MRI of the thoracic spine: what it shows. MRI of the thoracic spine - a highly accurate result What can be seen on an MRI of the thoracic spine

One of the five sections of the spine is the thoracic spine, consisting of 12 vertebrae. Normally, this department is inactive, since it is the basis chest, to which the ribs are attached. Formation of the chest - a protective frame for the heart, lungs, esophagus and thymus, participation in respiratory process, protection spinal cord- main functions of this part spinal column in addition to support and shock absorption. In this regard, pathologies thoracic spine problems must be identified and eliminated as early as possible, avoiding complications and transition to the chronic stage.

Examination of the spine using a magnetic resonance imaging scanner is the safest and most informative type of diagnosis, even at early stages deviations from the norm. Tomography of the thoracic region is a popular procedure, a referral for which can be given by vertebrologists, neurologists, orthopedic traumatologists and doctors of other specialties.

Indications for referral for examination

The doctor may suggest an MRI for the following established pathologies or their symptoms:

  • swelling of the face and neck;
  • chest muscle stiffness;
  • pain between the shoulder blades;
  • pain in the back along the vertebrae of the department;
  • intermittent cough and shortness of breath;
  • numbness, “goosebumps” in the chest, back, arms, fingers;
  • pain various localizations and character (aching, sharp, “lumbago”) in the region of the costal arches and the spinal column;
  • pain in the heart area that is not caused by cardiac pathology;
  • sensory disturbance;
  • injuries of the thoracic spinal column, ribs;
  • intervertebral hernias.

Magnetic resonance examination is also carried out in the pre- and postoperative period. In the first case - to clarify the location, area and depth of penetration pathological processes and drawing up a plan surgical intervention with precise determination of optimal access to the lesion site, in the second - to control the treatment process or rehabilitation period and adjusting prescriptions if necessary.

Magnetic resonance imaging using contrast agent assigned to differential diagnosis malignant and benign tumors.

Contraindications for undergoing the procedure are minimal:

  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • electronic or ferromagnetic implants;
  • pregnancy in the first trimester.

MRI of the thoracic spine - what it shows

Magnetic resonance imaging allows you to determine compliance clinical symptoms real pathology and accurately identify:

  • presence and size of protrusions and hernias intervertebral discs;
  • disorders of the structure of the skeleton and soft tissues;
  • presence and degree of complexity (degree of damage bone marrow due to: bruise, concussion);
  • tumors (with determination of their benignity or malignancy) of the spinal cord, spinal canal, cartilage tissue and metastases;
  • pathologies of blood circulation of the spinal cord (using a harmless contrast agent - gadolinium);
  • hematomyelia - bleeding in the spinal cord;
  • localization and stage of development of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • stenosis - narrowing of the spinal canal and foramina spinal nerves;
  • thickening of the spinal cord;
  • encephalomyelitis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • spondylitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • Bekhterev's disease;
  • abscess and cysts of the spinal cord.

Far from represented full list what is visible on MRI, since this method of hardware examination allows you to diagnose any inflammatory, tumor, traumatic and degenerative diseases of this part of the spinal column.

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They do the most accurate examinations of the spine. The device interacts through a magnetic field with hydrogen atoms in the organs being diagnosed, receives signals and gives a detailed picture of the condition of the vertebrae, discs and surrounding tissues.

Why do you need to undergo magnetic resonance imaging of the thoracic spine?

This will help you understand small excursion especially this part of the spine. The thoracic region is a rigid frame that combines twelve vertebrae, ribs and sternum. The vertebrae and ribs are connected by joints, the ribs on both sides in front are fused with the sternum.

The vertebrae of this department suffer less from injuries, their movements relative to each other are greatly limited. However, painful phenomena in this area of ​​the back are quite common.

Dystrophic pathologies of the column arise due to metabolic disorders and weakened nutrition of the discs. Lifting weights with improper load distribution also leads to changes in the discs and preconditions for osteochondrosis.

Problems with the joints of the spine are one of the reasons for the reduction of the openings through which nerve fibers exit. Squeezing them leads to pain in the area of ​​the organs for which they are responsible.

Often painful sensations in the stomach, heart, pancreas, liver, kidneys caused by problems in the chest spine. An MRI procedure can accurately clarify the cause of pain and establish a diagnosis.

What will an MRI show?

The study will provide information about the condition of the hard and soft tissues of the thoracic region and identify the presence of pathologies in it.

The photo shows images of the thoracic spine taken using MRI

The following diseases are diagnosed using MRI:

  • congenital vertebral anomalies,
  • disorders in the development of the spinal cord from birth,
  • spinal injuries,
  • degenerative changes in discs, vertebrae,
  • narrowing of the spinal cord canal,
  • ankylosing spondylitis,
  • education in the thoracic region,
  • hemorrhages, stroke and others vascular problems spinal cord,
  • spondylolisthesis,
  • pathologies of the spine of an infectious nature,
  • violation of the anatomical location of the vertebrae,
  • spinal column deformities.

Indications for use

Systematic pain in the back is a signal of the need to establish the cause of this phenomenon. The thoracic region should be diagnosed using the most informative method - MRI.

Indications for examination may include the following symptoms:

  • heart-like pain
  • discomfort between the shoulder blades,
  • chest pain that has a girdling character,
  • shot in the area intercostal nerves(intercostal neuralgia),
  • feeling of tightness in the chest,
  • feeling of numbness in the chest,
  • painful sensations in the epigastric region, intensifying after physical work,
  • discomfort in the liver area,
  • dysfunction of the genital organs.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic region is disguised as symptoms functional disorders organs subordinate to the corresponding nerves that experience oppression. The “chameleon disease” skillfully misleads patients and the specialists to whom they turn.

An incomplete list of diseases whose symptoms can be caused by osteochondrosis:

  • colitis,
  • gastritis,
  • appendicitis,
  • peptic ulcer,
  • cholecystitis,
  • renal colic,
  • angina pectoris
  • heart attack

If the disease is already observed by specialists, then the indication for diagnosis may be:

  1. Clarification of studies carried out using other methods, e.g.
  2. Tracking the effectiveness of treatment.
  3. Preparation for surgery.

Contraindications for diagnosis

How to prepare for the procedure

  1. Before examination, it is necessary to leave the area magnetic field:
    • all metal objects: jewelry, coins and so on,
    • devices that can respond to the influence of the device: Cell phones, Hearing Aids, cards and other items of this kind.
  2. When diagnosing using a contrast agent, do not eat food four hours before the procedure.

How they do it

The procedure is painless and does not cause any discomfort. Some devices make noise, but it does not add any inconvenience because it is not loud. The duration of the study is twenty minutes, if contrast is used - forty minutes.


The cost of the procedure depends on the quality of the equipment in the examination center and pricing policy.

On average, you have to pay for diagnostics.

The thoracic vertebrae are not very mobile, so they rarely move. However, with improper loads or insufficient blood supply to the vertebral joints, pain in the thoracic region often appears. The most common problem is compression of nerve fibers. It causes osteochondrosis - a degenerative-dystrophic change intervertebral discs accompanied by pain. Improper metabolism, uneven distribution of load when lifting and carrying heavy objects, prolonged work at the computer, etc. also lead to diseases of the spinal column.

If you are experiencing

  • Stiffness in the thoracic spine,
  • Pain in the spine of different localization,
  • Tingling or numbness of the limbs,
  • Severe pain in the thoracic region and back after the big one physical activity,
  • Pain or discomfort in the stomach, heart, kidneys or liver.

Make an appointment with your doctor and get an MRI of your thoracic spine. The procedure is recommended for injuries, bruises and fractures of the spine, suspected osteochondrosis, protrusion, hernias, circulatory disorders, neoplasms, including tumors, infectious and inflammatory diseases spinal column and spinal cord. MRI of the thoracic spine is also performed to identify diseases internal organs: lungs, heart, trachea, vascular system and so on.

The advantage of MRI diagnostics is a small list of contraindications:

  • Serious illnesses cardiovascular, bronchopulmonary and other body systems, for example, decompensated heart failure,
  • The presence of metal devices in the body: implants, fixed prostheses, pacemakers, etc.,
  • Tattoos made with paint containing metal components
  • Weight more than 140 kg.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are considered conditional contraindications. MRI of the thoracic spine is not recommended in the first trimester of pregnancy. In other cases, the procedure is carried out according to indications. If you have claustrophobia, an MRI may be performed using a tomograph. open type or using sedatives.

The study uses a magnetic field that is harmless to humans. Therefore, MRI of the thoracic spine can be done frequently, with short time intervals. The procedure does not cause discomfort or side effects.

There is no need to prepare for the study. If an MRI is performed with contrast, it is done on an empty stomach or 4-5 hours after eating. Immediately before the procedure, remove anything that contains metal: glasses, jewelry, belts, watches, etc. All things with metal elements: handbags, bank cards, umbrellas, etc. must be left at the entrance to the MRI room.

The patient lies down on the table of the device and is fastened with special straps to ensure immobility. The table slides into the tomograph tunnel and the examination begins. A study without contrast lasts approximately half an hour, with contrast – up to an hour. The operation of the machine is controlled by an MRI technologist located in an adjacent room. An intercom is installed inside the tomograph, thanks to which the patient and doctor communicate with each other during the procedure.

MRI of the thoracic spine is performed without contrast and using a contrast agent. The attending physician decides whether to use contrast. It is usually used to diagnose tumors and assess the condition of the vessels that supply blood to the spine and surrounding tissues. Contrast improves image clarity and diagnostic accuracy.

MRI with contrast is not performed on patients with serious kidney disease. If you are allergic, notify your doctor in advance so that he can make sure there are no allergic reaction in contrast.

Using magnetic resonance imaging, the condition of the soft and hard tissues of the spinal column is determined. When examining the thoracic (thoracic) region, MRI covers the thoracic spine, which consists of 12 vertebrae. In the spaces between the vertebral bodies there are fibrous rings of the cartilaginous plates of the intervertebral discs. There are holes along the edges from which come out nerve bundles, which extend to the intercostal arches.

With MRI, it is possible to determine the anatomical cause of the disturbance of innervation, both of the striated muscles and of the chest organs located in upper section body, topographically close to the spine. The effect of a magnetic field on the human body remains harmless even after repeated studies.

Service price, rub. Promotion price, rub. Record
MRI cervical spine 5000 rub. 3400 rub.
MRI of the thoracic spine 5000 rub. 1500 rub.
MRI of the lumbar spine sacral region(L1-S1) 5000 rub. 3400 rub.
MRI of the sacral spine and sacroiliac joints 5000 rub. 3500 rub.
MRI of the coccyx 4000 rub. 3600 rub.
MRI of the lumbar + thoracic spine 10,000 rub. 5200 rub.
MRI of the cervical + thoracic spine 10,000 rub. 5200 rub.
MRI cervical + thoracic + lumbar region spine (3 sections of the spine) 13000 rub. 7900 rub.
MRI of the entire spine (S1-S5 and sacroiliac joints) (4 sections of the spine) 16,000 rub. 10,000 rub.

MRI of the thoracic spine at the LDC on Vernadsky

In our diagnostic and treatment Center on Vernadsky, MRI examinations of the thoracic spine are performed at prices no higher than the Moscow average. We use the latest equipment in combination with the most comfortable conditions for patients. Our MRI machine, which examines the thoracic spine, has a power of 1.5 Tesla. This best option, using less power does not guarantee high-quality images. When using a device of higher power, due to the increase in sharpness, the boundaries in the image are also blurred.

The advantages of MRI in our diagnostic and treatment center lie not only in the use of modern diagnostic equipment, but also in the fact that the patient, having undergone an examination of the thoracic spine, has the opportunity to see a neurologist on the same day. At the doctor’s appointment, the patient will receive competent advice, after which he will be offered a course of treatment. If necessary, the patient can be hospitalized in a specialized department. If such a need does not arise, the examinee can contact us after some time and receive the results of an MRI examination of the thoracic spine, since all data is stored in our computer database.

What does a thoracic spine examination show?

Using MRI of the thoracic spine, the presence of the following is detected: pathological conditions and diseases:

  • developmental anomalies skeletal system- vertebrae;
  • thoracic osteochondrosis;
  • herniated intervertebral discs, including in the early stages - prolapse of the intervertebral nucleus pulposus;
  • tumors of the spinal cord, spinal canal, cartilage tissue;
  • MRI signs of deformation and narrowing of the thoracic spine canal;
  • amyotrophic lateral sclerosis;
  • hemorrhages in the tissues of the spinal cord;
  • traumatic injuries of the vertebrae;
  • anatomical causes of pinched spinal cord roots and intercostal neuralgia.

In some cases, MRI of the thoracic spine can identify the cause of neurocirculatory dystonia, which manifests itself as changes blood pressure due to spasms of blood vessels supplying the spinal cord. For this purpose, MR angiography of the thoracic spine is performed.

Indications for MRI of the thoracic spine

In order to determine the causes of neurological disorders, the doctor prescribes an MRI of the thoracic spine for the following complaints and symptoms:

  • chest muscle stiffness;
  • the appearance of back pain along the spine;
  • numbness, “pins and needles” sensation in the chest and back;
  • the appearance of acute pain by type of lumbago;
  • aching pain in the spinal column and costal arches;
  • heart pain that does not disappear after taking heart medications;
  • sensory disturbances in the back and chest;
  • pain after spinal injury.

MRI of the thoracic spine is also performed before surgical intervention on the vertebrae. The study is also necessary to monitor the effectiveness of the use of drugs.

Contraindications for MRI examination

Contraindications for MRI of the thoracic spine are factors that interfere with obtaining informative results. Image distortion can be caused by serious interference. Disruption of the process of wave reflection electromagnetic field The following factors contribute:

  • ferromagnetic or electronic implants built into the middle ear;
  • metal plates used for osteosynthesis;
  • Ilizarov devices and their modifications;
  • vascular stents, including coronary arteries;
  • patient weight exceeding 130 kilograms.

Magnetic resonance imaging is strictly prohibited if the patient has a pacemaker. Exposure to electromagnetic radiation disables the device, which leads to cardiac arrest and ends in clinical death.

The MRI procedure is limited in the following conditions:

  • claustrophobia;
  • pregnancy;
  • epilepsy;
  • coma;
  • defeats nervous system, which are accompanied by involuntary movements of the upper or lower extremities.

Dental implants and crowns are not contraindications to the procedure.

Where to get an MRI of the thoracic spine in Moscow?

In Moscow, you can have an MRI of the thoracic spine at our diagnostic and treatment Center on Vernadsky. You will be able to undergo the procedure and receive a qualified certificate on the same day medical care without leaving the Center building!

The thoracic spine consists of 12 vertebrae, to the bodies of which the ribs are attached. It does not have as much mobility as the cervical and lumbosacral regions, and part of the load is taken on by the ribs and muscle corset. Therefore, he suffers less often from degenerative diseases, but is especially susceptible to the formation of osteophytes. Diseases of the thoracic region are often asymptomatic until total loss his mobility.

Therefore, it is important to promptly detect and prevent the development of such and other pathologies. One of the best diagnostic techniques Today, magnetic resonance imaging is considered to be the method used to examine the thoracic region.

Advantages of MRI over other research techniques

The main advantages of thoracic MRI over radiography and other scanning methods are the following factors:

  • painlessness and safety;
  • absence radiation exposure on the human body;
  • universality, that is, the study can be carried out at any age of the patient, and all tissues can be viewed with its help;
  • opportunity early diagnosis almost all diseases that may occur in the scanning area;
  • non-invasiveness and absence of a rehabilitation period;
  • possibility of carrying out during pregnancy (the only exception is the first trimester);
  • speed of obtaining results and short duration of the procedure itself;
  • clarity and detail of the images taken, the ability to build a three-dimensional image of the problem area based on the data obtained.

Indications for MRI of the thoracic spine

An MRI of the thoracic spine is necessary before surgery to coordinate the specialist’s actions. IN postoperative period Diagnostics allows you to track the dynamics of the patient’s health status. Scanning is also carried out in cases where other methods have not provided sufficient information for diagnosis. accurate diagnosis and selection of appropriate treatment.

Indications for research may include symptoms such as:

  • limited mobility of the spine;
  • swelling and discoloration skin back in the sternum area, above and below it;
  • numbness, tingling of the upper extremities;
  • severe suffocating cough that occurs for an unknown reason;
  • pain in the chest area, radiating down or to the neck;
  • pain in the interscapular region, aggravated by movement and breathing;
The study is carried out at traumatic injury spine of any severity, as well as in cases where the doctor has identified a tumor in the scanning area using other methods.

What will an MRI of the thoracic spine show?

In the resulting images, the specialist will be able to examine the problem area from different angles and discern any size and severity pathological changes in tissues. An MRI of the thoracic spine shows health problems such as:

  • osteochondrosis of varying severity and localization;
  • protrusion and other types of deformation of vertebral discs;
  • intervertebral hernia and destruction of cartilage tissue;
  • pinched nerve roots;
  • congenital and acquired anomalies of structure and functioning;
  • consequences of spinal injuries of varying severity;
  • tumors and neoplasms;
  • diseases of the spinal cord and its physical pinching;
  • degenerative-dystrophic changes in intervertebral discs, joints, vertebral bodies;
  • Bekhterev's disease;
  • Schmorl's hernia and so on.
Intervertebral discs do not have their own blood supply and cannot regenerate like other tissues. Their nutrition is diffuse, i.e. with increasing and decreasing compression forces. The intervertebral discs “nourish” most actively when moderate loads, For example, hiking or classes special gymnastics for the spine.

What does contrast enhancement do?

When performing an MRI of the thoracic region with contrast, it is possible not only to detect tumors, but also to determine their nature, shape, degree of involvement of neighboring tissues and clear boundaries.

Contrast also makes it possible to identify any circulatory disorders in the study area, including atherosclerosis.

Procedure and features of scanning

No special preparation is required for an MRI scan of the spine. It is important for the patient to take care only of suitable clothing. Things should not contain metal inserts, hinder movement or cause discomfort. If necessary, you will be provided with a hospital gown for the procedure. Only when performing a procedure with contrast it is necessary to refrain from eating for 5-6 hours.

Before scanning, you need to remove jewelry and empty your pockets of metal objects and electronic devices. For greater comfort, you will be offered to use earplugs or special headphones that will muffle the noise from the tomograph. The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  1. Preliminary consultation. Preparing the patient and if necessary intravenous administration contrast agent.
  2. The procedure itself. The patient lies down on the couch. It is fixed to maintain immobility with special belts. Then the couch slides into the tomograph tube and scanning begins. After the MRI is completed, the movable couch moves out of the tomograph and the patient is released.
  3. Processing the results. The duration of an MRI of the thoracic spine is usually 20-40 minutes. After scanning, the specialist processes and views the images for another half hour, records them on an electronic drive for further study, or prints them out. You can usually pick up the results on the day of the test.