Drops against ear mites: the best options for cats. Ear mite remedy for cats: composition, recommendations for ear treatment

The mite Otodectes cynotis lives in the external auditory canal of many carnivores (dogs, cats, ferrets, arctic foxes). It feeds on blood, lymph, earwax and skin particles, constantly releasing, of course, its waste products.

Ear mites affect animals of various ages, but young animals from 1.5 to 6 months suffer more.

How does infection occur, how is ear mite transmitted?

Ear mites are transmitted when healthy dog comes into contact with an infected person. Cases of infection through individual items (shoes, etc.) are recorded, but more often this is true for small dogs and animals with weakened immune systems. In young puppies, the source of infection is often the mother.


Ear mites cause an invasive disease in dogs, which, as a rule, is chronic. In habitats ear mite arise:

  • redness,
  • swelling,
  • during inflammation, a characteristic liquid is released, which, together with dead skin particles, earwax and mite waste products, forms black-brown crusts in the dog’s ear,
  • when complicated by secondary microflora, the process moves to secondary and internal care and then to the meninges (this happens rarely).
  • constant itching: the dog tries to scratch its ears on objects or intensively scratches them with its paw claws (often until it bleeds),
  • the dog’s head position becomes unnatural: the head is lowered or tilted towards the affected ear,
  • at neglected form diseases in the auricle, pus forms, which glues the hair on the lower edge of the ear,
  • in the event of inflammation spreading to the meninges, they develop nervous disorders, during which the dog dies.


The diagnosis is made on the basis of signs characteristic of the presence of ear mites, as well as mandatory scraping. To do this, use an ear stick to collect dirt from inside auricle and place them on a glass slide. Press down on top with a cover glass and look under a microscope. If the dog really has ear mites, then it will be clearly visible, it will look like in the photo.

Once it is confirmed that the dog has ear mites, appropriate treatment is prescribed.


Treatment with special preparations is carried out only after preliminary thorough cleaning of the auricle from all contaminants. There is now a large selection various means from a tick, which differ active substance, manufacturer and, of course, price. It will not be possible to remove ear mites immediately, so it is important to be patient and observe the specified interval between applications of various medicines.

There are no folk remedies for the treatment of otodectosis in dogs. Applying various decoctions and infusions, you will only cause the dog unnecessary suffering and delay treatment, which will really help get rid of the tick.

Veterinary remedies for ear mites

Drops in the ears "Anandin"

After cleaning the ears, 3-5 drops of the drug (depending on the size of the dog) are instilled into each ear, even if only one is affected. Drops are used once a day for 4-7 days until the discharge disappears.

The price of the drug is 55 rubles.

Drops against ear mites "Amitrazine"

1-2 ml of medication is instilled into each ear. Repeated injections are made once every 3 days until complete recovery.

The cost is about 70 rubles.

Drops "Bars"

3-5 drops are instilled into two ears, repeated after 5-7 days.

Price 95 rubles.

Ivermec gel

A 0.5-2 cm strip of gel is applied deep into the ear canal (in both ears) and massaged thoroughly. Treatment is carried out twice with a break of 5-7 days.

The price of a 30 ml tube is 400 rubles.


This medicine for ticks is also instilled into both ears of the dog, 3-5 drops, twice with an interval of 5-7 days.

The price of the bottle is 40 rubles.


3-6 drops in each ear with an interval of 5-7 days.

Price 140 rubles.

How to clean a dog's ear?

Many dogs are not very fond of ear cleaning, so your pet will have to be restrained. Small breeds can be wrapped in a towel or blanket with only the head sticking out. To hold large dog Most likely, you will need a second person to hold the dog's body. The person who will directly clean the ears should sit on a comfortable chair and try to fix his head between his legs. If the dog is likely to bite, it makes sense to tie a tight bandage over the muzzle. It is also important to provide good lighting for more thorough and effective cleaning.

It should be noted that some pets, on the contrary, begin to worry more if they begin to be restrained and some kind of pressure is applied. Therefore, for starters, you can try to clean your ears without any coercive methods. If there is severe itching while cleaning the ears, the dog may reflexively produce characteristic movements hind limbs.

  • What to clean with? You can clean your dog's ears with regular ear sticks or with a cotton pad wrapped around index finger. Application medical instruments(for example, a clamp can comfortably hold a cotton swab) requires some experience.
  • How to start? With your left hand, holding it, straighten the dog’s ear. Right hand begin to clean out impurities from all anatomical recesses in the ear, gradually going deeper towards ear canal. The movements should be from top to bottom so that the dirt is lifted outward and not pushed even deeper. Don't be afraid to stick the ear stick too deep, a dog's ear is designed differently than a human's and eardrum you won't hurt.
  • To cleanse the ear of dry debris A cotton swab can be moistened in a solution of hydrogen peroxide or Chlorhexidine bigluconate 0.05%. It is also permissible to use these drugs if the dog has abrasions in the ear from scratching with its claws.
  • Use of lotions. There are many special lotions for hygienic cleaning pet ears. Such lotions have a softening effect: they reduce itching and redness in the ears. Certainly, correct application They will make the cleaning process much easier, but they are more expensive than conventional products (peroxide and chlorhexidine). A few drops of lotion are placed inside the dog's ear and massaged into the auricle for a minute. The components of lotions soften all accumulated impurities, and they fall away almost by themselves. The dog is allowed to shake its head, after which the remaining lotion and dirt are carefully removed with a cotton pad.

Ear hygienic cleaning products

Lotion Bars for cleaning ears, Russia.

Price 110 rubles

Lotion 8 in 1 EXCEL, USA

The cost is about 270 rubles.

Otifry, Poland

Price 480 rubles.

Price 900 rubles.

Hydrogen peroxide solution
Price from 10 rubles

Chlorhexidine bigluconate solution 0.05%

Price 20 rubles

How to apply ear drops or ointment?

In long-haired dog breeds, it makes sense to cut off the hair during treatment. inner surface auricle, otherwise medications will not reach deeper sections and the meaning of treatment disappears.

The dog's auricle is straightened towards the back of the head (as if turned inside out). The nozzle from a tube of ointment or from a bottle of drops is immersed as deeply as possible, but so that you can see how much of the drug you will inject. After which the ear is returned to its natural position and massaged for a minute to distribute the medicine evenly.

Some medications may cause your dog discomfort(burning), this is especially true if there are wounds in the ear. Therefore, it is necessary to be patient with the dog and at the end of all procedures, reward the pet with a treat or distract it with a toy.

Treatment should begin at the first symptoms. The cat is experiencing severe itching, she scratches her ears, shakes her head. After some time, a purulent mass begins to come out of the ears, and wounds appear. A progressive disease develops the symptom of bowhead. The animal tilts its head on the side of the affected ear 90 degrees. Defeat meninges accompanied by seizures. A cat can become infected from other animals or insects (fleas, flies). Humans are also carriers of the infection; ticks can get onto animals from clothes and shoes.

"Ivomek" is a medicine intended for removing mites from kittens. It is injected under the skin at a dose of 200 mcg per kilogram of weight. When purchasing medications, it is necessary to clarify the age of the individual, individual characteristics, and the presence of other diseases. Treatment should be carried out three times every 6 days. This is explained by the life cycle of the ear mite.

Disease prevention

You need to protect your pet from contact with stray animals that are carriers of infection. At home, you should take off your shoes at the doorstep, wash the floors more often antibacterial agents. As a preventative measure, it is necessary to instill special ear drops, which can be used for kittens and pregnant cats.

Veterinary practice shows that ear mites in cats can only appear through contact with other animals on the street. The disease is transmitted from the mother to the kittens. There is a high risk of infection for those animals whose owners often turn to specialized hotels. This is due to the fact that they are kept in group rooms there. It is this factor that does not guarantee that there will not be an infected animal among them.

Ear mites feel equally comfortable on cats of any breed, regardless of the size of their fur and their preferred habitat.


The difference is that during notohedrosis it affects outer side animal auricle. Therefore, the animal, feeling severe itching, begins to literally tear at the affected area, as a result of which severe scratching can be observed. If, when infected with otodectosis, an animal may not show its disease in any way for several years, then notoedrosis will be visible immediately due to the fact that the sick animal will rip its ears until they bleed.

A cat can become infected with notoedrosis not only through contact with a sick animal (cats, dogs and rodents are carriers), but also through interaction with general subjects- bowl, bedding, etc. This disease is also dangerous for humans; it goes away within a month even without drug treatment.

Clinical picture

At the initial stage, the disease can be cured quite easily, without complications such as sepsis. Late appointment medications leads to the fact that in the place of scratching they settle pathogenic bacteria, provoking suppuration.

  1. Damage occurs next blood vessels which become overflowing with blood, swelling and redness of the tissue occurs.
  2. Moist discharge - exudate - is observed on damaged skin.
  3. As a result of the death of skin cells and the suspension of the regeneration process, dark brown scabs are formed.
  4. In some cases, putrefactive microflora develops.
  5. Scabs and crusts form plugs that impair the animal’s hearing.

The main complication of ear mites is damage, rupture or inflammation of the eardrum.

Observe your pet's behavior carefully. And if signs of bow-headedness begin to appear (an animal with its head turned 90-120°), you should take emergency measures. The pathological process negatively affects the brain and can lead to death.

How to treat a pet

If you choose the right medicine for ear mites in cats, then it is possible to heal the animal even in the most advanced cases. When starting treatment, you should understand that ticks lay up to 5 eggs per day, despite the fact that the development of an individual can last 21 days.

The minimum course of treatment is 30-35 days, during which it is possible to eliminate not only adults, but also larvae.

In order for ear mites in cats to cease to exist, the following rules should be followed during treatment:

  • maintaining animal hygiene - try to isolate it from other cats or dogs;
  • if the treatment procedure takes place at home, then you need to strictly follow the recommendations of the veterinarian, who will prescribe medications for a successful recovery;
  • You should thoroughly clean your ears of plaque. For this purpose it is used cotton swab, which will be wetted in hydrogen peroxide, a special disinfectant lotion is allowed;
  • for severe scratching, a special collar should be used;
  • Itching can be relieved using special antihistamines;
  • To maintain the animal, you should create comfortable and calm conditions for it.

Carefully study the section with side effect to eliminate the risk of further injury to the animal.

VIDEO: How to clean a cat’s ears and treat otodectosis

Which drugs are most effective?

A remedy for ear mites in cats, like ear drops, helps to achieve great success. Thanks to the large assortment, it is possible to effectively treat both kittens and pregnant cats.

Insecticidal injections are prohibited for kittens under 6 months of age and pregnant cats.

Preparations such as drops applied to the withers can be successfully used. This makes it possible to fight against those ticks that have moved onto the body.

In this case, they apply the following types drops:

  • "Decta Forte" approximate cost 95 rubles;
  • “Otovedin” is a more budget option at a price of 35-40 rubles;
  • "Aurikan" is one of the most effective, but also expensive - 450 rubles.

To treat fungus you can use:

  • “Otibiovet” - at a price of 135 rubles;
  • "Oricin" is an effective, but more expensive drug - 470 rubles.

Thanks to sprays, it is possible to carry out a complete treatment of not only the cat’s entire body, but also its bedding, which reduces the likelihood of re-infection through personal items.

Of the sprays, pay attention to “Akaromectin”, the price of which will fluctuate between 75-85 rubles.

In a veterinary pharmacy you should pay attention to Aversectin ointment at a price of 35-50 rubles

To treat the disease on early stage Only narrow-spectrum anti-mite ear drops for cats are prescribed.

Should be used in mandatory medications that strengthen and support the immune system. This will make it easier for the animal to tolerate the disease itself, and also help prevent complications.

VIDEO: Ear mites in a cat

Ear mites are easy to treat, but they will need to be diagnosed first.

The first thing the veterinarian does before starting treatment is to determine the degree of ear inflammation.

First degree or mild. The ear mites have not affected the ears much, there is no blood or pus, so only an anti-mite agent and cleaning lotion are used.
Second degree.

Ear mites have severely affected the ears, there is a lot of dirt and it is wet, hearing aid clogged and the ears will need to be cleaned, and then treatment begins with a special drug, a complex of antibacterial and antifungal products.

Possible treatment for ear mites in cats folk remedies, but it’s better to trust a specialist and follow his recommendations. There is no need to act on your own, the animal must be treated correctly, otherwise death cannot be avoided. Drug manufacturers offer a wide selection of drugs that can cure such ailments as ear mites.

List of the best means for treating animals

Below you can find a large list of medications that will help cure pet dogs, rabbits, cats, and kittens.

Before starting treatment, read the instructions in detail, read the veterinarian’s recommendations in order to distribute the correct dose so as not to harm your cat, dog, rabbits, or kittens.

Surolan. This effective remedy, which cures ear mites and has the widest spectrum impact. The composition contains: acetate, miconazole nitrate, prednisolone and so on. How is the treatment applied? The product is instilled into the ears, five drops once a day, and this continues for two weeks. You can quickly cure your cat, dog, rabbit thanks to the drug.

Oricin. This is a remedy against ear scabies. The product contains sodium propionate, nitrofurazone, tetracaine, ivermectin. Folk remedies are good, but the medicine is still the best that can be found! Use the product twice a day, a couple of drops. It is also allowed to use folk remedies for ear mites in dogs so that the treatment is more effective.
Stronghold. These are drops intended for the withers. The drug treats otodectosis varying degrees gravity. The product contains selamectin. For external use only: drops are applied to the withers, neck and along the vertebrae. Repeat the course of treatment in a month. Ear mites can heal fairly quickly. It is also possible to use various folk remedies to achieve a better effect.
Leopard. These are drops designed to treat ear mites quickly and effectively. This tool from ear mites cats will do and dogs. Contains diazinon. Each ear is treated with droplets at a certain frequency. If necessary, the treatment is repeated. You can use the product together with folk recipes.

When working with the products presented, it is very important to wear gloves, especially if you have wounds or abrasions on your hands. Do not pet your pet or allow children near it for 24 hours after they have been treated with medications.

Treatment of ear mites with folk remedies can also effectively help in the fight against diseases, but first of all you need to contact a professional who will examine the animal, determine the type of mite and help you choose the most useful medicine.

Any treatment must begin with a correct diagnosis. There is a cure for ear mites in cats, and even more than one, but it should be prescribed exclusively by a veterinarian. Unfortunately, many of the symptoms of otodectosis are similar to other diseases in cats, so you won’t be able to confirm the diagnosis yourself. The tick can hide in the depths of the ear, so it is almost impossible to detect it on your own.

To make a correct diagnosis, examination and microscopic analysis secretions found on the skin. Treatment is prescribed only after final confirmation of the diagnosis. First, you need to completely clean the ear of cats and kittens with antiseptic agents from the pus and other secretions that have accumulated there.

Medicines can be inserted into the ear through a rubber tube, but this only applies to liquid products.

Today you can buy at the pharmacy various drugs from ear mites. But in addition to treating the disease itself, it is also worth considering a number of possible consequences, such as fungal and bacterial infections, as well as otitis media. Often, ear treatment requires a comprehensive approach.

The use of any one drug will not be sufficient, since ear mites for cats will need complex treatment. Prevent possible consequences in cats and dogs, this can be done by performing regular ear checks and thoroughly drying the animals after bathing. At the first sign of an ear infection, you should immediately call a veterinarian at home.

Reception good doctor can also be done at home, which will cause less stress for the cat.

To treat ear mites in cats and kittens, gentler medications are used that will not harm them.

Preventive measures

One of the main precautions is isolation pet from neighbors. For daily use, it is recommended to use different antiseptics, which will help clean and disinfect the animal’s ears.

  • Furminator.
  • All of these medications can be called more than reliable, which is why they are recommended by many veterinarians in for preventive purposes. Similar Preventive sprays against ear mites in cats are completely safe, so they can be used even by kittens. In order to completely get rid of such diseases, it is necessary to use not only traditional methods, but also conventional medications.
