How to determine damage to quarrels. A real sorcerer can spoil a family. Who can cause damage

Severe damage discord in the family can affect both spouses or only one of them. The spoiled one becomes angry, aggressive, cannot resist insulting his soul mate, the tendency to suppress the partner becomes very noticeable, and the desire to hurt becomes almost manic.

The spoiled person thinks that someone is controlling him, forcing him to make a scandal and humiliate him. loved one. The demon of strife really exists. If you carry out the procedure of pouring wax over a patient, you can discern the image of this demon on the frozen wax. It happens that the demon of discord takes the face of the one who brought black damage to discord in the family.

How to bring black damage to family discord

Actually, the technique of causing damage to quickly discord in the family is quite simple. And there are as many envious people and ill-wishers around as you like. And any of them can resort to black witchcraft to destroy a strong, friendly family.

We cannot exclude women who are greedy for other people’s husbands, who cast black love spells, which can be considered as damage at home to cause discord in the family. Men also resort to love spells, but this happens less often.

We must not forget about deceived lovers and ex-wives and husbands. And close relatives of the husband or wife! This is heavy artillery! The mother-in-law didn’t like her daughter-in-law, and that’s all! And not all mothers-in-law are happy with sons-in-law. So it turns out that potential authors can be found at home damage to discord in the family more than enough.

How to cleanse your home from damage to your family

Damaging a family is done with a negative purpose: to spoil the relationship between husband and wife, to expose various diseases, spoil fate. But we can and must fight it. If you feel that living in your own home has become unsafe, your family members are getting sick every now and then, the walls and ceiling are pressing on you, most likely your family has been damaged.

Strong damage to the family is removed with the help of the church.

To do this, you need to buy 6 candles in the order in which I tell you and perform the following ritual. Place the first candle to the icon of St. Panteleimon and mentally ask yourself for health. Place the second candle near the Mother of God - for the health of those close to you by blood (mentally list them by name). Place the third one at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and wish health to all enemies. Place 2 onions taken from home on the funeral table and light 2 candles at once. Remember all the relatives who have passed away. Wish the earth to rest in peace. Collect holy water, buy incense and return home with the sixth candle.

Self-damage to the family is removed from the house in which you live.

Clockwise with a prayer and a candle, go around all corners, starting from front door. Sprinkle holy water on the mirrors. Fumigate the room with incense and say: “Incense, incense. Give harmony and treasure in the house.” Within 40 days, the damage to the family will be removed.

What to do if they damage your family

You can spoil a family with the help of a witchcraft “lining” - various garbage (feathers, needles, threads, grave soil), soap remnants, a specially made puddle. Its meaning is that a person, leaving the house, not only stumbles upon thrown things, but also takes them in his hands, or steps on them. In this case, the damage caused to objects will be transferred to family members.

A real sorcerer can spoil a family.

But even if you are harmed by an inexperienced person, still take certain precautions. Carefully remove the object with sticks to a safe distance. Do not touch it with your hands under any circumstances. Burn it after dousing it with kerosene or other flammable substance. And then bury it. Only in this case, it will not be possible to damage the family. Everything will return back to the person who cast the spell.

Among the many reasons why families break up, esotericists note magical intervention. One of the most harmful ways to destroy a family is to cause damage. It should be noted that damage is almost always a targeted effect that requires a ritual. This suggests that your family has an enemy. Sometimes such a person is no less dangerous than the influence of the dark forces to whose help he decided to resort. There are cases where the owner of strong bioenergy caused damage through negligence, but such examples are extremely rare. If your family has become a victim of an occult attack, you must not only neutralize the harmful effects, but also identify its source. There is also such a factor as a family curse: damage can be intended for a distant relative, perhaps not even a blood relative, but along the marital line, nevertheless, its influence is felt by the whole family. Synchronicity is one of the characteristic features family damage. If relatives living far from each other simultaneously get sick, get divorced, get into bad stories, or go on a drinking binge, this alarm signal, such situations require careful consideration. A sane person who is remotely familiar with magic understands that casting, as well as removing damage, is not a practice for beginners. Most likely, he will turn to a specialist in such matters; many of them make money by providing occult services. Then it comes down to the principles and competence of the chosen magician. It is quite easy to get spoiled by discord and divorce, so it makes sense to know in advance what it is, what its signs and methods of fighting are.
Sometimes the effects of damage are confused with the results of so-called household magic - all kinds of cold spells, mischief, and quarrels. The main difference is that the consequences folk methods Over time, they disappear on their own, after alienation and quarrels, a truce certainly comes and everything returns to normal. When you have to deal with damage to discord and divorce, the situation is exactly the opposite: time works against the victim. Initially, the damage is not even directed at the relationship as a whole, but at one of the aspects, most often the intimate sphere.

Often young couples can get divorced as quickly as they got married, and the reason for all this can be the banal revenge of friends or envious people who, with the help of magic, can bring the newlyweds to this step.
Excerpt from the letter:

“I’ll start right away with my problem, after 2 years happy marriage, my husband became irritable and aggressive and started walking. To be honest, I thought that ours life together the end has come. But having pulled herself together, as psychologists advise, she decided to look for the problem within herself. I tried to talk to him about us, but the whole conversation just grew into a big scandal and in the end he slammed the door and came home only in the morning next day. I also tried to please him in everything, prepared delicious breakfasts, lunches and dinners, and never walked around the house disheveled and in dressing gowns. But all my efforts are worthless. I never thought that this could happen to our family, just recently we were planning to have a child, but now we are on the brink of divorce, but no matter how much we scandalize, I understand that I still love my husband and want to fix everything. Although I feel that I myself am already on edge and ready to break into hysterics.
It all happened two months ago, one fine day my husband, coming home from work, was irritable and a little aggressive. Then I thought that something happened at work, well, I think it will pass, cool down and we’ll talk. But the conversation didn’t work out, and I kept hoping that it was just problems at work. Well, I think the weekend will come, and we always spent the weekend together or with friends, or visiting our parents, on the weekend he will relax and everything will work out. But on the weekend he got up in the morning and left the house alone, barking: “I’m on business.” I never thought that a person could change so instantly. Now we very often have scandals out of nowhere and my husband is at home less and less often.
One friend at work said that this could be damage or the evil eye. After reading the information, I also began to lean towards the fact that magic could not have happened here. And I began to go through everything that happened in our lives and when we had those who wanted to hurt us.
And then I remembered that 1.5 months before what happened, we went to a corporate party on the occasion of a birthday in his organization and there was one young girl who tried in every possible way to occupy my husband’s attention. And in the end, the husband had to tell her off in a harsh manner, since the drunk girl did not realize it and brazenly interfered with our couple. At home, my husband told me that this new young employee and at work she pays a lot of attention to him, that even his long-time colleagues noticed it. I should also tell you that afterwards my husband tried to talk to her about the fact that he was married and that he was not interested in other women, to which she responded with the question: “Are you sure about this?” and laughing went for her workplace, and then stopped openly “sticking” to him. And then, about a month later, we had a collapse in our family relationships.
I ask you, Eva, help me, could this be dark magic, damage or the evil eye, and if so, then tell me what I need to do to destroy the damage or evil eye that has been sent?
Sincerely, Irina A.”

Hello Irina! Yes, there was apparently some magic involved here, that’s for sure. These are exactly the situations that happen in families when a quarrel is brought upon them.
Rassorka itself comes in two types:

The first type is a Quarrel, which was caused by accident, I would call it the Evil Eye, a Quarrel, it is not so strong and is very similar to the evil eye, it is caused reluctantly, when they simply admire the relationship of two people too much. With such a “Evil Eye” quarrel in the relationship between two people, constant conflicts occur out of nowhere, but a complete discord in the relationship practically does not occur, since people manage to understand that they are under the influence of magic.

And the second type is Damage-quarrel. It is brought in specifically to disrupt the relationship between two people. Usually for this they turn to witches or sorcerers, that is, magicians who work with dark forces. This type of damage-quarrel has disastrous consequences for any relationship in a short period of time and people do not always have time to ask for help. When a quarrel is caused, indifference, scandals, aggression and even hatred appear, and all this leads to a quick separation without return.

Based on what you described, I can say that directly on your husband and his family relationships a quarrel was caused.

Conspiracy against spoiling a quarrel

And since you have been under the influence of dark forces for two months, it will not be easy to remove it.
First of all, go to church and light a candle for good health. Next, wait for the waning moon and every day during the entire waning moon, read the following plot against spoiling a quarrel:

“I call upon the forces of the highest, I turn my gaze to the forces of the highest, the forces of the highest, bring order to the family home, banish the spoilage of the quarrel from the house of husband (name) and wife (name), let the dark forces dry up with the moon, and at dawn the house be filled only with light light, may happiness and love come to the family of husband () and wife () and forever and ever, so be it, amen!”

Be sure to read the plot against spoiling a quarrel three times every morning in a secluded place.


It is also advisable to whisper words for food or drink for your husband, put food in a cup or pour tea into a mug, speak mentally or whisper the following words:

“Food is eaten, drink is drunk, good comes, evil goes, eat, drink, wife (name), love, amen!”


In addition, read this spell about your husband’s shoes that he wears:

“Wherever my beloved () goes, you take him home, no matter how you find the road, you take him home to his beloved wife, no matter who calls him anywhere, bring him home to his dear wife. Key, lock, tongue, amen!


And be sure to perform a cleansing ritual on wedding rings:
Take your wedding rings and tie them in red wool thread, take water into a glass and pour 3 tablespoons of salt into it, then lower the rings on a thread there and twist them clockwise saying 3 times:

“We wore wedding rings with you in sorrows and joys, we promised to live together, so let’s put on our rings again and no dark forces will separate us anymore and our happiness will not eclipse the century and love each other forever, amen!”
It is advisable to do this ritual once a year, it helps to get rid of accumulated negative energy in family relationships.

Salt spell

You can speak not only ready meals, but also their components. Salt has the most powerful energy memory. There is a separate conspiracy for this product, aimed not only at removing damage, but also at further protection against magical attacks:
“War is for kings, evil is for sovereigns!” The swords will take the fire, they will drive the enemy away, and peace will come! He will save us all! Peace to our home, may (name) always be with me. The Mother of God will pray, God will ask, and he will take away the evil. Wrap it in love. Amen." Use the charmed salt for its intended purpose: add to food. It is advisable to cast salt at night, when no one and nothing will disturb you.

Remove damage by praying to the holy spirit

Knowledgeable people recommend energy cleaning of your home. Every Thursday, walk around each room with a lit candle and the Trinity icon, and read prayers while walking around.
“In the hand of Your great mercy, O my God, I entrust my soul and body, my feelings and words, my advice and thoughts, my deeds and all my movements of body and soul. My entry and exit, my faith and life, the course and end of my life, the day and hour of my breathing, my repose, the repose of my soul and body. But You, O Most Merciful God, invincible through the sins of the whole world through Goodness and Gentleness, Lord, accept me, more than all sinners, in the hand of Your protection and deliver me from all evil, cleanse my many iniquities, grant correction to my evil and wretched life and from always delight me in the coming cruel falls of sin, and in no way will I anger Your love for mankind, with which you cover my weakness from demons, passions and evil people. Forbid the enemy, visible and invisible, guiding me along the saved path, bring me to You, my refuge and the land of my desires. Grant me a Christian end, unashamed, peaceful, keep me from the airy spirits of malice, at Your Last Judgment be merciful to Your servant and number me at the right hand of Your blessed sheep, and with them I will glorify You, my Creator, forever. Amen."

Remove spoilage with food

There are folk rituals that can be performed without preparation; judging by the reviews, they give good results. One of these methods is enchanted food to resist spoilage. It is based on the initial ability of each person to spell water and food; the effectiveness depends on how developed this skill is and how strong the energy is. Every time you set the table, read the plot:
“It is written in the scriptures about Adam: Adam gave Eve a rib, and they had love, and children were born from them, and we from their children. I put love for Eva in the heart of the Servant of God (name). I, the servant of God (name), pray to the Heavenly King, the Mother of God, His Mother: Hold us together, blind us, the servants of God (names). As hops curl around a pole, So let our destinies intertwine. And whoever harms us, who interferes with our lives, let the Lord remove him. Take, Lord, all the bad, superficial things from my family, from my husband. Let us live forever, love and not forget how Eve loved Adam, how Adam followed her from heaven to earth. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Once upon a time in Rus' there were almost no divorces. Thus, in 1913, 3,791 divorces were filed for 98.5 million Orthodox Christians (this is less than one percent). But in modern Russia the number of divorces is growing every day, there is no family as such. If 10 years ago every third family was divorced, now every second marriage is breaking up. The statistics are disappointing. It is not always possible to save a family, especially if divorce is prompted by infidelity, incompatibility of characters, etc. Family discord? Possible damage. If there is a magical intervention in fate and damage is caused to the family’s divorce, you can still save the relationship.

How to determine damage for divorce

Damage to family divorce is a purposeful magical intervention or accidentally caused harm to the union when the other person was jealous of your happiness. In the first case, you may unexpectedly find foreign objects in your house: candle stubs, balls of thread, pins, bones, rags, needles (sometimes broken), tangled hair, etc. If after this you start having problems in your family, then this is a curse. There are several signs by which one can determine that a divorce was made, after which discord in the family began. Changes most often affect the whole family. It can be used to determine that damage has been done.

How a wife changes after being damaged

  • if earlier the husband seemed handsome and attracted sexually, then after the damage is done, his presence begins to irritate her
  • a woman is repulsed not only by his appearance, but also by his manners, even by his smell
  • when the husband is next to his wife, she begins to have a headache and heaviness appears in the lower abdomen
  • The only desire is to get away from him or take a quick shower
  • even if a wife tries to restrain herself, all her words are offensive to her husband and turn into nagging
  • any man seems more attractive than his spouse
  • sometimes fantasies about a night with someone else may appear in a wife's head and at the same time men begin to show increased attention pushing a woman to cheat
  • the wife suddenly begins to cry, although there is no particular reason for this, or to remember all the insults inflicted by her husband, which makes her quietly hate her husband.

How does a husband’s behavior change after damage?

The presence of damage can also be determined by a man’s behavior, which changes not in better side. With this attitude of spouses towards each other, there may very soon be no family. After the damage is done, the husband begins to become interested in other women and cheats on his wife unknowingly, but if the reason for the collapse of the family was damage, this may be an excuse for the spouses’ behavior. That's why it's so important to determine whether it exists or not.

  • The spouse's infidelities begin, he flirts with all women, his behavior resembles a teenager
  • my husband doesn’t like to sit at home, he tries to go somewhere all the time
  • begins to become addicted to alcohol or even drugs
  • the husband becomes indifferent, showing by his behavior that there is no longer a family, and he is not interested in his wife, sometimes he considers his wife an enemy who ruined his life
  • spends a lot of time at work, with friends or with his mother.

How to identify and remove damage caused by divorce in a family

If you have any doubts, you can perform any ritual to diagnose damage. He'll show you if you should be wary magical influence. As an option, go to a psychic or a witch for advice. When you are sure that there is damage, you can use traditional methods to identify the person who harmed you.

Diagnosis of damage to family discord using natural wax

Previously, girls took natural wax and melted it in a steam bath. Then they poured it into a bowl of cold water, with the words: “I pour wax, I pour out my enemy.” If a figure appeared that looked like a square or circle, then it was a man; if a round or curly figure appeared, it was a woman. These are the enemies of the family.

Diagnosis using seven keys

There are more reliable way determine who exactly provoked the discord in the family. You need to buy seven different keys. In the evening, you need to boil a pot of water on the stove and throw all the keys into it one by one, repeating: “Whoever harms the servant of God (state your name), the devil will bring him in the morning.” After this, the keys need to be buried where no one is. The next day, the very person who brought damage to you, the culprit of the collapse of the family, will come to you.

How to remove damage caused by family breakdown

If the breakdown of the family was precisely because of damage, you can easily harmonize the relationship if you remove this negativity. There are many rituals that can remove damage. Some of them require preparation, but the results are worth these small restrictions. Eat effective rituals cleansing from negativity, which can remove damage. However, you will have to gather all your willpower and be patient.


Before performing a ritual that will help remove damage from the family, you need to cleanse yourself spiritually and physically. It's not that easy, but the relationship is worth the small hardships. This preparation for the ceremony should last almost 2 weeks, i.e. 13 days. Let's look at what exactly needs to be done point by point:

  1. All these 13 days you must fast. Cannot be consumed alcoholic drinks, White bread. You will have to forget about all sweets, and this applies not only to cakes and sweets, but also to jam, sugar, and honey. These days it is better to restrain yourself and try to eat very little.
  2. All 13 days you need to wake up very early. Be sure to start your day with the Lord’s Prayer (read while facing east), and then drink a glass of holy water.
  3. Then you can start doing household chores and other responsibilities. Any quarrels are prohibited. Even if your husband provokes a scandal and behaves disgustingly, you should not give in. Without this, it will not be possible to remove the damage.


Once the preparation is completed, you can begin the ceremony itself.

You also need to get up early and go where it is usually very windy (in a field or on the seashore - the sea is especially good at helping to remove damage to divorce). There must be great amount crow. You need to find such a place and say the words of the conspiracy, imagining how happy you are with your husband. This ritual must be repeated three times, i.e. the entire ritual will take three days. It will help restore the family.

A storm on the ocean, on the sea, a strong whirlwind on the field. God our Savior himself suffered, and the Healer Panteleimon was with him. The crows screamed, and the dead were silent; they took the damage from the couple, in that relationship (your names). Whoever wants to interrupt my word will be pecked by a black raven in the field. Earth in the earth, water in the cloud, Lord our God, help, help your servants (your names). Amen.

Charmed food

It is necessary to read this plot over food for a week before feeding your husband. It will help remove damage and eliminate discord in your family. Every time before eating you need to read the food plot.

“It is written in the scriptures about Adam: Adam gave Eve a rib, and they had love, and children were born from them, and we from their children. I put love for Eva in the heart of the Servant of God (name). I, the servant of God (name), pray to the Heavenly King, the Mother of God, His Mother: Hold us together, blind us, the servants of God (names). As hops curl around a pole, So let our destinies intertwine. And whoever harms us, who interferes with our lives, let the Lord remove him. Take, Lord, all the bad, superficial things from my family, from my husband. Let us live forever, love and not forget how Eve loved Adam, how Adam followed her from heaven to earth. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Eliminating damage to the family with the help of charmed salt

Before reading this conspiracy, which can remove damage, you need to cleanse the house of negative energy. This must be done every Thursday until the atmosphere in the house improves. To do this you will need the Trinity icon and a candle (one or more). To cleanse the house, you need to pick up an icon and a lit candle and go around all the rooms, reading prayers (“Our Father” or “Trinity”). When you feel that everything has returned to normal in your home, you can cast a spell over salt. At night, as soon as everyone falls asleep, you need to take out a pack of salt and say the cherished words over it. Then this salt must be used for its intended purpose, i.e. put in food. If you constantly read this plot over salt, then no damage will be able to touch your family.

“War is for kings, evil is for sovereigns! The swords will take the fire, they will drive the enemy away, and peace will come! He will save us all! Peace to our home, may (name) always be with me. The Mother of God will pray, God will ask, and he will take away the evil. Wrap it in love. Amen".

And when it seems that some difficult heartfelt experiences have passed without a trace, traumatic situations of this kind leave scars in a person’s soul. Sometimes a person himself feels a burnt-out “desert” in his soul. Finally, “your” person has met, but the soul is silent, it has nothing to love anymore - there is no spiritual strength. Therefore, keep mental and physical purity before marriage and try with all your might to save your family.

Married life is not always easy. In any family, there are quarrels, even scandals. Two different people, with their habits and lifestyle, must be able to adapt to each other, make compromises, and give in on something. But reconciliation is only possible if there was no magical intervention. It’s one thing if quarrels are caused by some reasons, even if sometimes far-fetched, but it’s another thing if they happen out of the blue without any reason. This may be the result of exposure to damage.

Who can cause damage

Skeptical people are sure that there is no person nearby who would wish their family harm. They may not believe that their family discord and even divorce were caused by negative influences. An ill-wisher may not be an obvious enemy, but a secret envier.

The following can cause damage in order to quarrel family members:

  1. Envious people There are people who are envious by nature. They didn't have their own personal life, so they cannot calmly look at happy married couples.
  2. Women who are trying to fight off someone else's husband Usually it is women who use various love spells and can cause damage in order to ruin a family. This could be her husband's mistress or a colleague who has her eye on him. There are also situations when a man dated one woman and married another. A rejected rival can take revenge in this way.
  3. Close relatives of spouses There are many cases when the mother-in-law does not like the daughter-in-law or the mother-in-law is dissatisfied with the son-in-law. Evil women can provoke scandals and turn young people against each other. They can also use magic to secure the result.

How to determine damage

If constant quarrels have begun in the family, the spouses irritate each other, they have frequent attacks aggression - all this may indicate that someone has caused damage. Determining the presence of damage is not difficult.

You need to remember if someone was particularly persistent in treating you to something. Very often, damage to disorder is caused through alcoholic drinks or food. If you tried the treat, did you feel like it had a strange taste?

Or you could find twigs, earth, matches, various powders or candle stubs on the threshold of your house. You should also be wary if you find tangled knots, needles, wool, hair, etc. in the apartment, but it is known for sure that no one in the household could have brought them. In this case, you should not touch them with your hands, but it is best to put them on cardboard and burn them along with it. It is advisable to do this away from home.

Signs of damage

Damage can manifest itself as follows:

  • Quarrels for no reason, irritability
  • Seizures sudden aggression, which is replaced by detachment and fatigue
  • Coldness, absence intimate life and desires, failures in bed
  • A sharp change in the mood of the spouses, anger not only at the partner, but also at the whole world
  • Accidents often occur with family members
  • The loss of interest in another person does not happen gradually, but abruptly, within one day; instead of love, he begins to experience hatred
  • Change of character, craving for bad habits, a person cannot overcome laziness, he is drawn to bad places (cemetery, garbage dump)

Method for diagnosing spoilage

If the above-described signs of damage to disorder are present (or some of them), then this is a reason to think about it. You can finally make sure that damage has been sent to you using this ritual. It will need fresh egg. After midnight you need to pick it up and speak:

“Mother chicken, show me if there is anger towards my love.”

It should be placed so that it is above the pillows of the bed where you sleep with your spouse. After this you can go to bed. The egg should lie for a day. At night, also after 12 o’clock, it needs to be broken down and examined. If specks and white stripes are visible on the yolk, then there really is spoilage.

How to remove damage

If you are not satisfied with the upcoming divorce and want to save the relationship, you need to remove the damage. There are many conspiracies and rituals for the well-being of the family that can help in this difficult situation. Some of them need to be done together with your husband. After they are carried out, it is worth following some preventive measures to prevent this from happening again:

  1. Do not forget about amulets that can protect against damage and the evil eye
  2. Don't communicate with people who don't like you. Damage is not always done consciously; sometimes someone may simply envy you.
  3. Holy water should always be at hand. As soon as you feel something is wrong, you can drink it, wash your face or sprinkle various objects

Ritual with a castle

This ceremony can be performed by one of the spouses or both. If the husband does not agree to participate, there is no need to insist; you can use his personal item. To remove the damage, you also need to prepare two wax church candles and a lock. The ceremony must be performed at dawn; any day is suitable except Monday. A must see rising Sun. The entire ceremony must be faced towards him.

To remove damage from a family, you need to light two candles, and put a lock between them, the handle of which must be open. If the spouse refused to participate in the ritual, his belongings must be placed on the lock. After this, read the plot:

“I, servant of God (name), will get up early in the morning, pray, and go to the servant of God (name), crossing myself, from the hut to the door, from the door to the gate, from the gate to the familiar path. Just as the lock is open, so are their hearts open to us. We bow low, ask quietly to help the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) get rid of all evil spirits, cleanse our souls from the dirt. As I close the lock, I will also close the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) from black power. Amen"

Then extinguish the candles: be sure to first the right one, then the left one. After that you need to read Orthodox prayer and click the lock. It should be thrown into a deep reservoir or buried in the forest. Then the negativity will never come back to you.

A simple ritual to relieve discord in the family

This ritual for removing damage does not require special preparation. To perform it, you must choose a Sunday, only an even number. To remove the damage, you need to crosswise go around the corners of the house, while reading the plot. You will have to repeat it 40 times. This Sunday you cannot receive guests at home or talk on the phone.

“I, slave (name), was made from Adam’s body, I take it off, I drive out the devil’s work, not with a batog, but with a cross. Not for an hour and not at a time, but for faith in the One God Christ. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. My house is strong, the threshold is not broken. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Removing damage for the whole family

This ritual is very powerful. If everything is done correctly, you will be able to remove the damage and restore the family. For the ritual you will need water, which should sit for at least half an hour. All family members should go to a bowl of water and take a glass of water. After this, all family members also take off their clothes, not all, just one thing: a shirt, a scarf, an apron, etc. It is desirable that it be made of fabric and belong to this person. All these things need to be collected and tied in a knot. Then everyone joins hands, forming a circle, and says:

“Having managed to unite a family into one, we will not allow it to be split and given to the wolves to be eaten. We will hold on to this knot, as we hold each other’s hands, as we tremble with our family, and we will not escape from it. And if someone wants to separate a family, he himself may suffer. We stand on this, we won’t let our relatives be offended. Amen!".

Things tied in a knot must be passed from person to person - from older to younger. Everyone should keep them above water and wish their family well. After this, all participants in the ceremony must drink their glass of water in one gulp.

Ritual with a broom

This ritual will help remove damage and remove all negativity from your home. You need to go into the forest and break birch or oak branches for a broom. With this broom you need to sweep the dirty linen out of the house, across the threshold, repeating not very loudly:

“I don’t sweep away trash, I drive out damage.”

Then take this one to the pedestrian intersection. Anyone who steps over it will take all the damage for himself.

Conspiracy with salt

To avoid quarrels in the family, you need to ask for salt from several houses (the quantity depends on the number of family members: two - two houses, three - three houses, etc.). You need to combine all this salt, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy:

“How many measures of salt will be eaten, so many people will get along together, everyone will make peace, and will not get angry again.”

Then you need to use this salt to salt the food that all family members will eat.

Conspiracy with cast iron

To remove damage from spouses, you need to find an old cast iron that you will no longer need. It is necessary to fill it with water, preferably cold, but not all of it, but two-thirds, and throw herbs and salt into it: namely, three pinches of thistle, one pinch each of rosemary and always coarse salt. Then you need to take two towels that you use in the kitchen, dirty ones, and tie them together. When the water with herbs boils, you need to put towels in it and say:

“I got up at early dawn, washed my face in light water, walked out of the hut through the doors, out of the yard through the gates, to the west, and into an open field. In that open field there is a bald mountain, on that bald mountain there is a black bathhouse, in that black bathhouse there are two towels, both dirty and thin, they wiped their feet with them, they used them for business, they collected all quarrels and dirt with them. As soon as these towels find themselves in the ground, so soon all troubles and sorrows will cease and will never happen again.”

When the potion with towels boils, the cast iron needs to be removed from the heat and cooled. Then take all this stuff and go to a place where there are no people to bury the towels in the ground as deep as possible. The water that remains after the ceremony must be poured out immediately. The cast iron must be hidden in someone else's yard or left at the crossroads of pedestrian roads.

Not everyone is happy about someone else's happiness. The family idyll often becomes the envy of people whose personal lives are not going well. Sometimes even a well-known person turns out to be an ill-wisher, for example, best friend or a close relative. But most of all you need to be wary of those who dream of taking one of the spouses away from the couple. As a rule, such unprincipled women and men stop at nothing until they achieve their goal. They not only show obsession with the object of their adoration, but also strive to harm his other half in every possible way. Often, attempts to break up a family even lead to attempts to eliminate a rival using black magic. A clear sign The fact that they are trying to harm your couple is indicated by the appearance of suspicious things under the door or in the house.

Types of linings and purposes of their use

Lining refers to items that were used in a witchcraft ritual. They are deliberately charged with a negative program, which is activated only next to the victim of damage. IN in this case we will talk about lapels aimed at destroying the family.

  1. Spilled salt.

The most common lining. Rumors and simple rituals are usually performed using salt. This will not do much harm, but it may provoke several conflict situations.

  1. Animal fur.

For this lapel, cat and dog hair are mixed, after which the lump is thrown under the threshold. The purpose of the ritual is scandals and fights.

  1. Sewing needles, pins, nails.

Sharp objects are thrown under the door or stuck into the door frame. Needles and pins can be whole or with broken heads, rusty, new or used. For greater effect, the sorcerer can bury them in the cemetery for a while. A lining of this kind is dangerous for all household members.

At first glance, poppy seeds seem like a completely harmless seasoning. However, they are widely used in magic. Poppy is used for successful trading, attracting suitors, and protection. It is also used for lapel witchcraft to cool the feelings of spouses towards each other. The program begins to operate when at least one of them passes through the scattered seeds.

  1. Earth or sand.

Another lining representing serious danger. The earth can be taken from a crossroads, a cemetery, or another place with heavy energy, such as a flower pot in a hospital. As a rule, rituals with the earth are aimed at a complete break. First, sexual attraction disappears, then the husband and wife turn into strangers who are not connected by any emotions.

How to neutralize the lining

Before you take action, remember two important rules:

  • Never touch a suspicious object with your bare hands or step over it. From the moment of direct contact, the lapel program starts.
  • In this case, you can’t hesitate. While you are in doubt, one of your loved ones may unknowingly pick up on the negative.

Of the many methods of neutralization, we will focus on those that can be carried out by any person who has discovered a lining in themselves:

  1. Read “Our Father” 3 times and cross yourself. Then sweep the suspicious object onto the dustpan with a broom, take it away from the house and burn it. When returning back, do not turn around under any circumstances. Wash your face with holy water at home, and the next day light candles “for health” for yourself and your family members. It is advisable to get rid of the broom and dustpan.
  2. If you want to return the negative to the one who sent it, read above the lining 2 times: “I send from the unknown to the known. Let it be so". Further actions coincide with the first method. When disposing of the item, repeat the spell words six more times.

Sweep salt, earth or other small particles onto paper and burn them in a vacant lot, saying: “Where it came from, go there; whoever created it, take it.” Then walk away without looking back. Be careful over the next three days. The person who made the lining will reveal himself through a call or an unexpected visit. If, in addition, he asked to borrow something, it means that it was he who opened the lapel.
