HIV actually. Recognition of scientists about the existence of HIV. Is HIV really a hoax and nothing more? Is there an option to completely rid a person of HIV?

Recently, there has been either silence about HIV infection, or loud and scandalous statements - “There is no AIDS!” They say that the infection was invented by pharmaceutical companies whose one goal is to pump more money out of the population. And it would be nice if this was said by simple onlookers, people far from medicine. But today some scientists from different countries. So does AIDS really exist or not? “NG” decided to find out this from the chief freelance infectious disease specialist of the Ministry of Health, Doctor of Sciences, Professor Igor Karpov.

In the last few years, my colleagues have been dealing with this problem to a greater extent, but the problem remains important for a doctor of any specialty. Even five years ago, I would have considered such a formulation of the question irrelevant,” the scientist noted. - But today there are really a lot of such “assessments”. Everyone speaks out: technocrats, social activists, religious figures, doctors of related specialties, sometimes very eminent ones. In my opinion, non-specialists should not comment on such issues. This will only cause harm. Not a single serious scientist, or even just a person competent in this matter, will ever say that HIV infection does not exist. And everything else is idle speculation! Conclusions and assumptions are permissible only on the basis of a large amount of factual, well-proven material, and not a flight of fancy. At one time, I had the opportunity to meet with the director and founder of the Institute of Human Virology, Robert Gallo from Baltimore (USA). Based on an analysis of the clinical characteristics of a new and then unknown disease, he theoretically substantiated the possible viral nature of this disease. And he even suggested which group the pathogen belongs to. This brilliant (pardon the pathos) assumption of a highly qualified specialist was brilliantly confirmed by accurate virological studies.

Opponents who deny the existence of HIV claim that no one has ever seen such a virus. This is also not true. The virus was photographed in 2002, its structure was studied, and similar viruses were identified in animals. Moreover, effective drugs against this infection have appeared. Skeptics do not pay attention to the main argument - effectiveness modern therapy. With HIV infection, immunity decreases, a lot of diseases arise that only occur in an immunosuppressive state - for example, Pneumocystis pneumonia, and many other ailments often occur fast growth malignant tumors. This is the essence of HIV infection. But if, against the background of such a condition, the patient receives antiretroviral therapy (aimed at suppressing the virus), his immunity is “rebuilt” in a few months and the person is restored. I remember well the feeling of inner uplift that our doctors had when, in the early 2000s, they first used modern drugs to treat such patients. I can't say what the treatment is Magic wand. Unfortunately, even in therapy, people die if they start it late. But there has been success in the fight against HIV infection, but there is also a lot of work in this direction.

- Scientists have different assessments of the situation with the spread of HIV infection. How many such patients are there now?

It was believed that about 45 million people. But currently it is approximately 32 million in the world. Since 1986, more than 20 thousand such patients have been identified in our country, but, naturally, there are more of them. I would like to emphasize that our disease was first diagnosed in the mid-80s of the last century.

- Now the attitude of society towards people with HIV has become calmer, but is still ambiguous.

People living with HIV should not be outcasts. This is humanly unfair, immoral and shameful on the part of society. And such an attitude reeks of some kind of dumb illiteracy. HIV infection does not fly through the air, nor does it run across the table from plate to plate. To shy away from a loved one, friend or relative?! Any disease is a disaster. And such patients urgently need comprehensive support. HIV-infected - absolutely different people. And you shouldn’t label them as incredible sinners. If, for example, a girl gets married and then finds out that she acquired HIV infection from her partner, why blame her? And such life situations so many. The attitude towards HIV-positive people is also a manifestation of the maturity of society.

However, such patients still face rejection from their environment and suffer greatly because of this. Their lives are different. There are married couples with children growing up. And parents are really afraid that their children will find out that mom and dad are HIV-infected. And what if the neighbors find out? Meanwhile, the children in such families are absolutely healthy! Our country has received an international certificate for its success in preventing HIV infection in newborns. We are pleased with the successes of our colleagues, but there are HIV-infected children, and they also need understanding and support.


- However, not everything is so safe?

Of course, there are plenty of problems. It’s just that in public terms, the most relevant focus now is not on scientific, but on organizational activities. There is room for improvement! Including in matters of assistance and prevention. Some refuse examination and treatment because of social infantilism: they believe that someone “owes” them. Meanwhile, with proper therapy, people with HIV can live, taking treatment in the same way as hypertensive patients or patients with diabetes. In our country, almost 8 thousand people with HIV are on antiretroviral therapy with the active support of the state and the Global Fund. And here, too, there is still a lot to be done!

Of course, risky behavior must be avoided. But you need to understand that people acquire this disease not only because of intravenous drugs. Another way of transmitting infection is sexually, this is unprotected sex. The third path is vertical - from mother to child. These routes of infection are the same all over the world.

- Scientists have been struggling to solve the problems of HIV/AIDS for 30 years, but only one patient was able to completely recover from the infection.

What they write about a lot and in different ways. This is the so-called Berlin patient, whose HIV disappeared after the most complex high-tech treatment. This case has already gone down in the history of medicine forever. However, not everyone can even easily endure such interventions. This is without taking into account all the other obvious problems. Now the efforts of scientists in many countries are aimed at finding and creating a vaccine against HIV. Well, let's hope that she will appear too.

Why do you think there is little talk about AIDS lately? Is this due to the fact that the epidemic has “gone old”? Or because new infections are emerging that are on the doorstep and worry society much more than HIV?

New infections do appear, and it is good that they are being talked about. Scientists have the opportunity to quickly identify them, as well as establish the origin of new viruses. This possibility is the result of a significant methodological breakthrough recent years. AIDS has become less of a topic of discussion due to the advent of antiretroviral therapy. The shifts that have occurred are truly impressive. And also because psychologically humanity has adapted to this problem. People are tired of being in tension all the time - besides, the problem has lost the smack of hopelessness and scandal. The last one is very good. However, daily work must continue.

“Does HIV and AIDS really exist?” Today this is one of the most important questions to which you need to know the correct answer. Your knowledge of the answer to this question can save or destroy your life. I won’t talk about photographs of the virus, its isolation, Koch’s 3 postulates, this is difficult to understand for the average person.

How many of you have seen the flu virus? But we all believe that it exists.

I will give several obvious arguments sufficient to make a decision: “ To believe or not to believe in the existence of HIV, AIDS«.

Cuban rockers who infected themselves with HIV as a sign of protest.

The easiest way to determine that HIV causes AIDS is to infect someone with HIV and see if AIDS develops. We cannot do this for ethical reasons, but there are people who voluntarily injected themselves with the blood of an HIV-infected person. For example, in Cuba, in 1988, a group of about 100 people calling themselves “rockers” infected themselves with HIV as a sign of political protest and in order to avoid persecution by the authorities, compulsory military service, and labor conscription. In Cuba, HIV-infected people are placed in air-conditioned sanatoriums and fresh air, where you can wear the clothes you want, get good food, watch TV, talk about any forbidden topics. There was no special ritual or oath for them to infect themselves with HIV in an organized, solemn manner; usually this happened against the backdrop of drinking and taking drugs. To date, most of these rockers have died of AIDS..

Also medical workers, which when performing medical procedures pricked with a needle, used for HIV-infected people, subsequently fell ill with AIDS.

It’s interesting that when you offer AIDS dissidents who say that HIV, AIDS does not exist, to inject themselves with HIV-infected blood, they immediately disappear somewhere.

May the hand of the giver never fail

Project "AIDS.HIV.STD." - non-profit, created by volunteer experts in the field of HIV/AIDS at the expense of their own funds to convey the truth to people and be clear before your professional conscience. We will be grateful for any help to the project. May it be rewarded to you a thousandfold: DONATE .

Specific treatment for a specific virus

Millions of healthy people had intimate contact with an HIV-positive person and, as a result, became infected; as the HIV infection progressed, the viral load began to increase (as shown by laboratory tests) and the number of CD4 lymphocytes began to decrease (also according to test results). Then they go to the AIDS center, an infectious disease doctor, he prescribes them antiretroviral therapy (ART) and, “oh, miracle!”, the viral load went down, the number of CD4 lymphocytes reached again normal level, the patient feels great, and as soon as he stops taking ART, the cycle repeats again - at least N number of times, at least among millions of HIV-infected people. Is not it proof of the existence of HIV?

Who are AIDS dissidents?

Tommy Morrison, who died of AIDS, was a heavyweight boxing champion. He and his wife denied the possibility of contracting HIV and did not believe that HIV existed at all.

Recently, a lot of people have appeared who deny the existence of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), questioning the fact that acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is caused by HIV. They also call themselves AIDS dissidents. There are two groups of AIDS dissidents: priests and victims.

Priests- these are businessmen who, for money, spread information about the non-existence of HIV and AIDS. Their activities are aimed at destroying society, the state, and the economy through the spread of HIV infection (if a person does not believe in HIV, then he will not be afraid to have risky sexual relationships, use drugs and will easily fall prey to AIDS, lose his ability to work and become a burden to society) .

Victims- these are usually HIV-infected people who did not accept the diagnosis, grasp at any straw and subsequently die from AIDS, because refuse anti-AIDS drugs (ART). They unconditionally believe lies and actively spread them in order to suppress doubts - “together it’s not scary.”

I recommend a very good group on VKontakte about the consequences of HIV denial, former AIDS dissidents, about deceased HIV-infected people who did not take anti-HIV medications - HIV/AIDS dissidents and their children.

Science is not a religion that can be believed in when it is convenient and rejected when it gets in the way. Yes, there are many contradictions, and, yes, today's truth may turn out to be a lie tomorrow. But the fact remains: the Earth is round and revolves around the Sun, cells need oxygen to live and produce carbon dioxide, trees bloom in the spring and smoking causes lung cancer.

AND HIV causes AIDS!

Video. Exposing AIDS dissidents live on the program “Let Them Talk”

The video shows that Vyacheslav Morozov, the leader of AIDS dissidents, did not bring a single argument, did not even have a basic medical education, he repeated everything with the eyes of a mad zombie like a mantra: “HIV does not exist!”, And besides, he is a liar who easily changes his shoes in the air, which discredited the entire Russian AIDS dissident community.

Morozov in the video says that he has never been tested for HIV, and previously claimed that he is HIV-infected with experience. In the video he said that “it was a scam,” i.e. lies like he breathes.

The lies of AIDS dissident Vyacheslav Morozov.

The lies of the Russian mastermind of AIDS dissidents about his HIV status.

Also states that he was never examined, but in fact he was examined.

Morozov’s lie that he was not tested for HIV.

Why does he need this dissidence? — Vyacheslav Morozov simply found his audience to feed his self.

For the sake of fairness, it must be said that the other side was not up to the mark, judging by their answers, they are far from real work with HIV-infected people, care, or do not say much (not everything is so rosy: there are a lot of problems with medical confidentiality, medical deontology, free examination for HIV, HIV-infected people without queues and hassle, by correctly prescribing ART, when the doctor simply cannot prescribe a suitable regimen, because there are simply no drugs to treat HIV infection, there is no money for the viral load). Today people are not impressed by scientific titles, etc. Rarely does a person receive them for a truly real contribution to medical science.

Top 5 myths about HIV. Maxim Kazarnovsky. Scientists against myths 7-3 (very high-quality, fundamental video).

Who doesn't like watching videos? transcript from Daria Tretinko, Georgy Sokolov /edits made/:

VRAL Prize finalist Olga Kovekh believes that AIDS can be treated with Tonus juice.

Myths are different from each other. They can be divided into two groups:

  1. Myths of the class “someone is wrong on the Internet”, they cause a storm of comments, calling on respected people to carry out their working days with brass saws and granite blocks.

2. Other myths have a destructive, harmful effect.

On the slide you see absolutely real news headlines from the last few months of our country. These headings are just a snapshot, and there are also numbers.

If we look, these numbers mean the number of new people infected with HIV that appeared in the world in 2016. Why 2016? Because the data for 2017 has not yet been delivered, this is the latest. And our country and the territory surrounding it are not something that stands out very much: 190 thousand here, in Asia - a little more, in Europe and America - a little less. But if we look at the dynamics... we will see that thanks to the efforts of the World Health Organization, the number of new cases around the world - especially look at Africa - has decreased quite seriously since 2015, while in our country it has increased by about 60%. That is, in 2016 we had 60% more new HIV infections than there were in 2015. With such dynamics, we will very quickly become ahead of the rest. What do they tell us from time to time in the news? That we must be ahead of the rest! But probably not in this race.

What is HIV?

In order to sort out the myths, first we have to understand what HIV is. Let's start, as always, with terminology. HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. After HIV we have AIDS, it is not a virus, but a disease, which stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, also human. And both of these terms are united by a symbol - a ribbon. (see slide) If you see such a ribbon, then it is something related to the fight against HIV infection.

What are viruses in general? Viruses are particles that have a very simple structure and consist of two or three parts. The first part is some kind of genetic material, it is DNA or RNA, it is packed in a dense protein coat, it is called a capsid. There may or may not be a fatty membrane around it; it is called a super-capsid. If there is one, it is also studded with some kind of squirrels.

Then the cell, as a rule, dies and the viruses spread throughout the environment, trying to infect new cells. Specifically, HIV is related to cells immune system, namely two types. The main type that is responsible for AIDS is called lymphocytes. When HIV infection first occurs, the number of lymphocytes in a person drops very sharply, but then quickly recovers, as the immune system turns on: it is able to suppress the development of the virus at the initial stages.

The number of lymphocytes is restored to almost 100%, but then, over quite a long time, it slowly decreases and eventually disappears to almost nothing. At first, when a person has a normal number of lymphocytes, he does not feel that he is infected with anything, he feels absolutely normal. Then comes a period of illness, which we call AIDS. A person has acquired immunodeficiency and, as a rule, immunodeficiency ends, unfortunately, in death. What does it have to do with death from something simple, like a cold. If we do not treat a person, then the period from the onset of infection to death is 5-10 years. If a person is treated, now we say that it is 40-50 years. But we must understand that 10 years ago we said that this would be 20-30 years, that is, in another 10 years we will promise people 70-80 years of life. The drugs are improving and sooner or later we will achieve immortality through HIV. Joke.

We now have a lot of drugs to treat HIV. But there is one small problem. We do not have a single solution on how to completely expel HIV from the body. We have many drugs that slow down the spread of this virus throughout the human body, making it non-infectious to other people. But they all have such a property that they must be taken throughout life. Unfortunately, it is impossible to take a pill - and that’s it, HIV is cured. There are certain studies and, perhaps, sooner or later, we will most likely cope with this.

Now let's go through the main myths. There are a lot of them and they are very different, so I took a small section.

Myth-1: HIV does not exist, no one has seen it.

Who can benefit from such a myth? Well, obviously, pharmaceutical companies. To have drugs, especially since they are not cheap, especially since you need to take them all your life, constantly, that is, this is a lot of money. Pharmaceutical companies are profiting from this - and they are really profiting from it. HIV is a commercially very successful disease for pharmaceutical companies. But the fact that it benefits them does not mean that they are to blame for this and that they invented HIV. How can we answer the question of whether we have HIV or not? We can try to look into a microscope and see whether it is there or not. Or we can trust someone authoritative, who constantly publishes articles about certain new features of HIV in various scientific journals related to biology and medicine. To look at HIV, a simple microscope is not enough for us. HIV is very small, so it can only be seen with an electron microscope.

Suppose you and I have an electron microscope. Suppose you and I have a team of specialists who will prepare a drug for us and isolate this virus - they know how to use a microscope and will be able to photograph it. What will we see? Now there will be a short quiz. And we will see something like this:

Can anyone tell me where is HIV here?

And now HIV is marked:

Does he have a sign that says “I am HIV”? Of course not. Looking at viruses is, of course, very cool. They are beautiful, but often it is a futile process. By appearance, a specialist, of course, will recognize something. Any person who has studied at a medical university will recognize the rabies virus - and recognize it the first time. It’s the same with bacteriophages; any biologist will recognize it. All the rest are some kind of small pellets and this doesn’t tell us anything. Okay, we didn't see it.

But let's see, maybe there are some consequences of the existence of HIV that we can feel? Someone tells us that HIV exists. And because HIV exists, a number of events occur. And we really have a lot of information: the fact is that HIV is, on this moment, the most well-studied virus in the world. Huge resources are being devoted to studying this virus. Because of this, in addition to medical issues, HIV has become - this particular virus - has become a widely used tool in many areas of industry, in many areas of medicine, etc. It can be changed, its genetic material can be replaced with what we need and used in medicine, industry, etc. I can give a million examples, but I will focus on just one.

This story happened several years ago, I think in 2008 or 2009. There was a little girl, she was 3-4 months old. She was diagnosed with a serious form of cancer, which at that time could not be cured. Five years ago her parents would have been told “take her home and say goodbye, she won’t live.” But there were researchers who did something like this: they isolated her from this girl immune cells, took a modified HIV and treated her immune cells with this virus. There weren't any virus genes there, but there were genes that directed immune cells against her cancer. After that, these cells were multiplied, poured back into the girl and we saw what any oncologist dreams of seeing. They saw complete remission. That is, this girl does not have cancer now, she is alive, she goes to school, she is doing well, and besides this girl, many people can say that they are alive thanks to the fact that we have artificial viruses based on HIV.

Thus, we can say that yes: they were seen and constantly photographed so that articles could be made and such myths could be debunked. And yes, we actively use it - if we didn’t have it, there would be a lot of problems in biology and medicine. So HIV has been seen and it exists.

If HIV has been seen and it exists, maybe it does not cause AIDS?

Myth-2: HIV does not cause AIDS.

Here, it will be necessary to look into history. The fact is that first there was AIDS. At first there was no virus; no one has found it yet. We found people who had AIDS. What is AIDS - a disease characterized by a certain set of symptoms.

Such as: swelling of the lymph nodes, which is quite serious. Immunodeficiency itself - that is, people suffer much more severely and for longer from the simplest diseases and sooner or later, unfortunately, die. And we have a very specialized form of cancer for HIV, it’s called “Kaposi’s sarcoma” - and this is not a sight for the sensitive. It is connected with the fact that the herpes virus, which many of us have in a latent state, begins to do terrible things against the background of immunodeficiency.

Who were the first patients diagnosed with this disease? Recipients of donated blood in Haiti. There were diseases where people with hemophilia were treated, they were given constant transfusions and they developed this disease. This disease was discovered in pairs of “special” men from the United States. And at the moment when they began to actively look for it, it was simply discovered among people living in Uganda, it is not tied to any individual social groups.

What does a doctor do when there is a certain huge population of humanity and certain islands begin to appear in it, where people get sick with a certain disease? How to understand what causes this disease? The virus has not yet been invented, I remind you that it is not in the picture of the world. There is only disease. When asked how to find a source, Nobel laureate Robert Koch answered. Now we call this "Koch's postulates." Namely, the sequence of actions on how we can find the pathogen. Robert Koch proposed taking sick people and taking healthy people, isolating from them everything that we find in them, all the bacteria and viruses - everything. After this, look at what we have isolated, eliminate those variants that are repeated in both populations, and what remains, what is present in patients and absent in healthy people, will be our candidate for a microorganism.

We found him. But we don’t yet know whether it causes disease. Next you need to take the second step. You can take a healthy person, inject the microorganisms we have isolated into a healthy person and make sure that they cause exactly the same disease. Cool, right? Scientists still decided not to go that far; they did a slightly different thing. They isolated human immune cells and dropped the freshly isolated virus into them.

Before this, we knew of viruses that infect immune cells, but no previously known virus killed immune cells as quickly as the virus isolated from these sick people did. This concerns specifically cellular issues, but there were also human issues. The fact is that no medical experiments were carried out, but they were not medical experiments.

There are two groups of people, one of them is called bugchasers ( English " bug hunters") are people who are initially free from HIV, but for some reason internal reasons those who want to receive it. And they do it very well. They come into unprotected contacts, they inject themselves with the blood of infected people, get HIV and die from AIDS.

Besides them, there are even darker stories, these are gift givers ( English“givers”) are people who know about their HIV-positive status, but do not disclose it and try to spread it as much as possible around them, among their acquaintances, creating such a community of HIV-positive people. Observations of these two groups showed that yes: HIV is transmitted from one person to another and HIV causes AIDS. Thus, we can assume, both from the results of medical experiments and from the results of non-medical ones, that HIV still causes AIDS.

The third myth is partly similar to the second, it goes like this:

Myth 3: HIV is too weak to kill.

A bit of a strange statement. But now I will show you what its adherents rely on. They rely on the graph:

Do you remember that without treatment, a sick person dies within 5-10 years. In order to understand why this raises some questions, I must explain one more term to you. Some time passes between the moment when some organisms enter a person’s body and the moment when they cause specific symptoms or kill him. This time is called incubation period. If we look at the viruses that I have already shown you, we will see that their incubation periods are measured in days.

For the flu it takes 1-3 days; you become infected and immediately fall ill. With rabies, for example, if a dog bites you, a person may not feel that he has any problems for up to 2 months. But these are not years. And HIV has a first period of symptoms, when the first drop in lymphocytes occurred... but, in general, it is AIDS that develops over months, years, and even many years. Adherents of the myth say that how can a virus with such a long incubation period kill someone?

We will have to go back to the cells that HIV infects. These are lymphocytes, the same thing that is measured for HIV infection. The absence of these cells causes AIDS.

On the other hand, we have a second type of cell, they are called macrophages and these cells differ in their response to HIV infection.

Lymphocytes are cells that live in the lymph nodes, our lymphatic system. They respond to infection with the HIV virus by rapid suicide. Lymphocytes sense this virus and die on their own. Macrophages are a slightly different story, we have them throughout our body, these are also immune cells.

In a section of the brain you can see that the red ones are nerve cells, and the green ones are macrophages. That is, there are many more of them in the brain than nerve cells. They are in the bones, in the liver, in adipose tissue - everywhere. When they are infected with HIV, they, unfortunately, do not die. They live and constantly, at a low speed, release the virus into the blood.

What this actually leads to is that when a virus infection first occurs, a small number of macrophages become infected with this virus and release a very small amount of viruses into the blood. Most of this small amount of virus settles on lymphocytes, the lymphocytes die immediately, and a very small part continues to spread in macrophages. After some time, a larger number of macrophages release the virus, and accordingly, a larger number of lymphocytes die, but our bone marrow can restore them in sufficiently large quantities. AIDS occurs when a lot of our tissues: the brain, adipose tissue, bones - everything is secreted by this virus, it destroys almost all lymphocytes, that is, it practically ceases to cope with the restoration of the pool of lymphocytes that we need to carry out our immune function. Thus, if we say that HIV is too weak to kill a person, I would even say, on the contrary, that it is too strong. It is not beneficial for him to be so strong against lymphocytes and kill them simply upon touching. Regarding macrophages, it is quite difficult for him to reach them, but gradually he spreads into them and still does his dirty work. It's not weak, it just spreads like that.

Myth 4: HIV was created artificially

The fourth myth is common among adherents of all kinds of conspiracy theories, world government, and so on. It claims that HIV was created artificially in order, for example, to clear Africa for settlement by new colonists, or similar things.

There are many ideas about who invented it: Zionists, reptilians in order to kill us all. Or ours tried. In general, someone gathered strength and came up with, programmed and made HIV. Here we will have to delve into its structure and remember its history. So, the structure of HIV, as I already said: genes - RNA, packaged in a protein shell - capsid, supercapsid is also present, between the capsid and supercapsid there is a bunch of dissolved proteins, which are needed in the first stages to subjugate the cell that the virus has infected. The virus genome has several genes that contain everything needed to subjugate a cell and make new viruses. One of the genes produces envelope proteins, another produces supercapsid proteins, and the third produces proteins of this intercapsid space, which work only in the infected cell. It's pretty a complex system, packed into just 10,000 letters. There are 10,000 nucleotides, 10,000 letters of this RNA in the virus.

HIV, but in general any virus, can be compared to a cunning flash drive, which, when inserted into a computer, immediately infects the computer and forces it to work as it should and read information from it, and at the same time it is a rather complex program. That is, in order to make such a flash drive and program, you need to have a lot of knowledge about how “computer technology” works - about how life works, in relation to this case, if we are talking about viruses.

Now let's look at the history of the HIV virus. Can we create a virus like HIV now? In principle, if we try, probably yes. Our current knowledge is enough to create such a design, such a flash drive. But let's look at when it was discovered and what happened to the knowledge then? Let's start with knowledge.

1953, one of the most significant years in the history of biology, Watson, Crick and Rosalind Franklin discovered and deciphered the structure of DNA. We, roughly speaking, have learned how the text on which all life is written works. A little later, in 1964, they deciphered genetic code. Before that we learned that the text existed, that it was written, and in 1964 we received information about what it more or less means. And if we talk about genetic engineering, about the production of some genetic constructs, then we cannot do without what we now call polymerase chain reaction, which was invented in 1983. Without it, do something normal in genetic engineering, the production of artificial viruses will not work.

Now let's return to HIV. The first infected person - this is marked in italics on the slide, because this is a retrospective analysis of what we discovered at the time HIV was found: we assumed that the first infected person, the so-called “first patient,” was in 1920-1921 in the Kinshasa area in Congo. In 1959, we already had what is called “hard evidence”: at that moment, research was carried out in Africa, during which a lot of blood tests were collected. And all these analyzes were already examined after the fact in the 1990s for HIV. In 1959, a blood test was taken, in which we discovered HIV after the fact. This is the first serious confirmation. In 1981, AIDS was discovered and the first newspaper publications appeared. Initially, this same “Kaposi’s sarcoma” was discovered. Thus, we can say that at the time when HIV supposedly appeared, people did not yet know how to produce it. There is another explanation for where it came from. In my opinion, it is simpler, although it may not seem so to you.

On the slide you see the evolutionary tree of various immunodeficiency viruses. Several viruses are noted here, now I will explain what they mean. The top two are chimpanzee HIV viruses. Anyone can go to Africa and separate them from chimpanzees. The bottom two are mangobey immunodeficiency viruses. Likewise, anyone can go, catch a mangobey, take a blood test from it and isolate the virus from it. human HIV different types are very close to these viruses. Type 1 HIV is evolutionarily close to chimpanzee HIV, type 2 HIV is rarely talked about because it is not so aggressive and much less likely to cause AIDS - it is much closer to mangabey HIV.

If we compare their sequence, there is a complex picture here, but the main thing is the vertical sticks:

A vertical stick means that the letter of human HIV and the letter of chimpanzee HIV are the same, and 77% of these viruses have such matching letters. This is the normal evolution of viruses. If in the 1920s the virus somehow passed from chimpanzees to humans, through some mutation that allowed it to do so, then it could well have accumulated these 23% differences in the time that has passed since then and that it was spreading through the human population. Thus, while a person was just learning letters, the virus already existed. And it's more likely that we got it from chimpanzees than some of the research in the 20s that allowed people to create artificial viruses suggests. The myth is destroyed.

Myth-5: HIV-positive people are dangerous

And the last myth I would like to talk about is that it is the most socially important. This is that HIV positive people are dangerous. Many people believe that if an HIV-positive person appears among us now, we will all catch HIV at once and after a while we will get AIDS. In their minds, what happens is this: an infected person appeared and immediately all his colleagues, friends, family, everyone became infected from him, everyone got sick and everyone died. This leads to very bad situation: Any person who claims to be HIV positive is isolated. Not very competent doctors are starting to refuse it. Some clinics believe that such a person cannot be interacted with. This is absolutely wrong, it is possible, and it is safe - I will talk about this a little later. Such people are fired from their jobs, their wives/husbands leave them, their children are taken away from them. In general, it’s a difficult situation.

Let's understand transmission and the likelihood that you can get a person's HIV. The very first option is a blood transfusion, which is how it was originally transmitted.

90% is a lot and a scary number, but when was the last time you and your work colleague had a mutual blood transfusion? I think that doesn't happen very often at parties [audience laughs]. But other forms of interaction happen a little more often at parties.

What is the likelihood of getting HIV here? Suddenly, from about 0.04-1.43%. Depending on the form of interaction, you can get HIV with a probability of 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 100, 1 in 50. This is not such a high probability.

An option such as sharing a syringe. I hope no one here is sharing a syringe? But even here the probability is not so high: 0.3-0.7%. This would be more suitable for those people who are afraid of people like “gift givers”, because we are all sitting on soft armchairs now. And one of the main HIV phobias is that such a “gift giver” will come, prick himself with a needle and stick this needle in our chair. And we will sit down, inject ourselves and become infected with HIV. The fact is that HIV lives in these needles literally minutes. And so, if people constantly use these needles, then the chance of becoming infected is 0.3-0.7%. But the risk can be reduced.

If a man is circumcised, then during sexual intercourse the risk of infection is reduced by 60%, if a condom is used, then by 80% - from those small numbers. If pre-exposure prophylaxis is used... These are the drugs that we have in Russia and are registered. But, unfortunately, in Russia we do not have indications on which they can be prescribed. These are drugs for healthy people, HIV-negative, who suspect that they may soon come into contact with an HIV-positive person and want to protect themselves. And then, the risk of infection is reduced by 92%. That is, it’s already 0.04, but it can be reduced by another 92%. If an HIV-positive person himself takes all the medications, everything is fine with him and he achieves the holy grail of HIV treatment called “undetectable viral load”... that is, we conduct a test on him and do not see HIV in his blood. If he stops taking the drugs, we will see HIV, if he does not stop taking it, we will not see it. It (pre-exposure prophylaxis) reduces the risk of transmission during any interaction by 100%. The only thing is with the exception of blood transfusion. After all, blood is not transfused from HIV-infected people. All these percentages allowed us to take this photo:

Here Princess Diana, famous for her life and her charity, can be seen shaking hands with a man with terminal AIDS. As you can see, she does not use any gloves or antiseptics. Interaction with HIV-infected people is absolutely safe process, In most cases. In only a small number of cases there is a risk of transmission, which again can be reduced to zero by responsible actions on both sides of the interaction.

That's basically all I wanted to tell you. Patients with HIV are not dangerous, you can interact with them, and do not need to be avoided. Thank you!

Devastating video against AIDS dissidents (with text)

A long time ago, when I just moved from a small village to a huge metropolis called Moscow, they almost immediately began to scare me that it was very dangerous here. But something is etched into my memory so strongly that even now I check the seat in the cinema for needles sticking out there. Yes, I’m talking about the spread of HIV infection in the seats of theaters and cinemas, in sandboxes, on handrails in the subway. You've definitely heard about this and it's scary.

But today we will talk not only about this. We will talk about HIV and AIDS in general, and touch on the topic of conspiracies. Suddenly this virus does not exist at all.
We are all assured that the immunodeficiency virus exists when no one sees it.

Vladimir Ageev:

“He can live with the virus for the rest of his life and will not manifest himself like this virus.”
“Somewhere he’s sick, somewhere he’s not.”
“The drugs that killed him.”

What is the difference between HIV and AIDS? Is there a big difference between them?

Elena Malysheva: “The girl was sick with AIDS, but her adoptive parents refused to treat her. Dad believed that AIDS did not exist. Dad was a priest."

Pop: “AIDS occurs from 4 reasons: stress, depression...”

I believe that this topic is very important, so I have enlisted the help of scientists who will help implement today's video. I hope with your help they will see it maximum amount of people. To begin with, I would like to tell you what it is and where it came from.

History of HIV/AIDS

HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. There are several types of them, they all originated in central and western Africa and were transmitted to people from monkeys, since the monkey immunodeficiency virus is evolutionarily very close to the human virus. I know what you're thinking right now.

Big-nosed monkey.

Well, how else could it be transmitted from a monkey? Yes, I also heard about this at school, but they were not necessarily transmitted that way (sexually). There is evidence that monkey hunters and meat suppliers often contract the virus through direct contact with blood.

You probably know that HIV is transmitted through blood, through needles, through any unprotected types of intercourse, but it is not at all obvious that HIV is not transmitted through saliva, when swimming in a pool, by airborne droplets and through the bites of mosquitoes and most insects.

Yes, this is not obvious, because many diseases can be transmitted through insects, and it was this discovery that allowed famous people to publicly prove that nothing would happen to them if they came into contact with HIV-infected people. Thus, he destroys stupid myths that were born in batches in the 80s and 90s and still live. For example, in these photographs Princess Diana communicates closely with HIV-infected people. But not everyone sees these photographs. They don’t read specifically about this virus. For what? This does not concern them, but this is precisely why it is now difficult for a person to admit if he is sick with HIV. He will be shunned by his work colleagues, it will be difficult for him to find relationships, and all because of the ignorance of people who think that they can pick up something just by communicating. Even if you rub against each other, nothing will happen.
I'm wondering if these people who shy away from HIV-positive people would happily hang out with actor Charlie Sheen. Why? It turns out that he is also infected.

Academician Vadim Pokrovsky says that the terrible Ebola virus, which you have all heard about, is simply nonsense compared to HIV, because in 40 years it has not been able to reach Europe.

Look, according to the latest data, almost 147 million people live in Russia, of which 1 million are currently living with HIV infection. Not so much? - This is every 147 people!

But what does this mean? - How more people infected with HIV, the greater the testing ground for the evolution of this virus, the greater the likelihood that of these mutations that arise, some kind of this will appear a new version this virus, which will be even more effective in its spread.

If anyone played computer game Corporate, the more infected you have, the more mutation points you have, the closer you are to the final victory, and the final victory is the destruction of humanity.

HIV definitely causes a disease called Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, abbreviated as .

As a child, I didn’t know the difference between these two terms. And this is easy to see - he has quite clear symptoms. For example, severe swelling of the lymph nodes and all this can lead to complete stiffness.
A human body that simply stops protecting itself from any infections and tumors, and even ordinary herpes, which most of us have, but we don’t notice because it doesn’t bother us, can kill you.

Initially, this disease was associated with the disease of drug addicts who inject themselves with one needle in a dirty alley, but this is long in the past. The line has been erased and now every person on this planet is at risk. Here you are walking down the street, there are a lot of people, you walk twenty steps and there is a high probability that you will pass next to an HIV-infected person.

So you understand more clearly what the problem is? In all countries, the dynamics of infection is gradually falling, but not in Russia. Why are the dynamics of infection in Russia growing? Doesn't anyone warn us about the risks?

Dynamics of identifying new patients with HIV infection from the beginning of the epidemic until 2017 inclusive.

Of course, we are warned about the risks, especially on the eve of December 1 World Day fight against HIV infection.
There is one serious problem that in any normal country in the world, HIV prevention is based on working with risk groups. There is such a concept - it is called harm reduction, proposed by the World Health Organization and widely used around the world. It includes measures such as distributing disposable syringes to drug users, working with commercial sex workers, providing them with contraceptives, for example, distributing special medications. There are medications that a healthy partner should take and that allow him not to become infected with the immunodeficiency virus from his sick partner.
This whole set of measures and this whole harm reduction scheme actually works quite well. That is, she makes these risk groups safe for others. Unfortunately, none of the harm reduction schemes have been adopted in our country. Our public organizations are trying to do something on their own. In Yekaterinburg there is a harm reduction scheme, in St. Petersburg they are trying to distribute syringes. And all this runs into organized opposition from the state. The state does not understand this idea that people dependent on psychoactive substances should be treated as normal people and supply them with some things that they need, that commercial s*** workers should be treated like people, and so on and so forth.

In this regard, our prevention is quite ineffective. The measures that our state is taking are aimed at strengthening the institution of the family, at some kind of spiritual bonds that are actively promoted to us. Their propaganda, unfortunately, has long been shown to be ineffective for the modern depraved society. They tried to use them in African countries, but it didn’t work there and they still returned to distributing syringes and condoms.

Anti-AIDS T-shirts.

This seems clear, but while browsing the Internet and studying this topic, you will come across articles and groups that claim that HIV does not exist.

Does HIV exist?

An interesting fact: first they found the disease, and only then they found the virus that causes this disease. In 1981, signs of this disease were found in people who should not have it, since it occurred rarely and in certain situations. And in 1982, the term “acquired human immunodeficiency syndrome” was proposed. And only in 1983, a study was published in the journal Sience in which it was possible to find a retrovirus, which was later named human immunodeficiency virus.

HIV virus (mature forms)

This is what it looks like under an electron microscope. But this doesn’t give us anything, we can’t see with our eyes, which means it doesn’t exist. And the microscope, and only those who serve companies look into it. All clear.
What to do then? Alternatively, you can try to believe the leading scientific publications, which are constantly tinkering with this virus. Bought too? Damn corporation! And then even the biggest skeptic has the thought - damn, HIV is very beneficial for someone and how to check all this?

“Lifelong treatment with very expensive drugs suits pharmacists quite well.”

Yes, it’s hard to deny that HIV is very commercially profitable for pharmaceutical companies. To control it you need to take expensive drugs all your life.
Just imagine the profit from one person. But what can you do about it if it doesn’t exist?

Is there an option to completely rid a person of HIV?

— There is at least one patient who was completely cured of HIV, the so-called “Berlin patient.”
He suffered from both leukemia and HIV. For leukemia, various methods are used that make it possible to destroy actively dividing cells, and after that the person has to be transplanted with bone marrow. And in in this case For a bone marrow transplant, they decided to use not just a random person with suitable genetic markers, but also to select a donor who would have certain mutations that make him resistant to HIV.
They transplanted bone marrow from such a donor into the patient and eventually cured him of cancer and HIV, and to this day no traces of HIV have been found in him.

It turns out that if this is your genetics, then you can not get infected at all?

— There is a certain mutation that will make a person resistant to HIV, this is not a very common mutation, but a certain percentage of people have it.

As soon as we try to kill the virus, it still appears again and the only way to maintain a normal human life is to constantly take antiretroviral drugs every day. They help avoid the virus from multiplying, and the person begins to live a normal family life and work. He has perfectly healthy children and has the life expectancy of an ordinary person. What does this have to do with the profit of pharmaceutical companies? If it's just the only way to survive. There are clear statistics that show that an infected person will live up to 10 years without treatment, but with treatment he will live up to 50 years, on average.

This is a proven fact and the drugs are getting better. In a few years, we will see new numbers - for example, 80 years.

Even if you caught the virus, it's not the 80s. And there are medications that suppress symptoms. People live with this for many years.

What should a person who does not have money for treatment do? Is it really possible to die in agony?

No, of course, dying in pain is not a good idea. Like almost every state in the world, Russia undertakes to treat all HIV-infected people free of charge. If a person is diagnosed with HIV infection, he needs to confirm this diagnosis in. After this, the doctors and specialists who work in these centers are obliged to select a treatment regimen for him and supply him with medications throughout his life in order to, in fact, keep the disease under control. However, in Russia, unfortunately, this system quite often does not work. Many people are denied therapy for one reason or another. Simply because therapy is very expensive. There are shortages of medications and doctors are trying to somehow reduce the financial burden on the healthcare institution.

In this case they can help public organizations. For example, there is such a foundation called AIDS.CENTER. There is an AIDS center, and there is the AIDS.CENTER foundation, where lawyers sit, people familiar with the problems of the community of HIV-infected people who can help achieve this therapy, achieve the treatment that the state is obliged to provide to all patients.

Should there be panic if a person is diagnosed with this?

Panic over this is also not a good choice in this case. That is, if such a diagnosis is discovered, then yes, you need to understand that this is most likely for life.

That is, there is still some chance that when it is checked at the AIDS center, but as a rule, if there is a positive reaction, then, as a rule, this indicates that the virus is present in the blood. It is necessary to start treatment. Previously, those who used the drug had quite serious side effects.
Now this is no longer a problem. Most drugs do not have serious side effects, they can be taken for life, and if a person develops any side effects, he can change the drug.
The main thing is to adhere to treatment and constantly contact your doctor. The drugs work so well, HIV is suppressed so much that it is not detectable in the blood. The life expectancy of HIV-infected people is now no different from the life expectancy of ordinary healthy people.

And yet the existence of HIV is easy to verify in practice. No, you don't need to get sick. There are a lot of people who did this not of their own free will. Very briefly, scientists have learned to use it for their own purposes: they inject a modified immunodeficiency virus into the patient, before removing from him everything that causes disease. It attacks, say, cancerous tissue without affecting healthy tissue, and a person can be cured.
This proves to us that such a virus exists, we know its structure. We are studying it. He's very scary. But even from this we can benefit.

What benefit do these scientists have? On the contrary, they take money from those who treat cancer. Think about it.
People who see conspiracies in everything accuse Academician Pokrovsky, whom we talked about earlier, of being an agent of the West and trying to destroy Russia with his fictitious AIDS. He pretends to treat, but in reality he brutally kills and it turns out there is no scientific evidence that there is HIV and AIDS at all.

The question arises: if HIV does not exist, then why are you dying? I appeal to those who write all this. You hear stories of HIV-infected people who have refused treatment and are fine. But all is not well with them. They’ll just say until the very end that normally they won’t die yet, but what if I show a list of dead people who believed that HIV doesn’t exist.
And that's just small part, all of them die. They transmit the virus to other people, kill their children.

No scientific evidence, you say? and what's that? and what's that?

All these studies indicate the presence of a virus. That it leads to AIDS. And then you think that all this was paid for by the government. And I’m paid too, of course. But do you really know why I do this?

According to one study, improving critical thinking skills among people using the Internet to obtain medical information has important to reduce the harm of AIDS denial.

And knowing from personal experience If you take treatment or search for your symptoms on the Internet, you will only make things worse. If you feel that something is wrong, get examined and I will be very glad if this video helps someone think more critically.

HIV exists, it’s hard to argue with, but what are the dangers of denying it? There is a group on VKontakte called “HIV/AIDS dissidents and their children.”
They are monitoring and counting deaths from this terrible disease. Moreover, difficult deaths, namely those people who maximally denied the presence of HIV in nature and were not treated. They are called HIV dissidents.
They are dying. What else do they have left? Any cold, any fungus eats them from the inside, and the body cannot resist. But these people, as a rule, communicate very aggressively with those who advise treatment and sincerely do not understand how you can not take care of yourself like that?
But in response they hear: “It’s all a conspiracy!! And you all are creatures, die faster than I will dance on your graves, paid for by the government, you freaks!”

But after a short time, their predictions are shattered, because they die. Irony? Just a lack of any critical thinking and maximum denial of your problem. And it’s okay if you push yourself, but not everything is so simple. Take as an example 36-year-old Sofia, who recently died from double pneumonia due to HIV infection. According to the classics, she denied the disease, wished death to all those who advised her something and everything like that.
But she did not treat her small children as if there was no problem at all and the children died because their mother infected them during childbirth. There seems to be a problem and it’s simply stupid to ignore it. They could survive. Do you understand? If a woman took special medications, it is more likely that children would be born without the virus.
And, unfortunately, there are a lot of such stories. Mothers, having read unsubstantiated nonsense, get these consequences in the form of dead children.
Yes, it’s tough, but it’s not the children’s fault that they have mothers like this and it needs to stop.

But even here there are conspiracy theories, because a huge number of people claim that HIV was created by people in order to control mortality around the world and, of course, make money from suckers who believe that HIV drugs help.

Who is interesting in spreading this information? You are interested?


There is such a person - doctor, certified specialist Olga Kovekh.
She is dedicated to giving all HIV-infected people their free advice. After all, she is a doctor, she treats people. There is no reason not to believe her, say those people who listen and end up dying.

On the Internet, Olga Kovekh is called “Doctor Death.” She claims that those who believe in HIV are sectarians, and also that this is biological warfare on the orders of Washington and control of mortality.
It sounds like a stupid action movie cliché, but I'm sure she means it. And she also thinks that microwaves can lower immunity, but juice from the store, on the contrary, increases it, even when you have an immunodeficiency. Advises pregnant mothers with HIV not to get vaccinated or take medications. And yes, and in general a lot more.
All her theses can be destroyed from a scientific point of view, but this is not interesting to the people who believe her. For her actions, she was recently fired from her job. She justified it by saying that she simply knew the truth.

Here's another interesting thing - Duesberg's hypothesis. It lies in the fact that HIV is actually just a safe virus sitting in the body and AIDS is obtained in a different way, and it was not found in Africa.

I say this because Peter Duesberg is a molecular biologist and professor of molecular and cellular biology at the University of California, Berkeley.
Not bad, right? He wrote books and disseminated his knowledge in every possible way, and Thabo Mbeki, no less than the President of the Republic of South Africa, agreed with this. He fought with scientists and opposed the distribution of drugs to treat HIV. The president!
There is a study that says that from 2000 to 2005, 365 thousand people died in South Africa due to this conspiracy hysteria, including 35 thousand children. Not a bad price to pay for a mistake. Yes?
All this might not have happened. After all, listening to what this scientist and this president had to say, the Durban Declaration was presented in 2000. A document signed by five thousand scientists, each of whom has a doctorate and does not work in state corporations, so that there are no rumors of a conspiracy.

Text of the Durban Declaration.

Interestingly, one of the most prominent HIV/AIDS researchers, author of many scientific discoveries In this area, the director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Anthony Fauci, did not sign the Durban Declaration. In an interview with the Washington Post, he explained his position as follows:

The document makes clear that there is unequivocal evidence that HIV causes AIDS and it kills people. All this was published in scientific journal Nature and presented at the AIDS conference.

This has been successfully ignored and people are actually dying. A very interesting thing comes here, which is called the “Dr. Fox” effect, if you see a man in a white coat who says some smart scientific things, you get the impression that he is telling the truth. If he says complete nonsense, you won’t even notice it because of the speaker’s charisma.
This whole movement was supported by a bunch of people, for example Carrie Mullis, an American biochemist, laureate Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1993, he also thinks that HIV is a government conspiracy, that everyone around him is lying, and he also believes in astrology.

Bravo! If everyone around you is bought by the government, if they are so powerful and can buy all the pharmaceutical companies, then why are you still alive. You stand in front of people telling them the shocking truth, and for some reason the government doesn’t care about you. That is why on the Internet you can find books in which there are a lot of scientific terms, everything seems to be fine, but it is completely wrong and it would be good to ban them from distribution for the security of the country. But no one does anything about it.
But in fact, the Ministry of Health is trying. Sold out to the Ministry of Health! The Ministry of Health has introduced a bill, which may be introduced in 2019, which obliges to fine everyone who promotes refusal of HIV treatment. We'll see later how quiet it will be on the forums, if of course they accept it.
But what if we are wrong? Scientists are lying and the virus was actually created artificially. Is it possible to create an artificial immunodeficiency virus?
This question can be broken down into two: Could a similar virus be made in 1920? This is approximately the time when HIV is believed to first infect a person based on available reconstructions. And is it possible to make a similar virus today using all modern technologies?
If we are talking about then, then we must understand that at that time no one even knew that DNA was responsible for transmission to the media. Not to mention that there were no modern methods There is absolutely no need to talk about genetic engineering and the artificial creation of some kind of virus.

If we are talking about today, then today the HIV genome has been read. Therefore, if someone wanted to create a similar virus today, they could take the HIV genome sequence from public databases. Synthesize a genome, put it into a human cell, force it to produce viral particles.
Then he received this virus in the laboratory, but pay attention, I described the process of copying a copy of a virus already created by nature.
But it’s unlikely that anyone could make such a virus or design it today. Even modern science it does not allow you to design HIV from scratch. At most, we can copy this virus, we can modify it a little. The possibilities are not that great.

Alexander Gordon:

“If you remember, the first person to be diagnosed with this disease was the American tennis player Ash, who lived with this disease for 15 years. And the first thing that alarmed me about this story was that he had two healthy children and a healthy wife. Although they lived together for 15 years and children were born in this marriage. Therefore, the devil is not so terrible if he exists. On an unproven basis, on an unisolated virus. That is, it seems to me that this is a deception.”

“I believe that AIDS is a religion whose priests are corrupt doctors who have forgotten what the Hippocratic Oath is, and pharmacologists who make a business out of human fear. The product has been turned into a thriving business. What particularly infuriates me in this campaign is the role of the so-called World Health Organization, which is populated by medical officials. They invent all these diseases and many restrictions associated with them.”

How easy it is for a once famous TV presenter to manipulate people and manipulate facts, isn’t it? And then tell it all on Channel One. But still, the first cases of infection appeared in 1981. It is assumed that Arthur Ashe became infected only in 1983, but found out about it in 1988. He lived with HIV not 15, but a maximum of 10 years, and he had not two daughters, but one adopted one. Her name is Camera.

I wonder why I should be infected in the first place, and why didn’t my wife become infected? Maybe because the likelihood of getting infected is not so high. Maybe because there are people who, in principle, are not susceptible to infection. Maybe because Arthur Ashe opened his own foundation after his diagnosis and promoted safe relationships. But really, why go into detail.
And this is only a small part of influential people and scientists who like to falsify facts, take only those studies that are beneficial to them and thereby put people at risk. In general, there should never be authorities. Everyone makes mistakes and no one is perfect and in no case should you trust me since I am just a repeater. But fortunately, on the topic of HIV there is something to compare with. Out of more than 100 thousand publications, you will find at most a hundred obscurantist ones.
Why do people continue to resist the facts and avoid treatment? What motivates them?
In this case, the main problem, it seems to me, is the stigmatization of the topic of HIV infection and people infected with the human immunodeficiency virus. The fact is that when you first appeared it was a disease of the so-called marginalized. Yes, to this day, the following main vulnerable groups are identified: these are “special” men (MSM), people who use injecting psychoactive substances (IDUs), and commercial sex workers (CSWs).
Previously, people believed that only these groups were susceptible to HIV infection and, accordingly, if a person was diagnosed with HIV infection, then he belonged to one of these groups: that is, he either injected himself, or used the services of commercial sex workers, and so on .
And until now, unfortunately, this is a very persistent myth if a person gets HIV. Moreover, now these listed methods of obtaining human immunodeficiency virus are by no means prevalent. All over the world, the main method of transmission of HIV infection is through natural sexual contact: from man to woman, from woman to man. However, until now, if a person is diagnosed with HIV infection, he, first of all, begins to think: “How could I get it? I don’t inject drugs there, I don’t communicate with prostitutes,” and so on.

On the other hand, people around him decide that he is some kind of marginalized person, that he leads an antisocial lifestyle. Such people have problems at work, this is further aggravated by the fact that people believe that such people are dangerous.

For such people, problems begin in family life: their wives and husbands leave them, they lose their children…. Their circle begins to avoid them, naturally, when a person is faced with the fact that he is diagnosed with “HIV infection,” he clutches at any straw just to disagree with this diagnosis, just to avoid ending up in this marginal community.

HIV dissidence is growing from here - that is, people are trying to cling to the idea that HIV does not exist in order not to admit that they are in such a situation.

One of the main ideas of the World Health Organization is that everyone should receive treatment, regardless of social status, regardless of citizenship.
If an HIV-infected immigrant comes to us, he should be treated, and not forced to register. Treat now.

And now I will very briefly tell you everything you need to know about HIV dissidence.

AIDS dissidents

HIV-positive parents won the right to refuse treatment for their child in court in 1998. The boy died 8 years later; his parents refused to comment on the situation. Christine Maggiore, an HIV-positive activist, lost her little daughter because she infected her herself. She was sure that it was because of the drugs and wrote a book, which she distributed herself. Founded a denial organization and stuff like that.
Bassist for the band Foo Fighters, came across this book. He told the whole group about it, everyone believed in the importance of all this and began to support the organization for the denial of HIV and AIDS by giving large charity concerts.
The problem is that Christine Maggiore died from complications due to HIV infection in 2008.
Currently, on the Foo Fighters website there is no reference to the fact that they support this organization. They probably changed their minds and learned not to do it anymore.

But since we have found out that HIV exists, that it kills, that it was not created artificially, let’s talk about the risks of contracting this very HIV and I assure you this part will simply break your patterns.

Risk of infection

How do you think you will get infected if you are transfused with infected blood in a hospital? Well, that’s logical, the chance of this is 90 percent. What do you think is the chance of contracting HIV during any sexual intercourse with an infected person? In the majority, this is how it is transmitted - One and a half percent!
This is some kind of nonsense! There is an urgent need to double-check the information before it is necessary, but I have already double-checked this data a bunch of times; this data is correct for one sexual act, but they become infected with it because multiple connections increase the likelihood and the percentages only grow.
According to statistics, the probability of infection during natural sexual intercourse is negligible, but what about the needle, the blood remains and you sat on a slipped needle in the cinema and that’s it. Only HIV lives outside the body very little and most likely, when we got on it, it had already died, but even if you stick a syringe into a drug addict’s vein, and then immediately to yourself, the probability of transmission is 0.63%.

When I saw these official figures, I was shocked; it destroys my entire understanding of HIV infection. But you need to pull yourself together and understand that even though the percentage is small, it still exists and therefore you need to take all precautions to reduce even these minor risks on the Internet.
I have seen stories that people were given HIV from dentistry, tattoo parlors, nail salon. This is possible, hypothetically, this is really possible, that is, in all places where contact of some instrument with the blood of an HIV-positive patient is possible, this blood can be used accidentally or intentionally to infect a healthy person. However, such cases have not happened for a long time.

In fact, the appearance of HIV infection on our medical horizon led to a rather serious change in the rules of interaction with human blood. In particular, for example, now you almost never find reusable instruments for contact with blood. Almost everything that is used for collecting donor blood or for analysis is all disposable things, the same goes for tattoo needles and everything else.
We have almost completely switched to disposable instruments precisely due to the risk of transmitting HIV and similar infections.

Now this is largely a myth, that is, if someone really wants to infect a person in a tattoo parlor, they can do it, but it will be a criminal offense.

This doesn't happen now. Not long ago, another urban legend arose, which says that under no circumstances should you consume products produced by Pepsi because the employee or employees added their infected blood to it.
Such messages are often spread online like all other nonsense, but this is something that still scares people here, but in fact this story was circulating on American websites back in 2011 and was transmitted in the same way through instant messengers.

People are simply intimidated and panicked. HIV will not survive in such an environment, and even if the virus is in the drink, to date there have not been a single case of HIV infection through food.

Distributors are simply playing on the gullibility of people. In my memory, there has not been a single case when loud announcements were massively distributed through a messenger, which in the end turned out to be true.

Stop believing it already. What recommendations are there? There really aren’t many. To be checked, the sooner the virus is found, the easier it will be to reduce the number of sexual partners.
And if you imagine yourself to be a macho man, then be sure to take protection; this will reduce the risk. The analysis, of course, needs to be done because a person may not suspect at first that he is infected; also, do not be drug addicts and do not inject yourself with dirty syringes.

I say this and it’s as if I’m in a bad action movie of the 90s now on the streets of big cities. Of course, you rarely see such a picture, which is very pleasing, but when I was a child, I saw something like this and it was really very disgusting.

And after all this, after all this knowledge that can be found on the Internet after spending several hours, people continue to not believe in HIV.

They continue to ignore it and not treat their children, create VKontakte groups that HIV was created artificially and that it is actually doctors who are killing us, and not some diseases. If suddenly this happens to you, of course, after the doctors, you will run to the Internet to look for a way out and a different point of view. But please don't stumble upon these groups, if you are morally weak, you will simply believe it out of desperation. After all, you will see comments from a supposed doctor who dug a little deeper and knows about the conspiracy. You have two scales: on one, mistrust, conspiracies and death, on the other, normal life. What will you choose?

Why was the AIDS virus invented? How to explain the epidemics of this non-existent HIV virus in African countries. Why is Africa starving at all if in America farmers are paid extra so that they do not produce more food?

The story of the AIDS virus that doesn't actually cause AIDS. How so? And so: in 1996, a fundamental study by Professor Peter Duesberg entitled “Inventing the AIDS Virus” was published with a foreword by Nobel Prize laureate Kari Mullins (Peter H. Duesberg “Inventing the AIDS virus”). Peter Duesberg, a professor of molecular and cellular biology at the University of California at Berkeley, published it with his own money, since PR refused to do so. Professor Duzberg is one of the very few people on the globe who, as part of his career, has spent his entire life studying retroviruses - that is, the family of viruses to which the “AIDS virus” belongs. There are 700 pages in Duzberg's book. This is a thick book, but it is so interesting that it reads like a detective story - in one gulp. Professor Dusberg shows step by step how the legend was created that a small retrovirus is the source of great misfortunes, for which very specific people are actually responsible. In fact, the “AIDS virus” is a saprophyte, that is, like, say, a microbe “ coli", it is present in the body of any person, namely in the nasopharynx. What do AIDS patients die from? - from this retrovirus? - No, they die from a variety of complications caused by completely different, very specific microbes and fungi. So why then is a retrovirus blamed? - They say that it is this that causes decreased immunity? Professor Duzberg shows that the retrovirus is in everyone’s nasopharynx and does not cause any AIDS in anyone - that is, that the slandered “AIDS virus” is part of the normal human microbial flora, and, therefore, beneficial for the body.

Do you know the fact that not a single wife of an AIDS patient has ever become infected by having sex with him? Why don't you know this? Probably PR? How is this possible if the disease is infectious? Where did all these stories come from, how someone somewhere pricked himself with a needle in a hospital and became infected, receiving millions of dollars in compensation. Don’t you think that these are all easily adjustable things? Yes, that's a lie! It is a lie - that a person became infected from a needle prick.

The real situation is this: yes, there is Reduced Immunity Syndrome, which, by the way, has always existed, but only in recent decades has it become catastrophically widespread. There is one obvious fact - that not a single person has yet died from AIDS caused by a small retrovirus. The virus has been slandered. People die from pneumonia and cancer associated with low immunity, and the retrovirus, the “AIDS virus,” has nothing to do with it. Then what, you ask, causes a decrease in immunity? - And the answer to this is simple, listen carefully and remember: A decrease in human immunity is a general trend of modern humanity associated with the catastrophic poisoning of the human environment over the past decades. Toxic substances and factors overwhelmed modern humanity or, as they say, civilization. These toxic factors include polluted air, water, food - everything that is outside and gets inside a person or even comes into contact with him, such as, for example, even synthetic clothing. The fact that they are trying to hide is that we all, city dwellers, have Reduced Immunity Syndrome. Yes, to some extent, we all, city residents, have AIDS - Reduced Immunodeficiency Syndrome. But why then do only some die? And this is where the risk factor plays a role, that is, the fact that some people expose themselves to much more intoxication than others: these are drug addicts, drunkards, leading a riotous and disorderly lifestyle, that is, the group that is reflected in official statistics .

But how can we explain that half of Africa suffers from AIDS, that is, has immunodeficiency? It’s very simple: Africa does not have its own Agriculture, it is a world dependent. They do not sow or plow, but only eat and reproduce. Their culture has not yet reached the agricultural level. They can only eat what grows on trees. Previously, natural causes regulated the number of Africans. Now civilization does not allow them to die just like that, it forces them to die from immunodeficiency. The scheme works like this: as you understand, Africans don’t have money to pay for anything. Thus, in order to make a profit, American corporations make this roundabout move: PR scares the world community with stories about famine in Africa and forces the government, that is, the American taxpayer, to fork out for food for Africans. American corporations take the money, and as humanitarian aid, naturally, do not supply high-quality products to Africa, but sell them low-quality, expired, non-nutritious, at best empty, and simply contaminated food products, saturated with malignant chemicals, according to the “gifted” principle. Don’t look a horse in the mouth.” Thus, what American corporations are doing is simply genocide.

You may say, but then Africans would still die of hunger. - This is the wrong way to pose the question: in Africa, natural factors have always regulated the population, but natural factors do not provide any profit to American corporations - this is the reason for AIDS in Africa. That's right, Africa is a direct global case of targeted poisoning of people across the continent with toxic substances distributed as counterfeit foods and medicines. Who controls the quality of products supplied to Africa? - Nobody. Now do you understand why PR needed a small retrovirus? - To write off responsibility for the quite obvious fact of the murder of tens, and maybe hundreds of millions of people, as well as for the obvious catastrophic state of health of modern man.

An interesting fact, Professor Duzberg emphasizes that the consistent deterioration in the health of people with immunodeficiency (that would be more correct to say), and not AIDS, is caused by the start of taking medications intended specifically for its treatment, which - in particular, the main drug "AZT" - are extremely toxic for the human body. That is, death from AIDS is actually death from chronic intoxication of the body caused by factors environment, water, food, air and intoxication factors individual for each person, as well as the drugs themselves used for his treatment - one cannot dare to call them medicines.

How else is this proven? - Because documented cases have accumulated full recovery from “AIDS” of people who have already been thrown into the dying ward by official medicine. (Roger's Recovery from AIDS Bob Owen. Roger's Recovery from AIDS. By Bob Owen, subtitled How One Man Overcame terrible disease" - you can find this book via the Internet).

Tim O'Shea, from the book “The doors of perception: why Americans will believe almost everything”

Per. from English John Galepeno



1. Healthy people due to obscure cross-reactions

2. Pregnancy (especially in a woman who has given birth many times)

3. Normal human ribonucleoproteins

4. Blood transfusions, especially multiple blood transfusions

5. Infection of the upper respiratory tract(cold, acute respiratory infection)

7. Recently transferred viral infection or viral vaccination

8. Other retroviruses

9. Flu vaccination

10. Vaccination against hepatitis B

11. Tetanus vaccination

12. “Sticky” blood (among Africans)

13. Hepatitis

14. Primary sclerosing cholangitis

15. Primary biliary cirrhosis

16. Tuberculosis

17. Herpes

18. Hemophilia

19. Stevens/Johnson syndrome (inflammatory febrile disease of the skin and mucous membranes)

20. Q-fever with concomitant hepatitis

21. Alcoholic hepatitis (alcoholic liver disease)

22. Malaria

23. Rheumatoid arthritis

24. Systemic lupus erythematosus

25. Scleroderma

26. Dermatomyositis

27. Connective tissue disease

28. Malignant tumors

29. Lymphoma

30. Myeloma

31. Multiple sclerosis

32. Kidney failure

33. Alpha interferon therapy for hemodialysis

34. Organ transplantation

35. Kidney transplantation

36. Leprosy

37. Hyperbilirubinemia (increased bilirubin in the blood)

38. Lipemic serum (blood with high content fat or lipids)

39. Hemolyzed serum (blood in which hemoglobin is separated from red cells)

40. Naturally occurring antibodies

41. Anti-carbohydrate antibodies

42. Anti-lymphocyte antibodies

43. HLA antibodies (to leukocyte antigens class 1 and 2)

44. High level of circulating immune complexes

45. Samples subjected to high temperature treatment

46. ​​Anti-collagen antibodies (found in homosexual men, hemophiliacs, Africans of both sexes and people with leprosy)

47. Serum positivity for rheumatoid factor, antinuclear antibody (both found in rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases)

48. Hypergammaglobulinemia ( high level antibodies)

49. False positive response to another test, including the RPR (Rapid Plasma Reagent) test for syphilis

50. Anti-smooth muscle antibodies

51. Anti-parietal cell antibodies (parietal cells of the gastric glands)

52. Anti-hepatitis A immunoglobulin M (antibody)

53. Anti-Hbc immunoglobulin M

54. Antimitochondrial antibodies

55. Antinuclear antibodies

56. Antimicrosomal antibodies

57. Antibodies to T-cell leukocyte antigens

58. Antibodies with high affinity to polystyrenes, which are used in test systems

59. Proteins on filter paper

60. Visceral leishmaniasis

61. Epstein-Barr virus

62. Receptive anal sex

(September 1996, Zengers, California)

Such a huge number of states giving positive reaction on an allegedly specific test, speaks of its absolute unreliability and the impossibility of using it in diagnostic purposes. Every doctor prescribing HIV testing must be aware of his responsibility for causing irreparable moral damage (leading to serious consequences) to people for whom this testing gives a positive result.

And you don’t need to be afraid of the diseases listed on this list. But you need to understand a simple thing: if you are diagnosed with such a disease, and during testing you turn out to be HIV-positive, then the point is not that you have AIDS, but that the HIV tests gave a positive result in connection with this disease . But even more, I want to draw your attention to the fact that many points actually boil down to points 1 and 48 - you are healthy, you just have an increased overall level of antibodies, and HIV tests react positively to this. There is no need to worry for a second about a positive HIV test result.

And the manufacturers of these tests themselves are well aware of their complete unreliability. And therefore, none of these tests are considered 100% reliable. On the contrary, the annotation for each test states that it cannot be the only basis for making a diagnosis, and its result must be confirmed by additional testing. In addition to avoiding responsibility, this immediately also increases the production and sales of the tests themselves. But this is not enough! You know that HIV testing is voluntary. But it still requires your consent, certified by your signature. And in the “Informed Consent Form” you must sign literally the following:

“I hereby declare that I will not make any claims against the medical institution and staff, including liability for issuing a false positive result.”

All positive results of HIV testing are deliberately false positive, a deliberate deception.

And with such a piece of paper you are purely psychologically prepared for the fact that when you realize that you have become a victim of deception, you should not be offended by anyone, forgive everyone, and blame only your former naivety for everything. I don’t want to write about these tests in more detail here, but in principle there is nothing supernatural or requiring an academic mind to understand that we are simply being fooled.

Every year, thousands of pregnant women become victims of HIV hoaxes, who, in violation of the principle of voluntary HIV testing, are practically forced to undergo this testing. Watch the compilation video “Conspiracy against Pregnant Women”, which convincingly shows the falsity of the HIV/AIDS theory.

Movement against the HIV/AIDS scam:

Video: opinion of foreign experts

People are hiding information about the falsity of the hypothesis that HIV causes AIDS, which leads to death. Data are being hidden about the uselessness and toxicity of drugs that are supposedly supposed to kill the “elusive virus” (HIV) and thereby prolong the life of an AIDS patient. In the entire history of medicine, there has never been such a monstrous deception of a huge number of people, including both patients and doctors, as the fictitious epidemic and panic associated with AIDS. The HIV/AIDS theory can be considered the biggest scam of the medical mafia...

Video: The most important thing about AIDS in 6 minutes

In a wonderful story that reveals the essence of the deception of the peoples of the planet with the story of the AIDS virus, the main narrator is Dear in the medical world scientist, dr. James Curran (whose academic biography is posted). In the ensuing controversy leading up to the post, the debate was mainly about the existence of the HIV virus.

The virus really exists and there is a lot of irrefutable evidence of this. However not him causes AIDS. Doctors still cannot understand this issue, so we will have to work for them, relying on... common sense and facts.

Firstly, Luc Montagnier, one of the discoverers of the HIV virus, himself admitted, after 25 (!) years old, what HIV is not the main cause of AIDS.

Secondly, a strange pathogen of some kind, AIDS. According to Dr. Koch, whose conclusion is confirmed by millions of facts, an infectious pathogen must not only be released from an infected organism, but, introduced into a healthy body, must infect it.

In the case of AIDS, a certain virus, the HIV virus, is actually isolated. But people who are diagnosed with it may not get sick at all for many, many years. Moreover, according to research by a professor of molecular and cellular biology at the University of California, 15,000 examined wives of husbands infected with the HIV virus, who continued to lead a normal sex life with the latter, did not have this virus at all! So, excuse me, the HIV virus - is it infectious or what? A little bit infectious, right? Or maybe this virus has nothing to do with it at all, but belongs to the so-called category. satellite viruses?

Third, the statistics of HIV-infected people themselves are very significant. According to Duesberg, 90% of those infected are, for some reason, male drug addicts and male pederasts. Common sense protests. After all, if you take any other infectious disease, then its carrier infects all people approximately equally: men, women, children, pensioners, trade union members, etc. To this official health care answers us that HIV infection occurs through blood.

Let's say. Everything is clear about homosexual men. What about drug addicts? Don't they have sex with women? Or do only drug addicts catch the virus through contaminated syringes, and it has no effect on drug addicts? Tell me, can’t women and children become infected due to the negligence of health workers from dirty syringes?

Common sense suggests the following logical chain of reasoning. They discovered AIDS, then almost a hundred years later, isolated the HIV virus. Before the discovery of the virus, condoms were practically not used, at least when they wanted to conceive a child. In Europe and America, the population increased by 500 million people during this period.

Let's talk. There was AIDS in the early 20th century, but people continued to reproduce. Even if at the beginning of this period they were quite chaste, but after two world wars soldiers alone had to infect millions of women with AIDS. And later the sexual revolution took place in the West, drugs flowed like a river. Those. The number of women affected by AIDS should be approximately equal to the number of men affected. But the numbers say the opposite: only 10% women, but 90% are men.

Imagine if some kind of epidemic occurred in Europe and America, and the disease was incurable. In a hundred years, how many people do you think will get sick? By the end of the century, no one would have gotten sick. Just there would be no healthy people left.

Fourth, what is surprising is that it is mostly poor people who get AIDS. Or Africans. Is the virus so selective that it attacks the poor and leaves the rich alone? Of course, one can argue here that the poor do not have money for a condom. Yes, the argument...

Fifthly, there is no single diagnosis for the presence of the HIV virus. Conducting tests onantibody content, but not to identify the virus itself. But many real diseases, the list of which includes at least three dozen, give a similar picture to antibodies. For example, with tuberculosis, pneumonia, rheumatism, after suffering from the flu, etc. These are diseases that lead to the production the same antibodies, as with HIV disease.

In principle, a couple of any of the listed points are more than enough to doubt the imposed chain of HIV virus - AIDS. But there is another one serious moment which the inventors of HIV-AIDS are trying, but they can't sweep it away. These are the opinions of scientists about this very causality. Official medicine and no less official science are trying in every possible way to discredit such scientists and find faults. Sometimes it works, but not always.

As an example, let us mention some scientists who believe that the HIV virus is no more dangerous to humans than many thousands of other safe viruses that a person constantly carries in his body.

About the doctor James Curran we already mentioned at the beginning of the article. Dear scientist, no compromising evidence.
Heinz Ludwig Sänger, former professor of virology and microbiology at the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Munich, Germany.

Etienne de Harvin(Etienne de Harven), former professor of pathology at the University of Toronto (Canada). It was not possible to find incriminating evidence.

Scientists from Perth group Queen's University was found by an Australian court 20 years after their work on the lack of a connection between HIV and AIDS... to be incompetent. Those. lawyers discussed the competence of scientists, geneticists, biologists...

Nobel laureate Kary Mulisa, who declared "If the conventional theory is correct and AIDS is real is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus, then there must be scientific facts, confirming this theory. There are no such facts." - simply declared to be obsessed with conspiracy theories.

Experiments Roberto Giraldo(Roberto A. Giraldo), MD, specialist in internal medicine, infectious diseases, tropical infections, technologist in the laboratory of clinical immunology and molecular diagnostics, Cornell Medical Center, New York - was simply accused of conducting incorrect experiments.

A Peter Duesberg(Peter Duesberg), a professor of molecular and cellular biology at the University of California, whom we quoted above, was accused of envy of another discoverer of the HIV virus, Moore, who worked together.

Although Duesberg, in addition to excellent work with disease statistics, working under the same conditions as Moore, proposed his own scheme in which our virus plays the role of a satellite virus. Which has no effect on the development of AIDS.

Below are several pictures from the book Seth C. Kalichman, professor of psychology, specialist in statistics of AIDS and sexual behavior in society. The book is just describes the works of P. Duesberg.

The HIV virus is a harmless companion virus. He entered the cage and stayed there without causing harm to others. AIDS is the result of a weakened immune system by an unhealthy lifestyle.

And this is the official diagram, from which it is clear that the virus penetrates a cell, then multiplies in it and leaves it, attacking neighboring ones. More precisely, judging by the statistics, mostly neighboring men, practically avoiding women.

According to Duesberg, the virus in the cell is successfully destroyed by antibodies. But the drugs themselves, poor nutrition, toxins, dirty water, taking medications against AIDS, all this causes weakening and even destruction of the immune system.

According to the official version, antibodies are not capable of infecting the harmful HIV virus. And the last one for years virtually no external symptomsremains in the body, slowly destroying its immune system. Everything would be fine in this version, but the tests are not able to identify the malicious agent. They only look at the production of antibodies, which can be caused by various reasons, as described above.

At sixth, what is this anyway, AIDS? This is a syndrome, i.e. a set of signs. Signs of what? The body's immune system does not function well enough. But here common sense simply protests before the imposition of the only version that the HIV virus is main culprit such a sad state of the body.

Protests because such influence in general not proven! But it is well known and indisputable that food with chemical preservatives, dirty water, unsanitary living conditions, stress, living in cities, smog, acid rain, etc. - all this causes a weakening of the human immune system. Paroxysm of lies official medicine: the same weakening, sometimes fatal, causes... AZT - Zidovudine ( antiretroviral drug for the treatment of HIV infection )!

As we see, based only on common sense , using some statistics, opinions scientists, we come to the obvious conclusion: the AIDS virus is another large-scale liberal lies, designed, in addition to generating super-profits, to help reduce the population on the planet.

Instead of solving issues with improving the quality of life of people and strengthening their morality, the processes launched have the opposite direction: lowering people to the level of animals and selectively managing the size of the formed herd. Us with you.

Finally, a film-story about the Great Liberal Deception: the harmful AIDS virus, remarkable in content and exceptionally strong in emotional and moral terms.

Head. AIDS Center doctor
I have been diagnosing HIV infection for 20 years and have come to the conclusion that AIDS is not much different from getting a flu shot or diphthyria.
Real scientists and reasonable people SIGN THE PETITION AGAINST THE HIV/AIDS SCAM!
The fight against AIDS, called the “plague of the 20th century”, and now of the 21st century, has been going on all over the world for 30 years. Moreover, this whole fight is completely meaningless, since the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) does not exist in nature. A deliberately false diagnosis of HIV infection is made absolutely healthy people, and only on the basis of unreliable testing. And as a means of prevention and treatment of imaginary HIV-infected people, drugs are used that lead to disability and even death. Any person undergoing testing for a non-existent HIV virus can become a victim of this global deception. To end this deception and genocide, HIV testing must be stopped immediately, as well as the use of toxic antiretroviral therapy must be banned.
To the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection, S.V. Kalashnikov:
We demand an end to the genocide carried out under the guise of fighting the false AIDS epidemic!
Dear Sergey Vyacheslavovich!
We, the undersigned, appeal to you, as the Chairman of the State Duma Committee of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on health protection, with the demand to consider our legal demands for compliance with our rights given to us by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and to take measures to stop the genocide of the population of our Motherland, disguised as non-existent AIDS epidemic.
The entire theory of HIV/AIDS is based on research conducted in 1983-1984, as a result of which new retroviruses HTLV-III (human T-lymphotropic virus type 3) and LAV (lymphadenopathy-associated virus) were discovered, subsequently artificially combined and renamed in HIV (HIV), which was unprovenly named as the cause of the development of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). In turn, the abbreviation AIDS (AIDS) was introduced by scientists at an international conference in July 1982 as a term defining immunodeficiency states of the human body.
In 1987 it was founded Global program WHO on AIDS, within the framework of which dishonest scientists, officials and businessmen, with the help of the media, launched a large-scale advertising campaign for the newly invented AIDS epidemic, called the “Plague of the 20th century”. Having frightened the population of the whole world with an epidemic of a new deadly disease that threatens the extinction of all humanity, an interested circle of people, under the guise of this false struggle, began to make huge financial profits by starting to poison people with the poisonous drug “AZT” (Zidovudine), invented in 1961 by Professor Richard Beltz ( Richard Beltz) to combat cancer, but not approved for use due to high toxicity. Subsequently, the scheme of poisoning people allegedly infected with HIV was supplemented with new types chemicals and is called ARV therapy. But, oddly enough, scientists have known the concept of Immunodeficiency for a very long time, and it has been proven that immunodeficiency occurs in the human body as a result of exposure to various factors such as influence external environment, as well as internal factors of the body, including under the influence of chemically active substances, and in particular from ARV therapy. Chemical ARV drugs are cell poison and have a huge number of side effects!
To date, according to Harvard University, more than $500 billion has been spent on the fight against AIDS in the world, but not a single life has been saved as a result of all the combined anti-AIDS programs that cost so much money. Neither a vaccine nor an effective medicine have been created, independent studies have not been and are not being carried out to confirm the HIV/AIDS theory, and all research refuting this
theories are called pseudoscientific, and scientists who prove the absurdity of the HIV/AIDS theory are persecuted and discriminated against.
It’s no longer a secret that the Law of the Russian Federation of March 30, 1995 No. 38 - Federal Law “On preventing the spread in the Russian Federation of the disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infection)”, which freed the hands of the AIDS industry in our country, was
adopted under pressure and dictation from the World Health Organization using financial pressure from credit institutions during the formation of the new Russia.
What do we have in reality today through the eyes of a citizen of the Russian Federation? Throughout our country, against the background of huge budget funds allocated within the framework of federal and regional programs for the modernization of medicine, clinics, hospitals and maternity hospitals continue to close! There is a catastrophic shortage of qualified doctors and medical personnel, and for the treatment of seriously ill people we have to raise money, as they say, from the whole world! Scientific medical research has ceased to be independent, as it is carried out with grants from the pharmaceutical industry! Laboratories conducting research often lack the necessary reagents, not to mention non-compliance with the requirements for premises and laboratory equipment approved by SanPiN. Issued permits for use medicines, produced abroad, is produced not on the principle of testing their effect on the human body, but on the principle of “recommended by WHO”!
At the same time, we see how updated AIDS centers are opening, receiving premises, and sometimes entire buildings with new modern renovations and full household equipment, and to “fight” the invented AIDS epidemic (according to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2013 No. 2555 -P) no less than 700,000,000 (seven hundred million) rubles will be spent annually! How can we evaluate such a situation when the funds of taxpayers of the Russian Federation are not used to solve real problems and provide the population with high-quality medical care, but to fight a fictitious epidemic? It turns out that we are being destroyed, and we are still paying for our destruction?
Employees of AIDS centers violate many Constitutional rights and federal laws regarding patients! Pregnant women, in violation of the principle of voluntary testing for HIV infection, as well as the right to refuse medical intervention, a forced examination is carried out with test systems, the result of which does not confirm the presence or absence of HIV infection. And then, without conducting epidemiological investigations, or investigations based on slander, and without any clinical signs of disease, a diagnosis of HIV infection is made, and highly toxic antiretroviral therapy is forcibly prescribed, including for the purpose of prevention.
Under the cruelest psychological pressure by the staff of AIDS centers, people are forced to take ARV therapy drugs for life, even if there are no established medical regulatory documents clinical indications. The diagnosis of HIV infection and the terrible criminal actions of the employees of AIDS centers destroy families, drive people to suicide, and force pregnant women to have abortions or abandon their newborns.
It has become more profitable for hospital doctors to make a fatal diagnosis of HIV infection rather than diagnose and treat real diseases. Experiments on the use of chemical ARV therapy drugs carried out by employees of AIDS centers in treatment regimens for people with real undiagnosed diseases are striking in their cruelty, and speedologists cynically call the deterioration in the well-being of patients “Immunity Restoration Syndrome”!
As a result, patients die from antiretroviral drugs used to “treat” AIDS right in intensive care units. And if relatives of the victims try to find out the truth about the causes of death through law enforcement agencies, employees of AIDS centers destroy documents and falsify facts in medical records, including corruption schemes for bribing law enforcement officers, cases investigating the real causes of death are closed. Employees of AIDS centers intimidate people who defend their rights legally, threaten them with physical harm,
destroy them social life, divulging medical confidentiality, and if intimidation fails, they try to buy their silence in various ways.
The influence of the AIDS industry on the health care of the Russian Federation leads to its systematic destruction and, as a result, undermining the health of the nation. Propaganda of an AIDS epidemic invented on the basis of falsified statistics and persecution of people with lifelong, highly toxic antiretroviral therapy, purchased by the state from foreign pharmaceutical corporations at the expense of Russian taxpayers, is already destroying the lives of hundreds of thousands of Russian citizens. Every year, approximately three thousand patients at AIDS centers who take this therapy die, and all these deaths are attributed to AIDS, justifying the false official statistics of a non-existent epidemic. Thus, according to the Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, 2,787 Russians died in 2010 while taking antiretroviral drugs.
drugs, while according to the Federal AIDS Center, 2,336 people died from imaginary AIDS in 2010. That is, it turns out that all those who died from AIDS died from ARV therapy!
Financing of advertising campaigns from the federal budget for the creation and placement of information and explanatory materials on television, radio stations, Internet resources, outdoor advertising as part of an information and explanatory campaign among the population of the Russian Federation in order to prevent and prevent the spread of HIV infection in the Russian Federation can be directly called not by informing, but by an overt advertising campaign.
The corruption of the younger generation by public AIDS service organizations, financed including by Western foundations, leads to the degradation of our society.
All of the above is confirmed a huge amount tragedies and horrific personal stories of citizens of our country who faced the AIDS industry system, examples of which we attach to this petition.
Based on all of the above, within the framework of current legislation we require:
1. Repeal and invalidate the law of the Russian Federation of March 30, 1995 No. 38 - Federal Law “On preventing the spread in the Russian Federation of the disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infection)” due to the absence of an infectious AIDS epidemic based on the coined term HIV and the illegality of its application within the framework of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
2. Initiate the creation of an independent commission to study the facts refuting the viral nature of Immunodeficiency and recognizing the inconsistency of the theory of the AIDS epidemic.
3. Prohibit the use of chemical ARV therapy drugs in treatment regimens for sick people and their use as prophylaxis due to their destructive effect on the human body.
4. Prohibit testing for HIV infection with existing test systems due to the unreliability of their results, remove from the dispensary register all patients previously registered for HIV infection, and recommend that they undergo a comprehensive health examination in clinics and other medical institutions of the Russian Federation.
5. Stop the activities of AIDS centers that have usurped the functions of punitive bodies, forcing the population, including healthy ones, to forcibly poison with highly toxic drugs, the work of which does not lead to the preservation of people’s health, but to the destruction of families and threatens the well-being of society as a whole.
6. Ban any propaganda against the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the media
