cigarettes per year and 1.25 times when smoking from 14 to 31 packs per year. When you stop smoking, survival rate improves significantly, almost 2 times after 10 years from smoking cessation.

During medical examination of certain groups of the adult population, much attention should be paid to the prevention of tobacco smoking and the treatment of tobacco addiction. As part of brief and in-depth preventive counseling, the population should be informed that tobacco smoking is one of the most hazardous factors risk of cardiovascular, bronchopulmonary, cancer and others chronic diseases. Passive smoking is just as harmful as active smoking. No safe doses and harmless forms of tobacco consumption. So-called “light” and thin cigarettes, as well as hookahs and e-Sigs no less harmful to health. Quitting smoking will be beneficial for your health at any age, regardless of your smoking history.

To provide medical care To help the population, aimed at stopping tobacco consumption, more than 60 medical care rooms for smoking cessation were organized in healthcare institutions of the Moscow region, in which more than 85,000 people received preventive motivated counseling and treatment for tobacco addiction in 2013-2017.

Given the priority of preventive health care and the impact that smoking has on public health, Moscow regional center medical prevention (branch for medical prevention of GAUZMO KTSVMiR) recommends that the Directorates for Coordination of the Activities of Medical and Pharmaceutical Organizations of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region organize the following awareness-raising events dedicated to World Day no tobacco:

  • Widely inform the population about tobacco smoking prevention activities through the media, post information on Internet portals municipalities, health care facilities, as well as in in social networks.
  • Organize the creation of a health area in the city, incl. smoking-free zones.
  • Organize mass events (health exercises, flash mobs, sport competitions, dance warm-ups) with the involvement of young people, incl. participants of public volunteer organizations whose activities are aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle, as well as in interaction with representatives of the media, education, social protection, sports and youth policy, culture, and media persons.
  • Participate in the organization of radio and television programs with speeches by doctors with an emphasis on the prevention of diseases for which smoking is a risk factor;
  • Conduct thematic seminars and conferences for doctors and paramedics.
  • Organize walking routes for the “10,000 steps to health” campaign.
  • Distribute reminders, booklets, leaflets aimed at combating smoking, issue thematic sanitary bulletins in health care facilities.
  • Establish a hotline at health care facilities to answer questions related to smoking cessation.
  • Widely inform the population about the work of the free federal hotline smoking cessation help 8-800-200-0-200 .
  • Place press releases on social networks with hashtags:


    #Healthycities of the Moscow region

Please submit information about the activities carried out to the Moscow Regional Center for Medical Prevention (branch for medical prevention of the State Autonomous Institution of Medical Sciences KTSVMiR) at e-mail [email protected] until June 30, 2017.

No Smoking Day is an international holiday celebrated annually in a number of countries. The reminder date that it’s time to think about your health falls on November 16 in 2017.

No Smoking Day is another holiday under the auspices of the World Health Organization. The holiday does not have a fixed date; No Smoking Day is given a floating date - the third Thursday of November. In 2017 it is November 16, Thursday. Anti-Smoking Day was established at the initiative of the American Cancer Society, which is very symbolic.

The meaning of the holiday- disseminating information about the dangers of smoking, helping to reduce the popularization of cigarette addiction, involving people in educational campaigns for smoking addicts, and so on.

As part of Anti-Smoking Day, activists from many countries around the world organize various actions, flash mobs, mailings and other events, the purpose of which is to convey the danger of inhaling cigarette smoke to the body. Also, caring volunteers set a goal to popularize healthy image life among young people, predetermining their choice in favor clean lungs. By the way, there is also World No Tobacco Day, which is celebrated on May 31st.

In fact, the fight against smoking is carried out daily, hourly. Passive fight. Everyone knows that “The Ministry of Health warns...”. Now the inscription, as far as we know, occupies a good half of the pack and reads "SMOKING KILLS". Unfortunately, this does not stop smokers who, despite what is “written in black and white,” light up. The reasons for doing this are often vague, but in general they are:

  • Stress is an excuse due to the fact that “a cigarette calms you down”;
  • Weight control (mainly in women) - smoking supposedly reduces appetite;
  • The desire to have “weight” in a company (mainly among teenagers) is a stereotype that the process of smoking is beautiful, “cool”, if you like;
  • Boredom - no comment.

Of course, the above reasons are absolutely meaningless, groundless and, of course, do not carry practically any significant message. They can also include one more reason, which will sound even more indistinct, something like this: "Don't know. Yes, I started smoking once, and I just can’t quit. Yes, we must."

In addition to carcinogens and other toxic substances that enter directly into the lungs and then into the bloodstream through a cigarette, a smoker undermines local pulmonary immunity, which contributes to the development of bronchitis. In addition, when smoking, an addict poisons not only himself, but also those around him, making them passive smokers against their will. It is hard to imagine how many mothers there are who, when smoking in the presence of a child, think that if he does not take the cigarette directly, then he does not receive smoke. Just how he gets it, just to put it in simple language, through the nose...

Discarding reasoning and postulates known to everyone since childhood, we remind you that the statistics of the World Health Organization are inexorable:

  • Lung cancer is caused by smoking in 90% of cases;
  • Every 10 seconds, one experienced smoker dies in the world;
  • 50-60% of men in Russia are heavy smokers;
  • Every tenth woman in Russia smokes;
  • In Russia, at least a million people die prematurely every year from diseases caused by smoking;
  • In addition to cancer, smoking can cause the development of heart failure and a number of other diseases.

So pull yourself together if you smoke and finally start breathing full breasts. Be healthy!

The first of these dates was set by the World Health Organization in 1988, the second appeared even earlier - in 1977, by decision of the American Cancer Society.
Statistics report that every tenth woman in Russia smokes, and 50-60% of men are heavy smokers. Despite the efforts of health organizations, not many people quit smoking, and even the risk of death does not help: smoking and the diseases it causes kill about a million Russians every year. This is much more than from AIDS, traffic accidents or hard drug use.
Every year great amount money is spent on explaining the dangers of smoking, developing new methods of getting rid of addiction and bringing existing ones to the attention of the population. At the same time, the tobacco industry spends millions to encourage people to buy more, more expensively and more regularly. But you cannot overcome smoking by, on the one hand, refusing it, and on the other, tempting you with it...

According to WHO, 90% of smokers die from lung cancer, the remaining 10% lose their lives as a result of chronic bronchitis, coronary disease heart disease and other smoking-related diseases. Not very funny anymore, right? According to the forecasts of experts from the same WHO, in 6 years, one smoker will die every second in the world. Maybe it's time to come to your senses and spend more than a day without smoking?

In Russia, smoking has never been considered something reprehensible. On the contrary, smoking was a sign of wisdom, meaningfulness, and “maturity.” According to the Ministry of Health, there are about 44 million smokers in Russia, that is, about a third of the country's population. Every year, almost 400 thousand Russians die because of this habit, and the working-age population is reduced by 1 million people (Out of 150 million living in Russia!). Even tightening laws on smoking, banning smoking breaks in in public places, publication scary photos consequences of smoking on packs are not able to convince persistent smokers.

For example, almost half of smokers consider smoking just a bad habit. Like, if I want to, I’ll give it up, even tomorrow, even the day after tomorrow, but better in a month, but in fact next year. Others directly claim that smoking is terrible, incurable disease. Therefore, you need to relax and enjoy yourself, anyway, nothing can be done about smoking, the disease is incurable.

How to quit smoking once and for all

Preparatory stage. You need to: Determine the reason for quitting smoking;
- Be deeply convinced of the need to quit smoking.
- If possible, establish communication with friends, colleagues and those persons who will provide you with help and support.
It is important to choose the right moment (at the beginning or end of vacation, weekends, etc.) and determine a specific day. If you find it very difficult to stop smoking right away, prepare a program to gradually reduce smoking, set the following rules for yourself and stick to them:
Do not smoke in residential areas and especially in sleeping areas, smoke only outdoors (on the street). Do not smoke in the workplace, smoke only in designated areas.
Postpone smoking your first cigarette of the day 10 minutes later than yesterday. Continue this until you can not smoke for the first 3 hours after sleep (tell yourself: I am strong enough to wait 10 minutes to smoke). After this, it will be easier for you to quit smoking altogether.

Main stage

Remember one thing: I want to do this, I can do this, I will do it!
Whatever happens, never go back to smoking again.
Get rid of tobacco products and smoking accessories.
Tell everyone around you about your decision not to smoke.
Feel satisfaction from the decision you made, it is a difficult task, but you will solve it!
Encourage others to do like you, but don't force them to follow your example.
You may encounter some difficulties at first, but they will soon disappear and you will experience the benefits that your efforts will bring.

Remember: whenever you want to smoke, do deep breath, relax, drink a glass of water or herbal tea (thyme, sage, wormwood), fruit juice, eat some fruit (apples) or carrots, use a lozenge, get up and walk around a bit.
Remember discomfort from your first cigarette.
Avoid contact with smokers for a while.
If someone offers you a cigarette, say “NO” and feel your power. Use the money you save from smoking to improve your health.
Rise above the false pleasure of smoking and replace it with healthy activities such as physical exercise, active recreation, walk on fresh air and so on.
Celebrate the success you have achieved in your fight against smoking.
Why should we stop?
We know the answer: Smoking worsens our health, enslaves us, pollutes everything around us, harms others, and in many cases leads to rapid aging and early death.

People who inhale smoke suffer even more than the smoker himself; in other words, passive smoking is more harmful than active smoking. This is due primarily to the fact that when smoking, smoke enters the body partially filtered, and this happens in portions. A passive smoker constantly and fully inhales harmful substances contained in tobacco smoke.
The effects of passive smoking in non-smokers appear almost instantly, such as cough, eye irritation, irritation of the mucous membranes, headaches and dizziness. In some cases, an attack of vomiting may be caused. These are all symptoms of body intoxication harmful substances contained in tobacco smoke. Scientists around the world have proven that so-called second-hand cigarette smoke leads to an increased risk of developing malignant tumors lungs. The risk of heart disease increases - the development of atherosclerosis and asthma is possible.

Observed frequent illnesses with complications in early age. Children who become innocent smokers may develop asthma.
The percentage of asthmatics raised in a family of smokers is much higher than the number of children who grew up in a non-smoking family. Also tobacco smoke affects mental abilities the child and his development as a whole. The likelihood of dental caries increases.

Chief physician of the branch of the Federal Budgetary Healthcare Institution "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Rostov region» in Belaya Kalitva A.Yu. Pivovarova.
