Andipal for pregnant women. Rules for the use of medications during pregnancy. Among the well-known and effective drugs used to treat high blood pressure are:

As an antispasmodic, used for spasms peripheral vessels and cerebral vessels. The drug lowers blood pressure and improves collateral circulation.

The combination of myotropic antispasmodics dibazole and papaverine hydrochloride with analgin enhances the analgesic effect for headaches and migraines.

The presence of phenobarbital in the drug contributes to the manifestation sedative effect and enhancing the action of other components.

Andipal: Instructions for use

Composition and release form

Andipal tablets- tablets white or white with weak yellow tint colors.

Compound: 1 table analgin - 0.25 g, dibazol - 0.02 g, phenobarbital - 0.02 g, papaverine hydrochloride - 0.02 g, Excipients: starch; talc; stearic acid - sufficient quantity to obtain a tablet weighing 0.37 g.

Package: In contour-free packaging 10 pcs.

Manufacturer: Akrikhin (Russia).

Description: Round tablets of white or white with a yellowish tint, flat-cylindrical, with a chamfer and a score.

Compound: 1 tablet contains: active substances: metamizole sodium (analgin) - 0.25 g, phenobarbital - 0.02 g, bendazole (dibazole) - 0.02 g, papaverine hydrochloride - 0.02 g. Excipients: potato starch - 0.04779 g, talc, - 0.00925 g, stearic acid - 0.00296 g.

Package: 10 tablets each in blister or cell-free packaging without insertion into a cardboard pack.

Manufacturer: Barnaul Medical Preparations Plant LLC.

Compound: 1 tablet contains: metamizole sodium (analgin) 250 mg, phenobarbital 20 mg, bendazole (dibazol) 20 mg, papaverine hydrochloride 20 mg. Excipients: potato starch - 46 mg, talc - 7 mg, stearic acid - 3 mg, calcium stearate - 4 mg.

Package: 10 or 20 tablets.

Manufacturer: LLC "Anzhero-Sudzhensky Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant"

Indications for use

This drug is indicated for pain caused by spasm blood vessels leading to poor blood circulation in organs. It is also prescribed for initial stage hypertension in order to dilate blood vessels, helping to reduce blood pressure. Another indication for the use of Andipal is migraine. In addition, Andipal is prescribed for spasmodic pain associated with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as:

  • Eye pain
  • Hypertensive (hypertensive) disease.
  • Essential (primary) hypertension
  • Secondary hypertension
  • Benign intracranial hypertension
  • Diseases characterized by high blood pressure
  • Hypertensive heart disease
  • Hypertensive encephalopathy
  • Pain in the pelvis, abdomen and perineum
  • Headache
  • Chest pain when breathing
  • A sore throat
  • Pain in the heart area
  • Pain associated with urination
  • Bladder tenesmus
  • Abnormal blood pressure readings without diagnosis
  • Atypical facial pain
  • Increased blood pressure in the absence of a diagnosis of hypertension
  • Trigeminal nerve lesions
  • Trigeminal neuralgia
  • Constant, unrelieved pain
  • Acute pain
  • Symptoms and signs related to the digestive system and abdominal cavity
  • Histamine headache syndrome
  • Chronic post-traumatic headache
  • Dysuria
  • Cholelithiasis

Directions for use and doses

For adults- 1-2 tables each. 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

If treatment is ineffective, the drug should be replaced or combined with other drugs (to achieve a hypotensive effect).

Andipal is contraindicated for children. Prescribing Andipal to children is possible only at the age of 14 years. More early age child is a contraindication. Phenobarbital, which is part of the drug, has negative impact on the development of brain cells. When Andipal is systematically taken by children, the phenomenon of mental failure may occur. Before prescribing Andipal to children, the doctor should carefully read all available additional diseases in the child and try to find alternative treatment.

special instructions

Care should be taken when working with machinery.
With long-term use, it is necessary to monitor the blood picture.

Side effects

Side effects occur quite rarely. Possible allergies (including reactions immediate type, including anaphylactic shock), dyspeptic symptoms (nausea, diarrhea or constipation). Due to the fact that Andipal contains analgin, sometimes negative phenomena such as leukopenia, thrombocytopenia or agranulocytosis occur (due to the inhibitory effect on hematopoiesis - with long-term use of the drug). Due to the presence of phenobarbital in the composition, sometimes depression or ataxia occurs (this mainly applies to weakened patients and elderly patients).


Hypersensitivity, severe liver failure, kidney failure, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, blood diseases, as well as:

  • hypersensitivity to the components included in the drug;
  • deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • AV conduction disturbance;
  • severe dysfunction of the liver and kidneys;
  • blood diseases;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • porphyria;
  • pregnancy (first trimester);
  • breast-feeding.

Drug interactions

Enhances the hypotensive effect of nitrates, slow blockers calcium channels, beta-blockers, ganglion blockers, diuretics (including furosemide, hypothiazide), myotropic antispasmodics.

Mutual increase in development risk side effects observed when used simultaneously with opioid analgesics.

Adsorbents, astringents, and enveloping drugs reduce the absorption of the drug in the gastrointestinal tract.

Pregnancy and lactation

The effect of phenobarbital on intrauterine development the fetus is extremely negative. Even the small dose that is included in Andipal can lead to underdevelopment of the child’s brain. Also suffers nervous system. The risk of having a child with cerebral palsy syndrome is very high. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to take Andipal during pregnancy still remains open. Doctors in most cases leave it to the discretion of the expectant mother. It should be borne in mind that many others antihypertensive drugs have a pronounced teratogenic (fetal killing) effect. Therefore, Andipal can be taken during pregnancy, but very carefully.


Signs of andinpal overdose - dizziness, severe drowsiness, even collapse is possible. As first aid, use gastric lavage and activated carbon. The following shows symptomatic treatment(to neutralize the manifestations of overdose).

Andipal price

Andipal n10 tab from 43 rub.
Andipal Avexima tablets 20 pcs. from 72 rub.

Pregnancy is the most exciting period in a woman’s life. To provide the future child with everything necessary for proper development, pregnant women change their diet, including vitamins, calcium and others useful microelements, try to spend more time outdoors. One of important conditions The appearance of a healthy and strong baby is also the health status of the mother throughout pregnancy. The first trimester is especially important, when all organs and systems begin to form and develop.

When painful conditions occur, many women prefer to use herbs or recipes traditional medicine, wary of taking medicines.

The basis for this behavior is the proven harm of some medications to the fetus.

Under the influence of their components, the unborn child may develop incurable pathologies of some organs.

What to do in a situation where you can’t do without taking pills? The doctor must inform the woman everything possible consequences of using this or that medicine, weigh all the risks. Much depends on the pregnant woman herself, because it is up to her to decide whether to take it or not.

When is Andipal prescribed?

Today we will talk about such a well-known drug as Andipal and try to find out whether it can be taken during pregnancy.

This medicine is prescribed to relieve spasmodic pain. They can occur in the vessels of the brain, in peripheral arteries or intestines. The drug is also prescribed at the first signs of hypertension.

Once in the body, Andipal provokes relaxation muscle cells included in the structure of the vessel. Thus, the spasm is relieved, the vessels dilate, and blood flow improves.

With the help of medication it is possible to quickly eliminate unpleasant painful sensations. By removing the spasm, the medicine does not affect the cause of its occurrence, providing only a short-term effect.

Composition of the drug

The dilation of blood vessels and the relief of headaches is facilitated by a specially selected composition of the drug, which includes the following components:

  • Analgin with analgesic properties;
  • Quite a strong antispasmodic papaverine;
  • Vasodilator dibazole;
  • Having a certain sedative effect phenobarbital.

Are there possible side effects?

Like any medical drug, Andipal causes some adverse reactions in organism. As a rule, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract may most often occur. The patient may experience bouts of nausea.

In older people or patients with weakened bodies, there may be depressive state. The calming effect of the tablets reduces the reaction, so drivers or people engaged in intense physical or mental work should take them with great caution.

An overdose can cause severe drowsiness, dizziness and, in particularly difficult cases, collapse.

First aid consists of gastric lavage, after which the patient must be given a certain amount of activated carbon.

The medicine should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision. In addition, this medicine can enhance the effects of alcohol and medications on the body in the manufacture of which alcohol was used. You should also not combine use with drugs that suppress the functioning of the central nervous system.

Why is Andipal dangerous?

When taking tablets for headaches, you should remember that they contain a certain amount of phenobarbital.

This substance is considered to be a narcotic. It is for this reason that the medicine is not recommended for use by children and adolescents under 14 years of age. Phenobarbital has the ability to have a depressant effect on most brain functions, gradually suppressing them. At long-term use"Andipal" can cause mental retardation in a child.

In addition, medicine There are some contraindications that must be taken into account when prescribing.

Can pregnant women take the drug?

To understand whether Andipal can be taken during pregnancy, let's consider its effect on the mother and the fetus.

High blood pressure is quite common condition expectant mother. Therefore, it is not surprising that one of the drugs prescribed to pregnant women is Andipal, which lowers blood pressure and relieves headaches. Almost immediately after administration, the components included in the medicine are removed unpleasant symptoms and bring long-awaited relief.

However, you should remember how phenobarbital ingested by a pregnant woman affects the fetus. It inhibits the functioning of the unborn child’s brain and slows down its development when taken for a long time. There is a high probability that the patient will have a baby with a disease such as cerebral palsy.

When prescribing a drug, the doctor is obliged to warn the pregnant woman about possible negative consequences and the risk of developing pathologies. Another problem should be mentioned here: many drugs that have a similar effect have an even more negative effect on the developing fetus, and some even lead to the death of the baby in the womb.

That's why of all possible drugs As a rule, it is “Andipal” that is prescribed. It must be taken under the close supervision of a specialist.

Following the contraindications for use, Andipal is not prescribed for renal failure, liver and blood diseases. Sometimes patients experience individual intolerance to this drug, which should also be excluded.

Taking the drug at different stages of pregnancy

Except common features reception of this medical product pregnant women, there are additional recommendations depending on the stage of pregnancy. In particular, many are concerned about the question of whether Andipal is indicated during pregnancy during the 1st trimester?

In the first three months from conception, the use of the drug is strictly contraindicated. "Andipal" during pregnancy on such early stages can have a detrimental effect on the unborn child and lead to a slowdown in the formation and development of his brain.

It is not prescribed during breastfeeding either. If there is an urgent need to take pills, the baby must be transferred to artificial nutrition.

No doctor will advise you to endure pain, even if it is insignificant, but creates discomfort and leads to suffering. You especially can’t follow the lead painful sensations pregnant women, who by right of their condition should only rejoice and glow with happiness, passing on their positive emotions to the future baby.

But a spasmodic headache or abdominal pain does not contribute to joy and can greatly darken the mood of a pregnant woman. They also serve as a signal that something has gone wrong in the body. Enduring it or waiting for everything to “go away on its own” is not the answer. The pain must be urgently relieved, but also not forgotten later, when it subsides or disappears, to get to the bottom of the truth and identify its underlying cause in order to eliminate it too.

Causes of headaches during pregnancy

A headache in a pregnant woman can be a consequence of her emotional experiences (not everyone perceives their new condition equally calmly), and the cause of painful sensations can be:

  • lack of sleep;
  • low blood sugar;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • weather dependence;
  • stress;
  • excessive passion for drinks containing caffeine;
  • high blood pressure.

Each of these points is dangerous in its own way and none of them is undesirable for a pregnant woman. But of all the above, the most severe and unbearable headache is associated with blood pressure.

In the third trimester the reason high blood pressure Preeclampsia (a severe form of toxicosis) may develop, and your head may also hurt due to spinal tension and worsening posture.

In any case, symptoms (headache, abdominal cramps) must be eliminated.

What pill should I take if I can’t take pills?

Of all the tableted antisymptomatic drugs, doctors, first of all, advise keeping Andipal in your home pharmacy, especially if there is a person in the family who suffers from frequent headaches.

During pregnancy, the approach to taking medications changes greatly. A doctor may recommend Andipal to a future mother, but only if:

  • before that she had already tried all other methods and they did not help her;
  • she takes responsibility for the possible consequences of taking the drug.

As for the consequences: Andipal's composition is, for the most part, safe for the fetus. But there is a very bad “minority”, namely: the substance phenobarbital, even in small doses, can have an extremely negative impact on the health of the unborn child, causing the risk of cerebral palsy or underdevelopment of the brain.

Action and composition of Andipal

Andipal refers to combination drugs, which has analgesic, vasodilating and antispasmodic effects. The pain after using these tablets subsides due to the dilation of blood vessels and increased blood circulation. When the tone of the blood vessels is relieved, the pain goes away.

It should be noted that Andipal can only temporarily eliminate pain, but it does not directly affect the cause of the disease.

Main active ingredients of the drug are:

  • analgin;
  • papaverine;
  • dibazole;
  • phenobarbital.

The components in combination effectively counteract pain symptoms, significantly reducing or even eliminating it. The effect, of course, is temporary, but for a pregnant woman it is very important to quickly relieve pain in order to continue to fully enjoy her unusual condition.

Andipal by trimester

1st trimester

In the first three months of pregnancy, a woman must learn to do without medications. Ideally, don’t get sick. But there are no ideal situations, so instead of Andipal you can use sedatives herbal infusions, which also have an analgesic effect: chamomile, basil, white willow, red clover will come to the rescue during the period of taboo on medications.

2nd trimester

If the fetus is protected by the placenta, this does not mean that it is protected from everything. No doctor should hide the possibility of negative influence on the fruit of one of the components of Andipal. The doctor is obliged to warn, and the woman must decide how much she is willing to risk.

3rd trimester

At the final stage of pregnancy, the situation with the appointment of Andipal does not change in any way - the drug is prescribed by the doctor, having warned the woman in advance about possible risks, the percentage of which does not decrease due to the fact that the child has almost completed his formation.

If a woman nevertheless decides to take the drug, she must strictly follow the prescribed dosage and take the tablets only under the supervision of a doctor.

When is Andipal used?. Not all people can easily endure pain, especially since it has now been proven that it is harmful to consciously endure it. It is necessary to look for a way out, and first of all people turn to painkillers. Among modern medicines there are many various means varying degrees efficiency.

Andipal is a medicine used to relieve pain caused by spasms of blood vessels, leading to poor circulation. It is taken if spasms of peripheral arteries, cerebral vessels, or spasmodic pain in the gastrointestinal tract. This medicine is used at the initial manifestations of hypertension in order to dilate blood vessels and, as a result, lower blood pressure.

Alternative names and release forms

"Bendazole+ metamizole sodium + papaverine + phenobarbital" - this is exactly what generic sounds like international name Andipala, since it contains these active ingredients.

Release Andipal in the form of white or yellowish color; one package contains ten tablets. Each tablet contains 0.25 g of analgin, 0.02 g of phenobarbital, 0.02 g of dibazole, 0.02 g of papaverine hydrochloride, as well as excipients such as stearic acid, talc and starch.

Andipal's action

Andipal- a combined drug that has a vasodilator, antispasmodic and analgesic effect. It simultaneously relieves pain and has an antispasmodic effect, promoting the relaxation of smooth muscle cells, which are integral part walls of blood vessels. Accordingly, relaxation of cells leads to dilation of blood vessels, relieving spasms and improving blood circulation, and a general decrease in blood pressure. As a result, excessive tone of blood vessels is relieved and headaches or intestinal colic go away.

It is very important to note that Andipal It only reduces those manifestations of the disease that interfere with normal work life, but it does not remove the cause of the disease.

Use of Andipal during pregnancy

IN instructions clear instructions are given: do not take the drug in the first trimester of pregnancy and during breastfeeding. But, despite this, at present it is used quite widely during pregnancy, because in case of arterial hypertension it quickly and effectively removes negative symptoms and prevents their recurrence. Almost all the substances included in this drug can be successfully used in the treatment of hypertension in pregnant women. Almost - except for one thing. Phenobarbital has an extremely negative effect on the intrauterine development of the fetus, and even a small dose can lead to underdevelopment of the child’s brain, significantly increasing the risk of cerebral palsy syndrome.

There are times when during pregnancy By clinical indications Andipal should be prescribed. In such situations, doctors leave this issue to the discretion of the expectant mother, and treatment should then be carried out under the strictest medical supervision.

Use of Andipal for kidney diseases

The instructions indicate that you should not use Andipal at various diseases kidneys, liver, with deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, as well as with individual intolerance.

Instructions for use

First of all, it is necessary to clarify that a course of treatment takes 7-10 days, but if no noticeable changes occur during this time, then such treatment must be supplemented aids, recommended by experts. Adult patients are prescribed to take the medicine twice a day, one or two tablets.

Please pay attention that Andipal's absorption deteriorates and its effectiveness decreases if it is taken together with adsorbents or astringent medications.

Side effects when taking Andipal

arise side effects quite rare. Manifestations of allergies, even anaphylactic shock, as well as dyspeptic symptoms such as constipation and nausea are possible. Since Andipal contains analgin, agranulocytosis or leukopenia may occur. In elderly and debilitated patients, phenobarbital, which is part of the drug, can cause depression.

And further: This medicine has a sedative effect, that is, it slows down the reaction, which must be taken into account if you are going to drive or engage in complex mental or physical activity.

In case of overdose Andipala Severe drowsiness, dizziness and even collapse may occur. To provide first aid, you need to rinse your stomach and take activated charcoal.
If the drug accepted long time , you need to regularly do blood tests so that you can notice in time the possible onset of blood depression.

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