Interesting but true about people. Incredible and interesting facts about man

1. The scientific name of the navel is umbilicus.

2. A person who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day drinks half a cup of tar a year.

3. Man is the only representative of the animal world capable of drawing straight lines.

straight line drawing

4. The length of hair on the head grown by the average person during a lifetime is 725 kilometers.

5. Blondes grow a beard faster than brunettes...

6. When a person smiles, 17 muscles “work.”

7. The surface of the lungs is about 100 square meters.

8. Human DNA contains about 80,000 genes.

9. Men are considered dwarfs if their height is below 130 cm, women - below 120 cm.

10. Leukocytes in the human body live 2-4 days, and erythrocytes - 3-4 months.
11. The names of the fingers of the French are: pus, index, major, anulaire, oriculaire.

12. Each human finger bends approximately 25 million times during a lifetime.

13. The size of a person’s heart is approximately equal to the size of his fist. The weight of an adult human heart is 220-260 g.

14. In the composition human body includes only 4 minerals: apatite, aragonite, calcite and cristobalite.
15. The human brain generates more per day electrical impulses than all the phones in the world combined.
16. The phenomenon in which a person loses the ability to see due to strong light is called “snow blindness.”

17. The total weight of bacteria living in the human body is 2 kilograms.
18. In the human brain, 100,000 chemical reactions occur in one second.
19. Children are born without kneecaps. They appear only at the age of 2-6 years.

20. The surface area of ​​human lungs is approximately equal to the area of ​​a tennis court.
21. From the moment of birth, there are already 14 billion cells in the human brain, and this number does not increase until death. On the contrary, after 25 years it decreases by 100 thousand per day. In the minute you spend reading a page, about 70 cells die. After 40 years, brain degradation accelerates sharply, and after 50 neurons ( nerve cells) dry out and the volume of the brain decreases.
22. In psychiatry, a syndrome accompanied by depersonalization, impaired perception of time and space, own body and the surrounding environment, officially (!) called “Alice in Wonderland.”

23. Small intestine During life, a person has a length of about 2.5 meters. After his death, when the muscles of the intestinal wall relax, its length reaches 6 meters.
24. A person has approximately 2 million sweat glands. The average adult loses 540 calories with every liter of sweat. Men sweat about 40% more than women.
25. Right human lung holds more air than the left one.
26. An adult takes approximately 23,000 breaths (and exhalations) per day.
27. For a lifetime female body reproduces 7 million eggs.
28. Human eye capable of distinguishing 10,000,000 colors.
29. There are about 40,000 bacteria in the human mouth.

30. Papaphobia is the fear of the Pope!

31. Sneeze with with open eyes impossible.

32. There are 33 or 34 vertebrae in the human spine.
33. Women blink about 2 times more often than men.
34. Most small cells in the male body - sperm cells.
35. Most strong muscle V human body- language.

36. There are about 2000 taste buds in the human body.
37. In Mesopotamia, for the death of a patient, the doctor who treated him was executed, and for blindness, he was blinded.
38. At birth, there are about 300 bones in a child’s body; in adulthood, only 206 remain.
39. The human body contains as much fat as is needed to produce 7 bars of soap.

40. Nerve impulses in human body moving at a speed of approximately 90 meters per second.
41. Human hair is about 5000 times thicker than soap film.
42. 36,800,000 - the number of heartbeats in a person in one year.
43. Men are about 10 times more likely than women to suffer from color blindness.

44. Gastric juice human contains 0.4% hydrochloric acid (HCl).
45. Almost half of all human bones are in the wrists and feet.

46. ​​Medieval doctors, when in doubt about the diagnosis, diagnosed “syphilis”.
47. People with blue eyes more sensitive to pain than everyone else.

48. Fingernails grow about 4 times faster than toenails.

49. During a lifetime, a person’s skin changes approximately 1000 times.

50. There are more than 100 different viruses that cause a runny nose.
51. You can lose 150 calories per hour by hitting your head against a wall.
52. There are about 75 kilometers (!) of nerves in the body of an adult.
53. Bulimia is an indomitable appetite.
54. Parthenophobia is the fear of virgins.

And so, more than 10 hours of work are behind us, and I am glad to present you the most complete article, consisting of 73 the most interesting facts about YOUR body! You need to psychologically prepare yourself a little for it, since you will have to read almost 4.5 thousand words, but if you master it, you will learn everything about yourself the most interesting thing . So to speak, a selection best of the best. Happy reading!

Human body is an incredibly complex and confusing system that still baffles doctors and scientists on a regular basis, despite thousands of years of medical knowledge. As a result, it should come as no surprise that even the parts of the body and functions that we deal with every day are fraught with mystery. strange and unexpected facts And explanations. Here are the 100 weirdest and most interesting facts about the human body.

56. The average ashes from a person's cremation weigh about 9 pounds.

Much of what gives weight to the human body is water, which is trapped in our cells. After cremation, most of our tissues are destroyed and the water evaporates.

57. Nails and hair do not continue to grow after death.

They become larger after death, but this happens only due to the fact that the skin dehydrates and shrinks, causing the sensation that the nail plates and hair are enlarged.

58. By the time they reach their 60th birthday, most people have lost about half of their taste buds.

You should not find fault with your grandmother with claims that she has become worse at cooking. Older people tend to lose the ability to taste and make dishes with much more intense flavors because they find it normal. Therefore we only in youth, are able to appreciate the real taste.

59. Your eyes are always the same size from birth to death, and your nose and ears never stop growing.

When a baby looks at you with its big eyes, it is worth understanding that they will be the same size throughout his life. Their ears and nose, however, will continue to grow.

60. By age 60, 60% of men and 40% of women snore.

Normal snoring, on average, is about 60 decibels, this is the noise level of normal speech, intense snoring can reach more than 80 decibels, and this is a sound similar to what causes jackhammer destroying concrete.

61. A child's head is one-fourth of its total length, but at the age of 25 it will be only one-eighth.

It turns out that a child will not change the size of his head as dramatically as the rest of his body. The legs and torso will lengthen, but the head will take much longer.

Most of us get injured and get sick at some point in our lives. Here are some interesting facts about how the human body reacts to stress and danger in the outside world.

62. Monday is the day of the week when the risk of a heart attack is greatest.

Another reason to hate Mondays! A ten-year study in Scotland found that 20% more people more people die from heart attacks on Mondays than on any other day of the week. Researchers suggest that this is caused by a combination of excess pleasure from the past weekend, as well as the stress of having to return to work, leading to a serious increase in risk.

63. A person can go without food longer than without sleep.

Provided there is water, the average person can live up to two months without food, depending on the amount of body fat and other factors. But if a person is deprived of sleep, then he begins to experience radical psychological changes in personality after just a few sleepless days. The longest (recorded) time spent by a person without sleep is 11 days, after which the experimenter did not sleep, but also could not speak clearly, experienced hallucinations and often forgot what he was doing.

64. A simple tan causes blood vessels moderate damage.

Studies have shown that it takes four to fifteen months for the vessels to return to their original state. normal condition. Note that the next time you feel too lazy to apply sunscreen, remember this fact before heading outside.

65. More than 90% of diseases are caused or complicated by stress.

High levels of stress (for example, at work) can increase the chances of having a baby. serious illnesses like depression, high blood pressure and heart disease.

66. Human head remains conscious for approximately 15 to 20 seconds after she has been separated from the body.

As cruel as it may sound, after "decapitation" there may be enough blood in the head to keep someone alive and conscious for several seconds after the head has been separated from the body. Perhaps the Kats guessed this, since they lifted the severed head by the hair and let it look at their body and the crowd that had gathered to watch the execution.

Interesting facts about muscles and bones

Muscles and bones are known to provide the framework for our body and allow us to jump, run, or simply lie on the couch. Here are some interesting facts to give you something to think about the next time you're bored.

67. 17 muscles are used to smile, and 43 to frown.

If you're trying to give your face a little workout, smile, it's the easiest option for most of us.

68. Babies are born with 300 bones, but adult life this number is reduced to 206.

The reason for this is that many of the bones of children are made up of smaller bone components that are not yet fused as in the skull. This is necessary to make it easier for the child to go through birth canal. Bones harden and join together over time as children grow.

69. We are about 1 cm taller in the morning compared to the evening.

The cartilage between our bones shrinks when we stand, sit, or do other daily activities throughout the day, causing us to become slightly shorter by the end of the day.

70. The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue.

You should think about this fact when you eat, swallow or speak, constantly using your tongue, which provides the above functions, so that it gets quite a lot of exercise during the day.

71. Jawbone one of the strongest bones in the body.

Incredibly, the jawbone is the most difficult bone to break.

72. You use 200 muscles to take one step.

To take just one step you use somewhere in the region of 200 muscles. This is a lot of work for your muscles considering what most of us do around 10,000 steps per day.

73. Teeth cannot repair themselves.

The outer layer of tooth enamel is not, in fact, living tissue. And since it is not alive, it cannot repair itself, so the dentist has to do this work. Although, I recently read about the invention of a drug that makes teeth recover, but at the moment there is not enough material for an article, when something becomes clearer around this invention, I will write an article about it, so stay tuned for updates, and to make sure you don’t miss anything, subscribe to new articles on email(You will receive notifications about new articles), or even better, join the VKontakte group, and on the widget located in the block on the right, click “Subscribe by SMS” and then you will receive free SMS with the subject new article, after its publication.

On this, article about the strangest and most interesting facts about the human body, ends, it took me a whole day to create it, some of the facts were previously published (in condensed form, they are justified here), but I decided that it would be better if I collected everything the most interesting thing in one place. All information was taken from open sources, and the article used amazing photographs by Koen Hauser. I hope you found my work interesting to read, the comments will make me very happy!

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  1. The only part of the body that does not have a blood supply is the cornea of ​​the eye. It receives oxygen directly from the air.
  2. The capacity of the human brain exceeds 4 terabytes.
  3. Up to 7 months, the baby can breathe and swallow at the same time.
  4. Our skull is made up of 29 different bones.
  5. A nerve impulse from the brain moves at a speed of 274 km/h.
  6. One human brain generates more electrical impulses in one day than all the world's phones combined.
  7. The average human body contains enough sulfur to kill all the fleas on average dog; carbon - to make 900 pencils; potassium - to shoot a toy cannon; fat - to make 7 bars of soap; and enough water to fill a 50 liter barrel.
  8. The human heart pumps 182 million liters of blood during its life.
  9. 50 thousand cells in your body are dying and being replaced by new ones as you read this sentence.
  10. The embryo acquires fingerprints at the age of 3 months.
  11. Women's hearts beat faster than men's.
  12. A man named Charles Osborne hiccupped for 68 years.
  13. Right-handed people live on average 9 years longer than left-handed people.
  14. About 2/3 of people tilt their head to the right when kissing.
  15. A person forgets 90% of his dreams.
  16. Total length blood vessels in the human body are approximately 100 thousand km.
  17. In spring, the respiratory rate is on average 1/3 higher than in autumn.
  18. By the end of life, a person remembers on average 150 trillion bits of information.
  19. 80% of the human body's heat leaves the head.
  20. When you blush, your stomach turns red too.
  21. Thirst occurs when water loss equals 1% of body weight. A loss of more than 5% can lead to fainting, and more than 10% can lead to death from dehydration.
  22. There are at least 700 enzymes working in the human body.
  23. Humans are the only creatures that sleep on their backs.
  24. On average 4- summer child asks 450 questions a day.
  25. In addition to humans, koalas also have unique fingerprints.
  26. Only 1% of bacteria cause illness in humans.
  27. All the people on the planet can be comfortably placed in a cube with a side of 1,000 meters.
  28. Scientific name navel - umbilicus.
  29. The tooth is the only part of the human body that is not capable of self-healing.
  30. On average, it takes a person 7 minutes to fall asleep.
  31. Right-handed most of chews food on right side jaws, left-handed - on the left.
  32. Only 7% of people in the world are left-handed.
  33. The aroma of apples and bananas helps you lose weight.
  34. The length of hair on the head that a person grows on average during his life is 725 km.
  35. Among people who can move their ears, only 1/3 can move one ear.
  36. Average person swallows 8 small spiders in its entire life.
  37. The total weight of bacteria living in the human body is 2 kg.
  38. 99% of all calcium in the body is found in the teeth.
  39. Human lips are hundreds of times more sensitive than fingertips. A real kiss increases your heart rate to 100 beats per minute or more.
  40. Absolute Power masticatory muscles on one side is equal to 195 kg.
  41. During a kiss, 278 is transmitted from one person to another different cultures bacteria. Fortunately, 95% of them are harmless.
  42. Parthenophobia is the fear of virgins.
  43. Tooth enamel- the hardest tissue produced by the human body.
  44. If you collect all the iron contained in the human body, you will only get a small screw for a watch.
  45. There are more than 100 different viruses that cause a runny nose.
  46. A kiss of sufficient length is much better than chewing gum at normalizing acidity in the oral cavity.
  47. By hitting your head against a wall, you can lose 150 kcal per hour.
  48. Man is the only representative of the animal world capable of drawing straight lines.
  49. During a lifetime, a person's skin changes approximately 1,000 times.
  50. Every person has dimples on the lower back, only in some they are pronounced, while in others they are less noticeable. The dimples are located where the pelvis meets the sacrum, so their appearance is quite reasonable.
  51. Women blink approximately 2 times more often than men.
  52. The human body contains only 4 minerals: apatite, aragonite, calcite and cristobalite.
  53. Real passionate kiss causes the same in the brain chemical reactions that skydiving and pistol shooting.
  54. Men are considered dwarfs if their height is below 130 cm, women - below 120 cm.
  55. Fingernails grow approximately 4 times faster than toenails.
  56. People with blue eyes are more sensitive to pain than others.
  57. Nerve impulses in the human body they move at a speed of approximately 90 meters per second.
  58. In the human brain, 100 thousand chemical reactions occur in 1 second.
  59. Children are born without kneecaps. They appear only at the age of 2–6 years.
  60. If one of the identical twins is missing a particular tooth, as a rule, the other twin is also missing the same tooth.
  61. The surface area of ​​human lungs is approximately equal to the area of ​​a tennis court.
  62. On average, a person spends 2 weeks kissing in his entire life.
  63. Blondes grow a beard faster than brunettes.
  64. Leukocytes in the human body live 2–4 days, and erythrocytes - 3–4 months.
  65. The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue.
  66. The size of a person's heart is approximately equal to the size of his fist. The weight of an adult human heart is 220–260 grams.
  67. From the moment of birth, there are already 14 billion cells in the human brain, and this number does not increase until death. On the contrary, after 25 years it decreases by 100 thousand per day. In the minute you spend reading a page, about 70 cells die. After 40 years, brain degradation accelerates sharply, and after 50, neurons (nerve cells) dry out and brain volume decreases.
  68. At birth, a child’s body contains about 300 bones; in adulthood, there are only 206.
  69. The human small intestine during life is about 2.5 meters long. After his death, when the muscles of the intestinal wall relax, the length reaches 6 meters.
  70. The right lung of a person holds more air than the left.
  71. An adult takes approximately 23 thousand breaths (and exhalations) per day.
  72. The smallest cells in a man's body are sperm cells.
  73. There are about 40 thousand bacteria in the human mouth.
  74. There are about 2,000 taste buds in the human body.
  75. The human eye is capable of distinguishing 10 million shades of color.
  76. Chemical compound, responsible for the ecstasy of love (phenylethylamine), is present in chocolate.
  77. The human heart creates pressure that is enough to raise the blood to the level of the 4th floor.
  78. A person burns more calories while sleeping than while watching TV.
  79. Children grow fastest in the spring.
  80. Every year, more than 2,000 left-handed people die due to errors in the operation of machines designed for right-handed people.
  81. It turns out that every 300th man has the opportunity to satisfy himself orally.
  82. A person uses 17 muscles when he smiles and 43 when he frowns.
  83. By age 60, most people lose half of their taste buds.
  84. When flying on an airplane, a person's hair growth rate doubles.
  85. 1% of people can see infrared radiation, and 1% can see ultraviolet radiation.
  86. If you are locked in a completely enclosed room, you will die from carbon dioxide poisoning, not from lack of air.
  87. According to statistics, only 1 person in 2 billion crosses the threshold of 116 years.
  88. The average person speaks 4,800 words in 24 hours.
  89. The retina inside the eye covers about 650 square meters. mm and contains 137 million light-sensitive cells: 130 million rods for black-and-white vision and 7 million cones for color vision.
  90. Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.
  91. In the morning a person is about 8 mm taller than in the evening.
  92. The focusing muscles of the eye move 100 thousand times a day. For the leg muscles to make the same number of contractions, you need to walk 80 km a day.
  93. A cough is an explosive charge of air that moves at speeds of up to 100 km/h.
  94. According to German researchers, the risk of a heart attack is higher on Monday than on any other day of the week.
  95. Bone is 5 times stronger than steel.
  96. It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
  97. Ingrown toenails are a hereditary trait.
  98. normal person will die from complete absence sleep faster than from hunger. Death will occur after about 10 days without sleep, while from starvation it will take a few weeks.
  99. The average life expectancy is 2,475,576,000 seconds, during our lifetime we speak an average of 123,205,750 words and have sex 4,239 times.
  100. You don't have to undergo surgery to get dimples on your cheeks. For this there is

1. People with more moles tend to live longer than people with fewer.

2. When filming summer scenes in winter, actors suck ice cubes before appearing in front of the camera - it cools their mouths so that their breath does not condense in the cold air.

3. Thinking about your muscles can make you stronger.

4. Grapefruit scent will make middle-aged women six years younger than men. Perception is not always mutual and grapefruit scent for men does not affect the perception of women.

5. The youngest parents in the world were 8 and 9 years old and lived in China in 1910.

6. The colder the room you sleep in, the more likely you are to have poor sleep.

7. At the moment there are more people alive than everyone who has ever died.

8. A woman's hair is about half the diameter of a man's hair.

9. Women blink twice as often as men.

10. The average person who quits smoking needs one hour less sleep at night.

11. Laughter reduces stress hormones and strengthens immune system. Six-year-olds laugh on average 300 times a day. Adults laugh 15 to 100 times a day.

12. Smart people have more zinc and copper in their hair.

13. The human heart creates enough pressure to pump blood to rinse 30 feet!

14. The brain runs on the same amount of energy as a 10-watt light bulb. Cartoon images of a lightbulb lighting up over your head when a great thought occurs are not so far from the truth. Your brain generates as much energy as a small light bulb, even while you sleep.

15. The brain is much more active at night than during the day.

16. The brain itself cannot feel pain. Although the brain is the pain center, when you cut your finger or burn yourself, the brain itself has no pain receptors and cannot feel pain.

17. The nail on the middle finger grows the fastest. And the nail on the middle finger of your dominant hand will grow the fastest. It is not known why, but nail growth is related to the length of the fingers; nails grow faster on long fingers and slower on short fingers.

18. The lifespan of human hair is on average from 3 to 7 years.

19. Human hair is virtually indestructible, flammability aside, human hair breaks down sooooo slowly. Hair cannot be destroyed by cold, climate change, water and other by natural forces and they are resistant to many types of acids and caustic chemicals.

20. The acid in your stomach is so strong that it can dissolve a razor. The hydrochloric acid found in the stomach is not only good at dissolving the pizza you had for dinner, but it can also dissolve many types of metal.

21. The surface area of ​​human lungs is equal to a tennis court.

22. Sneezing speed exceeds 100 km/h.

23. About 75% of human waste consists of water.

24. The average person expels flatulence 14 times every day. Even though you might like to think that you don't pass gas, the reality is that almost everyone does it, according to at least, several times a day.

25. Earwax production is essential for good health your ear. Although many people think earwax disgusting, it is actually a very important part of your ear's defense system. She delicately protects inner ear from bacteria, fungi, dirt and even insects. It also cleans and lubricates the ear canal.

26. Children are always born with blue eyes. Melanin in a newborn's eyes often takes time after birth to fully persist or fade when exposed to ultraviolet light. Later, the true color of the child's eyes will appear.

27. Each person spent about half an hour as one cell.

28. After overeating, your hearing is less sharp.

29. Women are born with a better sense of smell than men and retain a better sense of smell throughout their lives.

30. Your nose remembers 50,000 different scents.

31. Nails and hair do not continue to grow after death. They last the longest when we die.

32. By age 60, most people have lost about half of their taste buds. Perhaps you shouldn't trust your grandmother to do the cooking as much as you used to.

33. Your eyes are always the same size from birth, but your nose and ears never stop growing.

34. By age 60, 60 percent of men and 40 percent of women snore.

35. Monday is the day of the week when the risk of a heart attack is greatest. A ten-year study in Scotland found that 20% more people die from heart attacks on Mondays than on any other day of the week. The researchers speculate that it's the combination of too much fun on the weekend with the stress of getting ready for work that leads to this increase in risk.

36. Assuming water is available, the average person can survive a month to two months without food, depending on their body fat and other factors.

37. More than 90% of diseases are caused or complicated by stress.

38. The human head remains conscious for about 15 to 20 seconds after the body has been decapitated.

39. Babies are born with 300 bones, but by adulthood this number is reduced to 206.

40. We are 1 cm taller in the morning than in the evening.

41. It takes twice as long for a muscle to lose shape if you stop working on it. But lazy people shouldn't use this as motivation not to work. It's relatively easy to create new ones muscle tissue and get beautiful muscle shape, so this fact, on the contrary, should be motivation in order to get off the couch and move.

42. Tears and mucus contain an enzyme (lysozyme) that destroys the cell wall of many bacteria.

43. It is impossible to tickle yourself. Even the most ticklish among us don't have the ability to tickle ourselves.

44. The width of your outstretched arms shows the length of your entire body. Although it's not precise down to the last millimeter, your arm span is quite good grade your height.

45. Humans are the only animal creatures that produce emotional tears.

46. ​​Women burn fat more slowly than men, at a rate of about 50 calories per day. Women, due to their reproductive roles, typically require a larger basal proportion of fat than men and, as a result, their bodies are unable to shed excess fat at the same speed as men's.

47. Koalas and primates are the only animals with unique fingerprints. Humans, monkeys and koalas are unique in the animal kingdom because of the tiny fingerprints on their hands.

48. One human hair can hold 3.5 oz. That's the full weight of two candy bars, and hundreds of thousands of hairs on a person's head make the Rapunzel tale that much more believable.

49. Would you rather read this? Foenimannlaya slia cholevosechkogo mind. Salgonso ildesavinosyu in uvinreiteste Kdemizhbra nazhenvo in koakm pyadkore bvuky in svole, vnazho tkolo chbota pavreya and pelsyandoya bvkua slyaoti na pviralonm mtesa. Ontsylae bvuky mugot syatot v bosryapekde and all rnavo you will squeeze the pchitarot without any pain. The point is that the cheerful mind does not look forward to every book to be fattened up, but puts everything in its entirety.

50. It costs 7 million dollars to build the Titanic and 200 million to make a film about it.

1. The only part of the body that does not have a blood supply is the cornea of ​​the eye. It receives oxygen directly from the air.

2. The capacity of the human brain exceeds 4 terabytes.

3. Up to seven months, the baby can breathe and swallow at the same time.

4. Your skull is made up of 29 different bones.

5. When you sneeze, all body functions stop, even the heart.

6. A nerve impulse from the brain moves at a speed of 274 km/h.

7. One human brain generates more electrical impulses in one day than all the world's phones combined.

8. The average human body contains enough sulfur to kill all the fleas on an average dog, carbon to make 900 pencils, potassium to fire a toy cannon, fat to make 7 bars of soap, and enough water to fill a 50 liter barrel. .

9. The human heart pumps 48 million gallons of blood in its lifetime.

10. 50,000 cells in your body are dying and being replaced by new ones as you read this sentence.

11. The embryo acquires fingerprints at the age of 3 months.

12. Women's hearts beat faster than men's.

13. A man named Charles Osborne has been hiccupping for 6 years.

14. Right-handed people live on average nine years longer than left-handed people.

15. About two-thirds of people tilt their heads to the right when kissing.

16. A person forgets 90% of his dreams.

17. The total length of blood vessels in the human body is approximately 100,000 kilometers.

18. In spring, the respiratory rate is on average one third higher than in autumn.

19. By the end of life, a person remembers on average 150 trillion bits of information.

20. 80% of the human body’s heat leaves the head.

21. When you blush, your stomach turns red too.

22. The feeling of thirst appears when a loss of water equal to one percent of body weight. A loss of more than 5% can lead to fainting, and more than 10% can lead to death from desiccation.

23. At least 700 enzymes work in the human body.

23. Humans are the only creatures that sleep on their backs.

24. On average, a 4-year-old child asks 450 questions a day.

25. In addition to humans, koalas also have unique fingerprints.

26. Only 1% of bacteria cause illness in humans.

27. All people on the planet can be comfortably placed in a cube with a side of 1,000 meters.

28. The scientific name for the navel is umbilicus.

29. The tooth is the only part of the human body that is incapable of self-healing.

30. Average time, necessary for a person to fall asleep - 7 minutes.

31. A right-handed person chews most of the food on the right side of the jaw, and vice versa, a left-handed person chews on the left.

32. Only 7% of people in the world are left-handed.

33. The aroma of apples and bananas helps you lose weight.

34. The length of hair on the head grown by the average person during a lifetime is 725 kilometers.

35. Among people who can move their ears, only one third can move one ear.

36. The average person swallows 8 small spiders in their lifetime.

37. The total weight of bacteria living in the human body is 2 kilograms.

38. 99% of all calcium in the body is found in the teeth.

39. Human lips are hundreds of times more sensitive than fingertips. A real kiss increases your heart rate to 100 beats per minute or more.

40. The absolute strength of the masticatory muscles on one side is 195 kilograms.

41. During a kiss, 278 different cultures of bacteria are transmitted from one person to another. Fortunately, 95% of them are harmless.

42. Parthenophobia is the fear of virgins.

43. Tooth enamel is the hardest tissue produced by the human body.

44. If you collect all the iron contained in the human body, you will only get a small screw for a watch.

45. There are more than 100 different viruses that cause a runny nose.

46. ​​A kiss of sufficient duration is much better than chewing gum in normalizing acidity in the oral cavity.

47. You can lose 150 calories per hour by hitting your head against a wall.

48. Man is the only representative of the animal world capable of drawing straight lines.

49. During a lifetime, a person’s skin changes approximately 1000 times.

50. A person who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day prescribes half a cup of tar per year.

51. Women blink about 2 times less often than men.

52. The human body contains only 4 minerals: apatite, aragonite, calcite and cristobalite.

53. A real passionate kiss causes the same chemical reactions in the brain as skydiving and shooting with a pistol.

54. Men are considered dwarfs if their height is below 130 cm, women - below 120 cm.

55. Fingernails grow about 4 times faster than toenails.

56. People with blue eyes are more sensitive to pain than everyone else.

57. Nerve impulses in the human body travel at a speed of approximately 90 meters per second.

58. In the human brain, 100,000 chemical reactions occur in one second.

59. Children are born without kneecaps. They appear only at the age of 2-6 years.

60. If one of the identical twins is missing one or another tooth, as a rule, the other twin is also missing the same tooth.

61. The surface area of ​​human lungs is approximately equal to the area of ​​a tennis court.

62. On average, a person spends 2 weeks kissing in his entire life.

63. Blondes grow a beard faster than brunettes.

64. Leukocytes in the human body live 2-4 days, and erythrocytes - 3-4 months.

66. The size of a person’s heart is approximately equal to the size of his fist. The weight of an adult human heart is 220-260 grams.

67. From the moment of birth, there are already 14 billion cells in the human brain, and this number does not increase until death. On the contrary, after 25 years it decreases by 100 thousand per day. In the minute you spend reading a page, about 70 cells die. After 40 years, brain degradation accelerates sharply, and after 50, neurons (nerve cells) dry out and brain volume decreases.

68. At birth, there are about 300 bones in a child’s body; in adulthood, there are only 206.

69. During life, the human small intestine is about 2.5 meters long. After his death, when the muscles of the intestinal wall relax, its length reaches 6 meters.

70. The right lung of a person holds more air than the left.

71. An adult takes approximately 23,000 breaths (and exhalations) per day.

72. The smallest cells in a man’s body are sperm cells.

73. There are about 40,000 bacteria in the human mouth.

74. There are about 2,000 taste buds in the human body.

75. Human eye. capable of distinguishing 10,000,000 shades of color.

76. The chemical compound responsible for the ecstasy of love (phenylethylamine) is present in chocolate.

77. The human heart creates pressure that is enough to raise the blood to the level of the 4th floor.

78. A person burns more calories while sleeping than while watching TV.

79. Children grow fastest in the spring.

80. Every year more than two thousand left-handed people die due to errors in the operation of mechanisms designed for right-handed people.

81. It turns out that every three hundredth man has the opportunity to satisfy himself orally.

82. A person uses 17 muscles when he smiles and 43 when he frowns.

83. By age 60, most people have lost half of their taste buds.

84. As you know, people are animals too. However, we are the only ones among them who can copulate face to face.

85. When a person flies in an airplane, the growth rate of his hair doubles.

86. One percent of people can see infrared and one percent can see ultraviolet radiation.

87. If you are locked in a completely enclosed room, you will die from carbon dioxide poisoning, not from lack of air.

88. On average, a person spends two weeks of his life standing at a traffic light.

89. According to statistics, only one person in 2 billion crosses the threshold of 116 years.

90. A normal person laughs five times a day.

91. The average person speaks 4,800 words in 24 hours.

92. The retina inside the eye covers about 650 square mm and contains 137 million light-sensitive cells: 130 million rods for black and white vision and seven million cones for color vision.

93. Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.

94. In the morning a person is about 8 millimeters taller than in the evening.

95. The focusing muscles of the eye move 100,000 times a day. In order for the leg muscles to make the same number of contractions, you need to walk 80 kilometers (50 miles) a day.

96. The average person produces 1.43 pints of sweat per day.

97. Cough is an explosive charge of air that moves at speeds of up to 60 mph.

98. According to German researchers, the risk of a heart attack is higher on Monday than on any other day of the week.

99. Bone is five times stronger than steel.

100. It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.

101. Ingrown toenails are a hereditary trait.

102. A normal person will die from complete lack of sleep faster than from hunger. Death will occur after about 10 days without sleep, while from starvation - after a few weeks.

103. The average lifespan is 2475576000 seconds, we speak an average of 123205750 words, have sex 4239 times, produce 121 pints of tears.
