Is it possible to pierce your ear yourself? Ear piercing for children and adults. How to make the process less painful

Before you begin piercing your ears yourself, it is important to make sure that you have everything you need to perform the procedure.

The puncture must be done with a special needle, which can be bought at the pharmacy. Choose the smallest diameter - 1 mm. The catheter must be new; do not use a used one. Also, do not use a sewing needle for piercing, because... It is not the diameter that expands towards the base, and therefore such a wound will take quite a long time to heal.

Earrings must be made of non-oxidizing metal - gold, silver or a special medical alloy. It’s good if the decoration has the shape of a ring. Then it will be convenient for you to wipe the puncture site in the first days, and the earring clasps will not interfere with you.

To disinfect the earlobe that you will pierce, as well as the instrument itself, you need to use medical alcohol or an antiseptic, for example, chlorhexidine. You can also use it to treat your hands if you do not have medical gloves.

To wipe the area of ​​skin before the procedure, you will need sterile cotton pads or cotton wool. They should also be used to wipe away blood if it comes out after you puncture the lobe.

An anesthetic or a remedy that can, if necessary, reduce pain. Such a remedy may be required if the person whose ears are pierced has a low pain threshold.

How to make ear piercing less painful

U different people different pain threshold, so some may need pain relief for the piercing process. Remember: least painful procedure will be done by an experienced master, and therefore it is advisable to contact such a specialist.

If you still want to do it yourself, place something with reverse side ear. Alternatively, you can “freeze” the lobe with ice. To do this, take a piece of ice from freezer, put it in a plastic bag, and then apply it to the future puncture site for a few minutes. After that you can start.

Usually, when ear piercings, pharmaceutical painkillers are not used, since this piercing site has the most. If you still want to use an anesthetic, consult your pharmacist - he will recommend you best option. For example, you can use lidocaine for pain relief. It is more convenient to use an aerosol or gel. This product has a local anesthetic effect.

In addition, you can purchase an ear piercing machine (“gun”) at a beauty salon or clinic. This device makes the piercing process faster, safer and painless.

How to pierce your ear yourself without hitting a nerve

To avoid touching the nerve, measure a place exactly in the center of the lobe or 0.5 mm above. There is no cartilage here, the puncture is easy and painless. You should not make additional punctures in other places of the ear, since the consequences can be different - from puncturing a vessel to touching a nerve and even loss of vision.

So, put a dot in the place you are going to prick (this can be done with a toothpick soaked in iodine or ballpoint pen).
In this case, dots should be placed on both sides of the lobe. Disinfect the surface of the skin on both sides, the earring and the needle. Then the tool must be calcined with fire, and the scale must be wiped off with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol.

When using lidocaine or other painkillers, follow the instructions.

Then apply the catheter needle to the intended point on outside ear and (necessarily) at a right angle, sharply and with force, pierce this place. There will be less pain if the process is performed without anesthesia. You can hold a piece of potato or apple on the opposite side of the earlobe so as not to pierce it while hanging.

Having pierced the lobe, sharply pull out the needle. After this, immediately insert the earring into the hole you made in the lobe. Wipe your ear well with a cotton swab and alcohol. Do a similar manipulation with the second ear.

How to care for wounds after the procedure?

Without removing the earrings, regularly treat the puncture sites with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol. It is also recommended to periodically carefully move the earring. For fast healing wounds, you can use calendula tincture. It is advisable to sleep in a supine position, on a comfortable pillow with a sterile pillowcase. on the back.

If for any reason suppuration begins, you can apply an antimicrobial agent to the inflamed area. purulent wounds- for example, “Levomekol”. In this case, the earring should be moved in the hole. Until the wounds heal, it is best to wear your hair in a ponytail.

And finally: if you are not sure that you can pierce your ears correctly and without pain

In order to pierce your ears correctly and without pain, you need to carefully follow the recommendations of professionals. If you follow these simple rules, the punctures will be painless and the wounds will heal quickly. How to pierce your ears at home? What needs to be prepared for manipulation and disinfection?

Attention, reflex zones

The auricle is the concentration of reflex zones. That is, touching out of ignorance important point, you can disrupt the functioning of one or another organ. Therefore, it is better to choose a place for the puncture exactly in the center of the lobe, or 0.5 mm higher. There is no cartilage, the puncture is easy and almost painless. Especially sensitive people Lidocaine can be prepared for pain relief.

Gel or aerosol is more convenient to use. The product has a local anesthetic effect.

What do you need to prepare for ear piercing?

A pre-prepared “tool” determines the success of the entire “operation.” Therefore, it is better to take care of everything in advance.

  • — For marking, it is better to use a toothpick and iodine,
  • - Sterile cotton wool,
  • Medical alcohol,
  • Hydrogen peroxide,
  • — A sharp needle (neither thin nor thick).

Choose your first earrings

It’s not enough to know how to pierce your ears at home. It is important to choose the first earrings correctly so that you can insert them into the hole without any problems. Healing depends on this. In beauty salons, where the puncture is carried out with a special gun, there are special earrings made of medical alloy.

But many people prefer their own jewelry. It is better to choose gold earrings. The bow of the product should be round, smooth, classic. Stud earrings are strictly forbidden. The skin underneath is difficult to process, and the small plug-screw can become completely overgrown in the ear. Earrings with earrings and lace chains are also inconvenient for an open, unhealed wound.

All according to plan!

  1. - Pull your hair back from your face, preferably in a ponytail.
  2. - Treat the surface of the ear with alcohol.
  3. — When using lidocaine or other painkillers, follow the instructions.
  4. - Mark the puncture sites symmetrically with a toothpick and iodine. In this case, the dots must be placed on both sides of the lobe.
  5. — Treat the earring with soap and water, alcohol and peroxide. Leave it between cotton pads with alcohol.
  6. — First wipe the needle with alcohol, then heat it with fire. Wipe off scale with a cotton swab and alcohol.
  7. — Holding the earlobe with one hand, place the tip of the needle against the point on the outside of the ear. First, you just need to lightly press the needle so that when stretching, the tip is directed towards the second (inner) point.
  8. — The needle should be inserted sharply, with force. So it will be less painful sensations if this process is performed without anesthesia. It is important to control the direction of the needle.
  9. - Pierce the lobe; pull the needle out sharply.
  10. — The earring must be inserted into the hole immediately.
  11. - Wipe the ear and earring well with alcohol.

Exactly the same manipulation should be done with the second ear.

How to pierce your ears at home and care for wounds?

If all hygiene rules are followed, healing will proceed quickly. The puncture sites (without removing the earrings) should be regularly treated with alcohol or peroxide. To avoid “ingrowth” into the skin, it is recommended to carefully move the earring. Calendula tincture has proven itself well for healing. It is better to sleep on a comfortable hard pillow with a sterile pillowcase. The preferred position is on your back.

If for some reason suppuration begins, you can apply Levomikol or another antimicrobial agent for purulent wounds to the inflamed area. In this case, the earring must be moved in the hole. To prevent particles of dust or hairspray from falling from your hair onto your earlobes, it is advisable to wear your hair tied up until the wounds in your ears heal.

It is possible to pierce your ear at home without pain. This does not require any special devices or knowledge. The main thing is to carry out the manipulation in compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. If everything is done correctly, the ear will heal quickly and no problems will arise. In the first days after the puncture, you should wipe the wounds alcohol tincture calendulas and try not to get them wet.

Choosing a puncture site

The human ear contains many active points, which is why the location of the future puncture should be chosen especially carefully. The mark should be placed strictly in the middle of the lobe or slightly above the center. There are no active points, reflex zones or cartilage in this place, so the puncture will be relatively painless.

What is necessary

To pierce your ears yourself, you should prepare the following items:

  • A sharp needle, medium thickness;
  • Vatu;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Medical alcohol;
  • Toothpick;
  • Alcohol tincture of iodine.

In addition, you must immediately prepare earrings for piercing. Preference should be given to jewelry made of precious metals - gold or silver. It is better to take earrings with an English lock, as they are easier to thread into the hole.

It is worth considering that some people are allergic to silver. If there have already been manifestations of special sensitivity to metal, then you should refuse to wear silver.

How to pierce your ears

To punch a hole in your ear at home without pain, you should follow these instructions:

  • Hair is collected at the back of the head so that it does not interfere;
  • The ears are thoroughly wiped with alcohol;
  • Dip a toothpick in iodine and put marks on the earlobes, in places of future punctures;
  • Earrings are being prepared. They are washed in hot water with soap, you can even boil the jewelry for 5 minutes. They are washed with peroxide, and then placed in a small container and filled with medical alcohol;
  • The needle is washed with alcohol, then heated over a fire and wiped again with a cotton swab dipped in an alcohol solution;
  • With one hand they pull back the earlobe, and with the other at this time they press the tip of the needle to the mark made with iodine;
  • With a sharp and confident movement, the ear is pierced with a needle. The sharper the movement, the less pain will be felt;
  • The needle is pulled out and the prepared earring is quickly inserted in its place;
  • The lobe along with the earring is wiped with alcohol again.

You can pierce your ear with a catheter. In this case, the procedure is carried out in exactly the same way as when puncturing with a needle. It is safer to pierce the ears with a catheter, since it is of the same thickness along its entire length. This does not lead to additional soft tissue injury.

The first earrings should be made of gold, silver or a special medical alloy. You should not immediately put on studs, such earrings are inconvenient to handle, so your ears often begin to rot.

It should be taken into account that wearing earrings with bows is very problematic, so you should take jewelry models with English clasps.

How to care for your ears

To help your ears heal faster, the puncture sites should be wiped with alcohol several times a day. For this purpose, it is better to use alcohol tincture of calendula, which has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. They wipe their ears without removing the earrings. To prevent decorations from growing in, they are turned.

In order for wounds to heal quickly and without complications, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Until the holes in your ears heal, you should change your pillowcase every day. Clean pillowcases must be ironed on both sides;
  • You should not wash your hair for several days after the piercing. It is dangerous to wet the wounds during this period, as they can fester;
  • You should not use hairspray until the holes have completely healed;
  • The hair is collected in a high hairstyle so that it does not cling to the ears and does not injure them.

Earrings should not be changed for 2-3 weeks. It is necessary to wait until the ears are completely healed.

You should take special care of children's ears. It is necessary to explain to them that their earlobes should not be touched with dirty hands.

If your ears start to fester

If your ears begin to fester, then you should not panic right away. In this case, you need to act like this:

  • Often wipe the earlobes with cotton wool soaked in alcohol tincture of calendula, being sure to turn the earring in different directions;
  • Twice a day, pieces of cotton wool moistened with hydrogen peroxide are applied to the ear on both sides;
  • In some cases, when severe suppuration, you have to see a doctor. Can even be prescribed antibacterial drugs, to prevent the spread of infection.

Unfortunately, in some cases the earlobes are pierced incorrectly, which leads to severe inflammation. In this case, you have to part with the earrings and wait until the ears are completely healed. After this, you can only do the piercing again and put on jewelry.

You can treat your earlobes with Miramistin and Chlorhexidine. These drugs have a pronounced antibacterial effect.

How to get your ears pierced without pain

Nowadays there are many in pharmacies medicines, which help you do piercings at home painlessly and safely. The most common painkiller is lidocaine. It can be used as a spray or gel. The last form is the most convenient, as it does not spread.

The gel is applied to the earlobe, wait for the medicine to start working, and quickly pierce the earlobe. It is necessary to act as quickly as possible, since the action medicine short-lived.

If you don’t have Lidocaine spray at home, you can use improvised means. A piece of ice is applied to the earlobe for a couple of minutes, after which the ice is removed, the ear is quickly wiped with alcohol and pierced with a sharp movement. You should act very quickly, as when the earlobe warms up, sensitivity returns.

You should not pierce your earlobes yourself if you are afraid that something will be done incorrectly. In this case, it is better to leave it in the hands of professionals.


Piercing cannot be done in all cases. There are a number of contraindications to this procedure.

  • Pierce the earlobes and other parts of the body during infectious diseases and during the period of exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • You should not make punctures when skin diseases different etiologies;
  • You should avoid the procedure if you are allergic to metals and alloys. Although in this case the restriction does not apply to precious metals. Allergy to gold is extremely rare.

Quite often, parents ask doctors at what age can their children’s ears be pierced. Experts do not recommend doing this before 3 years of age. If parents are planning to pierce their baby’s ears earlier, then they should choose a time when the child is not sick.

You should not pierce your child's ears at home. A child's piercing should be done by a specialist.

When is the best time to get a piercing?

It is advisable to do ear piercing in spring and autumn, when the air temperature is about 15 degrees. This is due to the fact that in the heat, wounds heal poorly and often fester. You can do piercing in winter, but in this case you need to wear hats that will not injure your ears.

If you decide to pierce your ears in the summer, you should be especially careful about hygiene. After every walk outside, wipe everything auricle, changing cotton swabs several times.

Ears can be pierced at home. To do this, you should prepare a sharp needle, alcohol, cotton wool and earrings. The puncture site is preliminarily marked with iodine. You can numb the lobe with lidocaine and ice.

Most people have encountered education. Wax is constantly secreted in the ear canal, it’s completely normal process, but in some cases, wax gets compacted in the ear canal and as a result forms a dense plug that impairs hearing function.

Earwax is produced by special glands located in the ear canal. This process is continuous and completely normal. Earwax performs protective function: it does not allow water, dirt, dust to penetrate deep inside the ear.

Particles of dirt with pathogenic microorganisms are retained by sulfur, and then with it they are pushed out of the ear during speaking or chewing.

Before you pierce an ear plug at home, you need to find out the reasons for its formation. You also need to make sure that it is the plug that affects the quality of hearing, and not other pathologies and diseases.

Unsuccessful attempts to remove the plug can lead to inflammation and perforation.

Most often isolated following reasons plugs in the ear:

  1. Improper ear hygiene. The more often the ear is cleared of wax, the more active the glands are. With frequent ear hygiene it works defense mechanism, which causes sulfur to be produced in greater quantities. With constant cleaning with an ear stick, some of the wax is compacted and clogged deep into the ear canal, which is called wax plug.
  2. Features of the structure of the ear canal. If the ear canal is too narrow or tortuous from birth, the likelihood of earwax formation increases several times. In this case, it is better not to use cotton swabs and periodically rinse the ear.
  3. Work at elevated level noise and dust. High level dust and noise provokes the production of sulfur, so traffic jams are more common among people who work in factories and mills.
  4. Ear diseases. Ear plugs can form against the background of eczema and dermatitis, when the ear canal is irritated and the amount earwax increases.

If a traffic jam occurs frequently, you need to find out the reason for its appearance. It is worth remembering that only a doctor can reliably determine the causes of hearing loss. Trying to clean your ear with sharp objects will lead to injury.

Symptoms and complications

Symptoms of an ear plug long time may be missing. A person may not feel even a large and dense plug if there is at least the slightest hole left in it that will allow air to pass through.

If the plug completely blocks the passage, problems may occur. following symptoms:

  • . The hearing function is impaired, and a feeling of congestion appears. When talking, your voice echoes in your head.
  • . When an ear plug forms, a sensation of noise in the head may occur. This symptom is considered one of the most unpleasant, as it leads to sleep disturbances and headaches.
  • Dizziness and headache. If the plug has formed too close to and presses on it, it can cause dizziness and migraines. In this case, it is not advisable to postpone a visit to the doctor.
  • Nausea. The appearance of nausea and vomiting is alarming symptom, which indicates that the cork affects the nerve endings. You should consult a doctor immediately.
  • . The appearance of a reflex cough is also associated with irritating effect plugs on nerve endings. Often people with sulfur impaction noted not only a cough, but also frequent yawning.

If the ear plug is not removed, it will continue to harden and put pressure on the eardrum. This can lead to cardiac dysfunction, since the work of the heart is connected to the nerve endings located in the ear.

Also, sulfur plug can provoke severe inflammation which will lead to temporary or permanent deafness.

Sulfur plugs can provoke reflex pain in the intestinal area, as well as gastrointestinal disorders, arrhythmia and other disorders of the internal organs.

It is worth remembering that complications can arise not only in the absence of treatment, but also in unsuccessful attempts to remove the plug. In this case, the most dangerous complication is damage eardrum which can lead to long-term hearing loss.

Ear rinsing: do's and don'ts

It is not carried out for preventive purposes; it is prescribed when a traffic jam has already formed. It is quite possible to rinse your ear at home, but it is advisable to have an assistant with you.

In some cases, this procedure does not help if the plug is too dense, so it has to be repeated several times.

The ear rinsing procedure is carried out in several stages:

  1. First you need to prepare everything you need: a medical syringe, a bowl, lukewarm pure water, (3%). You cannot use a more concentrated peroxide solution, as this will cause a burn. If you don’t have a sterile syringe, you can take a rubber bulb and boil it first.
  2. Before you start rinsing, you need to insert a cotton swab into your ear for 10 minutes so that the plug softens slightly, and then drop a couple of drops of peroxide. A slight burning sensation in this case is normal. Peroxide may also fizz and foam. You need to wait 5 minutes and then start the procedure. You should not rinse your ear if pain begins after peroxide. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.
  3. The patient tilts his head so that sore ear was directed upward and slightly to the side. Boiled water is drawn into the syringe and directed in a weak stream to back wall ear. It is not recommended to direct a strong jet directly into the ear canal itself, as this may damage the eardrum.
  4. If the plug does not come out after washing, the procedure can be repeated after some time. The cork will be easier to remove if you use vegetable oil. If you still cannot wash the plug, you need to consult a doctor.

Before the washing procedure, in any case, it is recommended to see a doctor so that he can determine whether there is an infection or damage to the membrane. With these diseases, rinsing not only will not help, but will also cause harm.

Preparations for removing traffic jams at home

Ear rinsing does not always give results. In addition, it can be problematic to rinse the ear small child who cannot sit through this procedure. In these cases, preparations are recommended to dissolve and remove plugs on your own.

Among the drugs to remove ear plugs The following are most often recommended:

  • Remo-vax. One of the most popular means for removing ear plugs. This drug not only softens sulfur, but also contains moisture-retaining substances that promote long-term hydration of the mucous membrane. Remo-Vax carefully and effectively removes sulfur plugs and prevents their reappearance.
  • Aqua Maris Oto. This is a drug based sea ​​water. It not only softens the plug, but also cleanses the ear canal. It is recommended for use by people with hearing aids. counts safe drug, but among the contraindications there is perforation of the eardrum, childhood up to 4 years and inflammatory diseases ear.
  • Vaxol. Preparation based on olive oil. It helps eliminate infection, moisturizes the mucous membrane, relieves irritation and helps soften the ear plug. To remove the plug, you need to use Vaxol for 5 days 1-2 times a day. The drug is not recommended if you are allergic to olive oil and if the eardrum is damaged.
  • A-Cerumen. A product for effective and gentle cleansing ear canal. Active ingredients dissolve the plug and help remove it, while softening the mucous membrane and not causing irritation.

You can learn more about methods for removing wax plugs from the video:

Why is there wax in the ears and what is wax plug?

You can also use warm water as a cork softener. Peach oil. It is instilled into the ear several times a day. This procedure can be carried out before washing so that the softened plug is easier to remove.To remove ear plugs, you can use special candles that are sold in pharmacies.

When is it better to pierce my daughter’s ears and is it even possible? pierce a child's ears at home without harm to her health? Many mothers want to pierce their beloved daughter’s ears, because gold or silver earrings look very aesthetically pleasing on the ears of even the smallest ladies. But at what age is it better to conduct this procedure so that it doesn't happen negative consequences not only for physical health, but also for the child’s psyche. And is the game worth the candle? Let's look at this issue in more detail, trying to look at it from different angles. And below you will find detailed information about how to properly pierce your ears at home and treat the wound after the procedure.

According to psychologists, it is better to pierce your ears in early age. Children under 18 months do not experience fear of possible pain(they are not aware of the likelihood of its occurrence), they do not remember the pain for a long time. Older girls understand that getting their ears pierced is painful and mom will have to wait until the desire to wear earrings outweighs the fear of pain. In addition, the daughter can do this herself, without notifying her parents, using a regular sewing needle (not sterilized).

This is the case when there is no one recipe for everyone. Parents decide for themselves when to pierce their baby’s ears, or give their older daughter the opportunity to decide this issue on her own. Although one recommendation will be useful for all mothers, without exception: Doctors are against performing such a procedure on children under 9 months of age. The probability of occurrence is too high inflammatory processes and suppuration! But healthy ears (even without earrings) look much more beautiful, and the hassle of treating infected earlobes can be avoided.

It’s better to go to a salon than to pierce your ears at home - they pierce children’s ears with a special gun. However, the mother may well do this procedure herself in home environment. First you need to find out whether your daughter is causing allergic reaction one metal or another. Even in precious jewelry made of gold or silver, there are always particles of other elements, for example nickel. This also applies surgical steel. Impurities in metal can cause inflammation and unpleasant itching, which will have to be dealt with for years. This factor cannot be ignored.

For a child, choose thin and light earrings, a good lock plays an important role (at first the girl will often touch her ears). Consult with the artist about the appropriate form of jewelry.

In salons they use a so-called “pistol”; in a split second it will pierce the earlobe and insert a stud earring into it. To minimize painful sensations, ask the master to take an earring with the thinnest needle. A silent pistol will not give your child a reason to be afraid.

Now we will tell you in detail how to properly pierce your ears at home without using a special “gun” - with a special needle (catheter). We understand that not every mother can afford to pay for the procedure of piercing her daughter’s ears in a beauty salon, and not every locality there are these salons. However, if possible, be sure to entrust this procedure to a certified professional so as not to harm the girl’s health!
