Methods for determining blood group. What equipment is used and how is blood type and Rh factor determined at home? Weapon data

Every adult male, after being drafted and passing medical commission, receives a military ID. This document contains all personal and medical data young man. Some guys, flipping through the pages of the ticket, cannot figure out what is written on it and where. In addition to the fitness category, people are often interested in the question: where is the blood type indicated on the recruit’s military ID? First you need to understand what sections the document consists of and what they are needed for.

What data is included in a conscript's military ID?

This document is very important for all citizens serving in the ranks of the Armed Forces, so you should take it seriously. Also, a military ID can replace a passport if you need to confirm your identity.

Attention! It is worth remembering that making any changes to the certificate that are not genuine and not prescribed by competent authorities are considered a violation of the law.

It is still necessary to change and supplement the information on the ticket, since during service in the ranks Russian army Situations may arise as a result of which medical or other indicators have to be changed. All information specified in the document is reflected in sections. The soldier's blood type is also included in the military ID.

Below are the names of the sections in the certificate and what data is entered there.

General information

This section contains the young person's personal information. The first page displays locality, where the man was born, education received before service and marital status. If a guy has some kind of sporting achievements, they are also indicated in the document, in the column for the presence of a sports category or title.

Each citizen who owns a military ID has his own number, it is displayed immediately below the name of the document. This number is used to identify the soldier.

Preparation for military service

Each conscript is required to undergo educational preparation for the upcoming service. Usually in educational institutions states young guys go to elementary lessons military training, basics of life safety and other courses approved by the Ministry.

This information is not displayed on the ticket, but the military registration and enlistment office can organize a training program on a voluntary basis. If a conscript has completed such courses, this will be indicated on the second page of the military document.

Soldier's fitness category

This section is considered one of the most important for a soldier who is serving. It displays the rank of suitability for the army in the form of one of five letters (from “A” to “D”). Decoding the category can tell about the young man’s attitude towards military service. The young man, after examination by a military medical commission, is assigned one of the fitness modifications, which is included in the soldier’s personal file, as well as in the military ID.

In addition, this page indicates whether the man served in military service. If a young man belongs to category “B”, then the column will indicate that he did not serve.

Conscription during the war

These pages of the military document indicate the military specialty of the employee in the Armed Forces, information about the military unit to which the soldier will be drafted in the event of hostilities in the state. All information is endorsed with a signature.

This section also records the date of the soldier’s oath and the awards he has earned.

Weapon data

Those men who serve in the Armed Forces on a regular basis use weapons. The military ID records information about weapons and other material values, which are assigned to the soldier.

The date and data are entered in the issuance and delivery column identification number fighter's weapons. It must be remembered that the guy is responsible for the safety and serviceability of the property, otherwise the punishment prescribed by law will follow.


After the guy has served his military service, he is assigned to the reserves. He will also be assigned a fitness category, which will determine which troops the young man will be mobilized into.

Medical examination

Before the introduction of the letter values ​​of the ranks of fitness for military service, they entered on these pages medical indicators, vaccinations, as well as a diagnosis, as a result of which the conscript fell into one or another fitness category. Currently, only the literal value is entered.

Special marks

The answer to the question of where the blood type is written on a soldier’s military ID lies on these pages. It is in this section that this information is written. And also in the place reserved for special marks, information about the replacement of a military ID, and sometimes about the soldier’s proficiency in foreign languages, is entered.

In the event that carrying military service in the army provides an opportunity for preferential entry into educational institution, information about this must be entered on the ticket pages in this section.

Important! The young man must devote Special attention what information and data are entered on the pages of his military ID. All so-called “extra entries” that should not be in this document are regarded as deliberate damage to the military ID. This, in turn, entails punishment.

How is information about blood type entered into a military document?

On page 19 or 20 of the military ID, in the section called “Special Marks,” a stamp is affixed indicating the blood type and Rh factor. In all documents there are four existing types blood are designated as follows:

  • 0 – first group;
  • A – second;
  • B – third;
  • AB – fourth blood group.

The Rh factor is also marked next to the mark. It can be positive, denoted by the “+” sign, and negative, denoted by the “-” sign.

For some servicemen, where the blood type should be entered in the form of a stamp on the military ID, it is written down by the doctor. This is considered a violation, such design of this document unacceptable.

Attention! Men who are in the "B" fitness category may not have their blood type listed on their military ID. However, everyone who completed compulsory military service mandatory receive this entry.

Why do military personnel have their blood type indicated?

This information is included in the military ID so that in unforeseen situations related to wounds, injuries and large blood losses during military service or combat, doctors can quickly provide assistance to the soldier.

Of course, in peacetime and comfortable conditions, for blood transfusions, doctors are obliged, regardless of the records, to conduct a rapid test to determine the group and Rh factor. However, in peak cases, for example, on the battlefield, when there is nothing at hand except a military ID, this record can save a person’s life.


Every man should know where and what information is displayed in his military record book. After reading this article, those who did not know where the blood type and Rh factor were written on the military ID will be able to easily find this mark on the pages of the document. They will also have a good understanding of all sections of this certificate.

Blood group determination is an analysis that helps determine whether a person belongs to a group of people with certain immunogenetic blood characteristics, which makes it possible to establish their compatibility with each other on this basis. The child's blood type is formed during the period intrauterine development and remains unchanged throughout life.

Why is it important to know your blood type?

Determining blood group compatibility is necessary, first of all, for transfusion (blood transfusion). Large blood loss is deadly. Since ancient times, attempts have been made to compensate for blood loss by infusing the blood of another person. But the first blood you come across cannot be used. When mixing blood “blindly,” in about half of the cases, agglutination occurs: red blood cells (erythrocytes) begin to stick together, forming clumps. The flakes resulting from agglutination are visible in a test tube with the naked eye; it is clear that if this process happens inside circulatory system, nothing good can be expected for a person.

At the beginning of the 20th century, it was established why agglutination occurs. On the surface of the erythrocyte (red blood cell) membrane there are special antigen proteins (they are called agglutinogens). They are called antigens because they can bind to other substances - antibodies. This connection is specific, that is, a given antigen can only be bound by a specific antibody. When we talk about blood groups, we use a system that is only interested in two antigens (in fact, there are many more of them “riding” on red blood cells). For convenience, these antigens (agglutinogens) are designated by the first letters of the Latin alphabet - A and B. The corresponding antibodies (they are called agglutinins) are designated by the first letters Greek alphabet– α (alpha) and β (beta).

Obviously, an antigen and its corresponding antibody cannot be present in the blood at the same time, otherwise a reaction (agglutination) would occur. But other combinations are possible. They are the ones who determine which group our blood belongs to.

Blood groups and their compatibility

In domestic medicine, groups are designated by a number and called accordingly: first, second, third, fourth. Abroad, this system is called AB0 and the corresponding designations are used.

Group I(group 0) – first (or zero). People with blood of this group do not have both agglutinogens (A and B) on the erythrocyte membrane, but agglutinins α and β are present in the plasma.

Group II(A) – second group. The blood of this group contains agglutinogen A and agglutinin β.

Group III(B) – third group. In the blood, agglutinogen B is present on erythrocytes, and agglutinin α is present in the plasma.

Group IV(AB) – fourth group. Both antigens are present on red blood cells, but there are no antibodies in plasma.

Whole blood can be transfused only when the blood of both the donor and recipient belongs to the same group. Red blood cells can also be used for transfusion (they are separated from the plasma), in which case only agglutinogens are important. Red blood cells of a person of the first blood group can be transfused to everyone, since they cannot introduce antigen and provoke agglutination. Therefore, a person with the first blood group is a universal donor.

Red blood cells of the second group can be transfused to people who already have agglutinogen A in their blood - that is, with the second and fourth groups. Accordingly, red blood cells of the third group can be transfused to those who have agglutinogen B in their blood; these are the third and fourth groups.

A person with blood type IV is a universal recipient: he can receive red blood cells from people with any blood type, while his blood can only be used for transfusion to people with the same blood type.

When is blood type determination performed?

Indications for determining blood group are:

  • the need for blood transfusion;
  • preparation for operations. Any operation is a risk; under certain circumstances, it may be necessary to replace blood loss, and then doctors should know what kind of blood can be used for this;
  • . In some cases, there may be incompatibility between the blood groups of mother and child. If there is a blood type conflict, the child may be born with hemolytic disease newborns (hemolytic jaundice). To determine the baby's blood type, a blood test is taken immediately after birth. cord blood. But a conflict based on blood type can also be judged during pregnancy – by the level of antibodies in the mother’s blood. The risk of blood type incompatibility between mother and child is calculated based on the likely blood type of the child, which, in turn, depends on what blood type the mother and father have. To assess this risk, it is necessary to take a test to determine your blood type during pregnancy.

When doctors need to find out the blood type, the analysis is usually done again. This is done to completely eliminate the possibility of errors resulting from the use of incorrect data. The doctor will not ask the patient’s blood type, since he is responsible for his life and must have one hundred percent certainty that the blood type is determined correctly.

But knowing your blood type (and the blood type of your children) is still useful. Firstly, no one can be immune from emergency situations. And secondly, there is a certain relationship between blood type and predisposition to various diseases.

Doctors divide blood into 4 types. They differ from each other in the existence of antibodies and antigens. It all depends on what combination they are in on red blood cells, which determines their belonging to a given group. There are a great variety of antigens, despite this it is accepted in the world one system AVO measurements. In addition, people may have either of two Rhesus conditions - positive or negative. These data begin to develop in the human embryo and do not change throughout life.

Rh factor (RH) is a so-called antigen, which is determined together with the blood group. It can be positive and negative. The Rh factor with a minus sign is more common.

Rh+ and Rh-. In medicine they are designated as follows:

first – 0 (I);

second – A (II);

third – B (III);

fourth – AB (IV).

It is generally accepted that A2, the most common on the whole planet, and the fourth is found sporadically, the first serves as the best donor and will be useful to all other patients.

After research, it has been proven that there is a connection between diseases and blood type. Based on what criteria the patient has, they can prescribe a special diet with which you can effectively combat overweight and also prevent the emergence of new diseases. When planning a pregnancy, it is important to know what RH both expectant parents have.

How to determine?

The simplest and most inexpensive way is look in your passport or outpatient card . There you can read a set of letters or numbers with plus or minus signs. But this data is not always included in the document.

Another quick way, this is to get tested at a clinic or at a blood transfusion station if you are a donor.

The most common technique for determining is study with standard sera. They are prepared from an untested blood sample, excising the plasma with the antibodies appearing in it, for further combination with an isotonic sodium chloride solution. The decoding of agglutination will be ready within three to four minutes from the start of serum solvation.

Another method for designating group and rhesus is made with using monoclinal cyclones. The latter have greater visibility compared to the serums that are used in the first method, which means that the agglutination reaction will occur much faster.

When checking RH, sera with the same type of ABO as the patient who applied, as well as special anti-Rhesus antibodies, are used. Mixing is carried out in a Petri dish.

Where to go to find out your blood type

Rhesus analysis and testing can be done at the clinic at your address or private clinic. Such an analysis must be carried out in urgent cases in the hospital before surgical intervention, in case you need it donor blood for transfusion.

Is it possible to find out your group without tests?

It is not always possible to go to the clinic and stand in line to get tested; these are the people who are wondering whether it is possible to find out without taking tests. This mainly applies to children. Although they are small, they are people, so the determination methods will not differ from adults, although you can yourself predict inheritance from mom and dad.

Doctors believe that if both parents have the first group, then the child will be born with 100% probability of the same type. If the parents have the first, second or third, then the baby will get any of them in equal shares. The fourth will go to the one whose parents are the same as the fourth, and the second as the third. There is a table that allows you to recognize the group and rhesus, long before the birth of the baby, this is the table of Gregor Mendel.

Determining the Rh factor is even easier:

  • If parents have a minus Rh sign, then their children will have the same Rh.
  • All other variations will have both positive and negative Rhesus.

Sometimes blood patterns determine paternity. However, such information is not very accurate, since it produces only intermediate results.

In addition to laboratory tests, there are tests for self-determination of blood type. Such tests help determine it in makeshift conditions at home. To test your blood, you will need a special test strip onto which you place a drop of blood. The result will not be long in coming; within a few minutes everything will be known. There is another test for use at home: apply stool of biomaterial to a special cardboard with fields. The field on which agglutination appears will be your type.

Determine blood type based on psychological characteristics

There is an opinion that you can recognize your relatives and group by their character:

  • Examples of the first type are distinguished by their strong character, a penchant for leadership, and self-confidence.
  • Patients with the second type, on the contrary, are too calm, soft and non-combatant.
  • The third prototype can be found among people who are sociable, cheerful, and optimistic.
  • The same cannot be said about those involved in the fourth type; they cannot be classified in one word - they have different predispositions.

If you don’t know which group your relatives belong to, try to analyze them yourself by character, and then compare the results.

Blood type according to food preferences

Are there other ways to determine it without taking tests? There is a doctrine that preferences for products can also predict the outcome of a study.

  • The first group prefers meat dishes.
  • The second one is a hunter of vegetables and cereals.
  • The third is dairy lovers.
  • Only the fourth does not suffer from attachment to certain foods.

Despite the fact that this conclusion was made by doctors as a result of countless observations, you should not believe only these data, because they may prove to be erroneous. The safest thing is to get tested and find out your group and Rh factor in a proven way.

Now science does not stand still and can provide us with all sorts of ways to determine blood type both at home and in medical laboratories. This is a big leap in medicine, allowing for a rapid test that takes a minimum of time. Undoubtedly, while they are being carried out additional research and improvements that will help make the analysis more error-free and over time, identifying the group will become much easier, people will get rid of trips to the clinic and unwanted queues.

There are situations in every person’s life when it is necessary to know their blood type. This may be a planned or unscheduled operation, or some diseases that require a blood transfusion. A pregnant woman must undergo a blood type and Rh factor test. Let's look at what blood groups exist and why the test should be done.

What it is

Blood type is a sign genetic predisposition(hereditary type of trait). On the surface of red blood cells (blood cells) there are special proteins (antigens) that determine the hereditary characteristics of a person. When the immune system a person detects foreign types of protein in his body (uncharacteristic for of a given organism), antibodies begin to be produced in the blood. Antibody proteins have the property of sticking together and interacting with foreign types of bodies. This is how the natural defense of the human body’s immune system manifests itself.

There are two types of antigens in red blood cells, the combination of which divides all people into blood groups - A-antigen and B-antigen. Using a blood group test, these antigens are determined.

The following main types of blood groups are distinguished:

  • group I (0) – the surface of red blood cells does not contain type A antigens and type B antigens;
  • group II (A) – the surface of red blood cells contains type A antigens;
  • group III (B) – the surface of red blood cells contains type B antigens;
  • group IV (AB) – the surface of red blood cells contains type A antigens and type B antigens.

Why is analysis needed?

Blood group testing is very important during blood transfusion. Today, doctors only transfuse a person with the same blood type. Although not so long ago, a different order of transfusion was practiced - blood group I was considered universal, and a person with blood group IV could be given blood of groups II and III.

It is very important to conduct a blood test to determine the blood type of a pregnant woman. Expectant mothers sometimes experience incompatibility between the blood types of the woman and the fetus. If the fetus has an antigen that the mother does not have, then such an antigen will be foreign to her. In this case, the woman’s body can produce antibodies to the child’s antigen.

Situations in which there is a risk of conflict associated with group incompatibility are the following:

  • the child has blood type II, and the woman has blood type I or III;
  • the child has blood type III, the woman has blood type I or II;
  • The child has blood type IV, the woman has any other.

Typically, the Rh factor is determined during the analysis. This is a specific protein that is found on the surface of red blood cells in most people. This protein is present in the blood of 85% of people, in which case they are said to have a positive Rh factor. If there is no such protein in the blood, the Rh factor is negative.

Like blood type, the Rh factor is also taken into account when giving blood transfusions. The concept of the Rh factor forms the basis for explaining such a condition during pregnancy as Rh conflict. Rh conflict occurs when the immune system of an Rh-negative woman produces antibodies to the red blood cells of the Rh-positive fetus. Complications of this condition are quite serious - miscarriage, intrauterine fetal death, development serious illnesses in a newborn baby.

Indications for analysis

There are indications for this study blood:

  • preparation for blood transfusion;
  • examination before inpatient treatment;
  • preparation for blood, organ and tissue donation;
  • preparation for pregnancy and control of Rh conflict in women with negative Rh factor;
  • hemolytic disease of newborns due to incompatibility of the blood of a woman and a child.

How to take a blood group test correctly

It is best to donate blood for this study on an empty stomach; you can only drink clean water before the test. Moreover, after last appointment food should take about eight hours. It is recommended to take such a test before starting a course of therapy. medicines or no earlier than one week after its cancellation. If it is not possible to cancel your appointment medicines, in the referral for a blood group test, the doctor must indicate exactly what medications the patient is taking and in what dosage. The day before donating blood, you should limit your consumption of fried and fatty foods, exclude alcohol, heavy physical activity.

Various unforeseen situations can occur in a person’s life: accidents, accidents. To quickly provide assistance, a doctor needs to know the patient’s basic medical data. Experts tell you how to find out your blood type easily and quickly.

Why might you need it?

A group is an ordinal number determined by the presence or absence of certain antigens in red blood cells. It is necessary to know it in following cases:

  • during blood transfusion, while searching for a suitable donor for the recipient and eliminating their incompatibility;
  • when planning pregnancy - to prevent Rh conflict between mother and child;
  • during preparation for surgery.

Blood type, which is determined in laboratory conditions. Only in this case the transfusion will not cause rejection and complications. Not all types of blood can mix with each other. Thus, a carrier of the first group is a universal donor for all people, and blood of the second group can be transfused only to patients with a similar or 4 group, the latter are the best recipients, they can be transfused with any blood.

In rare cases, during pregnancy, immune conflicts arise between mother and child. For the expectant mother You should be tested for the presence of antibodies and regularly checked with your doctor.

An indicator such as the Rh factor is important.

Timely determination of the Rh factor of the blood will prevent Rh conflict in the expectant mother.

How to prepare for the test

Before determining your blood group and Rh factor, you must:

Physiotherapeutic procedures will also have to be temporarily postponed. Experts recommend not eating 8-12 hours before donating blood. Tests are taken early in the morning, so such fasting will not bring discomfort to a person. After receiving the results, it is recommended to test the blood again. This will help ensure the accuracy of the analysis.

How is blood type determined in the clinic?

In immunological laboratories, blood is tested for the Rh factor and its group affiliation is determined. These laboratories operate in special medical centers and some hospitals. People who are thinking about how to recognize their group can contact these institutions.

For a quick diagnosis, the patient can contact a general practitioner at his place of residence. The doctor will issue a referral with which the person will come on the appointed day at treatment room. The results will be ready in 2-3 business days, the tests are carried out free of charge. In private clinics, a referral for testing is not required: blood can be donated here with or without an appointment. About the terms of receipt finished results the laboratory assistant will say, but often they are issued the next day.

To conduct the study, a small amount of blood is taken from the patient's cubital vein. For similar purposes, in the maternity hospital, blood is taken from newborn children from a vein in the head. In both cases, the algorithm for determining the blood group is the same: blood mixed with a special solution is placed in a test tube and then in a centrifuge. During this procedure, a precipitate is formed under the influence of agglutinins. A saline solution with a concentration of 3% is added to the container with the working material.

When recognizing a blood group, the determination method remains the same. Today, doctors still use the standard AB0 system. This system serves as the basis for a special test to determine group and rhesus. The letters A and B stand for special lipids, also called agglutinogens.

The study requires 2 units of blood.

Anti-A reagent is added to the first, and anti-B to the other. The presence of antibodies indicates one or another group.

There are uniform methods for determining the Rh factor. If, after shaking the liquid in a centrifuge, white flakes appear on the surface, Rh+ is diagnosed. When a pink liquid forms in a test tube, experts conclude that the patient’s Rh is negative. This method of determining the Rh factor allows you to obtain a guaranteed correct result.

What technique is used

There is a unified technique for determining the group and Rh factor. During the study, agglutinogens - antibodies are used. Here a positive or negative reaction. There are 4 options for the final results. This:

  • complete absence agglutination in 4 working cells, indicating the first group;
  • lack of the desired reaction in cells 1 and 3, or the second group;
  • group 3 in the absence of agglutination in cells 1 and 2;
  • the presence of agglutination in cells 1, 2, 3 - 4 groups.

The ABO system allows you to find out the necessary information in as soon as possible. This method of determining blood group has proven itself and is used in most medical centers.

How to find out your blood type without tests

Today, every person can determine their blood group independently, without going to a medical institution. You can solve the problem by looking at the relevant information in your parents’ medical records. Girls inherit their father's group, and boys inherit their mother's group. Parents with identical indicators give birth to children with the same characteristics. The following table will help you obtain the necessary information, knowing the parents’ details:

The necessary information may be contained in your personal medical card a person located in a clinic at his place of residence. You can find out information at the registration desk. medical institution.

You can check your data without analysis in the hospital using a special test. To conduct a home survey, you need to purchase a kit consisting of several components:

  • tablets with 5 holes, with which you can find out your blood Rh factor and group;
  • instruments for obtaining samples;
  • glass rods for mixing liquids;
  • clean pipette for transporting solutions.

The kit will allow a person to understand what kind of blood he has. Everyone can analyze for themselves. The wells on the plate contain reagents for antigens (coliclones -A, -B, -AB), as well as for the main antigen, which allows you to find out your Rh factor (coliclone anti-D).

Well number 5 contains the control reagent. It helps prevent possible errors and inaccuracies, correctly determine group affiliation and other important indicators. Despite the ease and accessibility of this procedure, the most proven method of research is still considered to be contacting a specialized laboratory or medical center. Probability of error in in this case relatively small.
