Fortune telling with water and wax: rules and interpretation. Wax fortune telling: correct interpretation of figures

Many people do not take fortune telling seriously, believing that it is just entertainment for the company. However, as for fortune telling on wax on Christmas night, it has been proven that the percentage of reliability of the prediction increases the subconscious of the fortuneteller himself. The same, by the way, also applies to other ways to look into, which require interpretation.

Wax fortune telling on the night before Christmas

Despite the complexity of the procedure for fortune telling on Christmas Day with wax, this was the method that was most loved by the ancestors as the most accurate. The reason is that in the process of divination, the especially revered powers of fire and water, as well as natural beeswax, which the ancestors valued much more than honey and many other things.

Fortune telling with wax at Christmas was a whole ritual that required strict execution. Most often, women told fortunes to girls. They gathered together, taking the wax candles necessary for fortune telling, a basin of water, and a mirror to be placed at the bottom.

Different wax casting techniques are used for fortune telling. Sometimes the candle with the dripping wax is held directly over the water for several minutes. The wax drips and hardens, forming bizarre figures, and the interpretation provides not just one final form, but the entire process of transformation and intermediate images.

In other casting methods, wax is poured out in large quantities at once. To do this, it is not allowed to drip into the water, but is collected in some container - for example, a spoon. Or they put the candle in a small saucer for a while and then pour out the drained and accumulated wax.

To make fortune-telling with wax more reliable, it is carried out at Christmas, when, according to legend, people walk on the earth. devilry. During the entire ritual, it is necessary to focus on those questions to which the person wants to know the answers. Girls are most often interested in when they will get married and how their married life will turn out. Others usually want to know about financial well-being and health status in the near future.

Meanings of symbols when interpreting wax fortune telling at Christmas

When solving symbols, it is customary to rely on generally accepted interpretations. However, this is not entirely correct - one should also take into account life circumstances fortuneteller, status, age, tk. symbols are sent specifically to this person. In order for the picture of the future to be more holistic, it is important to take into account how the image appeared, what figures arose before the final result was obtained.

The absolute leader of magical rituals Ancient Rus'- fortune telling with wax at Christmas, Christmas time is considered best time for this procedure. The fun is practiced by unmarried girls and mature women as a way to predict the future. During the January holidays, Higher powers allow magic into the human world, and prophecies received at this time will not harm those who perform the rituals.

In the article:

Performing Christmas fortune telling on wax

Fortune telling is carried out every day from January 6 to January 19, the auspicious moment is Christmas night. On the night from the sixth to the seventh, unmarried girls gathered in a bathhouse or a separate room and spent a large number of various rituals, special place occupied among them. The world has changed, but the ritual remains popular; it is performed in private, without unnecessary witnesses or helpers.

Before starting fortune telling, you should rinse your face three times cold water to wash away the negative energy accumulated during the day. Then you need to look out the window and free your thoughts from everyday chaos. After this, a white covering is placed on the table - a tablecloth, a towel or napkin, a basin with spring water(not tap water!), spoon and wax candles.
The lights are turned off, the entire ritual takes place by candlelight. It is recommended to say an appeal to the water - it will help the images on wax to appear:

A wax candle fell on you and told me the whole truth

Having repeated the spell three times, drown the candle in the prepared spoon and pour it onto the water. When the wax drops harden, analyze the image.

Fortune telling rules for Christmas

To get a prediction when performing on wax, follow the rules:

  • Do not use paraffin candles magical rituals importance is given to the naturalness of the material; “living” matter can conduct energy without distorting it. Therefore, church candles or beeswax are ideal for fortune telling.
  • Similarly with the water that is used for the ritual - you need natural, spring or melted snow. It is better to use water taken from the church for Epiphany or other religious holiday. IN as a last resort, you can freeze tap water and let it melt before the ceremony.
  • An undeservedly forgotten rule: place a mirror at the bottom of a vessel with liquid and pour wax exactly into the place where it lies. The mirror will reflect the energy onto the wax capaciously, and the image obtained during the ritual will contain useful information. Using all these nuances will allow you to transform Yuletide fortune telling into prediction.

Duet of water and wax - energy frozen in images

Yuletide fortune-telling with wax is a ritual filled with energy: of a person, of a house, of the elements. In preparation for fortune telling, candles come into contact with the hands of a person who wants to know the prospects. At this moment, the energy of thoughts, feelings, desires and experiences is absorbed into the natural material.

A similar story with water: it stores information about the house where the fortune-telling takes place, and about the people in it. The magical energy of the Yuletide holidays is a catalyst for the unification of all information fields. Images on the water will show significant events for the fortuneteller this year.

It is important to interpret the symbols correctly. Use all your imagination and attention to recognize the image. They look at it through the light of a candle and determine from the shadow what it is. Wax frozen in water conveys information about dangers or threats, about people who carry negativity.

Christmas fortune telling - predictions

By asking women rural areas, you can hear many incredible stories about what a big role ritual played in life. For some, Christmas fortune-telling on wax suggested a betrothed, for some they helped them find themselves, and in special cases showed where troubles and misfortunes come from. Only those who have never encountered anything like this can have a skeptical attitude towards such predictions.

Women who received the image Venka, got married and are happily married, and the owners of wax Eggs got pregnant and gave birth to children. Bunch of grapes has established itself as a sign material well-being. Became a desired symbol Horseshoe- the subject of good luck in all endeavors.

Unfavorable signs Cross, Bed or Snake, helped prepare for problems, and in some cases avoid them. Moreover, there was a tradition to bury such signs in the ground away from the house in order to ward off an unwanted event. And vice versa, good wax signs were carefully wrapped in white linen and kept in a secluded place, like a talisman.

Subtleties were described in masterpieces fiction. Stories related to the ritual are retold in families from grandmothers to granddaughters. Slavic magic takes its rightful place in the modern, pragmatic world and continues to help people overcome difficulties and strive for light.

Christmastide is two weeks of winter holidays, from Christmas, which falls on January 7, to Epiphany, celebrated on January 19. Christmas fortune-telling is rightfully considered the most truthful and has its roots in the times of pagan Rus'. During Christmas and Christmas fortune-telling, you can look for in all predictions only good meaning. Bad omens should not be attached of great importance, otherwise you will be setting yourself up for failure in the new year. Here are the most interesting and reliable fortune telling for Christmas, which, I hope, will help you reveal the secrets of the future.

Christmas fortune telling on wax (candles)

Take wax or paraffin candles white(holiday colored candles are not suitable for fortune telling), place in a metal bowl, melt over a fire and immediately pour into a container with cold water. The figure formed in this case will predict the future that awaits the fortuneteller.

Interpretation of figures

House - soon acquiring a new household; For a girl, this is primarily due to her marriage.

Shapeless ruins are a misfortune in the near future.

A pit, small cave or grotto is the most undesirable figure, since it symbolizes the burial place and predicts serious illness or near death.

Trees - they can be interpreted in different ways: upward-pointing tree branches promise quick joy, drooping branches - sadness, melancholy and boredom.

A ring or candle definitely predicts an imminent wedding.

A pancake that has settled to the bottom, on the contrary, promises a long girlhood.

Fortune telling with wax and milk

Pour milk into a saucer and place it on the threshold. Take the stubs of wax candles, put them in a metal bowl and melt them over the fire, saying: “Brownie, my master, come to the threshold to drink milk and eat wax.”

Having said the last word spell, pour the wax into the milk and carefully examine the resulting figure.

Interpretation of figures

Cross - illness; if its outlines are unclear, then you should soon prepare for a series of minor troubles that will affect all aspects of life.

A blossoming flower - a wedding in a year.

Animal - an ill-wisher has appeared in your close circle.

A scattering of small stars means good luck in business.

Stripes with blurred edges - trip, business trip, relocation, travel.

A human figure means the imminent appearance of a new friend.

Fortune telling by shadow

Take a sheet of newspaper and crumple it well (but do not roll it into a tight ball!). Place the crumpled paper on a plate and set it on fire. When the paper is completely burned, place a candle next to the plate and look at the shadow that the burnt newspaper casts on the wall. The meaning of the resulting figures is similar to the interpretation of wax figures.

Hair fortune telling

At midnight, pour water into a bowl and add a pinch of ash, a pinch of sugar and a pinch of salt. Mix the water thoroughly, and when it “calms down,” throw two hairs into it: one from yours, and the other from a loved one. Leave the bowl until the morning.

If the next morning the hair is intertwined, then the wedding is just around the corner. If the hairs are at some distance from each other, it means that the hour of separation is near.

Christmas fortune telling by ring

Take an ordinary glass with smooth walls (without drawing or polishing), pour water into it 3/4 of the volume and carefully lower it to the middle of the bottom wedding ring, pre-cleaned. Looking closely at the very center of the ring, you can see the betrothed. Just to see it, you have to look into the ring for quite a long time.

Fortune telling by egg

Pour water into a glass and pour the protein into it raw egg. Place the glass in a heated oven so that the whites curl. After this, take out the glass and carefully look at the resulting figure.

Interpretation of figures

A church dome or ring means an imminent wedding.

Rectangle or square - serious illness, death.

Ship - moving after marriage to another city or country.

A pancake that has sunk to the bottom is a series of adversities and troubles, a long girlhood.

Fortune telling by rooster

This fortune-telling is collective, so on Christmas or Epiphany Eve several girls should gather in one room and “settle accounts.” Large grains should be scattered on the floor and a black rooster should be brought into the room exactly at midnight. His behavior will be the answer to the fortuneteller’s question about the future.

If the rooster pecked all the grains, then next year the one who poured the grains will get married.

If some of the grains still remain on the floor, then the one whose number matches the number of grains pecked will get married.

If the rooster refuses the treat altogether, then not a single wedding will take place next year and for everyone present, the near future will be overshadowed by many minor troubles and failures.

Fortune telling "Well and Bridge"

Pull out a few twigs from an ordinary household broom, build a bridge out of them and put it under your pillow until the morning with the words: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, will take me across the bridge.”

After this, at night in a dream the girl will most likely see her future husband.

You can use matches instead of twigs. Build a well out of them and put it under the pillow in the same way with the words: “Betrothed, mummer, come and drink some water.”

Christmas fortune telling from a book

In the old days, the Psalter was used as a prophetic book - a liturgical book containing bible book psalms. Now, in the absence of a Psalter in the house, you can take a volume of your favorite writer - Pushkin, Lermontov, Shakespeare or any other.

In order to find out the answer to a question of interest, you need to mentally formulate it, guess the line number below or above and open the book at random. The answer includes not only the hidden line, but the entire semantic passage in which this line is included.

If the answer found in the book cannot be interpreted logically, then the fortune telling should be repeated.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

This widespread and popular fortune telling is probably known to everyone to this day.

At midnight, leave the house and ask the first man you meet what his name is. This name will be the name of the betrothed.

Christmas fortune telling with a mirror

Fortune-telling with a mirror at Christmas time was considered the most accurate, but at the same time the most dangerous, during which the fortune-telling girl or woman often lost consciousness.

The fact is that the mirror, according to ancient beliefs, represents the boundary separating the real world and the world of spirits. There are many signs and customs associated with this. So, for example, according to one of them, broken mirror certainly promises imminent disaster. Misfortune will also happen if you look in the mirror during a thunderstorm. By the way, most of“thin” signs are associated precisely with the reflection in the mirror. A woman was categorically forbidden to look at him at those moments of her life when she could most easily violate the invisible boundary between the world of the living and world of the dead: during pregnancy, after the birth of a child and all postpartum period when she was considered "unclean".

Currently, the technology for producing mirrors has changed: instead of silver coating, lead is used, which has a very short “memory” and is therefore less aggressive. However, old people still do not recommend holding a newborn up to a mirror for fear that his fragile soul may split into two and the child will turn into an evil sorcerer or a bloodthirsty vampire.

However, a mirror can also serve powerful amulet. The evil spirit reflected in it immediately loses its magical power and forever loses the ability to cause evil to people.

It is best to tell fortunes with a mirror in a bathhouse, in an unclean place, and at midnight, when the boundary marked by the mirror is most permeable. The fortuneteller should be completely alone in the room, let her hair down and remove her belt, if any. You need to put two cutlery, a mirror and a candle on the table. Then the fortuneteller must sit in front of the mirror and say: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me for dinner.”

At the stroke of midnight, she will see a man looking over her shoulder. After the fortuneteller examines his face, she must quickly cast the amulet spell: “Cheer out of this place!” After these words, the image of the man will disappear, and the fortuneteller will be out of danger.

A variation of this fortune telling is a ritual with two mirrors, which are placed opposite each other so that they repeat their reflections. One of the mirrors should be placed on the table with two candles on the sides. At midnight, light the candles, undress, sit on a chair between the mirrors and carefully peer at your reflection. If the mirrors are placed correctly, then the reflections form a long gallery in which the image of the betrothed should appear.

"Broken hearts"

This fortune telling is more like a game, so it is perfect for friendly Christmas and Yuletide parties.

To carry it out, you need to cut out heart-shaped figures from cardboard. Moreover, their number should be two times less than the number of guests invited to the party. Each of the hearts must be “broken,” that is, cut into halves in the most intricate way, clearly identifying male and female. Then mix the parts thoroughly and hand them to each guest at the entrance with the wish to find their half.

Christmas fortune telling for love

This fortune telling is for those who are lonely, but passionately want to meet true love. At midnight, go to the nearest church and walk around it 12 times. This ritual is believed to destroy loneliness and promote new love.

Divination by flame

Only gypsies, leading a nomadic lifestyle and forced to spend many hours by the fire, could come up with such a method of fortune telling. It is at the same time very simple and very complex, since the one peering into the flame must have a good imagination and partly a philosophical mindset, as well as rich life experience in order to read what is destined by fate in the dancing tongues of the fire.

In the flames of the same fire, several people can see the future at the same time, because each will see in it his own prophecy, intended only for him.

It is best to use flame divination for yourself, since in this case it will be extremely accurate and less complicated.

If fortune telling is performed for someone else, then the person must be seated to your left and “tune in” to him. To do this, take his right hand with both hands and hold it there for a few seconds. After this, peer closely into the flame and try to see prophetic signs there, symbolizing events awaiting a person in the future.

It happens that no real images capable of lifting the veil over the mystery of existence arise. In such a case, the gypsies say that big changes await a person in life, but it is difficult to determine whether they are good or bad.

Christmas fortune telling with a knife

For this type of fortune telling, gypsies use a round wooden board with a diameter of about 30 centimeters to cut bread. If you don’t have a board of this size at hand, you can take a tray or cut a circle out of cardboard. Along the edges of the circle write answers to the most frequently asked questions:

"Be patient",

“Beware: there is an enemy next to you, hiding under the guise of a friend,”

"Good news"

"Love Letter"

"Luck in the undertaking"

"Unexpected Guest"


"Today's tears will turn into joy tomorrow"

"Unexpected news"

"New love",

"Unexpected meeting",


"Important letter."

Place an ordinary kitchen knife in the center of the circle and mentally formulate a question. Rotate the knife around its axis three times. One of the three messages that the knife point will point to will be the answer to asked question. The other two may be the cause or effect of the predicted event.

If, after rotation, the tip of the knife stops at an equal distance from the two messages, the fortune telling must be repeated.

Fortune telling with needles

Place 21 needles that have never been used to sew on a saucer or plate and slowly pour water into the dish. Under the influence of water, the needles will change their original position; Based on the current picture, one can predict the situation in which the fortuneteller is located. Thus, the number of crosses formed by needles indicates the number of ill-wishers or hostile forces acting against the fortuneteller in the current month.

There is also another version of fortune telling with needles.

Make a pendulum from a needle. To do this, thread a red silk thread about 75 centimeters long into it, fold it in half and tie a knot at the end.

Take a coin from the fortuneteller (previously they always took a silver one) and put it on the table. Sit at the table, place your elbow on it, take the pendulum needle with your fingers by the tip of the thread and point the tip of the needle at the center of the coin.

The fortuneteller asks a question, the answer to which is the words “yes” or “no,” and carefully looks at the pendulum. If the needle stands still without moving, there is no answer to the question yet; if it begins to move in the longitudinal direction, the answer is affirmative; if in the transverse direction, the answer is negative. If the pendulum makes circular movements, the question is not clear and should be formulated more precisely.

Christmas is an amazing and mysterious time, which is associated not only with religious holiday. With the onset of Christmas Eve (January 6) and until Epiphany (January 19), girls who wanted to know their future performed a fortune-telling ritual, which was passed down from generation to generation. It has long been believed that one can look behind the veil of secrets of time thanks to the presence of the souls of the dead, at that time coming from the other world. Since ancient times, the belief has been alive that Christmas predictions are particularly accurate.

What conditions must be met when fortune telling for Christmas?

It was believed that not all perfumes come with good intentions, so they took the fortune-telling process seriously. In this regard, rules appeared, the basis of which were common signs and superstitions.

  • Before starting the ritual during Christmastide, fortune tellers completely freed their hair from the hairpins and let them down, untied all the knots on their clothes, and completely removed amulets, jewelry and belts.
  • It was necessary to have a clear understanding of what the girl wanted to find out the whole truth about, which no one could even say a word about, so as not to be jinxed.
  • In the room for fortune telling, silence was strictly observed, and there had to be darkness there.
  • They believed that crossing limbs during fortune telling would prevent contact with evil spirits.

Both in ancient times and today the main objective Fortune telling at home - find out when the long-awaited love will meet and what life awaits. Below you will find time-tested rituals of Christmas fortune-telling, thanks to which you can shed light on the secrets of the foggy future.

Fortune telling for the future

January 13 and 18 were considered particularly successful days for accurate fortune telling.

With bowls

To find out what will happen in the near future, take cups and separately place salt, a ring, sugar, a piece of bread, an onion and a coin into each of them, and pour a small amount into another clean water. Closing your eyes, you stop choosing one cup. A coin promises wealth, salt - grief, sugar - joy, a ring - marriage, bread - prosperity. If a bowl of water is selected, significant events and changes will not happen in the near future.

With candles

As a rule, a group of girls simultaneously takes part in such an interesting fortune telling at Christmas. Prepare a bowl of water, whole hemispheres of walnut shells and pieces of candles, the number of which should correspond to the number of fortune tellers. The cinders are placed in a shell and floated through the water. It is believed that the one whose candle burns out completely first will become the wife first, and the owner of the candle that burns the longest will be the last to find family happiness. If the candle drowns, marriage is not expected.

On wax

Wax fortune telling is one of the oldest folk ways find out the near future

For the ceremony, prepare a container with water and white candle stubs; Both wax and paraffin are suitable - all except holiday ones. They are melted in a metal cup and poured into a container. The formed silhouette told about what awaited the girl.

  • Those who saw the outlines of the house were promised marriage and a new household. The candle and ring symbols had the same meaning.
  • Trees seen with branches pointing upward predicted happiness, and downward - sadness and melancholy.
  • The wax that fell to the bottom of the bowl like a pancake predicted a long girlhood.
  • Those who saw a cave or pit, according to legend, were expected to suffer a serious illness or a quick death.
  • Ruins of an indeterminate shape are a misfortune.
  • Dog - you will soon make a friend.
  • A clot, something round - to a quick addition to the family, pregnancy.

By the shadow of the paper

To do this, use a sheet of paper, which is crumpled into a shapeless mass (but not spherical) and placed on the bottom of an inverted plate, and then set on fire. When it burns out, bring the plate to the illuminated wall and carefully turn it so that the shadow cast by the ash takes on a certain shape. The figures were interpreted in the same way as in fortune telling with wax and water.

By grain

To get answers to important questions kept for some time left hand palm down over a bowl of grains or cereals, completely concentrating your thoughts on the question. Then you need to take a handful of cereal and pour it out, and then count the grains. If the number of grains turns out to be even, the answer is positive; if the number of grains is odd, the answer is negative.

Based on the book

Choose literature with an interesting plot for fortune telling, this will make the ritual more interesting

With the help of books they also received answers from spirits. To do this, they took a book and asked themselves exciting question. Then, before opening it, they randomly named the serial number of the page and the line located on it. The answer was considered not only a specific line, but the entire semantic segment in which it was included.

On a golden chain

The fortuneteller needs to wait until everyone in the house falls asleep. Then sit down at the table and rub the chain between your palms until it becomes warm. Then you need to take it in your right hand, shake it a little and throw it to the floor with a sharp movement. The figure it forms is used to judge upcoming events.

Which figures predict what:

  • the circle portends an unpleasant situation;
  • the triangle marks major success in absolutely any matter, especially those of the heart;
  • snake - a warning about danger and betrayal;
  • an even stripe symbolizes good luck and prosperity;
  • tangled knot - financial losses and illness;
  • heart means that love will be happy;
  • bow - imminent marriage.

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed

For the ritual you need to follow all the rules: get rid of tight clothes, hair ties, belts, chains and everything that constrains you.

Fortune telling at night

Before falling asleep, they eat very salty food, which should not be washed down. They say to themselves, “Whoever is my betrothed, whoever is my mummer, will give me a drink.” The person who appears and drinks you in your dreams will become your husband.

By name

To determine what name the groom will have, as Christmas midnight approaches, fortune tellers find out the name of the man they meet first after leaving the house. The spouse will be called the same way.

To the profession of the betrothed

The fortune telling girl is tightly blindfolded. Objects associated with various crafts are placed on the table:

  • textbook (teacher),
  • photography (photographer),
  • ruler (engineer),
  • thermometer (doctor) and others,
  • and also, of course, a wedding ring.

The girl must take one of the provided items at random. If three times in a row her choice falls on the same one, her beloved will turn out to be a representative of this particular profession. If the choice falls on the ring three times, this means that next year she will definitely get married, but it is not known what profession her husband will belong to.

For marriage by thread

The red thread prophesies a quick marriage, and the black thread suggests channeling your energy towards your career.

Three threads (black, red and white) are threaded into three needles and attached to the clothes on the girl’s back. She should feel where they are located, but should not know where each is. Then the fortuneteller needs to pull out one thread. White will be chosen - marriage is not expected in the near future, red - marriage will be concluded within a year and a baby will be born soon, black - it is better to focus on your career.

When several girls are telling fortunes together, they cut off a thread of the same length for each, which is taken with the left hand, and at the same time set it on fire. right hand. The one whose thread burns out faster than the others will go down the aisle first. If the thread quickly goes out or burns out even to half, marriage is not expected.

For apples

They take apples in the quantity that corresponds to the number of prospective spouses, and at the bottom of each apple they scratch out the first letter of the groom’s last name, first name and patronymic. In a dark room, the apples are mixed together and a piece is taken from each. The initials on the most delicious fruit will indicate who will become the husband.

By map

Before the onset of Christmas night, the card with the King of Diamonds is hidden under the pillow and mentally imagined the very person whose wife they would like to become. What is seen in a dream will certainly come true.

Fortune telling on your betrothed using mirrors

Fortune telling with mirrors is one of the most exciting, frightening and dangerous

By midnight, the girl needs to go into a dark room where there are no animals or strangers, and lock the doors and windows. The presence of one or two friends was allowed, who were not allowed to look at the reflections, approach the fortuneteller and speak.

Two cleaned mirrors (preferably large) are placed opposite each other and illuminated with two candles of equal height on both edges. It is most convenient if one of them is wall-mounted, but the second should be rotated so that the reflections line a long corridor illuminated by candle flames. Then you need to peer for a long time and with concentration at the end of the created corridor, where the image of the betrothed will appear. If the fortuneteller has not fainted from fear and anxiety, when he appears she needs to quickly shout “Out of this place!”, and then the evil spirits, who have taken the form of the future spouse, will disappear and will not be able to cause harm.

To perform another Christmas fortune-telling ritual using a mirror, the girl places two sets of cutlery on a table in an empty room and prepares a towel that will be useful later. Sitting down at the table and placing a lit candle between herself and the mirror, she calls upon her destiny with the words “Mummer, betrothed, come to dinner with me.” Five minutes before it appears, the surface of the mirror will begin to noticeably darken, and then you should wipe it with a towel. Having examined the desired features of the cute face that soon appeared, the fortuneteller must shout “Out of this place!”, thereby driving away the spirit that has taken on human form.

For the groom with a ring

To carry out this fortune-telling, you need a simple glass without any design, with a flat, even bottom, which is filled three-quarters with water. Then the wedding ring is carefully placed in the middle, which must be thoroughly cleaned. After a long and continuous gaze at the center of the circle, you can see the face of the future spouse through the water.

On a relationship on needles

It is better to take sewing needles rather than embroidery ones

To carry out the ritual, you will need ordinary sewing needles of any size and a container of water. Determine one needle for yourself, and the number of other needles should be equal to the number of people with whom you are interested in relationships. It's best if they are different sizes. If you are interested in a relationship with your chosen one, take two needles: a smaller one for yourself, a larger one for him. Then you should carefully and thickly lubricate them with fat (fat cream is suitable, butter, lard) and lower them one by one onto the surface of the water. Based on how they interact, we can draw conclusions.

  • If all the needles go to the bottom, it means that they were not lubricated well enough.
  • If the needle that you have secured for yourself sinks, your environment may completely change in the coming year and many of the old connections will be lost.
  • The needles that will remain floating on the surface symbolize the people who will remain in your environment in the new year, while connections with those people whose needles will sink will be interrupted.
  • Two connected needles mean union or marriage.
  • Needles stuck together along the entire length represent a strong friendship.

For love by matches

Two matches inserted into a matchbox different sides and symbolizing lovers are set on fire. If, after they burn, their heads are facing each other, the couple will experience happiness together.

Ritual with water on the character of the future husband

Take fresh, live water, such as spring water. Boiled or passed through a filter does not have such strength

Four glasses of water are prepared, no different from each other, and a spoon is placed in one of them. citric acid, in the second - honey, in the third - wine, in the fourth - salt, and mix the contents in each. The glasses are covered with a thick napkin and placed on a tray, and then, closing your eyes, twist them so as not to know their location. Then they turn off the light and drink water from a randomly selected glass.

A glass with salt foreshadowed a joyless, boring life, with wine - it promised a husband who drank often, with salt - he prophesied a sea of ​​bitter tears. A glass of honey meant that the spouse would have a cheerful and gentle disposition.

How to find out the temperament of your future spouse using cards

Before falling asleep, four kings are placed under the pillow from a deck that no one has ever played, and they say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, dream in my dreams.” The King of the Cross, who appears in dreams, promises a husband-officer or entrepreneur, the King of Hearts - young and wealthy, the King of Spades - jealous and elderly, and the King of Hearts - a loved one.

Fortune telling for children with a ring

A ring is placed at the bottom of a mug filled with water, asking a question about future children, and left to freeze in the cold. If the next morning the ice surface is smooth and even, there will be no children. The resulting tubercles symbolize sons, and the depressions symbolize daughters. Their number coincides with the number of children who will be born in the future.

Whatever answers and prophecies you receive during fortune-telling for Christmas, always remember that all good things will certainly come true, and you shouldn’t even believe in bad things. The secret of happiness is not to doubt it.

Do you know why fortune telling with wax is so popular at Christmas? During the times of Ancient Rus', divination on wax at Christmas time was considered the most the best way find out the future. Many different methods have survived to this day that will help you get answers to all your questions.

Fortune telling for Christmas with wax - how to carry out the ceremony correctly?

Fortune telling is an integral part of our life. Indeed, since ancient times, many representatives of the fair sex have wanted to find out what awaits them in the future. Fortune telling was also popular among unmarried girls (who wanted to find out who would call them down the aisle), as well as among mature women.

It was believed that it was during the January holidays higher power are the most merciful and allow everyone to look into the future and lift the veil of secrets. Yule fortune telling waxing can be performed daily from January 6 to January 19.

But it is Christmas night that is filled with mysticism and magic. The spirit of magic literally hovers in the air. In ancient times, it was on the night of January 6-7 that girls gathered in large groups in a separate closed room or bathhouse and began to cast a spell.

They told fortunes using runes, eggs, hair and, of course, wax. Today, fortune telling on and has been added. It is customary to carry out such rituals alone, so that there are no unnecessary witnesses. Experienced witches assure that before starting fortune telling, you need to prepare.

During the day we accumulate a large amount of foreign or negative energy, so it needs to be washed off. It can prevent you from receiving an accurate and truthful answer. Be sure to take a shower and rinse yourself with cold water. Try to tune in to a pleasant wave.

Candles, aroma lamps, and a couple of minutes of meditation will help you with this. Before divination, be sure to prepare workplace. Cover the table with a tablecloth or towel. Fill a large container with water. Important: it should be either spring or filtered, but not tap water, since it also accumulates a very large amount of negative energy.

The most important attribute of fortune telling is wax candles. In some cases you will also need a spoon. To create the necessary atmosphere, it is still advised not to use artificial lighting, but to limit yourself to candles. Leaning over the water, whisper three times:

Voditsa, voditsa, the wax fell on you, you told me the whole truth.

Only after this can you melt the candle and pour the wax into the water. In some cases, it is advised to initially pour the wax into a spoon, and only then into a container. The images are interpreted only after the wax has hardened.

There are several rules that will help you get an absolutely accurate prediction. First of all, fortune telling is magic. When performing any magical rituals, only wax candles are used. Don't make mistakes, don't buy paraffin ones.

The material from which the magical attribute is made must be absolutely natural. Many people wonder: is it worth using church candles? Psychics have different opinions on this matter. Some are sure that this is an inappropriate attribute for witchcraft manipulations. Others insist that they are made of living matter, natural, ideal for divination.

If we talk about water, then, as you understand, using tap water is strictly prohibited. Ideal would be spring water, melted snow, filtered water, purchased in church for Epiphany and other church celebrations.

In some cases, magicians specially freeze filtered water so that it melts before fortune telling (it is believed that the cold will help purify it even better). In ancient times, our ancestors used one more attribute during fortune telling. It was a mirror. It was placed at the bottom of a container of liquid, and the wax was poured directly above it.

It was believed that it was the presence of this magical attribute that would allow you to receive an accurate image, the maximum of necessary information. Using a mirror will help you get a perfect prediction.

When fortune telling with wax, an amazing alliance occurs between the fortuneteller and the elements. A candle represents fire; this magical attribute is touched with the hands of an individual who wants to know the reasons for any events, his future, past, and so on.

At this point, everything the individual thinks, feels and wants is absorbed into the wax. That is why try to control your thoughts during the ceremony. After all, absolutely everything you think about will be “written down.” The same goes for water. This magical attribute also tends to absorb information and remember it.

If the water was stored in the house before the fortune-telling began, and was not purchased before the ritual itself, then it remembered information about the individual himself, the people who live with him under the same roof. Having read and saved all the information, these magical attributes will be able to select the most relevant ones from all the prophecies and show them.

All that remains for the fortuneteller to do is to correctly interpret the signs. Usually, images of people, animals, objects, and in some cases even letters appear on wax. It all depends on what question you are asking and what you want to find out. Remember, each fortune telling has its own additions and explanations.

For example, in some cases you need to look at the figures only through the flame of a candle and decipher the images through the shadow. In some cases, the layer of frozen wax is turned over and the figures are looked at from below.

In most cases, formed on the surface. Wax can not only tell about upcoming troubles or dangers, but even hint who will be to blame for all this.

If you ask magicians how to correctly tell fortunes using candles, you will hear a lot of methods that will be very similar to each other (but differ in some specific detail). Each sorcerer chooses the most convenient method. It is worth noting that some seek help magical powers in order to get the most accurate forecast.

In very rare cases, even the interpretation may change. But the classic one is almost always used. For example, if you see egg, embryo, then you will soon become a happy parent. Wheel prophesies a happy marriage.

bunches of grapes- material wealth, well-being. And here horseshoe will bring good news, fortune will be on your side for a long time. Don't worry if you see unfavorable symbols such as a snake, a cross. After all, now you have been warned, you know that something bad can happen, and you are able to change the situation and avoid trouble.
