Should you brush your teeth with dental floss? Dental floss: types, pros and cons, recommendations for use. When not to use

To learn how to use dental floss correctly, you need to choose the right model for yourself, and also adhere to the recommendations that we will outline below in the article. What is dental floss or, as it is also called, floss and what is it for? This is a dental hygiene aid made from natural silk or artificial materials(for example, nylon or nylon).

As you know, not all areas of the tooth surface can be cleaned with a toothbrush, especially in the areas of dental joints. It is in this context that the role of dental floss increases as a means of reaching the most remote areas of dental surfaces. If this is not done, then plaque, which has not been cleared for years, constantly provokes dental diseases such as caries.

Dental floss: harm or benefit

As with any other hygiene product oral cavity Flossing has its pros and cons, so in some ways, dental floss is harmful, but no more so than a toothbrush, since only using it incorrectly can have a bad effect on the health of your teeth.

Pros of dental floss:

  • Deep and complete cleaning of the interdental space, unavailable to any other dental hygiene products;
  • Easy to use, does not require special skills or additional cleaning products;
  • Availability and prevalence of this tool;
  • The ability to practice oral hygiene in any place convenient for you, without water or toothpaste.
  • If used incorrectly, it can damage the gums and introduce bacteria from dental plaque;
  • If used too frequently, it can destroy interdental protective barriers, which can lead to serious consequences and even loss of teeth.

Again, dental floss can cause harm only if it is used incorrectly, and not on its own, as is sometimes believed. Thus, if used correctly, it can only be beneficial if you are not allergic to its components.

Kinds. Which is better: waxed or unwaxed?

It is immediately worth noting that any type of dental floss is good at cleaning the interdental space from harmful plaque. However, they are quite diverse and differ according to different criteria.

  • The shape of the threads is flat and round. Most users note that flat ones are more pleasant to use and are much more difficult to damage the gums;
  • According to impregnation, they are available without impregnation or with aromatic impregnation, bleaching impregnation, etc.;
  • By purpose. For home use and those that are used exclusively in dental offices;
  • Regular flosses and superflosses for use in special devices for cleaning teeth.

Also, dental floss can be waxed or unwaxed. The difference is that the waxed one glides between the teeth much easier. Also, due to wax treatment, such a thread has a disinfecting effect, but its main advantage is that it does not delaminate during use thanks to the wax.

But this thread also has certain disadvantages. So, due to the fact that it glides very well over the surface of the tooth, the cleaning efficiency decreases. Also, wax may remain between the teeth, which is also not a very pleasant factor.

Popular models

Currently, there are a large number of the most different models dental floss from famous manufacturers. Dental floss produced by Oral b are in particular demand on the market, such as Oral B Satin Floss, Oral B Super Floss, Oral B Essential Floss, Oral B Pro Expert and others.

User reviews of these dental flosses are mostly good. There are also other models from well-known brands, but it is worth noting that each model is suitable for certain user characteristics.

Thus, the “Dental Floss” model, which is manufactured by the company “Splat”, is suitable for those who have quite large gaps between their teeth. The “Essential Floss” model mentioned above is suitable for those who have extremely narrow spaces between their teeth.

For those who have periodontal problems, it is worth using Sensodyne threads, which tend to swell during procedures, which allows you to carefully and thoroughly treat the roots of the teeth.

Also, good threads are made by Colgate, Rocs, Dentorol, Jordan and others. The main thing is to pay attention to the product description on the packaging and choose dental floss in accordance with your personal characteristics.

How to floss your teeth correctly?

Many users who even purchased dental floss, but cannot understand the instructions and rules of use, ask this question. After all, the technique of brushing your teeth is no less important than choosing the right type and model of floss.

To effectively and safely floss your teeth, it is imperative to remember the following rules and follow them step by step:

What to do if a floss gets stuck between your teeth?

Such cases happen quite often and may mean that you did not get a very high-quality product or that you chose the wrong floss for the structure of your teeth. Also, this may mean that you used it incorrectly, in which case you should not be nervous and pull out the thread when using great strength. Try to grab it with tweezers, after cleaning it well.

If the tip of the thread does not stick out anywhere, then try pushing it out with another dental floss, preferably not as thick as the previous one. Some people recommend using a fishing line to push out the stuck floss, but it is not always thinner than the stuck floss, and there is a risk of infection and gum damage.

Do not forget about the thread stuck between the teeth, because over time it will make itself felt extremely unpleasant consequences, therefore, if all of the above methods do not help, then you need to go to the dentist, who will deal with this problem instantly.

How to use floss with braces?

Many people think that braces and dental floss are incomparable things, and you can’t use it to clean your teeth if you have a braces system installed, but this is not at all true. Quite the contrary, it is necessary to do this and at the same time regularly.

Although such procedures are associated with some difficulties, we will provide you with step-by-step instructions for performing them:

  • The thread should be waxy, with good sliding properties, so that it does not get stuck in the braces;
  • The thread length must be at least 25 cm;
  • First, move the floss carefully under the base of the braces, after which you can move it between the teeth, being careful;
  • Repeat this step for each tooth.

Important note for parents! This procedure requires good dexterity and patience and may be difficult for your child to do on his own, so help him with this at least in the initial stages.

What can replace dental floss?

A large number of people believe that floss can be replaced with regular thread and the effect will not suffer. Dentists, in turn, categorically and unanimously warn against such actions. It is virtually impossible to make floss for brushing your teeth at home. All attempts will lead to oral injuries, infections and visits to the dentist.

If you consider what dental floss is made of, it becomes clear that such a durable and convenient material is extremely rare in everyday life. Besides, dental floss is not so expensive that it would be risky own health using household substitutes to clean the interdental space.

Unpleasant odor from thread

People often encounter a problem when their dental floss smells rotten or just not very pleasant during or after brushing. Most likely, this means that a large number of bacteria have accumulated in the mouth, and while a toothbrush can get rid of them from the parts of the teeth accessible to it, it cannot penetrate into the interdental space.

If you've just started flossing and have noticed... bad smell from her, don't worry too much about it. It’s just that they haven’t done any work in your interdental space for a long time.” general cleaning" Most likely, the unpleasant odor will gradually disappear with regular flossing.

If this trend is not observed after two weeks, then it is worth trying another thread with a stronger antibacterial composition. If this does not help, then your problem is complex and you should consult a doctor.

Is it possible to clean tartar with floss?

To answer this question, you must first understand what tartar is. This is extremely hardened plaque that forms on the surface of the tooth and is removed with ultrasound and other special dental methods. Based on this information, it becomes clear that floss will not work to remove tartar.

But this does not mean that dental floss cannot fight tartar. It may be very good, but only through its prevention, because it is dental floss that prevents the accumulation of plaque on the teeth, from which tartar is formed.

Video: how to care for your teeth at home, including using dental floss.


Thus, dental floss appears to us as an absolutely indispensable element of dental care; it has capabilities that toothbrushes and other dental care products cannot do.

This, however, does not mean that the latter can be abandoned in favor of flossing. On the contrary, for comprehensive protection of your teeth, you must actively use all means of prevention: brushing, flossing, mouthwash, and so on.

Dental floss is a product intended for daily care behind the oral cavity. With its help, it is possible to thoroughly clean the interdental spaces from food debris and plaque. Dental floss is recognized as one of the most useful inventions for hygiene procedures. Their regular use is an excellent prevention of oral diseases.

In order to ensure maximum cleaning of all hard-to-reach areas, taking into account anatomical features Each person produces different flosses. Therefore, it is worth talking about their features. We will also discuss the benefits of use and how to use dental floss.

Before we begin to study the features of the device, let’s consider the benefits of dental floss. It’s not for nothing that flossing is strongly recommended in dentistry:

  • The floss allows you to clean the interdental spaces well (a brush cannot cope with this task).
  • Using floss does not require special skills.
  • The device is quite compact. It can be used anywhere (in a restaurant, while traveling, on a picnic).
  • The benefit of flossing for teeth is also that it prevents the formation of stones and soft deposits that cause caries and gum disease.

But, as we know, everything has its shortcomings and disadvantages. If used incorrectly, even the best quality dental floss can cause harm.

For example:

  • Not recommended frequent cleaning dental floss.
  • Floss is an unnecessary irritant to already inflamed gums.
  • There is a risk of harm to oneself, in particular this mechanical damage soft tissues.

In order to reduce the harm of dental floss to zero, you need to consult a specialist before using it. He will not only help you choose a floss, but will also explain in detail how to use it. However, the device in question is not the only preventive measure. You should also not forget about periodic visits to the dental office.

Terms of use

One of the most common questions asked in dentistry is how to properly brush your teeth. Flossing incorrectly can lead to serious problems.

Therefore, in order to avoid misunderstandings, the following rules should be applied:

  • Take about 50 cm of thread, most of which is wrapped around the middle fingers.
  • You need to clean the interdental space carefully, moving smoothly from top to bottom, holding the floss firmly between your index finger and thumb.
  • Dental floss should gently penetrate under the gum line. In this case, you do not need to apply excessive force, as you risk injuring delicate tissues.
  • Do not use thread that has already been used. Bacteria move from one tooth to another unit.
  • It's not just molars and premolars that need to be cleaned. For some reason for some unexplained reason Many often do not pay attention to the front teeth and fangs, on which plaque and microbes accumulate just as much.
  • You need to follow a certain sequence: clean from left to right, starting from the top row.

Types of dental floss

There is a wide range of types of dental floss. But they all have their own characteristics and are not suitable for every person. If you are thinking about purchasing dental floss for the first time, we recommend that you carefully familiarize yourself with its varieties.

It’s worth starting with the fact that there are dental flosses for home and professional hygiene. Pharmacies and specialty stores offer a variety of customized oral cleaning devices.

Try not to skimp when choosing. After all, high-quality floss for personal hygiene is not only convenient to use, but also safe. Professional threads should be used strictly according to the recommendations of a specialist, who must first assess the condition of the oral cavity.

The dentist will also help you decide on the cross-section of the floss. The round shape and tape-shaped devices are chosen by people with large gaps between the teeth. Threads of this type will be able to efficiently clean the desired areas.

For those who have minimal spaces between teeth, the best dental floss is flat floss. It easily fits into narrow crevices, cleaning them safely. There are also voluminous flosses on sale for effective teeth cleaning, which expand upon contact with saliva.

It is important to know that threads also differ in the principle of surface treatment. The nylon variety can be coated with wax (waxed) or untreated (unwaxed).

If floss is coated with wax, it penetrates into narrow spaces much more easily. However, unwaxed threads clean the tooth surface better because during the procedure they are divided into individual fibers and provide greater contact.

Non-waxed monofilament is also good for cleaning surfaces and practically does not tear in hard-to-reach places. Such single-filament flosses are most often made from expensive material - Teflon.

It is worth noting that basically the hygiene devices in question are impregnated with certain medicinal substances. Such compositions provide additional care behind the oral cavity. For example, floss soaked in menthol deodorizes the tooth surface, and fluoride strengthens the enamel. Chlorhexidine threads reduce the growth of harmful bacteria.

How often can you floss?

If a person uses a toothbrush every day, then he knows very well that nothing compares to the feeling of freshness in the mouth after brushing. It is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures several times a day, after rinsing the mouth special means. What about floss? How often should I floss?

If gum damage has already occurred, then you should seek help from specialists. The doctor will assess the extent of irritation and inflammation and prescribe an appropriate course of treatment, after which you can return to daily use of dental floss.

It is worth remembering that gums often bleed when first used, but do not worry. You should sound the alarm only when this problem bothers you regularly.

It’s worth talking separately about people who decide to get prosthetics. There are no special restrictions on the frequency of use. If there are implants, the hygiene device in question should consist of natural fibers (preferably silk). Flossing is done very carefully.

How to replace dental floss?

No exception is the case when the thread may unexpectedly run out, and the nearest pharmacy will not have it. What to do in such a situation? Many, in search of an alternative replacement, use ordinary wool or silk threads, which, naturally, is unacceptable.

Not intended for hygiene procedure floss, you can easily damage your teeth and gums and cause infection. Some dentists recommend using oral irrigators. In order to at least slightly remove food debris, you can also occasionally use toothpicks, extreme cases- chewing gum without sugar.

You need to use dental floss in any case, as it will have a positive effect on the condition of your teeth and gums and protect them from the influence of pathogenic microflora. When used daily, the device effectively eliminates bad breath if it is associated with rotting food particles. Gently massaging soft fabrics, you can strengthen your gums while removing food debris from the interdental spaces.

Experts draw attention to the fact that regular use of even the best dental floss does not exempt you from hygienic procedures using paste and brush. The device is a good addition for the prevention of dental diseases.

Cleaning the oral cavity twice a day with toothpaste and a brush is an integral part of prevention. dental diseases.

However, during the day after snacks it is not possible to perform a hygiene procedure, and the brush is not able to penetrate into all the crevices. Regular dental floss corrects the situation. The types of products and the features of choosing the best one will be discussed in this article.

Types of dental floss

When purchasing dental floss, you may be faced with the problem of choice, because the assortment is represented by products that have different characteristics. This is due to the classification, which divides hygiene devices into several groups, united by a common feature.

Quite a long time has passed since the invention of floss, and throughout this period, different manufacturers have produced modified threads. The developers took into account the anatomical features of the soft tissues of the oral cavity and teeth and tried to give the product additional functions.

Modern specialists only have to divide all inventions into categories, that is, classify them:

Quite a lot of time has passed since the invention of floss, and throughout this period different manufacturers have produced modified threads.

Dental floss with holder

How to choose the best?

To choose the right dental floss, you should take into account the recommendations of specialists.

Otherwise, the hygienic procedure may be ineffective or traumatic for the soft tissues of the oral cavity.

If it is not possible to visit the clinic in the near future, you should consider general rules choosing dental floss.

The main criteria that should be taken into account when choosing a thread to understand which is better:

  • from the presented manufacturers it is worth choosing those who are engaged in the development and production hygiene products for a long time;
  • if there is an interval between the teeth and the absence of dental diseases, non-waxed fiber with a cross cut is suitable;
  • impregnated floss is selected depending on the desired effect (whitening, breath freshening, caries prevention, etc.);
  • if there is inflammation in the soft tissues and the teeth are located very close to each other, it is recommended to choose tape-type products with bactericidal impregnation;
  • lack of inflammation and various diseases gives reason to use waxed floss, especially if the gap between the teeth is scanty;
  • with weakened enamel in crevice areas bone tissue Floss impregnated with fluoride is more suitable;
  • If you plan to use the product on business trips or travel, then you should give preference to flossers (measured portions).

The following factors directly influence the choice of dental floss:

  • presence/absence of dental diseases;
  • spacing between teeth;
  • gum sensitivity;
  • periodontal condition;
  • enamel density.

Rating of the best dental floss

The best dental threads
NameDescriptionPrice, rubles

Manufacturer: Procter & Gamble, UK

Satin floss, 25 m

The ribbon-like fiber easily penetrates into the crevices between teeth, removing food debris. Polymer materials and silk are used in production. Advantages: pleasant mint taste, strength, elasticity.221

Pro-Expert Clinic Line, 25 m (made in USA)

The product is made of monofilament, which prevents the thread from delaminating during use. Provides thorough cleaning of narrow interdental crevices and has a pleasant mint aroma.249

Essential Floss, 50 m

Thin but very durable floss provides high-quality cleaning gaps between teeth from food particles. Available with and without menthol impregnation. Ideal for hygiene procedures on teeth that fit tightly together.240

Super Floss, 50 pcs.

The product is recommended for cleaning wide interdental spaces and orthodontic structures. Features of the product: portioned form, the ability to care for braces and bridges. A strong thread, consisting of three parts that flow into one another, has multifunctional uses.384

Manufacturer: Colgate-Palmolive, USA

Colgate Total, 25 m

The product is impregnated with fluoride and has a mint taste. Purpose: hygiene of interdental intervals with densely spaced teeth.134

Optic White, 25 m

The thread is impregnated with sodium pyrophosphate, has a minty refreshing aroma, and glides freely along the soft tissue line and between the teeth. No pressure required reduces the risk of injury during the procedure.136

Manufacturer: Betapharma, Italy

With chlorhexidine, 50 m

The floss is round in shape, not waxed, and impregnated with an antibacterial composition during the production process.149

Extra flat, 20 m

Floss made of tape-shaped Teflon fiber. Advantage: increased strength. The product is ideal for narrow interdental spaces.166

Multiactive, 20 m

The polyester thread has a spongy structure, which when in contact with saliva gives a voluminous effect. Floss is suitable for wide spaces between teeth.151

With papain, 50 m

Unwaxed nylon thread of twisted round shape is impregnated with papain during the production process. The product has a whitening effect.135

Manufacturer: GlaxoSmithKline, UK

Total Care, 30 m

The soft material used in production increases in volume when brushing teeth, which increases the effectiveness of the procedure. Main advantages: floss treatment with mint extract, fluoride impregnation, which serves as the prevention of caries. The product is ideal for sensitive teeth with wide interdental intervals.275

Manufacturer: Dr. Theiss Naturwaren GmbH, Germany

LACALUT Dental, 50 m

High quality waxed nylon is used for production. Shape – round, impregnation – menthol. The thin fiber penetrates into the smallest interdental crevices, removing food particles from there.224

Which one to choose?

The best dental floss is considered to be any properly selected product. Origin in in this case does not play leading role, because no matter how pleasant silk is to the touch, frequent breaks make the hygienic procedure uncomfortable.

From existing species Floss products made from nylon and Teflon deserve attention. Both options perform the functionality equally well, the second, however, is an order of magnitude higher in cost.

According to the analysis of user reviews, we can conclude that the decisive role in the choice is played by the correspondence of the characteristics/properties of the floss and the condition of the soft/bone tissues of the oral cavity.

Benefits of a floss holder

Rules for using dental floss

Popular questions

What is better: dental floss or irrigator?

Dental floss and irrigator have one purpose - to cleanse the oral cavity of small food particles that can trigger the development of various dental diseases.

Both options do the job satisfactorily, with dental floss being more popular due to its earlier development.

However, the irrigator is not capable of causing harm to the mucous membranes and teeth, since the cleaning process occurs under water pressure. Improper use of floss often injures the gum tissue, resulting in inflammation.

Is it possible to make a good ZN with your own hands?

Some people try to find an alternative to flossing and make it their own, using a toothpick, sugarless gum, or other sharp objects to remove food debris. This should absolutely not be done due to the high risk of injury to soft tissues or teeth.

Ordinary silk, cotton or wool sewing threads are also considered unsuitable for hygienic procedures. When even a tiny wound is formed, there is a high probability of it becoming infected and developing an inflammatory process.

Can ZN be whitening?

Dental floss is classified according to different signs, one of which is the presence of impregnation, which gives the product additional properties.

For example, nylon threads treated with papain during the production process have a whitening effect. Regular use prevents darkening of the enamel.

Where is floss sold?

Floss is sold at the pharmacy. You can also order oral hygiene products online. When choosing, you should read the description of the dental floss, what material it is made of and what properties it has. And most importantly, you need to clarify the details of using floss.

What is the difference between professional ZN?

Professional dental floss is used in dental clinics during sanitation of the oral cavity. The product efficiently removes bacterial deposits even from the most inaccessible areas, ideal for cleaning orthodontic structures.

The polymer fabric swells during operation, which increases the effectiveness of the procedure. Threads processed special composition, reducing the risk of infection, caries development and other periodontal diseases.

Good oral hygiene is important for healthy gums and teeth. However, brushing alone is often not enough. It is necessary to remove food debris from the interdental spaces.

With ineffective oral hygiene, plaque forms after each meal, which leads to caries. In addition, it is not always possible to brush your teeth immediately after eating. The modern rhythm of life simply does not allow this. For example, at work. In this case, it is advisable to use a special floss to clean your teeth. Another name for this device is floss. Doctors advise using it several times a day, as well as additionally cleaning the space between the teeth before bed, after the usual brushing. Why do you need dental floss? It prevents the growth of bacteria in the mouth during sleep. This hygiene aid can be very helpful, but before purchasing the right floss, you should learn how to use dental floss correctly.

Today there is a wide range of these dental products. Appearance different flosses are widely presented in the gallery of our website. You can choose the one that suits you by studying the video and photos. Dental floss, depending on the material of manufacture, can be natural or artificial. The first types of products are made from silk, and the second are based on non-natural, but no less durable materials: acetate, nylon or nylon.

Floss is effective additional means oral hygiene

When choosing this hygiene product, there is no clear answer to the question of which dental floss is better. The fact is that the bite, shape and condition of teeth are different for all people. Therefore, when purchasing floss, it is better to consult a dentist. Your doctor will individually select one or another type of hygiene accessories.

By shape, there are flat, ribbon and round flosses. Using flat devices, it is convenient to clean the narrow spaces between teeth. Round ones are used for large gaps between teeth, and strip flosses are prescribed for cosmetic defects position of the incisors (diastema) or with significant gaps between other teeth (trema). Understand this large quantities dental devices is, at first glance, a difficult task. However, today many people understand how necessary floss is sometimes. How to choose and how to use this product correctly is worth studying in detail.

They also produce voluminous products that, in contact with saliva in the oral cavity, become larger and fluff up. This makes it possible to thoroughly clean the space between the teeth without damaging the soft gum tissue.

Some models of cleaning threads are impregnated with wax. This allows the floss to easily glide between your teeth to clean them.

Appearance of waxed dental floss

Dentists prescribe such waxed products to people who are using such hygiene products for the first time. Wax-coated models are much more convenient to use. They make brushing your teeth comfortable. However, unwaxed floss provides better removal of food debris from the mouth and is better at removing plaque. Such threads are separated into fibers and clean the entire surface of the enamel.

There are also threads with and without impregnation. Today flosses saturated with sodium fluoride are produced. They not only perform a hygiene function, but are also an excellent means of caries prevention. These types of floss strengthen the enamel in the part of the tooth surface that is difficult to reach with a brush. Menthol products freshen breath, and threads with chlorhexidine effectively disinfect.

Antibacterial floss

In this case, you can additionally use therapeutic and prophylactic compositions, covering the dental floss with them yourself before the procedure.

There are dental flosses intended for independent use at home and those that are used only in dental clinics under the supervision of a doctor.

Contraindications to flossing

It should be remembered that self-medication and even simply the wrong selection of hygiene products can play a cruel joke on you. There are a number of dental conditions for which flossing can be dangerous. The main contraindications include:

  1. Bleeding gums due to periodontal disease. With frequent intensive use of floss, wounds may appear on the gums and an inflammatory process may develop.
  2. Caries. Having cavities in one or more teeth while flossing can also be dangerous. When carrying out the procedure for cleaning interdental spaces, there is a possibility that a piece of the tooth may break off.
  3. Crowns or bridges. If you have orthodontic microprostheses in your mouth, dentists recommend using a special superfloss dental floss. This device combines the functions different types dental floss.

Features of application

For those who are getting floss for the first time, it is useful to know how to properly brush your teeth with dental floss. This device is produced in special packages complete with a small cutter.

Dental floss packaging

Before you floss your teeth, you should make sure you have cut off enough floss. The piece of product that was used to clean one gap cannot be used for other areas. You need to take another piece of thread wound around your fingers.

Floss technique

It is important to choose the right dental floss. First of all, it must be strong and not tear when it is pulled out of the gap between the teeth. Sometimes this happens if there are chips or irregularities on the enamel surface.

Using floss for baby hygiene

Children can be trusted to brush their teeth with floss on their own no earlier than 9–10 years of age. At the same time, acquaintance with this oral hygiene product can be carried out much earlier.

It is very important to teach your child to brush his teeth correctly.

To avoid damage to the gums, the procedure should be carried out under parental supervision. It’s better if mom or dad themselves show the child how to use dental floss for the first time. Photos and detailed instructions floss applications can be found on our website.

It is very important to learn how to use floss correctly, since incorrect use of this dental instrument can lead to gum injury. During the procedure, you should not make unnecessary efforts. If your gums begin to bleed during brushing, you should immediately stop the procedure and rinse your mouth with warm water. saline solution. You can resume cleaning only after the bleeding has stopped.

If your gums are injured, it is important to consult a dentist immediately.

If you are sure that you need dental floss, a special step-by-step technique will tell you how to use it correctly:

  1. Need to prepare a piece of floss 40 cm long. This piece of thread should be enough for effective cleansing interdental spaces. Remember to use a clean portion of the floss for each area.
  2. Twice wrap the thread around your middle finger right hand . Forefinger at the same time remains free. This makes the procedure more convenient.
  3. Then left hand you need to wrap the floss so that the piece of thread in the center was 8–10 cm.
  4. It is recommended to start cleaning from the teeth upper jaw. Need to insert the thread into the spaces between the molars and carefully guide it all the way to the gums. In this case, you cannot put in significant effort.
  5. Should apply the floss to the enamel and run the thread from top to bottom several times. Then you should repeat these steps with the remaining teeth.
  6. After you need pull out the dental floss and wrap the used piece of floss around the finger of your right hand.Insert a clean piece of the product into another interdental space and repeat the procedure.

This sequence of actions will help you properly clean your mouth when using floss for the first time.

The process of brushing teeth with floss

By following these simple recommendations, you can effectively clean the space between your teeth. If you doubt the correctness of carrying out such a hygienic procedure on your own, consult a dentist. The dentist will help you choose the appropriate type of floss and explain how to use such a tool correctly so as not to injure the gingival nipple.

Frequency of flossing

How many times a day should you floss? Normally, this should be done after every meal. If you did not have the opportunity to floss during the day, you need to thoroughly clean your mouth in the evening before going to bed.

For effective oral hygiene, you need to use dental floss regularly.

Ideally, you should brush your teeth with a regular brush, then floss, and then use a mouthwash or herbal balm.

Advantages and disadvantages of use

There is an opinion among dentists that the use of dental floss can be harmful to the health of teeth and gums. Despite the many positive feedback Regarding the use of this hygiene product, some doctors claim that flossing can lead to damage to the structure of the teeth.

Everyone knows that healthy teeth and gums are very important for the condition of the human body as a whole. Therefore, you should understand how necessary dental floss is in daily oral hygiene. The benefits or harms of such hygiene products require detailed consideration.

What are the benefits of flossing?

If there is no inflammation of the gums, you can safely use dental floss to clean the interdental space and remove plaque. The use of this product will protect the oral cavity from the growth of bacteria and will be an excellent prevention of dental diseases.

Using floss makes it easy to get rid of food debris stuck between teeth and along the edges of the gums where a toothbrush cannot do so.

The main purpose of dental floss is to remove pieces of food stuck between teeth and eliminate bacteria.

Floss allows you to remove food particles stuck between your teeth.

Disadvantages of dental floss

As various studies show, sometimes the use of floss for oral hygiene causes inflammatory processes. As a rule, improper use of dental floss leads to injuries and microscopic scratches of soft tissue. Gums with wounds and damage become vulnerable to the spread of infection. Sometimes this can even lead to tooth loss.

If blood appears while using floss, you should consult a dentist. Periodontitis may be dangerous disease and requires immediate treatment

Do not forget that dental floss is only auxiliary oral hygiene. It cannot completely replace toothbrush. Traditional brushing combined with flossing will help effectively clean your teeth and gums, keeping them healthy.

If you carry out the procedure according to all the rules and follow the recommendations of your doctor, you can forget about caries and gum disease for a long time. Correct prevention and hygiene will give you a dazzling smile.

Floss is an effective additional means of oral hygiene. Appearance of waxed dental floss. Antibacterial floss. Packaging of dental floss.

First, let's figure out what arguments dentists use when operating. Dentists assure that only dental floss is able to penetrate into the interdental spaces and remove food debris from there, due to which our teeth deteriorate (caries, gingivitis and other diseases develop). Allegedly, a regular brush is not capable of this.

British scientists absolutely agree with this. As a result of their research, it was proven that flossing is simply necessary, since it reduces the risk of gingivitis (inflammation of the gums). According to English experts, bacteria penetrate into the blood through a sore gum, forming clots in the blood that can lead to serious cardiovascular diseases. However, as you have probably already seen for yourself, the purpose of this study was not so much to study the effectiveness of threads, but rather the effect of all kinds of bacilli that collect in the oral cavity on circulatory system person.

Nevertheless, quite a lot of scientists from all over the world have conducted experiments comparing the effectiveness of dental floss with an ordinary brush. As a result of their research, it turned out that brush bristles are able to penetrate hard to reach places only 35% of what floss is capable of. Meanwhile, American experts went even further. They did not compare floss with a brush, but found out the difference between floss and other means for cleaning interdental spaces. Surprisingly, the thread proved to be ineffective. By at least, compared to brushes and irrigators. The latter turned out to be much more productive.
