How long can you wear lenses and why can’t you wear them over? How long can a new user wear contact lenses? If you wear lenses without removing them

IN last years contact lenses have gained enormous popularity among people suffering from visual impairments.

First of all, this is due to their convenience, because contact lenses do not interfere with an active lifestyle: they allow you to play sports, they cannot be lost or broken.

But do not forget that a contact lens for the eye is foreign body, which means that various problems may arise due to its constant presence.

Most often, inflammatory diseases and allergic reactions develop. To prevent this from happening, you need to follow the rules for wearing contact lenses and regularly care for them.

Types of contact lenses. Permissible wearing time

There are many types of contact lenses. The length of time you wear them depends on what lenses you use.

Based on the time of continuous wear, contact lenses can be divided into three groups:

  1. Contact lenses daytime wear. Such lenses must be removed at night. The maximum continuous wearing time is 14 hours.
  2. Contact lenses long-term wearing. This type of contact lens can be left on for a week.
  3. Contact lenses continuous wearing. They are allowed not to be removed for one month.

Despite the fact that manufacturers allow the continuous wearing of some types of contact lenses, it is better not to abuse this and do not be lazy to remove the lenses before going to bed.

According to service life, they are distinguished the following types contact lenses:

Name Description
Classic models

Their average service life ranges from six months to 9 months. They are good for their low cost, but require daily and expensive care. It involves the constant use of special solutions and tablets to remove bacteria.

In addition, over time, the material from which such lenses are made changes its properties. physical properties, and harmful protein deposits form on it. They call bacterial infections eye. Often one lens becomes unusable before the other

Quarterly Models These lenses are worn for 3 months. They are rare on the market and almost never used.
Planned replacement models They are designed to be worn for 30 days. They are made from both hydrogel and silicone hydrogel. They do not require cleaning with expensive enzyme tablets - a simple disinfectant solution is enough for them
Weekly replacement models

They are meant to be worn for no more than 7 days. IN extreme cases it is possible to extend the service life up to 14 years. This type of lens is made from materials containing a large number of moisture, so they do not require any special cleaning.

They rarely cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes and other unpleasant symptoms.

One-day models

As the name suggests, these lenses only last one day before being discarded. These lenses are quite different high cost, but we can confidently say that they are worth the money spent.

They never call inflammatory diseases eyes, since every day you wear sterile lenses that have not been treated with any chemicals. Also thanks modern materials, disposable lenses are not available negative influence for visual acuity

Separately, it is worth mentioning colored contact lenses, as they are becoming increasingly popular. Some people use them to change their eye color to a brighter and more attractive one, while others wear them to attract attention at a disco or theme party.

If you remove lenses incorrectly, their service life will become much shorter than that stated by the manufacturer. Let's see how to do it correctly:

Colored contact lenses have two important features:

  1. They are made of very soft material, which means that wearing them leads to insufficient oxygen supply to the corneal tissues.
  2. Many of them are opaque. This leads to color distortion and over time can cause serious violations vision.

Based on this, it is believed that you can wear colored lenses without removing them. no more than 4 hours. If you suddenly feel a decrease in visual acuity, burning and stinging in your eyes, the lenses should be removed immediately.

Under no circumstances should lenses be left in overnight, as this can lead to hypoxia of the corneal tissue. Before use, always carefully read the instructions for use of colored contact lenses, as they may have certain nuances in care.

The eyes should gradually get used to colored lenses, so wearing them should start from half an hour a day, slowly increasing the time.

Consequences of over-wearing contact lenses

The wearing periods indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer were invented for a reason. Numerous studies are being conducted to help determine safe time wearing, so you should not neglect the instructions in the instructions.

The following picture will help you avoid mistakes when putting on lenses:

Due to constant contact with the mucous membrane of the eye, the material from which contact lenses are made wears out and changes its physical properties.

Even the most expensive and high-quality lenses become uneven, porous and cloudy over time.

These changes in surface structure contribute to:

  • accumulation of fatty deposits;
  • accumulation of protein deposits;
  • constant ingress and settling of dust, dirt and other particles coming from the environment;
  • proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

With time harmful bacteria and dirt particles penetrate the lens so deeply that no cleaning systems can cope with them.

If you exceed the contact lens wearing time specified by the manufacturer, this may lead to serious consequences. Here are the main ones:

  1. Oxygen deficiency in corneal tissues. Chronic hypoxia provokes excessive vascular growth and corneal edema. These pathological changes over time cause irreversible visual impairment.
  2. Allergic reactions. The most common is papillary conjunctivitis. It manifests as burning, itching, redness and photophobia.
  3. Non-infectious keratitis. With this complication, blood cells are deposited in the tissues of the cornea. This causes blurred vision and the appearance of so-called “floaters”. Keratitis occurs due to the body's excessive immune response to foreign proteins and fats on the surface of the lens.
  4. E rosia of the outer membranes of the eye. They occur due to excess friction and careless lens removal. The patient feels strong burning sensation, stinging, pain in the eyes. His vision deteriorates and excessive tear fluid is produced.
  5. Red eye syndrome. It is manifested by increased lacrimation, a feeling of sand in the eye and severe redness.
  6. Corneal deformation. Prolonged use of soft lenses without sufficient breaks can cause a sudden change in the shape of the cornea as a result of mechanical stress. The complication manifests itself sharp decline vision.
  7. Bacterial and viral infections. The most common conditions are blepharitis, inflammation optic nerve, iridocyclitis, panophthalmitis, dacryocystitis.

The listed complications significantly worsen the quality of life and require long-term treatment, so it’s much easier to prevent them if you follow the rules for wearing contact lenses.

In order for contact lenses to serve you for the stated period and at the same time remain completely safe for the organs of vision, you need to properly care for them.

Here are the basic rules for handling contact lenses:

  1. Before any contact with lenses, you must thoroughly wash your hands with antibacterial soap and dry them with a clean towel.
  2. The storage container must be refilled regularly with clean, unexpired disinfectant solution.
  3. Contact lenses take on the shape of eyeball, on which they are regularly worn, so they should not be confused with each other.
  4. Lenses should be cleaned immediately after removal.
  5. The storage container also has an expiration date - it needs to be changed every 30 days.
  6. Don't skimp on disinfectant solutions And enzyme tablets, since the degree of purification depends on their quality. In addition, the better the quality of the products, the more gentle they are on the material from which the lenses are made.
  7. It is recommended to keep the lenses in the solution for the prescribed time (at least 6 hours).
  8. Contact of lenses with moisture should be avoided as much as possible (especially chlorinated and tap water).
  9. Tobacco smoke shortens the life of contact lenses, so it is necessary to reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke or completely abandon this bad habit.

It is very important to put contact lenses on the correct side. The following picture will help you avoid mistakes:


  1. Contact lenses – modern and convenient way vision correction.
  2. All contact lenses have a certain service life and continuous wear.
  3. You can find out the wear time by reading the instructions for use.
  4. Excess permissible period socks can lead to development serious complications from the organs of vision.
  5. In order for your lenses to last as long as possible, you need to use and care for them correctly.

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Contact lenses that can be worn for 30 days without removing are an innovative product that opens up absolutely new level freedom for users with vision problems. If regular lenses are mandatory need to be removed at night, then in the case of monthly lenses everything is much simpler and more convenient. During the entire period you can forget that you are using contact correction.

What you need to know about extended wear lenses?

Among all types of contact lenses, they deserve special attention. Their key feature is that such lenses, unlike classical vision correction devices, are allowed for continuous wear (even during sleep) for up to 30 days.

The use of contact lenses requires careful care and obligatory adherence to hygiene rules. Regular contact lenses have to be removed every evening. If you leave them in front of your eyes while you sleep, you can get a serious illness.

Modern manufacturers of optical products have taken care of the convenience of contact lens wearers. Today's extended wear lenses are made from newest material– silicone hydrogel, characterized by high oxygen permeability. The rate of air access to the cornea of ​​the eye is very important for the safety of contact lens wearers.

The higher it is, the greater the protection against the accumulation of protein deposits on the cornea of ​​the eye. Maximum biocompatibility – key characteristic of monthly wear lenses. The user will not have to do it every day. But, despite the possibility of not removing them for a whole month, most experts agree that it is better to remove them from time to time (at least once a week) at night and clean them using peroxide systems.

Monthly lenses are very thin and comfortable. They contain substances that constantly moisturize the cornea, allowing it to breathe freely.

That is why you can leave them on for a whole month. Such lenses are designed specifically for those people whose lives do not fit into the traditional regime. They are ideal for people with irregular work schedules, 24/7 jobs, such as truck drivers or security guards. Contacts are indispensable for amateurs nightlife, and they are also perfect for students.

At what age can you wear contact lenses?

Contact lenses for a month

Several Yet Benefits of monthly contact lenses:

  1. ratio of price, ease of use and duration of wearing;
  2. large range of optical power for farsightedness, presbyopia, myopia from +6.0 to -12.0 diopters;
  3. variety of species:
    • moisturizing;
    • oxygen permeable;
    • for dry eyes;
    • with increased biocompatibility;
    • with reduced deposit formation;
    • for use in low light conditions;
    • lenses for astigmatism;
    • multifocal;
    • colored;
    • “zero” (with normal vision), etc.

How to choose lenses according to parameters, search by.

Air Optics lenses

Contact lenses are a product medical purposes.Only a doctor can select them. IN Every salon where lenses are sold must have a specialist present. He will check your vision and write a prescription for lenses. When selecting, vision parameters must be taken into account, optical power, radius of curvature and other individual user characteristics.

Read also how to choose colored lenses.

“30 days without removing” lenses have become very popular. You can wear them for a whole month without taking them off day or night. If desired, you can use only daytime wearing mode or a combined one: sometimes take it off at night, and sometimes not.

Flexible wearing schedule – exactly what doctors recommend to reduce all risks of corneal inflammation to zero. If the wearing mode is daily or flexible, then the lens must be stored in solution. If the wearing regime is long-term (all 30 days without removing), then the solution is not needed.

Leading brands of contact lenses intended for monthly wear:

  • Air Optix Aqua Night&Day(“Ciba Vision”);
  • PureVision, PureVision 2 HD(“Bausch & Lomb”);
  • Maxima(“Maxima Optics”);
  • Biofinity, Biomedics 55, Proclear(“Cooper Vision”);
  • Mediterranee, Compatic, Air(“Carl Zeiss”).

How to wear it correctly?

Monthly contact lenses can be daily or extended-wear. The first ones must be removed at night and stored in special containers with solution for contact lenses. Extended wear lenses can be worn for a month without removal. They don't need a solution.

Each lens is contained in an individual blister. The wearing period of 30 days is counted from the date of opening the blister.

For convenience, the lenses are lightly tinted and have a side indicator, which makes them easier to find in the solution. Exist monthly lenses with a beginner-friendly shape that facilitates manipulation. This allows them to be removed and put on without damage, even for unadapted users. An ophthalmologist or contact specialist will give you competent recommendations on putting on, wearing, and storing lenses correctly.

Read about the degree of myopia in.

New lenses with high Dk (a measure of oxygen permeability) open up the possibility of long-term wear for people. However, prolonged wearing Not recommended people:

  • with immune system disorders;
  • with severe allergies;
  • systematically taking medications;
  • problematic patients who have previously experienced intolerance to contact lenses (for example, papillary conjunctivitis).

Also long wearing unacceptable for people who have had problems with daytime wearing and for those who have tried to wear them without success 6 days in a row. If a person wants to immediately start using extended-wear lenses, then an adaptation period of at least one week should be provided for him with a daily regime of wearing lenses. Then you can only switch to prolonged wearing for 6 days, after which an examination by a doctor should follow. If no problems arise, the patient can switch to 30-day wear. This schedule will allow the eyes to get used to the lenses and determine the reaction of the cornea to the silicone hydrogel material.

Contact lenses for 30 days

For monthly lens wearers should be remembered:

  • Even if the lenses are designed for continuous use for a month, a flexible wearing mode is still preferable.
  • Lenses should be removed if discomfort occurs.
  • Filmed on a short time The lens should be disinfected before putting it on.
  • Do not use expired lens care products that have expired.
  • 30 days is maximum period continuous wearing of such lenses. Don't experiment and try to wear them longer. After this period, lenses lose their properties and may cause various inflammations cornea of ​​the eyes.



The creation of silicone hydrogel contact lenses has become a huge step forward in the fight against hypoxia. This invention gave patients the opportunity to wear lenses for a long time, comfortably for up to 30 days. However, it is important to properly prepare your eyes for prolonged wear, and their wearing regimen, follow the rules of hygiene and lens care, and also conduct regular eye examinations with a contact specialist. If you need daily contact lenses, you can buy them, but consult your doctor before purchasing.

Rhythm modern life often does not leave people time for the most important thing - taking care of their health. And it often happens that, having put on a sterile pair of contact lenses in the morning, in the evening a person simply forgets about their existence and, as a result, does not take them off while sleeping at night.

This is also due to the fact that modern technologies, allow you to create optical discs with high content moisture, ultra-thin edges, excellent fixation and good oxygen permeability, which makes wearing them almost asymptomatic, as if they were simply not in front of your eyes.

But if you wear lenses during the day and forget to take them off in the evenings, this can lead to complications. In this case, it is best to switch to wearing extended or continuous optical discs (night lenses), but this should be done only after consulting an ophthalmologist and with his permission.

Night lenses: peculiarities

Contact lenses for prolonged and, especially, continuous wear are made from modern polymer materials with high moisture content and good gas exchange ability. In addition, the material is resistant to dehydration, that is, rapid evaporation of moisture, and is resistant to the deposition of protein, lipid, and salt complexes on its surface. When wearing lenses for extended periods, you can leave them on your eyes for one night, but they must be removed the next night. These night lenses are perfect for people with irregular working hours or shift schedule work, as well as to all those who, for one reason or another, do not always spend the night at home. In cases where you do not want to take off your lenses in the evenings and deal with their processing, then you should choose products with a continuous wearing schedule. Such optical discs can be worn without removing them for a month, after which they should be replaced with a new sterile pair. When switching to prolonged or continuous wear, the user must listen very carefully to his feelings. If you experience the slightest signs of discomfort or blurred vision, you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist. But such phenomena are observed extremely rarely. In most cases, 24-hour wearing lenses, on the contrary, expand the field of vision and increase its sharpness, thereby reducing eye fatigue and fatigue, especially in the evening hours. The range of extended and 24-hour wearing lenses presented in our optics salon is huge. These include:

  • Acuvue Oasys with Hydraclear Plus;
  • PureVision 2 HD;
  • Air Optix Aqua;
  • Air Optix Night & Day Aqua;
  • Acuvue Oasys for Astigmatism with Hydraclear Plus;
  • Adria O2O2;
  • Biofinity;
  • Pure Vision Multi-focal;
  • PureVision 2 HD and others.

Thanks to this variety, everyone can choose contact lenses that suit their parameters and switch to comfortable and safe continuous wear. The high quality of modern soft lenses and their excellent characteristics provide the user with great comfort. Within a couple of minutes after putting on the optical discs, you will simply forget about them and just enjoy the clear and clear vision. Contact lenses, which do not need to be removed at night, are primarily suitable for easy-going and energetic people who can spend the night at a party at any time or suddenly go to a nightclub. Also, these lenses can be recommended to people who, for some reason, cannot carefully care for them. For example, they are ideal for older people, as well as children and teenagers.

Each of us has a piece of jewelry that we prefer not to part with - neither in the shower, nor in the sauna, nor on the beach, nor while sleeping - for one reason or another. For example, the same cross on a chain or wedding ring many people prefer to wear it without taking it off as something dear to their hearts, like a talisman and symbol that is always nearby. But is it so harmless to our skin, what should we be wary of and what rules should we follow if you wear jewelry 24 hours a day? We decided to study this issue thoroughly.

Dermatologist Marina Peredo from Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, where she receives medical care many celebrities assure that there is nothing wrong with leaving jewelry on even while sleeping and showering for months, provided that you regularly clean your favorite earrings, ring or chain. The exception is the so-called costume jewelry and cases of allergies to jewelry, which will make itself felt if, from wearing the latter, your skin itches and turns red, peeling and excessive dryness appear in places with which the jewelry directly comes into contact.

In addition to allergies, there is also such a thing as sensitivity to jewelry, when the same symptoms appear in you only from time to time, not with all jewelry in the same way and with less force. For example, many have experienced such discomfort when wearing earrings: some models bother you so much that the next day you want to scratch your ears endlessly, while others “wear” just fine, even if you don’t take them off for a day or more. Dermatologists warn that even seemingly safe gold or silver can cause allergic reaction, but its provocateur will not be the noble metal itself, but one of the metals that make up the alloy - for example, most often nickel acts as such. The reaction to it can be individual, as well as its presence in the composition, so not all gold and silver jewelry is the same in relation to allergies. But, knowing this, next time you can check whether the lock on the gold earrings is made of nickel, and prefer the pair where it is made of gold.

Now let’s assume that with no allergic problems you've never encountered jewelry before. Can you now be sure that wearing them without taking them off is good idea? Definitely yes, as long as you remember to clean your jewelry and keep an eye on how it's exposed external environment. For example, when applying cream to the skin or hands, it is better to remove chains and rings so that particles of the cream do not accumulate in them, and put them on again when the cream is absorbed and dries.

Provided that you wear jewelry every day, you need to clean it about once a week, the dermatologist advises, and use a special product for both costume jewelry and precious metals. Toothpaste, lemon juice and other improvised means that you will find in advice on cleaning jewelry are not always safe for these purposes - their effect may be too strong.

Whether or not to remove jewelry during the day and night is up to you, but finally, we will give you an interesting statistic: it turns out that cases when jewelry is lost, broken, torn, or loses its components most often occur precisely when you are taking a shower or sleeping . Perhaps, for those who believe the numbers, this will be a good reason to put the jewelry on the dressing table.

Top 5 jewelry that is usually not parted with for a long time:

  • Stud earrings

Gold earrings SL with diamonds (price on the link)

  • Cross on a chain

Gold pendant SL with diamonds (price on the link)

  • Mini pendant

Silver pendant SL with cubic zirconia (price on the link)

  • Wedding ring

SL engagement ring with diamonds (price on link)

  • Chain bracelet

The period of continuous use of lenses primarily depends on what wearing mode is recommended by the manufacturer. The mode is determined by a number of factors: materials, production technologies, level of moisture content, oxygen permeability, as well as how long optical products can retain moisture.

To understand how long you can wear without a break, you need to pay attention to the mode of their use. We are talking specifically about the wearing mode, and not about the replacement period. For example, monthly replacement lenses - depending on the mode - can be used only during the day, or day and night, and not removed at all for up to 30 days.

Day mode

At the moment, daytime optics are considered the most common and safest option. contact correction vision. You are allowed to wear such lenses for no more than 9-12 hours, and they must be removed at night. If recommendations are ignored, hypoxia or corneal neovascularization may occur during sleep.

Flexible mode

The supply of oxygen to the ocular cornea when using flexible wear optics remains at an acceptable level even with closed eyes. However, its gas conductivity will be lower than that of optical products with prolonged or continuous modes. Therefore, in order to avoid negative consequences, it is recommended to sleep in such lenses no more than one or two nights throughout the entire period of use.

Extended and continuous wear

It is permissible not to remove correction products with prolonged wear from the eyes for up to 6 days, with continuous use for up to 30 days. As a rule, these optical products are made of silicone hydrogel material and have increased oxygen permeability. During the production process, advanced technologies are used to help consistently maintain a normal or at least acceptable level of moisture in the cornea of ​​the eye.

In our information about the mode of wearing optical products can be found in the product characteristics.
