Analysis of preschool education programs. Comparative analysis of programs

The program consists of two parts.

First part includes an explanatory note, as well as sections set out by age subperiods of preschool childhood (3-4, 4-5, 5-6 and 6-7 years) in order to optimize the construction of the educational process:

“Organization of activities of adults and children for the implementation and development of basic general educational program before school education»,

"Age characteristics of children"

“Planned results of mastering the Program.”

Second part - “Approximate cyclogram educational activities“- represents the technology (systematized sequence) of teachers’ work to implement the Program.

The Explanatory Note reveals the main conceptual provisions of the Program, including the main tasks of psychological pedagogical work on the implementation of each area of ​​the Program and the possibility of its integration with other areas. Solving problems of psychological and pedagogical work on development personal sphere(personal qualities) of children is a priority and is carried out in parallel with the solution of main tasks that reflect the specifics of the areas of the Program.

The program is divided into 3 parts and covers 3 age periods of child development: junior, middle, senior preschool age.

In each period of the program a characteristic is given age characteristics mental, physical development children, the tasks of education and development of children of a specific age are determined and the formation of ideas, skills, abilities and attitudes in the process of learning and their development in Everyday life. At the end of each section of the program, the levels of mastery of the program by children are marked.

The program presents works of oral folk art, folk games, music and dance, arts and crafts of Russia. The teacher is given the right to independently determine the schedule of classes, content, method of organization and place in the daily routine.

The following sections are highlighted: “Planned results of mastering the content of the program”; “Integrative qualities of a graduate of secondary education”; " Kindergarten and family. “Childhood” program in the practice of interaction between teachers and parents”; “Methodological kit of the program “Childhood”.

The program has a new important section:“The child’s attitude towards himself” (self-knowledge).

The entire content of the program is conventionally united around four main blocks: “Cognition” (helping preschoolers master a variety of available ways knowledge of the surrounding world (comparison, elementary analysis, generalization, etc.), the development of their cognitive activity, cognitive interests); “Humane attitude” (orientation of children towards a friendly, careful, caring attitude towards the world, the development of humane feelings and attitudes towards the world around them) ;“Creation” (creativity block: development of independence as highest manifestation creativity); “Healthy lifestyle” (education of motor culture, habits of leading a healthy lifestyle).

The additional part (regional component) includes sections: “Child in a multicultural and multiethnic environment”; "The child is learning English."

The program has the following age stages: early childhood- infancy (up to one year); early age (from one year to three years); preschool childhood; junior preschool age (from three to five years) and senior (from five to seven years). This age periodization, according to the authors, allows us to see how the most general trends, as well as the individual development perspective of each child. For each age stage the program identifies four leading lines of development: social, cognitive, aesthetic and physical; the features of the development of these lines in infancy, early, junior and senior preschool age are revealed; a hierarchy of main types of activity is set (communication, objective activity, game). Playing activity as the main one in the development of a child’s personality preschool age, the program allocates special place. The game permeates everything structural components program and its content in general. The "Origins" program highlights basic and variable content of education. The basic part of the program for each age consists of the following components:

  1. Characteristics of age capabilities mental development the child and his personality (indicated by the “sun” sign);
  2. Development tasks(flower);
  3. Development Indicators (apple);
  4. Basic character - personality ki (baby face").

To the basis t.zh. refers to the section " General terms implementation of the program" ("watering can" sign).

Variable approaches to program implementation are disclosed in the section “Content and conditions of teaching work.” They provide for the possibility of adjusting the content of the pedagogical process taking into account the specific operating conditions of the kindergarten.

The section “General conditions for the implementation of the program” provides recommendations for organizing the lives of children in kindergartens; principles of organizing a subject-development environment; working with family. Much attention is paid to comprehensive thematic planning.

Practical work No.

Subject: Comparative analysis educational programs of institutions additional education children

Check out two educational programs for additional education for children: "Basics visual arts" And “Getting ready for school”;

Conduct a comparative analysis of the programs on the proposed issues, present the results of the analysis in the table.

Topic questions

"Fundamentals of Fine Arts"

Additional educational program

"Getting ready for school"

1. The title page of the program meets the requirements (yes/no), any comments

The title page meets the requirements, there is a seal, a signature, the program is approved.

Does not meet the requirements, no signature or seal. No program approval

artistic and aesthetic orientation

social and pedagogical orientation

3. Novelty, relevance, pedagogical expediency

is aimed at giving them a basic systematic education in fine arts,

based on the primary study of such types of fine arts as

painting, drawing, graphics. This program is aimed at ensuring that children acquire certain knowledge

in the history and theory of fine arts, as well as fundamental practical

skills and abilities in this area.

Relevance this method learning is expressed in the psychological readiness of children

to school as the next stage of his development, life path.

Novelty is revealed in the main types: motivational readiness, intellectual

readiness, psychological and communicative readiness.

4. Purpose and objectives of the additional educational program

The goal of the program is to teach children the basics of visual literacy and their active

creative development taking into account the individuality of each child through activities

visual activities, familiarization with the achievements of world artistic


Educational (related to children’s mastery of the basics of fine arts


 familiarity with the genres of fine art;

Developmental (related to improving the general abilities of students and

acquisition by children of general educational skills and abilities that ensure the development of

    development of sensory-emotional manifestations in children: attention, memory, fantasy, imagination;

Educational: (related to the development of personal qualities that contribute to

other people, yourself):

    developing a sustainable interest in art and activities in children

artistic creativity;

Development of linguistic thinking, speech mechanisms,

communication skills and cognitive abilities in preschool children.

In accordance with the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2006-2010

years (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 23, 2005 No. 803) into the structure of the general

education, a “pre-school stage” is introduced, within which education is carried out from

six (six and a half) years. Due to more early onset systematic education

special attention requires solving several problems.

organization of the process of training, education and development of children at the preschool stage

education taking into account the needs and capabilities of children of this age;

will ensure the preservation of the intrinsic value of this period of development, avoiding duplication

Strengthening and developing the child’s emotionally positive attitude towards school,

desire to learn;

Formation of social personality traits of the future schoolchild, necessary for

successful adaptation to school.

5. Age of children participating in the implementation of this additional educational program

This program is designed for children aged 6 to 14 years,

6. Timing for the implementation of the additional educational program

7. Forms and mode of classes

To implement the program, several forms of classes are used:

Introductory lesson

It is advisable for parents of students to be present at this lesson (especially 1st year


Introductory lesson

Lesson from life

Memory lesson

Thematic lesson

Improvisation lesson

Test lesson

Competitive gaming activity


Combined lesson.

Final lesson

preparation for reporting exhibitions.

Duration of classes according to SanPiN requirements

1 year of study – 72 hours (2 times a week for 1 hour) and 144 hours (2 times a week for 2 hours).

2nd year of study – 144 hours (2 times a week for 2 hours).

3rd year of study – 144 hours (2 times a week for 2 hours).

Educational process organized using pedagogical technologies,

ensuring individual, personality-oriented development, is regulated

curriculum, a schedule of direct educational activities compiled

in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN

8. Expected results and ways to determine their effectiveness

As a result of the implementation of the program, it is expected to achieve a certain

level of children's mastery of visual literacy. Children will know special

terminology, gain an understanding of the types and genres of art, learn how to handle basic

art materials and fine art tools.

At the end of the academic year, a final interview is held. As in the middle of the year, it consists of two stages: 1 - frontal examination is carried out in writing in small groups of 5-6 people; 2 - an oral interview is conducted individually with each child. The child's answer is rated on a five-point scale.

Conducted in writing in small groups. It is advisable to combine children into one group,

possessing equal reading skills.

During the examination, training is not applied, the result of the implementation is recorded

task and its method. The completion of each task is assessed using a 5-point system. Behind

correct execution third columns in the second and third tasks are added 1 more

9. Forms for summing up the results of the implementation of an additional educational program (exhibitions, festivals, competitions, educational and research conferences, etc.).

The following forms of summing up the program are used: art quizzes,

Fine art competitions, participation in exhibitions at various levels.

works are not exhibited

10. Educational and thematic plan additional educational program contain:

List of sections, topics (yes/no)

Number of hours on each topic, broken down into theoretical and practical classes (yes/no)

List of sections, topics: yes

List of sections, topics: yes

Number of hours on each topic, broken down into theoretical and practical classes: yes

12. Providing the program with methodological types of products (development of games, conversations, hikes, excursions, competitions, conferences, etc.) List those available.

Play gymnastics in the form of exercises (drawing in the air) helps the child

quickly master the basics of fine art.

13. Presented: didactic and lecture materials, methods for research work, topics of experimental or research work, etc. List available


"The ABCs of Drawing"

"Technique and character


"Line and Image"

"Color spectrum.

Warm and cold

"Color circle"

"Basic and


"Achromatic and


"The Basics of Composition"


"Statics, movement

in composition”, etc.



15. Classification of the program by level of mastery


educational and cognitive

16. Classification of the program according to the form of organization of content and process pedagogical activity

enriched with modern gaming techniques

by form of organization - subgroup

17. The list of references contains:

List of literature used by the teacher when writing the educational program; (Not really)

Scroll regulatory documents regulating the educational activities of the teacher; (Not really)

18. Availability of an application to the program, (yes/no) List which ones.

Considering and making a comparative analysis of the educational programs of institutions of additional education for children, we conclude that the program of artistic orientation, in contrast to the social and pedagogical orientation, meets all the requirements.

Disadvantages of the “Getting Ready for School” program:

    The title page does not match the topic.

    Not provided with methodological types of products (development of games, conversations, hikes, excursions, competitions, conferences, etc.)

    Didactic and lecture materials, methods for research work, topics of experimental or research work, etc. were not provided.

    A list of normative documents regulating the educational activities of a teacher is not provided;

    No applications available

Disadvantages of the Art program:

    No app available

The results of the analysis made it possible to determine what each program provides. We believe that the “Getting Ready for School” program is not well developed.

The program consists of two parts.

The first part includes an explanatory note, as well as sections set out by age subperiods of preschool childhood (3-4, 4-5, 5-6 and 6-7 years) in order to optimize the construction of the educational process:

“Organization of activities of adults and children for the implementation and development of the basic general education program preschool education»,

"Age characteristics of children"

“Planned results of mastering the Program.”

The second part - “Approximate cyclogram of educational activities” - represents the technology (systematized sequence) of the work of teachers to implement the Program.

The Explanatory Note reveals the main conceptual provisions of the Program, including the main tasks of psychological and pedagogical work on the implementation of each area of ​​the Program and the possibility of its integration with other areas. Solving the problems of psychological and pedagogical work on the development of the personal sphere (personal qualities) of children is a priority and is carried out in parallel with the solution of the main tasks that reflect the specifics of the areas of the Program.

The program is divided into 3 parts and covers 3 age periods of child development: junior, middle, senior preschool age.

In each period of the program, a description of the age-related characteristics of the mental and physical development of children is given, the tasks of the upbringing and development of children of a particular age are determined, and the formation of ideas, skills, abilities and attitudes is provided in the learning process and their development in everyday life. At the end of each section of the program, the levels of mastery of the program by children are marked.

The program presents works of oral folk art, folk games, music and dance, and decorative and applied arts of Russia. The teacher is given the right to independently determine the schedule of classes, content, method of organization and place in the daily routine.

The following sections are highlighted: “Planned results of mastering the content of the program”; “Integrative qualities of a graduate of secondary education”; “Kindergarten and family. “Childhood” program in the practice of interaction between teachers and parents”; “Methodological kit of the program “Childhood”.

The program highlights a new important section: “The child’s attitude towards himself” (self-knowledge).

The entire content of the program is conventionally united around four main blocks: “Cognition” (helping preschoolers in mastering a variety of accessible ways of understanding the world around them (comparison, elementary analysis, generalization, etc.), developing their cognitive activity, cognitive interests); “Humane attitude” ( orientation of children towards a friendly, careful, caring attitude towards the world, the development of humane feelings and attitudes towards the world around them); “Creation” (creativity block: development of independence as the highest manifestation of creativity); “Healthy lifestyle” (education of a motor culture, habits of leading a healthy Lifestyle).

The additional part (regional component) includes sections: “Child in a multicultural and multiethnic environment”; "The child is learning English."

The program identifies the following age stages: early childhood - infancy (up to one year); early age (from one year to three years); preschool childhood; junior preschool age (from three to five years) and senior (from five to seven years). This age periodization, according to the authors, allows us to see both the most general trends and the individual development perspective of each child. For each age stage, the program identifies four leading lines of development: social, cognitive, aesthetic and physical; the features of the development of these lines in infancy, early, junior and senior preschool age are revealed; a hierarchy of main types of activity is set (communication, objective activity, game). Play activity, as the main one in the development of the personality of a preschool child, is given a special place in the program. The game permeates all structural components of the program and its content as a whole. The "Origins" program highlights basic and variable content of education. The basic part of the program for each age consists of the following components:

    Characteristics of the age-related capabilities of the child’s mental development and his personality (indicated by the “sun” sign);

    Development tasks(flower);

    Development Indicators (apple);

    Basic character - personality ki (baby face").

To the basis t.zh. refers to the section “General conditions for the implementation of the program” (the “watering can” sign).

Variable approaches to program implementation are disclosed in the section “Content and conditions of teaching work.” They provide for the possibility of adjusting the content of the pedagogical process taking into account the specific operating conditions of the kindergarten.

The section “General conditions for the implementation of the program” provides recommendations for organizing the lives of children in kindergartens; principles of organizing a subject-development environment; working with family. Much attention is paid to comprehensive thematic planning.

Irina Morozova
Variability sample programs preschool education (comparative analysis)

« Variability of sample preschool education programs»

1 slide. Comparative analysis of exemplary general education programs preschool education"Rainbow" edited by E. V. Solovyova and "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva

2 slide. Program"FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL" is innovative general education program document for preschool educational institutions, prepared taking into account the latest achievements science and practice of domestic and foreign preschool education.

Program written in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. Publishing house Mosaic-synthesis Moscow, 2014

3 slide. To the benefits programs"From birth to school", of course, it should be attributed to the fact that it covers everything age periods physical and mental development children: infancy (from 2 months to 1 of the year: infant group); early age (from 1 year to 3 years: first and second groups early age) ; preschool age(from 3 years to schools: junior, middle, senior and preparatory school groups).

4 slide. Authors programs named her"Rainbow" By analogies with a seven-color rainbow because it includes seven the most important species activities of children and activities, during which the education and development of personality occurs baby: Physical Culture, a game, fine art activities and manual labor, design, musical and plastic arts classes, speech development classes, familiarization with the outside world and mathematics. Each section corresponds to a specific rainbow color, emphasizing originality its use in working with preschoolers

5 slide. Work on program"Rainbow" carried out in different forms organizing children's activities, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children and types of activities. Delivered to program tasks are also implemented in so-called everyday learning situations, during routine moments. Game forms and methods of teaching and consolidating acquired knowledge are widely used. Great importance is given to the independent cognitive and productive activities of children.

Slide 7 Leading Goals Programs"From birth to school"- creating favorable conditions for a child to fully live preschool childhood, formation of the foundations of basic personality culture, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparation for life in modern society, formation of prerequisites for educational activities, ensuring life safety preschooler.

8 slide. Tasks programs"From birth to school". Protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being.

9. Education of patriotism, active life position, respect for traditional values.

Slide 9 Main sections programs.


Target section (Explanatory note; Planned results of mastering OOP)

Content section (Contents educational activities on five educational fields; technologies for implementing the content of OOP in accordance with educational areas; Technologies for creating an atmosphere of joyful living preschool childhood; Support for children's initiative; Interaction with the family, Pedagogical diagnostics; Corrective work and /inclusive education)

Organizational section (daily routine, Organization of group life; Forms of implementation preschool education; Additional paid educational services; methodological support; Personnel policy; holidays, events; developing subject-spatial educational environment; approximate calculations of standard costs for providing public services for implementation programs)

10 slide. Planned development results Programs.

Planned development results Programs. Targets at completion stage preschool education, also completely match:

12 slide. Content Features programs"From birth to school":

Focus on the development of the child’s personality

Patriotic orientation Programs

Focus on moral education, support of traditional values

Focus on the future education

Focus on preserving and strengthening children's health. Focus on taking into account the individual characteristics of the child

Slide 13: Content Features programs"Rainbow"

Program"Rainbow" conceived and implemented to cover all major aspects education children aged from 2 months to 8 years in a kindergarten and provides the opportunity for a wide variability operating conditions.

Slide 14: Goals and objectives of interaction with families of pupils

IN program"From birth to school" The goal is creation necessary conditions to form responsible relationships with the families of pupils and develop the competence of parents.

Slide 15 Forms of interaction with family ( "From birth to school")

16 slide. Features of the organization of the subject-spatial environment according to program"From birth to school"

Program"From birth to school" does not impose any special special requirements for equipping the developing subject-spatial environment (such as For example, V Montessori program, in addition to the requirements specified in the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. If there is insufficient or no funding, program can be implemented using equipment that is already available in preschool organization, the main thing is to comply with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education and the principles of organizing space outlined in program.

Slide 17 Features of the organization of the subject-spatial environment according to program"Rainbow"

Educational the organization, in accordance with its goals, creates a developing subject-spatial environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. Depending on the material and personnel conditions that the organization has, and the nature of the request that parents make of it, it is possible to organize logistics at three levels. The minimum level is mat. those. provision allows you to successfully implement the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education in a mass kindergarten, with any, no matter how modest, material capabilities. It implies the co-creation of teachers and parents in the creation of the RPPS, many elements of which are created by their own hands with the feasible participation of children. If the organization has some additional features(swimming pool, theater hall, additional specialists, then the organization has the resource to create a basic level of. If the organization is focused on working with families who have higher demands for education child and are ready to financially support the development of MTB preschool educational institutions, organize additional paid educational services, an enhanced level of logistics support can be provided.

18 slide. Style "rainbow" groups

Developing subject-spatial environment "rainbow" preschool The groups are distinguished by an abundance of children's works, each of which is characterized by a bright individuality of the plan and the means of its implementation. Rich zone cognitive development, math and literacy area. IN free access for children there should always be various visual materials. Availability required "Beauty Shelves".

Slide 19 IN program the developmental function comes to the fore education, ensuring the formation of the child’s personality and orienting the teacher to his individual characteristics, which corresponds to modern scientific "Concepts preschool education» (authors V.V. Davydov, V.A. Petrovsky and others) about recognizing self-worth preschool childhood.

Program"Rainbow" Personality is brought up by Personality. So we know What: it is important for children that the teacher is really interested in what he is talking about;

children want to know about the lives and experiences of adults;

You can teach a child well only what you love to do;

A child can only be taught well by the adult he loves;

V "rainbow" Children in groups do not have the same work;

V "rainbow" There are no identical groups in kindergartens;

Each teacher creates his own day, month, year of life and work with children as an author's work.

Comparative analysis of the “Basic educational program of preschool education “Kindergarten 2100” / edited by R.N. Buneev/ and “Educational program of preschool education “Development” /edited by Bulycheva A.I./

Anufrieva Irina Viktorovna, senior teacher of the Children's Preschool Educational Institution "Kolokolchik" b. Dukhovnitskoye village, Saratov region
Description of material: the proposed material will be useful to preschool teachers when choosing preschool programs.

Both Programs have been revised in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.
In accordance with the requirements for the structure of the educational program, the “Development” program ensures the development of the personality of preschool children in various types communication and activities, taking into account their age and individual psychological characteristics.
The program is aimed at developing children's abilities in the process of specific preschool activities, in the process of communication with adults and children.

In contrast to the “Development” Program, the result of raising a child under the “Kindergarten 2100” Program should be the preschooler’s awareness of himself, his characteristics and capabilities, the disclosure of his individual potential, the ability to cooperate with peers and adults, communicate with them, the habit of leading healthy image life, for physical education, as well as psychological and functional readiness for school. A special feature of the educational program “Kindergarten 2100” is that it was developed taking into account the characteristics and patterns of development of modern children, who are significantly different from their peers of the last century. Modern children have a new type of consciousness: system-semantic (N.A. Gorlova), and not system-structural, characteristic of children of the last century. Their consciousness is dominated by the semantic sphere, which determines the semantic orientation to activity. In other words, if a child does not understand the meaning of the activity that is offered to him, then he refuses to perform it.

The authors of the “Development” program shift their focus from the content of training to its means. The task facing the authors of the program was to specifically create educational situations at each age and use the situations natural life children who develop their general abilities to the maximum extent. Theoretical grounds of the Development program are the following provisions. The first is the concept of self-worth of the preschool period of development, developed by A.V. Zaporozhets. The second is the theory of activity developed by A. N. Leontyev, D. B. Elkonin, V. V. Davydov and others. The third is the concept of ability development developed by L. A. Wenger and his colleagues.

The main goal of the “Kindergarten 2100” program is to implement the principle of continuity, ensuring the education and development of preschoolers in close connection with integrated system“School 2100”, with its postulates and concepts. The key feature of the program is a real solution to the problem of continuity of preschool and primary school education. Preschool education should create conditions for the maximum possible development of the potential of each child in accordance with his age. A modern kindergarten synchronizes the processes of upbringing and learning, which begin to complement each other rather than oppose each other, and also ensure the rich development of children. The child believes in his own strength, learns to be successful, sees his potential, and becomes the subject of his life. All this, undoubtedly, makes it easier for the child to say goodbye to kindergarten and enter school, and also maintains and develops his interest in learning in new conditions.

The Development program has several lines of development:
* development of children's intellectual abilities, which occurs in the process of mastering substitution actions, constructing and using visual models, as well as words in the planning function.
* development creativity child. They manifest themselves in independent testing of new material, in the process of mastering new methods of action together with adults and other children, but most importantly - in the formation of plans and their implementation. In many sections of the program there are tasks aimed at developing children's capabilities for increasingly high level create and implement your own ideas.
* development of communication abilities. Communication skills are seen as playing a leading role in social development preschool child. The result of the development of communicative abilities will be “socialization” as mastery of methods of behavior that allow one to comply with communicative norms and be accepted in society.

The main lines of development of preschool children on which the “Kindergarten 2100” program is based:
* development of voluntary activity;
* mastery of cognitive activity, its standards and means;
* switching from egocentrism to the ability to see what is happening from the point of view of another person;
* motivational preparedness.
These lines of development determine didactics and content preschool education. The “Kindergarten 2100” program was developed taking into account the accumulated positive experience of modern preschool education, as well as taking into account latest approaches And scientific discoveries in this area. For versatility this system does not pretend, but its authors are convinced that it helps to overcome the negative tendency of the primitive idea of ​​​​preschool education, and also provides continuous development child in conditions unified system at all educational stages.

Special developmental tasks for mastering various means“Development” programs are offered to the child in the context of specific preschool activities, mainly in a playful way ( in this the programs are similar, this brings them closer together). In a playful form, in the form of communication with adults and peers, the child “lives” certain situations, combining his emotional and cognitive experience. Along with this, the actual cognitive activity child - from children's experimentation (N. N. Poddyakov) to the transition to solving cognitive problems and puzzles outside game form.
The similarity of the Programs can also be seen in the organization of work in all educational areas:
1. Physical development;
2. Play activities;
3. Social and personal development;
4. Cognitive development;
5. Speech development;
6. Artistic and aesthetic development.
Regarding the Planned results of the development of the program “Kindergarten 2100” and “Development” are based on the point of view of A.G. Asmolova: “ preschool education, it is not the child who is assessed, but the conditions created for his development, allowing him to be different, to be successful and to feel like a person with a complex of usefulness” (in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, these are psychological, pedagogical, personnel, material, technical, financial, informational, methodological and other operating conditions preschool).

In the “Kindergarten 2100” program, for each target and each age, the authors described the conceptual framework (in the form of primary concepts) and the stages of formation and assignment of skills, as well as their implementation in creative activity. This table of planned results creates the basis for variable approaches to assessing the level of individual development child. It does not set strict development standards, but only describes its possible manifestations, allowing you to build an individual educational trajectory for each child.

In the “Development” program, as the main criterion for assessing the psychological and pedagogical conditions of the activities of a preschool institution, the authors propose the assessment of methods professional activity teachers. For this purpose, they developed a special scheme for monitoring the activities of the teacher and his interaction with children in any educational situation and a methodology for assessing methods of activity.
In both programs, a system of pedagogical and psychological diagnostics of children has been developed to evaluate the effectiveness of pedagogical actions with a view to their further optimization. Based on the diagnostic results, it is not intended to assess the quality of the educational activities of the institution.
In conclusion, I would like to note features of the analyzed Programs.

Dignity"Kindergarten 2100" program. Preschoolers who are brought up under this program are able to clearly defend their point of view, they are independent, sociable, liberated and open to the world. The program is based on dialogue with children, and the teacher does not just pass on knowledge, but allows the child to discover it himself. The learning process is accompanied by classes with colorful manuals, consisting of several parts and including an impressive amount of knowledge and entertaining tasks. And also – the minimax principle. Knowledge is given within age norm to the maximum, but minimum requirements are imposed on the assimilation of knowledge (according to the limits determined by the State Standard). Comfortable development conditions are provided for each child; each preschool child learns at an individual pace. This eliminates overload, but does not reduce performance. The minimax principle allows us to determine Lower level content that every child should learn, and also offers it upper limit.

Individuality The “Development” program is that the program indicates the features of professional activity and training of teachers under the “Development” program (interaction between adults and children, personnel conditions for the implementation of the program). The authors of this program have always been in the position of mandatory special training teachers to work under the Development program. Offered to the market educational services in the early 90s, when education turned to developmental, personality-oriented interaction between teachers and children, the implementation of the program became possible only under the conditions of special training for teachers. For this purpose, an educational Center for training teachers to work under the Development program was created and continues to operate.

I think I was able to reveal the merits, individuality, and nuances of these programs, which will help you without a doubt choose one or another program and hope that with its help you will successfully create conditions for the maximum possible development of the potential of each child in accordance with his age.
