Professional standard for organizing work with youth. General educational standard for a specialist in youth work and requirements for a graduate of the specialty “organization of work with youth.” General educational standard for a youth worker


The sphere of state youth policy in our country began to develop relatively recently. Legislation is constantly developing and improving, new centers for working with youth are opening, many projects are being implemented, specialists in the field of state youth policy are being trained and graduated.

Surveys of youth, state and municipal employees working with youth indicate that in the organization and education of boys and girls there are not enough professional psychologists, sociologists, social workers, specialists in the field of computer science and management, lawyers and specialists in the rights of children and youth, including number of juvenile justice specialists.

The relevance of my course work show the importance of the profession of a youth worker, define the psychological, make our role in the development of social and political activity of young people more clear.

Object this study They serve as specialists in working with youth, whose professional qualities play an important role in the social and political activity of young people.

The subject of the study is the activities of the state in preparing the professional, personal and business qualities of an organizer of work with youth.

The purpose of my work is to show the state’s need for modernly trained specialists in working with youth, to study the significance and influence of the professional qualities of a youth worker on a young person,

To achieve the goal, the following tasks are set:

youth policy youth specialist

1. Consider the general educational standard for a specialist in youth work and the requirements for a graduate of the specialty “Organization of work with youth”;

2. Consider the professional competencies of a specialist in working with youth;

3. Study the Concept for the development of human resources in state youth policy in the Russian Federation;

4. Consider the need to increase the permanent qualifications of youth workers;

5. Develop a project: “Methodological center for advanced training and retraining of youth workers”;

This work consists of an introduction, two chapters with five paragraphs, a conclusion and a bibliography.

Youth specialist

General educational standard for a specialist in youth work and requirements for a graduate of the specialty "Organization of work with youth"

Currently, a system has been formed in Russia executive power responsible for youth policy at all levels: federal, regional, municipal. There is an extensive infrastructure of institutions working with children and youth, it includes the following entities:

The federal executive body in the field of youth policy is the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy; bodies for youth affairs of the Russian Federation (independent committees, departments, ministries - 41, combined with sports, physical education, family, tourism, etc. - 32, departments, departments, committees operating as part of education management bodies - 14) and interdepartmental coordination councils in the field of patriotic education (about 75);

Regional subordinate institutions(about 170);

Municipal institutions - neighborhood clubs, business incubators, patriotic education centers, etc. (total about 4500);

Over 120 thousand specialists;

2 specialized institutes of youth policy engaged in scientific and methodological support of the system (Volgograd, Novosibirsk) and 60 Russian courses in which over 7,200 students are trained in the specialty “Organization of work with youth”;

69 all-Russian and interregional public youth associations and over 25 thousand non-profit organizations and funds;

There are 220 programs for working with youth. (9)

Youth policy is aimed at creating conditions for the self-realization of young people, is the competence of federal, regional, municipal authorities and involves the organization of work in all preschool, school, university and other educational institutions, institutions additional education and education, institutions social services youth, in work collectives, among all age groups young people, regardless of their social, national or religious affiliation.

Youth policy is carried out by employees local government, employees of institutions and organizations that provide various social services youth, organizers and activists of youth organizations and associations, etc. However, as evidenced by sociological surveys of young people, as well as state and municipal workers, lawyers, doctors and other specialists who could work with young people. The training of teachers and educators in universities and colleges poses new tasks relating to work with youth, the solution of which upon completion educational institutions they are not always ready yet.

State youth policy strategy in Russian Federation, designed for the period until 2016, among the conditions for its implementation, determines the need to form human resources, which involves clarifying state educational standards for the list of specialties represented in the system of bodies and organizations implementing state youth policy; revision of tariff and qualification requirements for specialists working in the field of state youth policy; improvement of the personnel training system in the field of state youth policy in the field of education on the basis of the existing network educational institutions. Workers in the field of youth policy must participate in modern socio-economic problems various groups youth, their social and political values ​​and expectations, the need to participate in public organizations and the political life of the country, the difficulties of employment, characteristic life plans and opportunities for their implementation. (1)

Analysis shows that in our country there is practically no one system training for work with youth. Previously existing similar experience is practically lost or sometimes cannot be effectively used in modern conditions. In Western European countries there is no uniform approach to this problem. For successful educational work working with young people requires competent, highly qualified personnel with high professional and personal qualities. In order to implement a high-quality state youth policy and educate young people, it is necessary to create a system of training and retraining of various specialists, taking into account the specialization profile and regional characteristics of the country.

IN last years appeared scientific works, revealing the experience of training youth workers in various regions of Russia. Today, the state and qualifications of personnel working with children and youth do not correspond to the scale and pace of social changes in the country and in the youth movement, or to the tasks posed by the increase in negative manifestations among young people.

The development of youth infrastructure and youth policy of the state urgently requires the beginning of training specialists for this sphere of society. That is why, by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated August 12, 2003 No. 3310, the specialty “Organization of work with youth” was approved. (4)

Currently, 60 universities in the Russian Federation train specialists in working with youth.

The objects of upcoming activities of specialists in working with youth are: a) federal, regional, municipal executive authorities for youth policy; b) institutions implementing youth policy (social service centers, social psychological assistance youth, support for young families, career guidance, employment and placement of youth, promotion of youth entrepreneurship; youth press centers, centers for information support, patriotic education, recreation and health improvement for youth, support for youth associations and youth initiatives, international youth cooperation; institutes for training, advanced training and retraining of personnel, scientific research on youth problems and youth policy; youth housing and social complexes); c) formal and informal associations of various age, social and territorial groups of youth; d) organization and management in relevant bodies and institutions. (8)

Analytical, preventive, educational, correctional, managerial, research, prognostic, organizational work, international cooperation, intercultural communication - these are the main types professional activity youth work specialists.

A specialist in working with youth must study the experience of the activities of executive authorities at the place of residence, study, work, and recreation of young people; know the problems of functioning of institutions for working with youth. In addition, he must have the skills to work with youth communities of interest (professional, creative, sports); basics of prevention asocial phenomena among young people; ways to implement comprehensive measures to support young families; skills of interaction with informal youth groups, children's and youth public associations; skills in scientific and information support for youth, interaction with youth media; methods of organizing recreation, health improvement, and creativity for young people; measures to promote employment, employment, and entrepreneurship among youth; ways to provide support to student, working and rural youth; technologies for the development of international youth cooperation; skills of civic-patriotic education of youth.

As you can see, the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities for an organizer of work with youth is very large. The organizer of youth work must meet the high requirements for official behavior of state civil servants, set out in Federal law"on state civil service Russian Federation". Let's list some of them:

perform job responsibilities conscientiously at the highest professional level;

proceed from the fact that recognition, observance and protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen determine the meaning and content of his professional work;

show respect to moral customs and traditions of the peoples of the Russian Federation;

take into account the cultural and other characteristics of various ethnic and social groups, as well as religions;

promote interethnic and interfaith harmony among people;

not to commit acts discrediting honor and dignity, etc. (3)

July 17, 2009" Russian newspaper" published the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev, by which he amended the Decree of August 12, 2002 "On approval general principles official behavior civil servants". new edition The duties of civil servants include conscientious performance of their duties in order to ensure the effective operation of government bodies and within the powers of their department. At the same time, civil servants must proceed from the fact that recognition and respect for human rights and freedoms determine the basic meaning and content of the activities of bodies state power and their employees. The responsibilities of civil servants include compliance with official standards professional ethics, compliance with the restrictions and prohibitions established by law, display of correctness and attentiveness in dealing with citizens and officials.

This document emphasizes the need for complete neutrality of civil servants. They should not give preference to professional and social groups and organizations. They must be independent and exclude actions caused by this influence. Civil servants should not be influenced by political parties. Officials are required to notify their employer and the prosecutor's office about all attempts to induce corrupt behavior. (6)

Currently, a federal state educational standard for higher professional education has been developed and approved, which defines the requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational programs bachelor's degree The graduate must have significant general cultural competencies, including the following:

willingness to strictly comply with the constitution and laws of the Russian Federation;

respectful attitude towards historical heritage and cultural traditions;

understanding patterns historical process, the ability to objectively perceive historical information and its analysis and communication;

willingness to show racial, national, ethnic, religious tolerance;

understanding social significance your profession, the desire to perform professional activities;

ability to carry out professional self-assessment;

ability and willingness to carry out activities in various fields public life taking into account the moral and legal norms and values;

willingness to comply with moral obligations towards a person, society, and the environment;

awareness of the need and ability for continuous self-development and self-improvement throughout life;

readiness to improve one's cultural level;

knowledge and compliance with standards healthy image life;

willingness to cooperate with colleagues and work in a team;

understanding the essence and significance of information in the development of modern society;

ability to perceive information, readiness to use basic methods, methods and means of obtaining, storing, processing information;

the ability to clearly and cogently formulate one’s thoughts in oral and mental forms, including in a foreign language;

ability to master the means of independent, methodical correct use methods physical education and health promotion, readiness to achieve the required level physical fitness to ensure full-fledged social professional activity.

The graduate must have solid professional competencies, including the following:

general scientific competencies (the ability to collect and systematize scientific information on youth issues; skills in compiling reviews, annotations, abstracts and bibliographies on youth topics)

professional competencies (the ability to participate in the implementation of social and psychological adaptation of young people in the organization; the ability to participate in the regulation of conflicts of young people; the ability to use social technological methods when carrying out professional activities)

projective competencies (the ability to organize and plan work with young people in youth communities at the place of residence, study, work, recreation, temporary stay of youth; the ability to identify problems in the youth environment and develop them organizational decisions in the field of employment, employment, entrepreneurship, everyday life and leisure and interaction with associations and organizations representing the interests of youth; ability to organize Information Support youth on the implementation of youth policy, interaction with youth media; ability to participate in organizing the activities of children's and youth public organizations and associations)

management competencies (the ability to participate in the development of project-analytical and expert-consulting activities in the youth environment; the ability to participate in the development and implementation of projects and programs on the problems of children, adolescents and young people; support for current and popular initiatives in the youth environment)

instrumental competencies (the ability to collect and classify information; the ability to compile information reviews on the problem under study; the ability to apply statistical and sociological methods collecting social information; skills to participate in social projects on the implementation of youth programs; possession of pedagogical techniques and techniques necessary for working with various categories of youth) (5)

The designated general cultural and professional competencies expand the range of activities of a specialist working with youth, including in the field of socio-political activity.

A youth worker is not just an official, not just a civil servant. The organizer of work with youth must have a certain image, created in the mass consciousness by work colleagues, other workers in the field of youth policy, and the media - the image of a knowledgeable, trustworthy, authoritative person. In conditions of market relations, a competitive person needs not only solid professional knowledge, but also high business, organizational, moral and strong-willed qualities. Along with professional knowledge A specialist working with youth needs to see the purpose and prospects of his work, and have the ability to analyze and generalize work experience. He needs deep knowledge of the law, modern methods organization of management of the education and upbringing system, knowledge of the economics of this social environment. (2)

He must have developed business qualities, such as a creative approach to work, a sense of the new, the ability to appreciate traditions and innovations, dedication to work, independence, a selective attitude to the surrounding reality, which will help determine the core of work and will not allow him to “leave” something to the left, then to the right, to suit the situation; determination, initiative, efficiency. The ability to inspire and convince with words is of great importance. Business qualities must be complemented by organizational ones: the ability to organize a work team, evaluate people, create a “team”, establish business relationships, improve forms and methods of work; competence and firmness in making the right decisions.

High moral qualities will help a youth work specialist earn authority: justice, integrity, a sense of public duty, modesty, and moral integrity. Along with professional and business qualities, there must be strong-willed qualities: determination, energy, perseverance, consistency, discipline. The organizer of work with youth must be an enthusiast, set an example of high responsibility, take an active part in the affairs of the municipality, be caring and sincere, be a true citizen and patriot. Only then will the youth believe him and follow his example.

An irreplaceable professional, business and moral quality of a specialist working with youth is love for Person.

A youth worker is a citizen and a patriot, a person with a big loving heart who believes in the bright future of youth and leads them to self-affirmation and fulfillment of their historical role.

1.1 General educational standard for a specialist in youth work and requirements for a graduate of the specialty "Organization of work with youth"

Currently, a system of executive power has been formed in Russia, responsible for the implementation of youth policy at all levels: federal, regional, municipal. There is an extensive infrastructure of institutions working with children and youth, it includes the following entities:

The federal executive body in the field of youth policy is the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy; bodies for youth affairs of the Russian Federation (independent committees, departments, ministries - 41, combined with sports, physical education, family, tourism, etc. - 32, departments, departments, committees operating as part of education management bodies - 14) and interdepartmental coordination councils in the field of patriotic education (about 75);

Regional subordinate institutions (about 170);

Municipal institutions - neighborhood clubs, business incubators, patriotic education centers, etc. (total about 4500);

Over 120 thousand specialists;

2 specialized institutes of youth policy engaged in scientific and methodological support of the system (Volgograd, Novosibirsk) and 60 Russian courses in which over 7,200 students are trained in the specialty “Organization of work with youth”;

69 all-Russian and interregional public youth associations and over 25 thousand non-profit organizations and foundations;

There are 220 programs for working with youth. (9)

Youth policy is aimed at creating conditions for the self-realization of young people, is the competence of federal, regional, municipal authorities and involves the organization of work in all preschool, school, university and other educational institutions, in institutions of additional education and training, social service institutions for youth, in labor groups, among all age groups of young people, regardless of their social, national or religious affiliation.

Youth policy is carried out by local government employees, employees of institutions and organizations that provide various social services to youth, organizers and activists of youth organizations and associations, etc. However, as evidenced by sociological surveys of young people, as well as state and municipal workers, lawyers, doctors and other specialists who could work with young people. The training of teachers and educators in universities and colleges poses new tasks related to working with young people, which they are not always ready to solve after graduating from educational institutions.

The strategy of state youth policy in the Russian Federation, designed for the period until 2016, among the conditions for its implementation, determines the need to form personnel potential, which involves clarifying state educational standards for the list of specialties represented in the system of bodies and organizations implementing state youth policy; revision of tariff and qualification requirements for specialists working in the field of state youth policy; improving the personnel training system in the field of state youth policy in the field of education on the basis of the existing network of educational institutions. Workers in the field of youth policy must participate in modern socio-economic problems of various groups of youth, their social and political values ​​and expectations, the need to participate in public organizations and the political life of the country, the difficulties of employment, characteristic life plans and the possibilities of their implementation. (1)

The analysis shows that in our country there is practically no unified system of training personnel for working with youth. Previously existing similar experience is practically lost or sometimes cannot be effectively used in modern conditions. In Western European countries there is no uniform approach to this problem. Successful educational work with young people requires competent, highly qualified personnel with high professional and personal qualities. In order to implement a high-quality state youth policy and educate young people, it is necessary to create a system of training and retraining of various specialists, taking into account the specialization profile and regional characteristics of the country.

In recent years, scientific works have appeared that reveal the experience of training youth workers in various regions of Russia. Today, the state and qualifications of personnel working with children and youth do not correspond to the scale and pace of social changes in the country and in the youth movement, or to the tasks posed by the increase in negative manifestations among young people.

The development of youth infrastructure and youth policy of the state urgently requires the beginning of training specialists for this sphere of society. That is why, by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated August 12, 2003 No. 3310, the specialty “Organization of work with youth” was approved. (4)

Currently, 60 universities in the Russian Federation train specialists in working with youth.

The objects of upcoming activities of specialists in working with youth are: a) federal, regional, municipal executive authorities for youth policy; b) institutions implementing youth policy (centers for social services, socio-psychological assistance to youth, support for young families, career guidance, employment and employment of youth, promotion of youth entrepreneurship; youth press centers, centers for information support, patriotic education, recreation and health improvement for youth, support for youth associations and youth initiatives, international youth cooperation; institutes for training, advanced training and retraining of personnel, scientific research on youth problems and youth policy; youth housing and social complexes); c) formal and informal associations of various age, social and territorial groups of youth; d) organization and management in relevant bodies and institutions. (8)

Analytical, preventive, educational, correctional, managerial, research, prognostic, organizational work, international cooperation, intercultural communication - these are the main types of professional activities of specialists in working with youth.

A specialist in working with youth must study the experience of the activities of executive authorities at the place of residence, study, work, and recreation of young people; know the problems of functioning of institutions for working with youth. In addition, he must have the skills to work with youth communities of interest (professional, creative, sports); the basics of preventing asocial phenomena among young people; ways to implement comprehensive measures to support young families; skills of interaction with informal youth groups, children's and youth public associations; skills in scientific and information support for youth, interaction with youth media; methods of organizing recreation, health improvement, and creativity for young people; measures to promote employment, employment, and entrepreneurship among youth; ways to provide support to student, working and rural youth; technologies for the development of international youth cooperation; skills of civic-patriotic education of youth.

As you can see, the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities for an organizer of work with youth is very large. The organizer of work with youth must meet the high requirements for the official behavior of state civil servants, set out in the Federal Law “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”. Let's list some of them:

perform official duties conscientiously at the highest professional level;

proceed from the fact that recognition, observance and protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen determine the meaning and content of his professional work;

show respect for the moral customs and traditions of the peoples of the Russian Federation;

take into account the cultural and other characteristics of various ethnic and social groups, as well as religions;

promote interethnic and interfaith harmony among people;

not to commit acts discrediting honor and dignity, etc. (3)

On July 17, 2009, Rossiyskaya Gazeta published the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev, by which he amended the Decree of August 12, 2002 “On the approval of general principles of official conduct of civil servants.” In the new edition, the duties of civil servants include conscientious performance of their duties in order to ensure the effective operation of government bodies and within the powers of their department. At the same time, civil servants must proceed from the fact that recognition and respect for human rights and freedoms determine the basic meaning and content of the activities of public authorities and their employees. The responsibilities of civil servants include compliance with the standards of official professional ethics, compliance with restrictions and prohibitions established by law, and display of correctness and attentiveness in dealing with citizens and officials.

This document emphasizes the need for complete neutrality of civil servants. They should not give preference to professional and social groups and organizations. They must be independent and exclude actions caused by this influence. Civil servants should not be influenced by political parties. Officials are required to notify their employer and the prosecutor's office about all attempts to induce corrupt behavior. (6)

Currently, a federal state educational standard for higher professional education has been developed and approved, which defines the requirements for the results of mastering basic undergraduate educational programs. The graduate must have significant general cultural competencies, including the following:

willingness to strictly comply with the constitution and laws of the Russian Federation;

respect for historical heritage and cultural traditions;

understanding of the laws of the historical process, the ability to objectively perceive historical information and its analysis and communication;

willingness to show racial, national, ethnic, religious tolerance;

understanding the social significance of one’s profession, the desire to perform professional activities;

ability to carry out professional self-assessment;

the ability and willingness to carry out activities in various spheres of public life, taking into account the moral and legal norms and values ​​accepted in society;

willingness to comply with moral obligations towards a person, society, and the environment;

awareness of the need and ability for continuous self-development and self-improvement throughout life;

readiness to improve one's cultural level;

knowledge and adherence to healthy lifestyle standards;

willingness to cooperate with colleagues and work in a team;

understanding the essence and significance of information in the development of modern society;

ability to perceive information, readiness to use basic methods, methods and means of obtaining, storing, processing information;

the ability to clearly and cogently formulate one’s thoughts in oral and mental forms, including in a foreign language;

the ability to master the means of independent, methodically correct use of methods of physical education and health promotion, readiness to achieve the proper level of physical fitness to ensure full-fledged social professional activity.

The graduate must have solid professional competencies, including the following:

general scientific competencies (the ability to collect and systematize scientific information on youth issues; skills in compiling reviews, annotations, abstracts and bibliographies on youth topics)

professional competencies (the ability to participate in the implementation of social and psychological adaptation of young people in the organization; the ability to participate in the regulation of conflicts of young people; the ability to use social technological methods when carrying out professional activities)

projective competencies (the ability to organize and plan work with young people in youth communities at the place of residence, study, work, recreation, temporary stay of youth; the ability to identify problems in the youth environment and develop their organizational solutions in the field of employment, employment, entrepreneurship, everyday life and leisure and interaction with associations and organizations representing the interests of youth; the ability to organize information support for youth on the implementation of youth policy, interaction with youth media; the ability to participate in organizing the activities of children's and youth public organizations and associations)

management competencies (the ability to participate in the development of project-analytical and expert-consulting activities in the youth environment; the ability to participate in the development and implementation of projects and programs on the problems of children, adolescents and young people; support for current and popular initiatives in the youth environment)

instrumental competencies (the ability to collect and classify information; the ability to compile information reviews on the problem under study; the ability to apply statistical and sociological methods for collecting social information; the skills to participate in social projects to implement youth programs; mastery of pedagogical techniques and techniques necessary to work with various categories of youth) (5)

The designated general cultural and professional competencies expand the range of activities of a specialist working with youth, including in the field of socio-political activity.

A youth worker is not just an official, not just a civil servant. The organizer of work with youth must have a certain image, created in the mass consciousness by work colleagues, other workers in the field of youth policy, and the media - the image of a knowledgeable, trustworthy, authoritative person. In conditions of market relations, a competitive person needs not only solid professional knowledge, but also high business, organizational, moral and strong-willed qualities. Along with professional knowledge, a specialist working with youth needs to see the purpose and prospects of his work, and have the ability to analyze and generalize work experience. He needs deep knowledge of law, modern methods of organizing the management of the education and upbringing system, knowledge of the economics of this social environment. (2)

He must have developed business qualities, such as a creative approach to work, a sense of the new, the ability to appreciate traditions and innovations, dedication to work, independence, a selective attitude to the surrounding reality, which will help determine the core of work and will not allow him to “leave” something to the left, then to the right, to suit the situation; determination, initiative, efficiency. The ability to inspire and convince with words is of great importance. Business qualities must be complemented by organizational ones: the ability to organize a work team, evaluate people, create a “team”, establish business relationships, improve forms and methods of work; competence and firmness in making the right decisions.

High moral qualities will help a youth work specialist earn authority: justice, integrity, a sense of public duty, modesty, and moral integrity. Along with professional and business qualities, there must be strong-willed qualities: determination, energy, perseverance, consistency, discipline. The organizer of work with youth must be an enthusiast, set an example of high responsibility, take an active part in the affairs of the municipality, be caring and sincere, be a true citizen and patriot. Only then will the youth believe him and follow his example.

An irreplaceable professional, business and moral quality of a specialist working with youth is love for Person.

A youth worker is a citizen and a patriot, a person with a big loving heart who believes in the bright future of youth and leads them to self-affirmation and fulfillment of their historical role.

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14. 06. 2016 628

Currently, Rosmolodezh has developed a draft professional standard “Specialist in working with youth.”

The value of the document lies in the fact that it will change approaches to working with young people. In addition to the fact that the adoption of a professional standard will establish the legal status in the professional activities of a specialist working with youth, it will entail the need to create educational standard regulating the training of specialists in the field of state youth policy. Thus, youth work specialists in all regions of Russia will strive to receive specialized education, which in turn will become more practice-oriented.

It should be noted that representatives of leading universities in Russia, such as Moscow State University, were involved in the work on creating a professional standard. M.V. Lomonosov, RGSU, MPGU, public organizations and the heads of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation themselves, implementing state youth policy. On initial stage the development of the document was monitored - lists of subordinate organizations, lists of positions of subordinate organizations were collected and analyzed, job descriptions specialists at all levels who perform functions in organizing work with youth.

The draft professional standard was presented by the head of Rosmolodezh Sergei Pospelov at a seminar-meeting in Sevastopol. Later, the document was sent to the regions of the country, which submitted their wishes and proposals. Hearings of the draft professional standard were also held at the site State Duma(February 10, 2016), Public Chamber of the Russian Federation (April 5, 2016). On May 25, 2016, the draft professional standard was discussed with representatives of the scientific community at M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University at a meeting of the Educational and Methodological Council in the field of training “Organization of work with youth”

The meeting participants were presented with the main stages of developing the professional standard and the key tasks that will be solved when it is adopted. Representatives of public youth organizations, educational departments and political structures made a number of proposals with amendments to individual points of the submitted proposals, which will be taken into account when adopting the final versions of the document. Thus, in creating professional standard Competent specialists from all over Russia took part.

The draft document can be found on the website Federal agency In chapter

Document overview

A draft professional standard “Specialist in working with youth” has been developed.

The goal of the activity is to ensure civil-patriotic, spiritual and moral education of young people, expanding opportunities for their effective self-realization and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

A specialist working with youth will need to have a specialized secondary education professional education(training program for mid-level specialists) or specialized higher education(Bachelor's degree). If your higher education is non-core, you need to undergo professional retraining programs in accordance with your activity profile. It will be necessary to undergo mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations). There are no work experience requirements.

The head of the department (head) will need a specialized higher education (bachelor's, master's, specialty). If your higher education in master’s or specialty programs is non-core, you will need to obtain additional professional education and undergo professional retraining programs in accordance with your profile. Required work experience - at least 2 years in a bachelor's degree field.

Persons who have or have had a criminal record for crimes, the composition and types of which are established by law, are not allowed to work.
