A prolonged attack of bronchial asthma. Rules of conduct during an asthmatic attack. Treatment of asthmatic condition

Attack bronchial asthma is an exacerbation of a chronic disease, accompanied by difficulty breathing, dry cough, and in late stages– and complete blocking of inhalation. Patients suffering from allergic reactions get used to the constant danger of an attack and learn to respond in time to the first signs of such a condition. At the same time, a person experiencing an asthmatic attack for the first time may be taken by surprise by severe throat spasms and choking.
Everyone should have basic knowledge of the features acute manifestation asthma and methods of responding to emergency situations. If you suspect that someone close to you (or even yourself) suffers from regular attacks, be sure to read the information below, take steps to eliminate the danger, and then contact us for a full course of treatment.

Periodic attacks of coughing and choking with bronchial asthma are almost inevitable. The septum, which is responsible for allowing new portions of air into the lungs, closes in response to various irritants, and it becomes increasingly difficult to take each new breath. The result is oxygen intake with increasingly shorter breaths, prolonged coughing, turning into the inability to breathe. Doctors note following reasons manifestations of acute conditions:

  • Contact with an allergen. Sometimes a reaction occurs to a new source of allergy that the patient has not previously encountered. In other cases, the problem is the difficulty of limiting interaction with a dangerous component. Thus, asthma patients are well aware of the complications that arise in the spring, during the flowering period of most plants.
  • Incorrectly selected medications or developed immunity to the prescribed drug. Over the years, the body can develop tolerance to active substance, stopping the allergic reaction. This is one of the common causes of asthma attacks in adults: it is time to change the drug, but it is impossible to recognize this need until breathing problems return.
  • Acute respiratory tract diseases. An asthmatic reaction can develop in response to diseases that are not directly related to the bronchi, but increase the load on them or contribute to the aggravation of internal inflammatory process. Necessarily complex treatment– otherwise, it will continue to return.
  • Physical overload of the body. State, characteristic manifestations an attack of bronchial asthma, typical for people who exercise excessively intensely. Greatest danger Running is fraught with danger: if you don’t watch your pace and breathing, you may end up with a burning, dry cough and the inability to take a full breath for several minutes. But even during a strength training session with exercise machines, you can bring your body to the point of blocking your breathing. In both cases, you need to stop the exercise and try to relax Airways.
  • Panic attacks, stress and other aspects. Heavy mental stress also causes breathing problems. If you or someone in your family is exposed to constant stress, it is necessary not only to learn how to solve the problem with sedatives, but also to master techniques correct breathing. They are aimed at both restoring the respiratory rhythm and reducing stress load.

It is not always possible to immediately identify the cause of the complication. If a patient has predominantly nocturnal asthma, then it is most difficult for him to identify provoking factors and tell the doctor about them. Additional examinations and lab tests will allow you to identify the key factors causing the return of suffocation and take timely measures.

How to identify an asthmatic attack in the initial stage?

Knowing the signs of an asthma attack, you can easily identify this condition, even if it begins without visible provocation from the outside. Keep in mind that a person who has not previously suffered from severe bronchial diseases: The first attack has a chance to happen not only in childhood, but also in adulthood.

Symptoms of exacerbation of allergic asthma

As a rule, allergy sufferers are able to independently recognize their condition and cope with it. However, it is still better to know the main warning signs of choking, especially if you suspect an undiagnosed allergy in your own child:

  • Intense coughing that continues for a long time. does not go away, the dry throat remains.
  • The nose constantly “drips”: mucus leaves, washing away the dangerous allergen from the internal sinuses.
  • Constant sore throat that does not disappear with rest (unlike a cold cough).
  • The frequency of sneezing increases according to proximity to the allergen; the patient can sneeze up to 20-30 times per minute.
  • The pre-attack state may be accompanied by a dull headache.

At this stage, the exacerbation should be stopped by taking anti-allergy drugs or promptly blocking contact with the allergen.

Symptoms of exacerbation of non-allergic asthma

Not all asthma attacks are accompanied by such obvious symptoms. If the condition is not related to allergic reaction, then the signs will be less specific and therefore more invisible:

  • Increased anxiety. "Aura" of anxiety surrounding a person before an attack of shortness of breath or suffocation during bronchial asthma, should be taken seriously: in this way the body suggests the need for immediate protection from a health threat. In addition, such a condition indicates emotional overstrain - one of the most common factors in exacerbating asthma in people who do not suffer from allergies.
  • Sharp weakness, feeling of fatigue. In the initial phase, the body still copes with regulating breathing on its own, but this load does not go unnoticed. The patient wants to leave everything and go into a state of rest - and this desire should be followed, especially if it is accompanied by dizziness.
  • Dry cough. As with allergic forms disease, one of the most characteristic signs. You should not increase the dosage of anti-cold medications if you have already found them to be ineffective: consult a doctor to select medications that will help gently eliminate bronchial spasm.
  • Sleep problems. Despite general weakness and exhausted state, the patient is unable to sleep - he is disturbed by a painful cough, instantly disturbing his shallow sleep. As a rule, ARVI is not accompanied by such disorders, so their presence is sure sign necessity additional consultation with a doctor.

Even one or two warning signs are enough to speak with confidence about the imminence of an attack of bronchial asthma. The time from the initial to acute phase may vary, but in most cases does not exceed 3-5 minutes. If you start acting at this stage, you can completely stop the exacerbation “in the bud.” This is much simpler and more beneficial for the body than drug withdrawal from late stages attack.

How does an asthma attack proceed?

Diagnosis of exacerbation is not difficult. Experts highlight the following characteristic features attack of bronchial asthma:

  • Increasing shortness of breath, turning into suffocation. In some cases acute phase limited to this symptom and goes away after breathing is restored. Also, shortness of breath can block coughing, causing the attack to drag on, so this state should be treated with the utmost caution.
  • Intense and frequent cough. If you can suppress the urge to cough on your own with a cold, then with asthma it is almost impossible to do this. Coughing occurs in “waves” with short breaks.
  • The body is tilted forward, resting on a hard vertical or horizontal surface. This is a forced position of the patient during acute attack asthma, also known as “forced posture”. There is no need to straighten the patient: this position allows you to slightly reduce the load on the respiratory system and restore breathing. At the same time, sneezing, if there was any, intensifies: the body accelerates the elimination of allergens.

Other characteristic, although less noticeable, symptoms of an attack are a sharp increase in the degree of excitability and physical weakness. These signs accompany each other: despite the fact that the body feels exhausted, the psyche reacts excessively to stressful stimuli. This property complicates self-help, which is why asthmatic attacks occurring alone are considered the most dangerous. If you suffer from chronic bronchial diseases and often remain out of contact with your loved ones or your doctor, make sure that those around you are warned about your condition and the signs of an attack, as well as the measures that need to be taken.

The most dangerous stages

Asthmatic attack in mild stage causes only minor inconvenience, while the patient retains the ability to speak without much difficulty, thanks to which an explanation of the situation or request professional help easy to implement. In the middle stage of speaking in complete sentences it no longer works, and you shouldn’t count on stopping shortness of breath on your own, but the patient can still formulate a request for help. If a person only “squeezes out” certain short words or says nothing at all between coughing waves, it means that it is in one of the most dangerous stages:

  • Heavy. It is characterized by a transition to a forced position, refusal to move, pronounced shortness of breath (up to 30 breaths per minute), and an almost complete inability to talk. At the same time, a state of panic develops, decreases (not always), and the heart rate rises sharply (up to 120 beats per minute). The auxiliary muscles unsuccessfully try to compensate for difficulty breathing, and bronchial spasm intensifies over time. Strong drugs in high doses (Dexamethasone, etc.) are immediately prescribed to prevent progression to the next stage.
  • . Most dangerous condition, developing as a result of prolonged severe suffocation. An asthma attack completely blocks the functions of the speech apparatus and any physical activity. Consciousness becomes confused, a transition into a coma is possible. Breathing movements compensatory, uneven. The pulse drops to 60 beats per minute or less, while the condition remains the same, the costal spaces sink. Treatment at this stage requires promptness and great precision, therefore, after providing first aid measures (intense relaxants, adrenaline for recovery heart rate and muscle activity, others according to condition) the patient is sent to the intensive care unit.

The danger can be fraught with both habitual “allergenic” and so-called nocturnal asthma. Not even a hint of a transition to severe stage should be enough to call an ambulance, especially if the patient has not previously experienced breathing difficulties. After neutralizing the threat to life and health, preventive treatment is selected.

First aid and prevention measures

If attacks occur to you at least several times a year, make sure in advance that your loved ones are familiar with the basics:

  • Immediate use with medication if possible. If not, call an ambulance immediately.
  • Elimination of clothing that prevents the free opening of the chest.
  • Room ventilation. If possible, all windows should be opened for maximum air flow. fresh air.
  • Help in transitioning to the “forced position” that accompanies moderate and severe asthma attacks. This position is a natural reaction of the body, making it easier to restore breathing.
  • Communication with the patient. You need to talk to a person suffering from suffocation: remind them of the need for deep and rhythmic breathing, and calm them down. Psychological support at the initial stages, it leads to the fact that the symptoms of an attack of bronchial asthma are neutralized with minimal participation of medications.
  • If the ambulance team is delayed - restoration respiratory function through warming up the feet. In a small container (for example, a basin) it is collected hot water, into which the patient's legs are placed. Warming up helps to open the damper in the bronchi and restore breathing on your own.

If you already know too well how asthma attacks manifest themselves, then you also know that it is better to avoid such a condition if possible. Doctors give the following recommendations:

  • Completion of a full medication course basic therapy. Antiallergic and restorative drugs should be used even after adverse symptoms have passed.
  • Timely treatment of diseases respiratory system(bronchitis, laryngitis, etc.)
  • Eliminating or minimizing adverse factors (encounters with allergens, smoking, increased level household dust, etc.)
  • Maintaining moderation in physical activity. Mastering new complex exercises should be supervised by an instructor who can promptly assess breathing disorders and correct the range of movements. The best solution would be to master the complex.

A smooth psycho-emotional background is also of considerable importance. People suffering from chronic diseases bronchi should be avoided stressful situations, as they can cause suffocation.


Now you know what an asthma attack is and how to behave if you or someone around you goes into such a state. According to statistics, 5% of people on Earth suffer from bronchial asthma. Are you one of them? How do you cope with attacks, and do your loved ones help you with this? Or maybe you have ever personally provided first aid to a person in such a situation? Share your experience in the comments.

Asthmatic suffocation can take you by surprise if you do not prepare for it in advance. Knowing what to do during an asthma attack, you will not only protect yourself from unpleasant surprises, but you will also be able to help if someone around you begins to choke.

Prompt detection of the onset of an attack is the key to preventing more serious consequences. In most cases, a person has at least 5-7 minutes before breathing problems progress to a more serious phase. Make good use of this time.
If you know that you suffer from an allergic reaction to pollen, dust, etc., then it will not be difficult for you to identify this irritant. But if the causes of asthma are unknown, then it will not be possible to predict in advance what will trigger it. Therefore, pay attention to the following signs:

  • Breathing is uneven, whistling is clearly audible when exhaling, and wheezing when inhaling. The bronchial valve does not open, preventing you from taking a deep breath.
  • Attacks of dry, frequent. The body tries to clear the airways, but to no avail, because... The problem is not phlegm or a foreign body.
  • Shortness of breath even with slight physical exertion. Walking at a leisurely pace or a slight incline requires sufficient quantity air. If inhalation disturbances have already begun, then even minimal effort is enough for breathing to become intermittent.
  • Complaints about squeezing chest. The patient may feel as if their ribs are compressing, blocking inhalation. The real reason lies in the bronchi, which can be determined by the accompanying symptoms.

Among the factors that provoke asthma are not only allergens, but also stuffiness, lack of proper ventilation, and excessive physical activity. If you think that something will cause you to have an attack, try to skip such an event or prepare comfortable conditions in advance.

Asthma attack severity

Only some manifestations of asthma require the intervention of orderlies, but in other cases it would be wiser to do it yourself. In order not to get confused in the sequence and priority of actions, remember in advance the degrees of asthma attacks and their features:

  • Light form. The patient is able to speak, although intermittently. Coughing is periodic, not spontaneous. There are no signs of suffocation. In this case, it is enough to use an inhaler to completely stop the condition.
  • Medium shape. The patient does not utter more than two or three words in a row and looks frightened. Coughing in fits and starts, pallor, severe wheezing when trying to inhale. If the inhaler does not relieve the condition, you must call ambulance.
  • Severe form. Inability to communicate panic fear. Intense pallor may be accompanied by blue discoloration skin: check the triangle around the lips, fingers. The chest appears "bloated": it is fixed in an attempt to take in more air. Be sure to call an ambulance! It is impossible to eliminate such an attack on your own; it is dangerous to life and health.

If the severe phase drags on, the patient may go into a state of asthmatic shock. To prevent this, take measures before the doctors arrive: help the person sit down, lean forward and rest his hands on a vertical or horizontal support. This position allows you to “breathe” a little and maintain the flow of air until the ambulance arrives.

What to do if you have an asthma attack?

Having determined the degree of threat, immediately use the medications prescribed by your doctor, if possible. If the attack did not start with you, try to find out from the patient where he is: even with average shape attack, most people can point to the location of the medication with their hands.
Remember that during an attack of bronchial asthma, stale air is contraindicated. Provide adequate ventilation in the room unless the cause of suffocation lies in the seasonal release of pollen from flowering plants. Make sure there is nothing weighing on your throat: remove the scarf, loosen your tie, and carefully try to pull a sweater with a narrow long collar over your head.
If you have never had an asthma attack before, the likelihood that the first cough will end in moderate or severe status is minimal. However, you should know what to do if asthma attacks strike you unexpectedly - quite possibly one day this information will save your health and life.

How to stop an asthma attack with medication?

Home remedies will not help with asthmatic suffocation. It makes no sense to stock up on medications in advance for all occasions: the right drug anyway, only a doctor can choose the right one. To fully stop an attack, you must use the following means:

  • Bronchodilators. Increase the bronchial lumen for several hours, eliminating mechanical cause attack. If you have a similar remedy, then you can relieve an asthma attack at home even without knowledge of a specific irritant. Keep in mind: after 3-4 hours, the bronchial muscles will again react to the provoking factor if the problem is not eliminated during this time period.
  • Corticosteroids. Have a powerful preventive action, so they are used daily. If you or a person suffering from asthma have a drug of this group with you, it can also be used to restore breathing during suffocation. Pay attention to the release form: if aerosol inhaler It is very easy to use during an asthmatic attack, then the powder form will be practically useless, it is better to replace it with something until the cough stops completely.
  • Glucocorticosteroids. An affordable alternative to prescribed drugs, produced primarily in tablet form. Can be used at home if inhalation does not produce results within 20 minutes or longer.

How to quickly relieve an asthma attack if you already have the necessary medications? Use the inhaler twice and wait 10-15 minutes; if there is no effect, repeat. If there is no reaction on the next “approach”, use glucocorticosteroids and call an ambulance.
Self-stimulation of breathing with drugs based on adrenaline - as well as other potent medications - is prohibited: it can only be carried out by experienced doctors who monitor every aspect of the patient's condition. While waiting for an ambulance, try to ease the patient's breathing on your own using safe and physiological means.

How to relieve an asthma attack without an inhaler?

So, you find yourself in a situation in which a therapeutic aerosol is not at hand, or it has no effect. If the attack has progressed to the middle stage, then you most likely will not be able to stop it on your own. Based on these considerations, take care to immediately call an ambulance.
Even if you cannot relieve an asthma attack, do not give up active actions. The following measures will help prevent the condition from getting worse and ensure a stable flow of air to the lungs:

  • Prepare a basin with hot water and place the patient's feet in it. Steam from water, high humidity - all this contributes to relief respiratory processes, as well as stopping waves of dry cough.
  • Use fast-acting ones. Fenistil or Telfast can be found in almost any home medicine cabinet. These remedies are especially effective if choking is caused by an allergic reaction.
  • Take a “forced” position (or help the patient take it). To reduce the load on the respiratory system, you need to sit down, lean forward slightly and rest your hands on the floor. If you know the exercises, you can carefully perform them to restore the rhythm of inhalation and exhalation. Classic breathing techniques also help eliminate panic, another factor that can quickly worsen the condition.
  • Use a caffeinated drink if you can't afford an inhaler. Energy drinks are preferred: they contain theophylline high concentrations. An alternative to relieve shortness of breath at home is strong brewed tea or black coffee.

Even if you do not have the appropriate medical training(which means you don’t know how to relieve an attack of bronchial asthma without an aerosol), you can help positive effect on your own or someone else’s well-being. Keep cool, provide moral support to the patient - a calm state of mind also helps normalize breathing.


An asthma attack is not a problem if you know how to relieve it. However, this condition can be very unpleasant even for a person prepared for it. Share this article to raise awareness about asthma and its symptoms.

An asthma attack is sharp deterioration health in patients with bronchial asthma. Manifested by shortness of breath, cough, suffocation. This is a very dangerous condition, which indicates the ineffectiveness of the treatment.

Asthmatic attacks can develop without visible reasons. But most often they manifest themselves under the influence of the following factors:

  • ineffectiveness of the treatment;
  • acute respiratory tract diseases;
  • contact with an allergen;
  • stress.

As for cardiac asthma, in addition to the above factors, the occurrence of attacks can also be affected by:

  • hypervolemia (increased blood volume);
  • excessive eating before bed.

Seizure severity

Attacks of suffocation can be different. They are classified into several degrees:

  • light;
  • average;
  • heavy;
  • asthmatic status.

The mild form is characterized by slight shortness of breath and increased heart rate. Patients may experience mild psycho-emotional agitation. Possible increase in temperature. At the same time, physical activity and the ability to speak are completely preserved. Mild attacks usually go away on their own, without taking medications.

The average severity of bronchial asthma attacks is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • patients can only speak in broken sentences because they lack air;
  • physical activity is partially impaired;
  • auxiliary muscles are involved in breathing;
  • there is pronounced psycho-emotional stress;
  • the number of heart contractions increases;
  • shortness of breath and headache appear.

Symptoms of severe attacks

Severe attacks already require the use of medications. Manifested by the following symptoms:

  • the ability to speak is practically lost, patients can only utter certain phrases;
  • auxiliary muscles are actively involved in breathing;
  • severe shortness of breath occurs;
  • the number of heart contractions increases to 100–120 per minute;
  • the patient leans forward with his whole body, trying to lean his hands on something;
  • during an attack, patients are in severe fright;
  • in some cases, a decreased body temperature is noted.

Severe attacks can lead to the development of status asthmaticus. This is a much more dangerous condition, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • practically total loss physical activity and conversational opportunities;
  • confusion or coma;
  • decreased contractions of the heart muscle;
  • active participation of auxiliary muscles during breathing;
  • uneven breathing or increasing shortness of breath;
  • sinking of the costal spaces.

To eliminate status asthmaticus it is necessary high dosages medicines. This condition requires urgent hospitalization, since there is a great threat to the patient’s life.

In medicine, the severity of the disease is determined by the frequency of attacks. If they occur less than once a week, we are talking about mild form diseases. Weekly one-time exacerbations, accompanied by slight shortness of breath, are characteristic of mild persistent bronchial asthma. If single exacerbations occur every day, we are talking about persistent bronchial asthma moderate severity. A severe form of the disease is characterized by the occurrence of several attacks during the day.

The time of exacerbation of the disease is of no small importance. Nighttime asthma attacks are considered more dangerous than daytime ones. With a mild intermittent form of the disease, attacks occur no more than twice a month.

Mild persistent asthma is characterized by deterioration of the condition no more than once a week. In the case of daily single deterioration, we are talking about persistent bronchial asthma of moderate severity. Several exacerbations per night indicate a severe form of the disease.

In the treatment of bronchial asthma, the frequency of attacks is of paramount importance. Based on this, the attending physician will prescribe competent treatment, which will completely relieve suffocation and significantly alleviate shortness of breath.

Bronchial asthma attack - first aid

First of all, the patient needs to take a sitting position and free himself from tight clothing on his chest. Fresh air must enter the room, so windows or doors should be opened. The next steps are:

  • give to the patient medicine in the form of an inhaler to make breathing easier. This could be Metaproterenol, Terbutaline, etc.;
  • until the attack is completely relieved, take 1–2 breaths every 15–20 minutes;
  • if you don’t have a manual inhaler, you can use tablet drugs: Eufillin, Aminophylline, Diphenhydramine;
  • try to calm and distract the patient.

If the exacerbation lasts more than 40 minutes, you must call an ambulance.

In case of severe persistent bronchial asthma, medical assistance needed immediately.

In case of cardiac asthma, you must call an ambulance and take the following actions:

  • sit the patient down in such a way as to ease the work of the heart and prevent blood stagnation; you can put your feet in hot water;
  • provide fresh air flow and loosen clothing that may slow blood circulation (belt, tie);
  • measure blood pressure; at readings above 100 mmHg. Art. you can give the patient a Nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue;
  • if blood pressure readings are below 100 mm Hg. Art., the use of Nitroglycerin is contraindicated.

To independently stop an attack of bronchial asthma, you need to learn how to use an inhaler correctly, following the following recommendations:

  • it is necessary to inject the medicine while sitting or standing;
  • In order for the airways to straighten out and the drug to reach the bronchi in full, it is important to tilt your head back;
  • shake the bottle of medicine vigorously before the procedure;
  • after exhaling deeply, tightly hold the mouthpiece with your lips, and only at the beginning of the inhalation is it necessary to spray out the medicine;
  • It is important to hold your breath for a few seconds at the end of the inhalation, this will allow the medicine to settle on the bronchial walls.

Usually an attack of bronchial asthma is stopped after 1-2 doses of the drug. The effect is observed after 5–15 minutes and remains for 6 hours. If the first two inhalations of the aerosol do not bring relief, inhalations should be repeated every 15–20 minutes (no more than three inhalations per hour are recommended) until the condition improves.

Qualified help

When the ambulance arrives, the first thing you need to do is inform the doctors about the procedures performed. It is also important to notify which drug was used to relieve an attack of bronchial asthma. The actions of doctors will depend on how difficult the patient’s breathing is, what kind of general state. In most cases, patients are given the following drugs:

  • combination of Eufillin with or;
  • Adrenalin;
  • Atropine in combination with Ephedrine.

Usually the patient is offered hospitalization to relieve exacerbations of asthma. In the ambulance, a special mask is put on the patient’s face, from where the increased amount oxygen. As a result, the patient's condition improves, and shortness of breath gradually disappears.

Seizure prevention

Today, approximately 5% of the world's population knows firsthand what bronchial asthma is. To prevent exacerbations of the disease, it is necessary to strictly follow medical recommendations. Preventive measures attacks of bronchial asthma include the following:

  • strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations, take medications correctly in the indicated dosages;
  • promptly treat diseases of the respiratory system (pharyngitis, sinusitis, laryngitis);
  • avoid stress and emotional stress in every possible way;
  • exclude intense physical activity;
  • avoid factors that provoke attacks of bronchial asthma: tobacco smoke, dusty rooms, contact with an allergen, etc.

Asthmatics require strict hygienic conditions. It is necessary to remove from the patient’s room all things that can provoke an exacerbation of the disease: pillows, feather beds, flowers, perfumes, to prevent contact with tobacco smoke. The room should be ventilated daily, cleaned only with wet methods, and the bedding should be changed more often. Breathing exercises are of particular importance in the prevention of bronchial asthma attacks.

It would be useful to remind you that patients should always carry an inhaler with them. Confidence and reduced fear of exacerbation significantly reduce the frequency of attacks.

Thank you

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Main signs of asthma

Bronchial asthma is a disease that occurs in chronic form, affecting the respiratory system, manifested in attacks of suffocation, wheezing, and chronic cough. This material will outline the main signs of the disease. In addition, attention will be paid to how not to confuse them with signs of other ailments. Timely diagnosis of asthma is necessary to initiate therapy and prevention severe complications illness. Often, a preliminary diagnosis can be made only by studying the patient’s condition at a consultation with a therapist. The most important and characteristic signs of the disease are observed during periods of attacks.

Name " bronchial asthma"is based on a Greek word meaning difficult breathing or suffocation. So, the name of the disease directly speaks of one of the main manifestations of the disease.

Signs of this disease vary different phases course of the disease.
Pre-asthma phase characterized by a chronic runny nose of an allergic nature, a non-productive cough that is not relieved by the use of antitussive drugs. Such a cough often develops after recovery from acute respiratory infections. viral infection(ARVI), pneumonia or bronchitis. When coughing, the patient may experience breathing problems. Attacks of suffocation at this phase of the development of the disease are not yet observed. Cough, as well as heaviness of breathing, torment the patient in the dark.

As soon as the disease moves into the next phase, its main symptom is an attack. Next, the course of an asthma attack will be described in detail.

Symptoms of an asthma attack

The course of the attack may vary in different patients. At the same time, the factors accompanying the development of an attack vary. If there is atopic form diseases, then an attack is provoked by interaction with an allergen. If there is a disease, the attack can be triggered by emotional overstrain against the background of a respiratory illness, and sometimes develops for no apparent reason.

Sometimes before an attack the patient feels itching of the body, mucus flowing from the nose or pressure behind the sternum. Further, the signs of an attack increase rapidly: the patient experiences strong pressure behind the sternum, anxiety, it’s hard for him to breathe. When such signs appear, the patient usually tries to take sitting position with emphasis on hands. Thus, additional muscles are involved in the breathing process. As the force of suffocation increases, breathing begins to be accompanied by wheezing and wheezing, visible from several meters away. It becomes very difficult for the patient to breathe. Moreover, it is easier to inhale. During an attack, the patient's chest is enlarged in size, as are the veins coming from the head. The attack can continue different time: from five minutes to several hours. Over time, the breathing process becomes more natural. At the end of the attack, a cough develops, accompanied by the evacuation of a small volume of thick and very transparent mucus. In some cases, mucus fragments resemble cylinders in the shape of the respiratory tract.

The development of attacks of the disease always depends on the form in which the disease occurs. If observed infectious-allergic form, signs of an attack appear and develop smoothly. If asthma atopic form , signs develop at lightning speed, immediately after interaction with the allergen.

Asthmatic status– this is the most complex form of bronchial asthma
Status asthmaticus is the longest and most complex attacks. With such an attack there is a possibility of death. Status asthmaticus is most difficult in older people and children.
Status asthmaticus can develop under the influence of a wide variety of factors: respiratory diseases, refusal of special medications. The course of this attack occurs step by step. First, the patient’s breathing worsens, the medications stop helping, then breathing deteriorates very significantly, and the respiratory muscles “get tired.” If treatment is not started immediately, status asthmaticus leads to coma and sometimes death. If a regular asthma attack lasts too long, and previously used medications do not help, we can talk about the likelihood of developing status asthmaticus. In this case, you need to urgently call an ambulance and take the patient to the hospital; the patient needs consultation with resuscitators.

Signs of asthma between attacks

During these intervals, signs of the disease may be almost invisible. The main symptoms of asthma are a dry persistent cough, a burning sensation in the throat, and rarely rhinitis.
If the patient has suffered from asthma for many years, blockage of the branches bronchial tree comes to an irreversible stage, and therefore shortness of breath can be observed in the period between attacks.

What diseases can be confused with bronchial asthma?

If a patient has a chronic cough, as well as attacks of breathing problems, then such a course may indicate not only asthma, but also other diseases. There is also a possibility that the patient suffers from several diseases at once, the symptoms of which create such a complex overall symptomatology.

If bronchial asthma is suspected, the disease should be distinguished from pneumonia , inflammation of the bronchi in chronic or acute form, with tuberculosis, neurological diseases, heart failure, as well as foreign objects getting into the throat.

Name of the disease Signs of the disease Features of the disease
Bronchial asthmaUnproductive cough, asthma attacks. Discharge of a small amount of mucus with a very severe cough. Mucus appears after an attack, thick, glassyThe disease passes in a chronic form, the course is alleviated by the use of drugs that increase the lumen of the bronchi
Bronchitis in acute and chronic formThe main symptom of the disease is cough. Discharge of mucus in large volumes, often mixed with pusThe disease in its acute form progresses quickly. And in the chronic form it can last a very long time. Body temperature may not increase too much, and signs of an inflammatory process may appear in a blood test.
No change in breathing observed
PneumoniaThe cough is often painful, with a lot of mucus. Body temperature increases, shortness of breath appears, which does not go away until recoveryIncreased body temperature, chest pain, symptoms of body intoxication
TuberculosisThe cough is weak and persistent, no breathing problems are observedBody temperature increases for a very long time ( more than twenty days), the patient loses weight and eats poorly, sweats heavily during sleep
Ingestion of a foreign object into the respiratory systemThe cough appears suddenly, it is quite strongAll symptoms disappear after clearing the respiratory organs of the object that has entered them.

There are contraindications. Before use, you should consult a specialist.


Hello, I'm 23 years old. Bronchial asthma is in its early stages...long-term remission! Lately it’s been difficult to breathe at night, I can’t fall asleep, while sitting my breathing is more or less restored, but it’s so difficult to take a full breath, there’s not enough air....it goes away in the morning and I can fall asleep....what could it be? Thanks in advance)

Bronchial asthma since 2013. When I breathe, I take a deep breath, but when I exhale... I immediately get spasms and cough... like a dog woof-woof. I sleep well at night and in general, only in a more or less lying position. But as soon as I sat down or stood up... some slight load and... again spasms. Already my back and stomach hurt from them. And also a mouthful of saliva / 2-3 minutes /. I feel flawed....... and I quietly hate it.

My father has suffered from asthma for many years. And many drugs also had side effects, well, or addiction occurred over time. About a year ago we went to the doctor again and picked up a Foster inhaler for treatment. Side effects Dad didn’t get used to it, and, in fact, he didn’t get used to it. But you should definitely consult your doctor

By the way.. I forgot.. due to bronchitis.. two years ago.. my sense of smell completely disappeared.. just like in that movie *Dangerous Age*..
I don’t feel anything at all.. no smells.. neither weak nor strong.. no flowers.. no perfume.. no food.. I live as if in a spacesuit or a gas mask..

I have been suffering for three years after suffering from bronchitis.. consequences.. allergic rhinitis..
continuous dry cough.. shortness of breath.. suffocation when breathing and especially at night..
I literally sleep in fits and starts.. I wake up every hour.. I can’t breathe..
Only salbutamol relieves an attack.
By the way.. my daughter is asthmatic..

Hello! For a month now I have not been able to sleep at night; I only fall asleep in the morning. I have difficulty breathing, I can only fall asleep on my back...it feels like something is pressing on my chest...could smoking be the cause? does it contribute to the development of asthma? (I read the symptoms of asthma - the same story, it seems I have asthma)

What does it take for you to develop asthma? I really need it!!! I wish I had asthma

Hello. For about a week I have been tormented by difficulty breathing. It feels like 10 kg have been placed on my chest. It is almost impossible to breathe through the nose during an attack, and if possible, then inhale every 3-4 seconds. Breathing through the mouth is more or less normal. This thing lasts about 8-10 minutes. Also, during an attack, I start to feel dizzy. It all goes away randomly. Please tell me what it could be, thanks in advance.

Hello, tell me, we have this situation with my mother: since about November I have had a cough that I haven’t taken cough drops from cheap to expensive and syrups and antibiotics and honey with onions and bioparox, etc.. I went to the therapist to no avail, I didn’t go to the ENT specialist much She said changes in the larynx, fluorography is normal, no temperature, then the pressure began to jump, especially after coughing, then he didn’t clear his throat at all, now he started coughing up until it was greenish and now it’s something white and salty, he’s coughing so much that he might vomit, she says that It’s tickling and kind of colitis and that’s why I’ve been coughing for almost 5 months now, what should I do? What specialist should I do? Tell me if you can. Thank you in advance

Please tell me why my legs and arms suddenly gave out, the doctors suspect that it is bronchial asthma, but I read on the Internet and nothing is written about it, we were prescribed treatment, but nothing helps in treatment, so to say that they themselves don’t even understand why it could be help if you can.

I can’t take a full breath with my nose, but I can with my mouth, and after jumping rope I developed a strong cough... I often yawn in the morning, especially at school from 9 to 12 periodically. What is this help?!

Hello. I have problems breathing after coughing. After coughing, I’m suffocating and can’t breathe because I’m choking on my own saliva, only a long breath helps, but I’m afraid whether I’ll be able to breathe in anyway. After the picture they said that I had bronchitis, I took the medications, I finished them to the end, but I still didn’t get any effect from them, what to do, who to contact, what to take, what pills or what ones to eat traditional methods?

The symptoms you describe can also occur with asthma. However, only a specialist doctor - a pulmonologist or therapist - can adequately assess your condition.

Hello! IN Lately I started getting colds often, coughing only during a cold, then not, there is a sore throat, no wheezing or bronchial spasms, fluorography is normal, no allergies, I don’t smoke. But I began to notice that I could hardly bear it strong odors, for example, wash. Pooshka, dichlorvos, smoke from forest fires, it becomes difficult to breathe, it takes your breath away, as if the smell is absorbed into your throat and burns. Could these signs be warning signs of asthma? And which doctor should I go to? To a pulmonologist?

Hello. I only have trouble breathing at night. when I fall asleep. or during the day, also before bed. only helps deep breath or vice versa, exhale. I often can’t swallow. When examined by a doctor, they didn’t find anything and wrote it off as sinusitis. cured him and everything remained the same. what could it be?

Probable cause this phenomenon there may be hypoxia (as a result of a decrease in blood oxygen concentration).

Good night! Please answer my question. Why do I feel dizzy when using the inhaler that the pulmonologist prescribed “SYMBICORT” for me? Is it not suitable for me?
