Article on veterinary medicine. Feeding and diseases of the urinary tract in neutered cats. "Wolf fall" in dogs and cats

Morphofunctional indicators of new and widely used in industrial bird crosses of birds are not sufficiently studied, including in technological periods. The article provides a comparison of the age morphology of the Hearts of Curros Highsex Brown and Cross Broilers "Change-7". In the study, mass macrometer indicators were taken into account: the absolute and relative mass, the relative increase in the mass.

Set out the results of comparing the effectiveness of some methods complex therapy Cows, with the detention of the last. It has been established that the most effective was the method comprehensive treatment With the use of the drug Anflon.

Detention (RETENTIO PLACENTAE S. RETENTIO SECUNDINARUM) is the pathology of the third stage of childbirth. Among the farm animals, this pathology has the greatest spread of cows, less often in females of other species. If the cows are fruit shells not separated after the birth of the fetus longer than 5-6 (6-8) hours we are talking about their detention and the state is considered as a pathological.

According to different authors detention Diagnose from cows in different farms with a different frequency. Usually 5% of animal historians, this pathology is the cause. pathological clans. In some farms, this indicator is higher and is 20-30%. In individual farms, the number of detention of the lane in the cows is 50-60%. And in some cases, this indicator reaches 80-95%. The greatest part of them is celebrated in the winter-spring stopper period.

Despite the fact that the pathological condition of animal teeth - serious problem In veterinary medicine, society considers veterinary dentistry, more like a quiet. When it comes to veterinary dentistry Many people are more interested in whether cats or gold crowns are installed. Such questions can be explained or bias or disadvantage of awareness in the field of common veterinary dentistry. This article is devoted to the myths, true situation and ethics of teeth treatment in small pets. The article is addressed to those who doubt the need to maintain the hygiene of the teeth in animals, or to those who are tested by the owners of animals, customers or ordinary people On the meaninglessness of the treatment of teeth of animals. Myths are collected by the author himself with some additions from colleagues working in veterinary dentistry. The article may contain unusual ideas, questions or information about the existing situation that must be taken into account.

Hydodina With cellular content is the main problem in the industrial cultivation of the bird.

The article provides the result of a study of the effect of hypodynamine with cellular content on the histological structure of the kidneys - the renal bubbler broilers of the cross-7 cross-7. In the course of the study, it was established that changes in the kidney microstructures of the Cross-7 cross-7 crosses in the following indicators occur in the following indicators: the amount of the capsule area, the lumen diameter.

Co-authors: Tooth Nella Mihailovna, Candidate biological Sciences, Department of Zoology and Physiology of Man and Animal Grodnesky State University name Yanka Kupala
This article studied the dependence of the quality of meat from the natural climatic stress factor, which affects the major cattle Before the taste.

2. Vasilyeva Tatiana Igorevna. Kinesiotapproving as a promising method of treatment and prevention in veterinary medicine There is a review.
Co-authors: Pashina Valentina Ivanovna, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Veterinary Medicine Russian University Friendship between nations
The article discusses the technique of tapping animals using special elastic veterinary teypers as a method for treating and preventing injuries and pathological conditions Musculoskeletal system in animals.

3. Bakhareva Sofia Olegovna. The structure of bacterial pathogens complicating viral hemorrhagic disease in rabbits There is a review. Article Published in №64 (December) 2018
Co-authors: Kovalchuk N.M., Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor, Krasnoyarsk Agrarian University
It was found that the displacement of pathogenic microflora, especially Staphylococcus aureus, in the prevailing side, leads to a complication of the main viral disease. Implemented microbiological analysis of the feed used.

4. Havanova Daria Alekseevna. Biomedical and veterinary technology There is a review.
Co-authors: Laskina Lyubov Yuryevna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, St. Petersburg National research University information technologies, mechanics and optics
IN modern conditions The Company cannot develop without the creation of innovative biotechnologies, which also affect the economic condition of the country and its other industries. However, efficient strategic planning In the country it is impossible without scientific and technological forecasting. For this, government Russian Federation The "forecast of the scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 was developed. In Russia, biomedical and veterinary livelihood and human life and animal protection technologies refer to critical technologies that require special attention and solve problems set in it. In the Russian Federation, the use of biotechnology achievements is one of the main directions of innovation. Nevertheless, the introduction of new technologies compared to developed countries is not enough quickly.

5. Lichoman Alexander Vladimirovich. Justification of biochemical control of metabolic disorders in the body of cows to prevent death in the transition period There is a review.
Co-authors: Empty Anastasia Olegovna, student, FGBOU VPO "Kuban State Agrarian University", Krasnodar. Usenko Valentina Vladimirovna, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor; FGBOU VPO "Kuban State Agrarian University", Krasnodar
The article is devoted to the rationale for the control of exchange violations in order to prevent anorexia and the progressive loss of the live masses of the cows in the transition period.

6. Vasilyeva Maria Arkadyevna. Problems of modern horse breeding (on the example of an agricultural production cooperative of the tribal equestrian plant "Pskovsky") There is a review. Article Published in №28 (December) 2015
Co-authors: scientific adviser: Ukolov Peter Ivanovich, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor, Head. Department of Veterinary Genetics and Livestock, FGBOU in St. Petersburg state Academy Veterinary medicine
The article analyzes the main tasks of breeding horses of lyric breeds, the problem of functioning is discussed modern enterprises horse breeding russian marketThe potential for the development of the branch of horse breeding in the Pskov region is determined.

7. Ishbard Tamara Safargalievna. Some principles of treating complications in Babezia in dogs. There is a review.
Co-authors: Biryukova Olga Gennadievna Veterinary doctor of the clinic of the planet of animals; Firesin Rifkat Nailelich BGAU, Department of morphology, pathology, pharmacy and unsuccessful diseases, candidate of veterinary sciences, associate professor.
This article describes clinical cases The flow of babesiosis. The attention is focused on the fact that the standard treatment scheme is not always suitable. Often the disease gives complications on different systems Organs, and depending on the pathogenesis, a comprehensive treatment is built.

8. Ishbard Tamara Safargalievna. X-ray diagnostics of the disease of bones and joints in the dog. Clinical case. There is a review. Article Published in №20 (April) 2015
Co-authors: Firesin Rifkat Hailievich BGAU, Department of morphology, pathology, pharmacy and non-disgraced disease, candidate of veterinary sciences, associate professor.
In this work, the main stages of diagnosis and experience of the surgical, pharmacological and physiotherapeutic treatment of the dog during post-traumatic osteomyelitis are given. Radiographic images of the dogs are presented, according to which the monitoring of the dynamics of recovery and the effectiveness of surgical and therapeutic treatment was determined.

9. Solddinova Guselia Rafikovna. Impringment of the classic separation scheme of klebseyella bacteriophages There is a review.
Co-authors: Lyashenko E.A. Candidate of Biological Sciences., Associate Professor; Vasilyev D.A. Doctor of Biological Sciences., Professor, Ulyanovskaya GSHA NAM.P.A.Stolypina
This article presents the results of the work on the allocation and improvement of the discharge scheme for the extraction of klebseyella bacteriophages. As a result of the research, the discharge scheme of the bacteriophages of the bacteria of the genus Klebsiella was simplified.

IN modern world Information is distributed very quickly. And, unfortunately, this information is too often duplicated, which is a problem when finding the necessary answers to your question. Our specialists try to prepare unique articles about veterinary medicine. Various themes will be raised in them:

  • medicines, such as the drug ASD2, treatment vet, use of probiotics for animals, Skulachev ions, the use of ketamine and novocaine solution in veterinary medicine;
  • diseases and their treatment - signs bird flu, signs of African plague, dirofiliary, treatment of dog diseases and their symptoms;
  • animal poisoning, foreign objects, animal injuries;
  • prevention of intestinal, skin, vascular diseases, prevention of rabies, etc.

Veterinarian tips Will help answer questions: How to build aviary for a dog? how many years live wavy parrots? how to do subcutaneous injections? How to make a terrarium? What feed for farm animals is preferable?

Pay attention to those articles that are marked as "useful." According to our experts, it is these materials that can help you and your pet.


Veterinary medicine is a complex science, which is explained mainly by the difficulties of diagnosing diseases in animals. After all, they do not know how to speak and will not be able to tell about their problem. But modern medicine Do not stand still. Every year the quality of the treatment of animals is becoming higher. Wherein adequate therapy It is possible only after accurate diagnosis. For this purpose, various veterinary equipment is used, in particular ...


Warranty cereals are plants that are one of the first to appear in early spring and please the eyes all summer with their greens and variety of species. This is the very grass, juicy stems of which the dogs and cats on the street do not mind. During the problems of digestion in dogs and cats with cereal herbs Animals "clean" their intestines and normalize the process of processing food. Many cereal positive characteristics, however, enough ...



When a family starts ferrets, their life is completely changed. These animals are cute, funny, nimble. They are inquisitive and playful. Ferree bring to the house of the bustle, joy and ... Some difficulties. Some problems manifest themselves at the time of the beginning of the penny ripening of the male. By 7-9 months, the animal is fully formed, ready for reproduction and natural instincts take their own. Food boys begins the so-called gon. It is impossible not to notice this time. Hosts ...


Almost anyone who has won a hamster, loves his fluffy pet, Take care of him, his health and wants a little rodent to trust him. This process of addiction can delay for a long time, so you need to be patient. The hamsters have weak eyesight, they remember their owner only by smell and voice, therefore, when training, hamster needs to bet on his sense of smell and hearing. Remembering that hamsters are not very smart, it is impossible to demand it impossible. Even the most ...


Article from the magazine "Veterinary Research" 2015, G. 11: 176 Translation from English. Veterinarian Vasilyev A.V. Authors: Sofie F.M. Bhatti 1, Luisa de Risio 2, Karen Munana 3, Jacques Penderis 4, Veronika M. Stein 5, Andrea Tipold 5, Mette Berendt 6, Robyn G. Farquhar 7, Andrea Fischer 8, Sam Long 9, Wolfgang Loscher 10, Paul J.J. Mandigers 11, Kaspar Matiasek 12, AKOS PAKOZDY 13, Edward E. Patterson 14, Simon Platt ...


Even the largest aquarium with the most bright and exotic fish looks empty if there are no plants or special algae for aquarium. Filling aquarium by plants, you get the opportunity to show fantasy and create your own underwater world. In addition, aquarium plants also benefit all the inhabitants of the aquarium. 1. Three stages for creating an individual aquarium design there are several things that every novice aquarist should ...

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Four simple questions to which you need to answer before purchasing a four-legged friend

An animal in the house is not only joy for all family members, but also more responsibility. What you need to know before purchasing pet pet? Answer honestly to myself about a few simple questions and you can understand-life in the house will bring you joy or chagrin.

Prevention of diseases

Prevention of diseases - will save your animal from unnecessary suffering and, that is also important, prevention, much cheaper treatment.

Call veterinary doctor at home

Challenge the vet to the house when necessary?

Consultation veterinarian

Online veterinarian consultation, you can ask any question of the question and get a qualified consultation of a veterinary specialist. QUESTIONS OF PETERS TREATMENT, DISEASE PREVENTION, RELATIONAL POWERS AND CONTENTS, as well as other pets related to domestic animals.

Get acquainted with the archive heading Consultation of the veterinarian or find an answer to your question by a veterinary specialist.

Consultation veterinarian when it is necessary? Where and when you can get qualified answers, questions about the health of domestic animals.

After reading the Questions and Answers Categories - online consultation Veterinarian, you can find answers to your questions. Ask a question to a veterinary specialist, you can in the section - Consultation of the veterinarian.


Dog living in the family is not only four-legged friend, it is almost another family member.

Dog breeds

The most popular and common breeds of dogs, their description, main characteristics, features and standards, interesting information, Photo.

Dogs feeding

Proper nutrition - Pledge of your pet health. If your dog has the right feeding, then she will delight you with their health and devotion for many years.

Basic rules of dog content.

The main indicators of the body of dogs are normal

The main indicators of the organism of the animal in the state of the norm: body temperature, pulse, breathing, clinical and biochemical indicators blood.

Akita Inu - Treasure of Japan, Features and Benefits

Akita Inu - japanese breed Dogs, considered at home by national heritage. Features, advantages and disadvantages of the breed, all you need to know by choosing a pet.

Diseases of dogs

The most common diseases of dogs, The causes of the occurrence, prevention, treatment that you need to know the owners of animals.

  • Facre of carnivorous (dog diseases, viral etiology)

The most insidious virus disease of the dogs is the plague of carnivorous or plague of dogs (Chumka). As it arises and manifests itself (Syptoma), all forms of flow and peculiarities of treatment. And of course, most importantly - prevention.

  • Parvovirus Entritis of Dogs (Viral Diseases of Dogs)

Parvovirus enteritis - this is very dangerous viral disease, often leading to death, at which the virus is defeated gastrointestinal tract and heart muscle occurs strong dehydration (Loss of liquid) of the body, the destruction of white blood taurus - leukocytes.

  • Rabies or all you need to know the owner of the animal (especially dangerous dog diseases)

Coccidiosis in dogs, which is for the disease, as it applies and manifests itself. What is food from dogs and is there any differences between them. Features of diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

  • Atopic dermatitis (Skin Dogs)

Atopic dermatitis is one of the most common skin disease Dogs and cats. Features of the course and treatment of disease, breed predisposition and other, important points.

  • Dysplasia hip joints in German Shepherd (DTBS)

Dysplasia hip joints refer to hereditary incurable diseases Not only breed german Shepherd, but also others large breeds Dogs. European treatments and prevention techniques.


Cats, alone from ancient pets. Cat, not only a friend of man, but also an animal that can treat his owner.

Cat breed

The most common breeds of cats, description, main characteristics and features, interesting and helpful information, Photo.

Features of feeding cats

If your four-legged friend is a cat, the features of feeding cats you just need to know. Proper nutrition is the key to the health of your pet.

Do you know that homemade cats living in a closed room and do not go outside, can feel happy and live twicear than? How to do it.

Main indicators of the body of cats in normal

The main indicators of the cat's body in the state of the norm (temperature, pulse, breathing, clinical and biochemical analysis blood).

Diseases of cats

Cat disease - causes, main clinical signs, features of diagnosis, treatment and prevention, photos.

Fabrics of Plague or Punching is a hard, quite dangerous viral disease. The virus can affect any representatives of the Feline family, as well as fox, raccoons, mink, etc. Cat can be sick at any age, the most difficult disease occurs in kittens. Female outcome among them over 90%.

Atopia - the state of hereditary predisposition to the formation of antibodies (LGE) to allergens ambient. This is a polyethological disease having a variety of clinical manifestationsThis has some difficulty in its diagnosis and treatment.

Calciviral infection or Calcivirosis of cats, description of the disease, symptoms of calciviosis, the principles of treatment and prevention.

  • Urolithiasis in cats or what you need to know the owners of animals

Cat's urolithiasis: what kind of disease is why it manifests itself and how to determine it. Basic symptoms and treatment urolithiasis Cats. All you need to know the owner.

What is rabies, how dangerous is it, is it necessary to vaccinate from rabies, where it is better to do it and how? Answers to all questions that exciting animal owners.

Group, skin diseases Cats of infectious nature - fungal lesion of the skin, in the surprise - deprive. Causes of the occurrence, features of diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

Interesting facts from the life of cats, interesting about the breeds, interesting features Wild cats.

Archive headings online Consultation veterinarian, answers on the category Cats


If you compare with dogs, cats and other small animals, rodents in the house are much cheaper, and the joy of communication is no less.

The basic rules that need to know for right choice, content and feeding of such cute animals, which are rodents.


Birds, graceful and beautiful.

From the correctness of feeding, the duration and quality of life of your bird (parrot) directly depends.

Veterinary clinics

Veterinary clinics, veterinary pharmacies and laboratories regional centers Of Ukraine (Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, Odessa, Poltava, Lviv, Zaporizhia), addresses, phone numbers, sites, mode of operation, location on map of the city with the ability to pave the route, choose the type of city transport.

  • Price list of the average cost of services in Kharkov veterinary clinics

In order for the owners of animals by contacting the veterinary clinic, they could approximately submit to what common Suma can do treatment, we give for you middle Cost veterinary services in veterinary clinicsah Cities Kharkov.

The price of veterinary drugs is constantly updated. Favorable proposals for cooperation for agricultural enterprises (collective farms, etc.), livestock complexes, farm, veterinary clinics, nurseries.

  • Homeopathic veterinary preparations or "Heel" and company

How efficiently, which and what manufacturers companies (Heel et al.) Homeopathic veterinary drugs Used in animals, for the treatment of what diseases.

  • Veterinary Preparation, Roncoleukin Immunostimulator (Roncoleukin)

Not all veterinary drugs are effective in use. Effective veterinary drug Roncolekin, instructions for use, features, examples from practice, treatment schemes.

  • Natural Body Stimulator Nucleopeptid (Nycleopeptid)

Effective veterinary preparations - nucleopptide, natural biostimulator, stimulates growth, increases immunity and improves wool quality. Features of application, schemes and methods of administration.

  • Effective veterinary drug and its use in animals and people

Effective new generation veterinary preparation - veter and dysbacteriosis. For the treatment of which animals can be used, the areas of use of the drug, dosage and treatment regimens.

  • Microva and its use in veterinary medicine and breeding animals

Instructions for the use of veterinary drug microvalet, composition, difference from the likes presented in the market. The role of amino acids in a living organism. Application and dosage schemes.

  • Katosal, what you did not know, analogues, instructions, contraindications

Veterinary preparation "Katosal". Instructions, application schemes for various animals (caatosal for dogs, cats, horses and cows). Features and contraindications.

  • Veterinary drug ASD that this is a fairy tale or reality

Everything about ASD, myths and reality, composition and history. Features of application for humans and animals, where to buy veterinary drugs, manufacturer's instructions.

Veterinary education in Russia. What is it?

Over the past 5 years, the level of qualifications of veterinary doctors, equipping veterinary clinics and an approach to the specialty have radically changed. The leading place in the ranking of specialists occupy veterinary doctors Moscow and St. Petersburg. This is due to the large number of people, respectively, the number of animals. The cost of services in the capitals is many times more than in provincial cities. At the same time, the purchase of equipment, drugs, the regional clinics is spent much more than more funds. The development of the veterinary clinics of Moscow and St. Petersburg is faster, more than the real clinics, and not "eatery", as happens with us in Volgograd. In our city, there is an increase in the number of clinics and cabinets, and only units of institutions in our city provide quality services. This process is a legitator, on this path there was a development of veterinary services and in the metropolisms of our country.

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